Jacob Finding His Way
(© 2009-2010 by the author)
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Chapter 4
When I went to bed Sunday night, I slept like a baby, haven’t done that in a long time. I don’t know why that was, all I know is, I got the guy I wanted, now I need to make it work, and keep him happy.
I’m nowhere close to being rich; my family is kind of lower middle class. I don’t even get an allowance. My mother is the only one that works, pays the bills, and gets what me, my sister and brother need. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t get hand me downs, but I don’t get designer label clothes or other items either.
My mother always told us, if we wanted Nikes on our feet or Tommy Hilfiger, or whatever else is out there instead of Wrangler, we would have to get a summer job, and pay the difference which was hard. All I could do is yard work, or clean others’ houses, or whatever we could pickup in the neighborhood.
By the time I got to high school, I stopped working in the summer. I just felt it best to get whatever my mom could afford. Don’t get me wrong, I dabbled at jobs, except cleaning houses. I did yard work, cleaned leaves and pulled weeds. I even had a candy stand one summer.
The hardest work I remember doing while I was young, is when we first moved down here to Texas. My mom remarried to my stepfather, when we were living back home in Wyoming. Because my stepfather was from Mexico, he wanted to get closer down to where his family was. So, my mother agreed with him, uprooted the family, and moved us down to Texas when I was in elementary school.
My stepfather couldn’t get work at first; he was a construction worker. So he would go to neighboring towns, which had farms, and picked whatever was in season. One summer, my stepfather told my brother and me, we must learn how to become men, and help support the house.
He made us go to work that summer in a neighboring town, in New Mexico, to pick chili. I tell you, to this day, I have respect for labor workers. We had to get up in the morning at three, and let me remind you, it was our summer break. As I was saying, we had to get up at three in the morning, get ready, and meet the buses, downtown, that transported the workers. We drove behind the buses to get to the farms.
As we got there, they gave each of us a huge plastic garbage can, those you see in the school lunchrooms. We had to fill them up with chili, go to the truck that was parked in the middle of the field, hand in a filled bucket of chili, then they would give you the bucket back, and throw in a piece of circle metal. At the end of the day, you would go to the table set up by the buses, hand in all your metal circles, and they would pay you in cash for the work you had done that day. If you pulled a plant out, they would deduct that from your earnings of the day.
It started early, the sun wasn’t up yet. My stepfather told us to get as much work done when the sun wasn’t up yet. We didn’t understand why, but we learned quickly the first day why. It was hard work to say the least. We were on our knees most of the time, picking the chili. There were thorns in the bushes, cutting into my skin, because I didn’t wear any gloves, I didn’t know about these thorns. Carrying the garbage can on my shoulders was heavy as hell, and walking it to the truck to turn it in. It was very hard and physical work.
As the day went on, it got really hot. We are in West Texas remember, I mean the border of Texas and New Mexico. I was sweating out gallons of water. I then figured out what why my stepfather said you slow down in the heat. Finally, two o’clock came around, and it was quitting time. We turned in the garbage cans, then went and turned in our metal pieces for money. We gave ours to my stepfather, and he kept the money, we never saw a penny of it that summer. My stepfather said it was to pay for clothes and school supplies for the upcoming school year.
All summer long we worked in the chili fields, and only had two weeks of vacation. My sister even went out, but to sell cokes that my stepfather bought from across the border.
That was the hardest job I had when I was growing up, and I wasn’t even a teenager yet. Back to what I was saying, wondering from subject to subject; I don’t have much money, but I can make Joey happy in affection, by showing him my love. And when it comes down to it, what really matters is the love you show your partner. Yes, gifts are great, but loving one another, truly loving one another is the best gift.
I woke up, as I always do, got ready for school, ate some breakfast, but this time I decided to take my chances and see if I could get Joey to walk with me to school. I went over to his apartment, knocked on the door, and he answered. I just love the way he dresses, just the way he looks and smells. He was in a white polo shirt, blue jeans, snug in the crotch, but loose going down, and white sneakers.
“Hey Jake, what’s up man, what are you doing here so early in the morning?”
“Well hi to you as well! I am having a good morning, thank you for asking! How is yours, the man with a million questions?” I laughed, tapping fist with Joey.
“Sorry, it just surprised seeing you here this morning, that’s all. I am doing great!”
Joey leaned over, and whispered in my ear.
“I couldn’t wait to see you again, I had a restless night.”
I leaned over, “I couldn’t wait to see you either!” I squeezed his hand.
At that point, Joey’s mother walked in. I turned and greeted her.
“Hello Mrs. Alvarez, how are you this morning?”
“Great Jacob, to what do we owe the honor of this visit so early in the morning?”
“I was wondering, well I wanted to ask…” I was getting really nervous. “If it was ok if I could pick up Joey in the morning and we could walk to school together and walk home together after school?”
She gave me a look like you have a big set of balls on you. Why would you even ask a question like that of me?
“Jacob, you know why we can’t do that. Taking our son is the only way we can ensure no more harm comes to Joey” Mrs. Alvarez replied kindly yet firmly.
“I do understand the fear you have. I wasn’t around when the evil happened to Joey. Just like you, I will do everything I can to make sure Joey is safe. He is my friend, and I would like if you would give permission to allow him to walk with me to school and back” I said continuing to plead my case.
