The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019 by the author)
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Chapter 7
Part III – Cousin In The House
The next morning after breakfast, I went to my office upstairs as usual. A little later, Harvey came in and asked when he could meet the hot guy used as the model in the magazine ads. So, I called him.
“Hey, Scotty, my man! What’s going on that side of the plantation?”
“Hi, Grant. Just the usual stuff, although I do have a photo shoot this afternoon over at the Club with some of the dancers and Lilliputians for upcoming ads. What do you have in mind that you ask?” Scotty queried.
“A cousin of mine is spending a few days with us and he wants to meet the hot hunk who’s the star of our ads. What time is the photo shoot?” I asked.
“Two-thirty, but I don’t do audiences, you know. However … if you want to come over we can chat some then.”
“Yeah, sounds good. We’ll see you this afternoon – and thanks.” I hung up the phone and told Harvey what the plans were. He got really excited and leaned over my desk to lay a big kiss on me.
“Thank you!” he said. “See you at lunch. Dylan and I are going swimming for a while.” He turned and skipped out of the office.
A little later, I saw the two of them frolicking in the outdoor pool. They each did some diving off the board, some wrestling in the water, as well as racing from one end to the other. Dylan, diplomatically, let Harv edge him out on most of the laps but he edged Harv out on some others. He also showed off some fancy dives off the board. After one of the dives, Dylan swam underwater up to Harvey and began stimulating his manhood orally. The look on Harvey’s face was priceless – surprise mixed with sexual bliss.
The two of them got out of the pool, both obviously aroused, and stretched out on a couple of loungers. Soon, Harv was making his move on Dylan. When I looked out the window again, he was on his knees between Dylan’s legs, head bobbing up and down. A few minutes later, Harv straddled the vertical monument to the masculine gender and slowly lowered himself all the way down on it. Soon he began a series of squats over the hot ginger Scottish hunk, picking up speed as he adjusted to the intrusion within. Dylan reached up and interlocked fingers with Harv, to give him a different position for support.
My cousin must have developed some mighty strong legs to squat repeatedly countless times in a few minutes. Eventually, he stopped and sat on Dylan’s lap as he exploded all over the younger man’s freckled face. Dylan released his pent-up supply inside the blond muscle stud causing the visitor to shoot a second load all over the muscular chest and abs in front of him. Harvey leaned over and kissed Dylan tenderly, then lay his head on the security guard’s chest.
Dylan wiped up the ejaculate then licked the tasty cream like it was the most flavorful treat in the world. His dick stayed inside the warm enclosure the entire time they lay there. By that time, Harvey’s body had absorbed all the benefits of Dylan’s seed, so he would be immune for life to any sexually transmitted disease. That was on top of all that Colton had deposited in him yesterday. From now on, anyone with whom Harvey has sex will receive a small dose and the hunky blond will be safe from anything they might pass along to him.
Half an hour later I was ready to go for lunch. I looked out the office window to see if Harvey and Dylan had come inside, but they were right where they were before. Opening the double-door-windows which Dylan heard and looked up at me, I signed ‘food now’ to him, then tapped the back of my wrist to indicate ‘time.’ The ginger hunk nodded and started to awaken Harv as I closed the windows and went downstairs.
After lunch, we cousins went over to the Club. Maji and his lighting and camera crew were talking over what they needed for the shoot. Scotty, half a dozen dancers and all six of the little guys were there. (And he doesn’t do audiences!) Harvey and I quietly took a booth to watch. The bartender who was getting things ready for the night brought a couple of Cokes over to us.
“Wow! That dude is hotter than in his pictures. I didn’t think it was possible!” Harvey commented when he saw Scotty.
“He’s a hunk, alright,” I agreed. “He’s a damned good finance man and gymnast too.”
“You’re joking!” Harvey said, amazed.
“Nope! He’s the company’s CFO and works athletics and gymnastics into the dance routines,” I explained. “He spends an hour each morning with the dancers to add interest to their show for – some time that week. He also takes the daily receipts to the bank each day. One of our security guys goes with him to make the deposit. No one ever knows when to expect him to make the bank run, or which branch he’ll go to. And as you’ve said, he’s a hot stud!”
“How did you get him here?” Harvey wanted to know.
“That’s a story in itself, but briefly, he was assigned one of our off-shore accounts and a – (clear throat) – bitch made life miserable for him, he wanted out, and we got us a gem in more ways than one.”
“I bet he’s happier here than anywhere else in the banking world,” Harvey commented.
“I hope so. He’s a great kid, and I love him like crazy. Not like the love Maji and I have, but more like a brother – or even a cousin, maybe,” I replied, smirking.
Just then, Scotty came over to our booth with a smartass comment. “I said, ‘no audience,’ Grant.”
“I’m the Club and restaurant supervisor, so this is my bailiwick, Scott. At the moment I am trying to multitask – overseeing your photoshoot and discuss some brand development, which is Harvey’s bailiwick, at the same time. Harvey Gaither, this is Scott Jonas. Scott – Harvey.”
They greeted each other with a handshake. Scotty slid in beside me, facing Harvey.
“And Harvey’s my cousin.”
