What Do I Do Now, Mom?
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 16 

Another Egg Attack


When I arrived at the trailer, my three guys were sitting on the sofa watching a baseball game.  All three were wearing only their briefs, and it was obvious that they were waiting for me to come home.  The two boys were sitting on either side of their Dad and were a sight to behold. 


Bobby looked up at me, “Dad, I’m glad you’re home.  Me and Billy are pretty tired.  You aren’t going to have to work this late every night, are you?”


I sat down beside Bobby, “Guys, I hope not, or I’ll quit.  I need to be here to help you and your Daddy with the work.  I’m tired, too, so let’s go to bed and get some rest.”


When Randy and I were in bed, I looked at him, “Randy, I never meant for you and the boys to be stuck with all this work.  I never wanted to be a principal, but now I am one.  Can a plumber and a principal be friends?”


Randy held me, “That depends on how good the principal can perform in bed.”


“Randy can we save the performance test until this weekend.  I need to get through this week and I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of Mr. Baxter, even though he was made to look like a fool tonight.  Are you going to be okay taking care of the guys all day?”


Randy hugged me, “We certainly can save the performance test until the weekend, and yes, I’ll be fine with the five guys.  The boys fixed lunch today and brought me something to drink about every two hours.  You can blame the sign on Dr. Brown.”


When I arrived at the school the next morning, Ted was already there.  When he heard me come into the building, he came into the office.  “Congratulations, boss.  I decided that I would work seven until four, so I could spend some quality time with my family.  Do you have a problem with that?”


“Ted, I have no problem with that at all.  In fact, even during the school year that would be fine.  Doesn’t  Ada, the night custodian come in at three thirty?”




“I don’t care what hours you work as long as there is a custodian here when the children are here at the school.  During the summer, if you want to sneak home and take your family on a leisurely picnic, that’s between you and your supervisor, Mr. Cleary.”


Ted started to laugh, “Mr. Adler, I’ve worked for four principals and I never had one treat me like an equal before.”


“Ted, when it’s just the two of us, my name is Hank.  I have no problem if you address me as such.”


Gloria arrived with some donuts, so the conversation was interrupted.  She grinned as only she can, “I stopped and bought some donuts to celebrate Mr. Adler’s promotion.  He’ll probably turn into a grump by the end of the week.  Mr. Adler, I‘ll notify the teachers that they need to come redo their end of year reports.  I hope you‘re wearing your flak jacket.”


Everything went fine and I went and grabbed a sandwich to eat while I worked, before the P.T. A. Board meeting.  I was finishing my redlining activities when Mrs. Hamilton came into the office.  “Mr. Adler, do you have a few minutes to talk?”


“Of course, Mrs. Hamilton.  Is there a problem?”


“It’s not exactly a problem, but I would like to request some assistance.  As you heard last night, I’m divorcing your predecessor.  I’m moving into a home that’s within the Birchcrest school boundaries with my two sons.”


I kept waiting, for her to continue and decided to let her proceed at her own pace, since this was obviously hard for her. 


“Mr. Adler, this is very difficult for me.  I apologize, but I’m having a hard time coping with the fact that my youngest son might be learning disabled.  His father refused to permit me to have him tested so he could receive special help.  Derek is to the point now that he’s so frustrated that he’s going to give up.”


“Ma’am, how old is Derek, so I know what the age of the young man is?”


“I apologize, Mr. Adler, Devin is eleven and is going to be in the sixth grade.  Derek is nine and is scheduled to be in the fourth grade.”


Our conversation was interrupted by Gloria, “Mr. Adler, the P.T. A. Board is ready to convene in the Conference Room.”


“Thank you, Mrs. Hawkins.  Mrs. Hamilton, perhaps you would like to attend the meeting and we can finish the discussion after the meeting.  It’s an open meeting, but I’m sure that there won’t be many people in attendance at three o’clock in the afternoon.”


When I entered, Kim Wishman pointed to me, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to meet the new principal of Birchcrest, Mr. Hank Adler.  It so refreshing to have someone who cares about children at the helm.  Who do you have with you?”


“This is Mrs. Hamilton.  She’s here to enroll her two sons and is curious as to what the environment of the school is like.”


Mary Shire frowned, “Why is the former principal’s wife enrolling her children in this school now that her husband has been fired?”


Mrs. Hamilton tensed, “We’re moving into a home within this school’s attendance area and I wanted to see what kinds of programs you offered your students.”


The meeting was going fine until agenda item of the approval of the budget came up.  One of the board members broached the subject of why there was such a large line item for teacher honorariums.  Mr. Manger asked, “Do we ever receive any word on what the monies were spent for?”


