The Private Journals of Isaiah Watts
Volume II

By: Nicholas Hall
(© 2021-2022 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 5
The War Years

“There are those who steal children, boys and girls, and whore them out, giving little heed to their welfare and needs, only the dollars they can earn with their bodies. When they have outlived their usefulness, they are either dumped into the Bay or enslaved by someone else.”

(The Private Journals of Isaiah Watts) 

The four boys, two smaller Asians, one slightly taller white boy (although tanned in appearance), and just a bit taller black boy, stood together, their eyes quickly surveying their surroundings, trying to discern where they were and what dangers might await them. Clearly, in Isaiah’s opinion, two of them were relatively street-wise, and all four were unfamiliar with a farm. The four were all pre-pubescent, with ages varying, again in Isaiah’s opinion, hard to determine, but all less than eleven or twelve, he thought. The white boy and black boy were thin, underfed perhaps, poorly dressed, defensive in nature, and, from their appearance, in desperate need of a bath or shower.

Tommy Tomayo scurried over to them, said something undiscernible to others, and shooed them toward Ramos, following quietly behind them. The boys stood slightly behind Ramos as he began the introductions. Each lad stepped forward as his name was called and he was introduced to the persons on the porch.

“Conley, you’ve sort of met Tommy Tomayo, my houseboy for many years. He’s fourteen and has been with me since he was seven.”

Arm around the first boy’s shoulders, the younger and the smallest of the two Asian boys, Conley urged him forward to introduce himself.

Hands clasped together in front of his face, in the traditional method of greeting, he made a slight bow, saying in soft, slightly accented voice, “Namaste. My name is Andre and I am seven.” He made another slight bow, hands clasped together in front of his face, and stepped back.

The second boy stepped forward, made the same greeting, with the same accent, but adding, “My name is Carlito and I am eight.”

Stepping back, he moved so Tommy could present the white boy. The lad starred at Gio and Isaiah, his eyes boring into theirs, before softly, with no accent, responding, “My name is Eddie Camfield and I am nine years old.”

Even as he stepped back, he kept his eyes on Isaiah, never really losing contact!

The black lad now stepped forward, but not before giving Eddie a questioning, concerned, almost protective glance, and said with more confidence than Eddie, “My name is Cordell and I’m ten.” His accent and manner of speaking seemed to indicate he was from a city, perhaps an inner-city area.

Cordell stood there, after announcing his age and name, looking over Conley, Isaiah, and Gio. His stance and attitude was somewhat arrogant, perhaps defiant or challenging, sending the message he wouldn’t be an easy person to know and, frankly, announcing he really didn’t trust those to whom he was introduced. Cordell appeared, at first glance, to be hardened and quite street-wise. No doubt, Cordell wasn’t a stranger to the unknown or the dangers others presented to him. Whether or not he was capable of staving off threats or attacks by adults was something yet to be determined. In America, in this day and age, as a black, he’d have to be a survivor!

Before he could be stopped by either Tommy or Conley, he stood his ground, pointed his finger at those on the porch and demanded, “Who are you guys and where are we?”

All four of the boys were in close proximity, perhaps ten foot in front of them, to Gio and Isaiah, so it was a brazen move on the part of Cordell; a young boy facing older teens and an adult he didn’t know! Cordell didn’t flinch or move as he waited for an answer.

Isaiah watched him closely, as it appeared to have taken his action to deflect any attention the others might have toward his three companions, especially Eddie, now partially shielded by Cordell, evidently convinced Isaiah had an interest in him. Isaiah nodded slowly, acknowledging to himself Cordell seemed to be the dominant male of the two, for whatever reason.

Isaiah didn’t break his smile as he responded, “My name is Isaiah and this,” point to Gio, “is my boyfriend Gio. We live here and work here so, as long as you’re here, you’re going to see a great deal of us. You’re at Ravenwood, Mr. Conley’s farm, and, apparently, where you’re going to live. I’d imagine none of you are farm or rural boys, so life will be different for you and will take some getting used to.”

