The Fremont Saga
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Author’s Note:  While this story is a sequel to Pinochle, it is a stand alone story.  For those readers who are not familiar with the characters in the story, I will introduce the major characters.


Brian Benson is the focal point of this story along with his adopted brother Timmy.  Brian is fourteen.  His goal in life is to be an artists and have ten children.  He is an extremely talented young man.


Timmy is eight and is an adopted brother of Brian’s. Timmy thinks of Brian as a Dad. 


The boys are very well to do in their own right.  Their parents Beau and Becca Benson are also very wealthy, but don’t tell them I told you.  The family had made a trip to Paris for the celebration of life service for Grandpa Nappy, AKA Napoleon Lafontaine.


Everyone was overwhelmed by what had happened on the trip to Paris.  We start this story when the Benson family arrived back in Fremont early Saturday evening, via the white horse express.


Chapter 1 

The Bully


This is Brian. 


After Shamus and Jaime helped us into the house with our luggage, Timmy and I hugged them and watched as they disappeared into the evening sun.


Timmy and I took the bags to the rooms and I went to tell the parents that the two of us were going to bed, even though it was still daylight.


Timmy and I brushed our teeth and fell into bed.  I think I was more mentally, than I was physically, exhausted, but I had no trouble going to sleep.


On Sunday morning, Timmy and I were awake before the sun was up.  It was just turning daylight when we went downstairs and Timmy wanted to jog before we had breakfast.  We did, and as we walked back to the house, Timmy looked at me, “Dad Brian, I don’t understand what happened, yesterday.”


I stopped and picked him up, “Timmy, I honestly don’t understand what happened yesterday either.  Maybe our parents will have time to talk to us, after church.”


When we got back to the back, Dad and Mother were sitting at the table, drinking coffee.  Dad looked at us, “Guys, why don’t we go to the early service, since we’re all up, and you can take us to breakfast?


Timmy went and put his hand on Dad’s arm, “Daddy, I don’t have any money.”


Dad started to grin, “Timmy, you and Brian have more money than any of us do.  Mr. Fourcault, gave you fifty Euros and Brian got 100 Euros.”


Timmy looked at my Dad, “Daddy, what’s a Euro, anyway?”


Dad hugged Timmy, “Euros are the money that people spend in much of Europe.  When Mr. Fourcault said you would be receiving, it meant that you would be receiving like seventy dollars.”


Timmy climbed on Dad’s lap, “Daddy, you can have the money that the man gave me.  I don’t need it.”


I looked at Dad and he had tears in his eyes, “Timmy, we don’t need your money.  You need to save for when you're bigger.”


After church, we stopped at a local restaurant that the parents liked.  When Timmy saw the prices, he leaned over to me, “Dad Brian, why don’t we share something?  I’m not very hungry.”


I hugged him and nodded, “I’ll take care of it.”


I ordered and told the young man who was waiting on us, “My brother and I are going to share a warm cinnamon roll and ham and cheese omelet with hash browns and wheat toast.  We’d both like orange juice and glass of water, please.”


When we arrived at the house, I approached Dad, “Dad, can you explain to me what all this paperwork that Monsieur Fourcault gave us means?”


Dad nodded, “Brian, I’ll look it over and see if I can decide what it means.”


“Why don’t you and Timmy go ride bicycles or something.”


Timmy and I went outside as John and his brothers were pulling up. John yelled,  “Come on, you two, we’re going to a movie.  Get some money and go with us.”  (John is the senior class president and the quarterback of the Fremont High football team.  He had been raped and stayed with Brian and Timmy until John was reconciled with his family)


I looked at Timmy, “Go tell the parents that we’re going to a movie with John and his brothers, while I go get some money.”


When we got back from the movie, which Timmy and John’s brothers loved, we found a note from the parents.


Brian and Timmy,


We’ve gone to visit some friends.  We’re going to have dinner with them.  Lauren and Morgan are visiting some friends, so you will need to fend for yourselves tonight.



(Lauren and Morgan are Brian’s sisters.)


I read the note to Timmy.  He hugged me, “Can we just have a sandwich and maybe some ice cream.  I’m getting really tired.”


After our sandwich and ice cream, we went to take a shower together, of course.  After we brushed our teeth, Timmy fell asleep immediately, and I  opened the computer to see if I had any messages.


I had more than 20 messages in my in box.  I scanned through them and opened the one from Vicky.  (Vicky is Brian’s girlfriend and lives in England)


I responded and then went back to some of the others that were from people that I didn’t know. 


There were ten messages similar to this,




Good start to a fun story.  I hope you’re planning to continue it.




I had just shut my the computer when there was a light knock on the door.  I went to see who was there, figuring it had to be one of the parents.  Dad was standing there, “Brian, do you have any idea how much money you have?”


I opened the door, “Dad, I only have thirty dollars here.  You had us put the rest in the bank and the people here in the United States wouldn’t know what to do if I handed them a Euro note.”


Dad hugged me so tight that I thought he was going to crush me. He started to chuckle, “I’m not sure who is the most naïve, you or Timmy.  I was talking about the papers you gave to me to look at.  Go to bed, and we’ll sit down and go over the papers tomorrow after dinner.”


