What Do I Do Now, Mom?
by: E Walk
(© 2009-2011 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 62 

School Bells Are Ringing


Dr. Hubbard looked at the assembled people. “I feel as if this is all my fault.  I had been just been appointed as deputy to the U.S. Department of Education when Michaels’ Mother died.  The timing was all wrong because of the new job in Washington was demanding a lot of time.  I flew into Chicago for the funeral and everything seemed as if it was in order.”


“Witkowski, assured me that everything was being taken care of.  Everything looked in order, so I had no reason to doubt him until

Michael started to complain that Witkowski was seriously limiting the  money he would give him.  In fact, Michael claimed that Witkowski wasn’t providing enough money to even eat.  I figured that Michael was being a spoiled brat.”


Dr. Hubbard shook his head, “I had allowed myself to get so caught up in the federal bureaucracy that I didn’t take time to sit and analyze what was happening in Chicago and to Michael, especially.”


Michael took over, “When we arrived at the house, it was apparent that Mr. Witkowski was planning a big party.  When we went to the door, a hired butler opened the door.  He looked at us, ’Sorry gentlemen, this is a formal party tonight.  I’ll have to ask you to leave.’”


“I exploded. Look prick head!  This is my home.  I have every right to be here, as do my friends.  We came to get some of my things.”


“I’m sorry, sir, but this is a formal affair and Mr. Witkowski advised us that their should be no visitors tonight.”


Randy added, “Michael barged right in so the rest of us followed him.  When Witkowski saw Michael, he jumped up, ‘What are you doing here?  I thought you were in Omaha.  You know better than to interfere in one of on my  Wednesday night strip poker games.’”


Dr. Hubbard put up his fist. “Listen, you sleezeball, This house and all  the belongings are owned by Michael, and not you.  You have been manipulating Michael’s finances and assets for your well being and totally disregarding Michael’s. I had hoped that you would be amenable to talking about the problem sensibly, but I see it is going to take more than force to get you out of here and get control.  In fact, we have an appointment in court, tomorrow, to rectify the mistakes that were made.  Here is the subpena requesting your presence in Court tomorrow at ten o’clock.  In the meantime, we have warrants to collect any documents that apply to Michael.  Fortunately, we already have  the documents that we need, including the financial information.”


Mother asked, “Jim, how did you get your hands on the information so quickly.  Something has been happening for some time.”


Dr. Hubbard nodded, “I haven’t been exactly straight forward.  I spent the week, before I came to Omaha, in Chicago.  A friend and a neighbor informed me what has been happening and thought I might like to put Witkowski in his place, because he was using the house as a gambling place and perhaps more.  They had been watching Michael go down the drain.  During the time I was here, we were able to put a good case together against Witkowski.  Michael didn’t know that I was in Chicago.”


“When I left Chicago, before coming to Omaha, I knew I had to get Michael out of that environment, but didn’t know how to do it..  What happened with Michael coming to Omaha was a quirk.  I was so impressed with Hank, Randy and the boys, I decided that it would be a good way to have Michael get a new start if he would accept the opportunity.”


Michael looked at his Grandpa, “ Granddad, do you mean to say that you didn’t plan for me to stay here with Mr. Adler, the Taylors and the Lathams.”


“Michael, I had no way of knowing how you would react to each other, especially after Mr. Adler whacked off your hair and gave you the flea and lice shampoo and bath.  Quite frankly, you responded much more positively than I would ever guessed you would.”


Michael frowned, “You can’t imagine how embarrassed I was.  I woke the next morning realizing that I felt much better about myself and everyone worked together to get everything done.  I couldn’t believe that the open house would go without any major glitches. and then Walt got me involved in in the music program.”


Dr. Hubbard, “Everyone, be prepared for the assault of Witkowski once he realizes that he has lost everything.”


Witt asked, “How is he going to know where we live.?”


Randy answered, “I’m sure that my address is on at least one or more of the papers, since I was a witness.  The papers identifying Hank as the legal guardian must have his address on it, as well.”


Dad shook his head, “It sounds as if everyone needs to be on the lookout for Witkowski.  I should think that if he were coming today, he would have made his appearance.  I would suspect that he might show up about parade time.  That would be good and cause him to get more irritated since no one will be here.”


