South Beach Rhapsody
by: Hankster
© 2010 by the Author
author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Perrini (call him Rube or Ruby) was one of ten regional managers in the United
States and Canada employed by his company. He worked for the largest retail
auto parts chain in the world. He was well compensated, and his territory
included all the New England States and the Canadian Maritime Provinces. At
thirty two years young he had accomplished the American dream, except that he
was single. He was healthy, good looking, possessed a muscular six foot body
that wouldn’t quit, beautiful curly black hair and dark brown eyes. He had a
home on the Maine sea shore. He knew he was well hung, but he had never
measured. His female companions never complained about his beautiful cut cock
so he had no reason to question its adequacy.
Laurence Stanton (call him Laury or Larry) was a regional
sales manager for the same company. His territory was the Mid Atlantic and
Southeastern States. Although their territories were contiguous, he and Rube
had never met. More’s the pity. They would have enjoyed each other’s company.
They liked all the same things, especially women. Larry was older than Rube at
thirty four. He was single also. He gloried in his straight blond hair, which
he wore long, over his ears. His eyes were green and seemed to pierce through
you. His possessed a muscular, lean, six foot one inch body. At
his house, on the South Carolina shore, there was always a woman in residence
when he was home, which was only about twenty percent of the time. Unlike Rube,
he knew full well that his powerful uncut tool measured just short of six inches
flaccid and eight inches hard. Sometimes when he was especially aroused, he was
sure it grew a half inch more than that. Yes, he was proud of his manhood.
Like Rube, he had plenty of women in the towns he travelled to, as well as his
brief sojourns at home.
Sometime in late June both men received a letter from the main office in Detroit. There was to be a week long sales meeting and seminar beginning on Monday, September 16th in South Beach, Florida. The Vice President in charge of sales apologized in advance. In the past, separate rooms had been assigned to the VIP Sales Managers, but due to the down in the cellar economy, they were asking everyone to share a room, and to please be understanding. Both Rube and Larry had the same initial response. Bringing a broad back to their hotel room was going to be problematic, if it could be accomplished at all. Maybe he and his room mate could work out an every other night plan. Although they were miles apart, they both laughed at the thought.
The letter went on to say that they would receive their travel vouchers, advance spending money and room mate assignments on or about September 1st. At least they were staying at one of the fanciest hotels on the beach, and it was newly refurbished.
They were both excited at the prospect of enjoying a week in exciting South Beach with its half naked women and buff young men. They both felt that they could easily compete with the young body builders on the beach. Their only concern was their room mate. Each hoped that they wouldn’t get some middle aged fuddy duddy from America’s Heartland. Each wanted a party animal to share the week with.
Labor Day fell on September 2nd. Both men received their travel packages on the third. The cover letter included their room mate’s name and telephone number. They were urged to contact each other in advance to say hello. Neither one did call, but the company maintained a book with biographies and pictures of all the execs. They looked each other up, and were pleased at what they saw and read.
About a week before the conference, Larry decided to call Rube. He called him at work and was lucky to find him in. He had no idea what they would talk about, but he needn’t have worried. They ended up talking for about seventy minutes. The conversation never lagged. First they talked about work, and then they got more personal. They established the fact that they were both single and then they began to discuss their women. They could hardly stop laughing for the last thirty minutes of their conversation, and by the time they hung up, they felt like old friends who couldn’t wait for the class reunion.
On the afternoon before the official beginning of the conference, Rube checked into the hotel first. There were fifteen floors in all, and they were on the tenth. He claimed the bed by the window. From there he could see the beach and all the hot young women. He unpacked and hung his clothes away neatly. He stowed his flat wear in a dresser drawer, leaving an empty drawer for Larry. He put his toothbrush and shaving gear on the bathroom vanity, again making sure to leave room for Larry. When he was totally unpacked and settled, he stowed away his travel clothes and he put on a pair of shorts, a muscle shirt, and sandals. He never wore underwear. Off he went to explore the area around the hotel. He passed more than a few restaurants and bars where he saw only men patrons. He was also happy to see plenty of hot chicks strolling in Bikinis along the sidewalks. Not that he would have responded, but Rube didn’t even pick up on the fact that many of the hot young men were giving him eye signals.