“Jacob, I know you have good intentions for Joey, as we do. This is the only way we can make sure he doesn’t get hurt!”
“Yes Mrs. Alvarez, I understand that. I just wanted to have my friend walk with me to school with; that’s all. It’s a boring walk without someone to talk with” I dared to continue.
“I could always take you with us every morning and pick you up, along with Joey after school.”
“No that’s ok; my mom won’t let me. Thank you anyway. I had better get going. I have a walk ahead. You have a good day Mrs. Alvarez. Joey….” I said dejectedly.
Joey interrupted me, and turned to his mother with pleading eyes, but it wasn’t working, and he realized it. Then he waved me to his room. When we got to his room, Joey closed the door.
He pushed me against the wall, and we instantly started kissing. We still were not good at it, but we were together, and that’s all we wanted. He came up for breath; “I love you Jake, I really do. I couldn’t wait to see you. Thank you for trying to get my mom to allow me to walk to school with you.”
“No thanks needed and I will try again and again. This battle isn’t lost yet. I love you Joey, more then I can say” I said as we started kissing again, and stood there in each others’ embrace. I liked being with Joey, we both knew we couldn’t do this at school, so we needed to take every chance we could to be close whenever we were together.
We heard Joey’s mother calling, I kissed him again. Looking at him, tears rolling down his face, I wiped them off. I kissed his forehead, and whispered; “I don’t want to let you go, I know I have to, but I don’t want to. I will see you at school. We will try to make some time through the day to be together.” Joey shook his head, and I kissed him one more time, before I headed off to do my walk to school.
I met Chase on his street as usual, and we walked to school. We did the normal greeting, and talked about yesterday and how much fun it was. We made plans to do it again. We got to school, ate breakfast and went to the quad.
Then the bell rang. Man do I hate P.E. in the morning, and more so as my first period of the day. I wouldn’t be taking the class if we were not required to take a year and a half of the stupid course.
Got ready to do warm ups, we stretched as always, and started to run the bleachers. I don’t know why, but once again after my fourth set of stairs, I was chucking up my breakfast. This time it was different, my stomach was empty, and still didn’t stop. The Coach came running up, and asked me what’s wrong.
“Coach, I don’t know what’s wrong. I changed the way I am eating in the morning before class, and it worked. I don’t know why my stomach is bad today” I replied with discomfort and frustration.
“Its ok Jacob, can you walk yourself to the nurse’s office, or do you need help?”
“No I think I can do it on my own.”
“That’s fine, just stop by your locker and grab you clothes, just incase you don’t make it back before the bell rings.”
“Ok Coach, I will do that.”
I went and grabbed my clothes, and headed to the nurse’s office. I’m getting to know this place real good. As I walked in, I thought I was going to see the same girl at the desk, instead I saw Joey. When I saw Joey at that point, I wanted to hide; I didn’t want him to see me like this. He looked up from his books as I walked in, and a look of worry crossed his face; “Jake are you ok? What’s wrong?”
“Same thing as last time. I swear I did change the way I am eating in the morning. What do I have to do? Not eat anything in the morning before first period?” I said still frustrated.
“Sit down Jake, let me go and get the nurse. She doesn’t have anyone right now.”
Right away the nurse came out, asked me to follow her. I explained once again why I was there. She pointed to the cot, so I got up, moved to the cot and lay down. She lifted my shirt up, and felt around, right when she touched my stomach, I started throwing up again.
She moved out of the way, and gave me a bowl. Once I was done, she came up and gave me some kind of liquid.
“This is for your stomach, to settle it down. Just lie down, and let the medicine do its job” she said in a caring tone.
“Ok!” I took the medicine, and laid back and closed my eyes.
A few moments later, I heard a chair being moved somewhere near me. I opened my eyes, and there was Joey just sitting there. He saw I opened my eyes, and he whispered.
“Are you feeling any better Jake?”
“Yep, the meds seem to be working. I really don’t know what is going on. I don’t have a weak stomach, but I can’t seem to do P.E. in the morning” I replied.
“Maybe you should drop the class, and sign up for another class that gives you the same credit.”
“What other class does that, that isn’t physical like this.’
“How about JROTC or something like that?” Joey suggested.
“What is JROTC?”
“You’ve seen the kids walking around in army uniforms?” Joey asked.
“Yeah” I said with a bit of trepidation at the idea.
“That’s it, that’s JROTC, and it gives you P.E. credit.”
“I didn’t know that. I will go and see if I could switch classes.”
“I think it would be a good idea. It isn’t a physical class, some say it’s for the nerds and all, but what else can you do?”
“You’re right; I really can’t do anything else.”
I lay back down and closed my eyes. I guess it was only fifteen minutes I was laying there, and I got up. Looked around, but Joey was gone. I changed my clothes, and headed to the front. The nurse was sitting there, and looked up.
“I see you are feeling better and you’ve changed your clothes.”
“Yes ma’am I am. I was wondering if I could go and see my counselor instead of going back to class.” I inquired.
“I don’t see why not. If you are going to try and switch classes, they won’t let you; it’s too late. You needed to have done it the first week of school. They will let your drop the course, and that’s it.”
