Tip & Ty
by: E Walk

(Copyright 2007 by the Author)

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Chapter 26

 Expanding Horizons


This is Zack.


We had just sent Kevin and Ryan to get ready for bed.  Mark checked on the children, returned and plopped down on the sofa.  He looked at me. “Zack, I hope you enjoyed this evening.  It didn’t turn out exactly as I had planned, but I think everyone had a great time.  I guess we will find out later.  I hope Tip and Ty are enjoying their weekend.  I almost figured they would have called by now to make sure everything was okay here.”


The phone started to ring.  I rolled my eyes, “Mark, be careful what you wish for.”


I picked up the phone, “This is Zack Jackson. … Oh, hi Mrs. Quinn. … Let me check with Mark.”


I put the receiver against my chest.  “Mrs. Quinn wants to take us to lunch at that pizza place that caters to young people.”


Mark took the phone, “Grandma Quinn, the children would love that, but we won’t be able to go until after church.  We told Ryan’s parents that we would bring him home after lunch. … Okay.  We’ll meet you after the late service and you can take care of the Cummings.  … See you tomorrow Grandma.  I’ll tell Zack that he needs to get his walking shoes for the tour of your house.  Goodnight.  Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite.”


I could hear Mrs. Quinn laughing into the phone.   Mark said, “I’ll make sure I bring some bug repellent.”


Mark hung up.  “Zack, can we just go to bed and you can hold me?  It has been a long week.”


Mark and I made sure the first floor was secured.  As we were walking up the stairs, Mark turned and pondered, “I hope Tip and Ty’s weekend is going better than ours.  I hope they are getting to know each better as they had planned.”


This is Tip.


Ty finally pulled away from me, “Tip, I’ll call Randy and Neil and tell them we decided not to go.”


“Ty we can’t do that.  Lane and Lance would come riding in and lasso us and drag us to the ranch.  I have the feeling whatever Tom wants to talk to you about involves the two boys.  I don’t why I think that, it is just a gut feeling.”


We freshened up and went to the lobby to meet Neil and Randy.  They were just coming off of the other elevator as we were exiting ours.  They led us to their car and we climbed into the Lexus.  We visited as Randy was driving. 


Neil turned around, “Gentlemen, I realize that we were a little out of line this morning when we dumped the briefcase and everything on you at breakfast.  We should have asked you in a business meeting, but we are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow to meet with some clients.  We won’t be back until late Wednesday evening, and I want this mess squared away as quickly as possible.  I have lost all faith in my legal department.  I read the documents I gave you this morning and almost lost what was in my stomach.  Ty, would you please try to read the contracts by Thursday and perhaps we could meet with you Thursday afternoon at 2:00.”


I was a little hot, “Neil, why couldn’t you have given us the parameters of what you wanted this morning?  Do you realize that we had our first major disagreement because of those contracts this morning?  We came here to get to know each other, away from Ty’s children, and it seems like all he has done is to accumulate more work.  I hope it isn’t always like this.”


Randy spoke for the first time, “Tip, not everyone is a doctor, who can set their own hours.  Some of us have to make hay while the sun shines.  Look at it this way; you can have control of Ty the other half of the time.”


We pulled into a lane with an arch that had a sign that looked like an L followed by what looked to be an upside down L Ranch.  Neil turned around and said, “Welcome to the La La Ranch.”

We pulled in front of a beautiful rambling ranch house.  Lane and Lance came out to greet us.  Lane started, “We were beginning to think you changed your minds.  We were thinking we had wasted our time picking all of those dandelion plants and collecting all of the squirrel and rabbit eggs.”


Ty was laughing, “Wait a minute, rabbits and squirrels don’t lay eggs.”


Lance looked so serious, “Mr. Jefferson, we were only catching male squirrels and rabbits.”


I almost bent over from laughing so hard.  “Don’t tell me.  Let me guess.  We are going be having buffalo pancakes with horse raisins for dessert?”


Lance started laughing, “No Doctor Washington, but that sounds like an interesting idea, but we figured you could take care of your own desserts after you returned to the hotel.”


We walked into the house laughing.


Tom and Jake were having a drink, Tom stood, “Thanks for coming to our Tumbling L Ranch.  Ramon and Pietro have indicated that dinner will be ready in 30 minutes.  We have time for one cocktail.  What may I get you gentleman?”


Lance answered first, “I’ll have one of those double martinis with an olive and a twist of lime.”


Before anyone else could answer, Lane replied, “I’ll have one of them extra strong Rob Roys with several cherries.”


