Taking Texas By Storm
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 21 

The Birthday Boy


When I arrived back in my office, it seemed as if everyone was ready to pounce on me.  I held up my hand, “People, I can take care of only one thing at a time.  Surely there is nothing so critical that it has to be taken care of now.  Tammy, send Mr. Sheraton in as soon as he arrives”


I was to find out later that my action caused some concern among my people, I was reading Mr. Sheraton’s dossier when he arrived, I closed it and stood and offered my hand, “Thanks for coming Rob.  Please be seated.”


When he was seated, I looked at him, “Rob, why don’t you tell me the pertinent facts about yourself and why you’re working as a security guard here at Shell.”


Rob was squirming in his seat, “Mr. Waller, what is it you want to know?  You obviously know that I have a blemished record, since I see you have my dossier on your desk.”


“Look, Boy Wonder, I asked you to tell me the pertinent things about yourself.   I don’t have all day.  Do I have to pull the information out of you?”


Mr. Sheraton took a deep breath.  “As you can see from my dossier, my name is Robin Sheraton.  I’m 28 years old.  I graduated from SMU with a degree in marketing.  I’m married and we have two children.  My oldest child, who is a boy, has been diagnosed as being intellectually challenged.  As to why I’m working here in the Security Division, it is the only place I could find work.”


He stood and started to pace, “I worked for a competitor of Shell in the retail division and was charged with embezzling funds.  In a long drawn out court case, the jury found me not guilty, but once a company gets wind that I had been charged with a felony, there is no way they’re going to hire me.  The person who subsequently was found guilty had some very influential friends, and quite frankly, they have made my life a living nightmare.”


“Rob, please sit down.  Thank you for sharing that information.  I have a proposition for you, and please hear me out.  I want to offer you a position on my staff.  I don’t know what that position will be until I can sort out what is happening.  In the meantime, go talk to Myrabelle and see how soon she can release you to come to work for me?”


Rob had tears in his eyes. “Mr. Waller, thank you for giving me an opportunity.  I should probably work for Security through the weekend, since I’m scheduled to work both Saturday and Sunday.  The schedule for next week doesn’t get posted until tomorrow afternoon.”


“That’s fine with me, but we’re going to have a staff meeting tomorrow morning at eight o’clock. I would appreciate it if you can be here.”


Rob hugged me as he was leaving, “Thank you again, Mr. Waller.”


When Rob had departed Tammy came into the office, “Mr. Waller, you were rather sharp with the staff this afternoon.  I think you especially need to go talk to Joe and Katie.”


Joe and Katie were in Katie's office.  I knocked, “I’ve been informed that I was rather sharp with you, earlier.  I didn’t mean to be that way, but my mind is so fragmented right now that I’m not sure that I can handle much more.  Just so you know, I am now in charge of the Legal Division.”


Both Katie and Joe looked at me with a funny look.  Joe asked, “Ed, why are you going to be in charge of the Legal Division?  You aren’t a lawyer.”


“Joe and Katie, I have no idea why I was put in charge of the division.  Dr. Rudy is going to be in charge of running the division, but she now works for me.  By the time we have this rat’s nest cleaned out, we may well have some more divisions that we will be responsible for.  I sure as heck can’t do it by myself.  It’s five o’clock.  Let’s bust out of this place.”


When I arrived at the house, Allie was waiting for me, “Dad, guess what!”


“You burned dinner?  Allie, could you at least give me a clue?”


“Grandpa Darryl and Uncle Tom are coming to Houston next Wednesday.  Grandpa Darryl has an appointment to have some eye surgery done at the West Houston Medical Center.  I told them they could stay with us.  You don’t mind, do you?”


“Of course I don’t mind.  How are they going to get around while they’re here?  Bra and I won’t be able to chauffer them around though.”


“Grandpa Darryl said they were going to rent a car while they’re here.  I told Grandpa Darryl that was where you were treated when you got shot.  Dad, did you call Mrs. Carr and tell her our travel plans?”