“So I’d lose half of a semester and credit?”
“Even if it isn’t my fault?” I whined.
“Yes. If you don’t want to lose credit, drop the class, instead of coming to school an hour later, ask to work in my office. It will give you credit, and I have an opening.”
“You would do that?”
“Yes, you seem to be a nice guy, and again, as you said, it isn’t your fault you have to drop the class.”
“What credit does it give me? I know it won’t replace my P.E. credit.”
“You’re right, it won’t replace your P.E. credit, but you have to take a semester of health, this would replace that class. What you learn in that class, you can learn here. They call health class a kick back, ‘easy A’ class” the nurse said with a wry smile.
“Thanks! I will do that!” I said happy there was a solution to my dilemma.
I headed out to my counselor, knocked on his door, and he was there. I went in and introduced myself, and told him why I was there. He told me it was too late to switch classes, the best he could do, is drop the class for me.
I then asked him if he could assign me to the nurse’s office, that way it counts as my health class, and I don’t lose out on the semester. He pondered for a moment then picked up the phone. A couple minutes later, he hung up, and said no problem, the nurse has an opening. He gave me a paper that I had to go and hand to the Coach, and another to give to the nurse. Both had to sign them, and I had to hand them back to him.
I left the office, and headed to the field, found the Coach, and handed him the paper.
“Sorry to see that you are going to drop the class. Maybe next semester you could take the class later in the day where I hope you don’t have this problem’ Coach said.
“Yes Coach, I need the credits, but they won’t let me do any switches now. It’s too late.”
“That’s true. I will hopefully see you next semester” Coach said as he signed the card, and I headed back to the nurse’s office. I walked in, and the nurse was still sitting at the front desk. She looked at me and smiled.
“You have something for me to sign?’
“Yes ma’am I do!”
I handed her the card, and she signed it for me, and handed it back.
“See you here tomorrow morning. Be careful the rest of the day. Your stomach might seem to be doing well, but it’s the medicine masking it wanting to vomit. Ok?”
“Thank you ma’am, I will, and thanks again!”
“And Jacob, please stop calling me ‘ma’am’, call me Irene, please!”
“Ok Irene, see you first thing tomorrow morning!” I said with a smile.
I headed back to the counselor’s office and handed in both cards, and headed to second period. I got there right as the final bell rang. I walked in, smiled and winked at Joey, and headed to my seat. Chase was there, and was about to ask me something when the teacher started the class.
The rest of the morning went pretty good, between second and third period, I pushed, or lets say guided, Joey into the restroom. No one was there. We went to the corner, where we could see the door, and we kissed, a very passionate kiss. It was like fireworks. We broke and separated right in time, the door opened, and a couple of guys came in. We washed our hands and headed to class.
Finally, lunch was here, I ran to the lunch room, grabbed my lunch. It was pizza day! It’s one of the rare school meals that did taste like what they called it. I went over to our normal table, and sat down and waited for the guys.
The first to arrive was Joey and he sat right next to me. As he sat down we squeezed each others hands. Then Chase and the guys arrived. As always, we talked about girls, and I think it was hard for me and Joey to do, because of the worry about saying something wrong, and them catching it, then realizing we were gay. That’s a fear I live with every day; being found out. Then Chase turned to me, and asked; “So Jacob, what happen in first period? I thought you had it under control?”
“I thought so too, but I can’t just skip eating anything in the mornings. I will be starving all morning long. I guess running isn’t for me” I started to laugh.
“I can agree with you there. So what are you going to do about it? Just sit there during class?” Chase asked.
“No, I dropped the class.”
Everyone at the table stopped eating, and looked at me.
“I had to! I couldn’t keep doing what I was doing. It was too damn embarrassing for me. I have to figure something else out for my P.E. credit.”
“Well then, what class are you taking now instead of P.E.?”
“It was too late to switch out classes. The only option left open to me was to drop the class, and ask to work in the nurse’s office. It counts for my Health class credit.”
“That’s cool, as long as you don’t lose credit.”
I looked over to Joey. I wanted to tell him first, before anyone else. He was just looking at me. Chase returned the subject to football, and we just listened.
As usual, we throw our trash out and put our trays away, and headed to the quad. Chase and the guys were walking in front of me and Joey. I leaned down, and whispered; “I wanted to tell you first, please don’t be mad with me.”
“I am not mad with you, and I understand why you said it at the table. You were put on the spot. I don’t get mad at little things like that” Joey assured me.
I smiled, and then looked around. No one was watching. They were all paying attention to their groups and whatever they were talking about. As we walked through the double doors, in midst of the crowd, I grabbed a hold of Joey’s hand, and gave it a quick squeeze, and let go.
We made it to the quad, and sat there talking the rest of the lunch period. Nothing really important was discussed, but again we weren’t scientists or anything, just high school kids hanging at lunch shooting the breeze.
The bell rang, ending lunch, so we headed to our lockers, grabbed our books, and went our separate ways to class. The afternoon went by in the blink of an eye, and Chase and I started our walk home.
That was a routine through the week, and a new routine started in the evenings after school. After Joey and I finished eating supper with our families and either he would come over to my house or I would go over to his. We’d spend several hours in each other’s rooms.
