The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019 by the author)
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Chapter 5
Part I – Cousin in the House
One afternoon my cellphone rang. I looked at the name of the caller – a cousin
on my mother’s side of the family whom I hadn’t seen since my parents’ funerals.
“Harvey! What a pleasant surprise! What’s going on?”
“Hey, Grant. It’s been too long. I understand you’re in Atlanta now. I chatted with Greta and she said you are living and working in Atlanta.”
“Yeah, I quit travelling to all those exotic, far-away places and have somewhat settled down here. Where are you?”
“I’m in Atlanta too – well, not far from Six Flags Over Georgia. A place called The Crystal Rainbow Lodge. It’s ….”
“I know exactly where it is. Why don’t I come over and we can have dinner together?” I interrupted him, without giving him any other information. I was walking to my car as we disconnected. Three minutes later, I pulled up to the Lodge.
Hassan was at the desk when I walked in. “Hi, Grant!” he said.
“Hi! What room is Harvey Gaither in? He checked in a little bit ago.”
“Yeah, not thirty minutes ago. He’s in 422. ‘Gaither?’ He’s got to be related to you ‘cause he certainly looks like you?”
“A cousin – and he doesn’t know I’m here!” I replied, grinning, then headed for the elevator. A minute or so later, I knocked on his door and called out, “Room Service!”
He had a towel wrapped around himself as he opened the door slightly. When he saw me, he dropped the towel and grabbed me in a bear hug. I grabbed him back and laid a big kiss on his hot lips. He’s a damned good-looking hunk – but what would you expect of my cousin?
“Grant!? How the hell did you get here so fast? I didn’t expect to see you for another hour at least!
ya’ see, Harv, I have this genie who transports me anywhere I want to go
instantly. I would have been here sooner, but the Lodge manager delayed me.”
“I can believe that. That the hunk at the desk would have delayed anybody. But where were you when I called?”
“At home – next door. I live in the stone castle just beyond the golf course.”
“Stone castle? You’re shittin’ me!”
“Nope,” I replied, shaking my head. “This is my project. But I didn’t realize you’re gay.”
“I didn’t know you were either. And I didn’t realize we really are kissing cousins!” he said with a chuckle. “And that was a damned hot kiss … cousin! I’ve been missing out.” Saying that, he leaned in for another long, but even hotter kiss.
“Let’s move you over to the Residence and you’re my guest as long as you want to be. Or you can stay here and enjoy everything on me.”
“You don’t make it easy on a guy, do you?”
“I try to be as persuasive as possible. It’s your call. But I’d like to have you closer to me with all the freedom you want.”
“You talked me into it. I’ll stuff my things back in the bag and check out. I want as much time with you as possible.”
When we got downstairs, I told Hassan that Harvey was going home with me.
“Oh, crap!” he exclaimed. “I was hoping to see more of him around here. Our guys would be very happy to service him every way possible.”
Harv laughed and told Hassan, in an Austrian accent, “I’ll be back!”
We pulled up in front of the residence and Gerhard, who’s German, took the car to park it and Umar, who’s Ethiopian, took Harvey’s case up to the Lavender Suite.
“Give Gerhard your car keys and he’ll bring your car up here for you.”
Harvey tossed his keys to Gerhard as we went inside.
“Hooo-leee crap!” Harv exclaimed as he walked into the foyer and looked around. “I don’t fukkin’ believe this!”
“You’ll get used to it soon enough. We’re not going to treat you as company, but just one of the guys. I hope that’s okay for you.”
“If the other guys look anything like the ones I’ve seen so far, it’s more than I could hope for. Hell, I’m going to have a hard-on the entire time I’m here.”
“We’ll try to relieve that anytime and provide you every service you could want. Let’s go up and I’ll show you to your room. It’s right next to Maji’s and mine. Sometime while you’re here, we’ll arrange for you to join us in our lair. After all, you’re fresh meat! Grrrrr!”
“Gee-whiz! What a way to go! Or is that, what a way to cum?” he asked.
“Oh, you’ll cum many times before you go! Guaranteed! Do you have a swimsuit with you?” I asked.
