Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 8
The next morning, Greta sent Grant a text message asking when he wanted breakfast, and he texted back: “I will get back with you in a few.” He put on some shorts and knocked on the two guest room doors, not realizing only one was being occupied. Hassan opened his door to let Grant in, still naked. Dildar was just waking up.
Grant grinned and asked: “Making progress?”
“Yes, and he tastes yummy!” Hassan replied, with a grin on his face.
Both young men were showing morning wood, and Dildar grabbed the sheet and pulled it over him.
“Too late, Dil, I’ve already seen it!” I teased. Dildar turned very red under his dark skin! “When do you want breakfast? About thirty minutes?”
“Yes, that would be good,” the guys agreed.
“See you in the dining room in thirty.” Grant then texted Greta the time they would be down.
Grant went back into his room and found Majid already in the shower, so Grant joined him. Everyone met in the dining room. While the guests sat at the table, Grant poured them coffee, then went into the kitchen to see what his sister was cooking. She shooed him out of the room and signed “surprise,” so Grant joined the others for coffee. Soon Greta rolled in a serving cart filled with scrambled eggs with bits of sausage in them, homemade biscuits, and sausage gravy. Butter and jams were on the table already. When Grant saw his all-time favorite breakfast, he put his arm around his sister and signed “thank you” as he voiced it, then gave her a big kiss.
breakfast, Greta asked what they had planned for the day. “Maybe looking around
the place here. This afternoon, I want to take the guys over to Friendship
Village and get them outfitted with both casual and dress clothes. Old Navy,
The Gap and Brooks Brothers, definitely, and then maybe set them up with a suit
from Everett Hall Boutique. Maybe a nap before dinner.”
Greta’s eyes got very big as she signed: “You can afford Everett Hall?” Grant smiled and nodded.
“Just one suit for Majid. I have one suit and I want him to have one too,” Grant conceded. “And yes, he can afford it!” Majid did a double take.
“I’ve got the one Arman got for me,” Majid offered.
Grant nodded, “I forgot about that; you sure do.”
“We have to go to the State Department tomorrow to deliver something from the Embassy in Bagdad, and I want us all to be dressed to the nines. Then we’d better check in at the office sometime during the day.”
We stacked our dishes on the rolling cart and Dildar pushed it back into the kitchen for Greta. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and thanked him. He blushed then rejoined us. We took a tour of the house, the grounds and ended up in the basement recreation room. I keep my Universal machine and some weights down there, along with my wrestling mats. There’s also a toilet, sink and shower next to the laundry room. We all lay down to rest for an hour or so when Greta texted me she was fixing Philly-style steak sandwiches for lunch, with chips and mixed fruit. She is fully aware of dietary limitations for the guys. She asked what we wanted to drink, and I texted back: “milk, or sodas or tea or – LOL.” She sent back an emoji with its tongue stuck out!
After lunch, we went shopping; it’s just a short drive from our house – I have walked it before, many years ago. Friendship Village has really grown in the years since I bagged groceries at the Giant Food’s there during high school. We looked around at the numerous shops that have been built up recently, just to give the guys some ideas as to what styles they might like. They really liked The Gap and Old Navy and spent a good portion of the money I had given them on the casual clothes. They desperately needed some underwear and I love the cut of The Gap’s boxer-briefs – especially the shorter cut, print style, and especially on these hot, sexy men. They were laughing at my choices for them.
Then we went into Brooks Brothers to try on suits. I wanted them to have one dressy, business suit and a couple of sport outfits; a couple of jackets and a blazer, with a couple of pairs of slacks to go with each of them. Hassan was an especially sharp shopper; he got a couple of casual sport coats that would interchange with all his slacks, as would the blazer. Dildar picked up on that and asked him to help him for some suggestions. Both guys looked incredible in all the combinations of pairings. They also picked out a variety of shirts, ties, a couple of belts, socks and shoes – a couple pairs of slip-on loafers, a pair of sneakers, and a pair of dress shoes.
Majid got a couple of sport coats, some slacks, sporty dress shirts and a couple more ties at Brooks Brothers to fill out his wardrobe.
