Twenty Years Later
Book III

( Love is Confusing )

 by: Hankster

© 2016 by the author


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Chapter 4

Bryan really got scared when Jaden said he wanted to speak to him privately.  “What is it?” he asked with concern.

“Relax, Babe, nothing is wrong.  I just want to know something.  Have you fallen in love with Zack?”

Bryan laughed.  “Hell no.  He’s just a convenient fuck buddy.  He’s not my type at all.  At least, he’s nobody I would want to spend a lifetime with, like you and Michael.  We have absolutely nothing in common.  Why did you ask me that question?”

“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t involved.”


“You did an excellent job having sex with Zack, but you didn’t make love with him.  We didn’t detect any passion between you two.  There was no connection.  I want you to meet someone I think you might flip over.  I’ll work it out.”

“Can you tell me who he is?”

“He’s a guy we met on our honeymoon.  I think he’s just your type.  He’s a sophomore right here at the university.”

“I trust your judgement, Jaden.  When can we meet?”

“Stand by,” Jaden said.  He whipped out his phone, and called Cory.  Bryan could hear Cory whooping on the other end of the line.  Jaden gave Cory, his room number, and told him to rush right over to meet his brother.  When they met at the CUMfort Inn, Jaden had told Cory often that he wanted him to meet Bryan, and that he thought they would hit it off.  He just knew they would be friends, if not lovers.

“Have you ever been a matchmaker before?  What are your qualifications?” Michael kidded Jaden.

Cory didn’t bother to knock.  He burst right in.  Bryan was shocked.  He kissed his brothers like they were long lost lovers.  When they all calmed down, Jaden made his introductions.  Bryan stuck out his hand, but Cory hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek.

“Hey,” Cory said.  “It’s almost dinner time.  Let’s go down to the cafeteria, and Bryan and I can get better acquainted.”

“Great idea,” Bryan said, “but I feel obligated to invite Zack also.  I don’t know his cell number, so I’ll just pop on down the hall.  Wait for us.”  Cory was so busy hugging and kissing Bryan’s brothers, that they probably didn’t hear a word he said.

Bryan opened the door to his room, and got the shock of his life.  Zack was packing his suitcase, and humming.  When he heard the door open, he smiled at Bryan.

“What’s going on?” Bryan asked fearfully.  “Did I hurt you?”

“God, no.  Sit down, and I’ll tell you what’s happening.”  Bryan sat down on his bed, and Zack started his explanation.

“I originally applied to MIT.  It’s the one school in the world, I want to go to.  I got accepted to a special six-year doctoral program, but there were no scholarship funds available, and my folks could not afford to send me there.  Buffalo was my safe school of choice.  I’m on a full scholarship here, but it’s not the best school for me.

“When I got back to our room, there was a message on my cellphone from my father.  He said that I should call him immediately; that it was an emergency.  To make a long story short, somebody dropped out of the program, and MIT offered me a fifty percent scholarship.  My father texted back my acceptance.  Their classes begin a week after Buffalo’s, next Monday, and I’ve got to get to Boston by next weekend.  My dad is taking a sick day at work, and he’s picking me up tomorrow morning.”

Bryan listened with his mouth hanging open.  He was speechless.  When he found his tongue, he hugged Zack and said, “I’m so glad for you.”

“You’ll have the room to yourself all the rest of the semester,” Zack pointed out.  A good looking guy like you should get plenty of action, and you’ll have a place to entertain, so I’m doing you a big favor.”

Bryan finally remembered why he came here in the first place.  “I came to ask you if you wanted to have dinner with me and my brothers in the cafeteria this evening.”

“Thanks, but I’m way too excited to eat.  Bryan, do you think we could have one more go at it, before I leave in the morning?”

“I think that can be arranged.”

Cory was so excited to be reunited with Michael and Jaden that he couldn’t stop kissing and hugging them.  When Bryan came back in the room, he got kisses and hugs from Cory as well.  Bryan enjoyed every minute of it, and he began to erect. He didn’t care who saw it, or who felt it.

At dinner, Bryan told them all about Zack’s sudden departure, and the fact that he would have a single room the rest of the semester.

“That’s convenient,” Cory said leering at Bryan.

“Maybe.  Maybe not,” Bryan said, indicating that he was playing hard to get.

The sexual tension was rising, so Jaden thought he might diffuse it.  “Careful Cory,” he said.  “My brother is jail bait for another three and a half months.”

