Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 13
“You really want to do this?” I asked Jim.
“You bet your sweet ass I do,” he replied.
“Alright! Everyone, strip!” I said.
Everyone did, and then we heard a door open and close upstairs. Howie had used his key to let himself in. He opened the door at the top of the stairs and got about half way down before saw all of us in our naked glory. Five hot, muscular men, all with impressive erections looking at him.
“What the hell?!” he exclaimed as he stopped midway on the stairs.
“Welcome to the Orgy Room, dear cousin! You can leave your clothes on that chair at the foot of the steps.”
“I’m not leaving my clothes anywhere but on my body. And I’m not getting involved in your fuckin’ gay orgy!” Howie stated firmly.
“You wanted to watch Jim whip my ass, so here we are waiting for you to get changed into the dress of the day.”
“You have got to be joking! You were wrestling nude — in Bagdad?”
Jim answered him, “We would never think of doing that, which is why we brought the competition to the USA. You did say you wanted to watch me pin his ass, so get with the program, Staunton.”
“Come on, Howie. I know for a fact you’re not a prude, nor are you ashamed of your body. So, let’s see it. I think it’s already making a tent in your pants.”
“If this ever gets out of this room, I will not be responsible what happens to any of you — including you — Gerald!” Howie warned us, using my first name.
and I agreed that what happened in Bagdad, stayed in Bagdad. Likewise, what
happens in this basement stays in this basement. Does that meet with your
approval?” I asked him.
“Damn! Against my better judgement ….” Howie conceded. He laid his clothes on the chair at the bottom of the stairs, keeping his Jockey tapered boxers on, but not realizing his cyclops was peeking through the spread fly.
“Hmmm, looks impressive. I’ll pick him as my partner for the evening!” Maji said suggestively, as he rubbed his own impressive cock.
“Alright,” I said. “First competition, Mercy. The one who goes to his knees sucks the winner. Howie, get those shorts off unless you’re sure Maji can take you down.”
“No way he’s gonna take me down, and I’m not sucking that firehose either,” Howie exclaimed as he shed his skivvies and released his own thick eight-incher. He locked hands with Maji and they started their contest of strength. Howie had a couple of inches height and probably twenty pounds weight on Maji, but the cameraman is exceptionally strong from carrying around video equipment, and could hold his own – for a time, but Howie’s gym work-out regimen began to take over and Maji’s knees started to buckle. He tried to use his massive legs to push himself back up, but Howie had the leverage and Maji went to his knees. Howie’s fully erect cock was directly in his face, wiggling up and down. Maji acknowledged his defeat and reached out with his tongue to lick the precum off the magnificent cockhead waving before him.
Howie was caught up in the moment and pressed forward, aiming directly for his victim’s mouth. Maji leaned in and rolled his tongue around the perfectly shaped head and worked his way down the long, thick cut shaft. Howie seemed to forget that he was planning to be married in a few months, or that he had a fiancée at all. He was totally absorbed in the action, and Maji was doing an expert job of cocksucking. Howie began a pumping motion, going deeper into Maji’s throat until Maji was taking the whole eight inches with each forward motion. Then Howie stopped pumping and Maji stayed totally still until the fountain exploded down his throat when he backed off until just the head was in his mouth. He was swallowing as fast as he could with each powerful ejaculation. When they were finished, Howie’s legs gave ‘way with him and he collapsed on the mat as the rest of us were clapping and cheering for the first twosome on the mat.
Maji looked at me, both of us smiling. He winked at me and I flashed him the ASL sign.
Hassan and Dildar started chanting: “Grant and Jim! – Grant and Jim! – Grant and Jim!” Then I announced, “Total submission tap-out.” Then Jim and I went after each other.
