Open Sesame
Hank Horne
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 2
A couple of months went by when Maji and I found more time to be alone and enjoy each other more and more. Maji is a great friend, a great lover, and a great person to have in my life. I don’t know if some of our friends think of us as a couple, but we think of ourselves as such. I’m settled into the hotel and he still lives at home with his parents. He tells them it will take a long time to get over losing his fiancée, when in fact his new fiancé is with him every day. We have decided that when I’m transferred back to the states, I’ll take him with me as my cameraman, wherever we get a new assignment.
As we promised Dildar, we made the trip up to Halabjah every so often. The second time we went up there, we went back to the mountain cliff for some wonderful memories and more forbidden action. This time we were prepared with some ointments to ease the intrusion.
By the time we got to the secluded area under the mountain, we were both ready to receive the other. He led the way and when I got to the fissure where we could see anyone coming but they couldn’t see us, he had his pants around his ankles and was lubing his rosebud. My excitement was obvious through my pants. I was already unzipped and ready to rumble when I arrived. I took the lube and rubbed a large blob deep inside him with my fingers, stretching him as much as possible with three fingers. When he said he was ready, I approached his anal entrance with a few light pushes, each one becoming a bit more forceful until I slowly eased past the first barrier.
“You sure you’re ready for this?”
“More than ever.”
“Okay, push back against me, like you’re going to take a crap. I’ll push forward as you push back. Breathe deeply, then blow it out. Again.”
Third push was a success. I could feel his love nut and wiggled my cock inside him. He gasped. I held still a moment. He began to push deeper and deeper on me and back off some. He developed a rhythm and I picked up on it. I pushed toward him as he pushed back on me and pulled back as he moved forward. This lasted for several minutes when he picked up the tempo. I reciprocated. I grabbed him around the waist and began to force myself in him at my own speed. He let me take the lead and, in another moment, I was unloading myself inside him. The intensity was overwhelming. I leaned on him until I could regain my control.
Slowly Maji pulled off me and I collapsed on the ground. He turned toward me and offered his engorged cock. I leaned forward and took it, all eight thick inches, and began long-stroking with my mouth. In almost no time, Maji began to unload down my throat. It seemed like it took five minutes to drain every drop from him.
For a long time, we just sat, leaning up against the cliff wall. It probably took fifteen minutes for us to recuperate before we could get presentable again. He left my sacred offering at the cave entrance, but it would dry up before we’d be back.
* * * * *
A few weeks later we went back for our third trip to the beautiful mountains that divides the Kurdistan area of Iraq and Iran. It has become our favorite spot to be alone. By this time Maji and I have been able to use my hotel room for our intimate needs, but the mountains have special meaning for us.
We were ready for the initial insertion. My left hand was working its way up Maji’s side to his chest; two fingers tweaking his left nipple. My right hand placed my rod at his entrance, then reached up and grabbed his right nipple in a tight pinch. I was knocking at his back door and let him know I was ready with a seductive bon mot in his ear: “Open, Sesame!” I had just started to penetrate him when there was a loud rumble from the cliff. He yelled: “Earthquake!” The wall he was propped on started moving, and Maji would have fallen had I not been holding onto his waist.
He grabbed his pants as he stood up, and I was just standing there with my cock in my hand.
“What the fuck!?” I gasped.
“What did you say?” Maji asked.
“I said ....”
“Open ....”
The entrance to a humongous cavern opened before us. I held onto Maji as I looked around at the hordes of precious gems, jewelry, goblets, urns, plates, lanterns, all of gold, platinum, silver. Every imaginable priceless object that had ever been thought of as of a thousand years ago.
“Are we going in?” Maji asked.
“I don’t know,” I answered.
“What should we do?”
“Nothing, right now. Let’s see what happens to the entrance. How long it takes to close and how much time we’ll have to get in and out.”
“Are we going to grab any of this stuff?”
“Not now. We’ve got to chill about this. Let’s sit on it for a while. It ain’t going anywhere. Then we can come back later when we know how long we would have inside.”
It wasn’t long before the side of the mountain began to reverse itself and close. It was only open about five minutes. That’s not much time to look around inside and get out before being trapped in there.
