What Do I Do Now, Mom?
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

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Chapter 24 

Who’s Bigger?


I was all set to begin my barber operation when Bobby came out on the porch, “Dad, the guys’ clothes are really rather old, especially Wylie’s.  His underpants are full of holes.  Wally says they almost never get any new clothes.  They have to wear the clothes that their older brothers wore.”


“Bobby, we’ll take care of that as best we can, but we need to be careful or Mr. Latham will get upset.  Witt went to get the three boys some basic new clothes, for now.”


My first victim arrived and I had him on my stool, “Okay, Mr. Wally, do you want to look like a kangaroo or koala bear.”


Wally looked up at me, “Could you make me look like my big brother?  He looks so different with his hair cut.”


“I doubt that I can make you look that ugly, but I’ll try.”


I was just about finished with Wally when the other two boys appeared, wrapped in towels.  Willy announced, “Bobby is washing our clothes and Billy is cleaning the shower.  Billy says we were really dirty.”


I was just about finished with Wylie when I sent Billy to get Ritchie and his Dad.  When Ritchie and Randy appeared, Wylie announced, “If you’re going to get your hair cut, you need to take a shower and put on a towel.  Billy just cleaned the shower so don’t make a mess.”


Randy sat down beside where I was working.  “I just got my haircut so I’m fine; I’ll sit here and make sure that Mr. Adler doesn’t make you look too ugly.”


I was beginning to get concerned because it seemed to be taking Witt an inordinately long time.  I started to work on Ritchie’s mop, as he called it, and it was indeed a mop.  This was going to take some time.  I sighed a sigh of relief when I saw Witt coming in the driveway.  


“Sorry, I took so long.  I decided what me and the guys are going to fix for dinner and stopped at the store to get the fixings, since we haven’t taken anything out of the freezer.  Billy and Bobby, could you please help me unload the car?”


Billy, Bobby and Witt’s three brothers went to help, even though they were wearing only their towels.  As the guys were walking back from the car, Wally stopped and looked at Ritchie, “Mr. Ritchie, you sure do have a big cock.  It looks as if it’s almost as big as Witt’s”


Witt took a deep breath then set the bags he was carrying down and put his hand over Wally’s mouth, “Wallace, that’s no way to talk around strangers.”


Wally looked at Witt, “What did I say that was so bad?   I was just telling the truth.  Mr. Ritchie’s cock is big, but yours is bigger.”


Billy giggled, “Wally, we’ll have to check after lunch.  Let’s go see what work your brother is going to make us do.” 


Witt shuddered, “Let’s get these groceries put away and then you can help my brothers get dressed in their new clothes.”


When it was just Ritchie, Randy and me, Ritchie looked at Randy and me, “Talk about a put down.  Witt’s brother put me in my place.  Is he correct in his assessment?”


I laughed, “Ritchie, I’m cutting the hair on your head, not the hair around your cock, as Wally called it.  How would we know?”


Ritchie stood and dropped his towel, “There, now you’ve seen what I’m packing.  Is Witt bigger than me or not?”


Randy started to laugh, “Billy was correct.  We will need to check after lunch.  I’ll go get the tape measure to make sure.  Of course we’ll need to take measurements in the flaccid and hardened states to make sure that our findings are accurate.”


“Ritch, put your towel back on so I can finish trying to fix your mop.”


If I must say so myself, when I finished with Ritchie’s mop, he looked pretty darned good. I patted him on the back, “I would suggest that you go get dressed before the guys come to check your dimensions.”


When Randy and I walked into the trailer, the guys were laughing.  Billy looked at us, “Dads, these guys think we’re rich.  We’re going to make our own sandwiches and eat out front, since there isn’t room for all of us to eat in here.  What’s taking Ritchie so long?”


I went to find Ritchie.  He was standing in the bathroom admiring himself in the mirror.  “Like, what you see Mr. Brown?”


“Hell yes, do you think Witt will be impressed?”


“Ritch, what are you saying?”


“Mr.  Adler, I know I’m gay.  I’ve had a crush on Witt for a long time.  Just so you know, I’m a sixteen year old virgin who's scared shitless about letting Witt know that I think he’s desirable.  He’d probably cream my ass.”


I wanted to start laughing, “Ritch, I’m confused.  Did you mean that he's going to whip your ass, or release his body fluids on it?”


Before Ritchie could answer, Bobby arrived, “Lunch is being served.”


Lunch was a different experience, altogether.  Wylie asked, “You mean we get to eat as much as we want.”


Billy looked at him, “You have to eat whatever you take.”