Cordell seemed to digest the information, pursed his lips, nodded his understanding, and stepped back, Eddie taking his place just to his immediate left.

Isaiah scrutinized Eddie very carefully, wondering what it was about the lightly tanned nine-year-old causing him to be so curious about the young lad. Perhaps it was the color of his skin, not unlike his own; perhaps it was his mannerism, or the haunted, sad look in his eyes. He decided to act on his instincts, those gut feelings one gets concerning people and situations. Nodding slightly to himself, his mind made up, he tossed out the first troll.

Speaking Romany, he commented,

“I’d fuck any one of those boys but probably the Gaje boy first.”

“Think so?” Gio replied, answering in Romany.

Again, watching the boy carefully for any type of reaction, noting there was a slight flicker in the eyes and a twitching of the ears as if the boy understood, but was trying diligently to feign ignoring them. Isaiah tossed out the next bait.

“Si ma baao kaar! (I’ve got a big dick)”

“Don’t I know it!” Gio responded with a grin.

Eddie’s eyes, when hearing Isaiah’s remarks about his dick and Gio’s acknowledgement of it, snapped directly only Isaiah’s crotch, zeroing in on the big package concealed under the jeans.

“He understands us,” Isaiah breathed softly.

Before Gio could ask who, Isaiah crooked a finger and waggled it in the universal signal to step closer.

“Av alai! (come here).”

Eddie’s eyes opened wide, surprised and excited at the same time, and, before Cordell could react, darted from his side, and catapulted himself into Isaiah’s open arms almost knocking him over, bringing about a wince, as the sudden impact brought some pain to his bad hip! It was forgotten when the small boy wrapped his arms around him and began to sob, great emotionally pained cries, coming into contact with something or someone he thought was lost forever!

Cordell was on Eddie’s heels, stopping in front of Isaiah, his fists raised in defense and threat, his face a combination of fear, anger, and concern, ready to defend his younger friend. Shouting, he announced,

“Don’t you be hurting him! He be hurt enough already!”

Gio quickly intervened, pulled the angry black boy into his arms, not only holding him in an embrace, but effectively constraining him so he couldn’t harm them or himself.

“He’ll be just fine, Cordell,” Gio said, trying to sooth the boy’s fears and reassure him all would be well. “He’s not hurt, he’s just heard a tongue he thought he might not hear again. No one will be hurt here, not as long as Isaiah and I are here to protect you!”

The fight seemed to flow out of Cordell, deflating like air from a balloon, as he slumped into Gio’s arms and accepted Gio’s embrace and warmth.

“But, he’s the only real friend I ever had!” choked out Cordell, his voice breaking as he worked to suppress his sorrow. It didn’t stop his eyes from filling with tears, however.

Eddie noticed his friend’s distress, pulled his head from Isaiah’s chest, reached out with one arm and hand, touching Cordell, signaling to him all was well.

“I’m fine Cord. We’re among friends. I haven’t heard anyone speak my families language to me since…..”

His voice faltered and Cordell quickly released himself from Gio and wrapped Eddie in a hug, comforting his best friend.

In the midst of all of the hullabaloo, Carlito and Andres sought refuge behind Tommy hoping he’d offer some protection, or at least a buffer, “just in case it got all poopy,” Carlito later giggled, knowing Tommy Tomayo really wasn’t a fighter, he was more “girly” as Andre would say, but they loved him just the same.

“Isaiah,” Conley said, interrupting, “why don’t you and Gio help the boys get their things unloaded and settled in their bedrooms so this driver can get back on the road. Take them upstairs and get them settled. Tommy will be in?” looking at Ramos, who said “my room” “in the bedroom downstairs with Paul’s stuff. We’ll have to move a single bed in there. Bring one down from one of the other bedrooms.”

