The Private Journals of Isaiah Watts

By: Nicholas Hall
(© 2021 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 10
The Early Years

“My life began to change the day after Grandfather Watt’s remains were cremated and his ashes committed to their final resting place. Oh, I was still seven going on eight years old, slight of build, walked with a limp, almost too pretty to be a boy some thought, thought by others to be somewhat effeminate and not particularly ferocious, but to most people who heard of me, all things considered, someone to be wary of, especially if angered. After all, I was the little boy who bashed his grandfather’s head in, splitting it like a ripe melon.”

(The Private Journals of Isaiah Watts) 

Gio ran down the road toward the Watt’s farm upon hearing what happened! His Uncle Freddy was in Decker’s Store when Zachary Watts called the County Sheriff. He drove home and told Agostino and Sabrina what he heard and knew. Gio didn’t wait or ask for permission to leave, he just grabbed his jacket, baseball cap, and slingshot and took off down the road, running like a turpentined dog trying to escape the burning on his balls and tender asshole!

Breathless, he bounded up the steps of the Watt’s house, onto the porch, and hammered on the door, desperate for admittance, and reassurance his new, lovely, boyfriend was unharmed. Dorothea answered the frantic pounding, saw Gio standing, his face anguished, and said, “He’s fine, Gio, and is in the living room with his folks and brothers. I know he’d want to see you.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Watts,” Gio gulped in relief, forcing his tears back as best he could, and stepped into the living room. Isaiah was sitting, head down looking at the floor, between his mother and dad. Claire was holding baby Gideon to her breast allowing the boy to lustily, noisily, nurse. Jerome and Thomas were seated on the floor staring at their older brother.

Gio locked his gaze on Gideon, lips locked on a tit, and thought to himself, “Doesn’t that kid do anything but suck tits?”

Clair announced his presence softly and tapped Isaiah on the arm. “Isaiah, Gio’s here!”

Isaiah’s head popped up, with tear filled eyes spotted Gio, and said thankfully, “I knew you’d come once you heard!”

“Please sit, Gio,” Claire invited, standing to sit on a nearby chair.

Gio scooted up as close to Isaiah as he could without laying on top of him, which he really wanted to do but thought it might not be wise to do so, looked around, decided “fuck it,” and clasped Isaiah’s hand in his own and held it to his face.

“You okay, Isaiah?”


“What happened?”

Isaiah leaned closer, his lips touching Gio’s ear, causing Gio’s young cock to harden and throb, whispering, “He tried to fuck me, Gio!”

Softly Gio swore, disgusted, and angry; “That dirty son-of-a-bitch!” and quickly apologized to Claire and Dorothea fearful they may’ve heard him. If they did, they made no comment.

“What now?”

“We wait for the sheriff and coroner to talk to me.”

“Is the body, you know,” Gio asked pointing out toward the farm yard, “outside?”

“Yeah, in the hog yard. Uncle Zachary and Uncle Joseph are guarding it.”

“Can I go look?”

“Suppose so.”

“Want to come along?”


“Didn’t think so, but thought I’d ask.”

Gio excused himself, darted outside, peeked over the fence at Neville’s half nude body laying face up. He heard vehicles drive up, looked and saw two sheriff’s cars and another with “CORONOR” on the side stop. He hotfooted it back to the house, not wanting to talk to any law unless he had to. In the house he reseated himself next to Isaiah.

“Sheriff’s here,” he announced. Leaning over this time so his lips brushed Isaiah’s soft ears, he whispered, “I saw the body; his cock and balls are gone!”


“They’ll eat anything, won’t they, Isaiah?”

Isaiah just nodded and grinned. “Serves him right!”


The sheriff, his deputy, and the coroner sat in the living room questioning Isaiah and Claire, with an occasional question tossed at Joshua and Dorothea. Isaiah’s narrative describing the events, sequenced from the time he heard a noise outside to the delivery of the fatal blow to Neville’s skull was precise, detailed, and very persuasive! He accurately quoted Neville’s words and threats without wavering under questioning. Isaiah was detached, cold, calculating, and relatively impersonal in his testimony, leaving little doubt of the accuracy and truthfulness of his words and memory. His description of the blows he delivered to his grandfather’s skull, even to the sound he thought it made, caused all three of his questioners to cringe and swallow, vivid images of a shattering skull splaying blood and tissue all over, caused by a seven-year-old boy.

