Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018-2019 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 30
Cal, Aunt Millie, Howie, Greta and Robbie all flew down from Washington on the same flight. Jim had gotten their First-Class tickets together since they all are fluent in AMSLAN, having known Greta since she was a baby. He arranged for the limo to bring them from the airport to the ranch. He also arranged all the guests’ flights from everywhere in the world, and limo service from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The architects and the bankers are staying at the resort and will arrive at varied times. Jeff and Jennine will stay with us at the ‘castle’ too. Harvey and Bev Allen, and Dan and Ginger Hopkins will fly in on Friday from Reagan National together. Jim has done an incredible job putting all this together in a short time. The company has gotten a limo for our own use, but we haven’t put the logo on it yet. It’s scheduled to get the paint job the first week of December. The company cars/SUVs came from local dealerships and will get logos added when we can arrange it. The temporary tags are still on them.
Dildar stationed himself with the Security team at the entrance to the ranch, since he knows everyone and so he could let me know they had arrived. Hassan was at the resort, so he could welcome those scheduled to go there. Security had a list of where to direct everyone, and a map of the complex to give the drivers.
“Grant, the Senator and his party are on their way to you,” Dil told me by mobile phone.
“Thanks, Dil.” I was very excited to see my family again, although it had only been a month that I was away. They were just as excited to see me, this time on location.
I was standing on the front veranda when the limo pulled under the portico. Howie sat up front with the driver, Greta and Robbie were in the middle row and Cal and Millie were in the back. The driver opened the doors on his side for Robbie and Millie, while I got the door for Greta, and Cal got his own door. Three of our houseboys followed me out to get the luggage. Igor is Russian, Sumate is Thai, and Umar is from Ethiopia. I got big hugs from all our guests, and before taking everyone inside, shook hands with the driver and gave him a C-note as a tip. Of course, everyone was impressed with the palace, especially when they got inside to see the ‘tropical rainforest,’ as Howie called the pool area. I had emailed everyone to bring swimsuits because they could use the indoor pool and hot tub.
loved being able to look through the aquarium with its variety of tropical
fish. I showed them to the elevator behind the grand staircase. Their luggage
was already in their rooms when they got to them.
About an hour later, Dil called up from Security to let me know Jeff and Jennine were on their way up. He also told me that several of the other guests had arrived at the resort. And about a half hour later, I got a call from Hassan that the bankers had arrived and were settled into their rooms. I reminded him to have them and the architects at the palace by 5:30 for cocktails and a general meet-and-greet. It’s all casual this weekend. Wearing neckties is a bigger sin than being gay! I’m sure it was some guy named “Satan” who invented those chokers!
We were all working on our first drinks in the sunroom, adjacent to the ballroom and dining room, when I saw the cars coming up the driveway. I excused myself from the guests, nodded to Maji to join me, and told the group of guys who were making up the combo to play easy-listening music until dinner to start performing. Maji and I greeted everyone at the front door. The new arrivals filled up the ballroom nicely. They found the bar set up at the opposite end from the combo, and everyone started mingling. Millie, Greta and Jennine were the only women in the group of men. Lucky them!
I got a message from Jamal that he and Arman had everything under control with Howie and Jim and for me to just relax and enjoy the party. He concluded by saying, “Have a drink on me!” Thanks, I needed that! Over the next hour, the six of us who make up the Board of Directors got around to speaking with everyone there. Jamal was true to his word. Jim greeted Howie just as he did everyone else. They did not take a long time to talk and Jim moved on after being polite and cordial to him. Majid, Dildar, Hassan and Scotty chatted with Greta and Robbie. Millie was surprised to see them signing like old friends. From the short time that Scotty stayed with us, he had picked up a lot of signs and did an admirable job talking with the couple. The two sometimes had to spell words for him, but he made them feel important. I’m very proud of him!
A few minutes later, I got a shocker myself. I was talking with Greta and Robbie when a hunky young redhead came up to me. Dylan is very good at floral arranging and has made several suggestions about the décor in the house which were very astute. He also cares for the plants in the ‘tropical rainforest.’ When he approached me, I acknowledged his presence, and he signed that dinner was ready to be served while he spoke the words for everyone. I had no idea he could sign. I asked him how he learned, and he told me his parents were deaf and he’s been signing all his life. Some signs are different in Scotland than America, but Greta and Robbie could understand him. I thanked him, both orally and signed. I put my arm around his shoulder, pulling him to me and whispered that we would talk later. Then I announced that the group would adjourn to the dining room where everyone would find their souvenir place cards for tonight’s dinner.
