Twenty Years Later
 by: Hankster

© 2016 by the author


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Chapter 6


The three men were busy with their lives during the day, but they enjoyed each other’s company, and were bonding, in the evenings.  They prepared dinner together, cleaned up together, watched TV together, or just sat and talked.  Mac loved his father and brother, and started to think of them, not as gay men, but as family.

Ari and Arlen had planned to fly to Austin for the upcoming weekend, long before Mac showed up at their door.  Arlen offered to take Mac along with them, but as much as he wanted to meet Kenzie and Larry, he declined.  All Mac could think about all week was Laurie, and meeting her at the gym.

Mac took his father and brother to the airport Friday evening, and returned home to an empty house.  He was unused to being alone.  He thought of calling his former roommates to see what they were doing, but he had no desire to hook up tonight.  He hoped that he could take Laurie out on a date the next evening.

He went to bed early, and began to stroke his hard cock.  He fell asleep dreaming that he was making love to Laurie.  The next morning, he took a shower, even though he knew that it was a redundancy.  He would have to shower again after the game, but he wanted to catch Laurie before the game started, and he wanted to smell sweet for her.  He had smelled like a skunk when they first met.  In the shower he imagined that Ari was jerking him off.  Somehow that disturbed him, but he didn’t know why it should.

Mac’s efforts were rewarded.  When he arrived, Laurie was sitting in the stands, and Dennis was on the floor warming up with some of the other guys.  He went right over to Laurie, and asked if he could leave his jacket and sweat pants next to her.  She nodded shyly, and he stripped down to his gym shorts and a tee shirt.  Laurie expected him to leave when he was ready to play, but Mac looked at her and asked if she would go out with him that evening.  “I’ll take you to a great restaurant for dinner,” he said.

She smiled and said that she would love to go out with him.  “I’ll write my address and telephone number on a piece of paper, and put it in your jacket pocket,” she said.  For the first time in his life, Mac had butterflies in his stomach at the thought of dating a girl.  But this wasn’t any girl.  This was Laurie.

When he went on the court, the guys greeted him enthusiastically.  Dennis asked him where Ari was.  “He and my dad have gone to Texas.”  Then he said without shame, “Ari is visiting his boyfriend, and my dad is visiting my other dad.”

“Cool,” Dennis said.  “Ari told me they’ll be moving to Syracuse soon.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait.”

“Hey, stop yakking you two and let’s play ball,” someone yelled. 


Kenzie and Larry met their guys at the airport.  They embraced lovingly, but it wasn’t until they got home, that they showed each other how much they loved each other.  Each couple got into a marathon kissing session.  Eventually Arlen broke away from Kenzie.  “Let me at my son-in-law,” he said.  He enveloped Larry in his brawny arms, and began to kiss him with lots of tongue.  At the same time, both men reached for the other’s crotch.

Kenzie and Ari stood for a moment staring at each other awkwardly.  Finally, Kenzie grabbed his son.   “What the fuck.” he mumbled, and he grabbed his taller son in a vice-like embrace.

After a few minutes, Arlen broke away from Larry.  “We can play switcheroo tomorrow,” he said, “but tonight is my night with Kenzie.”  He turned to Kenzie, and said, “I love you so much.”

Larry grabbed Ari’s hand, and Arlen grabbed Kenzie’s.  Off they went to separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms.  Neither couple got much sleep that night, and both couples lost track of the number of times they had orgasms.

Lying in bed, Kenzie said, “Only four more weeks to Thanksgiving, and Larry and I will be visiting you.  Three weeks after that, winter break begins, and Larry and I will be coming out to be with you forever.  I’m so happy.”

Arlen smiled, and went down on Kenzie yet again.


Mac’s hand shook, as he rang the doorbell to Laurie’s house.  It seemed forever before the door was opened.  Dennis let him in. 

“Hi, Mac.  Laurie will be down in a minute.  What are your plans for tonight?”

“I know you’re worried about your baby sister, but I swear, whatever we do, wherever we go, I would never hurt Laurie, or act inappropriately.  She’s the kind of woman, one respects.”

“Chill out, Mac.  I just asked what you were going to do.  I wasn’t accusing you of anything.  The only reason I’m asking is that I don’t have a date, and I’m flying solo this weekend.”

“That’s too bad,” Mac said unconvincingly.

“Next time I have a date; what do you say we double date?”

“That would be nice,” Mac lied.  He wanted Laurie all to himself.

Laurie came downstairs.  She was breathtakingly beautiful.  Mac appropriately lost his breath.  In fact, for the first time with a woman, he was totally speechless.

