Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018-2019 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 37
Gerhard took me directly to the Administration Building where a lunch meeting was to be held in the Conference Room. Maji, Dildar, Hassan, Jim and Scotty were waiting in Reception for me, so we went directly to our meeting.
When I opened the double doors, six voices said, “Hi, Boss!” in unison. Our newest young men were waiting to meet us. They had not been given clothes yet. All six were under five feet tall, exceptionally handsome and perfectly formed, muscular midgets. One had to be no more than two and a half and three feet tall. And when I say, ‘perfectly formed,’ I mean down to their incredible physiques and impressive appendages rising in salute to us. We gave them a round of applause as we chuckled at the greeting.
They came around the table to shake hands and tell us their names. Dildar was the first in our ‘receiving line’ and leave it to him to kick things up a notch. With his right hand, he shook the newcomers’ extended hand — and with his left hand, he shook the newcomers’ extended cock. Each of us in turn followed suit, and I did not remember anybody’s name at that point.
Scotty pulled off his Tee shirt and stripped off his shorts. “I’m getting comfortable and ready for lunch,” he remarked.
“Sounds good to me,” Hassan said as he followed Scotty’s example, stripping.
Soon everyone was naked. I had previously suggested that we alternate big guy – little guy at the table and had arranged for thicker cushions in every other seat to accommodate the “little men’s” height. I pressed the hidden buzzer under my foot to let the servers know we were ready to eat. They were wearing only a tie-dye apron around their waist with them tied at the back and the long strings hanging between their “cheeks.”
As we ate, we told the newcomers about life here at the Crystal Rainbow and what would be expected of them.
“What would you guys say is our number one priority?
hot ginger sitting next to Majid raised his hand and said, “Money!”
“Nope! That’s down around number five,” I told him. “The number one thing for us is the satisfaction and pleasure of our guests, clients, and customers. Just think about it. If they are happy and satisfied, the money will come, more guests will come, the sex will come.” I looked at him and asked, “You know what I mean ….” I looked at Ginger, hoping he would give me his name again.
“Verndale McGillicuddy. But I go by Vern.”
“So, you know what I mean, Vern?”
“That I do! I get to suck them or let them fuck me anytime they want to!”
Shaking my head in frustration, I replied, “I wouldn’t have gone that far, but that’s the extreme of what I’m getting at.”
The entire table was laughing, except for Jim, who interjected a clarification. “I am going on record here and now that we would NEVER ask you to do anything that you would find offensive, repulsive or objectional. When it comes to sexual interaction with anyone, guests or staff, you’re your own man to decide what you want to do or not do. You will have TOTAL freedom in your personal choices. That goes for guests, or any of us. You have absolute freedom to say, ‘NO!’”
“You will be asked to perform for our guests at times,” I continued. “It may be on the stage of the Club, or a private party I’m having at the Palace, or being featured in a video for Majid. You are always free to say, ‘No’ if you don’t want to participate. Butt – with two ‘t’s’ – Scotty is our gymnastic trainer, and there are several dancers who may create a routine for you guys on stage. You’re welcome to go nude whenever you want to — except when we have a Code Yellow or Red alert. Dill?”
“That will mean Bikini style swimwear will be the minimum required because guests are on site from the general public,” Dildar said. “Code Yellow means male outsiders are visiting, and they are usually here on business. Code Red means female outsiders are visiting – Period! Front gate security will signal which is required.”
“Scotty,” I said, and he picked up the briefing.
“We meet in the gym most mornings for a couple of hours workout,” Scotty picked up. “It may be any variety of practices, from acrobatics, calisthenics, dancing, gymnastics, pumping iron, wrestling. We always finish up swimming laps in the pool – or horsing around in the pool!” {A variety of excited reactions!} “Starting Monday, we’ll go through some exercises to learn what you’re good at and what you enjoy in the fitness realm.”