The only part Isaiah failed to describe was his part in pushing his grandfather over the fence into the hog yard. All he said was, “After the second smack to his head, he toppled over the fence and into the hog yard.” Dorothea, Joshua, and Claire all collaborated his statement.

“Why don’t we wander out to the yard so you can show me exactly where he was and where you were, Isaiah?” the sheriff asked.

Isaiah was more than willing to oblige, walking the sheriff, the deputy, and the coroner step by step, repeating the testimony he’d given inside the house. The sheriff casually put his arm around Isaiah in order to offer comfort and support to him. Joshua was trotting behind.

Isaiah didn’t mind. The sheriff didn’t wear a uniform, instead dressed up in slacks and a sport coat jacket. His badge was on his belt, as was his pistol. The sheriff believed it gave him a more “homie” look, you know, made him one of the bunch, so to speak, and easier to be elected.

Gio stayed several paces behind the party, watching Isaiah and Joshua at first, concern for Isaiah and then curiosity. Something just didn’t seem right, but he wasn’t certain what! Isaiah was entirely too comfortable, relaxed with the sheriff, sort of leaning into him.

The small group of people reached the hog pen where the fatal blows were delivered and as Isaiah prepared to describe and demonstrate how he walloped Neville on the head, Claire decided it was time to let Gideon have a go at the other teat. As she shifted him, baring a breast so he could nourish his hunger, she inadvertently exposed both of her plump breasts. Isaiah’s narrative took second place and was momentarily forgotten as the three inquisitor’s attention was focused on her and her revealed, very distracting bare and exposed parts.

Gio wasn’t interested in seeing her tits again. Women’s boobs just didn’t do it for him; boy’s cocks, yeah, but not boobs! That’s when he saw it!

Attention diverted, Gio saw Isaiah’s hand slip easily and quickly into the sheriff’s pocket, extract a wallet, and do a quick hand off to Joshua who’d stepped closer to the sheriff’s back. Just as quickly, Joshua pulled several bills from the wallet, handed it back to Isaiah and stepped in front of the sheriff while Isaiah slipped the wallet back from whence it came. It happened swiftly, deftly, and no one was the wiser!

He spotted Joshua walk from in front of the sheriff, to David, who took the boy’s hand into his own, said something to him, giving every indication he was comforting his son. Joshua released his hand from David’s and returned to his post behind the sheriff. David slipped his own hand into a pocket just as naturally as one would expect!

Breast now covered, the distraction put to rest, so to speak, Isaiah was encouraged to continue by the sheriff. The questioning was coming to a close, the sheriff was leaning over the fence, and Joshua squeezed between the sheriff and the hog yard fence, leaning over for another look at the corpse. He asked the sheriff something, received an answer and slithered back down. Gio saw this too and wondered what else the sheriff was missing.

It made no difference to him, their secret was safe with him. After all he had secrets of his own.

The sheriff, the deputy, the coroner, and the county attorney all agreed the death of Neville Watts, was brought on by Isaiah Watts, his grandson, when Neville attempted to rape both Isaiah and his mother, Claire Watts. The boy was acting in self-defense and his actions were “justifiable homicide.” No charges were filed.

Isaiah experienced a number of revelations as a result of his encounter with Neville. His knife, the one he’d use to stick somebody and not the jackknife he carried in his front pocket, was now secreted in a sheath secured around his middle with a narrow belt under his overalls; he became earnest, practicing throwing the sticker knife, deciding to be better than his dad with the knife, and; continued practicing his talents as a “dipper” working to become better than even his mother. Joshua was also learning well from her and Isaiah was determined someday they’d be the best there was. Any doubt which may have existed in his mind was gone concerning taking the fight to the aggressor and fighting to win. In his mind now, fight with all you have and with the unexpected, to win.

He’d gain much from the experience as he moved through life, especially his pre-adult years. Adults in the Decker’s Corner community came to regard him with a certain degree of respect and some fear; his peers saw him as someone to be admired, respected, cautious around, and definitely someone not to fuck with even though he was small and had a limp. Isaiah’s demeanor became one of quiet, silent authority, and strange as it may seem, trust and compassion for those less fortunate or being set upon. He’d use all of this to his advantage throughout life in his confrontation or interaction with others.

The sheriff didn’t gain much from the incident; in fact, somewhere along the way, he lost forty dollars and his badge. Where, he knew not, only it had been a very busy day so it could have been anywhere.

Neville Watts not only lost his life but his cock and balls as well.

Oh, well!

To be continued...


Posted: 01/28/2022