Staunton family, Greta, Robbie and I were at the same table, with Aunt Millie
and Greta on either side of me. Dylan was our server, so everyone was very
comfortable. Majid was at a table with Jeff, Jennine, two of the bankers and an
architect, while Jim and Hassan sat with four architects and Scotty and Dildar
sat with four bankers. There will be a grand shuffle for breakfast and
Thanksgiving dinner. A string quartet performed during the meal. Most of the
music for the evening was easy-listening arrangements of mostly 20th
century show tunes and hit parade toppers – only a few of the centuries old
Chef Emile prepared an outstanding Thanksgiving Eve dinner. Fresh citrus fruit was at the table when we arrived, along with a round slice of Iceberg lettuce lying on a drizzle of Thousand Island dressing, fresh chopped chives, diced celery, slivers of radishes, then a dollop of Roquefort dressing and chunks of the Roquefort cheese on top. When the fruit cups were cleared from the table, Chef rolled in a carving cart with three crowns of Lamb Pilaf, to applause from the diners, which he then carved. The servers brought in the plates with servings of succotash and roasted Brussel sprouts Parmesan. Chef served the lamb and rice, then the plates were delivered to the various tables. For dessert, Pastry Chef Kato prepared a berry mousse that was beautiful and delicious, even after all the other food. Our sommelier, Vinicio, selected excellent wines to pair with the lamb and the dessert. When we finished eating, I sent word to Emile that I would like the entire kitchen staff to come in, so we could express our appreciation. They did a magnificent job on the premier dinner party. They’ll have something to live up to from now on.
After dinner, everyone mingled and got to know each other. The limo and cars arrived to take those staying at The Lodge back, and those of us staying at the palace, went up to our rooms. I made sure Robbie and Greta knew where everything was, and I would be available to them for anything they needed. Jamal confirmed to me that he and Arman would be ‘on duty’ all night for them. Maji and I were so tired, we slept very well that night.
Thanksgiving morning, the ‘room-service’ guys delivered thermal carafes of coffee and hot water to brew tea with mugs, cream and sweeteners to each of the occupied rooms. They let everyone know that breakfast would be a buffet in the dining room at 9:00 o’clock. Angel was responsible for breakfast and he had everything from eggs, meats, freshly made rolls, and F.R.O.G. jam (that’s fig, red raspberry, orange peel, and ginger – OMG, is it good!?). The guys brought coffee around for us and had tea available. His staff got a round of applause after breakfast.
We took a tour of the palace and visited with each other. I invited Dylan to join us, so Greta and Robbie could get to know him better. Around noon, I suggested we inaugurate the indoor ‘tropical rainforest.’ Dylan is one of the lifeguards for the facility and Ryan is another. He is from Australia and is part of the Security team, assigned to the ‘castle,’ so we have two hot, hunky lifeguards in their rainbow tie-dyed Speedos to enjoy.
For a sixty-plus woman, Aunt Millie is well preserved. Seeing her in a swimsuit, one would not guess her to be that old. Jennine is one hot chick and is stunning in her two-piece. Greta is quite attractive – after all she is my sister – and fills out a one-piece swimsuit very nicely. Cal — is Cal. Overweight, but not excessively obese. Howie is a hunky, firm, well-built man. He would turn heads at the beach anytime. Robbie is still in wrestling shape and works on staying that way regularly. Greta is marrying one smoking stud! And Jeff, in a short-cut swimsuit, could curl my toes anytime! I’d give him a romp in the hay in a heartbeat. But he only has eyes for Jennine. But I still like the view from here. Oh, to get him in a locker room or gym shower. Yum-yum!
Cal was the only one who did not get in the pool. The rest of us enjoyed splashing around. I called everyone’s attention to the fish swimming at the one end of the pool and indicated where the steps leading to the hot-tub were at the other. We all dipped underwater to watch the fish, then one-by-one came up for air. Jennine and Jeff swam down to the far end to climb out and go up to the tub. When they got in the tub, Jennine called out, “How are you doing down there?” as she and Jeff waved to us. Then they sat for a soothing soak.
two scorching lifeguards were standing on the same side, chatting with each
other while keeping watch on the rest of us in the pool. They are quite a
contrast to each other. Ryan is tall, with an incredible body and tanned skin,
black hair and the bluest eyes. OMG, I’ve never seen any man any prettier than
Ryan. I want to eat every bit of him, from head to toe. Next to him, Dylan is
a couple of inches shorter, also built like a brick shithouse. He has the
palest skin I’ve seen on anyone, and the freckles are as sexy as hell! It’s no
wonder I’m so attracted to ginger men, and women.