“I would have thought brother, if I didn’t know you don’t have a brother,” Scotty commented.
“Harvey’s not here on business. He’s here because he saw a smokin’ hot stud in some ads for the Crystal Rainbow and wanted to meet him. He didn’t even know I was here. He thought I was somewhere in Atlanta, but not here,” I explained.
“Sorry to disappoint you, Harvey, but this is all there is of me. The lighting and camera guys work miracles at this place. As Popeye might have said, ‘I yam what I yam!’ Maybe we can all have lunch or dinner together some time while you’re here. I think they’re waiting for me. Real pleasure to meet you, Harvey. Later, Grant.” And Scotty went back to work.
“I want to bathe him with my tongue, from head to toe, and every muscle in between,” Harvey drooled.
“You would probably have to pin him to the wrestling mat to accomplish that,” I suggested. “But I will admit it’s fun to try. He pinned my ass in no time flat. His athleticism is incredible.”
“Oh, well. I’ll just enjoy what I can see of him here,” Harvey conceded.
“I’ll ask him and Jim Guthrie, our General Manager, to have dinner with us this evening and you can sit next to him.” I called Jim and asked if he and Scotty had plans for dinner, that I wanted them to meet Harv on an informal basis. We agreed on 6:30 at the Residence, and before Harvey and I left the club, I confirmed that Scotty didn’t have other plans.
They arrived right on time, parked at the back door and left their clothes, which they usually wear at the office, in the car. The five of us took a table in the alcove which is usually reserved for special occasions. Dylan had made place cards and put Harvey between Jim and Scotty. When Maji and I realized what he had done, we made eye contact with him, smirked and rolled our eyes! He grinned back.
Dinner went very well. I noticed that both Jim and Scotty were rubbing their legs up against the visitor’s throughout the meal. I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Harvey didn’t use the tablecloth to hide his emotional lack of control between his legs. They quizzed him about his work with the agency, his trip here, if he had any suggestions for the ads. Then Jim surprised me with a direct question.
“Harvey, what changes would you make in our promotional program? We’ve just done the basics to start with, but it may be time to kick it up a notch.”
Harvey was dumbfounded momentarily, but was able to ask, “What’s broke that you want to fix?”
“We’ve focused on the Club and the dancers, primarily,” Scotty replied. “We haven’t put much emphasis on either the Lodge or the video production.”
“They’ve just been … kind of attached as afterthoughts in the ads. We’re thinking maybe a rotation of emphasis … or something of that nature,” Jim added.
Harv looked at me for some guidance, but I was as surprised as he was.
“We’re not ad people,” Scotty continued, “and what we’ve done so far is imitate what we’ve seen in other ads. If we’re going to grow, we need some professional marketing help.”
“Normally, we would have gone to the Board of Directors, but it looks like the Board of Directors are a quorum at an interview here – albeit informal to the max,” Jim commented.
“And the Board Secretary is not taking notes,” Scotty injected.
“Maybe we need to elect either Arman or Jamal as interim Corporate Secretary,” Majid offered.
Harv looked totally bewildered at the conversation.
“We can discuss that further in formal session,” Jim stated. “Right now, we need to think about expanding the promotion – advertising – marketing areas with a professional who meets our standards and is qualified to fit in with our organization.”
“And Scotty could conduct the formal confrontation sometime this week if there were a candidate available for the position,” I commented.
Harvey was getting more confused by the minutes, but eventually realized we were talking about his joining our group.
“Hold on there!” he exclaimed. “I don’t know what all you guys are suggesting, but if it involves my moving back east and taking this job on full time, I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I would be very happy to work with you on the marketing and advertising, but to give up what I’ve got on the other coast and stay here permanently, I can’t wrap my head around that right now.”
“Okay, but you might be interested in working with us as a client for your company in California?” Jim asked.
“Yes, of course,” Harv replied, “but would that fit into your corporate goals?”
“It could, perhaps,” Jim said. “If you were a part of the Corporate Board as Marketing Director, would you be able to meet with us by video conferencing periodically?”
“Yeah, I’m sure I could fit it into the schedule, with advanced notice,” the big hunk answered. “And even come east periodically.”
Jim looked over at me and Majid for our reaction to his negotiations. We nodded our heads in agreement.
“Do you want to discuss this further with Scotty?” Grant asked Harvey.
“What is involved with that? The paperwork, and so on?” he asked.
“It’s a little more involved than that, but the paperwork will come after the one-on-one with Scotty, our Financial Officer,” Maji explained – sort of.
“Does anyone have a problem with getting the Board together tomorrow – say 2:30 here?” Scotty asked.
Everyone nodded their heads, so I confirmed that we would meet at 2:30 for Scotty’s one-on-one with Harvey.
Later in the evening, Harvey came up to me and asked, “What’s involved with this so-called interview tomorrow? And where will it be held?”
“You and Scotty will spend some time together, getting to know each other better so he can judge how you will fit in with our group. He did the same thing with Jim and now they are best of friends – if not lovers,” I answered. “Scotty will let me know where he wants us to meet, and if he wants us to sit in on the meeting between the two of you or if we’ll get together afterward.”