I shook my head no, “I was so busy that I totally spaced it off.  I’ll call her right now, and then I’ll call Mr. Keiffer and make an appointment for you two to open your checking accounts at seven.  We can always take care of the dishes when we get home if we have to.”


I made the two calls and when I went into the bedroom to change clothes, Brahim followed me like a little puppy.  I hugged him, “Bra, what’s the problem?  Is something wrong?”


Brahim got a big grin on his face, “Quite the opposite, my dear Mr. Waller.  I got the results of my blood tests today and I’m HIV negative.”


I sat down on the bed and swallowed, “Brahim, I didn’t know that you even had the testing done.  When did you do it?” 


“I had time between classes on Monday and stopped in at the dispensary on campus and the young nurse told me where to go to have a free test done.  I could walk there and they didn’t even ask my name, but gave me a number.  They told me today that had I tested positive that I would have had to provide a lot of information.”


After dinner, we went to meet with Mr. Keiffer.  We were met by a handsome black man who took care of my guys.  He opened the guys accounts and as we were leaving he grinned, “I’ll tell Eric that I met your two beautiful men tonight, Mr. Waller.  Guys, just call if you need anything.”


As we were getting in the car, Allie requested, “Dad, can we just go home.  All of a sudden I’m really tired.”

I was concerned, “Allie, are you not feeling well?”


“Dad, all of a sudden it’s beginning to sink in that I’m going to be living in the United States for the rest of my life.  I thought it would be just temporary, and you would send Bra and me home when you got tired of us.”


“Allie, this is your home, now.  I’m not going to send you and Brahim back to Algeria.  My parents would tear me apart limb by limb if I were to do that.”


When we arrived at the house, we finished the cleanup and Allie went to get ready for bed.  I looked at Bra, “What’s wrong with Allie?”


Brahim put up his hands to indicate that he didn’t know.  I waited until I thought Allie was in bed and went and knocked on his door.  When he told me to enter, I went and sat down on the bed, “Allie, something’s bothering you; please tell me what it is.”


He sat up and hugged me, “Dad, I feel as if I’m wasting my time going to school.  I’m not learning anything new.  Maybe I should quit school and get a job, so I can help pay for things.  Bra can’t make much money while he’s going to college, and you shouldn’t have to pay for everything.”


“Allie, if you would like to go to middle school, we can arrange for that to happen.  We could also get someone to tutor you in some subjects after school if you would like, but you need to stay in school.  If you were to leave your school, who would be there to help Curtis and the other boys and girls you’re helping?  We’ll talk more about this tomorrow and on the plane trip to New York.  Go to sleep.  Hopefully, things will seem better tomorrow.”


I took a shower and prepared my body to have an injection of the squiggly things that the fish kept following our cruise ship for.  When Bra and I were settled in bed, I announced, “I need an injection of the honey so that I can make it through tomorrow,”


I got my injection and I was soon gone from the world, I had forgotten what it was like to feel the real thing inside me.  It sure beats rubber meeting the road.


On Thursday morning when the alarm started, I shut it off and went to take a shower.  When I returned to the bedroom, Bra was still sleeping, or so I thought, and I didn’t wake him since he didn’t have a class until ten o’clock.  After I was dressed, I went to check on Allie.  He heard me enter his room and sat up and rubbed his eyes, “Good morning, is it time to get up?”


“I’m getting ready to leave, since I’m driving.  Brahim is still asleep.  He doesn’t have classes until late, today.  I’ll see you about six.”


As I was getting ready to leave I had some arms around me, “Dad, be careful today.  I’m sorry for acting like a baby last night.  I’ll be fine.”


When we arrived at the parking facility, I parked the car in my assigned place and as we were walking to the entrance of the building, we were met by Rob who motioned for me to go toward the side door.  I watched as my three passengers approached the entrance.  All of a sudden two men came from nowhere and grabbed Tom. 


One man was screaming, “Waller, were going to take you and screw you like you did us.  You aren’t going to be able to walk for days.”


Rob pulled out a walkie talkie, and I heard him say, “There’s trouble in front of the Shell Oil headquarters.  Assistance needed.”