She gave him a peck on the cheek, and asked, “Where are we going Mac?  I’m starving.”

“Let’s get going then.  We have 6 PM reservations.”

The moment they were alone in Mac’s car, Laurie said, “Dennis told me that your family was away.  After dinner, do you think we could go to your place.”

Mac was shocked in a most pleasant way.  “I promised your brother that I wouldn’t,” he said.

“Mac, darling, Dennis was just being a big brother.  I’m eighteen, an adult, and I do what I want to do.”


As soon as Laurie and Mac left, Dennis started to shake and breathe heavy.  In this day and age there was no reason for him to be in the closet, but he was, and he was madly in love with Mac. 

Dennis was twenty-seven years old.  He was a pharmacist at a local Walgreen’s and he made a good salary.  He was still a virgin.  He knew he couldn’t sleep with women, and he was afraid to give into his yearnings, and attempt to sleep with men.

If Laurie and Mac began a serious relationship, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to handle his love for Mac.

He ran upstairs to his bedroom, and undressed.  He lay prone on his bed, and started stroking his cock.  He was uncut, and in its aroused state he was about seven inches.  He began stroking his manhood slowly, sensuously, dreaming that he was in Mac’s arms.


Kenzie and Arlen, and Larry and Ari, spent most of Saturday in bed.  They changed partners often, and as awkward as it was at first, Ari and Kenzie partnered up.  After a while, it just seemed like the natural thing to do.

At one point, Kenzie asked Arlen, “What about Mac?  How is he going to feel about all this?”

“He’s getting used to Ari and me going at it, and it doesn’t seem to bother him.  He makes jokes about all the gay noise that will fill the house when you guys get there, but he’s just joking.  He doesn’t mean a bit of it.  He’s also told me that if he ever gets serious with a woman, he’ll move in with her.  Mac is so happy to be reunited with me, that he’s putting up with a lot, and I admire him for that.”

“I once asked him to let me show him what he was missing,” Ari added, “and he told me that I had it backwards.  He said that I didn’t know what I was missing.  I made a pact with him, but he’ll never honor it.  I told him if he ever got serious with a woman, that I wanted to make love with him, so he would have a yardstick, with which to compare the sex.”

“What did he say?” Larry asked. 

He said, “We’ll see.”

“I’d like to be a part of his comparison shopping,” Larry said.

“We’ll see,” Ari answered.


When Ari and Arlen came home, their routine life resumed with two exceptions.  Mac and Laurie were dating every weekend, but they usually went to Dennis’s house to make love.  Dennis couldn’t stand to know that they were making love in his house, and he decided to confide in Ari.  He liked Ari, and he knew he would be sympathetic.

Now that Laurie and Mac were “involved,” Dennis and Laurie were frequent visitors in Arlen’s household.  Dennis came over to Arlen’s place one evening, when Mac and his sister were making love in his house.  “I need to tell you something,” he said to Arlen and Ari, “and ask your advice.”

He spilled his heart out to his future in-laws, and he began to cry.  Ari wrapped his arms around Dennis and said, “I knew it.  I’ve suspected for a long time.  Why are you so afraid to admit who you are?  I swear to you, it’s liberating.”

“I don’t know.  Maybe because my father was so homophobic.  He was very candid about his hatred of gays.”

“He’s dead now.  You can be your own man.”

“Have you ever slept with a man?” Arlen asked.

“I’m still a virgin,” he admitted forlornly, “with men and women.”

Ari and Arlen looked at each other and smiled.  “How would you like to remedy that situation right now?” Arlen asked.

“You mean…?”

“Exactly,” Ari said.  “Come with us.”

“The three men undressed in Arlen’s bedroom.  Dennis was shaking like a leaf, so Ari put his arms around him and held him tight.  He ran his hands up and down Dennis’s naked back, and pushed their erections together.  Dennis seemed to relax a little.

“Lie down on your back,” Arlen said, “and move to the center.”

After Dennis was comfortably sprawled out, Ari and Arlen lay down on either side of him.  They began to kiss him.  It was Ari who forced his mouth open, and started to tongue him.  Dennis responded immediately, which pleased Ari.  Dennis’s reticence seemed to be breaking down.  Then Arlen took over from Ari, and began to slobber him with kisses.