“Do I need to do any prepping for this meeting?”
“Just relax, if you’re going to be up-tight about it. Go down stairs after lunch tomorrow and maybe do some stretches. Do you do any yoga?” I asked.
“Yeah, I do, sometimes. That sounds like a good idea. The only exercise I’ve gotten this week is a couple of romps in bed and a couple of workouts on the patio by the pool,” Harv remarked, laughing. “I think I’ll go down there and go through some Taekwondo routines. I haven’t been to the dojo in a couple of weeks. I need some stretching.”
“Dojo?” I asked.
“Yeah. I work-out at one that’s around the corner from my townhome. A friend runs it and I help him teach some classes occasionally. I don’t make a big deal about it – it’s just part of my fitness routine. Steven Seagal refers to it as a series of choregraphed dance steps. Anybody can do it.”
Just then, Caleb stuck his head in the door to the office. “Oh, sorry for interrupting, but I just wanted to see if you would need me in the next half hour. I’m going to the basement and workout some if you don’t need anything.”
“Go for it, Caleb. And take this hunk down there with you to practice some Taekwondo,” I told the security stud. “Wear each other out!”
“Hey, go easy with me,” Harv pleaded. “I’m a delicate weenie!”
“I’ve seen your ‘weenie,’ and it’s not delicate at all!” Caleb said as he grabbed Harv’s appendage and pulled him out the door.
“Be easy with me!” Harvey whined, as they started downstairs.
* * * * * * *
When they got to the basement recreation room, Caleb asked Harvey, “Do you want to work on the yoga first and then the Taekwondo or the reverse?”
“I just need to relax and do some stretches. It’s been over a week since I’ve been able to have a serious exercise routine. My whole body is stiff – no, not just there!” Harvey replied as Caleb tapped his fluffed-up manhood.
“Let’s do some stretches,” Caleb suggested as he began leg stretches. Harvey picked up on the exercises Caleb was doing. Then Caleb went into a different exercise and Harvey melded into that also. Caleb spent several minutes on each exercise with Harvey following each one with ease.
After half an hour of yoga warmups, Caleb commented, “It’s your turn to lead the class.”
“How about some Taekwondo routines?” Harvey asked.
“I’ll follow your lead,” Caleb replied.
After another fifteen minutes, and a bunch of TKD (dance?) moves, Caleb was curious just how proficient Harvey really was in other martial arts. So at one point he grabbed Harvey’s arm and pulled him forward for a judo throw. Harvey instantly adjusted his defense and countered with a jujitsu takedown. This shocked the security guard that he was taken down so easily. Harvey helped him up from the floor and Caleb attacked with a Maui Thai move. Harvey adjusted his defense again and blocked the move.
Caleb dropped his hands and stood facing Harvey. “Okay, Mr. Gaither. How many disciplines do you hold advanced degrees?”
“Advanced degrees?” Harvey asked as Caleb stared directly into his eyes. After a pause, he replied, “Five.”
“You are fuckin’ joking!” Caleb said. Harvey shook his head. “What are you? An American Ninja?”
“No. Just a Cali boy trying to protect himself,” Harvey responded.
“If I ever get to California, I want you as my bodyguard!” Caleb said. “I’ve gotta get back to work. You’re probably limber enough now to take on Brandon and Halldór at the same time.”
Both men laughed and gave each other a strong bear hug. Caleb headed for Grant’s office immediately.
* * * * * * *
Caleb came up the stairs two steps at the time. I looked up as he came into the office.
“I heard you two downstairs. I was going to watch but decided to let you work out the kinks yourself,” I said.
“Do you know how many martial arts disciplines he has advanced degrees in?” Caleb asked.
“No. I didn’t hear that.”
“He has – like – five black belts! And who knows how many levels of each?”
“So he can handle himself in a confrontation, huh?” I asked.
“He can handle himself against anyone in our group!”
“He doesn’t know it, but he’s going up against Scotty this afternoon,” I confided to Caleb.
“Scotty’s good, but I doubt that good,” the security stud commented. “I’d like to watch that.”
“Majid will have the cameras rolling without anyone realizing it. You can watch from the remote monitor in here, if you guys want to. Only the Board members will watch from downstairs,” I told him.
“Thanks. Do you need anything now?” he asked.
“Nope. Thanks. And thanks for the info. Keep it between us. Not even Brandon, Ryan or Dylan. They can see for themselves on the video, but that’s all they need to know. For now. Okay?”
Caleb winked and nodded his head. “Yes, sir! See you in the morning.” He left the office as Harvey came up the stairs.
My cousin stuck his head in the door and said, “Your resident muscleman wore my ass out with all his varieties of exercises, some of which were rather aggressive, I must say.”
“I hope you were able to handle it,” I commented snidely.
“I’m going to bed. I’m tired and don’t disturb me until it’s time for the interview with Scotty,” he said as he left the office for his room.
“I’ll call you for breakfast — in case you need some energy!” I hollered after him.
The next morning, Harvey was bright and perky as he came to breakfast refreshed from a good night’s sleep.
“Hidey, boys!” he greeted the Residence crew.