When he got back to the hotel, he checked out the hotel pool. Lolling around on beach lounges were another bevy of hot young women. The men were young and hot also, but Rube barely noticed them. He went up to his room. Larry had not yet arrived. He became concerned. The seminarians had been instructed to meet for dinner (dress casually) in less than two hours. Larry should have been here by now. He and Larry had exchanged cell phone numbers and he thought about calling him, but he could still be on the plane. He decided to shower and dress for dinner. If Larry wasn’t here by then, he would try his cell phone.
He stripped and placed his shorts and muscle shirt neatly in the drawer with his other clothes. He had barely worn them and he could wear them again. He went into the bathroom and didn’t bother to close the door. He was alone after all. While he was in the shower, Larry arrived.
Larry realized immediately that Rube was showering. He dropped his suitcase and went to the bathroom door to yell hello and let Rube know that he had arrived. In the end he said nothing. When he peered in, he could dimly see through the partially opaque shower curtain that Rube was pleasuring himself. He didn’t want to embarrass either one of them so he just walked away. It was impossible to see how well endowed, or not, his room mate was, although he had tried. When Rube came, he let out a long scream of pleasure that could be heard above the running water. Larry was surprised to note that his own cock had come to life. Well after all, jacking off in the shower was a common activity for him too.
When he heard the water stop, Larry returned to the bathroom door to say hello and let Rube know that he was in the room. Rube was just stepping out of the shower and Larry got a full frontal view of a still partially erect, cut beauty. It was hard to say how long it would be when fully erect, but it had plenty of girth. Rube was bigger than Larry, but Larry was well enough endowed that he wasn’t worried what Rube would think when he saw him naked. Larry wished for a moment that he might be built like Rube. It was a vain and foolish thought because he was every bit as well built as his room mate.
“Hey Rube,” Larry said cheerily. Rube jumped and grabbed a towel.
“Shit man, you scared the life out of me. I never heard you come in. I’m
soaking wet. I’ll shake your hand later. I’ll be out right after I shave.
“I’m going to finish unpacking and settling in, and then I’ll shower before dinner also. I hope you left me some hot water,” Larry quipped. He was ready for the shower before Rube finished shaving. The bathroom door remained open so he went right in and stepped into the shower. Rube could see him in the bathroom mirror and of course he checked Larry out. I wish I was built like him, Rube thought, proving once again that we are never satisfied with our bodies, no matter how perfect. Vanity thy name is man as well as woman.
Larry was aware that Rube could see him in the mirror so he decided to give him the same show he had gotten. He soaped up his cock and started to stroke it. Rube broke out laughing.
“I guess you saw me before,” he observed. “Well you don’t have to continue. I’m embarrassed enough,” he yelled over the running water.
“Not on your life, dude. This feels too good,” and Larry went right on whacking.
“I’m glad we aren’t shy with each other,” Rube said loudly. Larry nodded. Suddenly he grunted and started spewing. There was no primordial scream from him as he had heard from Rube.
Smiling, Rube finished shaving, wrapped his huge bath towel around his waist, and left the bathroom. When Larry finished his shower, he shaved also, wrapped the towel around him, combed his hair, and went into the hotel room. Rube was lying prone on his bed above the covers. The towel was still wrapped around him. His package made quite a mound and Larry was surprised to feel a stirring in his groin. If he had the slightest notion that it might be desire, he would have gotten dressed and run away. Instead he said, with a laugh, “I thought we weren’t going to be shy with each other.” He removed his towel and lay down prone on his bed, exposed to Rube and the world.
“I like to lie like this for a few minutes after a shower,” Rube explained. “It relaxes me.”
“That’s all well and good, but our jack off sessions are going to have to be relaxation enough. Look at the freakin’ time.”
They each put on a pair of casual slacks, a polo shirt and sandals. “I see you don’t wear underwear either,” Rube observed.
“Not unless I have to, like when I go to the doctor,” Larry answered. “That’s another thing we have in common.” He put an arm around Rube’s shoulder. “Let’s go and meet the others.”