Then I get a glimpse of Maji walking into the pool area, wearing a yellow bikini, and I nearly released a load in my suit from overload of hot, sexy men. Maji’s dark, Arab skin, his magnificent build, just the right amount of fur on his chest and trailing down into his suit, and his incredible smile. I couldn’t hold it back any longer and lost it there in the pool. Fortunately, it stayed inside my suit until I could get over to the side near a circulation outlet. I make sure it all is drawn through the cleaning/recycling system.
When I turned around, Howie was looking at me, then he glanced up to the three men at poolside and back to me, and signed, ‘Did you?’ I blushed and nodded. He closed his eyes, and just shook his head slowly. I ducked underwater and swam toward the aquarium. When I surfaced, I turned toward my guests. Millie, Greta and Robbie were on the far side of the pool talking with Cal, who had his feet splashing in the water. Howie was talking with Maji and the lifeguards. Jeff and Jennine were on their way down from the hot-tub.
Howie may have suggested that Dylan join the signing group because he walked tentatively over to them, sat on the side, then slowly slid into the water. Robbie immediately started a conversation with him, while Greta continued chatting with Cal and Millie. Seeing Robbie and Dylan taking to each other made me feel good. Dylan was becoming more relaxed in his company, as before he was ‘just a servant’ for us. Robbie was making the young redhead more comfortable as a potential friend.
I swam up to Jeff and Jennine, and we got into a conversation when Maji joined us in the water. He blurted out the question, “When are you two going to tie the knot?”
“What makes you think we’re ready for that?” Jeff asked.
“Give me a break, Witherspoon. You two have been obvious to me since Grant joined the team. Maybe I just learned what to look for once we found each other.”
“I wasn’t going to bring up the subject, but I’ve also noticed how you two act around each other. Just like Maji and me,” I added.
“We’re not that bad, are we?” Jennine asked, sarcastically.
“Who else has brought up the subject?” I asked. “And when are you going to start wearing the required diamond?”
“I have it in the room and I usually wear it away from GNN people.” Jennine answered. “We try to keep everything professional between us at work.”
“What profession is that?” Maji asked. He should have expected what came next. Jennine gave him a hard shove, knocking him off balance and underwater. He came up spluttering and laughing.
Ryan was in the water, heading for us as soon as Maji started to lose his balance. He grabbed Maji around the chest and arms to help him up. Now we had everyone’s attention.
“You deserved that, Mustafa,” Jeff commented. “Maybe you’ll learn not to talk about my girl like that. She can defend herself. I’m just here to back her up against someone she can’t handle.”
“Oohh! I heard that!” I said.
At this point, Cal hollered to us, “Is that clock right? Have we missed the Falcons kick-off?”
“That’s one way to break up a party,” Millie observed, as Howie and Dylan helped Cal up off the deck.
We went to our rooms, dressed then came back down to watch the game in the library. The ladies went out to the Sunroom, where Vinicio served them tea. I took commercial breaks to check on them, but Vinny was on top of everything.
After Atlanta trounced Detroit 27 to 7, we all got ready for dinner. The guys from the resort arrived and we sat down to an incredible, traditional Thanksgiving meal – turkey (of course), yam casserole, asparagus with cheese sauce, green bean casserole, cornbread with chestnut dressing, loaded mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, homemade biscuits and rolls, cranberry gelatin–fruits–chopped nuts salad, pumpkin pie, Georgia pecan pie, and my grandmother’s recipe grated apple pie.
I had whispered to Dylan that everyone at our table should get the apple pie. Greta took one bite of her slice and hit me hard on my arm. She signed “Grandma” while saying the word and pointing to the pie. I nodded with a smirk on my face, and she burst into tears. I reached over to hold her as she sobbed into my chest. I was teary also. Aunt Millie signed to Robbie while telling everyone else that it was our grandmother’s recipe which had caused Greta’s reaction.
The Americans were thoroughly impressed, and the foreigners were in total disbelief. Those of us who sampled everything were glad for the Kistler California Chardonnay to help it process properly. Vinicio had ordered two cases of the 2000 vintage, which he kept chilled in the basement. Naturally, the kitchen staff got a round of applause for the memorable meal.
To be continued...
Posted: 01/25/19