“But what if I don’t like it?”


Professor Billy answered, “If you don’t know for sure, then take a little.  If you like it, then you can always get more.”


Witt leaned over to me, “Mr. Adler, this is a new experience for my brothers.  There has always been only a limited amount of food at the meal, and the three youngest boys got what was left.  They’re never going to want to go home.”


As we were finishing lunch, I whispered to Randy, “We have more important things to do than go to an auction.  They can always send the money to us, if we make anything.”


Randy shrugged his shoulders and I continued, “We need to go get the three youngest Latham boys some clothes and shoes.  Bobby informed me that they have never had many new clothes.  I get the feeling that they may not even have any shoes that fit them.”


Randy stood. “Mr. Adler and I are going to take Wally, Willy and  Wylie shopping, so the rest of you are in charge while we are gone.”


Billy giggled, “You heard our Daddy.  Bobby and me are in charge while they’re gone.  Anyone who ate has to take care of their own dishes, before they go anywhere.  I’d better not see anything being wasted.”


After Randy and I got cleaned up, we strapped the three Latham boys into the back of the car.  Wylie asked, “Misters, are you taking us home?”


I answered, “No, we’re going to get you some new clothes.”


Wally frowned, “But Mr. Adler, Witt just got us new clothes.  Why do we need more?”


Willy asked, “What do you do when you get new clothes?”


Randy looked at me with a questioning look but answered, “Guys, it’s easy to do.”


Randy was about to find out that his statement was a falsehood.


I pulled into the new shopping center.  I decided that we could probably get everything we would need at the J.C. Penney store.  When we walked into the store, Wylie was holding my hand and squeezing rather hard, “Mister, this is sorta scary.”


“Why did you say that, Wylie?”


“There are so many people and it’s so big.”


Willy was walking beside me as we were walking through the ladies section, “Mr. Adler, you aren’t going to buy us girl clothes, are you?”


I put my hand on his shoulder, “Not unless you want us to.”


All three boys answered with a resounding, “NO!”


We finally located the children’s department.  I forgot that the boys weren’t wearing socks led them to the shoe section.  “Guys, look around and see if you can find a pair of shoes that you like.”


Willy looked up at me, “Mr. Adler, do you mean that we get to take whatever we want?”


“Guys, we need to pay for the things before we can take them.”


A young gentleman approached, “Hi Mr. Adler, can I be of any assistance?”


“You certainly can, but do you suppose you could tell me who you are, and how you know my name?”


“Does the name Scott Nielsen ring a bell?”


“Scott, how the heck are you?  I thought you were in college.”


“I graduated this year and I’m working here this summer since I’m starting med school this fall.”


“Scott, I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Randy Taylor.”


Scott had a funny grin, “So this is the infamous Mr. Taylor whom Blake and Kenny told me about.  I thought his sons were a little older?”


Randy chuckled, “My sons are at the farm, bossing everyone around.  These are borrowed children.”


I nodded, “These are the three youngest Latham boys.  We need to get them some new clothes and shoes.  We have no idea what sizes they will need.”


Scott pointed to some chairs, “If you gentlemen will have a seat, we’ll find out how big your feet are and go from there.  You will need to put these booties on so we can get started since you aren’t wearing socks.”


Wally asked, “Why do we gotta put these booties on?”


“It’s so you won’t get other peoples’ germs.”


Scott was really good with the guys and we had everything we needed in about an hour.  All five of us had our arms full when we got to the check out station.”


Wylie asked, “Why do we gotta stop here?”

I had to think how to answer him. “Wylie, if we didn’t pay for the things we chose, then the police would arrest us.”


Wally frowned, “Come on, guys, we need to take these things back.  We don’t have any money, and Dad would yell at us if he found out that someone bought us clothes.”


Randy stopped Wally, “We’ll take care of your Dad, if he has a problem with what we did.  Put your things on the counter.   The lady is ready to check us out.”


Wally was intently watching the monitor to see what things cost.  When he saw the price of the shoes, he looked up at me, “No wonder, we never got new shoes before.  Dad will probably try to return them and get the money.”


I whispered to Randy, “I don’t think I’m liking Mr. Latham very much, right now”


“You and me both.”


On the way home. I made a stop at the Dairy Twist shop.   Willy asked, “Why are we stopping here?  We aren’t going to buy any more clothes, are we?”


I turned around, “I thought we’d get a snack to hold us until dinner.”


Wylie grimaced, “Mister, I gotta go to the bathroom really bad.”


