That's Okay
by: E Walk
(© 2011 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 30
Two More Crises

I turned to the assembled group, "That was Dad Witmer's lawyer, Mr. Farnsworth.  He said that it was imperative that I get the boys out of the house.  He didn't say why.  Guys, go get the things that you will need to spend the night at the cabin. Make sure that you get all the things that you will need for school in the morning.  I'll go get my clothes and we'll stop and buy something to eat for breakfast."

Darrin looked at Bill, "Daddy Bill, aren't you going to come with us?"

Bill shook his head, no, "I'm on call, and everyone has the phone number for here.  We don't know the number for the cabin.  You guys need to check it out and call us, so we can call you if something important happens."

The boys and I were ready to motor in about thirty minutes. We loaded the van, then hugged Bill and Mrs. Archer and started to the cabin.  I stopped at the grocery store, so we could buy food for breakfast and a snack.

When we pulled up at the cabin, Mr. Farnsworth was already there.  I stepped out of the van, "I'm sorry we're late.  It must have taken us longer in the grocery store than I thought."

The boys climbed out and David asked, "Daddy, who is that man?"

"Guys, this is Mr. Farnsworth; he's Granddad Witmer's lawyer.  Why don't you guys introduce yourselves and then go put the groceries away, especially the milk and juice?"

The boys did as I suggested and were taking the groceries to the house.  David reminded me, "Daddy, you need to take care of the alarm.  We can't reach it and we don't have a key to get in."

Mr. Farnsworth escorted me to the door, and I opened it and shut off the alarm.  The boys took our purchases to the kitchen and Darrin reappeared, "Dad, why did we need to stop at the store?  There is already milk and juice in the refrigerator and some eggs and bread.  There's even some bacon in the meat drawer."

"Darrin, I had no idea what was here.  It's better to be safe than sorry.  Remember when we were here, we went fishing.  We didn't check to see what was in the refrigerator or the freezer.  In fact, we never decided which bedrooms we were going to be sleeping in."

Danny came in, "Daddy, there some chocolate swirl ice cream in the freezer.  Can we have that for a snack before we get ready for bed?"

"Of course, Mr. Farnsworth and I will come help you."

We were watching the boys eat their ice cream when the kitchen door opened and a handsome young man entered.  He looked puzzled then he plugged in a laptop computer and started to type,

Mr. Len,

Who are these people.  These are not the kind of people that are usually here?"

Mr. Farnsworth looked at the young man, "Jonathan, these are going to be your new bosses.  Doctor Witmer died this afternoon.  Mr. Phillips and his sons now own the cabin."

The young man started to type

Does that mean I need to leave?

Mr. Farnsworth shook his head no, "Jonathan, Mr. Witmer stipulated in the sales contract that you are to continue to live here until you decide to leave.  He has already provided the funds for you to continue your college education.  Why don't you help your four new bosses get ready for bed? Guys, introduce yourselves to Jonathan so he knows who you are.  I promise you that he will not do anything bad with you."

The four boys told Jonathan their names, but Darrin wasn't satisfied, "Jonathan, why don't you talk?"

Jonathan wrote on the computer:

I was hit by a car and my voice box was injured.  I can't talk like you, but I can talk with my hands.  Most people can't use sign language, I take my computer with me wherever I go.  Now, let's get these dishes cleaned up.  I'm sure you have school tomorrow, and so do I.

David was reading what Jonathan was writing to the other three boys.

David asked, "Mr. Farnsworth, you said that Granddad died.  Why did he die?"

Jonathan wrote:

Your Granddad had cancer.  He knew he was going to die.  He told me about his wife hitting Darrin deliberately.  He was afraid that Darrin was going to be like me.  Come on, let's get you ready for bed.  I have homework to do."

I watched as my four sons followed the young man, whom I didn't know, up the stairs.  I looked at Mr. Farnsworth, "Len, Jonathan won't try to do anything with the four boys, will he?"

"Les, believe me, Jonathan would give up his own life to make sure that your sons aren't harmed.  He was abused as a young teenager by some teenagers because he couldn't speak.  You all need to love him and make sure that he feels good about himself.  Dale has worked very hard to get Jonathan to where he is.  Jonathan is a straight A student even though he can't talk.  He is also straight as far as his sexuality as well."