There were nine men and two women at the large banquet table. The extra man was the vice president and sales manager for the entire company. All the regionals knew him well. His name was Jack Platt, and behind his back everyone called him Jack Fat because of his portliness. In spite of that, everyone liked him. They found him stern but fair, and in a social setting he was quite the bon vivant. Tonight he was all bubbly.
“Great to see you all again,” he began. “I’m going to keep my remarks really at a minimum so you can enjoy the great meal we are about to enjoy, and then if you want, you can explore the fantastic South Beach night life. If you think you might be too old for it, I advise you to adopt a young attitude. This is the hottest location in the world. I chose it personally.”
Rube and Larry winked at each other. Jack began by asking each regional to stand, announce his territory, and say a few words about himself. Both women were older than Rube and Larry, but they were both very attractive. They flirted openly with both men when they discovered that they were single and available. The fact that they were both very handsome was obvious to the women from the get go. The men were not interested. They wanted younger meat. Neither of them spoke the words, but tacitly they understood that if they brought one woman back to their room, they would share. Hell, they would share two women also.
Jack went on. “The seminars will all be held in the Gold Room off the lobby. Morning sessions will be from nine to noon and afternoon sessions will be from two to five PM. You’ll get your seminar material before each session. I don’t want you to feel like soldiers, so you can eat your meals at your leisure, alone or in groups. Just charge it to your rooms. If you choose to eat out, that’s on you. Any questions?”
Nobody raised a hand. “Just two more things,” Jack said. “First, you may have heard that there is a rather strong hurricane raging in the Caribbean. It’s over Cuba now and headed west toward the Yucatan, so we needn’t be concerned about it. The second thing is sort of an apology. All the rooms, mine included, are on the third floor close to each other. Unfortunately the hotel could not accommodate all of us, and Reuben and Laurence are alone on the tenth floor. Sorry to isolate you like that, guys.” The two men smiled inwardly. It was just fine with them.
“No problem,” Rube spoke for both of them.
The dinner was indeed delicious. When they got up to leave, Larry and Rube were approached by the two women. They wondered if the two hunks would want to hit a few bars with them.
The men turned them down as politely as they could, and the women never bothered them again.
They went to the hotel bar, but when they saw the place was filled with most of their group, they decided to go elsewhere. Neither said anything about leaving, but they both knew what the other was thinking.
The first two likely looking places appeared to be gay bars, and they kept going. The third was a little out of the way bistro a short way down a side street. The small bar was packed with hot women and hunky men. Rube and Larry were surprised that the place was so busy on a Sunday night. After all, the next day was a work day.
The men elbowed their way to the bar. In less than five minutes, before their first drink was served, they were approached by a pretty young girl. She couldn’t have been any more than nineteen. She was without shame and recited her menu of tricks for them, and the cost.
“Larry sneered. “Do we look like we have to pay for it?” he asked rather egotistically.
The girl said nothing more. She turned around and left. After a few minutes, Rube became distinctly uncomfortable and Larry sensed his discomfort. They both took a good look around. If there was a guy over twenty-two in the room, they couldn’t find him, and there wasn’t a girl who looked to be over twenty.
“They’re way too young for us,” Larry said. “I’ll bet we look like their fathers.”
“They should be so lucky to have fathers who look like us,” Rube commented. “Let’s get out of here and turn in. I’m tired from the trip anyway.”
“Do you think that all the bars in South Beach are like this one?” Larry wondered out loud.
“Maybe, but let’s find out tomorrow,” Rube answered.
When they got back to their room, they undressed, brushed their teeth and lay naked on their beds. They watched the news on television for awhile. The station’s weather man was informing his listeners that Hurricane Phil was still headed west, but that a high pressure front was developing in the Gulf of Mexico and could block the storms path, forcing it to veer northwest toward southeast Florida. It was too early to tell, but he would keep an eye on further developments for his viewers. The next hurricane advisory update would be at midnight. Rube turned off the lights and they started to fall asleep.
Just as he was crossing over, Larry mumbled, “Too bad about tonight. If you get horny, feel free to whack off. I intend to.”
Two hunks like Rube and Larry do not strike out every night. The following evening they scored and picked up a luscious nubile young thing. She was excited about doing a threesome. As for Rube and Larry, they had done many threesomes, but in each instance they had been the only male involved. However neither one was turned off by the possibility of the situation. They were just that curious. They wouldn’t admit it to themselves or to each other, but it was an opportunity to check each other out at full mast.