We did the daily assignments, which weren’t hard. We both had the same classes and same teachers at the same time. Then we would sit around watching television, cuddling with each other. Joey would crawl between my legs, rest his back against my chest, I would drape my arms around his stomach, and we would sit there like that for hours on end. Once in awhile, either of us would lean in to steal a kiss from the other.
First period class every morning, we would just hang around the nurse’s office and study for any exams that were coming up that day. We tried every chance we could, to sneak away, and just have our own private moments together. It wasn’t anything sexual; it was just getting to know more of each other’s likes and dislikes.
I know I was having time of my life. Joey just made me feel so good about myself, I felt as if there wasn’t anyone else in the world except him and me. I never wanted the time we were spending together to end.
Friday rolled around, and it was a quiet evening at home. Joey had to go out with his family to some family event. I stayed in watching television. Jason came around to see what I was up to. We walked over to the middle school down the street to play a game of basketball. Man was he good! He, indeed, wiped the court with me.
“Man Jacob, you weren’t lying when you said you didn’t play the game well. What, you stand like six feet tall at least?” Jason asked.
“Yep, but I’m not athletic at all. I told you that, all those times you asked me to play basketball with you.”
“I just thought you were embarrassed playing me, ‘because I am older than you and that I played on the high school basketball team.”
I thought to myself, Jason is actually totally full of himself and really bad when it comes to playing basket ball.
“Yeah, another team at our school that sucks!” I laughed, showing I was kidding.
“You better watch it man, I will do more then wipe the court with your ass playing basketball, if you know what I mean!” Jason said in a mock threat placing our fists together.
“Yes, yes, I get the hint!”
“Jacob let me show you how to play the game!”
We went back onto the court, and I lined up in front of the basket. I prepared to shoot; Jason came behind me, and placed his arms around me until his hands got to my hands. It was hands on hands at that point.
“Jacob, this is the way you hold the ball, before you begin to shoot it. Then you pull up like this as you are shooting” Jason instructed.
He had his hands on mine as he was showing me what he was trying to teach me. Then he went around me, and kneeled down in front of me,
“Jacob lets see you jump up to shoot, don’t worry about me down here.”
As I went to jump up, he grabbed onto my legs and moved them, repositioning them before I shot the ball.
“This is the stance you should be in when you shoot. When you go up, the body should be straight. The only movement should be your arms and not your legs. Ok Jacob?”
“I understand what you are saying.”
I kept practicing shot after shot, and each time Jason would either be touching my legs, or get behind me, wrapping his arms around me and holding onto my hands. I could have sworn I was feeling him get hard, each time his cock rubbed against me. Each time he got around me, putting his arms around me, his cock felt harder and harder. It was hard to hide in basketball shorts, as well.
I started to think Jason was trying to get more and more around me, hold onto me, touch me, more than a straight person should. Don’t get me wrong, this guy is hot, and if he is hitting on me, I am one lucky person to say the least. I am with Joey however, and I will never cheat on him, never, ever.
“Jason lets call it a night. The sun is down, and you know the rules here, we can’t be on school grounds after dark.”
“You’re right Jacob, let’s head back home. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and Jeff tonight and watch movies.” Jason inquired.
“No thanks, its ok. I really don’t think Jeff really likes me, by the way. He puts up with me, because of our friendship. Other than our friendship, if it was just him and me, we wouldn’t even speak.”
“He likes you, he thinks you’re young, but he likes you” Jason assured me.
“Thanks Jason, but I better just stay in, and do a little of my homework I have left to do.”
“Ok then, if you change your mind, come on up.”
“Ok, thank you again, Jason.”
At that point we reached the apartments, we hit fist, and he went to his apartment, and I went into my mine. I know I am reading too much into what happened earlier. But in case I am not, I don’t want anything to happen that shouldn’t. Another consideration is that Jeff is one that sees something and he tells the world.
Saturday went by, and I find myself mid-morning Sunday, thinking, I haven’t seen Joey at all this weekend. I was wondering what was up with him, and why we haven’t seen or hung out with one another.
I decided to throw caution to the wind and to just go down to his apartment and see what he was up to. Mainly I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend, if its just sitting in front of a television and watching re-runs, I will be with Joey. I knocked on his front door, and Fran answered.
“Is Joey in Fran?”
“Yes he is in his room.”
“Thanks Fran, is it ok I go down and visit?”
“Yep, you still remember where his room is?”
I headed to Joey’s room, knocked on the door, and went in. Joey was sitting on his bed, with his knees pulled up to his chest, and his arms wrapped around his legs, holding them tightly to his body.
I walked over and sat next to him on his bed, and looked at him for a moment. He looked up but I really couldn’t see his face so I pushed his hair from his face. He looked like a beaten man, his life drained from him.
I felt for him so bad, I leaned in, wrapped my arms around him, and hugged him. He started to cry, quietly, but you knew he was crying. I held him until he was done crying, I didn’t move until he was ready.
Joey broke the hug, and then looked up at me, his lips were trembling. I really don’t know why, but I was going to find out.
I rubbed the tears off his face, and looked at him.
“Joey what is wrong? What is going on here? Why are you like this?”
“Don’t mind me Jacob, just give me a few minutes, and I will be ok.”