Dr. Hubbard warned, “I think we should all leave for the parade at the same time and meet at a designated place and come home together.  If we’re all together, he may have second thoughts about trying anything too quirky.”


Dad grinned, “I agree, Jim; we’ll pick you up for lunch.  Walt, what starting position does the band have?”


“We’re the leadoff band, right after the VFW Color bearers and the cars carrying the Grand Marshalls,  Mr. and Mrs. Longo and the other dignitaries.  Of course, after us are the Shriners units.”


Mother laughed, “They will keep the young guys busy.  It sound as if the parade isn’t going to be over until just about four o’clock.  All the guys need to wear hats, and Henry, you need to bring something for everyone to drink.  We’ll bring some folding chairs for the adults and meet as close to the reviewing stand as possible on the shady side of the street.”


Dad looked at Dr. Hubbard, “Are you ready to go back to the motel?”


“Whenever you’re ready.  It’s been a long week  and it’s probably not over.”


Randy and I were in bed when the phone rang. It was a local call,  “This is Hank Adler,”


“Hank, Witkowski has contacted the motel and left a voice message.  It said, ‘Will be arriving about three tomorrow afternoon.  I have some legal papers saying what was done in Chicago was illegal and I want everything that belongs to me.”


“Dr. Hubbard, I don’t know what he has that he thinks will legally overturn everything.  We’ll have to see what he thinks he has that is so important.  In this case, we’ll just have to be ready for what punches he plans to pull.  We’ll meet in the area near the dignitaries‘ stand on the shady side of the street.”


We went to the parking lot at my school, except for Randy and Billy who were going to be riding the van in the parade and the two bandsmen.


We were seated when we heard the start of the band.  Bobby asked when the Grand Marshalls, the Longos, were introduced. “Isn’t that the same last name as Michael‘s.  Do you suppose that they know Mike?”


Dr. Hubbard, answered “I doubt it very much.  Michael’s parents were married in Texas where Michael’s father was training to be an Air Force pilot.  We never had met him before he was involved in a crash when he died. There never was a formal burial service since the remains were never recovered.  Michael was born after his father’s death.”


“Our daughter, Lorelei. was so broken up that she married Witkowski on the rebound against our recommendation.”


 After the guys band passed by, Mother stood, “Leon, let’s go visit with the Longos. We can introduce Dr. Hubbard to them and see if they might be related to Michael.  Wouldn’t it be funny if they were Michaels’ other grandparents.”


“Meg, I wouldn’t count on it.”


I watched as the parents and Dr. Hubbard started talking to the Longos.  It became a very animated conversation.  When the parents  returned to where we were seated, Mother started, “You’ll never guess what.”


Witt started  to giggle , “If we’ll never be able to guess, then why don’t you save everyone the time and tell us what’s so important.”


Dr. Hubbard shook his head no, “ Michael needs to be here when we do much more talking.  Hank, why don’t you invite the Longos to the house.  That way, we will all be assembled in one place if Mr. Witkowski catches up to us.”


I invited the Longos to the farm after the parade and they agreed to come after they had a chance to change clothes.  They were  interested in meeting Michael.  They had never met Michael because his mother had remarried so quickly after his father’s death and never had an opportunity to get acquainted.


When we arrived at the farm after the parade, there was a big Cadillac with Illinois license plates.  There were two men standing against it smoking.


Michael leaned over to me, “The man on the left is my so called step father.  I don’t know who the other man is for sure, but I know I’ve seen him around the house in Chicago.”


I went up to the two gentlemen, “Good afternoon, I’m Hank Adler, I own this farm.  What can I do for you?”


Witkowski didn’t make a move, but snarled, “I’m Ivan Witkowski.  I came to claim my son who you took away from me illegally.  I have new proof that refutes the evidence that was presented in Chicago and I want the guardianship papers for Michael Witkowski.  After all, I raised him all these years.”


Witt interrupted, “How do you mean you raised him?  Did you raise him up above your head and ask, “Oh wonderful son, what can I get for you today?  Or did you mean you reared him and grudgingly gave him money after his Mother’s death.  He says that you didn’t provide enough money for him to eat after his Mother‘s death.”