“Let’s get back to Bagdad. We’ll tell your aunt and uncle we got a message of a big story and need to get back fast. And this is a really big story!”
We made a brief stop in Halabjah then hauled ass for Bagdad.
When we got to my hotel, Maji brought his bag in, as I did mine. He was going to spend the night with me while we figured things out, then he would go home on Sunday.
* * * * *
After getting quick showers (the shower’s not large enough for two to shower at the same time, dammit!), we spent some time just holding each other and enjoying the feel of a hot, muscular body, along with hot lips and tongues. It was a fantastic make-out session (if anybody uses that expression any more).
We dressed, went down to dinner and met up with some of the other news crews who had stayed in town. Another of GNN’s three-person crews showed up after we were already seated in the hotel restaurant. They got a table next to us and we made general talk about what was anticipated in the next few days. After dinner, Maji and I went back to my room because there was no way in hell we would talk about our discovery where anyone could hear us.
I turned on the TV with the volume a bit louder than normal and we talked in low tones. After an hour or so, we pretty much decided to make the trip back up there in a couple of weeks. One of us would go in at a time and look around for a few minutes, then get out and wait for the entrance to close again. The next day we’d go back again and the other would go in and look around. We would only look and not touch anything in case the place was booby-trapped to prevent theft. After another couple of weeks, we’d check out the place again and see what we might carry away without being too obvious. All these ancient countries are very possessive about their treasures, and foreigners’ taking “national antiquities” out of their country.
Maji and I talked well into the night, and by that time we were exhausted. We lay down on the bed, promptly falling asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning, we awoke later than usual. We showered, I shaved, and went down for breakfast. We never mentioned yesterday, or what we had discussed last night. I went over to spend the afternoon with his family and had dinner with them. Then Maji took me back to the hotel. The next week was a routine, sometimes action-packed week in Bagdad. Explosions. Terrorists wrecking cars and trucks into village market places. The usual for the place and time.
Next weekend we went directly to the mountains. We both had digital video cameras. I went in first, recording everything I saw. Maji stayed outside and kept track of the time. At four minutes, he told me to get out. I ran for the opening as the entrance started to close. I just made it through and the wall sealed behind me. We went back to the SUV to look at the video. There was nothing to be seen on the viewer. But we saw it with our own eyes. The gold and gems were reflecting a radiant glow throughout the cavern. None of it recorded.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Maji asked.
I just shook my head. “Not a clue.” I turned the camera and shot video of the mountainside. We looked at it and everything was perfect.
“The damn stuff doesn’t exist. It’s a hallucination. We just think we see it.”
“Let’s go back into town, get lunch, and this afternoon I’ll try my luck inside,” Maji offered.
“Okay. I don’t know what else to do at this point.”
“When I’m ready to get out, I’ll grab something small to bring with me, if I can.”
“Uh-uh. Don’t do anything like that. This time we’ll just try to get pictures of it. Another time we’ll see what we can carry off. Let’s spend the night in town then come back up here tomorrow.”
“Are you really up for another night sharing a room with a horny teenager?”
We both laughed.
“Either that or a hotel. We might have to drive over to As Sulaymaniyah.”
“I don’t think the Hiltons or the Marriotts have found their way to Halabjah yet. Maybe a Motel ‘66-95’ would have the lights on for us; there certainly aren’t six dollar motels anymore.”
“I didn’t realize you have a university degree.”
Maji looked puzzled. “I don’t. Why?”
“Then how did you get to be such a - Smart-Ass?”
That’s when he began a full tickling attack in the SUV.
After I cried “Uncle!” he started the engine and we went back down to the town. As we were looking for a place to eat and maybe stay, we happened to see Dildar patrolling one of the main streets. Of course, we had to stop and speak to him. After some general chit-chat, we asked about a place to eat and an inn to spend the night. He mentioned Gal Kafatrya and Kamandi Café, both on Charmo Street, then suggested a new restaurant by the park called “45.” He said they have good food and it’s just south of Charmo. As to a hotel, he volunteered to sleep in the sleeping bag so I could have the bed. He would also let his mother know we would be there for dinner and the night. We thanked him and headed for some good food.