“If I seduce an older man. Is it still illegal?” Bryan asked.

“Sure,” Michael said, “it’s still statutory rape.” The pre-law student said it with supreme certainty and authority.

Both Cory and Bryan looked at each other as if to say, who gives a fuck. Jaden caught the look, and said, “Just be careful guys.”

“When is your roommate leaving?” Cory asked innocently.

“Tomorrow morning.”

“It doesn’t look like Bryan’s room is available tonight,” Cory said.  “How about I shack up with you two tonight?”

“Sounds great to me,” Michael said.

Bryan was not surprised.

Zack and Bryan showered together that night.  They were alone in the shower, and had no problem washing each other’s backs, with particular attention paid to cock, balls and assholes.  Back in their room, they had sex exactly as they had been taught.  Neither of them added anything new to the game, but they were happy to get their rocks off.

Bryan couldn’t sleep well, thinking about Cory.  He knew they would have sex, and way before his birthday.  Out of curiosity, he walked down the hall.  His brothers’ door was not locked.  He peeked in.  Michael and Jaden were sleeping in one bed, and Cory was in the other.  He smiled, and went back to bed.

Zack’s father arrived just as Bryan was getting ready to go to his first college class.  He shook his hand, and then gave Zack a friendly hug, and wished him well.  When he came back to his room in the afternoon, the place was all his.

He cracked a book, and started to do his first ever college homework assignment.  Not fifteen minutes into his assignment, Cory came in without knocking.  He handed Bryan a single rose.

“Happy eighteenth birthday,” he said, and they both laughed.  “Study hard, and do your homework,” Cory said.  “Have it all done by dinner time, and then join your brothers and me in the cafeteria for dinner.  I’m spending the night with you whether you like it or not.”

“I think I’ll like it,” Bryan said, and he gave Cory a chaste kiss on the cheek.  “Seeya at dinner,” he said, and Cory left the room.

At dinner, Michael and Jaden were certain that Bryan and Cory would make love that night.  They were also certain that Bryan would experience making love, and not just having sex.  They were glad for him.  With all the sexual tension at the table gone, they enjoyed dinner like two couples socializing in a restaurant; that is to say, easy, relaxed and fun.

After dinner, Cory excused himself, grabbed Bryan’s hand, and they ran to Bryan’s room.  They locked the door, and began to undress at record speed.  They faced each other naked, and loved what they saw.  Cory was cut, but Bryan wasn’t.  They could care less.  They were both erect, and Bryan’s foreskin had disappeared anyhow.  Both cocks were more than a mouthful, hefty and inviting.

Bryan grabbed a towel and threw one at Cory.  “What?” Cory asked.

“Let’s shower,” Bryan suggested.

It was just past dinner time, and they were the only two in the shower.  Even though it was their first time together, neither was shy.  Love was germinating.  They soaped their backs, and got their asses and balls as clean as their cocks.  They also kissed a lot and hugged and fondled.  When they were beginning to look like prunes, they finally went back to Bryan’s room.

They fell on the bed, all wrapped up in each other.  Their tongues began to tickle one another, and Bryan began to shiver.  He was about to slither down and give Cory a trip around the world, but Cory beat him to it.  Bryan didn’t know, but he and Cory had the same teachers.

After more than half an hour had passed, Bryan felt Cory’s tongue swabbing his crotch.  His tongue was between Bryan’s balls and his thighs.  Cory had found an erogenous zone that Bryan didn’t know he had.  Even his brothers, while instructing him, did not pleasure each other there.  If he hadn’t been so lost in rapture, he would have realized that they were enjoying creative sex.  In fact, they were making love.

Bryan couldn’t stand it anymore.  “Please,” he said, “take me, and take me all the way.  We can fuck another time.”

Cory took Brian into him, and started sucking as sensuously as he could.  Bryan was groaning as if he was being tortured.  Cory tried to stop Bryan’s orgasm.  He withdrew every time he felt Bryan about to go over the edge.  Eventually, that was impossible.  Bryan gushed down Cory’s throat in countless spasms, and Cory swallowed every precious drop.  He left nothing for Bryan.

Bryan lay there in a near stupor.  Now he knew what it was to make love.  Cory slithered up and lay side by side with him.  They were both crying. 

“When we catch our breaths,” Cory asked, “can I fuck you?’