“Your first public appearance will be at our party at the Palace the weekend before Christmas,” I continued. “You will portray Santa’s elves, passing out gifts to a group of guests. Elves are reputed to be good for some outrageous hijinks, and I hope you will be up for the occasion.” {Enthusiastic, positive reactions!} “During the week leading up to Christmas, you will appear at the Club in your elfin costumes, playing up to the customers. Just don’t outshine the dancers. They might get pissed – and they’re bigger than you are.” {More laughter.}
“Then New Year’s Eve, you will appear at parties at the Palace, the Club, and the Lodge as ‘Baby New Year.’ Yes, you’ll wear a very skimpy diaper and a sash with the ‘New Year’ on it. Scotty and the choreographers will work out the routines with you after Christmas.
For Valentine’s Day, you’ll appear as Cupids. And the costuming will be minimal, except for the wings which will allow you to fly.”
“No shit!” “Fukkin’ A!” “Hot damn!” “You gotta be shittin’ us!”
“I shit you not!” I replied. “Does everybody swim?”
The responses ranged from ‘Like a fish’ to ‘You gotta see my dolphin strokes.’
“Perfect, because I’d like for you to put on mermen costumes and perform for some of our guests. We have an aquarium with real tropical fish that will give the illusion of your swimming with those fish as viewed from the other side of the aquarium. Then the March Palace party will have all of you Leprechauns celebrating the Luck of the Irish. These are just a few things you will be involved with.”
Maji picked up at this point. “Everybody loves midget wrestling, and I want to do some videos of you guys in wrestling matches. These will not be staged and totally unscripted. It’ll be REAL wrestling, with the loser — uh — paying homage to the winner on camera. Winner’s choice of his reward.”
Six excited little muscle men, jumping up and down on their chairs, and so excited I thought they would shoot loads all over the table.
About this time, the servers brought in our dessert, a large male cake brownie with whipped cream and a cherry on top. That got everyone’s attention and our newcomers calmed down for some more food. {It’s male because it’s got nuts!}
Before lunch was over, I told our newbies about the sports car perk our guys have. Akio exclaimed, “I know what kind I want!” We all looked at him. “I want one that a miniature Jedi could drive!”
“What kind is that?” Dildar asked.
All the Munchkins shouted at the same time, “A Toy Yoda!”
I gave Akio a stern look, pointed at him and announced, “You’re fired!”
Everyone looked at me, stunned, and Jim asked, “Who do you think you are? The Donald?”
“Nobody! – nobody! – is allowed to make worse puns than I do! Comprendez?”
Everybody at the table, in unison said, “Yes, boss!”
After lunch, Dildar took our newbies to their apartments which were specifically designed for their smaller size. Everybody else went their own separate ways. I went to the Palace and saw that the live 15-foot tree was in place in the center of the entrance hall, at the curve of the stairs. There were a thousand miniature lights of all colors on it, and all kinds of ornaments from top to bottom which expanded this year’s theme, The Twelve Days of Christmas. Jamal and Arman determined what the entire staff would like to have and arranged to have their gifts wrapped, labeled and delivered. The house staff were piling the presents under the tree, which for a hundred plus people took up a lot of space. Dylan was supervising the operation.
Maji, Dylan and I were transported to Chevy Chase for Christmas Day and spent it with Greta, Robbie and the Staunton family. New Year’s Eve was a big event at the ranch with big parties at the Club and the Palace.
* * * * *
When we first got settled in at the Crystal Rainbow, we bought half page ads in several of the major gay oriented magazines, using Scotty as our featured ‘hot stud’ with some of the dancers in their tie-dye Speedos in the background. There were pictures of the Club, the Lodge and the Palace in the layout. At the same time, we sent invitations to those magazines inviting their owner/publisher/senior editor and a guest to join us for our New Year’s Eve blowout. We got acceptances from The Advocate, David Atlanta, Blue Boy, Freshmen, Black Inches, Men, Mandate, Playguy, Out Front, and XY Magazine. Our reply to their acceptance reminded them that they and their “Plus-One” would share a King bed for the two of them, and a bathroom with another couple. The original ad had been accompanied by a six-month contract; their acceptance of the invitation got them a full year contract for a half-page ad, and two round-trip first-class reservations from their home office on a flight to and from Atlanta, except the Atlanta-based publications. They would arrive on December 30th and leave January 2nd.