Mr. Witowski didn’t realize he was being bated.  “If I was treating him so poorly, then how do you explain that fact that he has a Harley Davidson motorcycle and drives a relatively new car.  Why should a bachelor be assigned as Mike’s guardian?”


“Why not?  I’m already the guardian of six sons, so why not one more?”


I hadn’t seen Dad leave but as he was returning, a Sheriff’s cruiser pulled up and two state deputies stepped out.  Dad announced  “Mark will be here with Judge Corn momentarily to make sure that everything that happens here is legally correct.”


I looked around and Mr. Witkowski and his friend who were both fidgeting,  I realized, we never had introduced anyone.  I turned to the guys, “It’s time to start the chores.  I think it would be best for Michael to remain  here to hear what is said.”


As the guys were leaving, Uncle Mark and Judge Corn were pulling in.  I decided to make the introductions as soon as they had joined us.  I started with Mr. WitkowskI,  “Everyone, I would like to introduce Mr. Ivan Witkowski from Chicago who claims to be Michael Longo’s father, and his friend whose name I don’t know.  I don’t know what capacity his friend serves, but they are here to undue that legal work that was done taking Michael Longo out of the house that Mr. Witkowski claimed to own.”


Mr. Witkowski smugly stepped forward, “This is Kennedy Lake.  He works for the Chicago city court system and and he has found evidence that makes null and void the papers that were signed on Thursday.”


Judge Corn stepped forward, “I’m Judge Ellen Corn.  Hank, get me what paperwork you have, and I’ll look at what Mr. Witkowski and Mr. Lake have, to see if there is cause for anyone to take legal action.”


I did as I was asked and Judge Corn went to the table to review the papers.  I continued the introductions.  When I introduced the Longos, “This is Doctor Paul Longo and his wife Dr. Romona Longo.”


Doctor Paul Longo spoke for them.  “Michael, it’s nice to finally meet you. If what your Grandpa Hubbard says is true, we’re probably your paternal grandparents.  Mr. Witkowsi is not a relative of yours.  We have never had the opportunity to meet him, but after your Mother died, he started to call and tell us that we needed to send money to help with your support.   We told him to buzz off, since we had no proof that what he was saying was true.”


Judge Corn looked up from what she was doing.  “Sheriffs, I suggest that the first thing you need to do is take Mr. Witkowski, Mr. Lake, Dr. Hubbard, and the three Longos to get a DNA  blood test at the hospital. That way, Paul can order that the DNA be tested immediately, and the results will be available faster than if the Sheriff’s department did them.   After that, you should probably run their DNA and finger prints through the national data base to see if they have police records.”


Doctor Longo nodded, “I’ll call ahead so they can be prepared to do the testing.  Who do you want the results sent to.”


The older deputy sheriff asked, “Can we leave Mr. Witkowski’s vehicle here until we have the results of the fingerprints?  It’s probably safer here on the farm than anywhere else, because of all the visitors in town for the College World Series.”


Mr. Witkowski and Mr. Lake had been inching their way to the car.  The young deputy sheriff drew his gun, “I wouldn’t try to get away.  This weapon could cause serious damage to either of you and/or the car.” 


The officers loaded the visitors from Chicago into the cruiser, after they had handcuffed them.   I looked at the assembled group, “Why don’t we plan to meet here for lunch tomorrow at twelve thirty.  That way we should have some word on the tests.  We’ll have to go to early service so Randy can teach his church school class.  Michael, why don’t you take Dr. Hubbard with you?  That way everyone can go their separate way after the DNA tests.”


Randy and I watched as the caravan departed.  Randy hugged me, “Just a typical day in Hanky-poo’s life.  You need to make sure you have your running shoes on when he’s around.”


When Michael pulled in, he was by himself, “Granddad Hubbard decided to go the motel.  He said he was really tired and needed to do work for his presentation for Monday.  What’s going to happen if I am related to the Longos. When I first got here, I had one grandfather.  It‘s beginning too look like I might have more than my share.  I hope that the Longos don’t expect me to call them Grandpa Longo and Grandma Longo.”


I patted Michael on the back, “Michael, they’re probably just as confused as you are, right now.  I know that I’m trying to make sense of everything that has happened since your arrival.”


