Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018-2019 by the author)
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Chapter 28
The next morning, when Jamal told me everyone was assembled and waiting for us, we filed in as we would sit at the table: Hassan, Dildar, Majid, me, Jim and Scotty. As we entered, everyone stood and applauded for us. An equally big surprise was the T-shirts they were wearing – everyone had on a tie-dye shirt, utilizing the six colors of the rainbow. But they were not all identical. There was one predominate color (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, or purple), with the others used to a lesser extent. It would be perfect to have this as the theme for all the staff who interact with the public; bartenders, waiters, barbacks, busboys, etc. Mentally, I asked Jamal whose idea that was. He replied it was Arman’s. ‘Thank you, Arman! Thank you very much! A brilliant idea!’ I was beaming!
We sat at the table and as the applause died down, I spoke to the group. “Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you for your greeting and thank you for being a part of our tribute to the gay brotherhood who mean so much to those of us here on the platform. This is a new project which we hope to grow here in the Atlanta, Georgia, and Six Flags Over Georgia region. We want to raise another flag to join the ones already flying here, The Rainbow Flag. {Applause and feet stamping.} There will be several areas which we will focus on, but I’m sure you want to know what you will do and where you will live.
“That’s why these other men are here with me. We oversee the company that runs this project and you will at some time encounter each of us. I am Grant Richards. This started out as my fantasy and has become real now. On the far end is Hassan Hassan who is responsible for personnel issues, the resort, and the golf course. {More applause and feet stamping.} Next to Hassan is his best friend, Dildar Fadel who will oversee the security of the entire complex. {Again, applause and feet stamping.} Those of you who work in that area will get to know him very well.
“Between Dildar and me is Majid Mustafa. {Applause and feet stamping.} We worked together and became — more — than best friends, if you know what I mean! (Laughter, whistling, applause and feet stamping.) Majid will be responsible for everything that goes on with the video and sound productions. He will be the Executive Producer, Director, Senior Cameraman and Senior Editor on all productions. He and I are also the owners of this company. We provide the money that will pay your salaries. {Applause and foot stamping.} So be nice to us! {More laughter, applause and foot stamping!}
“To my right is Jim Guthrie, who will oversee the entire Crystal Rainbow operation. {Applause and foot stamping.} He comes to us from the United States Department of State. He has contacts with every country in the world, except maybe North Korea, so don’t piss him off or tempt him to send you home. In other words, kiss his ass or suck his cock every day and he’ll be happy!” {Uproar laughter, whistling, applause and foot stamping.}
I looked over at Jim as he turned red as a beet. He looked at me and mouthed the word, ‘Bastard.’ All the other guys at the table were laughing too. I leaned over to him, putting my arm around his neck, pulling him over to me and kissing his cheek. He tried to push me away, but I held on to him.
“The man to my far right is Scott Jonas. He is our Treasurer and is the one who signs your paychecks!” The entire audience stood, whistled and applauded. As the applause subsided, I continued, “That’s one way to get on his good side! {Laughter.} Beside a financial whiz-kid, Scotty is also an accomplished gymnast and acrobat. He will be working with the performers to enhance their routines with some athletics beyond the expected performance. Just to kick things up a notch. Scotty, why don’t you kick off what you have in mind?”
stood, then went into a gymnastic routine. The group went wild when he
finished. He sat back down and explained his relationship to them. The rest of
us did the same, so everyone would understand what they could expect from us and
what we expect of them.
“One of the perks, or benefits, of being a part of this family is that we will take care of you every way possible. You will have time for yourselves and doing things that interest you, outside of the confines of the ranch here. You will need transportation to get you to and from your home here. So, with some limitations, each of you can select a two-seater sports car, or for a few who would prefer something else, you can choose a Jeep Wrangler Junior Sport.” {Clapping and stomping and hollering.} “I said with limitations — no two can be exactly alike.” {Murmurs of agreement from the group.}
“Now there are two guys whom we couldn’t do without,” I told them. “They have been with Majid and me from the beginning, and I must say they have worked their magic every step of the way. They are Persian, and I like to refer to them as our jinn.” I looked over at them standing behind a curtain. “I see they have dressed the part today, too. They are Jamal and Arman. Come on out, guys!”
They walked on the platform dressed as they were when we met them, complete with the sheer harem style pants revealing their massive erections and ‘Prince Albert’ rings. Everyone sat with their jaws dragging the floor. Jim and Scotty were in total shock. They looked at each other, then at me with a “What the fuck!?” expression. Of course, most of the audience had seen them at one time or another – just not in their Persian clothing or at their full size. After the initial shock subsided, the whole building went crazy with cheering, stamping feet, and applause. The two jinn came to the table and stood behind Maji and me, putting both hands on our shoulders, leaned over and kissed us on each cheek – face cheek, that is!
“These guys will continue their work in the background to make sure everything goes as planned. So, let’s not have too many fuck-ups for them to straighten out. But they will help out in emergencies.