“You won’t need it – except when there are ladies on the property. Over at the club, guests usually wear slacks, jeans, or shorts and shirt. We have women who like to come and enjoy the dancers as much as the guys who frequent the bar. You might say The Crystal Rainbow Club is a somewhat typical Atlanta gay bar. Tonight, we’ll sign you up for a lifetime membership. You’ll just pay for your drinks, tips and lap dances.”
“That’s super, man! Thanks,” Harv replied.
“Are you still with the ad agency in the ‘cool, grey city of love’?” I asked him.
“The last time George Sterling and I were there at the same time, we had different perspectives on the surroundings. His from six-feet underground, mine from Folsom Street where it is cool and hot at the same time, more rainbow than grey and lots of sex going around. The company I work for is not an ad agency as such. It’s a brand development company that helps with promotions. They’re in San José and they’re good guys to work with.”
“So, you’re here to drum up some business on this side of the Mississippi?” I asked.
“Not at all. I’m on vacation. I’d seen the Crystal Rainbow ads in some of the mags and thought I could stop off and see Mom and Dad in Roanoke for a week and then hop on down here for some R and R. While I was at home, I Skyped Greta and she told me you were in Atlanta – although she told me more about Robbie and married life than anything about you. I’d hoped to see you, but this being your gig was the big shocker.”
“Your being gay was the shock for me. My gadar must not have been working last time we were together.”
“Hey, you were burying your parents. You weren’t even trying to pick up anybody’s gaydar, and I sure as hell wasn’t reading anything then either. But I’ve got my antenna on full alert now!”
“Don’t be surprised if you are on overload for the next week. You remember Howie Staunton?”
“Don’t tell me he’s gay! I’ve never known anyone straighter, and I think I heard he’s engaged to some rich bitch from the Eastern Shore.”
“No, Howie is not gay. But he is not getting married as of now. But that’s a long story. Hey! I just saw my husband drive in. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”
“Your husband!?”
“Alright, my partner – for now. One day, maybe. Majid and I met in Bagdad when I was on assignment there. He was my cameraman, and we fell in love. I’ll tell you more about it later. Here’s the hunk of my life. Hi, hon! Gimme a kiss and I’ll introduce you to this blond stud. {Kiss} Majid Mustafa, this is my cousin, Harvey Gaither. His dad and my mom were brother and sister.”
“A real pleasure to meet you, Harvey! And welcome to our not so humble abode!” Maji joked as he pulled Harvey close for a hug.
“Go ahead and give him a kiss, since we’re all kissing cousins,” I said.
Majid turned on the heat for our guest and Harvey responded enthusiastically.
“Not to interrupt the welcome, Harv, but where would you like to go on your first night with us?” I asked. “We could eat here, or at either the Lodge or the Club. Sooner or later, you’ll get to all of them. We dine here totally in the buff with our house staff. The Club and Lodge require some modicum of clothing decency.”
“We’ll see the Club later this evening anyway, so it’s your call,” Maji added.
“Your staff in the buff? Do you mean the staffs you carry with you everywhere, or the hunks who work here?
“Yes,” Maji and I said together, laughing.
“Is that what you’re feeding me, or ….”
“Yeah, that too,” I replied. “I don’t know what’s on the menu for this evening, but it’ll be good, whatever it is.”
“This I gotta see! Let’s eat here, and you say we’ll go to the Club later?” Harvey commented as he slipped off his shorts and briefs, shaking his ‘antenna’ up and down.
“We go by the Club nearly every evening we’re at home.” Maji said. “Sometimes we stay a long time, and other evenings we drop in just to show the guys there that we fully support them and appreciate them.”
“Let’s go on into the casual dining room and see who’s on board already,” I suggested.
We were met by our house security team, Ryan, Dylan, Caleb and Brandon. Igor, Umar and Sumate, our three houseboys, joined us along with Gerhard, Darren and Wade, our automotive crew, all appropriately undressed for dinner and showing some major fluff all around. When Harvey saw ten incredibly hung muscle hunks smiling at us, he involuntarily shot a load all over the floor. Umar grabbed a napkin and dropped to his knee to catch what he could and then he wiped up the floor. Sumate grabbed a wet cloth to wipe the floor more thoroughly, and Igor began removing the aftermath from Harvey – orally.
