The Crystal Rainbow
Hank Horne
(© 2019 by the author)
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Chapter 2
Lodge Guests from Cowboy Country
The Crystal Rainbow develops a theme to welcome fans who come to the Atlanta area for some festival or big show. Georgia has an annual awards banquet to honor artists who have made major contributions to state’s music industry. There are five categories of inductees into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. The show at the Club features country songs and other types of music with the country sound. The dancers all start their shows in bluejeans, plaid shirts or denim vests, straw hats, and a bandana around the neck or head.
Then there are rodeos all around the state, including the capital region. One of the biggest black cowboy rodeos in the country is held here. Keeping with the theme, the dancers dress in cowboy outfits, including fancy shirts, jeans, cowboy boots and hats, and of course the required bandana. Some of our dancers start their shows twirling a rope and doing tricks with them, like you see in parades and rodeos. You know! Twirling it and dancing in and out of the loop. They’re pretty good too!
The afternoon before the opening day of the rodeo last year, three pairs of cowboys showed up in shiny pickups to spend the week. The first pair to arrive was in a shiny, blue 2005 Chevy Silverado on lifts and monster wheels. Luke was driving and Tyrone was riding shotgun. They looked like they were the real deal. Their jeans and boots were well worn and they had donned their T-shirts before they got out of their trucks. Luke had both sleeves rolled up, showing off his biceps, but carried his pack of cigarettes on his right arm, like guys used to do back in the 1950’s. Vik pointed out our No Smoking policy in rooms and had Luke initial the paragraph. Smoking was allowed on the balcony. Luke initialed the No Littering in public areas policy also. Our extra security officer, Malik, had Tyrone initial both policies on his check-in form. Then he showed the guests a map of how to get to their room.
A couple of hours later, another shiny pickup pulled in to the front parking area. This was a bronze Ford Super Duty. By this time, Fabio had replaced Viktor and Terrance had replaced Malik. The passenger, Garrett, came in to verify the reservations then waved to his buddy, Willie, to join him. Fabio and Terrance did the complete check-ins, including Littering and Smoking policies.
Maybe a half-hour later, the third pair showed up driving a gleaming red Toyota Tacoma. Darnell and Hunter came in together and the security men went through the full check-in process. All three pairs had reservations and the entire week’s rental was on their charge cards. The interesting aspect of this trio of couples was the fact that one in each pair was black and the other was white. Several black couples had already checked in — well, duh — it’s a black rodeo. There were some white couples here for the event too; they obviously were not competing but here to enjoy some great riding and roping skills.
Whenever there is a big convention or show in the area, The Lodge doubles up on
the security/front desk attendants. With the rodeo, they added three of their
black security muscle to work the desk; Vik and Fabio worked back-up and Rajesh
did the same on overnight duty. Hopefully, the guests would feel more
comfortable while here. It seemed that many of the guests knew each other from
previous rodeos, and being gay helped to ease any tension that might have been.
The three couples were housed on three separate floors and it seemed their doors were always open with other guys constantly going — and maybe even cumming just as much. Periodically, the staff would turn on the security cameras in their three rooms ostensibly to make sure nothing unlawful was going on in there. Each of the couples went naked all the time while in their room and welcomed anyone who came in. They horsed around with everybody, gladly topped or bottomed for anyone who was so inclined to interact with them. Somebody was on their knees almost all the time. They constantly emptied the room refrigerator of the soft drinks and beer, and emptied their bottles of the hard stuff. The extras ran up their charges considerably over the week.
Two additional security men were housed in a Lodge VIP suite for the duration. Normally, they would cover the Guard House from midnight to six a.m. and both are from cowboy country. Cooper is from Tisdale, Saskatchewan, and Wyatt is from Laramie, Wyoming. Both had done some rodeoing in their younger days and not only could talk the talk and walk the walk but have award belt buckles to verify it.