“I can’t Joey, there’s something going on here, and I want to try to help if I can!”
“You will make it worse, if you get involved.”
“Please Joey; tell me what is wrong, please!”
“It’s my father. He feels I have brought all the bad things that have happened to me upon myself. He thinks it’s my entire fault. We argued about it earlier today. He started mumbling at first, then turned into yells of, ‘what did he do wrong to get a son like me? How did it happen?’ And on and on like that for awhile.
At first I tried to let him say what he wanted to say, and then he just whaled on me. Before I knew it I was under the table and my sister was crying, asking him to stop. But my dad wouldn’t.
He took his belt off, and started hitting me with it, I tried to hide even further under the table, but he got a hold of my hair and pulled me out. He started hitting me on my legs and back. Shouting, ‘why does he have a son like this? Why can’t I be normal like the rest of the guys my age? Why did I choose to be a sin, a stain on this earth?’
He kept hitting me as he said the words. I tried to answer him, I tried to tell him I will change, I will stop being bad, just please, stop hitting me.”
Joey started crying again, I embraced him, and just sat there without saying word. He stopped, and cleared his throat.
“All I knew was that my dad is pretty angry. My dad kept saying that I brought the hatred upon myself. If I was normal, I wouldn’t be beaten up all the time or I wouldn’t have landed up in the hospital, and almost died. The kids would have left me alone.
I tried to tell him, I was just sitting there, minding my own business. They came up to me, and assumed I was gay, and it was enough for them to beat me almost to death.
The hitting slowed down, and my mom walked in from running errands at that moment, seeing what was going on, she started yelling at my father. She ran up, between me and my father, and he actually hit her once, not seeing her come between us. He stopped, just looked at my mother, dropped the belt, and walked out.
My mom fell beside me, crying, and grabbing me, holding me. She kept saying how sorry she is that she had failed me, that she didn’t protect me. She did though, she took a hit, and stopped my dad, and because of her, he left. And I did tell her that, she did protect me.”
Joey settled down, he was calm at this point. His eyes were blood shot, his face as white as a ghost, his clothes were ripped in areas, and his hair was messed up. I leaned in and asked him; “Joey, does it hurt anywhere?”
“Not really, my mom gave me pain pills, and cleaned up the areas that the belt actually broke the skin” Joey answered.
“You don’t have to show me, if you don’t want to, but can I see?”
He lifted his shirt up, and turned around, welts from where the belt hit him over and over again. Many of them dark red and some were open, but the bleeding looked like it stopped. He then let the shirt drop, and got up, and dropped his pants and turned around. His legs were like his back, but up and down his legs. The belt did break more of the skin on his legs than it did on his back.
Joey was about to pull his pants back up, I stopped him. I got up next to him, and slowly removed his shirt. I kissed him on his forehead, and asked him to lie on his stomach. He did just that. Then I got the cream from his night stand, and squeezed some on my hand. Gently started to rub it into his back, very carefully, and moving down to his legs. Skipping his butt, I just rubbed his legs and back, over and over again with the cream.
He got up, and pulled down his boxer briefs, and lay back down. I was stunned, his butt had the same marks and welts from the belt where it hit several times, and again some actually broke the skin.
Got more cream in my hand, and started to rub each butt cheek. Being very careful, making sure I didn’t break the skin anymore then it has. I moved back up to his back, then all the way down, several times.
Joey got back up, put on his boxer briefs, jeans, shirt, he was wearing, then his shoes, then sat back down on his bed. We sat there for several minutes saying nothing. I finally broke the silence.
“Joey, you know I won’t tell anyone, right?”
“Yes, I know!”
“Joey, I will follow your lead on this. I just want you to remember I am here for you no matter what. A shoulder to cry on, a person to talk to, or as simple as someone to sit with, I will be here for you.”
“Thank you Jake. I know I can depend on you at any time without a second thought!”
Again we just sat in silence for awhile. I went over to Joey, and hugged him again. He was quiet but returning the hug. I broke the hug, and leaned in and kissed him. We kissed for awhile.
We got up, left the bedroom, and walked up front. His sister was sitting there watching television. At first I didn’t she Mrs. Alvarez, she was sitting in the chair. Joey and I walked to the couch and sat down, and started watching the movie on the television.
Fran was watching some comedy movie, for the life of me, I couldn’t remember the name. We all got into it, started laughing our butts off. Mrs. Alvarez got up and ordered pizza.
I got up and called my mom and asked if I could stay for dinner at Joey‘s house.
We put on an 80’s movie, with John Candy, “The Great Outdoors”. Man, is that John Candy funny as hell. Being chased all over the woods by that bear, getting the door dropped on top of him, and the bear jumping up and down on it. We laughed and laughed at all the bad luck John Candy had. He was a physical comedy actor.
Before we knew it, it was already eight. I had to leave, get ready for school tomorrow. I said goodbye to Fran and Mrs. Alvarez, then Joey and I walked outside, and said our goodbyes. We didn’t kiss, not wanting the neighbors or Joey’s family seeing. He was already getting heat on that matter. After saying goodbye and knocking fist, I walked home.