“Mr. Taylor will take you to the bathroom, while Willy, Wally and I order.  We’ll meet you outside at the one of the tables with an umbrella.”


The other two boys followed me to the counter.  I decided it would be faster if I did the ordering.  “We’d like five small twists with three small root beer floats and two spiced iced teas.”


The young lady nodded, “It will be just a second.  Will you be taking it with you?”


“We’ll be eating on the patio.”


The young lady handed a container with the five drinks to Wally, “The straws and napkins are on the counter.”


She handed the container with the five cones to Willy.  You would have thought he was carrying a container with diamonds, because he was going so slow.


As we were eating, Wylie looked up at me, “Mister, can we stay with you.  We never do anything fun like this at home, and people aren’t yelling like they do at our house.”


“Wylie, your Daddy would never let you live with us, and we don’t have any more room for people to sleep.”


“But, mister, we’re just little.  We can sleep on the floor.  Our Dad doesn’t even remember our names, sometimes.”


Wally added, “Wade and Walt will be mean to us, because we have new clothes.”


When we arrived at the farm, there was no one in trailer so I assumed that the guys had dinner under control.  I looked at the three young Latham boys, “Bring all of your things in, so we can take the tags off of them.  We’ll write your name on them, so no one can return them.”


Randy was cutting the tags off of the items and I was using a marking pen which I had bought, to write the boys’ names in their clothes.  I suddenly realized that Scotty had done a wonderful job, because each of the boys' clothes were different, except for the jeans.  We were just about finished when Bobby appeared, “Hi, Witt says you need to start the grill.  Witt and Ritchie are just about finished with the milking, and Billy is taking care of the chickens.”


Bobby went to the oven and turned it on, “We have everything ready.  Come on guys, we need to wash our hands so we can set the tables.”


I looked at Randy, “I think we’ve lost control.  Why is Ritchie still here?   We’re going to have everyone screaming at us for stealing their sons.”


I looked in the fridge, to see why I was going to be starting the grill, and there were skewers with what appeared to be beef and vegetables kebobs.  I thought to myself, ‘Someone has been busy.’


Randy and I went to start the grill. Randy was laughing, “Next, the boys will be kicking us out of our bedroom.”


“Randall Lee, I be concerned about what’s happening between our two sixteen year olds.  It’s seems to be that the guys decided what to fix for dinner with some major input from Ritchie.  I can’t imagine that Witt has ever had shish kebobs before, after what we’ve heard today.   It will be interesting to see what happens when my parents get here.”


When Witt and Ritchie were coming from the barn, Witt’s three brothers ran to talk to them.  Wylie was showing Witt his new shoes and Willy and Wally were talking a mile a minute.


Witt came to where Randy and I were standing, “Sirs, you have made my three brothers extremely happy.  I have no idea what to expect when I take them home, after dinner.  I guess you saw what we’re having for dinner.  It was Ritchie’s idea, so we can blame him if Granddad and Grandmother don’t like it. Ritchie and I will be back to take over, as soon as we get cleaned up.”


Billy came out of the house, “Dads, we need to get rid of some eggs.  There isn’t any more room in the refrigerator.”


“We’ll have to make sure we give everyone some to take home tonight and we’ll be taking some to church in the morning.”


When Witt and Ritchie returned with the kebobs, Witt announced, “Granddad Adler just called.  They’re on their way.  Granddad said he was bringing some red wine, and drinks for the young guys.  They should be here shortly.”


When we saw the parents' car approaching the trailer, Wylie came and stood behind, between Randy and me, “Misters, don’t let them take us away.”


I knelt down, “Wylie, my parents aren't going to do anything bad to you.”


He looked at me, “Mister, please, can’t you make it so we can stay here?”


My Mother, being who she is, asked, as she climbed out of the car, “Henry, who are all the young people, and do Ritchie’s parents know where he is.  Surely you people haven’t been working all day?”


Witt went to take what Mother was holding, “Grandmother, the three little guys are my brothers, and Ritchie’s parents have no problem with him staying for dinner, since he fixed it.”


Mother grabbed her neck, “I’m probably going to be so sick that I won’t be able to go to church in the morning.”


Randy whispered, “I have the feeling that this is going to be an interesting evening.”


To be continued...



Editor's Notes: I suspect that interesting evening is an understatement.  I wonder what is going to happen next.  Will Willie Wiley and Wally come to live with Hank, Randy and their kids?


I think the kids would be really happy about that.  I do hope that something sensible can be worked out. Maybe we will find out next time. We'll just have to wait and see.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 06/25/10