The first night, they made the rounds of the three open-house rooms. Met the hosts on a very personal level of both giving and taking. Since their suite was on the top level, they visited Darnell and Hunter in their 6th floor room just after midnight, ostensibly just dropping in because the door was open and sounds of a party emanated from within. Half a dozen guys had collected in there, drinking beer and fondling the nude hosts. While they were there, a couple of the guests went to their knees to service the massive erections on their hosts. Cooper and Wyatt stayed about an hour and participated in having a couple of beers, being serviced and drilling a couple of guests.
They had the bottom-boys on their hands and knees, pretty much in the “Down Dogie” position, as their precum was anesthetizing the already loosened sphincters. A beer in one hand and a hank of hair in the other, they began riding them like they were broncs released from the shoot! A visitor to the room was perched on the luggage bench strumming a Martin flat-top guitar. “Can you give us a ‘C’ chord?” Cooper asked as he and Wyatt caught each other’s eyes. They began singing the old Gene Autry theme song, “Back In The Saddle Again.”
I'm back in the saddle again
Out where a friend is a friend
Where the longhorn cattle feed
On the lowly gypsum weed
Back in the saddle again
Ridin' the range once more
Totin' my old .44
Where you sleep out every night
And the only law is right
Back in the saddle again
Rockin' to and fro
back in the saddle again
I go my way
Back in the saddle again.
The baritone–tenor duet was a big hit with the other cowboys in the room and when the singers got to the end, they exploded inside their mounts at the same time, causing the dogies under them to erupt on the floor. There was applause, shouting, pats on the backsides and clicking beer cans in toast to the ‘singing cowboys.’
Then the two came down to the lobby to use the public restroom and chat with Fabio and Terrance before going up to the next open-door party on the 4th floor. They recognized a couple of the cowboys from upstairs and met new ones from that floor. Again they accepted a beer and mingled with the group, introducing themselves to Willie and Garrett, who were the party hosts. The personal activity was more advanced and one of the guests was stretched across the bed sucking one cowboy’s horse-meat while taking a monster from the rear. Two more cowboys were preparing to plow a furrow in the men standing on each side of the bed. The hosts were standing around with divining rods trying to find caverns to delve into. Again Cooper and Wyatt stepped up to do the honors — make that, knelt down to do the honors. This time, they were prepared to have some fun with the two cowboys – they love edging their subjects.
As each man was reaching his climax, the suckers stopped sucking the suckees! The first time, they wondered what had caused the couple to stop their service. “Had to get a breath!” was the first response. The second time, the men hollered, “What the hell!” or “What the fuck!” The third time Coop and Wyatt went down on them, the two cowboys grabbed their heads and held on for dear life as the two cocksuckers went the whole way. They kept the dicks all the way down their throats until the last couple of releases which Coop and Wyatt caught in their mouths, then shared with them when they stood up. That called for another beer!
Fabio and Terrence had big grins on their faces as Cooper and Wyatt got off the elevator in the lobby. They had seen everything on the security camera feed.
“Any sign of weed or anything yet?” Fabio asked.
Both men shook their heads.
“It may be too early or they’ll wait until tomorrow,” Wyatt replied.
“No smell of anything in the room, except some cigarette smoke that might have come in from the balcony,” Cooper added.
“It wasn’t heavy,” Wyatt confirmed.
“You need a pill to clean the alcohol?” Terrance asked.
“I just need to piss!” Wyatt answered.
“Me too!” Cooper added.
“Need help?” Terrance asked.
“Just a receptacle, if you’re volunteering!” Cooper said as he followed his buddy into the restroom.
Along about 2:30 a.m., Wyatt and Cooper made their way to the 2nd floor and Luke and Tyrone’s room. The party group was obvious as they approached the open door. The two hosts were having a heated discussion as the two ‘cowboys’ walked in.
“What the fuck did you do with the stuff?” Tyrone asked.
“I put it in the lining pocket, like always!” Luke replied.
“Well, it’s not there now!”
“It’s got to be! The case was locked and you’ve got the key!”
