Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 17
We had a great time stuffing ourselves while chatting about some of our experiences. Maji and I did most of the talking about our months together in Iraq, and how we got our matching bands – the commonly told story, not the real story. Maji asked about Evan and Marc’s birthstone rings.
“These are our commitment rings,” Marc offered. I was born the last part of July and Evan was born the last part of October.”
“He’s the Leo and I’m the Scorpio,” added Evan.
“I don’t know anyone hornier than a Leo unless it’s a Scorpio,” Marc quipped.
“I’ll rise to any occasion to get off. Offer me a pussy, cock, ass, mouth, and I’m ready, willing and able to go to work on it immediately!” Evan said.
“I’m basically a top. Leo’s have a need to be in control always. I will bottom for the right man, but reluctantly.”
“So, if you get pinned in a wrestling match, or lose any competition, you will submit, huh?” I asked.
“Why? Do you think you can take me?” Marc asked.
“Maybe not, but it would be fun to try!” I countered.
Marc looked at Evan, who nodded to him. “Let’s go upstairs to our padded room for some fun.”
I looked at Maji, who was grinning from ear to ear. “Jamal and Arman were right about these two,” he said.
“Who are Jamal and Arman?” Marc asked.
“The friends who gave us your business cards and made the appointment for us.”
“Do they wrestle?” Marc asked.
“Just each other. They’re very monogamous. We’ve only wrestled them once and we both ended up with our asses stretched out of shape. Never again!” I answered.
“Never say never!” Maji interjected, as our jinn laughed so only we could hear.
“You up for a match this evening?” Marc asked.
“Winner tops, type of match?” I asked.
“You’d better believe it!” Muscle Marc replied.
I looked at Maji, who looked back at me with a smirk on his face.
It was then that I heard Jamal ask, “Could you use some extra strength when you need it?”
I thought a moment. ‘Why not?’ I answered him, mentally. ‘Yeah, some extra strength and energy.’ I started feeling the added strength surging through my muscles; shoulders, arms, back, thighs, calves, abs. Every muscle felt firmer, not bigger, but an inward firmness that stretched like a balloon. Even my pecs felt tighter; I know the nipples were protruding and harder than ever before, but that probably was the adrenaline pumping through them. I felt that surge of energy that an infusion of adrenaline will give you. I was ready for Muscle Marc!
third bedroom was outfitted as a ‘padded’ room, as indicated earlier. They must
use pro-wrestling techniques, or they want everything soundproofed.
“What are the house rules?” I asked.
“No holds barred, except there’s no eye gouging. No knees or feet to the groin. No clothes – totally nekkid,” Mark replied. We stripped.
“And go for the submission!” I confirmed. And thanks to Jamal, I’m pumped! “Would you care to warm up a bit before the main event? Maybe some arm wrestling? or Mercy? or some other preliminary round?”
“You’re a glutton for punishment, ain’t you, buddy?” Mark asked, wondering what I was up to.
“I’d just like to get an idea of the strength of the muscle stud who’s going after my sexy ass,” I said with a smirk. “You got a table or something for some arm wrestling, hulk?”
“On the mat is good enough for me.”
We both stretched out on the floor covering, a/k/a ‘the mat,’ placed our arms in position, and clasped hands, one on the floor, the other centered up. We wavered back and forth initially, when he started to force my arm to the mat. I struggled back, putting all the effort into moving his that I could muster. Slowly, I began the reverse on his arm. I kept the concentration focused on moving his arm backward. He was going toward the mat but recovered slightly. I upped my pressure slightly, taking him back toward the floor. A little more effort and pressure took him all the way down. He was sweating profusely.
“I don’t fuckin’ believe that! I never lose in arm wrestling. I’ll fuckin’ take you in Mercy.”
“Gimme a minute to recuperate. My arm needs some blood pumped back into it,” I said.
“Take all the time you think you need!” he said, sarcastically.
I could tell he was pissed off royally. When my arms and shoulders felt normal again, I walked to the center of the mat and raised my arms.
“Ready?” he asked.
“Ready!” As we locked fingers, I said, “The one on his knees sucks off the winner.”
“Oh, yeah! I like that!” he replied as he put pressure on my hands.
Again, the struggle was on. Without the boost from Jamal, I would have been on my knees inside of a minute, with nine inches of thick cock tickling the tonsils. As we fought for control, I started thinking that I would enjoy a big cock down my throat. And if I got him off before the wrestling, he might use up enough energy in coming to lose the main match. So, I started to go to my knees, very slowly. As I faced his big, hard cock, my tongue reached out and licked the underside, until it was lathing the huge mushroom head. I glanced over to the side of the room where Maji and Evan were stretched out on the mat in a sixty-nine position, with each other’s legs wrapped around his opponent’s head. Both were enjoying what the other had to offer, giving and receiving.
I returned my attention to the giant eye in front of me. I ran my tongue around and across it, lapping up the pearl of the fountain. Slowly I started down the shaft, gradually pushing myself farther and farther down toward the base, and my throat gradually adjusted to the massive thickness which was invading it. When I reached the full depth, I began humming, causing a vibration which rocked the very core of Muscle Marc’s most sensitive muscle. His entire body began shaking as I continued to hum. As he shook, his cock vibrated inside my mouth and began to swell. I realized I was about to get his full load, so I backed off until only the mushroom cap was left inside. Then he began to shoot in such volume and with such force that his cock popped out of my mouth, squirting his baby-makers all over my face and chest. It dripped down to my groin, running in streams.
I looked up at Marc, with his eyes closed, still shaking a little. Then I looked over at Maji and Evan who were lapping up their own prize packages of liquid gold.