It didn’t take long to unload what few belongings the boys and Ramos brought with them and get things settled in. Andres and Carlito were placed in one bedroom and Cordell and Eddie in another. The extra bed was set up, made, and Tommy moved in.

Isaiah and Gio reassembled with their entourage back in the kitchen where Conley and Ramos sat, each sipping a brandy.

“What now, Mr. Conley?” Isaiah enquired expectantly. He was about to suggest their new residents, at least the four youngest, partake of a nice hot shower and some clean clothes, but Conley beat him to it.

“Isaiah, take your four young charges back upstairs and scrub them up. With nine now for supper, Gio, would you please help Paul and Tommy put together a meal since you know where everything is. After supper is cooking, you and Tommy can go upstairs and take your showers. With everyone squeaky clean, I’m certain we’ll all find the meal more enjoyable.”

Gio and Isaiah ordinarily showered after doing chores anyway. Pigs and chicken can really stink and they had to be fed morning and night, generally after milking the two cows.

“Gotcha’!” acknowledged Gio as Isaiah herded his group back up the stairs. “Any ideas for a meal? We sort of planned on finishing up the leftover ham for sandwiches. Won’t be enough to feed all of us though.”

“Any rice?” Ramos inquired.


“Then let’s see what we can fix to go along with it.”

Gio led Ramos and Tommy to their well-stocked pantry. Canned fruit, canned vegetables, both commercial and home-canned, and canned meats (chicken, beef, and pork) lined the shelves. There were a few onions left from the previous year still hanging on strings. Glass jars contained dried mushrooms, herbs, and other spices. Various bins contained potatoes, dried beans, rice, flour, sugar, and salt. Their larder was more than adequate to sustain the sudden growth in the resident population on the farm. There was still time to enlarge the garden. Extra mouths to feed also meant more hands to help around the farm. Granted there were things the younger boys couldn’t do, but there was a great deal they could. The only problem would be their unfamiliarity with farm life. It was much different from the city life they apparently led previously.

Conley listened as the trio in the pantry discussed the meal, the adequacy of food stuffs, and life on the farm. He decided, with more laundry each week, he’d increase the housekeepers time from one day per week to two. Tommy could handle the daily household duties, along with helping Paul prepare the meals, but laundry would be heavy, probably a couple of times per week. He’d just have to wait and see.

Gio, Ramos, and Tommy emerged from the pantry and Ramos announced it’d be rice with a sauce of canned beef and sides of canned vegetables.

“We’ll make some noodles tomorrow,” he announced, “and dry them so we’ll have some available when we need them.”

As he hustled about the kitchen, instructing Tommy and Gio what to do, Ramos and Conley visited.

“Last I heard, until I received your telegram,” Conley said, “you were in the Philippines cooking over there.”

“Yep, had a good job, but in the summer of ’41 I started getting nervous about the political situation and the possibilities of a war breaking out. Last thing I wanted to do was get caught in some pissing match! I gathered up my savings and other valuables, put the house on the market, and booked passage to Hawaii.”

“I notice the two youngest carry your last name. They yours?”

Ramos laughed; “You know better than that, Conley. Never did acquire the taste for females, always males. They do carry my last name, however.”

“How about Tommy?”

Ramos explained the houseboy he had, while living in the Philippines, for many years was in his mid-twenties several years back and for some reason grew restless and wanted to move on. Ramos let the word out he’d be in need of a new houseboy and one day an old man showed up at his door with Tommy Tomayo in tow.

“He was so damned cute,” Ramos laughed, “I couldn’t really say no. Hell, he was only seven years old or so. Anyway, the deal was cinched when the old man grinned a toothless grin at me and with a sly wink, and announced, ‘he suck cock good!’”

“Did he?”

“Like a suction hose with moist lips and active tongue.”

“How about the boys?”

“What a fucked-up mess that was!” Ramos snorted. “Less than a month after my houseboy left and Tommy moved in, the old man was back with a very young and very pregnant young girl.”