By the time the assistance arrived, Juan and Greg had the two men immobilized against the wall.  The two men were taken away by the Houston Police Department.  When I met up with Tom, I asked, “Tom, are you okay?”


“Yes, but I’m going to need to keep a change of clothes here at the office if things like this are going to keep happening.”


I treated my guys to a drink and a pastry before they went to check in at their offices.  When I walked into the office, no one was there.  I looked at the clock and it said seven fifty.  I thought to myself, ‘This is odd.’


Oz arrived with Erik Jensen, the structural engineer, who was carrying a display board and a folder.  They were followed by Greg and Tom who also had a folder.  Myrabelle and Robin arrived with Dr. Rudy, Juan and Steve.  President Odom and Marlene arrived and President Odom asked, “Ed, it seems that some of your team members are not present.  What’s happening?”


“Beats me, sir.”


Grant and Tammy arrived and Tammy grinned, “Katie and Joe will be here shortly.  They’re lighting a fire.”


I was puzzled, “You mean they’re creating waves already this morning?”


No one responded; the door opened and I heard people singing,

Happy Birthday to you.  I recognized the voices and looked up to see Allie carrying a birthday cake with a slew of candles.  He set the cake in front of me and hugged me, “Happy Birthday, Dad.”


I stood and put my arm around Allie and Brahim, “For those of you who have not met my men.  This is partner, Brahim Safi, and his brother, who is also my son, Allie Safi.”


I introduced the people that Allie and Brahim had not previous met.  Katie and Tammy had put out the candles and were cutting the cake when Tripp arrived with coffee and juice.  As we were eating, I asked, “Allie and Bra, how did you get here, and how did you know today was my birthday when I even forgot?”


Allie giggled, “We walked, of course, and Grandmother told me that today was your birthday and I have a card and present from your parents for you when you get home tonight.”


Bra grinned, “I drove us here.  President Odom has made arrangements for Allie to get back to school, since I have a class.  Speaking of which, I need to leave.  It was nice meeting everyone.”


Greg nodded, “Allie, your ride is waiting to take you to school.  The vehicle is at the side door.”


Allie hugged me as he was leaving, “Happy Birthday, Dad.  I’ll see you tonight.  See you later, President Odom.  I’m sure we’ll be seeing all of you again.”


Tripp started toward the door, “Come on guys, I’ll escort you to the exit.”


After my guys and Tripp departed, I looked around, “To say I was surprised would be an understatement.  Since we’re already behind schedule, Mr. Jensen, why don’t you go ahead and show us what you’ve come up with.  I trust Mr. Gordon hasn’t been giving you anymore grief.”


“Thanks, Mr. Waller.  Mr. Gordon has been most helpful since President Odom spoke with him.  He’s an architectural engineer.  When I told Mr. Gordon what President Odom said about calling the cafeteria The Fish Bowl, he was excited to help.   I have here a proposal for what the finished project would look like.  He uncovered his drawing.  We would open the area between the pillars and install windows that start two feet off of the floor and go to within a foot of the ceiling.”


President Odom nodded, “Erik, I very much like what you‘re proposing.”


“Thank you, sir.  We’ve put together our estimate, and I repeat estimate, of what the project might cost if done by a contractor.  I have spoken with Steve to see if the work could be done by his maintenance people.  Steve, it would be best if you were to explain your thoughts.”


Steve nodded, “Thanks, Eric.  We could certainly do the project with in-house resources a heck of a lot cheaper than the estimate.  There is a problem, though, and that is with the manning that we now have. The work would require overtime on our people's part.”


I interrupted, “Before we go on, I have a couple of questions for some of you.  Oz, are you still planning to have the other eating facilities begin operation on Monday?”


“Yes, Tripp and I are going to be here to help them get set up on Saturday.  I have a special cleaning crew coming in tomorrow night to make sure the area is ready for the people to move in on Saturday.”


“Steve, how long would you estimate it would take you and your people to do the entire project, if you were to be able to dedicate your time to the project, and how many people would need?”


“Ed, I estimate that we could do the entire project in eight hours, if we had all the supplies on hand that we would need to do the job.  I would guess that we would need probably six or eight people in addition to Juan and myself.”