When I got home, I went to my room and got ready for bed. I just couldn’t sleep. I kept dreaming of Joey getting hurt, and I was right there, and just stood there, doing nothing to help. He was crying out for my help, and I just stood there. Watching as he was being hurt, watching each hit on his back, butt and legs being done. Each time he got hit, his shirt and pants were getting soaked in red. He was crying out to me to help him, and I just stood there.
I kept waking up through the night, and it was the same dream over and over again. The alarm clock went off at six. I hit the snooze button several times. I finally turned off the alarm, and crawled out of bed. Went into the bathroom, washed up, and went back to my room to change into my school clothes. I walked up front to grab my normal bowl of cereal, when I heard a knock on the front door. Walked over and answered it, and standing there was Joey.
“Hey Joey, how are you doing this morning? What do I owe your visit to this morning?”
“I am feeling a lot better than last night. My mom caved in and said I could walk with you and Chase to school and back now. Between me and you, she’s thanking you for last night.”
“What for? I had fun last night!” I said as Joey walked in the door.
“Well, I was in my room, and you came over, pulled me out of my funk, and we all had a very good evening as you said, laughing and all, I don’t think my mom thought she wouldn’t see that for a long time. It was like that when I was hurt the first time, at the school. I didn’t leave my room for weeks when I first got home. It only took an hour or so when you came over yesterday!”
“It was nothing, and I am glad everything is better now” I said honestly.
I offered Joey a seat, and we ate a quick bowl of cereal. We washed the bowls, and headed out.
“Joey, is your dad back home?”
“Yes, he came back shortly after you left.”
“Did he do anything else?”
“No! He and my mom went to their room. You could hear them yelling at each other. Maybe an hour or so later, my mom came into my room, and told me, my dad was drunk and that he didn’t mean what he had said or did.”
I just looked over at Joey, but didn’t want to say what was on my mind. That is no excuse to beat up your own son. When you’re drunk, you say and do what you really feel and want. Your defenses are down. But I said nothing. I didn’t want Joey feeling bad, or even argue with him.
We got to Chase’s street, and as usual, he was waiting. Chase had a surprised look on his face when Joey appeared, but said nothing. We did our normal greeting, and continued walking.
We talked the normal bull, the weekend, and what we think is going to happen this coming week. At times, I think we are worse than girls. We gossip about everything. Arriving at school as normal, and went down and had breakfast. Of course since I didn’t have P.E. as my first period so I ate all my breakfast, instead of picking at it.
The bell rang, and we headed off. Joey and I headed to the nurse’s office. As we got there, the room was packed. We were surprised about it, more so, it was the football team. As we walked past them, we heard put downs from the players.
We found the nurse with the Coach, so waited till they finished. Irene told us what was going on, the required physical exams. We followed Irene up front, and Brian and a few of the other guys yelled out; “We won’t be examined with that faggot in the room!” Brian pointed at Joey
Irene looked at Joey then looked at Brian and the other guys that were yelling the remarks.
“I will not put up with those remarks in this office. If you don’t have any kind words to say, then don’t say anything at all.”
“Coach, we mean it, we wont get examined with that dick lover in the room so he can get his rocks off.” Brian stated.
I was about to say something, when the Coach jumped in.
“Brian, if you don’t let the nurse and her assistants do the exam, then you’re off the football team. That goes for the rest of you!”
“But Coach, he will get his rocks off seeing us drop our pants!” Brian whined.
“I don’t care! What I do care about is this exam, and the season. So if any of you don’t want the exam given, no matter who’s in the room, then walk out now. Your season is over.”
Brian and the others just stood there quietly, with angry looks on their faces, but just waited their turn.
We were going at a good speed, getting them out like a herd of buffalo. Then Brian walked in, Joey leaned over and whispered to Irene.
“Irene, I should leave while the next few guys come in. I don’t want trouble for me or you.”
“Joey you assist me in this office. I have no time for the stupid stunts these guys are pulling. If they don’t like you here, then they don’t get the exam.”
“Yes ma’am,”
Joey went back to doing what he was doing. Brian just gave a look, if a look could kill, we all would be dead. No matter how much he disliked being there, he did the exam as did the rest of the guys that raised the protest earlier.
We finished the football team exams, fifteen minutes before the bell. Joey and I sat there, and went over our assignments for class. The bell rang, we said our goodbyes to Irene, and headed to second period.
The morning was going good until lunch. We were sitting at our usual table, eating, when Brian and the others came busting through the line. I looked up and knew there was going to be trouble. I looked at the guys and said; “Uh oh, look whose coming!”
They turned and saw what I was referring to, and looked back. They had expressions on their faces that asked what we are going to do.
“Don’t worry; we are in the lunch room. They are going to thump their chests, act like apes, and leave. They lost footing today in the nurse’s office, and now they come to show they are the guys that run the school!”
Right as I finished talking to the guys, sure enough, Brian and the other football players surrounded the table, and started; “Look here, a table of either gay lovers or just plain gays. What a sight it is! Hell on earth? What has this world come to when you all could just walk on this earth?”
Chase jumped in; “You know you’re an idiot! Who cares if Joey is gay, or any of us are! Neither they, nor I are hurting anybody, so just leave us alone.”
“So, you are admitting you’re gay. Then that means everyone at this table is” Brian said laughing and high fiving the other players around him.