Back at home, the guys had to model some of their purchases for Greta and she was absolutely motherly in her appreciation of how they looked. Then we all retired to our rooms for R&R – the in-bed kind – Recreation and then Rest.
* * * * *
After dinner, we took a brandy into the living room, while Greta finished up in the kitchen. She came in and said good night then went to her apartment. The other guys wanted to try some of the hard stuff that they had heard about. I pulled out a variety of brandies and liqueurs for them to taste. None of them cared for the taste of any of them. Understandable! I’m not that fond of them either. Personally, I enjoy wines with my meals and my own selections of whiskeys. Single malt Scotch, Crown Royal and rum cocktails; NO bourbon or gin, and a few other selections. I keep a good quality bottle of each for friends who do drink that stuff. Maybe tomorrow night I’ll mix a pitcher of Sangria to have with dinner.
Then I suggested we go downstairs and mess around on the mats for an hour or so. When we got down there, we stripped to our underwear and I grabbed Hassan in a bear hug to see how he would break it. He’s a very strong guy and gave me a good fight. I took the opportunity to make some (normally) illegal grabs and he retaliated with locking his muscular legs around my head. As I struggled to get loose, I turned around and my face ended up in his crotch, with his massive rod rubbing my nose. Then he grabbed my nuts and squeezed. That was when I opened my mouth and bit down on his balls, to get him to release mine. We separated and gave each other a big hug while sitting on the mat.
“I’ve been wanting to do that ever since we met,” Hassan told me.
“So have I, Hass. Thanks, I really enjoyed that.”
He helped me up and then grabbed Maji and flipped him to the mat, landing on top of him. Then the fight was on. Maji pulled Hassan’s boxer-briefs down around his legs, letting all the young man’s “goodies” hang out. Hassan returned the favor, and the two of them went at it on the mat totally nude. Dildar was really enjoying the show, when I sneaked up behind him and pulled his skivvies down around his ankles. He turned around and returned the favor for me. The four of us were on the mats, wrestling around as the Greeks did thousands of years ago.
At some point, I grabbed Maji’s leg and Dildar fell on top of Hassan. So we switched wrestling opponents. During our rolling around on the mat, I asked Maji: “What do you think about introducing Jamal and Arman to them? They’re going to probably find out sometime.”
“How are you going to do that?” Maji replied.
“Scenario: They need to learn about being clean for anal penetration. Let the jinn come in and show them about it and how it can be done. They would have a package, including a package enema, condoms, lube, and such. They would materialize upstairs and when they walk in they will look like normal Arab hunks in shorts and T-shirts. Then they would give the boys a demonstration of cleaning themselves and each other.”
“Arman, what do you and Jamal think about that?” Maji asked.
“We’re on it,” the two jinn replied.
We instantly heard footsteps on the steps leading to the basement. Hassan and Dildar stopped their horseplay with the anticipation of someone else seeing them naked. They were terrified when two giant musclemen, obviously Mid-Eastern, came in the room. I greeted the newcomers: “Hi, guys! What’s up? (pause) Or should I ask, ‘How much is up?’”
Jamal answered, “I’ve got about 35 centimeters if you can take it.”
Arman joined in, “I can fit the size to the hole.”
Maji and I bent double laughing, while the boys weren’t believing what they were hearing and seeing.
“Hassan, Dildar, we want you to meet a couple of very special friends, Jamal with the big cock, and Arman with the adjustable cock. They’re Persian identical twins – sorta-kinda.” The two jinn reached out to shake hands with the young guys as they tried to stand to greet the newcomers. They still couldn’t say anything.
In unison, the jinn said, “We hope to be good friends with you, too.”
“Jamal and Arman sometimes disappear for a while then return when we need them. This time they have something to show you, and not just their incredible muscles and big cocks,” I commented.
The jinn led us all to the bathroom and proceeded to show the young men how to use the enemas, both on themselves and on each other. Then Jamal bent Arman over and proceeded to fuck him, easy to begin with and then proceeded to get rougher. The two monster musclemen seemed to really enjoy the show, and the young Iraqi men could not believe men from their country would do that so anyone could see them.