“Now let’s break up into groups with our advisors here for what is expected of each of you.”
We separated into the various sound stages for the next phase of explanation of what we wanted. The two jinn made a quiet exit.
* * * * *
For the next couple of weeks, everyone got settled in. The cooks made a variety of foods for everybody to sample and vote on which would be added to the menus at the Club, The Lodge (which we’ve started calling the resort) and palace (or castle – take your pick). The dancers worked on show routines to be used at 11:45 every night. Scotty worked with them to include more athleticism, both in the show and in their individual performances. The DJs put their play lists together for each dancer, and all the musicians recorded music for use in the club. The bartenders ordered the alcohol for all types of drinks, and beers from all parts of the world that could be served in Georgia. Servers practiced with the guys who ate at the restaurants daily, sampling the varieties of food offered. Maji and his production crews shot various short videos to get everyone comfortable in using the equipment, lighting and performing. We’ve pretty much settled on Crystal Video Productions, Crystal Rainbow Producers, and RWA Productions (Real Wrestling Action) as names we’ll use for our video releases. The landscapers/gardeners worked the garden plots preparing for spring planting and mowing all the lawns around each of the buildings. The original landscapers had planted trees and shrubs around the acreage and fall flowers along the fence lines – and they looked good. Dildar worked with the Security staff on schedules, what to look for and how to interact with guests. Hassan had his Lodge front office guys, housekeeping, restaurant staff and the pool boys’ role playing for the Thanksgiving weekend opening.
I went to my office in the castle and sent email, and formal ‘snail-mail’ invitations to everyone who had helped us get this project going, including the various bankers we had worked with, GNN top people and field staff from Bagdad who knew both Maji and me. The architects would be with us also. I invited Greta and Robbie, Cal and Millie, and Howie to join us for Thanksgiving. They would stay with us in the castle.
I also made sure Jim and Howie would not get close to each other.
“Guthrie, my office … now!” I left the message on his mobile phone and five minutes later he knocked on my open office door.
“You want to see me?” Jim asked.
“Yeah. Close the door.” Jim closed the door and walked over to the desk with a puzzled look on his face. “Have a seat.” I was being quite stern and forceful at this point — ‘the Grant Richards, hard-assed, network investigative news man.’ He took a chair, with concern showing on his face. “Here is a list of the people who will be joining us for Thanksgiving weekend. I’ve indicated who will stay with us at the castle and who will stay at The Lodge. I need first class flight accommodations for all of these. Who will be traveling together, when they are to arrive and return to their point of origin. They will all be guests of the corporation for that weekend. Priority One for you is to make the arrangements with the airlines and limo service we’ve used before and have our standing purchase order authorization. Do you have any questions?”
“I don’t believe so at this time. Is that all?” Jim asked, seemingly anxious to get the hell out of Dodge, or at least my office.
“No, that is not all,” I replied as Jim sank back in his seat. “This — I want — To make — Perfectly clear. You — Are to interact with Howie as little — I repeat — as little as possible while he is here. When it is necessary to be sociable to him, you will treat him as if he ….”
“Was royalty?” Jim interrupted.
“No, not royalty, but royalty’s Personal Representative. Use your thirty years of diplomatic experience when you are around Howie. He is our guest. He is my best friend. If you have a problem with that, then you can find a diplomatic way to solve it. Am — I — Clear?”
“Perfectly clear — Sir!”
“Am I free to leave now, Sir?”
I nodded. Jim stood and took his leave. I warned Jamal and Arman to keep them apart, one way or another, or make sure they behaved.
I think I was hyper the week leading up to Thanksgiving. All that was going on, and Jamal sensed that I needed some relief. It seems he talked with Majid about a night for just the two of us at a private beach on St. Maarten in the Caribbean. One moment, I was in my office at the castle and the next I was standing, naked in a strange room facing Maji, who was also naked.
hot young guys came in the room with trays of food and wines – they each were
wearing just a loin cloth. They served the steaks, potatoes, green bean
casserole, and the best Merlot I’ve ever tasted, then stood back as we started
to eat.
“What the hell is going on?” I asked Maji.
“You need to release some tension. You’ve been uptight for the last month,” he replied. “So, Jamal and Arman arranged this get-away for us before the grand opening.”
“What’s with these
cutie-pies standing there, looking at us?”
“They are both going to get their first experience with man-to-man intercourse while we enjoy their show and our steak.” Maji nodded to them and they started to fondle each other.
We were sitting so we could simultaneously enjoy our filets and watch them experience a once-in-a-lifetime occasion.
As they got more and more into each other, their loin covering tented more and more. Their hands caressed their backs, rubbing down to their teenage bubble buttocks, spreading them and massaging their private opening between. Their tongues delved into their mouths and as far as possible, vying for the depths of their oral passion. Their faces moved to the other’s neck, with tongue laving from shoulder to ear, then giving deserved attention to the sensitive ministrations of the ear. Soon they moved back to servicing their mouths, when one started working his way down to the chest and dark nipples, waiting to be caressed by the desired tongue. Across to the other nipple, begging for its needed attention, on down the firm abdomen which had yet to develop into the ripped washboard of a more mature man.