Poor Harvey was so embareassed {hold on, that’s not how ‘embarrassed’ is spelled}, he turned to leave. I grabbed him and held him tight, as he tried to get away. Maji and I had to drag him into the dining area. Chefs Emile and Angel came over and helped to calm him down. Our sommelier, Vinicio, stuck a glass of wine in his hand and guided it to his mouth. We all sat at the tables as Harvey slowly got over his humiliating experience.
Emile and Angel served us cubed steak with a large baked potato, succotash, a mixed green salad and garlic toast. The pepper gravy from cooking the steak was passed around for the potatoes. That got Harvey’s attention.
He became more relaxed as the meal progressed, realizing these men are (ostensibly) regular guys who eat, joke, talk about everyday subjects.
“I find it very interesting that each table has a representative from each job group,” Harvey observed.
“Yeah. Normally Maji and I eat at different tables, just to visit with different guys,” I replied.
“But with your being with us this evening, this becomes a different group anyway,” Maji interjected.
“So, tomorrow will be other guys at other tables …?”
Wade leaned forward and commented, “It’s the way we decide who we want to fuck around with that night.”
That got a good laugh from our table as Harv’s jaw dropped into his gravy — almost.
“Looks like I’ll pop your ass tonight instead of Maj or Grant … hunka-hunka-hunka,” commented Brandon.
“Only after I pull my fist and arm out of yours, Butthead!” Wade replied.
Their insults went on for another minute or so, while Harvey was bent double laughing. “Are they always like this?” he asked.
“After dinner, we’ll watch them decide the debate on the mats in the basement,” I told him.
“You have mats here like you did in Maryland?”
“Of course! And who tops whom is decided there,” I replied.
“This I gotta see,” Harv remarked.
“You will,” Maji told him. “But I want some dessert before the crème de la crème.”
“What is your choice this evening, Maj?” Chef Emile asked.
Majid is always trying to come up with a dessert that Emile does not have available. He has yet to succeed. “How many lemon meringue pies do you have ready for us?” Maji asked.
“I think we have three in the chiller?” the Chef replied. “Would you like a slice this evening?”
“No. I was just asking,” smartass Majid replied.
“Well, I would like a piece, Emile,” I said. “Harv, how about a slice of the best pie you’ve ever eaten? Even Grandma’s!”
“Yeah, I heard that Emile made a grated apple pie that was comparable to Grandma’s,” Harvey replied. “Greta was raving about it, Mama said.”
After dinner, some of us adjourned to the basement to watch Brandon and Wade fight it out on the mats for us. “This should be good,” Maji said. “They’ve wrestled for me before and it was a really tough, knockdown, drag out match we got on video. They know each other well enough to anticipate the other’s moves.”
The three of us sat in chairs between the mats and the weight equipment so they wouldn’t get thrown into that part of the gym. The other guys stood around the other three sides of the mat as buffers. The two muscle gods didn’t circle each other as many matches begin but went for the lockup instantly, ready to get his opponent off his feet as soon as possible.
But Brandon had a surprise for the big muscle mechanic. As soon as their arms locked, the security specialist rammed his knee into Wade’s abdominals, knocking the breath out of him and lifting him off the mat simultaneously. Wade lost his grip on Brandon as he dropped to the mat. Brandon fell on top of his foe, but Wade bent his legs so that his feet were ready for a dropping set of gonads to land directly on them. That let the big Finn know the fight was on for real.
Both men got to their feet at the same time and immediately went for a lockup again. This time Wade slammed Brandon with his forearm and rammed him in the groin with his knee. Brandon went to his knees but as Wade approached him, rammed him with an arm between the legs, putting the huge mechanic to his knees also.
Brandon instantly delivered karate chops to the trapezius on both sides of the neck and shoulders. The security officer helped the mechanic to his feet, then twisted his arm into a tight hammerlock. He slipped his other arm around to create a Half-Nelson, while releasing the other arm so he could make the hold a Full-Nelson. But Wade had other ideas about that. He straightened his free arm straight down and grabbed Brandon’s nuts, putting a hard squeeze on them.
So, instead of going for the Full-Nelson, Brandon reached up and grabbed Wade’s long hair, pulling his head back. He reached around his victim’s neck, putting him in a Rear-Naked-Choke. Wade struggled but was out-muscled by the bigger man.