That’s when Maji and I grabbed some lube and joined the party; this was my turn to top. I started slowly then increased tempo as Maji got used to the American back-door invasion. By this time, the big men had changed position and Arman was on his back with one leg over Jamal’s shoulder and the other leg on the floor. I released Maji and moved to the mat, lying on my back; Maji proceeded to sit on it and we watched ourselves in the mirrors.
Jamal put Arman’s other leg over his shoulder, picked him up and carried him into the rec room also, while still attached to each other at the crotch. He placed his lover with his shoulders on the mat and continued fucking him. All this excitement was having its effect on the four of us mortals. I was ready to unload into Maji, he was ready to release all over his own body, and both Hassan and Dildar shot healthy amounts on the mat without ever touching their cocks.
“Wilak!”7 both young men cried simultaneously as they released copious amounts of baby-makers involuntarily.
The rest of us looked at them and laughed at their situation. Then Jamal and Arman roared as they both had orgasms of their own. I pulled out of Maji and showed Hassan and Dildar I was still clean, except for some good stuff which Jamal leaned down and licked up, (Oh, he has a great tongue!) and Arman cleaned Maji’s body of his ejaculate.
Jamal and Arman accompanied us up to our bedrooms. I told Hassan and Dildar to forget pretending they were using both beds because nobody here cares that they are sleeping together.
“Just be sure neither of you gets pregnant!” Majid told them. That was good for a big laugh all around.
The jinn followed us into our room, leaned down to kiss us good night, then disappeared. Maji and I were so tired we collapsed into bed after our nightly bathroom routine.
* * * * *
The next morning after breakfast, we dressed in our fancy (read that ‘expensive’) new duds. Our appointment with the Secretary of State was for 10:00 a.m. We arrived at the State Department Building a block from the Potomac River at quarter to ten. We stopped at the main reception and security desk just inside the front door, where we were given Visitor Passes with our names and a photo taken then. An escort led us to the elevator and we went up to the Secretary’s office. The Assistant Secretary for Mid-East Affairs, Rashad Khoury, met us and showed us to his office as the Secretary of State was in a Cabinet Meeting still.
I introduced the three men with me and gave the Dispatch Packet to him. He offered us seats in an area of the office with a beautiful couch and matching chairs. He took one of the chairs and opened the envelope, read the letter then started the conversation based on what was in the letter. It included what the three guys thought of being in America, what they plan to do while here and why Majid thought he might want to emigrate here. Their responses were spot on what I thought would satisfy the government, and he gave no indication as to his impression of the reasons given. After about fifteen minutes, he stood and thanked us for stopping by and told us he would pass this on to the Secretary with his recommendation. We left, turned in our badges, and went back to my car.
‘Oh, God, I hate the traffic in D.C. It’s always been bad, but starting with the Metro construction, it’s even worse today than ever before. Two-way streets turned into one-way streets. No left turns. No turns. Interstates going and coming every which way. I want to get out of this area altogether. Just come back occasionally to visit my parents at Arlington Cemetery and my sister at home. Visits are enough for me now.’
Driving from the State Department over to the GNN building was a nightmare, but when we got to the parking garage, I showed my ID and drove up to the top deck of the garage for the moment. I parked between two of the ‘Live’ trucks parked up there so the security cameras would not be able to see us. When I turned off the ignition, I turned in the seat so I could include everyone in what I had to say.
“Guys, we need to get out of these monkey suits and into some fashionable casual clothes. Slacks, open collar shirt, sport coat, and appropriate accessories. And we need to do this fast. So I’m going to ask our buddies Jamal and Arman to help us. They can get us home and back down here faster than I can drive it, so, here they come now. Let’s get out of the car. Maji and Dildar, (who were sitting on the passenger side) stand next to each other. Hassan stand next to me. This will be fast so don’t shit in your pants when they pick us up. Jamal, Arman, my bedroom, please.”
In a blink of an eye we appeared in my bedroom.
“Can I shit now?” Dildar asked.
“You know where the toilet is,” I answered, laughing.
