What Do I Do Now, Mom?
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 14 

First Day In the Saddle


When the seven guys came into the trailer, they went to wash their hands so we could eat.  I had decided that we would take our food to the picnic table and eat, since eight of us couldn’t really eat in the trailer. 


We were eating with Kenny, Blake, Randy and me at one end of the table the four young guys at the other end of the table.  There was a whole lot of laughter around the table.  We had just finished eating and were taking our eating utensils into the trailer when a car appeared. 


Dr. and Mrs. Brown crawled out of the car.  Alan and Adam stopped, and Adam asked, “Daddy and Mother, is there a problem?”


Dr. Brown shook his head no, “We thought we’d come and get you to save Mr. Adler from bringing you home.”


Alan sighed, “Mr. Adler and Doctor Young were going bring us home on their motorcycles.”


Kenny started to laugh, “Dream on, kid.  We didn’t bring our extra helmets with us this time.  We’ll give you a ride when we have them with us.”


Billy and Alan left after Billy announced, “We’ll be right back.  Me and Alan have to do something.”


We watched as the two ten year olds disappeared.  Dr. Brown asked, “Hank, what are the boys going to do?”


I was saved from answering by the return of Billy and Alan. Billy announced, “We had to get some fresh eggs for the poor starving student and the dentist.  Alan and  Adam worked so hard that they each get a dozen, too.”


Alan had a big grin, “Me and Bill, picked the eggs so they’re really fresh.”


Dr. Brown started  to laugh, “Don’t you mean that you gathered or collected the eggs?”


Billy shook his head no, “No sir, it’s like picking berries in some scratchy bushes.  We had to wear long sleeves and gloves so the chickens wouldn’t peck us.  We had to pick up the eggs and run, before the chickens could attack us.”


Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of another car.  Bobby yelled, “We’ll go get some ammunition if we need it.  Come on, Andy.”


Mr. Dailey’s car squealed to a stop in front of the trailer, Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Dailey stepped out and Mr. Hamilton yelled, “You queer, Adler.  You’re going to pay for the towing and repair charges on my vehicle.  It’s your friggin fault that I hit the tree.”


Randy moved forward, “Gentleman, I would request that you speak civilly, since there is a lady and several young people present.”


“Shut up you bastard, who are you to be telling us what to do?”


Randy turned to the four boys, “Guys, get ready to blast these two idiots with another blast of egg power.  Let’s see if we can get this crude person to run into the tree again, so the two ignoramuses have to walk into town.  Mr. Adler said he wasn’t paying for any of your bills and that’s final.  I suggest you leave before the Sheriff’s people arrive, or you will be spending another night in the hoosegow.  Kenny, do you have your cell phone with you?”


Kenny pulled out his cell phone, “Who do you want me to call, Mr. Taylor?”


“Call 911 and report that there are two people here who are intruding on the private property of Mr. Hank Adler.  They’re demanding that he pay for something that he had nothing to do with.”


Before Kenny could make the call, Dailey and Hamilton were in the car, and it squealed, as it pulled out of the driveway.”


Billy looked at his Dad, “Way to go, Dad, we didn’t want to waste anymore eggs on those creeps.  Mr. Adler, what can you do to make them stay away?”


Dr. Brown was laughing, “Billy, I think you and Bobby should make a big sign and post it in the driveway that says Any unwanted visitors will be egged.  Alan and Adam, we need to get home before your brother and sisters make a shambles of the house.  Thank Mr. Adler and Mr. Taylor for allowing you to spend the afternoon with Billy and Bobby.”


Andy looked up at me, “Mr. Adler, I had a really good time.  Could we come back again?”


I stooped down, “Andy, you and Alan may certainly come back whenever your parents will permit you to do so.  You can make sure Billy and Bobby aren’t sleeping on the job, since your Dad is forcing me to work so hard at the school.”


Billy glared, “Watch it, Mr. Adler, we’ll egg you and we’ll get Uncle Kenny and the dentist to help us.”


We watched as the Browns and Kenny and Blake departed.  We had just finished the few dishes we had used, when the phone rang.  Bobby answered, “This is the home of Mr. Henry Adler, how can I help you? … We ate dinner outside because Uncle Kenny, Doctor Young, Adam and Alan Brown were here and there wasn’t room for us all to eat in the trailer. … Yep, Dr. and Mrs. Brown just left with Andy and Alan.  Uncle Kenny and Dr. Young just tooled out of here on their cycles. … Yep, he’s standing right here.  I’ll put him on.”


“Hi Mom, what’s up?”


“Henry, why were Kenny and Blake there and why did Dr. and Mrs. Brown have to come pick up their sons?  Is there a problem?”


“Mom, there’s no problem here.  Is there a problem there?  I mean we just saw you about eight hours ago.”


Mother laid it on me, “Randy has a lot of people upset by some things he said this morning at that stupid class.  Mr. Baxter has been calling everyone he knows, spouting how evil you and Randy are.  What are you going to do about it?”