Randy went to the bar and put an olive and a twist of lemon into a glass and put two maraschino cherries into another glass.  He handed the glasses to the two guys.  “This is as close as you two guys are going to get to anything that has alcohol.”


Lance and Lane went and got some juice and the rest of us had a cocktail.  We were visiting about almost nothing but we found out that the twins had just turned sixteen and were going to be sophomores in high school if they stayed in Colorado.  Ty and I were going to find out about the significance of that 'if' later.


Ramon came into the room and announced, “Dinner is on the table, Senores.”


Both Ty and I were a little surprised but pleased that after Ramon and Pietro served the food, they were ordered to sit down and eat with the rest of us.  I looked at the feast they had prepared.  We had barbecued ribs with some sort of special potatoes and summer squash and zucchini squash sautéed and a huge fresh fruit salad.


Dinner went well, and we sat and visited as Ramon and Pietro cleared the table.  Lance and Lane were getting bored and suggested that we adjourn to the pool area.


Ty leaned over to me and whispered, “This isn’t so bad.  We have not talked about anything that remotely smells like business.”


The eight of us stood and started outside.  Ty and I looked around and didn’t see a pool.  I asked, “Are we going to swim in that bucket over there?”

Lance started to laugh, “Dr. Washington, me thinks your penis wouldn’t even fit in that small pail.”


Tom admonished, “Lance, that is enough talk like that!”


We walked into what looked like a barn.  Boy were looks deceiving.  Inside the barn were an Olympic size swimming pool and a botanical garden.  Lance and Lane didn’t waste any time.  They shed their clothes and dove naked into the pool, “Okay, you old men, get with it.  None of you have anything we haven’t seen before.”


Ty looked at me and I knew he was telling me that we should challenge the two young men.  I think we surprised everyone when we stripped down to our natural state and dove into the pool and started to push the two teenagers into the water so they were submerged.  We finally let them surface and they were both sputtering.


Lane jumped out of the pool and was standing on the side, “That did it.  You just started World War III.”  He dive-bombed Ty and me.


I yelled out, “Time for the reinforcements to arrive.  All good adults are needed to beat back the onslaught of alien teenagers coming from Pluto.”


I was surprised but Neil, Randy, Tom and Jake all shed their clothes and dove into the pool.  Lance and Lane realized what was happening and climbed out of the pool, “Sorry we have to go; we have dates.”


The two guys started toward the door and turned around and they cannon-balled into the pool.


After watching this display of sexual openness with no one getting aroused, I was beginning to get concerned.  I would never have imagined that being around seven other males without clothes would happen without someone getting aroused.


I climbed out of the pool and was sitting on the wall, “Guys, this is not natural.  One of you should be aroused at least a little.”


Jake surprised me with his answer, “Tip, we have been conditioned to be able to look at male bodies and enjoy the beauty of them.  We have a policy that you can look all you want, but you cannot touch.”


I was shaking my head, “Guys, it sounds like you have been together quite often.  Perhaps you could enlighten us with your story and what it is that you need Ty’s help with.”


Tom looked at everyone, “Why don’t we take a shower and get dressed and return to the house and we’ll tell you a little about ourselves and what is going on.”


There were four shower stalls and Tom directed, “Tip, Ty, Lane and Lance you go ahead and take your showers first.  We’ll meet you in house in the dining room and we can have dessert while we explain what is going on and why we need Ty’s help.”


The twins, Ty and I were sitting in the dining room and the twins were talking.  Lane was agitated, “Mr. Jefferson, you really have to help us.  We don’t want to move back to Kansas City to live with our Mother.  She doesn’t really want us; all she wants is the money she would be able to receive for child support now that she is remarried to that prick, and Dad doesn’t need to pay her alimony anymore.”


I looked at Ty and laughed.  “I think we found in less than a minute why your services are needed.”


The other four gentlemen joined us and Ramon brought us warm brownies with ice cream and served us drinks.  I think Ty and I surprised everyone when we asked for milk.


Ty was shaking his head, “Gentlemen, Lane just explained in one minute why you may need my services.  It might help to know how the six of you fit together.  You seem to be very familiar with each other.”


Lance asked, “Dad, may I please explain to Dr. Washington and Mr. Jefferson how we are all related?”


Tom shrugged, “Be my guest.  You will probably do it better than we could.”


Lance thought for minute, “Well, it is obvious that Lane and I are related to Dad so that is one half of the equation.  Uncle Randy is our Mother’s brother. So he really is our Uncle.  Dad and Uncle Neil are first cousins, and finally Dad Jake is really our cousin on our Mother’s side.”


