What Do I Do Now, Mom?
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 6 

Grandparents' Day


I woke up with a start.  I looked at the clock and it said six o'clock.  I realized that I had fallen asleep on the sofa with my clothes on.  I went to the bathroom to take care of my needs.  I stopped to look in the bedrooms, and both boys were sprawled on the bed in just their briefs.  I looked in the other bedroom and Randy was lying on his back; he very obviously had an erection, but I chose not to disturb him.


I went to the barn and the cows were already waiting to be fed and milked.  I let them into the stable and fed them and was starting to put the milking machine on the first cow when Billy and Bobby arrived, Bobby was in tears, "Dad, why didn't you wake us?"


I hugged the two boys, "Guys, I thought I would let you sleep, since it is going to be a very busy day.  I have things under control here, so why don't you take care of the other animals while I finish here?"


The two boys left and returned as I was cleaning and sterilizing the milking equipment.  Billy put his hand around my shoulder, "Dad, if we're going to live here, you need to let us help.  There are four of us and we need to teach Daddy how to do some the farm things, so you don't have to do them by yourself.  Bobby and me are still young; we'll do what we can, but we can't lift heavy stuff like you can."


When we walked into the trailer, Randy was standing at the stove wearing only a pair of briefs.  It was apparent that he had taken a shower  because his hair was wet.  Bobby looked at his Dad, "Daddy shouldn't you be wearing some clothes other than your underwear?  What if Grandmother were to come?"


"Don't worry, she called and said that they wouldn't be here until about noon.  She said that Mr. Adler was to show you how to make the deviled eggs.  Hank, you're to slice the ham."


I started to laugh, "See, I told you, my Mother thinks I'm a complete idiot.  She'll probably be giving me orders even after I die.  Why don't you guys go take a quick shower while I help your Dad fix breakfast?  I'll take one while you're doing the dishes."


I went up to Randy and whispered, "I take it you didn't have any traces of blood in your Depends this morning?"


Randy turned so he could face me.  "No, I even had a bowel movement.  It hurt like hell, but I didn't see any traces of blood in the stool, so I figured I'd wear a pair a briefs, so you could enjoy the scenery.  I hope you appreciate it."


I frowned, "I liked the scenery I saw this morning when I checked on you, better.  It seems as if your tool must have been excited about something, because it was standing at attention.  Why don't you go put on some Bermuda shorts?  They're in the bottom drawer of the tall dresser, and the pullover shirts are in the next drawer up.  Put on a pair of flip flops and you'll be dressed just fine for the picnic.  I'll finish fixing breakfast."


Randy chuckled, "Okay, I wouldn't want you to be tempted to put your hands in my briefs."


The boys returned and Billy asked, "Dad, what kind of clothes should we wear for the picnic?"


"I told your Daddy to wear Bermuda shorts and a shirt. We'll change into jeans before we do the chores, tonight."


The boys did the breakfast dishes while I showered.  When I was pulling on my briefs, Randy entered, "Hank, I'm going to do the laundry or you're going to run out of clothes."


I smirked, "Well if we run out of clothes, then we won't wear any."


Randy laughed, "Yeah, you'd probably like that.  You'd probably be walking around with a boner all the time."


"Yeah, and you'd probably have to wear a bib because you were drooling."


After breakfast, I showed the boys how to crack the shell of the eggs that Mother had hard boiled.  Billy looked at me, "This is just like what we did when used to get Easter eggs."


I nodded, "Yep, only these haven't been died.  I'm surprised that Mother didn't tell us to make some pickled eggs, too.  She'll probably tell us that's what we should have for the Fourth of July picnic.  The beets in the garden will be ready then."


Bobby frowned, "What are pickled eggs and what do beets have to do with them?"


I tried to figure out how to explain what a pickled egg was, so Bobby would understand.  "Bobby you cook red beets in a sauce a sauce with sugar and vinegar and some spices.  When the sauce has cooled you put hard boiled eggs that have had the shells removed in with them until they turn red.  They taste like hard boiled eggs but they have a sweet/sour taste."


Randy entered the conversation, "Guys, I'll show you how to make them sometime.  Hank, what do you want me to do, to help?"


I pulled out two large plastic containers, a cutting board and a small butcher knife and a mixing bowl.  "Why don't you cut the eggs in half?   Billy, get a fork and carefully remove the yoke and put the white parts in the large containers and yokes in the mixing bowl while Bobby and I finish peeling the eggs."


It worked slick having an assembly line operation.  Billy looked at his Dad, "Daddy, you really need to get Dad Adler's house finished.  This would be so much easier in the big kitchen.  It's a little crowded in here."


I decided to change the subject, "Randy, do you have a driver's license?"


"Yes, but a lot of good it does me when the prospects of me getting a vehicle anytime soon are nil."


"As long as you're living here, you're more than welcome to use the truck if you need or want to go anywhere.  You may have some appointments this week while the boys and I are at school.  It should have a nearly full tank of gas, unless Billy or Bobby have been driving it."


Bobby hit me on the arm, "That was a mean thing to say, Dad."


