Taking Texas By Storm
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

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Chapter 42

Judgment Day


When I walked into my office, neither Tammy nor J. R. looked up.  Tammy asked, “Jackie, did you hear anyone come in?  You don’t suppose the ghost of President Waller is lurking about do you?  It seems so funny not to have him yelling at us like Vice President Bloom does.”


“Okay you two, what’s happening?

Tammy pouted, “For starters, when bosses go on boondoggles to exotic places, they’re supposed to bring their beloved receptionists an exotic gift for covering their backside while they were gone.”


Jackie picked up, “We’ve been so busy that we haven’t had a chance to see our families for two days.”


I laughed, “I guess you’re telling me that I can be replaced by a monkey.”


Tammy followed me into the office and closed the door.  “Tammy, is there a problem?”


“Ed, it’s not a problem.  It’s just that you and Mr. Bloom are very different, which is probably good.  He is not a manager of people per se.  He seems to be a more hands on guy than you are.  He expects people to read his mind and do what he wants them to do.  He's not like you, the kind of person who jumps in and makes decisions.  He has to have all the data, and fully process it, before he will act.”


“Tammy, I rather realized that, and I think it is going to take Tom and me working together, to make this work.  He’s brand new at all this, so give him a chance.  He hasn’t even been on the job a week and is still learning the ropes, so to speak.  He’ll be fine, once he’s settled in.”


Tammy wasn’t finished, “He never talks much about his family.  Have you met them?”


“Yep, I met his wife, April, and his two sons, Caleb and Jeremy, on several occasions.  They are a very devoted family.  You’d like them.”


“If you say so.”


I pulled out Eric Strong’s card, “Tammy, would you call and see if you could make arrangements for Mr. Strong and his family to come for an interview this afternoon at 3:30.”


“Why are you interviewing the family, are they going to be the house parents or something?”


“Tammy, this is a special situation.  I’m curious about what we might find out.  You may be called on to sit with the young’uns for a short time.”


There was a knock on the door. J.R. stuck his head in, “President Waller, the Mayor, Ms Parker, is on the phone.  She would like to speak to you.”


Tammy left and I picked up the phone, “This is Ed Waller, how can I help you, Mayor Parker?”


“Ed, thanks for taking my call.  I’ve been talking to Adam Odom and he is of the opinion that you would be the perfect person to put the scare into the bureaucrats of the city, who are sitting around on their butts, costing the city.  Could you be available to come and address the city staff at the Civic Hall at two on Tuesday?   I think it might be good for them to hear what a large corporation can do to reduce overhead.  In fact, I would like you and your team to come in and rip the hierarchy of the Houston City Government apart, but Adam tells me you haven’t finished revitalizing the operations at Shell.”


“Mayor Parker, thanks for your call.  I’ll be there and I’ll bring a PowerPoint Presentation of what we have been able to do here at Shell in a short time.  Maybe some of your people will get inspired.  Are there going to be any press there?  It would be good if they were.


Might I bring one of my staff with me to help me answer any questions the government employees might ask that I can’t answer?”


“Of course, I’ll see you about one forty five on Tuesday.”


I walked into the office, “Tammy, pencil my Tuesday schedule for a meeting at the Civic Center with Mayor Parker and the Houston Government leaders at 1:45.”


Tammy chuckled, “From now on, you need to check with J. R. or me to see if you’re going to be available.  You’re rather fully booked for next week, already, since you were playing with the big boys.  The staff is waiting for you in the conference room.”


The staff was very positive, and reported that things were going on or ahead of schedule.  Carlos announced that most overstocks and unusable things in the warehouse had been bought by the employees.  The remaining items were to be sold at an auction the following Saturday.”


Rico added, “The procedures for requesting supplies and equipment have been working like a dream.” 


I turned to Oz, “How have the affairs in the Hotel and Restaurant Business been going?”


Oz nodded, “There are some issues that I need to discuss with you, but it would best be done in private until we have time to make some sound decisions.”


No one had anything major to add.  I looked at Joe and Katie, “Are you ready to hit the tech area on Monday and go for the jugular vein?”


Joe laughed, “I don’t know about the jugular vein, but there may be a lot of blood flowing from the division before we get done.”