Tip and Ty and I looked at each other.  I couldn’t help but laugh, “Lance, you made that as clear as mud.  I think you need to lay it out on paper so we can visualize it.  I am a visual learner.  Actually, you explained it very well.”


Ty spoke up, “This is very weird.  You gentlemen must have some wonderful stories to tell.  I would be interested in hearing how you got together.  We know a little about Randy and Neil, but I was really surprised that Tom and Jake were together.  I have known both of you for over ten years and had no clue.”


Tom said, “That is because we have tried very hard to keep a low profile to protect the boys from scrutiny.  That is why we are so afraid of what might happen when the case goes to trial.  Not only will we be scrutinized, but the twins will be thrown into the spotlight.  Just so you know how urgent this is, we have been subpoenaed to appear in court three weeks from tomorrow in Kansas City.  We just received the subpoena on Thursday.  I called Neil and he told me about his encounter with you, and recommended that you would be ideal person to handle the case for us since you already know us a little.”


It was very quiet and the twins were watching Ty very closely.  Ty finally spoke, “Guys, I will take the case, but this is all new to me.  I am going to need some written documents especially from Lance, Lane, and Tom.  I will need to know exactly why you have had custody.  To be honest I am not quite sure what it is that I am going to need.  I'll call you later next week and we can make some definite plans.”


Jake looked at Ty, “Ty, if there is any way you can keep me out of the case please do so.  I think if I were to become embroiled in the mess, the press would have a field day with the case.”


Ty looked at Jake, “Jake, I agree that we need to make sure your name is not even brought up.”


Tom suggested, “Why don’t we call it a night?  We can meet again tomorrow after church, and we can come back here for lunch and visit and perhaps go riding if the weather is nice.  Tip and Ty, what time is your flight?  Randy and Neil’s flight isn’t until 11:00 tomorrow night.”


Ty thought for a minute.  “We are scheduled to leave at 6:00 in the evening.”


“Good, that will give us time to visit again.  Why don’t you check out of the hotel and bring your things here.  We’ll see that you get to the airport in plenty of time?  Guys, you don’t realize how relieved I am to have a friend that I can trust working for us.”


We stood to leave and the twins hugged us and we were both surprised that they kissed us on the lips.  Lane whispered, “Thanks Doctor Tip and Mr. Ty.”


Lance did likewise.


The ride back to city was rather quiet.  Neil turned around, “Thank you Tip and Ty.  I know this isn’t why you were coming to Denver, but the guys really do need your help.  Tip; there will always be time to get to know each other better.  It is apparent that you two do love each other.  Just find time to be alone even when the children are around.  Your case will be different from Tom and Ryan’s case because they only have boys.  You also have the two daughters that you mentioned.  I’m sure Nano Mark and Zack will support you all the way.  They sound like wonderful young men.”


We pulled into the parking garage.   When we got to the lobby we shook hands after making arrangements for the morning.  They were going to take us to church and we would meet up with Tom and his gang.  We were on different sides of the building so we took our respective elevators.


When we got in the room, I pushed Ty onto the bed, “This is all your fault.”  I started to undress him.  He just lay there very passively.  He looked up with his big eyes, “Are you going to rape and pillage me?”


I glared at him, “Is that what you want?”




“Then I ain’t going to do it.  I will smother you with love and garlic kisses.”


“Even better, my love.” 


When I had him naked, Ty pushed me onto the bed and proceeded to undress me.  He deliberately tried to get me to become aroused and he was successful.  When I was naked, I pulled him down beside me and I started to run my fingers all over his body.  He sat up, “Tip, please just love me.  I don’t want anymore problems like this morning.   I am very fragile emotionally.  I’ll try to do the right things; but we are both bound to do things that the other person may not particularly like, but we have to be prepared to accept that.  Now please, can we just hold each other?   I really don’t even particularly want to do anything sexual right now.  I just want to feel close to you and bask in the beauty of you.”


I pulled Ty as close as I could and started to get tears in my eyes.  Why am I always crying?


To be continued... 

Feedback always welcome:     



Editor's Notes:


Tip, you are a very sensitive person and it is really a beautiful thing that you can cry and express your feelings.  There are a lot of adults who can't bring themselves to express love or any emotion other than a simple smile now and then. It is important for people to allow their emotions to surface at times.  You need to share your feelings, especially with someone who really loves you.  Just be there for each other and give the love that you feel for one another, and don't worry so much about your image.  Besides, once anyone gets to know you they will love you too.


Thank you, Uncle Ed, for another wonderful chapter. I'm ready for the next one, by the way.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher



Posted: 01/18/08