“Sleep well?” Caleb asked.
“You. Stay away from me!” Harvey pointedly said to Caleb.
Caleb put a mock questioning look on his face, spread his hands and asked around the room, “What did I do?”
“You know you worked my ass off last night!” Harvey replied.
Brandon looked direct at Harvey’s perfectly formed bubble butt and deadpanned, “Looks like there’s enough left to go around here.”
The entire room exploded in laughter, whistles, applause and catcalls as Harvey twerked his way to Grant’s and Majid’s table.
“Seem’s like you got enough rest to entertain this crowd this morning,” I remarked snidely.
“I bet you put him up to it!” Harvey accused his cousin.
I raised my right hand and replied, “I swear I didn’t know what went on until after Caleb told me you wore him out so completely he couldn’t work the overnight shift. I’m not used to guests abusing our staff that way. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Harvey looked stunned with his mouth agape. Majid picked up a small link sausage and stuck it in Harvey’s mouth. “Here! Try something you can get your mouth around!”
The rest of the room convulsed in laughter again, but Harvey regained his composure as he realized he was the butt of some friendly ribbing of acceptance and he became his smartass self again.
“Yeah, this was about the same size!”
The entire crowd replied simultaneously, “I heard that!” Caleb turned crimson in the face and flipped Harvey a bird.
“You enjoyed it, didn’t you?” Harvey quipped.
“Almost as much as you did!” Caleb rejoined.
“And I’m going to enjoy this breakfast right now,” Harvey said, then asked, “What time is the meeting today?”
“It’s set for 2:30 this afternoon,” I responded. “Scotty spends his mornings going over last night’s receipts and then in gymnastic classes, showing the dancers new routines for their shows and perfecting their current routines. When there are extras, like Board meetings, he usually pushes other administrative duties to the next day. He’s very well organized and quick on financial solutions to situations. He’s an excellent banker type, when he’s in his banking mode.”
“He seems like he’s very much the business type, even if he’s posing nude for pictures. Like it’s just part of the day’s work,” Harvey observed.
“In many respects, he is just that,” I agreed. “But when the business world has been taken care of, he can be just as much fun as anyone. Some of the staff have spent time with him and found him just as hot and horny as any twenty-eight-year-old.”
“Grant and I can vouch for that!” Majid confirmed. “We’ve spent a couple of nights with him since he came to work with us, and they were very – uh – suck-cessful!”
“Like in, if at first you don’t succeed – just keep on sucking?” Harvey asked.
“No. More like, if at first you don’t get fucked – keep on jacking!” Majid retorted.
That got laughs from everyone nearby.
Breakfast over, Harvey gave Chef Angel a hug and thanked him for an enjoyable meal. Angel leaned his head around and gave Harvey a big kiss on the lips. And Harvey kissed him back. Majid headed off to the studio, Grant went upstairs to his office, and Harvey went out to the patio with his laptop. The others went to their duties at various locations.
* * * * * * *
That afternoon, The Crystal Rainbow Board of Directors met in the library of the Residence where they left their shorts, T-shirts and shoes. Jim explained to Harvey what the interview would entail. He seemed very happy to participate with Scotty’s approach to hiring new directors.
Everyone went down to the lower level, where chairs had been arranged near the wrestling mat. Scotty and Harvey took their places facing each other on the mat. Scotty turned around and took a couple of steps away from his opponent. As he went into his back flip, Harvey moved his left foot so he was standing facing where Scott landed on his back on the mat. The fall took the wind out of Scotty’s sails and he lay there for a few moments getting his breath back. When he raised his head to stand, Harvey dropped one knee onto the young Canadian’s abdomen knocking the breath out of him again. As Scotty was getting his breath back, Harvey took a full-mount position, pinning the hot muscleman’s arms with his knees. Harvey waved his magnificent cock in the flattened stud’s face, rubbing it across the mouth that was gasping for breath.
When Scotty was breathing normally again, Harvey asked him, “Is that how I pass the interview? I win!”
Scott was flabbergasted, as was the audience. He answered with a vehement, “No!”
“Really?” Harvey asked. “If not, while you’re here, SUCK MY COCK!”
Scotty opened his mouth to respond, but Harvey rammed his hard appendage in past his corona, but not far enough to be too aggressive. Scotty began some serious struggling, turning his head left and right and kicking his feet against Harvey’s back. The Californian reached behind him to grab the legs under his arms, but Scotty had enough velocity to push Harvey off balance and onto his back. However, Harvey went into a back-roll and stood up at the edge of the mat.
Scotty was angry as he stood up, and ran a shoulder block into Harvey’s gut, knocking him to the floor. As Harvey landed on his back, he put a leg scissors hold on Scotty’s waist and locked his arms around Scotty’s head. Scott pounded his captor’s shoulders and ribs until Harvey released his head in the arms but took his head in both hands.
Holding Scotty’s head directly in front of his face, Harvey looked directly into the beautiful hazel colored eyes and said, “Kiss me and I’ll release the hold.” Scotty looked back into the hypnotic, “Frank Sinatra” blue eyes, reading the sincerity in them, leaned forward and kissed the man under him. They worked the kiss for maybe a minute, until they heard the applause and encouragement from their audience.