I stood, “If no one else has anything for the good of the company, I need to go to the bathroom.  Thanks for coming, and I’ll see you Monday morning at nine if not before.   Mr. Odom, if you have a minute I would like to talk to you about a couple of things.”


Everyone else had departed and I nodded, “Mr. Odom, I have asked Eric Strong and his family to come for an informal interview, this afternoon at 3:30.  I thought it advisable that we meet with his entire family before we make him any formal overtures.  Will you be available?”


Mr. Odom laughed, “It might be fun to watch Eric squirm.  I’ll be here.”


I frowned, “Mr. Odom, are you sure that you want me to be representing the company at a meeting of the city government officials?”


“Ed, when Ms Parker asked for our help, I decided that you were the only person who could do the presentation justice, after the way you wowed the people at the meetings in The Hague.  I’m sure that we haven’t heard the last of that meeting, either.  Let’s go to lunch and not talk about business, if that’s possible.”


We were joined in the executive dining room by Dr. Rudy, Mrs. Lawrence and Dwight Taylor.  Mr. Odom must have passed the word that there was to be no serious discussions about business.  As we were leaving, after having a nice lunch, Mr. Odom laughed.  “Enjoy today’s meal.  It may be the last leisurely one we have for a while.  We’ll probably have to be covering Ed’s backside.”


After lunch, it seemed as if the people were coming to me singly or as a pair, making sure what they were doing was what I wanted.  It was a little after two, when Grant entered the office, “Boss, do you have a minute?”


“Of course, close the door and come in and sit down.”


Grant shook his head, “President Waller, I have been visiting with an informant.  She informs me that there is a group of people in the tech divisions who are working as informants for one of our competitors.  She showed me some rather definitive data to support her claim.  They have been selling the plans for what Shell is planning for the future.  She claims the people are being paid handsomely for trying to undermine Shell.”


I took a deep breath, “Grant, we’re going to tear into the tech divisions, on Monday morning.  Write up a paper on what the informant reported, but don’t mention the name of the informant.   The paper will give us a springboard to plan a frontal attack on the people in the tech divisions.  Is there any way I could meet this person, beforehand?”


Grant frowned, “The young lady is a little nervous.  She’s still in my office.  Let me see if she will come talk to you.  She’s rather frightened by what she is doing.”


Grant returned with a woman whom I estimated was about twenty eight.  I stood, “Hi, Ms X, I’m President Ed Waller.  Please be seated.  Mr. Gump tells me that you have provided him some interesting information that will be helpful when our team goes in, to find out what’s been happening in the technical divisions.  We believe they aren’t playing by the rulebooks.  We have plans to come in and start bulldozing their empire.  In the meantime, you need to act as if nothing big is happening.  Keep your ears and eyes wide open.  It would be best that you pass on any information, only to Grant, to avoid compromising what you have done.”


I stood, “Ms X, Shell is grateful for the information you have shared.  Now, if you will excuse me, I have an interview to conduct.”


As we were walking into the reception area, Eric Strong, a lady and a boy and a girl were coming in the door.  The lady with Eric asked, “Doris, what are you doing here, talking to these people?  I knew you were working for an oil company, but didn’t realize that you worked at Shell.”


“Laura, I’ve only been working here for about nine months.  After Timmy’s death, I had to do something to keep my mind occupied.  What are you doing here?”


“Eric has an informal interview for a job as a Mrs. Grimes called it when she made the appointment.  I didn’t realize that families were part of the interview process.  But being a stay at home Mom, what do I know.”


I went to Mrs. Strong, “Good afternoon, Mrs. Strong.  I asked for the informal interview with you and your family.  Eric, aren’t you going to introduce me to these good looking people you brought with you?”


The young boy stepped forward, “Daddy’s in a state of shock.  We practically had to dress him to get him here.  I’m Matt and I’m ten.  This is my sister, Emily and she’s eight.”


The door opened and Mr. Odom and Tom Bloom entered. Tom stopped, “Okay, I give up.  What is my family doing here?”


Matt hugged Tom, “Hi Uncle Tom, Daddy is having an informal interview for a job.  Do you know the President, Mr. Waller?”


Eric started to laugh, “Matt, you were just talking to Mr. Waller, and the Gentleman who arrived with Uncle Tom is the Chief Executive Office, Mr. Odom.”