“Here’s what I want you to do.  I want you to order the supplies that you would need to do the remodeling a week from Saturday.  You couldn’t do the work this weekend anyway with the new people moving in.  I’m authorizing you to pay your people overtime to do the work on the weekend, so that it will cause the least amount of disruption.  I also would like Erik to be available to provide any technical assistance.”


“Erik, I would appreciate it if you would go to the Contracting Division with me after the meeting, so we can find out if the Division Chief is indeed misusing his position for personal gain.”


“Does anyone else have anything more to add on this subject?”


“Seeing none, my stand-in Tom Bloom is next.  Tom, do you have the figures that President Odom asked for?”


“Thanks Ed, I’m passing out a summary of what we will be withholding from the paychecks for the hours that people were absent from work last week.  As you can see, the total is a significant amount.  We have come up with a way to take into account sick days and vacation days.  We’ll be submitting the figures for each week, to payroll, on Tuesday, so they will have the information in time to adjust payroll before the payroll is run for Friday.  I’m guessing that after the people see their checks this first time, things should settle down.”


President Odom nodded, “Job well done, guys and gals.”


I looked at Joe and Katie, “Do you have anything else to report?”


Joe nodded, “Katie and I have put together revised policies for taking leave and for the reporting of sick days.”


They passed out their proposals and Mrs. Rudy commented, “These certainly are explicit and there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind what’s to be done.  I gather that you are the people who wrote the discrimination policy and the sexual harassment policies.  You’ve done an excellent job.”


President Odom nodded in agreement, “Evelyn, I agree.  Marlene, please fax these new policies to the Board Members so they can take action on them at next Tuesday’s board meeting.”


“Steve and Juan, do you have anything else?”


They shook their heads no.


“Myrabelle, do you have anything?”


“Ed, after what happened this morning, I want you all to make sure you are extremely careful when you’re entering and leaving the building.  President Odom and Ed, the two of you need to be especially alert.”


I nodded, “Thank you, Myrabelle.  What she said applies to all of you, since you are guilty by association.  Katie and Tammy, I don’t want you to come and go by yourselves if you can help it.”


I looked at Rob, “Well Mr. Sheraton, what do you think of our team now, Boy Wonder?”


Rob started to laugh, “You’ve convinced me that you’re not only Superman but Mighty Mouse as well.  Needless to say, I’m thoroughly impressed.”


“Dr. Rudy, welcome to our team.  Have you anything you would like to say?”


She grinned, “I only have this to say.  It’s about time that this company got revitalized.  Ed, I too, am impressed.”


I looked at everyone, and no one seemed to have anything else to add.  “President Odom, do you have anything to say?”


President Odom stood, “People, I want to reiterate what Dr. Rudy said, you are doing a fantastic job.  Ed, I presume that there will be a staff meeting in the morning, again.”


“Yes sir, hopefully it will be a little shorter than this one.”


As President Odom was leaving, he turned, “Ed, I would like to see you in my office at two this afternoon.”


“Grant, Joe and Katie why don’t you accompany Mr. Jensen and me to the Contracting Division.  Grant, what is the division chief’s name, anyway?”


Erik answered, “His name is Daniel Sampson the Third, and he is a pompous ass.”


Joe laughed, “Sounds like our kind of people.”


When we walked into the Contracting Division, there was not a single person of a minority race and very few women and those who were present seemed to be in secretarial positions.


We walked up to the young man at the reception desk and I started. “We’d like to get an estimate of how much it would cost to make a modification to the building.”


The young man answered, “Sir, if you will fill out these forms we will be glad to get you an estimate.  It may take three or four weeks.”


I looked at the young man and leaned over the desk, “What is it that you didn’t understand.  We want an estimate and we want it no later than Monday, and we want the work done over next weekend.”


“That’s not possible.  We have to send a notification to the preferred contractors, to notify them of a job.  They have to come in and check the work and after that, Mr. Sampson decides who will get the contract.”


An older gentleman came out of his office, “What’s the problem, Danny?  Why did you ring the buzzer for help?”