Softly, Harvey said, “I want to know you better. I fell for your pictures in the ads and now I’m falling for you. If you want to fuck me, you’ve made me submit with your kiss.”
“Only if you’ll fuck me afterward!” Scotty replied.
“Fuck, yeah!” Harvey responded with enthusiasm.
Scotty stood up and Harvey raised his legs for his ‘soon-to-be lover’ to take control. Scotty leaned over and with his tongue teased his hole, his perineum, his balls and his cock. Then he returned to the rosebud, giving it all of his attention for several minutes.
“You ready?” Scotty asked.
“Anytime you are,” Harvey replied.
Slowly, Scotty began the trek into a new realm. Harvey opened up to him as if he had been there before. Both men were in paradise! When Scotty reached his full depth, he leaned over and they kissed long and profoundly. Scotty began his slow retreat from the depths to barely within the outer muscle, then retraced his descent into the inner realms again. Each time Scotty passed over Harvey’s ‘love-nut,’ the older man moaned with satisfaction.
The Canadian muscle hunk kept his pace slow for several minutes, but gradually increased the tempo until both men were anxious for culmination. Scotty deliberately refused a jackhammer pounding because he wanted to make the feeling last as long as possible. But the time came when he couldn’t hold out much longer.
Harvey closed his eyes as he confessed he couldn’t hold back much longer. The closer he came to his climax, the tighter he squeezed his sphincter around Scotty’s invasion. The increased pressure on Scotty urged him to release his pent-up emotions. As soon as Scotty began to unload, Harvey shot straight up into his face and open mouth.
The simultaneous orgasms cemented their growing feelings for each other.
Scotty collapsed on top of Harvey and they held each other in a close embrace for what seemed to them as an eternity.
Hassan threw a couple of towels to them which brought them back to the real world. As they stood, both men felt weak in the knees and used each other for balance. Grant and Majid took hold of their shoulders to give them added support.
“I have a feeling we just added a new member to the family,” Majid commented.
“He’s always been in the family, he just needed to be properly inducted,” Grant retorted. “Group hug!”
Jim, Hass and Dil joined in a naked group hug. Each gave the two a kiss to welcome the new Board of Directors member, then the two showered together. As they were drying off, Grant told them, “We’ll be up in the library for the celebratory Champagne.”
“We’ll be right up,” Scotty assured everyone. “But Harvey’s spending the night with me.”
When Harvey and Scotty got upstairs, Grant asked his cousin, “We’ll have a special dinner this evening for you. Would you like it to be here? Or at the Club? And who would you like to invite to join us? If here, you’ll have the entire Residence staff, and if I know Emile, he will plan for it to be on the patio for a cookout. Is there anyone else you would want to join us?”
“Well, since I’ll be working closely with Lane, maybe he could join us,” Harvey replied.
“Good thought, cuz,” Grant said as he popped Harvey on the butt. Then he raised his Champagne glass in a toast. “To Harvey Gaither! Our newest member of the team!”
“To Harvey!” was the rousing group cheer and toast.
By six o’clock, round tables lined the patio with strings of decorative lights hanging in place around the entire pool area and Tiki Torches, standing in the middle instead of umbrellas, lighting each table. The tables were large enough to seat eight people but usually was set for six; tonight the Honor Table seated seven. The grill had beautiful Porterhouse steaks grilling and huge potatoes individually wrapped and cooking. Bowls of salad were on each table along with pitchers of Southern iced tea — meaning sweet tea with sprigs of mint in each glass and pitcher.
Some of the staff played a pick-up game of volleyball while waiting for the honoree to arrive. Gradually the cars and guests arrived, parking their cars by the garages. Harvey, Grant and Majid appeared from the Residence and the party began!
Dinner was served to the Honor Table, then everyone else took their plates to the other tables. Music was piped from the house throughout the meal, but the rowdy group were joking and laughing from table to table – including the Honor Table. The tables were cleared before the dessert was served and the tone of the music changed – to Pacific Island type music. Our dancers from that area of the world – Hawaii, Tahiti, Maori, Samoa, Tonga and Filipino – appeared from the Residence carrying serving trays with individual Pineapple Upside-Down cakes.
Emile stood to explain. “A little parakeet told me that our Guest of Honor is particularly fond of Pineapple Upside-Down cake. So to honor Harvey Gaither, our Pacific Island dancers will serve the cake and then perform some Polynesian style dances for us! Enjoy!”
The dancers brought the cakes to each table and served them with the style of professional waiters. Then, when the music began the next song, they began a fifteen-minute show of all types of dances from the South Pacific – from the rhythmic Hawaiian Hula to the up-tempo of the Samoan Hula. That got the group moving!
After everyone was finished with their dessert and sitting back enjoying the swaying, muscular bodies swishing their grass skirts across their free-flowing protrusions, their show ended with Uk, from Hawaii, speaking directly to the Honor Table. Behind him, the other dancers were shaking their grass skirts in rhythm.
“A beautiful little bird has just informed me that our Honored Guest, Mr. Harvey, has been known in years past as a great dancer of our Hawaiian Hula – or as he called it, The Hula-Hop!”