“Evan, you haven’t been doing your job if that’s more than a day’s load,” I said.
laughed. “That’s just a little more than a normal day’s supply. But we don’t
get into any test of strength matches any more to pump up his testosterone above
the norm.”
“So, this is about normal? No wonder Abraham produced the twelve tribes himself!”
“I’ve been afraid I’d get pregnant just from my feminine side showing up occasionally and he’d unload in me at the same time,” Evan quipped.
Mark sat down on the mat. I reached over to him, put my arm across his chest, pushing him to the floor, then went into a side mount. I picked up his arm and slapped his hand on the mat, trying to tap him out, but he jerked his shoulder off the mat and exclaimed, “Fuck you!” He got to his knees and then his feet. “You ready to wrestle? Cocksucker, you’re gonna be on your back with your ass aimed straight at my fuck-tool, then you’ll be used like the bitch you are!”
We started in the tie-up position, but I took arm control, twisting his left arm into a hammer-lock, then brought my left arm up into a choke. He tried to throw me off, but I jerked his head back, pulling him off balance. As Marc was trying to regain his balance, I slid my hands and arms under his, putting him in a Full Nelson. He forced me to lose my grip, but I slid my arms around his waist, twisting him off balance again and sending us both to the mat, with me on his back. The force of the fall caused him to lose his breath. That gave me the opportunity to grab his legs and slide them over my shoulders. Straddling him backwards, I pulled his legs over my shoulders forcing him into a Boston Crab. I leaned back with my head on the mat beside his. He was hollering like everything!
I asked him, “Do you submit?”
He replied, “Fuck you!”
I put more pressure on his legs and back, and suggested to him, “Submit. I can keep this up for a long time.”
“Sonofabitch! I submit! Let me up, you bastard!” he groaned.
I let go of his legs, then rolled off him, but turned my face close to his. “Kiss me, sweetheart,” I said in my best Humphrey Bogart impersonation. He rolled over on his back, away from me.
“Okay, big guy, how do you want it? On your back? On your knees? Although I’m not sure you can hold yourself up for that now.” So, I knelt at his feet, lifting his legs over my shoulders, and began playing with his tight rosebud with my fingers. Evan tossed me some lube and a condom, which I put to good use.
Starting with one lubed finger, then two and finally three, stretching Marc for the final assault. “Ooh, one more finger and I go for the whole hand in there.”
“The hell you will!” Marc protested vehemently. “Try that and you’ll have a real fight on your hands!”
The rest of us had a good laugh at his expense. I slipped on the condom, greased it up and slowly slid into the waiting orifice. Very slowly, I pressured forward until I was all the way in. He accepted it easily. Evan must keep him stretched. I backed out some, rubbing across his nut until I was nearly out, then back to where my head rubbed his prostate. I paused and wiggled Little Grant against it a few times then proceeded on as far as possible. Backing out, I paused again to wiggle L.G. again. Marc reacted every time I touched his hot spot.
I nodded to the other guys to join us. They got on their knees on either side of Marc, offering him their cocks to suck. Marc went straight for Evan. I continued gently rubbing his nut. “There’s another piece of meat waiting for you to enjoy,” I said. He kept on sucking Evan’s cock. “Marc, turn you head to the other side.”
He released his hold on his favored plaything and looked at me with tears in his eyes. “I – I can’t.”
“Why not?” I asked.
“I just can’t.”
“Is it because you think of Majid as an Arab – a Muslim?”
Marc nodded his head, the tears rolling down his face. “I want to, but I can’t bring myself to do it.”
I pulled my cock out of Marc’s ass and lowered his legs. Majid stood and walked away. Evan leaned over to hold his lover. I stood also, removed the condom, then asked the rhetorical question, “What if Majid were a — Christian Kurd?”
Both men’s eyes and mouths popped wide with shock. In a low voice, Evan said something in Yiddish. (It sounded like, “Shanda fur die goy,” which I believe means, ‘You’re a real fuck-up!’)
“Just asking!” I said. Then I went downstairs to dress, followed by the two attorneys.
“I’m sorry,” Marc said with deep regrets. “I hope I haven’t screwed up our working with you on the project.”
“No, but it will be strictly business from here on,” Maji said. “I’m sorry too. I was enjoying the relationship as much as Grant was. The friends who recommended your firm are Persian, and I’m sure did not anticipate this outcome. Thank you for your hospitality today. We’ll find a place to spend the night and see you at nine o’clock tomorrow morning in your office.”
We changed back into our dress clothes, told the jinn to create the illusion of a limo picking us up and driving off, and we’d go home for the night. Both men put on shorts and regular T-shirts to see us out.
“Good night, Evan.” Maji gave him a hug. “Thank you for a truly enjoyable time.”
We all shook hands and Maji and I went out the front entrance of the building, disappearing as our illusions got into an illusion of a Town Car and drove off.
Maji and I spent the night in our own bed, had breakfast with Greta, Dildar and Hassan. We let them know we had a 9:00 a.m. appointment with the attorneys and would be back for dinner – or supper, as they say down south. We dressed in our business casual and appeared in the same restroom of the One Park Tower as the day before. We took the elevator to the law offices, and both attorneys were waiting for us. Everyone demonstrated business reserve in our manners as we greeted each other.
With our business completed for the present, we declined the invitation to have lunch with them. Instead, we opted to find a restaurant closer to the property we hoped to buy. After lunch at Six Flags, we looked around the area, from the ground, in the suburbs of Atlanta. It was an experience for both of us, and we decided we had to bring Dildar and Hassan for at least a day here.
We were home by dinnertime.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/09/18