Wade tapped out and Brandon released the choke hold but turned his advantage into a Full-Nelson. He forced the smaller guy to bend over and proceeded to invade his backside, creating a ‘Father-Nelson.’ He pounded Wade’s ass for at least five minutes before he pulled out and pushed him to the mat on his knees. He moved around in front, grabbed a head full of unruly hair and slammed his monster cock all the way down his throat in one motion. Wade took the ramrod as easily as if he had practiced on it for years. Brandon pumped for another five minutes from that direction until he pushed his boy-toy on his back, grabbing his legs and turning him up with his shoulders supporting him on the mat and his legs and engorged cock dangling over his face. The victorious Finn then rammed his huge cock up the loser’s ass and began pounding from above.
After another ten minutes, Brandon hissed, “Oh yeah, Junior, give him all you’ve got!” Then he began jerking motions as the elixir of his loins flooded Wade’s insides. That was all Wade needed for him to release his stored-up load of the Milk of Eros directly into his own open mouth.
Except for some gasps and several “oh my god’s” from Harv, everybody around the wrestling mat was rather subdued. The guys from security and automotive were low key in supporting their man; they were just watching with bated breath. After Brandon nailed Wade in the ass the first time, the other three security men cheered enthusiastically as Maji, Harv and Grant did.
Brandon lay down beside Wade, taking him in his arms and sensuously kissing him, demonstrating true affection for the man he had just fucked up. He looked up at Maji and asked, “Did you get all that on video?” Maji spoke up and asked, “Did you get that, Cliff?”
A voice replied, “Ready when you are, C.B!” Maji and the other guys looked shocked, but Harv and I bent double, laughing at the old C.B. DeMille story.* Maji was looking pissed before I explained they did get the video. The voice came back to us laughing, “Yes, we got it from all four cameras.”
I thanked the guys for the great time, then asked Harv if he was ready for some more entertainment.
“My god, what else do you have here? Oh, the Club, you mean,” Harv responded.
“Yeah, it’s almost nine and by the time we get dressed and over there, it’ll be nine-thirty. We can have a couple of drinks then come on home. Or if you want to close down the bar, that’s up to you. One of the Security guys can bring you back here when you’re ready.”
“This has been a long day, so I’ll stay until you’re ready to come back here and maybe make a night of it later this week.”
“Sounds good. Let’s slip into some casual clothes and head across the way,” I suggested. “Maji, you going to join us?”
“I think I’m going to go look at the video while that’s on my mind,” he replied. “I want Cliff to let me in on the joke!”
“Don’t be pissed with him,” I said. “He is from West Hollywood, and you know what that’s like.”
“I won’t be pissed at him – but he won’t know it – to begin with.”
“Why don’t you two just have a drink here and save the Club until tomorrow night,” Maji suggested. “The guys will be as hot then and the drinks just as weak. I’ll be back in an hour and we can have the nightcap then.”
“Sounds good to me,” Harv said.
“Let it be written – Let it be done!” I quoted from DeMille’s “Ten Commandments.” Maji gave me a kiss and left. Harv and I went into the library for a drink. I poured us a couple of Chivas Regal and we drank to a toast.
“Didn’t I see a baby grand piano in the big room across the hall?” Harv asked.
“You sure did. Do you still play?” I asked him.
“Some. Do you remember any of the duets we used to play?”
“Hell, no!” I exclaimed. Just then, I felt Jamal’s presence in my head.
‘Relax, master. You can remember all those songs and can play them as well as you ever could. Just calm yourself and I’ll be with you through the evening. Your cousin very much wants to sit beside you and feel you against him on the piano bench. You will be as accomplished as you ever were. With me there, maybe more-so.’
“Okay,” I told Harv. “You have to consider I haven’t touched a piano seriously in maybe ten years.”
“Who cares?” he replied. “It’s just you and me and I don’t care how accomplished either of us is. We’re together again.”