When I got up on Sunday morning, I decided to go start  the chores even though it was still early.  I had just started the  milking when Randy and Michael arrived.  Randy looked at me, “Why didn’t you wake us?  There‘s nothing that says you have to do this alone.  There are eleven other males living in the house.”


“Please, don’t scold me, Daddy; but this is last free morning I’ll have since school starts in the morning.  I’ll probably go to the school this afternoon after the dust settles to make sure that everything is ready for the start the school year.”


I put my finger to my ear, “I hear the tribe coming.  If you don’t want to get chewed out, you had better disappear to somewhere and make yourself busy.  Billy and Walt pointed to the door and directed me out of the stable.  I saw that Randy was being given the heave ho from the chicken house so that meant that the chickens were being taken care of, and I knew that I would be in deep trouble if I tried to take care of Bobby’s pigs.”


When we were getting ready for church, it was dream, because we had pleny of room in the three cars.  When we arrived at the house, a sheriff's cruiser and a tow truck were sitting in the area near Mr. Witkowski’s vehicle.


Michael looked nervous, “You don’t supposed they’re here to take my car and my motorcycle, do you?”


“Michael, I hardly think that they would be just sitting here for that.”


It was only about 11:45 when the cars began to show.  The first  to arrive was Judge Corn and she had Aaron and Erik with her.  The parent’s had Uncle Mark and Aunt Peggy with them.  The Sheriiff arrived as the Longos pulled in with Dr. Hubbard.  Everyone was looking for the two Chicago visitors.


After everyone was seated, Judge Corn started.  “There has been lots happening this past twenty four hours.  Mr. Witowski and Mr. Lake  have permanent cells for two nights.  They are going to be picked up by the FBI and taken from there to Chicago for interrogation.”


“The rap sheets on Witkowski and Lake are rather long.  In fact, Mr. Witkowski is not even a legal citizen of the Unite States.  I’m sure that Mr. Michael Longo will find that he has significant funds once this mess is cleared up.”


Michael commented, “I’ve come to appreciate that you don’t need a bunch of material things to be happy.  What I want to know is the results of the DNA testing?”


Doctor Longo grinned and held held up an envelope.  “In this envelope is the proof that you are definitely the grandson of one Dr. James Hubbard.  We were able to get a copy of your Mother’s DNA from her file and they match yours, as well.  The last thing that I can report is that you’re our grandson,  We’ll have to sit down and decide what you really want to do.”


Michael had tears in his eyes, “I was kind of hoping to hang out here with Mr. Adler and the guys.” 


Doctor Romona Longo smiled. "Michael. we understand that you're going have a lot of decisions to make.  You have time to take them slowly since you're already registered in school.    We very much appreciate having the the opportunity to get to know you.  Please come to visit and being your friends with you." 


After everyone else had departed, Miichael just sat there. “First, I have almost no relatives and now I’ve got them coming out my ears.I hope you don’t have a problem if I stay here with you all.”


“Michael, you may stay here as long as you want   You already know the major rules.  And you’re registered in school.  The people who live in the developments around the Longo’s house go to the other highschool.”


The house was a little wild that night with all guys making sure they had just the right clothes laid out and all their supplies ready.  Everyone was up away before the normal time.   As Billy and I were starting toward town, I was thinking,  ‘I hope this school year is not going to be as busy as the summer had been.”


I had Billy with me because he wanted to make sure all of the patrol stations were manned.


The End.



Author’s Note:  Wow, where summer’s gone? Just think how long it took to write these sixty-two chapters. How many chapters would it take to cover a full school year with all these guys and their activities?”  There must be several sequels to this story, as it ends.  



 Editor's Notes:


That was quite an interesting chapter.  As is always the case when one of E Walk's stories ends, we will miss all these people, with a few exceptions.  I know that E Walk is trying to reduce the number of stories that he is working on at one time.  This means that there will be fewer stories updated each week.  I know that all the stories are still bubbling around in his head.  I believe he plans on bringing each story to a sensible conclusion, before he begins writing any of the numerous sequels that he has planned.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher




I thank Darryl for sending me these last three chapters of Ed's stories, it brought a bit of closure being able to post the last of a dear author and friend's work for you all to enjoy.



Posted: 08/05/11