Matt sat down, “Well, why didn’t they say so.  That way we would know whom we were talking to.”


I looked around, “Okay, I assume Doris and Laura are sisters. Tom, how do you fit in, if you’re Matt and Emily’s uncle?”


“April is Doris and Laura’s third sister.”


I have one other question, “Doris, I assume you are married.  So do you have a last name and who is the Timmy you spoke about?”


Before anyone could answer, Matt answered, “Her last name is Lane and Timmy was her son who was killed in a bus accident.  He was my age.  He was riding home from school when the school bus was hit, and Timmy and two other children died.”


Talking about a downer.  I looked around the room.  “Everyone, I suggest that we continue this discussion at a dinner on Sunday at our house.  I assume you know where Tom lives and he can get you to the house on time.  In view of everything that’s happening, I suggest that we break up, so that people don’t get suspicious about what might be taking place.  We’ll see you people at four, on Sunday afternoon.”


Matt asked, “Aunt Doris, is Uncle Howie going to be able to make it?”


“He should be able to, since the team has a football game on Saturday night.  I’ll tell him that this is more important than any old college football game.”


Mr. Odom asked, “Ed, are Caroline and I included?”


“Of course.  We’re going to be having some house guests whom you already know.”


I looked at the clock, “People, I’m so sorry for keeping you so late.  We do need to break out of this building.  Tom’s and my carpool are probably chomping at the bit to get started home.”


I shook hands with the visitors as did Mr. Odom.  As he was leaving the office, he whispered, “Tis a mighty web you weave Mr. Waller.”


When I arrived at the house, Khalid and Amir had already arrived and Mitchell was still there.  I shook hands with Khalid and Amir and hugged and kissed Mitch, “Why are you still here, my little man?”


“Daddy and Mother had to take Mikey to get him some glasses to wear so he can see really good.”


The Sheratons arrived as Mitch and I were talking.  I made the introductions and Mikey was looking at Allie and touching his face, “Allie, you’re even nicer looking than I thought.  Are you still going to be helping me at school?”


Allie hugged Mikey, “I’ll help you as much as you need, but I bet you won’t need my help much longer, now that you can see.”


Mitch was clenching his fist, “Does that mean we can’t be friends anymore?”


“Guys, you’re always welcome to come visit us.  We’ll always be your friends.”


Rob stood, “Guys, we need to go.  Your grandparents are expecting us for dinner.  Say goodnight to Mr. Waller, Allie, Brahim, Mr. Amir and Mr. Khalid.”


Khalid laughed after the Sheraton’s had departed, “I guess you people have taken over your own little corner of the world, since you arrived here.”


Allie giggled, “You ain’t even met the tip of the iceberg yet.  Dinner is just about ready.”


After dinner, we were sitting and talking when the phone rang.  Allie went to answer, “This is Allie Safi.  … Oh hi Grandpa Darryl, what’s happening? … Oh Doctor Cochran wants to do the second operation immediately.  She doesn’t want to waste any time and she has called in another specialist to help her. … Of course you can stay here.  Uncle Khalid and Uncle Amir are visiting too, but we can always make do.  I’ll sleep in the bathtub if I have to. … When will you be arriving? … Okay, we’ll be looking for you about two, on Sunday. … I’ll tell everyone you and Uncle Tom said hi.”


I started to laugh, “Everyone, we’ll be having a party for at least, 23 people on Sunday afternoon at four o’clock.  Allie, you and I need to sit down and plan what we can have to eat.  We’ll keep it simple, since four of the guests are young people.  You already know Caleb and Jeremy.  This is a work related meeting, so you might be required to keep the young people occupied.”


Allie threw up his hands, “All I ever get to do is baby-sit anymore. I’m going on strike and I’m not babysitting tomorrow.  Can we go to the University of Houston home football game tomorrow night?  It’s supposed to be the best game of the season and I’ve never seen a live American football game.”


Khalid answered, “Alexander Graham Bell Safi, you shall see your first live college American football game, tomorrow.  I just happen to know the Cougars' athletic director.”


To be continued...


Editor's Notes:  It looks to me as if there is never a dull moment around the Waller/Safi homestead. I think it is possible that everybody and their brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles will be at that get together.  This should be quite interesting.


Of course, I am ready for more!


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 09/10/10