Harv opened the baby grand and sat at it. He began playing his part of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” Suddenly, my part came back to me as I relaxed. I sat next to Harvey and picked up the song with him. Then we played “Cotton Eyed Joe.” After that, he went into “When the Saints Go Marching In” and it all came back to me. After Scott Joplin’s “Maple Leaf Rag” he went into Joplin’s “The Entertainer.” I remembered all of them and picked up my part of the song like it was fifteen years ago. An hour later, Maji walked in on us as we wrapped up our piano session with Franz Schubert’s “Marche Militaire.”
“I thought you guys were going to have a drink and chat while I was gone – not practice for a piano concert,” Maji kidded us.
“It’s been, what? Fifteen years since we’ve played all those songs together?” I replied. Harvey nodded.
“It sounded great to me. I’d like to hear the entire concert sometime,” Maji commented. “Seriously, would you two perform for some of our guys? Then we could get Ari and Ty to show you up with their performance.”
“No!” I said vehemently, as Harvey replied, “Sure, why not?”
I got a message in my head telling me to ‘calm down and go with the flow.’
“I’ll think about it. I need my nightcap now.”
“You could use more than a nightcap,” Maji retorted, as he rolled his eyes toward Harvey.
I just looked at him, questioning and he smiled as he nodded. I finished off my drink, stood up and asked, “Is everybody ready to call it a night?”
Maji and Harvey both agreed we should turn in for the night. When we got upstairs, I gave Harvey a hug and told him, “If you need anything, just holler.” He said he would.
Maji and I completed our nightly ablutions and were ready for bed.
“You’re sure?” I asked him.
“Absolutely – if you want to,” he replied. “You go get him, or would you rather I tell him you want to see him?”
“It’s your idea. Go for it.”
Maji knocked on Harvey’s door. Harvey called out to come in, probably thinking it would be me.
“Harvey, could you come over to our room? Grant would like to ask you something.”
Harv looked puzzled but answered, “Sure.” He got out of bed and followed Maji to our room.
I was lying on the bed with an erection waiting for him. He had a look of total shock on his face. Maji moved up behind him with his monster Arab qadib rubbing his ass-cheeks.
“You’re shittin’ me!” Harv exclaimed.
“I hope not,” Maji said. “We’ve both had our nightly cleansing. Have you?”
“Yes. I found the preparations in the bathroom and thought maybe I should use them,” Harv responded with trepidation.
Maji walked to his side of the bed and sat down, waiting to see what Harvey would do. Harv crawled up from the foot of the bed and took my cock in his mouth, working his way down to the base. When his nose was buried in my bush, he began servicing it as if it were his favorite chew toy. Maji leaned over and began giving him a trip around the world. He worked his way deeper within the depths of Harv’s buns and Harvey moaned as he held me deep in his throat.
I worked my way around so that I could get Harv’s throbbing member in my mouth. Humming all the way to the base of his very ample offering, we cousins became Ying to Yang, a six to a nine, both sides of Pieces waiting for the little swimmers to make their way up the Ejaculation Tube. In the meantime, Maji moved around where he could charter a trip around the world for me. He got an abundance of lube on his fingers, then rubbed them deep between Harv’s ass-cheeks. It didn’t take long for me to feel a fleet was ready for launching as my nut-sacks drew themselves up for a blast off. I was holding Harv’s in my hand and felt them indicate a similar explosion. By this time, Maji had penetrated Harv’s rosebud and sphincter, waiting for the proper time to contact his prostate.
I forced myself to hold off until I felt my favorite cousin release the launch, then released mine so they would reach him during his orgasm. Harv screamed and convulsed during the mutual synchronicity, as Maji pushed his button without his realizing it.
After a few moments, I turned around to share a deep kiss with him and exchange some of the remnants of our orgasms. Maji moved back to the other side of the bed and wrapped his arms around both of us. He hugged Harv firmly, holding onto him as he came down from his experience.
When he was able to speak, he asked, “Is this what it’s like with you two?”
“Always,” Maji whispered in his ear.
I looked at him and smiled. “Actually, this was something special between us,” I said, looking at Harvey. “It just ‘shows to go you’ how close two cousins can be. You have always been very special to me, which is why I could remember the music this evening. Sitting beside you brought it all back to me.” ‘Thanks to you, Jamal,’ I mentally told him.
“I’ve never had such an experience, and I’m sure I never will again,” Harvey said.