After rapping on the door, when Ramos opened it, the old man announced, “You houseboy, he fuck her,” pointing at the young girl, “for maybe two, three years, then he make baby. He work for you, you responsible- girl, baby yours.”

“Hell,” Ramos lamented, “I didn’t know the old man was the houseboy’s grandfather. I got set up.”

The baby boy Ramos named Carlito and he carried Ramos’ name on the birth certificate as the father. Ramos registered Carlito with the U.S. Consulate making him a U.S. Citizen. The young mother, age thirteen when Carlito was born, hung around until Ramos could hire a wet nurse and fanned her ass out of there. He also hired a male “nanny” to help with raising the boy since Ramos worked nights as a chef in one of the big restaurants.

Andres was born a year later, however under different circumstances. A friend of Ramos’s ran a mission in the Philippines city where Ramos lived, for the poor, the homeless, the down and out, and other unfortunate, as well as street boys, and asked Ramos for a favor. He had a fourteen-year old girl who’d been gang raped by three or four older teen boys and now was very pregnant, close to delivery. The family would have nothing to do with her, accusing her of fucking the whole neighborhood on a regular basis!

“Good thing the wet nurse had two working tits,” Ramos laughed. “I did the same for Andres that I did for Carlito, so he’s a U.S. citizen as well.”

“So,” Conley asked, curious about the other two boys, “how about young Cordell and Eddie? They come from Hawaii?”

“Nah, San Francisco! San Francisco is my home town, if you recall and well you should. That’s where I met you and traveled to the Philippines with you!”

Conley laughed in return, waggling his eyebrows suggestively, remembering the trip.

“I never thought your mother would allow it. You were only ten years old.”

“You convinced her,” Ramos responded, “claiming it’d be the adventure of a lifetime and very educational., plus the three grand you gave her. She was thrilled to receive so much money Of course, she didn’t realize the educational part of the trip meant you’d fuck me damn near stupid a couple of times per day, plus those good-looking handsome Asian men and boys you paired me with as well.”

“You loved it; admit it!” Conley chortled.

“Of course, I did! Never outgrew my love of boys on that trip either. Returned years later to taste the vintage again which leads me back to why I left.”

“As I mentioned, I really felt we were so damned close to war, I figured I needed to get our asses out of the Philippines and somewhere safe. So, in 1941 I sold everything and relocated us all to Hawaii. I managed a passport for Tommy so he’d be legal and we headed to the Islands.”

Ramos could have settled on Oahu where there were more people and the opportunity for work was probably better since there were several military installations as well as the big base at Pearl Harbor, but preferred the smaller population and an opportunity in Hilo on the “Big Island” instead. An old acquaintance of his offered him a job and a house, so that’s where they ended up.

“Good in many ways,” he lamented, “but some definite drawbacks I was to find.”

Paul and his entourage, including Tommy, who now also boasted a U.S. birth certificate, settled in, with Paul convinced they’d escaped the war in the Philippines and were relatively safe.

“When the shit hit the fan in December, I knew I’d have to get us back to the mainland. San Francisco would be my destination, although I’d long divested myself of any property there. I did have some contacts in the city and was familiar with the area, I figured once on the mainland, I’d do just fine. Little did I realize how difficult war would make it.”

Finding transportation, not only from Hilo to Oahu, but from the Islands to the mainland, would prove to be a real problem. American civilians were being evacuated from Oahu and the other islands. Since Oahu had the largest population and was the center of the Japanese attack, it took priority. Private passenger liners were being used to transport evacuees and space was at a premium. Each ship leaving needed escorts, specifically, U.S. Destroyers; ships which were also needed for military purposes.

Ramos finally made their way to Oahu where he hoped they could get transport, but it took some maneuvering and just a little bit of skull-duggery. After arriving on Oahu, the end of January, it wasn’t until mid-March they finally left the Island and headed toward the mainland. April found Ramos and Company in San Francisco hunting for a place to live. He had sufficient funds to carry them for a few months but he needed some place where he could settle his family.