Back on the mountain, we both had our cameras; I would shoot from outside while Maji would go inside.
“Four minutes and get out!” I told him.
“Four minutes and I’m out of there,” he replied.
“Open Sesame!”
The mountainside opened, revealing the incomparable treasure inside. We both started shooting. Maji went in shooting video tape in all directions while I shot color film from the outside looking in. At four minutes, I hollered for him to get out. He came running but the wall closed before he could get through.
Maji was stuck inside. What was I going to do now?
I took several deep breaths and said: “Open Sesame!”
Nothing! Nothing moved! The wall stayed in place, and I began to panic.
“Open Sesame!”
“O for God’s sake, OPENNNN SESAMEEEE!”
I sat down opposite the blank wall as tears ran down my face.
I looked at my watch. It had been ten minutes that seemed more like ten hours. Maybe now it would open.
“Open Sesame!” Again nothing.
‘I’m not leaving here until I get Maji out of there,’ I said to myself.
Fifteen more minutes. “Open Sesame!”
Nada. Rien. Nichts. Zilch.
Thirty minutes went by and my prayers seemed of no purpose. I thought of Claudius’ line from Hamlet: ‘My words fly up, but my thoughts remain below. Words without thoughts never to heaven go.’
I was about to lose my mind from fear and grief. What would I tell his family about what happened? Nobody would believe me, and I’d be convicted of killing him. But I’ve lost everything I wanted to live for, so what’s the difference?
A few minutes later, or was it an eternity, I heard a sound. The cave was opening and Maji walked through. Or was it a ghost? I jumped up, ran to him and grabbed him in a full bear hug, laying one long kiss on his sensual lips.
“You won’t believe what I’m going to tell you. It’s all real in there although it cannot be photographed. I touched it. I put on some of the gold chains. One had a pendant of emerald, ruby and sapphire. But I didn’t try to take anything because I would never have gotten out with it.”
“How do you know?”
“The jinni warned me.”
“A genie talked to you?”
“Yep! A big, old, grotesque jinni appeared out of a puff of smoke when I picked up a lamp. It scared the crap out of me. He asked how I got in there, and I told him. I didn’t think it was funny, but he got a big laugh out of it. ‘So, you have a friend outside waiting for you?’ he asked. Man, it’s hard to understand that Old Persian language. He wants to meet you, so if you go in with me, he’ll let each of us take one piece of his gold with us.”
“Yeah! Right! There’s no fuckin’ way in hell that genie will let us out of there if we both went in together. You don’t believe that shit, do you?”
“Uh — I don’t know. Maybe not. Maybe. I don’t know what to believe right now. I don’t know if I believe what I just told you. Let’s get out of here and go back to town. Right now, I want a pipe and lots of time to smoke it.
“I don’t want a Hookah pipe, but I could really down several vodkas straight.”
I leaned in, took him in my arms and kissed him again, for a long time. When we went back to the SUV, we sat there for a while just holding hands, then I drove back to town.
We went directly to Maji’s uncle and aunt’s home, freshened up a bit and visited through dinner. After dinner, we brought our sleeping bags in and put them in Dildar’s room. It wasn’t long before we both were asleep. Dildar tried to be quiet when he came to bed, but I had already gotten a couple hours of deep sleep and was sleeping lightly so I heard him. I didn’t speak but listened to him perform his apparent nightly routine of jacking off. I smiled to myself and returned to a deep, restful sleep.
Sunday morning, we headed back to the mountain. We needed a solid plan to get us both into the cavern and out again, with or without any loot.
I tossed out an idea as we drove into the hills.
“Maji, give me the pros and cons of this scenario. We open the wall, I go all the way in and you stand at the edge of the wall where he can see you, but you can get out fast if it starts to close. Anyway, at four minutes, step back outside in case it does close.”
He thought a bit, then replied: “The jinni may insist I come all the way in to get my piece of gold.”
“Then we’ll switch places. I’ll get mine and let you come in when I’m by the entrance.”