Jim and Grant bent double laughing while Harvey turned red as a beet with embarrassment. The other guys at the table didn’t know what he was talking about.
“I also understand that his cousin, Mr. Grant, swung a hot tush long before it was called The Twerk!”
Now everybody was laughing and applauding.
“So it is with great pleasure that our closing dance will be The Hula-Hop, featuring Mr. Harvey and Mr. Grant!”
The music to The Hula-Hop started and the cousins and dancers began singing and swaying.
Here’s to Harvey and the way he does the hula-hop,
Here’s to Harvey and the way he does the hula-hop,
Here’s to Harvey and the way he does the hula-hop,
Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula-Hop!
Here’s to Grant and the way he does the hula-hop,
Here’s to Grant and the way he does the hula-hop,
Here’s to Grant and the way he does the hula-hop,
Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula-Hop!
Here’s to th’ cousins and the way they do the hula-hop,
Here’s to th’ cousins and the way they do the hula-hop,
Here’s to th’ cousins and the way they do the hula-hop,
Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula, Hula-Hop!
By the time they got to the third verse, everyone was on their feet and swaying to the music. When it was over, Harvey and Grant went up to the dancers to hug and kiss each of them. The entire staff got a hug and kiss from all of the Directors.
“Man, when you throw a welcoming party, you don’t quit, do you?” Harvey commented.
Grant earnestly replied, “I had no idea they were going to do all that! I swear! I told Emile that you liked pineapple upside-down cake, but that was all.”
“How did they know about the hula-hop? We haven’t done that in how many years?” Harvey asked.
“I have no idea,” Grant replied. “I had completely forgotten about it!”
Jim was standing beside them and commented, “I haven’t done that in thirty years, at least! It was all the rage in the D.C. area back when. I need to sit down after that workout.”
“Sorry about that, old man!” Scotty teased. Jim flipped him a bird!
“Not tonight!” Scotty retorted. “My dance card is full tonight!” He stuck his tongue out at Jim.
Harvey and Grant were talking after going through the ‘receiving line.’
“I’m scheduled to leave the day after tomorrow,” Harvey commented. “I’m taking my things over to Scotties and will stay with him the next couple of nights, then he can take me to the airport.”
“Sounds like a plan, although you know you’re always welcome to stay with us anytime you want to,” Grant replied.
“I know that and I appreciate all you have done for me this trip. It’s going to take two or three months to wrap up what I’ve got going with the agency and train someone to take my place. I’ll commute once or twice on weekends until everything is settled in San José.”
“Just let us know and we’ll have someone meet you at the airport ….”
“Scotty has already volunteered to drive me to and from and I’ll be moving in with him.”
“So, It’s that serious for both of you?” Grant quizzed.
Harvey gave a sheepish grin and nodded his head.
Grant put his arms around his cousin and gave him a big kiss. Harvey returned it.
“This has turned out way better than I would have thought. I’m glad we’ll be together again after all these years. Welcome to the Crystal Rainbow team!”
This time Harvey initiated the long, emotional kiss with his Kissin’ Cousin.
Scotty walked up to the cousins and joked, “Which one is trying to come between my fiancé and me?”
“Take him home with you and – get fucked!” Grant teased.
“I’ll do just that!” Scotty replied. “Let’s get your things in the car and get you out of this whorehouse.”
“Ready when you are, Super Stud!” Harvey replied. “Later, gator!” he said to Grant, who laughed and replied, “After-while, cock-uh – uh – crocodile!”
The next morning, Harvey went with Scotty to workout with the dancers, then spent the afternoon with Lane, going over some general ideas for future ads. For the ads aimed at gay military men wounded while in service, Harvey suggested pictures of military men who are still dealing with their PTSD.
“Maybe you could run an ad on Craigslist to find some of these guys in the Atlanta area. Get your lawyers to draw up a model release for using their pictures and pay them a hundred, two hundred dollars to pose for some pictures that would run in the ads. Get a description of their injuries to go with the pictures and give them a lifetime membership to the Crystal Rainbow.”
Jim and Scotty overheard the conversation and jumped on the idea.
“That sounds great, Harvey!” Jim complimented. “You might be worth having on board after all! Besides keeping Scotty from being so bitchy every morning!”
Harvey and Lane laughed, but Scotty whirled around grabbing Jim’s crotch and squeezing hard. Jim bent double and hollered, “Sonuvabitch!”
“Go fuck yourself, bitch!” Scotty retorted. “I’m nothing compared to you moping over your long-lost Marine stud!”
Lane interrupted the two. “Sweetie! Sweetie! Go back to your offices and suck each other off!” he told them. “We’ll take care of our business here.”
the two had returned to their offices, Harvey asked, “What’s with those two?”
“There was a time when they were more like lovers. Scotty had come off a bad job under some old dyke, and Jim had lost touch with a Marine he had an affair with who had been injured by a bomb blast. Jim can sometimes act like an old queen who needs his Marine and Scotty’s a young horn-dog who needs you. Fuck him blind before you leave tomorrow. Plee-e-e-e-e-ze!”