The young girl wanted to be fucked from the rear and the front at the same time. It was a rare female that would allow rear entry. Both men wanted to fuck her through the back door, so they compromised by switching positions several times. Afterwards the three lay on their backs side by side, Luann in the middle. When they were rested, she leaned over and started to suck both their cocks alternately. Both men erected immediately.
While Luann was sucking Rube’s cock, he got a terrible urge to reach over and stroke Larry’s cock. Of course, he didn’t dare reveal his secret thoughts or act on them. Funny thing! Larry was thinking the same thing.
Luann left about 3 in the morning and they finally fell asleep. Needless to say they overslept. They used the bathroom separately, but Larry suggested that they shower together to save time. Rube looked dubious so Larry said, “I’ll do your back.”
In the shower they both lost some of their inhibition. Not only did Larry do Rube’s back, but he wrapped his arms around his torso and did his chest. Whether soaping front or back, he never went below the waist. They soaped their own asses and cocks. As hard as they tried to avoid it, occasionally one of their cocks would touch somewhere on the other’s body.
When they were drying, Rube boldly said, “That was nice, but I would have liked to have whacked off.”
“You shouldn’t have let me stop you,” Larry said. “We agreed to do it whenever we felt like it. Next time, OK?”
When Larry said, “Next time,” a strange feeling came over Rube. It was a combination of fear and excitement.
At breakfast, Rube asked Larry, “Could you ever do what Luann did?”
“You know, let some guy fuck you in the ass,” Rube clarified.
“Probably not, but I don’t ever say never. I have a gay friend who wanted me to fuck him. I didn’t of course, but he said that once I fucked a tight asshole I’d never be satisfied by a cunt again. He also assured me that a stiff cock, massaging my prostate, was the ultimate in male sexual satisfaction. Well, he was at least half right. Luann’s ass was tighter than her cunt by far.”
“Yes,” Rube agreed. “I have a gay friend too. My gay friend said that when he got fucked, and his partner’s cock rubbed against his prostate, his orgasm was mind boggling, without anybody ever having touched him”.
After that they finished breakfast in silence, each thinking that they had revealed too much of themselves to the other. As they walked through the lobby to the Gold Room, they noticed that the sky was growing dark, and the wind was bending palm trees in every direction.
When everyone was assembled for the seminar, Jack began with a short announcement.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Miami has been put under a hurricane watch. Hurricane Phil has changed course, and for the moment, it seems to be headed our way. Should the watch become a warning, these are your instructions. You will retire to your rooms and draw all the curtains. The windows are hurricane resistant to a force three. Right now Phil is a category four. In the unlikely event that the windows should give way, your safe room is the bathroom. Make sure that you bring plenty of bottled water in with you, blankets, pillows etc. All of this is highly unlikely, but be prepared. The hotel is well stocked with food and drink and it is a safe place to ride out the storm. The hotel personnel have been advised to go home now or ride it out here. Service might suffer a little, but you’ll understand.”
The seminar continued as if nothing had happened. Everyone ate lunch together in the hotel. By the end of the afternoon session, it was raining down heavy sheets, and the wind was blowing hard. Most businesses had boarded up and closed down. The seminarians had dinner in the hotel, and were told to take bottled water up to their rooms. They were also advised to shower in case power was lost.
Jack went around to everyone at dinner and advised them that he had stocked his room with booze, mixers and snacks and they were all invited to a hurricane party after dinner. Rube had heard of such parties and Larry had actually participated in a few.
The party was a huge success. Rube and Larry were three sheets to the wind when at one AM they found themselves the only ones left in Jack’s room.
“You’re welcome to stay here,” the very drunk Jack said and he winked at them just before he passed out.
“Did you catch what I caught?” Larry asked Rube. His words were slurred and his eyes were glassy.
“Too bad he passed out. We might have gotten to fuck another asshole,” Rube said.
“Let’s let the guy sleep,” Larry said. “I’ve been through a number of hurricanes and we could lose power. Let’s get upstairs before we have to walk seven flights.”