"Just for that, young man, you can finish peeling the shells off the eggs by yourself, while I get the ingredients to mix with the yokes."


After I mixed the yokes with salad dressing and other seasonings and was certain the mixture was the right consistency, I showed Billy and Bobby how to fill the center of the eggs with the mixture and sprinkle the top with paprika.  They were working and I got a large carving board and a roaster, with the ham that Mother had baked, out of the refrigerator."


"Guys, when you finish, get the lids out of the cupboard and put the containers in the refrigerator."


Bobby asked, "Can we try one?  I don't ever remember eating an egg this way."


I punched Bobby lightly on the arm, "Look, Kid, as long as you're here, you can have anything you want, to eat.  You don't have to ask.  There are plenty and we'll probably have so many leftover that we'll get sick of them."


I started to carve the ham and put the slices in a container.  Randy was watching and said, "Hank, I can do that if you have something else you need to do."


I handed the knife and fork to him, "Be my guest.  Bobby, if Billy can finish the eggs by himself, why don't we take the egg shells to the garden.  They're good for the garden.  We'll get some things to make a salad while we're there."


As Bobby and I were walking to the garden, he looked up at me, "Dad, it's so nice to see Daddy smile again.  I think he's going to be okay, now.  I was really worried about what was going to happen to us."


I looked at Bobby and wanted to pick him up and hug him.  We arrived at the small garden plot.  I had cut back the size of the garden, since there was only me, but it was still large enough to provide fresh vegetable for me and my parents.  I showed Bobby how to work the egg shells into the soil in between the rows."


He was doing that while I was cutting some leaf lettuce.  When he finished, I had him pull some radishes which were ready to be picked.  I had him get some round red ones and some white ones that looked like miniature albino carrots.  The last things we collected were some green onions.


When we walked back to the trailer, Billy and Hank were waiting.  The four of us made short work out of cleaning the vegetables and I made a creamy lettuce salad with the lettuce and onions while Hank and the boys put radishes on a tray.


When we had everything cleaned up, I took them to the house.  I opened the garage which was filled with the old plumbing fixtures.  Randy laughed, "I can see why you wanted to update the plumbing and fixtures.  You should sell these fixtures as antiques.  You'd probably make enough to buy new top of the line fixtures.  Maybe you would even be able to afford a Jacuzzi and a hot tub."


I looked at the boys, "Go into the house.  Somewhere in the cupboard in the pantry, you will find some plastic table clothes and some plastic plates and eating utensils.  Would you please get them while your Daddy and I take these tables and set them up in the shade near the picnic table?"


We had just finished setting up and putting the table cloths the boys had found on the tables with the plates and utensils that had been stored in clear storage bags after they had washed.  We were walking toward the trailer when we saw two motorcycles approaching. 


Kenny and Zack hopped off.  I was totally caught off guard when Billy started to give them a difficult time, "I'm sorry, sirs, but we've been instructed to check everyone who is arriving to make sure that they aren't carrying concealed weapons.  I'm afraid you'll have to drop your jeans so we can make sure that you don't have a concealed weapon inside your briefs.  Gees, I'll bet you aren't wearing any briefs."


Randy grabbed Billy, "Billy, that's no way to talk to strangers."


Kenny laughed, "Randy, Billy is paying me back for the way I treated him on Saturday. I'm Kenny Adler; I'm Hank's cousin.  I also was the orderly who helped you when you left the hospital.  I must say you're looking 100% better than when I saw you the last time.  This is my partner Blake Young, who you probably don't remember either.  He was here on Saturday as well."


Bobby giggled, "Yep, Doctor Young is one of them people who go around digging holes in peoples' teeth, so they have to pay him to fill the hole."


Blake grabbed Bobby and turned him upside down, "I'm going to shake you so hard that your teeth will fall out and you will have to get false teeth."


Blake and Kenny hugged Billy and Bobby and shook hands with Randy.  "Hank, where do you want us to put the beer and soda?"


I pointed to the tables, "Why don't you put the coolers over there by the food tables?  Would you guys please get the chairs off the porch at the house, while we get the folding chairs out of the garage?"


When I saw my parents drive up in the van, I knew I was in trouble.  They had both sets of my grandparents with them.  That told me Mother had called in the big guns.


I went to greet them and Grandmother Adler started immediately, "Where are the two young men who are going to be our great grandsons?"


"Grandma, it's a little premature to assume that Billy and Bobby are going to be your great grandsons.  I just met their father for the first time on Friday."


Grandmother was persistent, "Henry, I said we wanted to meet them.  I need to see if they're as cute and loveable as your parents say.  While you're at it, bring their father so we can meet him."


My mother was feigning innocence.  She was enjoying seeing me being tortured and squirming.


I went to collect Randy, Billy and Bobby, so I could introduce them to the Grandparents.  "Guys, I'd like to introduce you to my grandparents.  I motioned; "This is my Grandmother Adler and Granddad Adler."   I pointed to Grandma Kuhns, "This is my Grandma Kuhns and Grandpa Kuhns."