“That’ll be my pleasure,” Harvey chuckled. “Now, what’s next for the promotions?”
“Could we do something with pop-up ads on gay websites? We’ve got the video facilities, the stage at the Club, the pools at the Lodge and the Residence — all good for settings to promo what we have here.”
“Love it!” Harvey exclaimed. “Take the magazine pictures and bring them to life on the web. And when we get some military muscle to use, take clips of their telling how they deal with their trauma, their sexual orientation, and how they found comradery here. What’s Majid doing with the wrestling videos he’s shooting? Clips from them should be some good promotion.”
“They’ve been going easy on the sex in the videos,” Lane explained. “Majid, Hassan and Dildar have been U.S. citizens for only a short time so they don’t want anything to get it rescinded. Running a gay facility like this makes some people think prostitution, sex slavery, shit like that. Grant and Jim have been very conservative about the type of videos that are released. They agreed that they would avoid any total nudity on video that would be distributed for five years and they would wait another couple of years to include the hardcore stuff.”
“Good thinking,” Harvey responded. “So, let’s keep that schedule because we can expand to the internet gradually. The mags are doing a good job now, and we’ll keep it that way. Go through the videos Majid’s shot for some sexy vids from the Club stage or shoot some with couples of dancers performing together. Scotty’s not going to transfer from print to video. We’ll just use the dancers themselves. Clips from the wrestling vids can be used for the pop-ups.”
“I don’t know where to start in contacting the websites,” Lane began.
“Don’t worry about that,” Harvey interjected. “ I’m in the heart of the gay community for the United States. I’ll contact some people I know in San Francisco and get that part of it arranged.”
“When will you be back here to look at what we’ve got picked out to use?”
“I’ll be here in a month for a weekend and we can go over anything then, if you don’t mind working on the weekend,” Harvey offered.
“No problem! It’ll be nice to see you again. You’re a fun guy to know and I enjoy working with you,” Lane replied.
“Thanks,” Harvey said as he gave the artist a big hug.
“What’s going on down there?” Scotty asked from the top of the circular staircase.
“Nuttin’ Honey!” Harvey said to his new lover. “Just giving Lane a West Coast good-bye.”
“Keep it that way!” Scotty glared at Lane. “Let’s get dressed and go into Atlanta for dinner and some drinks for a change,” he said to Harvey.
“Lead the way!”
The two men walked hand in hand across the street to Scotty’s condo. They showered together, with some delays along the way, then headed out for a night on the town – Atlanta style.
They got home sometime late-night/early-morning, crashed for a few hours, then made up for lost time.
After brunch – Harvey drove Scotty’s MG-f over to the Residence to see Grant before he went back to Cali. After the guys there finished their lunches, and Harvey had another glass of sweet tea, he and Grant had some alone time in the library.
“Grant, I’ve got a question that’s been bugging me this week. I asked Scotty but did not get a satisfactory answer.”
Grant looked puzzled. “Shoot, Cuz.”
“I want a straight answer, even though you are gay!” Harvey joked.
“Jamal and Arman. How did you come to get hooked up with them?”
Grant exhaled audibly. “Majid and I met them when we were visiting his family in the Kurdistan region. They got us out of a tight spot, one that could have gotten us killed or at least life in an Iraqi or Iranian prison. We became friends and they came with us over here. They even helped us pick out our commitment rings. And they’ve been a tremendous help in setting up this operation, doing a lot of the legwork that we could not have accomplished.”
“Where do they stay?” Harvey asked.
“They have their own apartments here. There’s a lot to the plantation you haven’t seen yet.”
“Scotty implied they may be part of a money laundering situation,” Harvey offered.
“Oh, really?” Grant asked. “Very interesting.”
“Is that possible, Grant? They’ve got you involved in something like that?”
“No. Emphatically NO! They did NOT get me involved in anything like that. Majid and I were both living on our expense accounts which was over and above our salaries. We invested our income in high interest, off shore banks and some Swiss banks. Scotty was responsible for our account when he was at the Investment Bank, but he had a problem with a new supervisor and politely told her to go fuck herself. Frequent large deposits apparently raised too many questions. Jamal and Arman were the couriers who made the deposits for us. They work for US — NOT the other way around. They both are telepathic and we can converse with them mentally when we want or need to.”
“Telepathic?” Harvey asked and Grant nodded. “Ho-lee shit!” Harvey exclaimed. Grant continued nodding his head.
“Here comes Jamal now,” Grant said as the Persian hunk opened the library door. “Harvey, this is my dear friend, Jamal. He is one hundred percent Persian and not Iranian.”
Jamal stood just inside the doorway to the library. He was at his usual height and weight, totally nude with his nearly foot-long appendage rising at a forty-five-degree angle and hard as granite.
“Hooo-leee-sheee-it!” Harvey repeated, while halfway between sitting and standing.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Harvey,” Jamal said, emphasizing his Persian accent with softball size gonads resonating in his voice.
“Ho-lee-she-it!” was all Harvey could say.
Jamal extended his hand to help Harvey stand, then bent over to embrace him with traditional kisses on each cheek.