“If you hook up with any of our guys, you’ll come very close,” Maji told him. “Each of them is absolutely incredible in his own way. You’re welcome to entertain him in your room for the night. You never have to worry about a quick blow job somewhere. The room is yours while you are here.”
“Except tonight,” I told Harv. “You’re spending tonight here with us. Sleep well, dear cousin. Enjoy the experience while you can and if there’s something you want, just ask.” I leaned into him and gave him a very warm kiss, parting his lips with my tongue.
“From either of us,” Maji added. “I’m not totally spent yet, when you’re interested.” Maji kissed him on the lips, then parted them with his tongue. Harvey reciprocated and held onto Majid for a long time.
“I’ll look forward to that later tonight or in the morning,” Harvey replied. “I’m so relaxed now, I … think … I’m ….” Lights out for Harvey!
Harvey was still sleeping soundly when I had to answer a bathroom call. Maji followed me in after a few minutes.
“Sleeping Beauty must have really been exhausted after last night,” Maji commented.
“Yeah, we did take a lot out of him,” I replied, smiling. “You ready to lay another one on him this morning?”
“Just waiting for him to ask for it.”
“And he will, I’m sure. I certainly can’t resist that big honkin’ horn.”
We returned to the bedroom and Harvey was just waking up.
“You two been taking care of each other while I’m sleeping?” he asked.
“Nope,” I replied. “Just taking care of Mother Nature’s command. You ready for some more personalized attention?”
“As soon as I have a short visit with Mother Nature, I’m ready to live dangerously,” Harv commented. “Be back in a sec.”
Maji and I began our lube preparation, him with his cock and me with my ass. We are both well infused with Jamal and Arman’s immunization from any STD’s, either giving or receiving, so none of our sex partners need have a concern for raw penetration. Harv had his first dose from me last night, so he is also protected.
When Harvey came back into the bedroom, he was already fluffed quite a bit. I knelt before him and took him all the way down the throat. Maji used his lubed fingers to prepare our guest for a rear invasion as I lubed him with saliva for my rear invasion. The three of us got on the bed.
Harvey fed his now fully elongated projectile into my prepared rear entrance. He slowly advanced, then tested some out-and-in tactics. When he and I were both ready for action, Maji added his cannon to the action. Once Harv was comfortable with his position between us, we both started impaling ourselves repeatedly on my cousin. At times we would penetrate from both directions simultaneously, and at other times we would alternate the rhythm. Harv never knew what pattern we would take so he could never anticipate our movements. Sometimes one would be slow and the other faster, sometimes in rhythm, other times syncopated. It was making Harv more and more aroused. When we felt he was about to shoot a load, we would stop all movement, then pick a different pattern when we started again.
By the time Harv was hyperventilating, Maji and I were on a collision path. Maji had been playing with Harv’s nipples most of the time, but now he worked them harder – pinching, twisting, pulling hard on them. Maji held off until he felt Harv begin his explosion, then he unloaded full blast.
Harv was in overdrive by the time he had emptied the reserves. “Oh shit! – Fuck! – Hell! – Damn!” One right after the other as he shot volley after volley after volley deep inside me. Then he collapsed. He was totally drained.
As he slowly slid out of me, I turned over and laid a big kiss on the man I love as much as I do Maji, but in a different way. We played together as children, grew up pretty much together, did lots of things together. All the time not fully realizing how much we really had in common.
“I love you more than you’ll ever know,” I told him.
“What!?!?!?” he exclaimed.
“I said, ‘I’ll love you more than you’ll ever know.’ I’m not saying that I’m in love with you, the way I am with Majid, but I love you as I love my sister, or your dad. More like a twin brother, maybe. I don’t really know. But you have a very special place in my heart and my life that cannot be replaced by anyone else. It’s that kind of love. Maji, I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.”
Maji smiled at me and nodded his head. “Not unlike what we feel for Jamal and Arman? They’re a part of us kind of like we’re a part of each other. No explanation can fully express it because it – just is.”
“Jamal and Arman?” Harv asked.
“A couple of guys who are very close to us and have known us since Maji and I realized we were a couple,” I said. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Maji.”
“And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Grant.”