I motioned, "This is Mr. Randy Taylor, and these are his two sons, Billy and Bobby."


Grandma Kuhns looked at the two boys, "Billy and Bobby, how do know Henry?"


Billy answered, "If you're talking about Mr. Adler, we both had him for a teacher when we were in first grade.  They made him go back to kindergarten after Bobby had him."


Grandma Kuhns had been a teacher, so her interest was sparked, "Why did they make him go back to kindergarten?  Didn't he do a good job?"


"No, Grandma, it was because the old kindergarten teacher couldn't control the boys and girls.  All she did was yell at the boys and girls and the parents got her fired.  They figured that Da… Mr. Adler was the best person for the job.  You should see his class this year.  He has a couple of little hellions, but he keeps them under control by being kind to them.  They don't know how to handle it when someone is kind to them."


My Mother was standing there with her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh.  Granddad Adler looked at Randy, "What trade are you in, young man?"


Randy looked at me, "Mr. Adler, I'm a licensed plumber, but I'm presently unemployed."


Granddad Adler looked at me, "Henry, marry the man.  He's just what you need.  Once he gets your house so it's livable, you can have an open house and showoff his work, and he will have more business than he can handle.  The rates that the big companies charge are out of sight.  Henry, how soon are we going to eat?"


I looked at Mother, "How many more people are coming?"


"I think everyone except your sister Pam and her family are here.  That looks like them coming now."


I turned to the guys, "Let's go get the things from the trailer and put them on the table so we can start eating as soon as Pam, Dennis, Emily and Caitlin arrive.  Billy and Bobby, you already know Emily and Caitlin."


We almost needed another table because there was so much food.  I watched to see what Billy and Bobby would do, but they waited until Randy and I went through the line to get their food.


After we were finished eating, Billy came to me and whispered, "Dad, I don't think they like the eggs we made.  They've disappeared.  Can we give the people some eggs to take home with them if they want them?"


"Of course."


I watched as Dad, Uncle Mark and Randy disappeared into the house.  I decided they felt that they couldn't talk in the trailer since the only bathroom on the farm was in the trailer and with forty plus people, there was a constant stream of people going in and out of the trailer.


Billy and Bobby had disappeared with Caitlin and Emily and seemed to be gone a long time.  I wondered what was happening.  They came out of the house carrying eggs with a sign that said Eggs for sale.  Two dozen for a dollar.


I went to Billy, "I thought you were going to give them to people?"


Billy shrugged, "I would have, but Caitlin said we should sell them, because her Mother was complaining that eggs cost more than a dollar a dozen in the grocery store.  Dad, you're not upset are you?

If you want me to, I'll take the sign down."


I took a deep breath, "Billy, let's see if anyone buys any.  If not, we can take them to school tomorrow and sell them."


I was standing next to the boys and the eggs were selling like hot cakes, and in no time they were sold out.  Billy came to me and tried to hand me the money, "You're in charge of the chickens and the eggs.  You and Bobby need to share the money."


I watched as Dad, Uncle Mark and Randy resurfaced, I heard Uncle Mark say, "Randy, I want you to be in my office tomorrow morning at nine o'clock; we'll take care of this matter once and for all.  Do you need transportation?"


Randy looked overwhelmed, "Hank said I could use the truck to move about the country in."  He looked at the card that Uncle Mark had handed him.  "I know where your office is located.  I'll be there."


Dad motioned for me to join them, "Hank, give Randy your cell in the morning, so I can get in touch with him.  I'm going to call in some markers and make some appointments for him to see some specialists."


"Not a problem, Dad.  The boys and I will be in school, so I won't be using it anyway."


Billy and Bobby were acting as the gracious hosts as people started to leave.  Dad and Mother collected the Grandparents and I went to say goodbye to them, Granddad Adler whispered as he hugged me, "Henry, don't let this young man and his sons get away.  I'll kick your ass if you do."


When I hugged Grandma Kuhns, "Henry, I'll be expecting a wedding invitation, soon.  Thanks for the food, it was great."


Everyone had departed except Kenny and Blake and they were helping us put things back in order.  When it looked as if no one had been there, they went to get on their motorcycles.  Billy and Bobby went and stood in front of them.  Billy had his hands on his hips, "Okay, you two dudes, we need to do a strip search to make sure that you didn't steal something."


Kenny and Blake got off their cycles and acted as if they were going to comply.  Billy put up his hand, "That's okay, sirs, we wouldn't want to embarrass you."


Billy and Bobby hugged the two guys and Kenny looked at me with tears in his eyes.  "Damn you cuz, you gotta share them with us."


We watched as Kenny and Blake disappeared down the road.  I turned to the three guys, "We need to get dressed so we can take care of the animals."


To be continued...


Editor's Notes: Things are looking better and better.  Dad Randy is certainly a good catch, and the boys love Hank already.  I think Randy is starting to fall for Hank, too.


Parents and grandparents all seem to like Randy, and the boys.  I hope that Hank and Randy can come to terms and realize that they make a good couple. I think we might need some more chapters, to find out what will happen.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 02/19/10