“Do you think you could talk him into something like that?”
“Sure. Do you remember ‘Baba Wahwah’? She was my tutor in interviewing big-wig assholes and getting what I want from them. Just follow my lead when we get there. ‘K?”
“Okay. I hope you know what we’re doing.”
‘So do I,’ I thought to myself.
Maji found a different place to park in case spies wonder why the same car was parked in the same spot so many times and so frequently. This time it was hidden by a grove of trees, but we had about a mile to walk to the cavern. At least we didn’t have to lug video cameras which were useless anyway.
When we got to the entrance of the cavern, I asked him: “You ready?”
“We gotta do what we gotta do!” he replied.
Together we said the passwords: “Open Sesame!”
The tremor started as the entrance to the cavern opened. I slowly walked in and Maji reminded me, “Four minutes!” He remained at the door.
“Oh, Genie! Here, Genie, Genie, Genie! Come on, big guy. I’m here waiting for you to show yourself. Genie?”
A puff of smoke billowed up out of one of those ancient oil lamps, and the most god-awful looking creature appeared at the top of the cavern, looking down at me.
didn’t think you would come back. Where’s your friend?” he said in modern
Persian or Farsi — at least something I could understand and speak.
“He’s over there by the entrance, so if you try any funny stuff at least one of us will get out of here.”
“Come over here, little man,” he said to Maji.
“Not in this or any other lifetime,” I replied.
“What do you want?
“I want to know what’s going on here and how you and all this treasure got here.”
“This is my collection of baubles and other things your humans wanted me to provide them many of your centuries ago. Everything they wanted was a fantasy that I created for them. When they were finished with what they wanted me to provide them, I brought those things here for keeping.”
I picked up the lamp from which the genie emanated. It was gold with ruby enamel, and studded with diamonds, emeralds and blue opals.
“Put that down!” he bellowed.
“Why? What is so important about my holding this lamp that it bothers you for me to do that?”
“That doesn’t belong to you. It’s mine. All this is mine!”
“Gee, Mr. Genie, this old lamp is not a fantasy and has gotten all dusty through the years, so I’ll just dust it off for you,” I said.
I rubbed it with my hand while looking up at the genie. He became almost apoplectic.
“Don’t do that! — Why did you do that?”
I smiled at him. “What power does this give me over you now?”
“No power! You’ll never have power over the greatest of all the jinn!
“Really? What about my three wishes? That is what you’re afraid of, isn’t it?
“I could never be afraid of a mere mortal like you!” he said, with an attempt at bravado that never really came across.
“Maybe we could make a deal which would be beneficial to you as well as my friend and me.”
“You grant me my three wishes.”
“WHAT? You demand three wishes from me?”
“Never! Stupid little man!”
“Then maybe I’ll just take this with me when we leave, rather than leave it here for you to keep with your treasures.” His demeanor changed drastically. “That’s better!
“Wish number one: I wish for two of these matching rings for my friend and me to wear always as a memento of our experience here. What do you say to that, oh ‘super-great’ genie?”
“You would deny me one of my insignificant wishes?”
“Yes! — No.” he replied meekly, “You can have them.”
“Wish number two: That you allow us to leave here with no interference or harm to us after we select our rings.”
“It will be as you wish,” he responded, dejectedly.
“And the third wish — I’ll hold that in abeyance until we are ready to leave. Majid, come on over here and let’s select our wedding rings.”
“What? But we can’t be married. If we tried to be, we would be executed for heresy.”
“We can in Canada. Now, Mr. Genie, which of these rings possess the spirits of other genies?”
I rummaged around through the vast number of rings in the collection, and when I found one I liked, I asked him, sarcastically: “I know there is no other genie as great and powerful as the genie of the lamp, but does this possess a genie who almost measures up to your greatness?”
A little too fast he protested, “No, that does not have a jinni with it.”
“Let’s test it and see.” I put the ring on my middle finger and it shrank until it fit perfectly. Then I extended the finger, pointed toward the ugly, smoke infused illusion; I rubbed the finger and ring as though I were sliding the it up and down on my finger. (You get the idea.) Smoke began to ascend, and a genie appeared. It was not as big and ugly as the one from the lamp; in fact, this genie was really hunky, for a puff of smoke. ‘My God, he’s gorgeous!’ I thought.