“Which makes two of us who wouldn’t do nothing for the other one!” I punned.
Harv looked back and forth between the two of us and seeing the smirks on our faces retaliated with an elbow in each gut! ‘Oooof!’ He then turned to me and began a major tickling session as payback for the pun. We rolled off on the floor, still wrestling.
Just then, there was a knock on the door to the suite. Majid called, “Come in!” The door opened, and Arman came to the bedroom. All six-foot-six two-hundred-sixty pounds of totally nude solid muscle, and at least ten pounds of him is hard cock.
“Chef Angel wants you to know that breakfast will be served in thirty minutes,” Arman told us in his deep basso voice.
Harv lay on the floor, staring at the Giant Jinni, mouth agape.
“Thank you, Arman,” Maji said. The jinni bowed his head once, turned and left.
“What the fuck was that?!” Harv asked, incredulously.
“That was Arman. He and his twin, Jamal, are the two guys we consider our closest friends,” I said.
“Hooo – Leee Fuck!” Harv exclaimed. “Did you see the size of his dick?”
“Yeah. Sometimes it’s a little smaller and sometimes it’s a little bigger. He can adjust the size for his purpose,” Maji told Harv.
“You gotta be shittin’ me!” Harv explained.
“I shit you not!” Maji replied.
“Let’s get a shower and make our appearance at breakfast,” I suggested as I struggled to get up from the floor. “You want to shower with us?”
“Thanks, but I think I’ll go back to mine where I’ve got all my stuff in my dopp-kit,” Harvey replied. “Do I dress or undress for breakfast?”
“Breakfast is always casual, come as you are,” I answered.
“Just brush your teeth or gargle in case someone wants a deep kiss from you,” Maji added. “You don’t want to taste like ….”
“I get it! I get it, already!” Harv interrupted. “See you in twenty,” and he left the suite while Maji and I were laughing.
Our Residence staff and the mechanics, all who have living quarters over the garages, were seated at various tables when we arrived. There were some one or two empty seats at tables so the three of us split up to sit with other guys. Brandon and Wade had an empty seat between them.
Brandon spoke up, “Harvey, come join us!”
“We saved this for you,” Wade added as he pulled the chair out from the table.
“Wow, this is an honor. Thank you, guys,” Harvey said as he sat between them. “What’s for breakfast?”
“I’ve got some protein right here to begin with, if you’re interested,” Brandon offered with a smirk as he rubbed the wrinkles out of his cyclops’ horn.
Chef Angel interrupted at this point to offer coffee to Harvey, which he accepted. “What would you like from the kitchen?” Chef asked. “Sausage, country ham, bacon, eggs scrambled – fried – poached, biscuits, blueberry muffins, sliced toast.
“Oh, man!” Harvey exclaimed. “The blueberry muffins sound great with a couple medium fried eggs and … country ham.”
When breakfast was over, the group went their own ways to get their work done. Maji left for the studio and I went to my office in our suite. Brandon volunteered to accompany Harvey around and keep him company. They started with the Rain Forest swimming pool area, then went out to the patio at the back. I could see them from the window in my office.
They looked around the outdoor pool which is connected to the indoor one by a channel which can be closed off during the worst of the winter at the glass wall. We have a volleyball court, a tennis court and a basketball court down toward the river. They sat in a couple of the reclining chairs, talking. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but it must have gotten around to sex because Harv was obviously getting aroused. Brandon leaned over and took all of Harv’s very respectable tallywhacker in his mouth. He held it deep in his throat for a long time before slowly working his way back up to the point he had just the head in his mouth. Harv was becoming overwhelmed with the feeling of a tongue swirling around his tip. Then Brandon worked his way back to the base for another minute, at least. On the next up-stroke, the big muscle man opened his mouth so that only his teeth softly grazed the swollen rod. At the corona, Brandon let his teeth scrape across the head. Harv was about to lose his mind from the treatment his love muscle was receiving. And I was reacting to the sight also.