We were interrupted by Jonathan:

Mr. Phillips,

Your sons would like for you to come say goodnight to them.  They are beautiful young men.  They must take after you like Dad Witmer said.

I went to say goodnight to the four boys who were in two bedrooms that had the lights on so it was easy for me to find where they were.

Denny and Danny were in a room with a king sized bed.  They looked very small, in the big bed.  I hugged and kissed them.  Danny asked, "Daddy, did you call Daddy Bill and tell him how to get in touch with us?"

"No, I haven't.  I'll do that after I say goodnight to David and Darrin.  Now get your butts to sleep."

Denny sat up, "Dad, what's going to happen to Mr. Jonathan?"

I looked at the two boys, "Sons, I don't know.  It seems as if our lives are being taken over by aliens.  I'll tell you more tomorrow, after I find out why we're here."

When I walked into Darrin and David's room they were sitting on their separate beds talking.   I had knocked and walked in since the door was open.  David looked at me, "Dad, we don't understand what's happening.  Why are we here?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no idea what is happening either.  Hopefully, I can find out tonight after you guys are asleep.  I need to go call Grandma Archer and Daddy Bill and tell them how to get in touch with us.  You guys need to get to sleep since you have school tomorrow."

When I arrived downstairs, Mr. Farnsworth was sitting on a sofa with his feet on a coffee table sipping a beer.  He looked at me, "I thought you might need a beer, too.  I'm sure you are wondering what is happening."

"Mr. Farnsworth, I need to call the house and let the Archers know how to get in touch with us, before I do anything.  We left rather abruptly."

I picked up the phone and dialed the house number.  Bill picked up on the first ring.  "This is Father Archer."

"Bill, it's Les.  We're at the cabin and the boys are in bed.  Mr. Farnsworth is here with me, also.  I still have no idea why we are here.  We have a house guest who will be living with us when and if we move here.  What's happening there?"

Bill laughed, "It's been very quiet.  Mrs. Witmer arrived at the door demanding to talk to you.  She informed Mother and me that she was going to sue you for every penny you had, because you killed her little Lisa.  She smelled as if she were drunk."

"I told her that you weren't here, but she barged right in anyway and flat out stated.  'I'm taking the four boys with me.  Get out of my way.'  Mother stood in front of her, and quietly said, 'Lady, the four boys aren't here, and if they were and you were to try and take them, I would kick your ass.  There is no way that I would let them go with someone as vulgar as you.'"

"Mrs. Witmer took a wild swing at Mother, and Mother decked Mrs. Witmer and Mrs. Witmer's nose was bleeding.  She left yelling all sorts of foul language.  It's a good thing the boys weren't here."

I gave Bill the number for the phone at the cabin, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I went to the sofa where Mr. Farnsworth was watching the big screen television and sat down, " Mr. Farnsworth, would you please tell me what's happening and why the boys and I are here?"

Mr. Farnsworth turned off the television, "Les, first off, your father-in-law and I were more than client and attorney.  We have been together for almost twenty years.  Oh yes, I know he had a penchant for big penises such as he said you had.  But he would never have done more than perhaps orally administer to your needs."

Len was starting to get tears in his eyes, but he continued, "Dale found out last week that he was terminally ill.  He went ahead with the operation this morning, hoping against all odds that the doctors could cure him of his cancer."

"He was determined that his wife would not get any of his money or property.  That is why we had to move quickly.  He died this afternoon at three o'clock."

Somehow, Mrs. Witmer had convinced the authorities that she should be released and was in my office when I called you threatening to take you for every penny you were worth.  The situation was exacerbated when she found out that Dale had made you the executor of his estate."

"When she left my office, she was determined that she was going to gain custody of your four handsome sons.  Somehow, Dale was able to keep this cabin a secret from her, and that was why it was so urgent that you get the deed in your name as quickly as possible.  I don't think there is any way she can touch you and the boys legally.  When she departed from my office, I informed her that I no longer wished to represent her."

"She turned around and spit at me, 'Farnsworth, I know that you and that queer have been dicking each other for a long time.  I'm going to make you pay for ruining my marriage.'"

