What Do I Do Now, Mom?
by: E Walk
(© 2009-2011 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 56 

Following Directions


When I pulled to a stop, the three young guys accosted the vehicle.   Wylie tried to look in the windows but Nugget was laying on the back seat with her neck looking in the box with the two kittens.


When I opened the door of the car, Wylie was almost frantic, “What happened to Nugget?”


“Nothing happened to Nugget.  She’s making sure the kittens are okay.”


I opened the rear door and Nugget jumped out but didn’t move until I pulled out the box that contained the two kittens.  “Guys, I have a list of special instructions that you need to follow with the two kittens.  The older guys can help you after dinner while Dad Randy and I go get some things that you’re going to need.  Until then, the kittens need to stay in the box so they don’t go to the potty in the house.”


I was taking the aquarium out of the trunk when Billy, Bobby, Witt and Wade appeared.  Billy looked at the aquarium, “I remember that aquarium from when I was in your class.  I remember watching the fish swim.  At the end of the year, you gave the fish to us to take home.  I kept mine alive until our mother died. What are you going to do with the aquarium now?  Are you going to put it in your office?”


Without thinking, I answered, “No, I figured that since everyone was getting their own pets, you and Bobby could have some fish.”


Billy had a funny look on his face, “Dad, are you serious?”


“Billy, it was just a thought.  It would be something that would be yours and Bobby’s.  Of course, we will have to clean the aquarium and get it ready for fish.  When we go to the pet store tonight to get the things that we need for the kittens, we can make sure that we have everything that we need to set up the aquarium.  It will take several days before we can get it ready to put fish in it, since it will take that long to make sure the pumps and lights are working properly and make sure that the temperature is right for the new residents.  Where is your Dad, anyway?”


Bobby answered, “He and Mr. Jake were taking some people to see the plumbing that they did at Witt’s old home.  They should be back soon.”


“Let’s go see if there is anything that we can do to help get ready for dinner.”


Witt answered, “Everything is ready.  Dad Randy called and said they were on their way.  He has a couple of surprises for you.”


As we were sitting down to dinner, Randy had the floor, since he had the most exciting news.  “Mr. and Mrs. Edwards want everything first class, regardless of cost.  They don’t plan to skimp on anything.  I hope they aren’t too set on perfection.  Jake and I need to meet them tomorrow at noon.  The Edwards know you and invited you to come as well;”


“You’ll have to excuse me; the school administrators are meeting at Chalco Hills all day tomorrow.”


Randy continued, “I’m meeting Mr. Oliver and we’re going to sign the paperwork on the van at nine o’clock in the morning.  Witt had a chance to check it out and declared that he could have it running like new.  We’re going to put a logo on the sides that advertises the plumbing business.  What do you think we should call the business?”


“Since I know nothing about plumbing, I suggest something simple like Taylor’s Plumbing Service with a catchy logo.”


I thought I was being silly and added, “You could always have a picture of Goldfish yelling HELP from his fish tank.  You could add the words, No Job too big or small.  We do it all.”


Everyone agreed that that would be a great idea.


When we arrived at the pet store, we went down the list of things we would need to take care of the two kittens.  Having never had kittens, I had no idea what we were going to need.  By the time we left the pet store, I felt a significant change in the weight of my wallet.


While we were in the pet store, I made sure that we picked up a book for Billy and Bobby describing what was needed to set up an aquarium.


When we got to the farm, Wally was complaining, “We can’t get the kittens to do anything but sleep.  They’re going to starve to death.”


Walt laughed, “The kittens are just little.  They’re not like Nugget.  Their tummies aren‘t able to eat much yet.”


“Billy and Bobby are going to set up the aquarium; perhaps you guys can help them so the kittens can get some rest.  In the meantime, you need to get the things for the kittens out of the car.”


On Thursday morning. Everyone was already up taking care of the chores and the kittens.  It was as if I didn’t exist.  When I arrived at the Chalco Hills Conference Center, it was as if I didn’t exist there either.  I felt completely out of place.  I recognized many of the other principals and administrative staff, but I wasn’t on what you would call, first name basis with any of them.  The people I did know were at the head table talking to an older gentleman.


I was sitting by myself when a relatively new principal, Mary Scranton came and sat beside me.  She laughed, “Welcome to the good ole boy club that’s losing its clout.”


“Mary, what are you talking about?”


“Hank, think about it.  When we started teaching, the principals were almost all male.  There has been a big change in the ten years, we’ve been teaching.”