“Remember that friend who ran the mission in the Philippines and got Andy for me? Well, a couple of years after Andres arrived, the guy moved to Frisco. He had a similar operation there so I gave him a call. He offered us a place to live, temporarily, if, and it was a big if, I’d take Eddie and Cordell. This guy was into young teens, not hairless young boys. Liked a bit of hair around their cocks. Well, I agreed. He didn’t know too much about the boys. Cordell, he knew from occasional visits by his mother and him to the mission for a meal or a temporary shelter. She worked the trade in the streets, had a place to live, but was caught short sometimes. It’d be then, when she was a bit short on rent, she’d pimp the boy for a night or two. He was worth some big money and then she’d pay the back rent and he wouldn’t see them for some time again. He knew nothing about Eddie. I still don’t know much about either one. They’re pretty close lipped. They’d only been there about a week. I do know my man in the mission wanted them gone as soon as possible. He was afraid they were bringing him big trouble.”

“Have you, you know, given them a ride?”

“Nah, Can’t get it stiff anymore. Doc says it’s some sort of medical problem.”

“That’s terrible!”

“Yeah, but shit happens!” Ramos responded with a shrug indication he accepted his condition. I’m fifty-five years old and I’ve used it for one hell of a lot of fucking, so I guess I don’t have much to bitch about!”


Isaiah herded his little troop into the upstairs bathroom. Inside, he told them to strip down to bare skin. All four were hesitant, uncertainty scribed across their smooth, hairless, and cute faces. By way of explanation concerning why they were naked, Isaiah quickly told them what was going to happen.

“We are going to take showers; you because the four of you,” pointing at each one in turn as he grinned reassuringly, “are pretty rank from travel and me,” pointing at himself, “because I smell like a combination of pig and chicken shit after doing chores. Chores is something we do twice a day, feeding pigs and chickens, collecting eggs, and milking the cows. Since the animals can’t get in our shower, they tend to gather dirt and shit. When we do chores, it rubs off on us, hence, we generally shower twice a day, once in the morning and in the evening. We’re lucky to have showers in our house, but we also have a bathtub for the really deep soaking. O.K?”

All four understood perfectly what he meant and began a round of little boy giggles and snickers while casting glances at each other.

Isaiah stripped off his clothes as the four young boys watched wide-eyed, until he was completely naked. He observed how their eyes, collectively, focused on his crotch, specifically where, erupting from a moderate dark patch of pubic hair, his ample endowment hung, fat like a sausage, foreskin smooth and covering the large plum-shaped head, resting over two large, low hanging testicles swinging slightly in their smooth, almost hairless sac.

“Am I the only one who is to be naked when I shower or the rest of you shower fully clothed? Don’t know how, if you are still dressed, how I’ll be able to wash your butts or cock and balls, if they are all covered up.”

That’s all it took! Carlito and Andres were the first to divest themselves of all of their clothing, leaving it piled in a heap near their feet. Both boys were uncircumcised, their small inch and a half, flaccid penises emerging from their hairless and smooth pubic area. Their young balls were not fully descended, yet were quite visible

Carlito, the boldest of the two, stepped forward and, though uninvited but not discouraged from doing so, put a small, soft hand around Isaiah’s large cock and, in an amazed and admiring voice, declared,

“It’s really big!”

“Yeah!” echoed Andres, joining Carlito fondling the teen’s man-meat. “A lot bigger than Tommy’s.”

Their fondling, gentle stroking, and rubbing with their delicate fingers quickly brought Isaiah to full erection, his dick pointing out and up. He slipped his hands down the smooth backs of each boy, reaching their small butt-cheeks, giving each a squeeze, before using a finger to gently tickle and probe those small, tight rosebuds in the center, saying softly,

“By, God, you guys are so damned cute!”