They weren’t sure if they imagined it or not, but the elevator seemed to chug its way up to the tenth floor. They were correct. The electric company had begun to cut power to its customers.
When they got to their room, Rube locked the door including the security lock. “No, leave the security lock open,” Larry said. “In case something bad happens, we want them to be able to get to us.” Rube had no experience with hurricanes and now Larry had scared him.
They weren’t too drunk to remember that they were supposed to take a shower. They dropped their clothes on the floor and decided to shower together. After all, it had been so much fun last time.
Facing each other, they each had a bar of soap in their hands. They began to soap each other’s chests. They were both nearly hairless and they could just as well be doing a flat chested woman, except they both had massive erections.
What the heck, Rube thought. He began to soap below Larry’s waist. There was no resistance from Larry. Rube did Larry’s hairy pubes and worked up a good lather. He wondered if he could go further. Almost without conscious thought, he wrapped his soapy palm around Larry’s cock and started to lather under the foreskin and up and down the huge shaft.
“Don’t stop, please,” Larry said. “It feels so good.”
“Not a chance I’d stop now,” Rube said and he leaned into Larry. The two men began to kiss tentatively and then passionately. Rube stroked with more intensity until he felt Larry stroking him. They stroked slowly, and then they stroked swiftly. They knew what felt good to them and they were offering that pleasure to the other. In one of those rare and beautiful moments, they came simultaneously. Rube wanted desperately to taste Larry’s cum, but the shower water washed it away too quickly.
The two men were now at a loss for words. They had sobered enough to be aware of the horrific, sinful act they had just committed. At least they had both been taught it was sinful and unmanly.
They got out of the shower and grabbed towels. They couldn’t look at each other, and each got into their separate beds. The silence was deafening. Neither could speak. After what seemed like an eternity, Rube gurgled out, “Please don’t hate me Larry. I have no idea why I did that. I’d like to blame it on the booze.”
“Stay cool, bro,” Larry answered. “I’m just as guilty as you are. As far as I am concerned it never happened. But hey man, it sure did feel good. The hippies used to say that if it feels good, it can’t be bad.”
Just then something crashed against the window and startled them. It was a palm frond all the way up on the tenth floor.
“Do you think we should sleep in the bathroom?” Rube asked.
“Not yet,” Larry answered. “Let’s turn on the TV for an update. He got the remote and turned on the set. They learned that the hurricane would make landfall just south of Miami in about five to seven hours. At present they were feeling the front side of the storm which was miniscule compared to the back side. After the eye would pass over Miami, they would experience the back side of the storm, which covered an infinitely larger area, and was a lot more severe.
“I think we’ll be OK, at least until morning,” Larry said. He turned off the TV
and they tried to sleep, but all either could think about was the incident in
the shower. Their emotions were similar, running from regret to disgust to
desire for more. Rube knew one thing for sure. The intimacy they just shared
would either drive them apart or make them best friends forever.
They were awakened at about seven in the morning by the shrill ringing of the telephone. Rube grabbed it first. It was a recorded message for all guests informing them that all hotel activities, seminars, business meetings, etc. were cancelled. Guests were urged to use the hotel facilities and restaurants for as long as service could be maintained.
“Let’s get dressed and have breakfast while we can,” Larry suggested. He could hardly hear himself talk. The wind outside was beating against the windows, howling so loud, the men had to shout to be heard.
When they left their room Larry said, “We could lose power any minute now. I don’t know about you, but I miss my morning exercise. I think we should use the stairs for the duration.”
“Ten flights! I think you’re crazy, but you’re also right, so let’s go,” Rube answered. They headed toward the stair case. They were both so fit, they actually felt good when they got to the lobby.
“Going up should be a blast,” Rube said.
“We can always shack up with Jack,” Larry said.
“Ugh!” Rube answered.
Breakfast seemed pretty normal except that they could hardly hear each other talk over the howling wind. Palm fronds kept beating against the windows. The noise of crashing leaves and howling winds gave them the feeling of being stuck in a horror movie. The phrase creatures of the night kept going through Larry’s head.
Just as they were being served their eggs, Jack passed by on his way out. “If
we lose power, you guys are welcome to stay with me,” he said, “instead of
climbing ten flights of stairs.”