“You never have to ask again,” Bryan whispered in Cory’s ear.  “The answer will always be yes.” 

They consummated their love by Cory fucking Bryan.  Bryan had first insisted that he wear a condom, but he swore that he had never been with anyone but Michael and Jaden, and Bryan swore he had never been with anyone but a virgin.  They agreed that Cory could go bareback.

When Cory unloaded high up Bryan’s ass, Bryan’s head began to spin.  He imagined he was somewhere up in the clouds, and he began to cry again.  His emotions were getting the best of him.  He had never been in love before.  Cory lay beside him again, and whispered in his ear, “Please don’t get frightened and run away from me, but I love you.  I never felt like holding someone in my arms forever, but that’s what I want to do with you.  I don’t want to let you go.”

Bryan placed his lips on Cory’s and gave him a chaste, closed-mouth kiss.  “I’m not frightened at all,” Bryan whispered.  “I love you too.”  They fell asleep, more content than either had ever been in their lives.

When they dozed off, it was much earlier in the evening than either was used to, and at three in the morning they both stirred.  They kissed each other on the cheek, afraid to offend with morning breath.

“I gotta pee,” Cory said, “and then I’m going to go to my room.  I didn’t bring clothes for the morning.”

“I’ll go with you.  I gotta pee too.”  They went naked to the head, and peed in adjoining urinals, all the while smiling at each other.

“My brothers don’t know it yet, but tomorrow, we’re going to have a foursome.  Don’t get upset, Cory.  I love you, but I love them too, and they’ll just have to get over this nonsense of waiting three more months.  How do you feel about it?”

“They’re my brothers now also, and I have loved them ever since they took my virginity at the CUMfort Inn.  I think that’s a great idea.”

“I have a better idea,” Bryan said.  “It’s just a little past three in the morning.  They never lock their door.  Let’s surprise them with a middle of the night visit.”

“I didn’t realize that you were such a devil,” Cory laughed.  “Let’s do it.”

They opened the door quietly, and when they closed it, they locked it.  They were surprised to see that Michael and Jaden were sleeping in separate beds.  Both men had the same idea.  One of them had a cold or some other ailment.  All of a sudden Michael and Jaden jumped out of bed, and yelled, “BOO!”

“What took you so long?” Jaden asked.

“We’ve been waiting for you,” Michael chimed in.

The four very naked men embraced in a group hug, but they were all done out from sex, so Bryan and Cory went to their rooms, and Michael and Jaden went back to sleep in one bed, secure in the knowledge that good times were ahead.

The next afternoon, after classes, Michael and Jaden went to football practice, and Bryan tried out for the baseball team.  Having been tutored by Michael, Jaden and Mac, he easily made the cut.  While they were all occupied in their pursuits, Cory moved into Bryan’s room.

When Bryan returned, he found Cory, just hanging up the last of his clothes in the closet.

“Did I tell you that you could move in?” Bryan kidded Cory.  He ran over and the two men hugged each other. 

“You have no choice,” Cory grinned at Bryan.  “I’m here legally.  I went over to housing, and they allowed me to switch rooms, not only for this semester, but for the rest of the school year.  If you think that it’s going to be all fun and games, mister, guess again.  We’re both pre-med, and I’m going to work your ass to the bone.  No love making under a B+ average.  Is that clear?”

Bryan realized that he had never asked Cory what his major was.  When he realized that they shared a common dream, he loved him even more.

“Yes master,” he answered.

“I called our brothers, and we are meeting them in the dining room in an hour.  Can you think of anything we can do until then?”

“Yeah, I can think of a lot of things, but you can forget all about it.  I need to shower, and get the dirt off me, from my slide into first base.  By that time, it will be time to meet Michael and Jaden for dinner.  We’ll have to be patient for another couple of hours.

While Bryan was in the shower, Cory called Jaden and Michael’s room.  Jaden answered, and all he heard was a crying Cory.  Jaden barely recognized who it was.  He panicked, thinking something terrible had happened to Bryan.

He screamed out too loud, “Cory, what’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” Cory sobbed.  “I just wanted to thank you for taking pity on me down in Florida, and for introducing me to Bryan.  I didn’t know how empty my life was until I met him.”

“You’re welcome,” Jaden said, “but don’t fucking ever scare me like that again.

To be continued...


Posted: 09/30/16