Mrs. Shire spoke, “The teachers have never been asked to account for the money.  The $100.00 that is in the budget has been the same for the fifteen years that I’ve been here.  It’s time to increase that amount to $150.00 per teacher.  Prices for teaching supplies have increased like everything else.”


Mrs. Hamilton interrupted, “I apologize for interrupting, but why haven’t their been any controls on the monies that the teachers received have been spent.  I’m a C.P.A. and I can not imagine that an organization that handles this amount of money does not have some control over how the funds are spent.”


Mrs. Wishman smiled, “Thank you, Mrs. Hamilton.  Those are my sentiments exactly.  In fact, I spoke with Mr. Adler yesterday and he suggested that we put the monies into a fund, so that he and a committee could approve how the funds are to be spent.”


Mr. Sweeney looked at me, “Mr. Adler, do the teachers have any other funds available to get school supplies?”


“Yes, they all submitted requests for teaching materials, but I have just finished going through them, and deleting many of their requested items because they are unnecessary.  The teachers are all supplied with what they need to provide the students with a quality education, by the district.  The special education teachers have their own source of funds to order things that are designed to help the learning disabled.”


Mrs. Shire threw down her folder, “I resign.  I should have seen this coming.  Mr. Goody Two Shoes has been reeled in by the district, hook line and sinker.  I’m going to the Central Office and demanding a transfer.  I will not work for a principal who cares nothing about his teachers.”


“Mary, thanks for asking for a transfer.  I was going recommend that you either be relieved from your position, or fired.  Don’t think we don’t know what you do when you go riding around the block every hour for ten minutes.  You must go through at least a pack of cigarettes during a school day.”


Mrs. Wishman started to laugh, “So, that’s why I kept seeing her drive by the house?”


Mrs. Shire opened the door, “Screw you, Adler.  This school will fall apart, once the teachers hear what’s happening.”


The door slammed so hard I thought the glass would break.


Mrs. Wishman moaned, “I guess we need to find a new treasurer.  Mrs. Hamilton, would you be willing to fill the position?”


Mrs. Hamilton shook her head yes, “I’d be willing to fill the position at least temporarily, but isn’t there a problem here?  Couldn’t Mrs. Shire drain the organization's account of funds?”


Mr. Sizemore shook his head no, “We took precautions to prevent that, several years ago.  All checks have to have two signatures.”


Mrs. Hamilton nodded, “I would feel more comfortable assuming the position if there was to be an audit before I did so.  Where are the old bank statements and financial records maintained?”


Mrs. Wishman looked at me, “Hank, can you answer that question?”


“Let me check with Mrs. Hawkins, I have no idea where the P.T.A. financial records might be.”


I opened the door to the office, “Mrs. Hawkins, do you have any idea where the financial records for the P.T. A. might be stored?”


I looked and there were three people sitting waiting to see me.  I knew Paula Godwin and  Greg Spiller, who was the District Director of Special Education.  I didn’t know the other gentlemen


Gloria entered the room and handed me the check book for the P.T.A..  “Mrs. Shire threw this at me as she was leaving and said, ‘Here let the Almighty Adler take care of the finances for the do nothing group.’  The bank statements and other P.T.A. records are kept in a locked file in the office.  Mr. Adler, you might want to meet with Mr. Spiller, Mrs. Godwin and Mr. Deevers.  They indicate that they have urgent business to discuss.”


“Gloria, ask them to come in.  I think this meeting is about finished and I’m guessing what Mr. Spiller wants to talk about can be resolved with help from the assembled group.”


I turned to the P.T.A. board members, “Ladies and gentlemen, now you may be able to appreciate why I never aspired to be a principal.  Pardon me for interrupting,  but I think some of you may be able to help resolve the problems that are about to be discussed.”


Gloria escorted the three visitors in and made the introductions, since she was the only person who knew everyone.  “Thank you, Mrs. Hawkins.”


I turned to Greg Spiller, “Mr. Spiller, I assume that you’re here to discuss Mrs. Shires’ sudden request for transfer to another building.  She made that decision without any help from me or anyone here.  She had her own agenda, and when things weren’t going her way. she burst out of this meeting.  Greg, I was going to come and ask you to transfer her, anyway.  She has spent ten minutes of every hour in the school day in her car driving around smoking who knows how many cigarettes since this was declared a smoke free campus.”


Greg countered, “But she’s one of the most experienced Special Education teachers that we have in the district.”