“Oh my god! What is that fragrance you’re wearing? You smell like an entire flower garden or a French whorehouse.”
“That is traditional for men in the Arab Middle East. Sometimes it takes a while to get used to,” Grant explained.
“It’s intoxicating. It’s like I want him to suck me off and fuck me at the same time,” Harvey said, as his manhood stretched his underwear and khakis. Harvey leaned into Jamal’s protrusion and stretched his mouth around the thickness of the huge man’s offering. He took the head into his mouth and stopped there. Before he could descend any more on the fleshy obelisk, Harvey felt a salty flow down his throat. He swallowed and swallowed two huge loads of Persian cum before the head pulled back out of his mouth.
“I want more!” Harvey begged.
“Come, sit with me, gorgeous one!” Jamal sat on a bench and pulled Harvey’s pants and underwear down. Then the Californian sat on Jamal’s lap, directly on top of his massive cock. The jinn’s precum, with its anesthetic effect on the human’s rectum, slid with ease into the blond, muscular man’s anus. Fullness slid through Harvey’s colon, rubbing his prostate the entire way, causing him to have an unexpected orgasm, shooting his load on the antique Persian carpet covering the library floor.
Simultaneously, Jamal released the rest of his load inside Harvey, coating his entire intestinal system. The cum taken through the mouth and anus blended and gave Harvey Gaither a full, everlasting inoculation of antiviral semen to immunize him forever. As with the other naturally born humans within the enclave, Harvey could have unprotected sex with immunization for life. He just didn’t realize it at the time. He only knew he had incurred the most unbelievable sex in his life so far.
Jamal pulled out and helped Harvey stand. Then he helped him pull up his pants and become ‘presentable’ again. Grant watched the entire episode, with a smile stretched across his handsome face.
When Harvey was back in his chair, Jamal leaned over to him and laid a tongue-laden kiss on the shocked hunk.
“What just happened?” Harvey asked his cousin.
“You just got the fuck of your life,” Grant replied. “Enjoy it all the way home! Thank you, Jamal.”
“Yeah, thanks Jamal,” Harvey said, still in a stupor.
“The pleasure was mine, Mr. Harvey,” Jamal said, and kissed him again before leaving.
“I feel like I’ve been transported to Nirvana,” Harvey commented.
“That’s sorta how you feel when you’ve been fucked by Jamal or Arman. Now you know why we keep them around. They have a place to live together as lovers without worrying about being thrown in prison or killed where homosexual relations are a capital offense. They also run errands and do things that we don’t have time to do. Any other questions as to why they have become our closest friends? And that fragrance you smelled was the pheromones they emit. It’s irresistible when they let it flow.”
“Has Scotty experienced that?”
“He has. And pretty much reacted the way you did. Same with Jim.”
“That’s an unbelievable ending to a fantastic week here with you, Grant,” Harvey said. “First finding out you are gay and this is your life now, then meeting all these incredible people, especially Scotty. I told him and Lane that I would be here for long weekends about once a month to do some work on the promotion until I can wrap up things in San José. Scotty may fly out there for a weekend in between.”
“I couldn’t be happier,” Grant replied. “It’s wonderful having someone I’ve known and loved all my life as part of my life again. It won’t be that far away from old times – just more intimate, maybe. No charades this time.”
Grant and Harvey hugged and kissed as Harvey was leaving.
When Scotty and Harvey got to the airport, they pulled into the Short-Term parking deck. They parked at a less-used area at the far end of the lot.
“I don’t like the idea of being away from you even for a day, much less two weeks,” Scotty said.
“It will mean that we will be together forever that much sooner.” Harvey countered. “I don’t like it either, but it’s necessary and I’ll get you all set up as a client. On top of that, we can Skype every evening even if it involves a jack-off show on the tube.”
“That’ll be our own porn show. Forget about cubicles with peepholes in the wall,” Scotty replied.
They looked deeply at each other for a moment, then leaned across the console of the MG. With arms around each other, they kissed for several minutes. Harvey rubbed his hands across Scotty’s shoulders, down his magnificent biceps and over to the perfectly formed chest. His hand brushed over the protruding nipples which he flicked with his fingers and then pinched them through the thin T-shirt and twisted them firmly. The electricity from the rough treatment surged through the young Canadian to his engorged cock, making it harder than ever. Scotty moaned with desire and forced his tongue farther inside Harvey’s mouth.
Their tongues dueled for several minutes until Scotty shot a load of baby-makers in his shorts, making an obvious stain on their front.
“Oh, fuck!” he exclaimed. “I can’t go into the airport like this. Damn! I wanted to stay with you until you left.”
“I wanted you to also, but it’s probably better that our public image remain reserved. If you come out to San José in a couple of weeks, we’ll make up for lost time. I love you, Scotty. With all my heart!”
“And I love you too, Harvey. More than you’ll ever know. I don’t know how it happened, but I do know it was meant to be.”
“So drop me off at the departure ramp and we’ll get a quick kiss in the car.”
“If you insist,” Scotty replied as he backed out of their parking space and headed for the driveway up to the airport.
To be continued...
So, how will Scotty handle separation from his newly found lover?
Posted: 11/01/19