Brandon stood with his feet on either side of the chair and lowered himself onto the vertical pylon in one smooth movement. Harv reacted to the big guy’s engulfing his truncheon. Brandon held still for a moment then began to tighten and release his ‘O-ring’ until he started a series of ‘squats’ on the vertical projectile while pinching the protruding nipples in front of him. Harv’s face took on a myriad of expressions as Brandon brought him closer and closer to an eruption. Harv’s body produced a series of spasms as Brandon settled on the ecstatic guest’s lap while pumping his sphincter muscle for full suction. When Harv completed his release, Brandon gently but firmly bent Harv’s head down, aimed his own engorged cock directly at Harv’s mouth and shot volley after volley of hot cum down his throat.
Watching the two of them caused my own ejaculation but mine went into the trash can by my desk. None the less, I was as nearly as exhausted as Harv probably was.
Brandon leaned in to Harv and proceeded to lick cum off his face then share it with him gently. They held the pose for several minutes, until Harv could recover. Brandon stood and helped Harv to his feet. The big security guard wrapped his muscular arm around the smaller man’s waist, helping him to walk after the massive energy drain.
I heard them talking as they came up the stairs and went into Harvey’s suite. A few minutes later, Brandon knocked on my office door, then came in.
“You saw,” Brandon exclaimed.
“I saw,” I replied. “Thank you. I know he enjoyed what you did for him.”
“You enjoyed it too, didn’t you?” he asked.
I nodded my head.
“Good. He’s resting and maybe napping. He said he had an incredible night with the two of you but was giving signs he wanted some more.”
“You’re the man to pull it out of him,” I told him. “And then the shots of liquid gold without any effort from him was just what he needed, I’ll bet.”
“I think so,” Brandon replied. “He should be ready for the rest of the day after lunch. I’ll see you later.”
I winked at him and said, “Thanks again,” as he walked out the door.
I picked up the phone and called Ari and Ty’s apartment. There was no answer, so I left the message that I’d like a musical performance tomorrow afternoon at the Residence and we would like for them to join us for lunch beforehand. They are two of our piano and organ virtuosos who can play anything – from memory.
After lunch the next day, we went into the ballroom where I think every musician who wasn’t working his regular assignment had gathered for the concert.
“What are you guys doing here?” I asked.
“We came to hear you two play.” “We understand you are very good.” “We hear enough of Ari and Ty.” Different guys commented.
“I’d rather hear them play for us,” Harv commented.
I nodded my head at them, waving my hand to ‘show them the way.’
Knowing I like Strauss very much, they opened with Junior’s “Pizzicato Polka.” Then they played his dad’s “Radetzky March.” Of course, everyone got into the clapping at the correct times. They are all classically trained musicians, as well as wizards in jazz and pop. They adapt all types of music to the dance rhythms for the Club’s shows. Ari and Ty switched moods to some Gershwin, Rodgers, Romberg, and Kern. Then they went into some folk pieces made popular by Springsteen, and some of the folk singers of the ‘50s and ‘60s. Show tunes from the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. After about an hour, Ari went over to the Wurlitzer 950TA organ for some piano/organ duets. The performance included music from Mozart’s 12th Mass “Gloria” to “Phantom of the Opera.” Maji joined us in time to hear Ari at the organ play Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor,” which was the end of the concert.
After that, several guys said they wanted to hear us play. My response was, “Not a snowball’s chance in hell after that performance.”
Harv added, “Maybe next time I visit, you all can sneak in and listen when we don’t know anyone’s around.” They all liked that idea.
To be continued...
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{* When Cecil B. DeMille filmed “The Ten Commandments,” he had five cameras set up around the Exodus set so there would be a variety of angles to enhance the enormity of the scene. He called for the cameras to roll. Then for action. And the hundreds of extras and the stars of the movie moved away from the walled city in Egypt. The cast moved forward on cue. At the end of the scene, Mr. DeMille called “Cut,” then asked each cameraman if he got the scene from his perspective. The cameraman from the top of the wall hollered back that his film broke half way through the scene. Then he called to the cameraman who was set up in a cart to get the scene from the crowd’s perspective, but he replied everything was a blur because the animals’ rears kept getting in the way. Something was wrong with every camera shot on the ground. But he still had one camera shooting from the hills to get the panoramic view of the scene coming toward him. Mr. DeMille hollered up to him, “Camera Five, did you get the shot?" The cameraman hollered back, “Ready when you are, C.B.!”}
Posted: 10/18/19