“Mr. Spiller, do you realize that all of the recent paraprofessionals that she had working for her have left as soon as they could find other positions.  I’d like to be involved in deciding who is going to replace Mrs. Shire, since I’m going to be the principal of Birchcrest, much to my chagrin.”


Mrs. Butler, who was at the P.T. A. meeting, nailed the coffin shut. “Mr. Spiller, I’ve been trying to tell you and your people Mrs. Shire hasn’t been providing the services she advertises.  I’m glad to see her leave.  It’s time to get some people in the Special Education department who care about children.”


Greg stood, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve gotten the message.  I can assure you that Mrs. Shire will no longer be working at Birchcrest school.”


“Mr. Spiller, Mrs. Hamilton and I would like to talk to you about a different matter as soon as this meeting is over.”


I turned to Paula, “Mrs. Godwin, let me guess.  You’re here to see why the teachers are being required to return and rewrite the end of the year reports.  I refused to sign what they submitted and forward them on.  The reports make it appear as if nearly all of the teachers were perfect teachers and that all of their students learned everything that was mandated by the district and state guidelines.”


“Paula, you know and I know that’s not even feasible.  I would guess that the teachers, at most, spent ten minutes, on the average, doing their reports.  Let me get them for you, and these parents, so you can see how much their children supposedly learned.”


I passed the end of the year reports around Greg, Paula and the parents had big eyes.  Paula looked at me, “If we had submitted anything like this at my school, our principal would have had us in his office.  Harlan is a great guy, but don’t try to pull the wool over his eyes.”


I looked at Mr. Deevers, “Sir, I don’t think I know you or have any idea why you’re here.  I assume it must have something to do with school matters, or you wouldn’t be here.  Would you care to enlighten me as to why you’re here?”


The gentleman nodded, “I’m here representing Heather Sumter and her family.  They have filed a claim against you for personally causing them to miss their flight to Bermuda at two o’clock on Saturday afternoon.  They’ve been unable to get their money refunded.”


Paula started to laugh, “Mr. Deevers, the teachers of this district have known for over a year that they would be working last Saturday. instead of returning to work yesterday.  I know that Heather claims it doesn’t impact on her because she’s not a member of the Education Association, but she is, or was, a teacher in the district, so it does apply to her.  The teachers here at Birchcrest were reminded of these facts last week at a meeting with the superintendent.”


I looked at the P.T. A. people, “I apologize for the distractions, but perhaps you can see why I never wanted to be a principal.”


Mrs. Butler giggled, “Mr. Adler, we just saw you prove that you need to be the principal for this school.  So grin and bear it.”


By the time I departed the school, we had made arrangements for Jodi Bottom to test Derek Hamilton the following morning.  When I arrived at the farm, I was surprised to see Ritchie’s car still there.  I went to check the farm buildings and the boys were busy.  I looked at Billy and Alan who were in the chicken house,  “Where is everyone else?”


Billy grinned, “Ritchie is complaining that Daddy is a slave driver and I’m not sure where Bobby and Andy are.  They were weeding the garden the last I saw them.”


“Guys, I’ll go change clothes and help you with the milking.  I’ll be back shortly.  I stopped in the house to see what Randy and Ritchie were doing,  Ritchie was complaining, “Mr. Taylor, something doesn’t seem right.  Why is the water still leaking out?”


“Guys, it’s time to stop.  You're both tired and you both look as if you’re very warm.  Call it quits for today. It’s almost five o’clock.” 


Ritchie crawled out of the small space they were working in, “Mr. Adler, you’ve got to be kidding.  It can’t be five o’clock.  I need to get  Alan and Andy home.  My parents will kill me.  I told them I’d be home by four thirty.  They have a retirement party or something they need to go to.  I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Taylor.”


Randy stood and I kissed him.  I wanted to hug him but he was little sweaty and dirty.  “Follow me Taylor, you can take a shower while I change clothes and help Billy and Bobby with the milking.”


Randy laughed, “This is Ritchie’s fault.  He’s a workaholic.”


As Billy and Bobby and I were walking toward the house, a car was pulling into the driveway.  We watched as Mr. Baxter and one of his friends stepped out of the car.  Mr. Baxter started to yell obscenities and Billy and Bobby let go a barrage of eggs and both men were hit directly in the face. 


Randy exited the trailer, “The Sheriff is sending people to take care of the trespassers.  Billy and Bobby, bombard them so they can’t get away.”