Dr. Brown pounded the gavel, “Thank you for coming, ladies and gentlemen.  We are very fortunate to have with us Dr. James Hubbard from the U. S. Dept of Education.  He will be our keynote speaker today, and then again next Tuesday when we have our all staff meeting.  Today, he will be addressing the principal’s and administrators role in providing an equal education to all children, regardless of race, sex or religious preferences.”


A comment was made at the good ole boys’ table, “This smacks of something idealistic that Adler arranged.  He seems to be the mouth piece for the district ever since he was made a principal.  Once the people find out that he’s gay, he’s going to be out of here.”


Dr. Brown continued, “We’ve been trying to get Dr. Hubbard here for the past two years.  This is the first time that the schedule would work for him.  While he’s in the area, he will be making presentations at all the major school districts in the area.”


“Mr. Nash, I agree that Dr. Hubbard’s address might be something that Mr. Adler might arrange.  I beg to differ with you that parents are going to respond negatively to him being a principal.  We’ve had to stop transfers into Birchcrest from other elementary schools in the districts.  Yours being one of them.  Please welcome Dr. James Hubbard.”


“Thank you, Dr. Brown.  I would like to have Mr. Adler stand, so I can commend him for being an active protagonist for the equal education for the children of this district and state.  Yes, we are well aware what has been happening here in Nebraska.  Too many people are no longer concerned about equal education for all children.  Mr. Adler, please stand, so I can see who you are.”


I stood and Mary whispered,  “Hank, stop blushing.  You deserve to  be recognized.”


Dr. Hubbard commented, “Hank, you’re much younger than I would have guessed..  We’ll have to get together and compare experiences, later.”


Dr. Hubbard made his presentation and I was enthralled with his power point presentation.  When Dr. Hubbard finished, he received a standing round of applause from most of the people in attendance.


Dr. Brown stood, “There has been a change of plans. It will be up to each of you to provide your own lunch. I apologize.  We’ll reconvene at two clock.”


I started to stand, thinking I would sneak home for lunch and get away from the mob and see how my young guys are making out.  As I was walking toward the exit, Dr. Hubbard approached me, “Hank, could I tail along with you.  I think you and I have a lot in common to talk about.”


“You certainly may go with me.   I plan to sneak home for lunch.  Let me check to see what the guys are having for lunch.  That way we can go there and make a check on the new kittens’ potty training.”


Dr, Brown approached where we were talking, “Jim, what would you like to do for lunch?”


Dr. Hubbard shook his head, “I rather invited myself to go to lunch with Hank.  He says he has to go check on the kittens’ potty training.”


Dr Brown started to laugh, “Jim, you’re in for a surprise.  Last year at this time, Hank was living on his farm by himself.  He was living in a trailer because his house didn’t have any plumbing.  I’m not going to say any more, because it would lessen the impact of what you’re going to encounter.”


As I was driving to the farm, Dr. Hubbard had all sorts of questions, “Hank, I assume from some comments that were made today that you’re gay.”


“Yes sir.  I’ve never tried to hide it.”


“Why were you living on a farm in a trailer yourself if you are gay?”


“Sir, my partner and I were in the process of remodeling the house, when he died.  Since there was only one of me, my time was limited to the summer when I could work on the house, since the normal chores and school pretty much took my time during the school year.  Here we are at out humble abode.  Let’s go see what we can find to eat.”


We were met by Nugget and Wylie, “Hi Daddy, you didn’t tell us you would be home for lunch.”


I hugged Wylie, “Son, I didn’t know I would be home for lunch.  Where is everyone else?”


Everyone is inside getting ready to eat.  Walt and Wade just got here.  Billy and Bobby have been trying to get their aquarium set up.”


When we walked into the house, I introduced, the eight guys who were present.  All of the guys were very proper and shook Dr. Hubbard’s hand.  Witt apologized, “I didn’t know we were having company for lunch.  I only made bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches.  Wally, Willy and Wylie picked some apples and we made an apple strudel for dessert.”


“Witt, that’s perfect.  How has the morning been going?”


“Oh, it’s just a normal day around here.  Grandmother called and she wants to talk to you and Dad Randy tonight.  She has some scheme up here sleeve that she wants to discuss with you and Dad Randy.”


“Where is Randy anyway?”


Billy answered, “Dad called and said that he and Mr. Jake were meeting with some clients this afternoon after their meeting with the Edwards.”


Lunch was certainly lively and Dr. Hubbard was engrossed in talking to the boys.  It was twenty minutes until two when I suggested, “Guys, we need to go, or we’ll be late for our next meeting.”


Witt stood, “Dr. Hubbard, will you be joining us for dinner?”


“Witt, thanks for asking.  I’ve already imposed on your hospitality too much.”


Wiley looked at Dr. Hubbard, “What did that mean?”