They smiled politely and Rube said, “Let’s see what happens,
but thanks for the invitation.”
After Jack left, Larry started to laugh. “It couldn’t hurt our careers to sleep
with the boss.”
Without thinking about what he was saying, Rube answered, “Shit man, I’d much rather sleep with you.”
He turned white after he said it, until Larry answered, “Then let’s get back upstairs while we still can.” Talk about getting a shock!
The stair well was well lit, but about halfway up, the lights went out. Little red emergency lights came on at each landing.
“Good thing we didn’t use the elevator,” Larry said.
“Good thing you know something about hurricanes,” Rube noted.
They entered their darkened room and locked the door, but again, they did not use the security lock. Both men knew what they wanted, but they were distinctly uncomfortable. They just stared at each other until Larry broke the ice.
“Aside from our recent shower encounter, and a near encounter with a gay friend, have you ever had sex with a guy before?” he asked.
It took Rube a little while before he answered. “My friends and I used to have circle jerks after we learned how to jack off, but that was it. In college, I did let my gay friend give me a blow job once or twice (why did I ever tell him that? Larry thought with regret. I’ve never revealed that to anyone before.) He also assured me that a stiff cock massaging my prostate was the ultimate in male sexual satisfaction, but I wouldn’t let him fuck me. I watched a gay porn film once, and I won’t lie, I got turned on. Of course, I never acted on it, but sometimes I think about the film when I’m whacking off. How about you?”
“I never did circle jerks,” Larry answered, “but I heard about them. I had a close buddy and we used to jerk off together after school in his house. His parents both worked and were never home when we got out of school. Once, and only once, we jerked each other off, like we did in the shower. After our lust was over, we were both sure we were headed for hell on an express train, and we never did it again. In fact, we even stopped jacking off together. I did fuck my gay friend once, and he did cum. During the whole experience I never touched his cock.” Rube could not imagine why he had revealed that long buried secret to Larry. Well, it was too late for retractions.
They both had revealed secrets to each other they thought would go to the grave with them. Even so, it seemed to be OK. No regrets! They were certain that they could trust each other.
“Larry,” Rube said, “we’re talking too much. I know what I want and I think you want it too. If we hate it and never want to do it again, we’ll chalk it up to sexual experimentation and never talk of it again.”
“Sure,” Larry said. He leaned into Rube and started to kiss him. As they kissed, Rube undid his belt and let his slacks slide down. He stepped out of them and his cock was fully exposed.
“How well do you remember that porn film?” Larry asked. Then answering his own question with another question, he asked, “Well enough to guide us through?”
“I remember it vividly,” Rube answered. “Let’s see if we have running water in the shower. That’s a good place to start.”
The shower was still working but the water was tepid at best. “Don’t worry,” Larry said. “The water never gets colder than this in South Florida.” They stepped in and began to soap each other all over.
“The film started like this,” Rube recited. “When both guys were clean and had rinsed off all the soap, one leaned against the shower wall and stuck his butt out. The other got on his knees and started rimming his partner. After the rimming he stood up, soaped his cock again and entered his buddy through the rear. They both seemed to enjoy it immensely. It’s OK if you fuck me first.”
“Are you sure?” Larry asked.
“Just do it before I change my mind. We’re talking too much again and analyzing
too much. Let’s just have fun.”
Larry thought he could never rim Rube, but when he did, he was shocked at how sweet Rube’s ass hole smelled. It had no odor at all, and Larry did not miss the smell of cunt at all. He made sure he was well soaped and slimy when he finally entered Rube. Rube flinched when Larry’s cock pushed passed his sphincter, but all in all, Larry slipped in easily.
“Don’t move,” Rube instructed. Larry pushed in as far as he could, wrapped his arms around Rube, and held him tight. Rube turned his face and he started to kiss Larry. Rube had felt stabbing pain at first, but now the pain was subsiding and he felt pleasure. Larry’s cock was lying against his prostate, but he didn’t realize it.
“You can fuck me now,” he instructed Larry.