The meet-and-greet cocktail party was held on the deck of the “Tropical Rainforest” (Palace pool area); dress code: Bikini Swim Suit. A dozen of our staff mingled with the guests, and each got an offer to appear in a future issue of the magazines. They all turned down the offers since they were closet-clones and not the host hunks!
As the evening progressed, we adjourned to the basement O.R. (Orgy Room), and our little mermen got to perform in the pool for the guests. Some of those little guys could hold their breaths for an incredibly long time, and they put on one helluva show. They chased each other around the pool, pretended to butt-fuck each other and grab at each other’s frontal bulges that were covered with realistic fishy-looking, form fitting Lycra that ended in large fins. You’ve seen mermaid costumes like this. Each had a different color fish tail, accented with contrasting colored scales all over it. But all had flippers of rainbow colors.
Kato and Manu, two of the Munchkin mermen, got into a scuffle underwater near the aquarium. Some of the other guys tried to break it up, but the two were not having any of that. I called up to the deck to learn what was going on. Ryan and Caleb were the lifeguards on duty. Caleb answered the phone.
going on in the pool?” I asked him.
“Just some horsing around,” he replied. “They told us before they went in the water you said to put on good show, and since they can stay underwater the longest, this is their show. They just popped up for air— now they’re going back under. We’re on this, boss.”
“Good! This is more than I was expecting as a good show. Tell ‘em when they finish, it was a damned great show! Thanks, Caleb. Just keep a close eye on them.”
“The other little guys in there know about it, and are ready if they need help,” Caleb assured me.
“I don’t need a stroke tonight!”
“Well, if you do – I’ll come down and stroke it for you,” Caleb commented. “Bye!”
Maji came up to me, with a questioning look on his face. “They’re horsing around,” I told him. “It was planned with Caleb and Ryan ahead of time.”
“As the Brits would say, ‘jolly good show,’” Maji replied with an English accent. “These guys here are eating it up.”
I looked over his shoulder and saw the orgy was well underway. “Shall we join them, or just observe?” I asked.
“Let’s join them. Hell, it’s fresh meat,” Maji replied. “And we’ll get to know each other better.”
The next
day, we gave our guests a tour of the entire property. After breakfast, we went
over to the studio and watched Maji’s group record a wrestling match between two
of our hunks. Carlos is from Brazil and Zak from Peru. They both work in the
gardening and landscaping areas. They’re not tall, but they’re solid muscles.
Both wore loincloths traditional to their countries.
The wrestling ring is at floor level, rather than raised. Seats are set up on two sides with two rows on each side. The cameramen are shooting from the two opposite sides, so audience can be seen in the background from both ringside cameras. The overhead camera covers the ring only, and is used for cut-away shots, if needed. All three cameras have microphones attached, but the overhead mike picks up the sound we normally use on the recording. The floor manager is the bell-ringer and time keeper.
The match was rough and raunchy. Gut punches, body slams, ball grabs, nipple twisting, and claw holds were all very real. There were no punches pulled, and each took as good as he gave. Our guests seem to really get into the action. They yelled, cheered, heckled, and acted like pro wrestling fanatics. Of course, they got good views of some elements that may be edited out in the earlier releases, then re-edited to include them after a few years. {Read that as exposed body parts which would be for their eyes only!} They loved the scissor holds with the face buried firmly in the crotch. It took about twenty-five minutes before there was a tap-out and submission.
Pete, the floor manager, set a container of lube at the side of the ring. The winner stripped off both loincloths, pushed his opponent to the mat, dripped some lube on his fingers and rammed them up a waiting rectum. He added some to his very adequate manhood, aimed his canon at the winking hole, and shoved all the way in. His ‘victim’ hollered in pain. {Probably acting, because he’s taken that much and more, frequently.}
The audience was visibly reacting to the show, rubbing themselves, and becoming increasingly caught up in the action. After about five minutes of fucking and pumping, both wrestlers showed signs of reaching the point of no return. Both were watching the men at the side of the ring, and with perfect timing, the winner pulled out and both released simultaneously. Several of the men reacted more than others, as their pants showed evidence of their release.
{You really thought I would tell who won and who lost?
You’ll have to see the video to find that out! Sheeze!}
To be continued...Posted: 03/15/19