"I stood and shook my fist at her, 'Virginia, it was not I who wrecked your marriage and family.  It was you.'"

Mr. Farnsworth stood, "Les, I'm exhausted.  I need to go to bed.  Would you have a problem with me spending the night in the bed where Dale and I spent so many nights?"

To say I was stunned would be an understatement, "Len, be our guest.  Where will you be sleeping?"

"I'll be in the suite on the right that faces the lake.  Why don't you sleep in the suite on left.  You might leave your door open so your sons know where you are."

I had one other question, "Where does Jonathan sleep?"

"Oh, he has his own apartment in the basement.  Actually, you need to see it because it has everything he needs."

I was awakened the next morning by Jonathan knocking on my open door.  I sat up and asked, "Jonathan, is there a problem?"

He grinned and pointed at my penis and wrote.

You must have been having a wicked dream.  I brought you some coffee before I go for my run.  Would you care to go with me?"

I looked at the clock, "Jonathan, my partner and I are runners.  We have time to go for a short run, but I need to get the boys to the school on time."

Jonathan was laughing:

Yeah, the boys told me about Father Bill.  They said that he was as big as you in the sexual endowment area.  They said that you like to run.  I'll meet you in the kitchen as soon as you take care of that wicked thing.

When I arrived in the kitchen, Jonathan wrote:

I'm not going to take my computer with us.  I won't be able to talk to you, but you can talk to me.  I'll answer your questions when we get back.  I can answer simple questions with a nod of my head, but unless you know how to sign, we won't be able to communicate.

We did some stretching exercises and started running along the road leading to the cabin.  When we reached the county road that ran by the property, Jonathan pointed to the left and we started to jog. 

We had just gotten into a good rhythm when a sheriff's car pulled up beside us and Sloane Finch, the Sherriff, looked at Jonathan, "Jonnie, I see you found yourself a friend."

Jonathan turned to Sherriff Finch and gave him the bird and up yours sign with his fist. Sheriff Finch was laughing and announced, I'll meet you back at the cabin and we'll discuss the charges."

Jonathan flicked him off again and veered to a path through the trees that led us back to the cabin and Sloane was sitting there with Leonard, having coffee. 

Jonathan went to his computer and started to type:

Mr. Phillips,

Please ignore my sex deprived brother.  Why don't you go make sure the boys are up and get ready for your day while I finish breakfast.

I was starting up the stairs as the boys were starting down.  Denny looked at me, "Daddy, something smells good.  Hurry up, we're hungry."

I took a quick shower and got dressed for the day.  When I got to the kitchen, the boys were transfixed on the news that was on the television.  Darrin looked at me, "Daddy, Grandmother Witmer is dead.  She was speeding and ran into a deer that was crossing the highway and lost control of her car.  The reporter said that the blood alcohol level her blood was more than twice the legal limit."

I shuddered, "Guys, finish your breakfast, we need to be leaving if you are to be at school on time."

The guys finished eating and took their dishes to the sink and rinsed them, then went to get their backpacks.  Danny asked, "Should we bring our dirty clothes?"

Jonathan was typing:

Tell them no.  I'll have them cleaned when they come for dinner tonight.  Make sure you bring the other Super Stud, Father Bill, and his Mother and her boyfriend, Doctor Jacobs.  Bring Kent and his Mother and Father, as well.

I looked at Jonathan, "Did David tell you that he was able to ejaculate as well?"

Jonathan typed:

That's why I suggested the boys sleep in the bedrooms they did.  I know how annoying it is from having to sleep with Sloane all our lives until he got married.  It can cause many sleepless nights for everyone.

Sloane was laughing, "Mr. Phillips, it was Jonnie who kept us awake at night."

The four boys had returned with their backpacks and we made our way to the school.  As the boys were climbing out of the van, Darrin announced, "Daddy, I really like Jonathan.  Can we spend the night at the cabin again?"

To be continued...

Editor's Notes: I guess things finally worked out correctly, concerning that witch of a grandmother.  She finally got what she deserved.   I like Jonathon. He seems to be a very nice person.

I will definitely be interested in what happens next.  It is about time that things start going better for everyone concerned.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 07/29/11