“Listen to me,” Arlen said.  “It is becoming very obvious to all of us, that Laurie is going to be my daughter-in-law.  That makes you my son-in-law.  I don’t want you to be unhappy any more.  When I came out, I felt like I had been emancipated.  If I hadn’t come out I wouldn’t have Kenzie, Ari and Larry in my life.  Hell, I wouldn’t have you, Mac and Laurie either.  What I’m saying is don’t be afraid and don’t hide anymore.  You have a very vast support system.  Now, we are going to prepare you to fuck us.”  Arlen reached into a drawer in his night stand and removed a tube of KY Jelly.   

“We don’t use condoms between us in the family anymore,” he said, “but if you sleep with anyone else, I urge you to use them.”

Arlen lubed Dennis’s cock generously.  Dennis could only sigh in pleasure.  He put a dab up Ari’s ass, and Ari straddled Dennis.  Arlen guided Dennis’s cock into Ari’s opening, just as he had guided Kenzie over twenty years ago.  Dennis went in easily, but he didn’t move.  Dennis had such a look of bliss on his face, that Ari just wanted to look at it, and enjoy it.

In the meantime, Arlen placed his cock on Dennis’s lips, and Dennis began to run his tongue up and down the shaft.  When he did that, Ari began to pump.  Dennis was a natural, and he began to pump to Ari’s rhythm.  Dennis was really aroused now, and he took Arlen’s cock fully into him.  He had read enough, and had watched enough porn to do a really good job.

Dennis had been rubbing against Ari’s prostate and stroking Ari’s cock at the same time, so Ari came first, pouring his load up Dennis’s torso.  Dennis came next.  He had to release Arlen’s cock from his mouth, because he was wailing like a banshee. 

When everybody came back down to earth, Arlen asked Dennis if he could fuck him, since he was the only one who hadn’t reached Paradise.  Dennis gave him a resounding, “Yes.”  Arlen pulled Dennis to the foot of the bed, and placed a pillow under his butt.  He lubricated his cock and Dennis’s ass.  He began his entry slowly and cautiously, but he slipped right in without much resistance.

“I’ve been practicing with a dildo for years,” Dennis murmured, slightly embarrassed.  Arlen began to pump slowly, and Ari began to kiss him sloppily, once again.  As Arlen’s moment of joy approached, he began to pump harder, and to breathe heavily.  Dennis kept opening and constricting his ass muscles, and Arlen had one of the best orgasms he had had in a long time.  Surprisingly, Dennis came again, right at the same time as Arlen.

It took them both more than a few minutes to get their breaths back in working order.  When he could speak again, Arlen said, “Welcome to the family Dennis.”

“How was your first time?” Ari asked.

“It couldn’t have been better.  I love you both so much.  Do you think I could stay the night?  I don’t have the energy to drive home.”

After that night, Ari and Arlen took Dennis to gay bars with them, and he began to have a sex life.  Whenever Mac stayed at his house, Dennis often brought a trick back to Arlen’s house, and he used either Mac or Ari’s hardly used bedrooms.

When Dennis failed to score, Ari and Arlen took him home anyway, and they had a threesome.  Nobody thought that it was strange to make love with someone, who, it appeared, was going to be another member of the family.  One night, when all three of them were in bed together, Arlen began to cry.

“What’s wrong?” Ari asked.

“Nothing.  I just didn’t realize how lonely I was for twenty years.  When your father showed up after all those years, my life changed so much for the better.”

Both Ari and Dennis, kissed Arlen on the cheek to comfort him.


Thanksgiving arrived, and Mac finally met Larry and Kenzie.  They didn’t care that he was straight.  They kissed him on the lips, and enveloped him in bear hugs.  By now Mac thought nothing of it.  The small family, including Dennis and Laurie, had Thanksgiving at Dennis’s house.  As the only woman in the group, Laurie felt that it was her responsibility to do most of the cooking, and she did, but she had plenty of help.

While she was serving coffee and pumpkin pie with whipped cream, Mac stood up.  “I have an announcement to make,” he said.  “Laurie and I are getting married.”

Everyone jumped up and embraced the happy couple.  Kenzie and Arlen held each other tightly.  “We’ll be grandfathers someday, “Arlen said.  “Isn’t that great?”

“And Larry, Dennis, and I will be uncles,” Ari said, as he and Larry embraced.  Finally, everyone was kissing and hugging everyone else.

Ari took Mac aside.  “Don’t forget the pact we made, about us wanting to make sure you were making the right choice.”

Mac started to laugh.  “You weren’t serious, were you?” he asked his brother.

“Dead serious, and Larry wants in on the action.”

“As much as I love you guys.” I don’t know if I can.”

“You can, and you will, and shortly around Christmas, when our family will be all together at last.

“We’ll see,” Mac said.  His face had turned white.

To be continued...


Posted: 05/13/16