Maji and I looked at each other briefly, smiling, blowing kisses to each other. Then taking another bite of the delicious meal, turned back to the two lovers who would soon be leaving their teen years behind. We could tell they were anxious to get to the main course of their feast together.
The young man, who was on his knees, had taken the object of his desire about half way to the base and was slowly working his way to reaching their goals of full oral penetration. The next trek down the shining shaft took him all the way. He held his prize tenderly while sucking with his throat and rolling his tongue around the fully engorged Tube of Love. As he pulled off the glistening tube, his lover pulled him to his feet. It was his turn to pleasure his lover with full oral attention.
Following the example previously set, a repeat performance gave Maji and me even more reason to enjoy our sumptuous dinner. By this time, we were ready for our dinner-dessert, a large slice of almond cheesecake on crushed Oreo crust, topped with raspberry drizzle. After-dinner dessert for us would cum later.
Our entertainers had progressed to lying in a 69 position on a chaise longue, encouraging mutual stimulation of their manhood and digital penetration, stretching their anal openings for future use. Apparently, each had previously been using dildos because they did not seem to be in any rectal pain with four fingers stretching them. One of them pulled out of the other’s mouth, indicating he was about to come, so they both rested a minute or so before preparing for true anal penetration.
They turned in the same direction, returning to their kissing and caresses. Soon they were ready; one lay on his back, manhood reaching skyward; the other standing over him, ready to descend on the waiting obelisk. Slowly he enveloped the waiting prize, then paused as he adjusted to the invasion he had surmounted. They smiled as they leaned toward each other, then kissed tenderly. They were ready to continue. Working together, they separated and melded in unison. It seemed to be the ultimate dance, as they rhythmically moved together.
Then they separated, reversing positions, and the fucker became the fuckee and the fuckee became the fucker. They continued their dance of love, their dance of fulfillment, their dance of ecstasy. And only Maji and I were witness to this marriage of two beautiful lives.
They seemed to be nearing their climax, when they separated again. One lay with his shoulders on the floor, hips on the chaise longue, and his legs over his head. The partner straddled him to insert his manhood into the waiting love-chute and leaned over the chaise. Then came the impossible. The one on the floor took hold of his own enormous cock and slid it into his lover’s waiting hole. They were going to fuck each other at the same time.
It only took a few minutes and they both seemed to orgasm simultaneously, both shuddering as they came into their lover’s waiting orifice. Maji and I involuntarily shot our loads all over ourselves as we watched the impossible, ultimate expression of love.
“Did you see what I just saw?” I asked him.
“I don’t believe what I think I saw,” he replied. “I’d like to see Dil and Scotty try that.”
The two boys – hell, no, they are men, and hot men at that – started to remove the serving trays and asked if we required anything else this evening. Maji and I shook our heads.
“You have provided beyond our expectations. Thank you for your services,” I replied.
“We shall see you tomorrow morning with your breakfast.” Then they left us alone.
Maji and I were already in bed, snuggling, so we stayed that way for a while. As we began to get sleepy, we got up to shower and take care of nightly personal care of ourselves.
Back in bed, we rehashed what had happened this evening. That got us worked up for another intimate session with each other. None of the fancy, show performance, but simple one-on-one mutual love. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning, we were awakened by a knocking on the door, then its opening to reveal our two servers with breakfast. They sat the trays on the table. The food looked incredible; Gouda, Edam, and Maasdammer cheeses, strawberries on toast, several types of ham, appelstroop to pour over the toast, and coffee. We used the bathroom then returned to breakfast. Our servers stood to the side as we ate. We tried to make conversation with them, but apparently, they were very limited in understanding much of the languages we speak. My German is close enough to Dutch that I should understand some of their language.
After breakfast, Maji and I stretched out on the bed again. We were still naked, and the two guys removed their loin-cloths. They crawled between our legs and began to service our cocks. I must say, they’re damned great cocksuckers! I would bet they practiced all night long. Maji and I were hard in seconds. They proceeded to use the same methods they used on each other the night before. Maji and I leaned in to each other for a prolonged kiss during our ministrations and slightly turned toward each other. Our servers took advantage of that, turning us on our sides, then wrapping their arms around us, rubbed their own cocks against our vulnerable rear openings. The more they rubbed us, the more they produced pre-cum, thus making their entry more accessible.
It wasn’t a long time, with the two of them working us from the rear, Maji and I working with them from the front, both down below and above at the face level. The four of us were ready. The two boys – men – came within us first, triggering our own release. We all lay on the bed for a long time. The young natives withdrew from us, gathered up the remains of breakfast and left.
We lay in each other’s arms and napped.
To be continued...
Posted: 01/11/19