“Have you been hit too many times on the field, or were you dropped on your head when you were a baby? No one can be this stupid. But you have proven that assumption wrong. There can be people in this world that are this stupid.” I said.
The look on Brian’s face was a look of death. He moved so quickly, before I knew it, he jumped over the table, and tossed me across the lunchroom, like a rag doll. Before I could get my footing, he was on top of me, starting his hits. I wasn’t about to let him win; well get a full victory at least.
“You are an idiot, all you know is violence. You’re nothing but an ape, just a dirty ape. You don’t understand anything else. All you know is violence, that’s it”
I was saying this as he was hitting me, and trying to protect my face at the same time. Then I heard yelling, and someone pulling Brian off of me. I looked up, and Joey and Chase helped me up. It was the school security guards holding Brian back, and talking on their radios. They were asking for the principal to come down.
A few minutes later the principal arrived, and he didn’t look any too happy. He looked over at me then looked at Brian.
“Brian what am I going to do with you? This time you bit off more than you can chew.”
The principal looked at the guards, told them to take Brian and the others to his office. Then he looked at me, grabbed me by my arm, and took me to his office. When we entered, he pushed me down in a seat outside his office, and then went to his office leaving me sitting there.
First up was Brian, then it was one by one of the other football players that were there. Finally, he called me to come in. I entered, the principal pointed to a chair to sit down.
The last time I was in the principal’s office, was back home in Wyoming, during fourth grade. I and another friend were in the boys’ restroom, taking paper towels and getting them wet, blowing air in them, then throwing the towels against the wall for the loud bang it made. We were caught by the janitor and he took us to the principal’s office. Back then, they were still allowed to paddle us, which we were paddled. We had to bend down in front of the principal’s desk as his secretary stood by and held a box a Kleenex. The principal paddled us, and then she gave us a tissue. We had to spend half of our lunch period for a week standing in a corner in front of the school, in the lunchroom.
I know now it isn’t allowed today, but it brought that memory back. The principal looked at me.
“All of the football players said you provoked the fight, is that true?”
“No sir, it isn’t.”
“How am I to believe you, when five other stories are the same?”
“You should believe the truth sir. I was sitting there, minding my own business, and they came crashing through, and yelling remarks at us. We tried to ignore them, but they surrounded our table and kept doing it.”
“So the others that were sitting at the table with you will confirm what you said?”
“Yes sir, and not only them but anyone in ear shot of us that will be honest. And that’s pretty much the entire lunchroom. Plus, you know this isn’t the first time this problem has come up with these guys. They almost beat to death one of my friends, and tried to do it again a couple weeks ago. Also, they are never in the lunchroom, never. They were there today just to cause more problems for my friend.”
The principal just looked at me, and then leaned back in his seat. He sighed, looked down at his desk, and looked back up
“Jacob, I know what they are doing is wrong. I couldn’t do a thing about it the last couple times. Simply, when it was reported to me it was too late.”
At that point, the door opened and the Coach walked in. He looked down at me, then at the principal.
“Sir, can I talk to the young guy for a minute?”
“Yes.” The principal got up, and left the office.
“Your name is Jacob right?”
“Yes sir.”
“I will not make any excuses for my guys. They are wrong, and they know it, and I know it. Without these players, my season is gone. I have a good chance to finally win, FINALLY WIN. I can tell you Jacob, they are more pissed because you keep standing up to them. No one else does that and they think they rule this campus. But not you! You say what’s right, and not back down.”
“Yes sir.”
“You do it even knowing these guys are bigger than you, and can really hurt you. That shows that you’re not gutless. I respect that, and I know the right thing to do is to suspend these guys for a couple of weeks. What do you think Jacob?”
“Sir, I don’t know. That’s up to the principal, not me.”
“What if the decision were to be left up to you Jacob?”
“I don’t know!”
“I promise if you let me keep my team together, and have a chance to win, I will run the hatred out of them. I will make them wish they were never born. They won’t have time to breathe, much less cause you or your friends any more trouble. Plus I will make sure even when the season is over; they won’t bother you guys anymore.”
The Coached looked at me for a few moments then continued; “They lost, they were beaten, due to you not ever backing down, plus their fate is in your hands, and I will let them know that.”
“Coach I don’t want you or the school to lose this season if we have a chance to win. As long as they just leave us alone, that’s all we want, I don’t want them to get suspended. I myself wouldn’t want that my senior year, and mess up any chances I would have getting a full ride to college.”
“Thank you Jacob. I will make sure it is clear to them to leave you all alone. Thank you!”
The Coach walked out, and a few minutes later the principal walked back in.
“Thank you Jacob, you can leave. And thank you again.”
I got up, and went out to the front desk to get a note for class. As I was standing at the counter, I heard the Coach yelling at his players. Man, were they in deep trouble!
“What is it going to take to get it through you thick skulls to leave those guys alone? They haven’t done a thing to you all! Why do you keep picking on them? If it wasn’t for the one you tried to beat up Brian, all of your seasons’ would be over, you would be suspended, and our season flushed down the toilet. Let me tell you all this for the last time, leave those kids the fuck alone, damn it! I am going to run you until this sinks into your skulls. Leave them alone, just leave it alone. If you don’t, you’ll be fucking with ME and you don’t want to even go there!”