“Wow!” he heard exclaimed from one of the other two, causing him to look up and see Eddie and Cordell, both naked and erect! Eddie’s three-inch uncut cock pointing straight up and Cordell’s four inch plus cock pointing north as well.

Carlito pushed back against the slight intrusion of Isaiah’s finger, forcing it into his anus to the first knuckle and wiggled just a bit.

“You’ve had someone in there before,” Isaiah observed, not critically, but as a matter-of-fact.

“Both me and Andre,” Carlito beamed. “Tommy first and then when Eddie and Cordell came to live with us, both of them.”

“Well,” Isaiah advised pulling his finger free, “we don’t have time now so why don’t you two quit playing with my cock so I can get your hair shampooed and your bodies washed.”

Isaiah gently and carefully shampooed each boy’s black hair before moving up and down each small body with a soapy washcloth cleansing the boys free of the travel grime and dirt. He paid special attention to their small behinds and skinned back their foreskins to clean away any gunk there as well. Using just his soapy hands, he massaged their small balls and now erect cocks, each cockle poking out about two inches. Their penises were smaller than his brothers were at this age, but he thought perhaps it might be because they were Asian. However, he’d never seen a naked Asian of any age before so he wasn’t certain.

Rinsed, he shooed them out of the shower with instructions to Cordell to dry them well and for Eddie to step in for his turn at a scrubbing.

“Your turn, my young Gypsy Prince,” Isaiah said in Romany, greeting Eddie with a warm, welcoming, and secure hug, hopefully making him feel safe and secure while with him.

Turning Eddie so he was facing away, Isaiah began shampooing the lad’s dark hair.

“So, my sweet one, how did a fine Romany lad such as yourself end up on the streets of San Francisco?

He felt Eddie give a little sob, so pulled him close to his own body, letting the running water rinse the lad’s hair. Leaning up against Isaiah, feeling the warmth and strength of the older teen, Eddie said softly,

“My grandmother wasn’t well and when a couple of Gaje came to our apartment, she couldn’t fight them. They hurt her bad enough she died. Before she did, she told me to take my stuff and go someplace safe where the Gaje couldn’t find me and hurt me too. She told me they were hunting for gold and me. I guess they thought they’d sell me.”

Eddie lived with his grandparents in their third-floor apartment since he was very young. He had no idea who his father was or where his mother was either. She never made contact, as far as Eddie knew, with her parents after she dropped the baby off. His grandfather passed away three years ago, so it was just his grandmother and him.

Since the war began, the entire west coast was in a turmoil, increasing the opportunities for lawlessness and unrest. Internment of Japanese-American and those of Japanese ancestry only increased the confusion and fears.

He came home from school one afternoon and saw two “Gaje” men running out the front door of the apartment building. Racing upstairs, the door to the apartment standing open and a couple of neighbors standing outside looking in, he found his grandmother laying on the floor. Her face was bruised and she was failing fast. They watched while he held his grandmother’s head in his hand and she gave him her final instructions.

The last words she uttered to him were, “Go, leave now! There’s nothing more you can do for me except live.”

Crying, Eddie shouted at the neighbors to quick call the police. They scurried away and while they did, he quickly stuffed a backpack with his important papers, what clothing he could get in there, a picture of his grandparents, and a small amount of money they had secured behind the toilet flush tank. Everything gathered, he gave his grandmother a kiss goodbye and left via the outside fire escape. From there he dashed down the street to Cordell’s apartment.

Eddie and Cordell were fast friends and had been for several years. Both attended the same elementary school and were in the same grade, although Cordell was a year older.

“Much like Gio and me,” thought Isaiah as he listened and carefully washed Eddie’s back and front.

Cordell was alone and after Eddie relayed what happened, describing the two men he saw leaving the apartment building, and what his grandmother told him, Cordell became quite alarmed, his eyes wide with fear and foreboding.

“Shit, Eddie! I know those two and if they can’t find a white boy, they’ll start looking at others. They be coming after me next.”

To be continued...


Posted: 04/29/2022