Why was Wiley always questioning words he didn’t know what they meant?  “Wiley, Dr. Hubbard thinks that he has already spent too much time here.”


Wiley hugged Dr. Hubbard, “You haven’t imposed.  We‘ll have lots for dinner.  Witt killed two chickens so we could have chicken for dinner.”


On the way back to Chalco Hills Conference Center, Dr. Hubbard looked at me, “Hank, with everything that happened at lunch time, I really would appreciate the opportunity to have dinner with you and your family.”


“Dr. Hubbard, we would very much welcome you for dinner.  But I ask that you not mention what you saw at the farm.  What happens at the farm is my business and there are some people around who have a difficult time with my chosen lifestyle.  When I replaced the former principal at our school who was a closet case, there was a big to do.  I don’t need our boys exposed to any more ridicule.”


“Hank, I’m just amazed that you were able to take eight young men from two very different backgrounds and meld them into a cohesive unit.  I would guess that you’re going to have some very intelligent young men on your hands.”


When we walked into the Conference Center, Dr. Brown was pacing, “Guys, you’re pushing the time.  I was beginning to get concerned that something had happened to you.”


Dr. Hubbard laughed, “Rick, something did happen.  I was mesmerized by eight boys and their animals.”


During the afternoon session it was more of a workshop, rather than a presentation.  I was fortunate to be assigned to a group that I could identify with, so the two hours flew by.  During the break I noticed that a person from the central office was taking attendance.  I thought that was odd but figured the central office wanted some accountability.


After the close of the afternoon session, Dr. Brown went to where Dr. Hubbard was talking to some of the participants, “Jim, are you going to need a ride to Omaha Schools Offices?”


“No thanks, Rick.  They’re sending someone to pick me up in the morning and on Monday morning for the meeting at the Quest Center.  Someone will need to pick me up for your breakfast and all district meeting on Tuesday.”


I interjected myself, “Dr. Brown, I’ll make sure that Dr. Hubbard is where he needs to be.  I have the feeling that he might be spending a lot of time at the farm this weekend.”


Dr. Brown laughed, “For certain, he won’t get bored as long as he’s with you.  Our sons are still complaining that their bored now that they aren’t at the farm everyday.  Ritchie misses the money he made and the companionship he had this summer.  Jim, I’ll see you Tuesday morning if not before.  Call if you need anything.”


As Dr. Hubbard and I were going to my car, he asked, “Hank, could we stop by my hotel so I can get some casual clothes to wear at the farm, tonight?”


“Of course, which motel are you staying at?”


“I‘m staying at the Settle Inn and Suites. It’s next Menards and there are a bunch restaurants in the area should I need to eat there.  Are you sure that you don’t mind me tagging along when I’m not busy this weekend”?”


“Dr. Hubbard, I think we will be able to keep you busy this weekend.  Perhaps too busy.”


“I’m looking forward to watching the guys and their animals.”


‘It’ll be interesting to see how they set up the aquarium.  I have a feeling that it is going to be state art.  I happen to have two aquariums at home.  I find they help me unwind after a busy day.”


When we arrived at farm, dinner was ready and man did it smell good.  Witt announced “Dinner will ready as soon everyone arrives.  If they don’t arrive soon, they’ll be relegated to leftovers.”


To be continued...


Editor's Notes:


Well, things do seem to be moving right along.  I like Dr. Hubbard, and I hope we will see more of him. 


The "good ole boy network” seems to be losing its touch, so to speak, but they haven't figured that out yet.


It is very nice that Nugget is taking good care of the kittens.  She will be a very good mother, for the kittens, as well as her own puppies.


I am sure that her pups and the kittens will become one big happy family.  The mothering instinct is very strong, and I am sure that Nugget is already considering herself the mother of her new litter of kittens.


Depending on how quickly she will freshen and start having milk, she might even be ready to nurse the kittens to some extent.


Of course they will be starting to have pretty sharp little teeth and she won't enjoy them chowing down on her teats, very much.


When I lived on a farm, as a child, We had two dogs, who were mother and daughter.  We didn't have either of them spayed, and at different times they had both had pups.


Boots, the daughter had just had pups, and she didn't do it half way.  She had a litter of twelve.


Ginger, her mother, hadn't had puppies in a couple of years, and we had been careful to keep her inside when she went into heat, so it was quite a surprise when we noticed that Boots had allowed Ginger to nurse about half of the pups. We thought it was merely for the comfort of keeping the extra pups happy while Boots took care of feeding the remaining pups, but it wasn't long before we noticed that Ginger had milk for the puppies too. There was plenty of milk for the whole litter.


I can hardly wait to see what will happen next.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 05/27/11