“We heard sirens approaching and the two gentlemen started toward the car which immediately had an egg treatment all over the windshield,”


The Sheriff’s cruiser pulled up, and thankfully, Deputy Sheriff Godwin crawled of the cruiser, “Mr. Adler, why don’t you put up a security gate so these trespassers can’t get to the trailer.  Just think of all the hungry children who will be starving tonight because these two young men have used all these fresh eggs as rockets.”


A second cruiser arrived and Sheriff Godwin pointed, “Take these two and book them for trespassing.  You take them this time; I’m not going to get my cruiser dirty again.  Billy and Bobby, you keep getting our cruiser dirty and we’ll have to charge you.”


Billy giggled, “Okay, we’ll give each of you a dozen fresh eggs to keep you happy.”


We were finishing dinner which my Mother had brought, of course, when the phone rang.


Billy went to answer it, “This is the Adler residence.  How may I help you? … No, sir.  This is Billy. … Some mean men were yelling at Dad and Daddy, and me and Bobby threw eggs and  hit them in the face so they couldn’t get away before the Sheriff’s people got here. … Okay, I’ll tell them that you want to talk to them.”


“Dads, Dr. Brown would like to talk to you two.”


I took the phone, “Dr. Brown, is there a problem?”


The voice was laughing, “Well, yes and no, my wife and I are wondering what Randy did to the three boys today while you were creating waves at school.  I understand you had some visitors this afternoon?”


“Dr. Brown, I was so busy that I thought I was going to go to the bathroom in my pants.”


Dr. Brown took a deep breath, “Hank, have you read the afternoon paper or watched the late news?  You’re splattered all over it.  The reporter on the television even commented, ‘Mr. Hank Adler was hired to be the new principal of Birchcrest at last night’s school board meeting over the objections of some people who had issues with his appointment.  The weird part was that Mr. Adler never had to say anything and was confirmed.  We understand that two of his detractors visited his farm this afternoon and were attacked by a barrage of eggs.  Mr. Ralph Baxter and Mr. Levi Corn will be spending the night in the county jail with egg all over their face.’  Hank, is Randy available?”


“Yes sir, I’ll put him on.”


“Randy, Dr. Brown would like to talk to you.”


“This is Randy Taylor. …. Sir, I did nothing.  Your three sons worked hard today. … Tell Ritchie.  He’s the one who insisted that we keep on working. … Would you like me to limit how many hours he and his brothers are here each day? … Okay, sir.  I certainly don’t want him to think he has to work all the time.  He’s only sixteen. … Thanks for calling sir.”


Billy and Bobby were already in bed and Randy was getting ready for when we had some unexpected visitors.  The trailer door opened and my parents walked in.  I looked at them, “Dad and Mother it’s already after eight o’clock.  Billy and Bobby are already in bed and Randy is getting ready for bed.  Let me go warn him that you’re here.”


I warned Randy that we had company and went back to my parents.  “I gather this is not a social visit.  I’ve had a very long day so what is it that we need to talk about.”


Dad stood and started to pace, “Hank, I was visited today by Doctor Roy Holley.  He laid into me because you caused his daughter and family to miss the vacation that he and his wife had arranged for them in hopes of keeping Heather and Dan from getting a divorce.”


“Dad, stop right there.  The teacher’s of the district ratified a calendar that said that they would rather work last Saturday instead of having to report back yesterday.  Heather has known for over a year that last Saturday was a work day.  She was also there when Dr. Brown directed me that no one should leave before four o’clock on Saturday  If Doctor Holley has a problem, then tell him to come see me.  You don’t need to be handling my problems for me, and believe me, I already have more on my plate than I can handle.”


“I’ve known for over two years, even before Ron’s death that Heather was involved in an affair outside of her marriage.  She’s nothing but a spoiled brat, fortune seeker, as far as I’m concerned.”


Mother piped up, “Why did you just leave us last night without telling us you were leaving?”


I was getting frustrated, “When Dr. Brown told me I could leave the meeting, you two and Uncle Mark were conversing with some friends and I just wanted to get away, so I didn’t interrupt.  Now, is there is anything else that I can do for you?  I’m exhausted and would like to get some sleep.”


I watched as my parents departed, and Randy appeared, “Hank, you were rather harsh with you parents.”


“Randy, I realize I was a little strong, but they think my world should revolve around them, and it doesn’t.  It revolves around you, Billy and Bobby.  Let’s go to bed.  I’m both physically and mentally exhausted.”


To be continued...


Editor's Notes:  Hank's parents seem a bit overbearing, right now. 


Ritchie seems to be changing his attitude for the better.  I think he is going to really amount to something. 


As is always the case, I am ready for more chapters of this very interesting story.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 04/30/10