Larry’s hand found Rube’s cock and he wrapped his hand around it. He started to fuck gently, sensually. As he did so he continued to hold Rube’s cock in his hand but he did not stroke it at all. Rube’s receptacle was even hotter and tighter than Luann’s. Larry was lost in some rhapsodic elsewhere. He began to make little purring and moaning sounds. Suddenly reality struck him. “I’m going to cum babe (babe?),” he said.
“Do it,” Larry yelled over the running water. “Fill me with your cum.” And Larry fully obliged. He must have spurted out at least eight times before his orgasm began to subside. Rube had turned again and he was kissing Larry passionately. Larry was unaware of everything except that he had just had the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced in his life. They stayed coupled until Larry softened and fell out. They continued showering and then dried off and got into bed, hugging each other tightly.
Lying in bed, they kissed and fondled. Larry spoke first. “How could we know?” he wondered. “That was awesome. After we recover, please fuck me. I want you to feel what I felt.” Then as a second thought, Larry asked, “How did you feel, babe?” (Babe again. Rube did not know what to make of it, but he did know that he liked the sound of it.)
“During the whole time,” Rube answered, “I felt like I was about to cum, but I didn’t quite make it. It was a fantastic feeling. I want you to feel it also.”
Neither man realized that more than sex had just transpired between them. They had expressed desires to please the other one, and for the first time in their lives, pleasing themselves came second.
“Are you ready to fuck me now?” Larry asked. “I can’t wait.”
“I’m ready,” Rube answered, but there’s something I want badly to do first.
“What’s that?” Larry asked. Rube smiled at Larry, bent over and started to lick Larry’s cock. The limp tool came instantly to life. When it was hard again, Rube took as much of it into his mouth, and sucked earnestly. When he came up for air, he said, “I didn’t expect this at all, but you taste real good.”
When Rube had enough of sucking Larry’s cock, he took some body cream from his toiletries. He filled Larry’s ass with it and generously lubed his cock. Larry rolled over on his back and put a pillow under his buttocks. Seconds later, Rube was entering Larry. It hurt like hell, but Larry stuck it out until finally the pain left him and pleasure invaded his body.
“Fuck me now,” Larry said, and Rube fucked as if his life depended on it, or maybe Larry’s life. Just as he came high up Larry’s ass, the window came crashing in. Fortunately neither of them was cut or hurt. They gathered up all the bed covers, linens and pillows and ran into the bathroom. The small room was hot and dark. They lined the bath with covers and pillows from one bed, and the floor next to it with covers and pillows from the other bed.
“I have something to tell you,” Larry said as they tried to get comfortable. “If this disaster had to happen, I’m glad I’m sharing it with you. Something has happened to me, something I would never have dreamed of in a million years. I’ve fallen in love with you. How could I ever fuck a girl again after the pleasure you just gave me.”
Rube grabbed hold of Larry in the dark. “I feel the same way,” he said. Remember the lyrics from Some Enchanted Evening? Who can explain it? Who can tell you why? I love you, without apology and without explanation. I’m crazy enough to be glad we’re stuffed together in a stuffy bathroom.”
They made love all the rest of that day and far into the night until they fell asleep. When they awoke, the room was quiet. The wind had stopped howling and the fronds had stopped crashing against the window. There was still no power, but they got dressed and went down to the lobby using the stairs. They reported the damage, not that the hotel could repair it right then, but they were assigned another room on the fifth floor.
The seminarians were assembled and told that the seminar was over. They could stay on in the hotel until the airport reopened. Jack laughingly said that he wanted to book South Beach again, but not during hurricane season, but rather during the winter.
True to his word, two years later, the seminar was scheduled in South Beach again during the month of February. This time Rube and Larry travelled down together. They packed their bags and the limo picked them up at their home. You see they had sold their homes and bought a house together right on the New York, New Jersey border, at the junction of their territories.
When they saw Jack in the hotel, they were stunned. He must have lost at least thirty, maybe even forty pounds and he looked fantastic. Who knew how handsome he was? This time they hugged and kissed and made plans to do some gay bars together during the week of the seminar.
As they were unpacking in the same room in which they had weathered the hurricane (they had actually requested it), Larry said, “I know there will be no storm, but if something freaky like that happened, I wouldn’t mind at all. He kissed Rube and they went downstairs to dinner.
Posted: 11/05/10