We locked up and Jim looked me in the eyes and said, “Don’t even think about the crotch grab – I’m ready for that attempt.” This time he spun me around and put the bear hug under my arms and moved his feet back a step which left my arms free for another move. I raised them while wiggling my body, making him think I would slide to the mat. Instead, I locked both hands together around his head and suddenly raised my legs straight out, pulling him further off balance and flipped him over as we both went to the mat, so he ended up on his back – stunned. I fell flat on top of him, sliding my right leg under his head and locking it with my left leg. I leaned forward to tighten the pressure with my thighs, but he countered by raising his legs to the point he could get them around my head and put me in a headlock. Jim pulled my head down into his crotch, face right in his cock and balls. I slid my legs tighter around his head, securing his face in my groin.
About that time, I saw Dildar carefully slip up the stairs, then he knocked on the door leading to the basement. Jim reacted to the noise. He released my head and began really struggling to get out of the headlock I had on him. The weight of my body had him pinned, along with his face sucking my cock. He was really fighting to get free, fearing someone else would see him in a very compromising position. By this time Dildar had come back down the stairs, and Jim saw him.
“Did you do that?” he yelled, while everyone else was laughing. “You bastard, I’ll have your visa revoked now!” He turned to me, yelling, “You knew what he was doing, didn’t you? I will plow your ass before this night is over!”
Jim grabbed me in a judo hold and slammed me to the floor. He followed that with a knee drop which doubled me up. While I was trying to recover from that blow, he grabbed my legs, turned me on my stomach and put me in a Boston Crab hold. He backed up, taking my legs with him until I was doubled up backwards. He planted his feet at my shoulders, his toes wedged under the shoulders. Then he started to lean over backwards until his head was on the floor. I couldn’t believe he was still that limber, at his age. I was hollering in agony and tapping out with both hands. Finally, using my legs for leverage, he raised himself to a standing position. Turning me over and putting one foot on my chest, he flexed, beat his chest, then kneeled over me, grabbing my head with one hand and ramming his cock down my throat, commanding, “Suck it, bitch!”
I began sucking on the semi-flaccid cock, which started its spurt of growth. Soon it was filling my mouth and throat. As it lengthened, it pushed out of my mouth, too much to fit in the space. While Jim was concentrating on that, Maji was greasing the hole at my other end, knowing it would be well used before the evening was over.
After an eternity, or maybe just five minutes, he pulled out, stood up, grabbed my legs, putting them over my head and without any warning rammed all the way in my anal orifice. Thank goodness for Maji’s attention or I would have been bleeding from the intrusion. He rammed it for another ten minutes – or was it an eternity – before he let loose like Old Faithful, spouting all the way up my colon.
When Jim pulled out, he turned to Dildar, showing his hostility, “I’m not finished with you yet either!”
Fortunately, Howie came to the rescue, because Dildar was terrified of what Jim might do to him. Not just fucking him but fucking all three of the Iraqis out of their visas and even possible American citizenship. Howie spoke up, “Take it easy, Guthrie. Dildar was just doing what I wanted him to – so if you want to take it out on somebody, here I am, ready for you.” They looked at each other, Jim glaring, Howie determined. “You want to kiss and make up?”
“Yes, I do,” Jim replied. He leaned over and grabbed Howie, planting a full, lip-lock kiss on him. Then he made his mistake and tried to force his tongue between Howie’s lips, for a deep French kiss. Howie began to struggle to get away, but Jim had him in a firm headlock. Howie did the next best thing he could do which was slamming both fists into Jim’s sides. That got Jim’s attention. He followed up with a hard left and right punch to the chest which put Jim on his back. Howie started to mount him, so he could pound him with his fists. Maji and I grabbed Howie and pulled him off Jim.
“Don’t you ever come near me again, unless you want the shit beaten out of you on the spot!” Howie got up, put his clothes on and started up the stairs. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Grant.”
I nodded to Howie, then turned to Jim. “What the fuck were you thinking? You knew he’s straight. Receiving a blow job from a man is one thing, but Frenching him?”
“He suggested it.”
“He just asked if that was what you wanted to do. He was never homophobic, but you probably pushed him over the fuckin’ edge with that. That’s it. Time for you to go home. Call me before you head back overseas.”
We all got dressed, and I let Jim out then locked up the entire house while the other guys went upstairs and got ready for bed.
What a way to end up an otherwise successful Christmas party!
To be continued...
Posted: 10/19/18