“Mom, why don’t we discuss this over lunch.  We aren’t going to be able to do anything about it tonight, since it’s already after eight o‘clock.  Randy was simply stating his personal beliefs, while that Baxter person was spouting what the ultraconservatives are telling their listeners.  Randy had every right to say what he did today.  Meet me for lunch at noon, at the Neon Goose, since I need to be at work early tomorrow.  Have a good night.”


Randy came and sat down beside me, “It sounds as if I should have kept my big mouth shut this morning.  What do you know about that Baxter person?”


“Randy, you had every right to say what you did.  You were stating your own personal beliefs.  As far as the Baxter person, I really know nothing about him, nor do I want to.  Mom has heard that the creep is calling everyone and badmouthing us.  We’ll just need to grin and bear it.  I’ll take care of Mom at lunchtime tomorrow.  Do you and the boys want to join us?”


“Nope, I need to stay close to the farm tomorrow.  The first load of fixtures and supplies is due to arrive.”


When Randy and I were in bed, I leaned over and kissed him, “Randall Lee, I really should punish you for causing so many problems.”


“Remember, Hanky Poo, you promised that you would never cause me to experience unnecessary pain.”


“Where did Hanky Poo come from?  That calls for a double dose of pain.”


“Your Mother warned me that you were a masochist and that I should be prepared.”


“Randy, why are you being so mean to me?”


“It’s all your fault.  You brought the boys and me here and have treated us like slaves.  The only problem is that we’ve fallen in love with the slave master, and now you’re trying to get rid of us.  Kiss me and let’s go to sleep before something happens that I’m not ready for yet.”


Randy pulled me close and we did indeed kiss. I asked, “How long is it before you’re going to be ready to proceed to bigger and better things?”


“Hanky Poo, you need to relax.  You have to work tomorrow.  Lay still and I’ll relax you.  You’re up tight, because of your encounters with the two goons.”


Randy started to administer to my body with his tongue, and when he was finished, I was very relaxed and fell asleep almost immediately.  When I awoke in the morning, I decided to take revenge and I thought Randy was going to make the bed fall apart.  When he finally relaxed, he sighed, “I’ll probably be worn out all day.”


I heard the boys and quickly got dressed so I could help them with the choirs.  When I got to the barn, Billy asked, “Where's Dad?  Is he feeling okay?”


“He’s fine. He’s going to fix breakfast, since I have to go to work.  We’ll eat as soon as I finish the milking and take a shower.  You guys have all day to take care of the other animals.”


After breakfast, I hugged my three guys and went to the school.  I was the first one to arrive.  I wondered why the janitor wasn’t there. I looked at my watch and it said it was seven thirty.  It was about eight o’clock before anyone else arrived.  Ted Sorenson, the janitor stopped in the office.  “Mr. Adler, I take it you want me to be here earlier to open the building.  Mr. Hamilton always had me come in at eight, since he never showed until eight thirty.”


“Ted, why don’t we have a meeting as soon Gloria gets here and we can decide on the hours that people should work.  I personally would like to be able to spring out of this place by four o’clock, so I have time to do some things in the evenings.  I’m flexible, so I’m willing to work the hours that you people want.  In the meantime, I’ll check with the district office to see what the district’s policy is.”


Gloria arrived just before eight and started to complain, “I can’t believe that the office is already open.  I guess I’m being replaced by an overzealous principal.”


I started to laugh, “Mrs. Hawkins, didn’t you mean to say that you were going to have to baby-sit me so I don’t screw up?”


Gloria and Ted started to laugh.  Gloria quipped, “I sure hope you’re potty trained.”


“Yep.  Gloria, what’s the district’s policies on summer hours for the elementary schools?”


“Beats me.  Mr. Hamilton had me make a note in the last newsletter that said school personnel would be available from 9-11 and from 2-4 each day.”


“Your kidding.  Ted, are you not on year around contract?”


“Yes sir, and it requires that we work eight hours a day even in the summer months, unless we’re on vacation.”


“Gloria, what about you?  I have no idea how things like this are supposed to work.”


“Hank, I’m an hourly employee, but I do have benefits.  But in order to be able to keep them, I need to work eight hours a day for ten months according to our contract.”


I threw up my hands, “I’ll never understand all this rigmarole.  Remember, I’m a kindergarten or first grade teacher.  I don’t understand all of this.  Ted, let’s get together about two, and we can decide what hours we're going to work.  Gloria, who do I contact to find out what the district policy is?”


Gloria sighed, “You don’t have time to worry about such things as this.  I’ll find out if there is a district policy before we meet this afternoon.”


Gloria handed me two folders, “You need to read through these and approve them.  The end of year reports are due at the central office by Friday, and I need to get busy requisitioning the things that the teachers requested for next year.  You need to approve them before I type them.”