“It’s not there! What happened to it, dammit?”
“Well, I didn’t take it! You’ve got the key and I don’t got one!”
“Maybe it’s in your truck. Go look for it!”
Luke pulled on some shorts and sandals and hauled ass to check his truck. Half an hour later, he returned without any success in locating the missing items. Both Luke and Tyrone were extremely pissed at each other, believing the other had done something with their stash. Luke threw the first fist at his naked buddy, who dodged the blow and grabbed the arm, twisting it into a hammerlock. Both men went down on the bed as Cooper and Wyatt stepped in to prevent the fight from going any further.
“Okay, guys, you want to fight, then take it outside – there’s lots of room between here and the river.” Wyatt said as the two undercover security men separated the combatants.
“You can’t afford to pay for all this furniture and forfeit the week’s charges,” Cooper added. “Get your shit together, bro, and either take it out on the lawn or kiss and make up.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Tyrone asked.
“Yeah! What are you – security?” Luke queried.
“Just a couple of cowboys who don’t want a stupid-assed fight to fuck up a great party for a bunch of other guys!” Wyatt replied.
“I’d recommend you chill and discuss your problem because we don’t want to get the security guys from downstairs involved in your private lovers’ spat!” Cooper added.
“Because if we hear any more noise, other than a moan from taking a dick up the ass, we will call security,” Wyatt said.
As the two locals walked out they heard a commotion from a couple of floors up, so they headed in that direction. When they got there, they saw Willie and Garrett all in a rage over something missing.
“Hey guys!” they both said at the same time to about a half dozen men who were in the room, fucking, sucking and drinking.
“Hmmm, fresh meat!” one of the fuckers said, causing some chuckles.
“What’s with you two?” Cooper asked the hosts. “Something got your bowels in an uproar?”
Both men looked flustered for an answer. After a few moments, Garrett said, “We just can’t find something we brought with us.”
“You’ll probably find it when you least expect to,” Wyatt responded. “Hope it wasn’t contraband, ‘cause I’ve seen those security guys downstairs get really rough when they smelled it or found it on somebody.”
“Oh, no! It wasn’t nothin’ like that. Just something I thought I had in my backpack,” Willie stammered. “I’ll find it somewhere.” He sounded just like a professional wrestler when the ref caught him cheating.
“Want a beer?” Garrett quickly asked.
“Nah, thanks,” Cooper replied. “We’re going to turn in for tonight. I want to get over to the Park in time to watch some barrel races and the kids riding.”
“That’s how we both started – as kids riding barrels and calf roping,” Wyatt commented. “Then as teenagers, we got into steer wrestling and barebacking – plus some barebacking of a different kind.”
“Yeah, so now keep it down. I want to get some sleep!” Coop added as they left. “I don’t want those security guys raisin’ a ruckus tonight!”
Arman and Jamal kept close tabs on the guests at the Lodge, especially during big festivals. The rodeo was no exception. One of them was hovering over the Lodge, checking on the guests’ behavior and adherence to policies. Anytime someone started to light up a cigarette in their room, the dining room, lounge or the Lobby area, the guest would have a tremendous urge to not light up. There were a bunch of guys who walked around with an unlit cigarette in their mouths. When they would move to an area that was out of doors, the cigarette they tried to light earlier would suddenly become lit. Anytime they tried to litter, whether it was toss a cigarette butt or any other piece of trash, the item would not leave their hand or mouth. They soon learned the smoking and littering ban was being enforced beyond their understanding, and adhered to the policy. When anyone tried to find some illicit weed or powder, they discovered they didn’t have it with them after all. They couldn’t find it in their vehicles or anywhere they looked in their baggage. After they checked-out, it appeared where they had left it — but they didn’t find it until they got home.
To be continued...
The next guests are from Central Africa and one has extraordinary abilities!
1 Back in the saddle again
© Warner Chappell Music, Inc., COHEN AND COHEN
Posted: 09/27/19