“What do you mean it wasn’t for that kid Coach?”
“Brian, the principal was ready to suspend you, and I couldn’t do a thing about it. I talked to Jacob, and he is a nice guy. All he wants is for you and the guys to leave him and his friends alone. He didn’t want to see your senior year ruined, or a chance of getting a full ride to college taken away. That’s someone you want in your corner, not as an enemy!”
At that point the secretary arrived, and gave me a note to give to my teacher for fourth period. She told me to go and see the nurse as well. So I headed to the nurse’s office, Irene just looked at me, and rushed me back to a cot.
“I heard what happened, Jake. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, Irene, my pride is hurt more then anything else.”
“Your pride, I believe your pride is better than any other. If it wasn’t for your big heart, those kids would be suspended. I don’t think I would have done what you did!”
“Thank you Irene, I just don’t want lives ruined for stupid mistakes, that’s all.”
Irene looked me over; it was nothing but bruises and a few scrapes. She sent me on my way. I finally arrived to fourth period class, and as I stepped in, the class started to clap. I went over and handed my note to the teacher and took my seat. Joey and Chase looked at me, and returned back to their books.
After class, Chase, Joey, and I walked to our next period. They asked me what happened, so told them the whole story; how the guys made up a story, then the principal was about to believe them at first. Then the Coach coming in, asking me to give the boys a chance and I did. The principal thanking me, as I was leaving the office, I heard the Coach yelling at the players in the conference room. Finally I ended up with the trip to the nurse’s office.
At that point we arrived to fifth period and they had a look of excitement and wonder as they took their seats.
I had to take a quick run to my locker between fifth and sixth periods. I forgot that I did my English homework in my notebook for math. I got to my locker and grabbed the note book. Joey was at my side, we were on our way to sixth period, going up the stairs. As we rounded the staircase, I ran right into Brian and some of the others from the football team.
At first I was a little scared, but I stood my ground. I looked at them, and they were kind of blocking the stairway, going either direction. Then Brian spoke up; “Jacob, thank you for helping me and the guys out. You could have been an ass, like I have been to you guys, and had us suspended. But you didn’t, so thank you, and I am sorry for what I have done.”
“That’s not a problem Brian. You were just being protective of your turf, and not understanding difference in life styles.”
“Still, there isn’t any excuse, and the Coach made it clear to me, and really made us understand, we were the ones that were in the wrong, not you or your friends. Right guys?” The other football players with him, shook there heads. Then he turned to Joey; “Man you of all people should be pissed as hell with us, and I know an apology can’t correct what I and the others have done. But I am sorry, and I offer my friendship to you, and the others. I can understand if you don’t accept it, and couldn’t blame you.”
“No don’t worry. We can’t fix the past, but we can all learn from it and move on. Thank you for your friendship, and I will take it.” Joey replied.
We all shook hands, and went our different ways. Joey and I barely got to class on time. We had to run to arrive on time. We were lucky we didn’t get caught running in the halls. As always I found English boring, but got through it. The bell sounded, ending a day I can only say, it was the most confusing day so far of my freshman year in high school.
Through all the troubles and fights, we all made a friendship alliance out of it all. Who knows where it will go? All we know at this point is that we made peace, and now we can walk without the worry of watching behind our backs for Brian and the others.
To be continued...
{Hey guys, I just finished up the fourth installment of the story, hope you are enjoying the story. I am having fun writing the story, what I went through. It is bringing back very good memories. I have been getting very good feedback on the story so far. I will try to post one or two chapters a week, but if I get busy, please understand. In case if I do get busy, I will do my best to get at least a chapter out a week. If you want, me to send you an e-mail when I post the next chapter, let me know, and I will begin a list of emails, and send out a general email when I post. Rest assured that all e-mail addresses will be kept confidential. I feel I need to say to those who want a lot of sex in a story, this story won’t have too much of that. It is a love story, it will have sex, but not in every chapter of my series. This story is based on reality so there won’t be three orgasms an hour. We all know life just isn’t like that as a rule. I hope you liked it and keep reading the future installments. It is based on my life in high school, just the names were changed, but the location is pretty much the same. So remember, this story is more about finding true love, then anything else. Keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy, please email me and let me know how I am doing at jpg@tickiestories.us , Thanks!}
It seems that Jacob and Joey have found something very real between themselves even at their young ages. Young love can be a hazardous thing. I’m sure there are twists and turns in their lives as time goes on. I know I’m anxious to see!
Joey’s dad…drunk, as Jacob says, is no excuse. Was he revealing deeply held resentments? How often will the feelings surface and agony be inflicted on Joey? It looks like Joey’s mom had best keep a watchful eye on things.
Jacob did the right thing with the football team, all the way around. Now, my question is, will the jocks actually take it to heart or is this just a way of keeping their places on the team? If they aren’t putting forth true feelings, you can bet that more drama is in store. A zebra just doesn’t change his stripes, after all.
Let Jacob and I know how we are doing on the story. Your feedback is important and you never know when something you say might create a thread in the plot!
Keep safe, love safe and reach out to others. We all have to be family to each other!
Until next time,
“Daddy” Rick
Posted: 03/26/10