Danny pointed to me, “This man is demanding a estimate on a job by Monday that he wants done next weekend.  He won’t accept the fact that it can’t happen that fast.”


“Danny, I’ll take care of the gentleman.”


The man looked at me, “I don’t know who the hell you are, but I’m the Head of the Contracting Division and I’ll decide how fast things happen.  I’m not having some pipsqueak telling me what to do?”


I took a deep breath and picked up the phone and dialed, “Marlene, if President Odom is available, tell him he’s needed in the Contracting Division.  Tell him that Mr. Sampson is telling me what I can do and can’t do.”


President Odom came on the line “Ed, put Mr. Sampson on the phone.”


I handed Mr. Sampson the phone, “President Odom would like to talk to you.”


We could only hear Mr. Sampson’s side of the conversation, “Listen to me, you jerk, how am I to know if you’re President Odom or not.  Even if you are, you know nothing about the contracting business.  We can’t respond on a whim with the nitwits that we have working for me.”


He handed the phone to me, “Your cohort wants to talk to you.”


“This is Ed,” 


“Ed, I’m on my way down.  Make sure you keep what’s his face occupied until I get there.  Marlene is calling security to tell them to meet me there.  I want to fire that man myself.  I hope you have some pink slips with you.”


Needless to say, everyone in the area was watching the scene unfold, I tried to distract the prick, “Mr. Sampson, we have been advised that you always decide on who gets the contracts and that it is almost always the highest bid that gets the contract.”


“That’s probably because they are the companies that do the best work.”


“We’ve also been told that you never award contracts to minorities or women.”


“That’s an out and out lie.  I award the contracts on merit and quality of the products.”


I hit the mother load with my next comment, “Mr. Sampson, we’ve been told that you award the contracts based on who gives you the biggest kickback.”


The man started toward me and had his hand cocked when Rob grabbed him, “I wouldn’t do that, sir.  There are number of witnesses that will testify to the fact that you were going to hit Mr. Waller.  President Odom, what would you like us to do with this person?”


President Odom looked at me, “Ed, do you have a pink slip for Mr. Sampson.”


Joe answered, “Yes sir, I have one for both him and his son.  Would you like to sign them or do you want Mr. Waller to sign them?”


President Odom had a funny look on his face, “I think I’d like to sign them, and I’ll take their security badges, so they can’t get back in the building.”


After the two Sampson men had been escorted out, President Odom turned to me,  “Ed, what are you going to do about the Contracting Division, now that it is under you?”


“Gee, thanks, President Odom, what a nice birthday present.”


I turned to Grant, “Grant, get the person who came to see you and take her outside so she doesn’t hear what I have to say to the other people in the division.”


After Grant and the lady had departed, I stood on the receptionist’s desk and shouted, “Ladies and gentlemen, you are being furloughed without pay until Monday.  If you don’t return on Monday, we will know that you are no longer interested in working here at Shell.  Joe and Katie will escort you to the exit and you will have a flag placed by your name that will make sure that you can’t get into the building before Monday morning.  We will be looking carefully at this area, so don’t even think of trying to break in.”


A gentleman shouted, “This is totally unfair.  We’ve done nothing.”


“That’s precisely the problem; you people have sat on your butts and done nothing.  Either you leave of your own accord, or I’ll call security and have them escort you out, and you won’t be eligible to return.”


After everyone had departed, President Odom looked at me, “Ed, you’re acting more like me than I am.  I’ll see you at two o’clock.”


‘What did he mean by that comment?’


To be continued...


Editor's Notes: Yeah, what did he mean by that comment?


President Odom is slightly upset with some people, and so is Ed.  I don't think I would like to have either one of them mad at me.


I am glad that Ed let Allie know he should stay in school.  Of course, I can understand how Allie feels. It is really annoying to go to classes and be bored to tears with what the subject is. He definitely needs to be challenged.  He is very smart and he is already well above the grade level that they put him in. 


This was a very interesting Chapter.  I wonder what kind of operation is going to be performed.  I am going to guess, Cataract surgery.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 04/02/10