Dildar headed for my bathroom and Hassan headed for theirs. I hoped they made it in time – and fortunately, they did. When Dildar reappeared, Maji suggested he hurry and get changed into one of the sports outfits he bought yesterday. Maji joined me in the bathroom to share the toilet in relieving our bladders. Then we changed out of the $1500 suits we were wearing. When we all were ready, Jamal and Arman reappeared.
“Who are these guys?” Dildar asked. “I thought only jinn could do stuff like that.”
“Well?” I asked. The young men’s eyes looked like ping-pong balls with painted eyes on them.
“They can’t be jinn!” Hassan said. “They don’t really exist.”
“Aw, look, you’ve hurt their feelings,” Majid said as the two jinn drooped their heads, feigning rejection.
“I — I — I ….” Hassan started to say something. The jinn looked up with their heads still drooped, but a smirk on their faces. Dildar started to punch one of them on the arm but his hand just went through his body.
“It’s a long story and we don’t have time now to discuss it. Let’s get back to the GNN building so we can have lunch.” The next thing we knew, we were back by my car. We got back in and circled around the parking lot to a better parking place, where we got out and took the elevator to the Executive Offices. We walked into the Managing Director’s office, where his secretary looked surprised I was standing before her.
“Hi, Annie. How’s my favorite redhead?” I asked, as I leaned over her desk and gave her a kiss.
“Grant! We weren’t expecting you this soon. Oohh, you always look better in person than on the tube. Are those muscles pumped up so you can sweep me off my feet!”
“Annie, baby, you’re so tiny I wouldn’t need big muscles to sweep you up in my arms.
“Who are these hunks you’ve got with you? Your bodyguards so the women will be distracted by them and save you for me?” she asked.
“This biggest ‘hunk’ is my cameraman, Majid Mustafa; the little ‘hunk’ is his cousin, Dildar Fadel; and the middle ‘hunk’ is Hassan Hassan, Dildar’s BFF. They are on vacation with us and in the next few weeks we’ll take a look around America at the touristy things. Is Daddy Warbucks in?”
“He’s just getting ready to go to lunch. I’ll buzz him.” When he answered, she said, “Our best looking foreign correspondent and three friends are here, wanting you to take them to lunch!”
“Grant, you son-of-a-gun, get your ass in here now!” Ned Capel, the Washington Bureau Managing Director for GNN hollered over the intercom. {He’s tall, stocky and keeps his head shaved, plus a little redheaded secretary named Annie, therefore the nickname.}
Annie waved her hand in the direction of his office as he opened the door. He pumped my hand and gave me a big bear hug. Then he looked at Majid and realized who he was.
“Majid Mustafa, GNN’s foremost cameraman, it’s great meeting you! How are you doing?”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Capel. I’m trying to adjust to the jet lag, but I get good sleep. Thank you for asking.”
“And who are these young men, Majid?”
“This is my cousin, Dildar Fadel, my mother’s nephew, and this is his best friend from childhood days, Hassan Hassan,” Majid replied.
The men shook hands as they were introduced.
“I was just going to the cafeteria downstairs. You will join me, won’t you?” Ned said. {It was really a statement instead of a question.}
“We’d love to!” I said. We all turned and walked toward the elevator.
When we got to the cafeteria floor, I whispered to the three Iraqis, “I’ll make some suggestions as we go through as to what you might like.” We got our trays and drinks, then I suggested what I thought they would like, which was basically from the Mediterranean menu. I kept getting interrupted by friends who stopped us to say ‘hello.’ Several of the senior cameramen came to the table to meet Majid, whom they said was their idol. They always asked how he could be on a shot by the time I started talking about it. My standard reply became, “mental telepathy! He tells me where he’s going to shoot and for me to talk about it.” {Good for a laugh!}
When we got back to Ned’s office, Maji and I left the other two guys to entertain Annie until she went to lunch, and we joined Ned inside. He pulled out new contracts that he had gotten from our agents and we gave him our notice that we would not be renewing them with GNN. We explained that we would be scouting for a place away from DC to open a production studio and get a video business up and going. After some more conversation and additional chit-chat, we left, got the guys from the reception area, said “hello and good bye” to Gloria, who had taken Annie’s place, and left.
To be continued...
Posted: 09/28/18