I took the two folders into my office and started to read the end of year reports.  I quit after I had read four of the reports and went into the reception area, “Gloria, I can’t send these to the Central Office.  They’ll laugh their asses off.  These reports make it sound as if the children learned all of the objectives that the district and the state have mandated that be covered.  What do I do?”


“Hank, I’m just a secretary.  Don’t ask me.  Mr. Hamilton would have signed them and sent them on.  You need to take this matter up with your supervisors.”


“Gloria, I haven’t any idea who my supervisor is, anymore.  I think they’re all out to get me canned.”


Gloria laughed, “Hank, call the central office and find out who is responsible for reviewing the end of the year reports.  I’m sure someone is in charge.  I always sent them to the Curriculum Development office.”


The door to the reception area opened and Superintendent Brown walked in.


I stood, “Don’t tell me I’ve screwed up already.”


Dr. Brown laughed, “Well, yes and no.  I was directed by my two youngest sons that I was to get in here today to tell you that they wanted to be in Billy and Bobby’s classes next year.  Who are their teachers going to be, so I can start checking them out?”


Gloria was laughing.  I ignored her, “Dr. Brown, Billy specifically asked that he have Ann Dancer.  She would have been my choice if he were my son.  I’m going to make sure that Bobby has Mrs. Alloway.  She’s strict, but she’s fair.  She was the district’s teacher of the year two years ago.”


“Gloria, I need two enrollment forms.  The boys’ records should be arriving from Walnut Grove this week.”


I asked, “Dr. Brown, do you have a few minutes?  I have some questions that I would like to ask you.  I have no idea what is expected of me.”


We walked into my office and I showed him the end of the year reports, “Sir, these reports are a bunch of bull.  I know from experience that not everyone in a class can achieve all the district and state requirements.  What happens to these reports anyway?  I never understood why we had to fill them out.”


“Hank, to be honest with you, I think they are a waste of time.  The principals send them to the central office and the Curriculum Development committee supposedly looks at them and sends them to the State Department of Education.  What happens from there, I have no idea.  What is it that you want to do with them?”


“Sir, I’d like to have the teachers return and fill out meaningful reports.  I’d like to use them as a tool to evaluate the teachers, based on the achievement tests results of the students they had in their class this year.”


“Hank, you’re the principal, so do what you think best.  I have bigger and better things to do.  By the way, our oldest son, Ricky, is delivering Alan and Adam to the farm this  morning.  Randy had no problem with them spending the day.”


After Dr. Brown departed, I went to Gloria, “I hate to do this, but I want you to call the teachers and tell them their presence is required so they can do their work, properly.  Explain to me how the supply requests work.”


Gloria explained to me, “The school has a budget of $5,000.00 for teaching supplies.  In the past, the teachers were able to order whatever they wanted up to $100.00.”


I frowned, “Are you telling me that I can decide what they should order or not order.”


“That’s your prerogative, Mr. Adler.  Just redline anything that you feel isn’t necessary, and I won’t order it.  In the past, Mr. Hamilton didn’t even look at the requests and just rubber stamped them.”


I was busy redlining items when Gloria came in, “Mr. Adler, Mrs. Wishman would like to speak to you.”


“Please have her come in.”


I stood as the lady entered, “Mrs. Wishman, what is it that I can do for you?”


“Hank, knock it off.  I’ve known you since we were in diapers.  As I’m sure you’re aware, I am entering my second year as president of the P.T. A.  I have reservations about handing the teachers a check for $100.00.  Last year, we received two thank you notes, your’s being one of them.  I would like to be able to report to our members what the funds were used for.  Mrs. Shire, who is the teacher representative on the board and the treasurer, has recommended that amount be raised to $150.00.”


“Kim, a solution would be for the P.T.A. to put the funds for educational materials into a special fund here at the school, where the principal can disperse them as he or she thinks  would best serve the students.”


“Good, that’s what I was hoping to hear.  The principal is definitely going to be a he.  Hank, as you are well aware, my husband is a member of the school board, and they have a meeting tonight.  One of the agenda items is to appoint you as the principal of Birchcrest, effective immediately.”


I threw up my hands, “Kim, I don’t want to be the principal.”


“Too bad, kid.  The parents are excited that you’re going to be the new principal.  They are impressed that you would take time to call them over the weekend.  We have a P.T.A. Board meeting tomorrow at three, and I would appreciate it if you could attend.”


I walked Kim to the door, “I’ll be there if I’m still alive.  My mother is probably going to have me bleeding all over the streets by this afternoon. I’ll see you tomorrow at three.”


To be continued...


Editor's Notes:  Boy, it looks as if Hank is going to be the principal.  He seems to be pretty popular with the people who actually care about the students and their education.


Some of the jerks who only cared about themselves, seem not to care as much for Hank.  I wonder why that would be.  I certainly hope the good guys prevail.


The boys should have let the eggs sit around for a while, so they could get really ripe, and then thrown them at the two trouble makers.


Of course, I am very ready for the next chapter.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 04/16/10