“Well, well. Hotter — than — I’d take him any day!”
“Thank you, Master, for accepting your devoted servant. It will be an honor and privilege to perform any service within my power,” replied the genie of the ring.
Oh, wow! I was breathless when that magnificent baritone voice spoke from the genie of the ring.
Then the genie of the lamp bellowed, 1
واژن مادری شما، به جایی که شما متعلق
The hot, younger genie calmly retorted, 2
خوردن گه، هفت
“Yeah, what he said!” I added, nodding to the newcomer. “Now for my last wish before you disappear – Septis, is it? I wish you would deliver one million United States of America legal tender dollars to me personally, every day for the next fifty years, Earth time.”
للعنت به تو!
3 the huge, grotesque genie hollered, then disappeared into the lamp.
“That’s 18,262 days of one million dollars each day, or 18 billion 262 million legal and real dollars. And don’t you miss one day!” I hollered after him, then a little quieter, I said: “Shithead!”
“You know the meaning of ‘Septis’?” he asked, smiling.
The hot young genie became a solid entity, and man, was he solid. He was about six and a half feet tall, around 220 pounds of solid ripped muscle, a suggestion of a black, neatly trimmed beard, bare torso, with armband around his incredible bicep, chiseled pecs, nipples pierced with large, heavy gauge gold rings, and sheer baggy style pants that hid absolutely nothing underneath but drew attention to the biggest male member I’ve ever seen, complete with a huge “Prince Albert” at its tip.
By this time Maji had come over to join us. He looked like he was in a trance.
“Didn’t expect this, did you, Maji?”
“Madha hadath?” Maji asked.
“What happened? What happened is, I told the big, ugly genie that I want one million US dollars every day for the next fifty years, so we’ll see if I get it.”
“Then who is this hot, elephant-hung stud?”
“I am Jamal. Do you think I fit my name?” replied the ‘handsome’ jinni hunk, smiling as he flexed his muscles.
“Oh, a thousand times over. Why couldn’t I find a jinni as nice and hot as you?” Maji replied.
“Perhaps you would allow me to show you a band that would meet your desire. I believe this one over here would be satisfactory for you.”
He pointed to one, Maji picked it up and put it on his left middle finger, as I had done, and rubbed it. As mine had previously produced Jamal, his ring puffed smoke and another jinni appeared beside Jamal. Obviously, Jamal’s twin brother, or he caused himself to look like the jinni from my ring.
Jamal spoke: “This is my — special friend, Arman. We have always enjoyed working together to bring happiness to our masters. I have the feeling that you two are as special to each other as we are, and if you will allow us to remain together as you are, we shall be able to provide great services to you — forever.”
Maji and I looked at each other and smiled, then nodded assent to the two gorgeous jinn. I reached out my arms wide and said: “Group hug?” We stayed together in the group hug for several minutes, with all our male protrusions reaching for the others’. Only the jinn could reach each other. When they touched, their cocks pushed through the sheer material and their “Prince Albert” rings interlocked, producing an explosion of iridescent, opal-hued cum from both. It merged in a spiral, then separated as creamy jets aimed directly toward each of Maji and my open mouths.
We gulped, swallowed, and took a few minutes to recuperate from the experience. Finally, when I could speak, I said to the others, “Alright guys, let’s get out of here and head back to Bagdad. Should we take the lamp with us to make sure Septis keeps his part of the bargain? How can we hide it from everyone?”
Arman took off his sheer pants, which naturally left him naked, and wrapped the lamp in them at which time it became invisible. The jinni handed me the folded-up clothing to carry. “If this is wrapped around it, the lamp will never be noticed,” he said.
The jinn transported us to the SUV and we drove back to Bagdad, jinn gold bands secure on our middle fingers.
To be continued...
1 Your mother’s vagina, get back where you belong!
2 Eat shit, Septis!
3 Fuck you!
Posted: 08/17/18