The next morning, I awoke refreshed and Timmy was looking at me, “Dad Brian, can we go get something to eat.  I’m kinda hungry.”


We went to the kitchen and I fixed us some French toast and bacon.  We were just about finished eating when Lauren and Morgan came in and Morgan asked, “Where’s ours?”


Timmy looked at her, “Cat, we’re not your slaves, you can fix your own breakfast.”


When Timmy and I had finished eating, we rinsed our dishes and went to get our book bags.  As we were leaving, Timmy hugged Mother and Dad, “You be good today.” 


John pulled up and we were on our way to school.  Timmy was so busy talking to John, asking him when his brothers could come play again. 


After we dropped Timmy off, John and I picked up Robbie and Lindsey.  (Robbie is Jon’s girlfriend and Lindsey is just a friend of Brian’s)  As we were entering the school, I was accosted by this big overweight guy, “Well, if it ain’t the artiste who had dinner with the Queen.”


He started to yell, “Hey, everybody here’s the Deity of Fremont High, Mr. Big Shot Benson and his sissy friends.  He’s even more of a wimp than I thought.” 


John started to go toward the prick, but I stopped him, “John, please just ignore him.  He obviously has a problem, and I think it is best that we just ignore him.”


The jerk started to follow us as we were approaching the entrance to the school.  He kept shouting, “What’s the matter hot shot?  Are you too good to talk to those of us who are better than you?  My dad can buy rings around you and your family.  You’re nothing but peons.”


I turned and looked at the jerk, “At least my parents taught me some manners.  It’s too bad that yours didn’t do the same for you.”


That got the jerk’s attention and he started running toward me.  He looked more like a giant elephant lumbering toward us.  All of sudden someone stepped out of the crowd and stood in front the charging elephant and said, “Stop, you moron, you’re making a fool of yourself.”


The jerk yelled, “Get out of my way, Tanner, or I have my parents send you back to the detention center where you belong.”


The intervening person punched the charging elephant in the nose, and the would be assailant started to bleed like stuffed pig.  He yelled, “You’re ass is fried, Tanner.  I’ll have my parents charge you with injuring an innocent bystander.”


John and Todd (Todd is a senior and the captain of football team and plays in the defensive backfield)  shook their heads, but John spoke “We’ll testify that it was you, Ian,  who was creating the disturbance and not Tanner.  Come on, Tanner, we need to get to class.  Let the pig take care of his own wounds.”


I had just gotten started at the computer on a new story I wanted to write, when the PA system came on, “Please have Brian Benson report to the principal’s office immediately?”


Everyone turned to look at me.  I collected my things and strolled to the office trying to figure out what I had done now.  When I walked in, I was met by Superintendent Black.  As he was taking me to the conference room he whispered, “Your parents are on their way.  Who else saw what happened this morning?”


I told him about John, Todd, Robbie, Lindsey and some guy named Tanner.  “I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t know Tanner’s last name.”


We walked into the conference room and the Ian person pointed at me, “Daddy, that’s the stooge who caused me to get a broken nose.  Charge him with assault and battery or whatever.  He thinks he is better than the rest of us.”


Dad and Mother had heard what the guy said, Dad, looked at the father of the guy,  “Mr. Oliver, would you mind explaining to me why I was called to come here?  Has Brian done something that he shouldn’t have?”


When Mr. Oliver saw my father, he looked at Ian.  “Son, tell everyone what happened.”


I looked at Doctor Black, “Sir, are my witnesses here so they can refute whatever wild story that Ian is going to tell?”


Dr. Black nodded and ushered the five young people into the room.  “Mr. Oliver, I suggest that one of these young people tell what they witnessed this morning, before Ian tells his version.  John, why don’t you go first, since you’re the senior class president.”


John told his story which was pretty much what I remembered.  Mr. Oliver wasn’t looking so sure of himself. 


Ian wasn’t about to relent until Todd stood, “Mr. Oliver, my family has known your family for a long time and I can assure you that Ian was the person who caused all the trouble this morning.  In fact, Brian just wanted to walk away and hope that whatever the bee was in Ian’s pants would go away.  If it hadn’t been for Tanner intervening, Ian would have physically attacked Brian.”


Ian muttered, “Kick Tanner out and send him back to the home where he came from.  He’s nothing but trouble.  He won’t do what I tell him to do.  He’s a total ingrate.  He even campaigned against me when I was running to be the freshman class president.”


Dad looked at Tanner and winked, “Mr. Oliver, Tanner and I are going to go get his things and go to the Children’s Protective Agency and make sure that you and your wife can never be foster parents again.  If you can’t raise your own son properly, then you should not be responsible for other young people.  Dr. Black, I think that maybe these young people need to get back to their classes.  Mr. Oliver, perhaps you should take your son to go see psychiatrist.”


Dad looked at Tanner, “Come on, son.  Let’s get your things out of the Oliver house and go talk to Mr. Tillison at the Child Protective Agency.”


Tanner looked as if he was going to cry, “Sir, I have nothing at the Oliver house that is worth anything.  They’re only keeping me around for the money that I can bring in, so they can spoil their little boy, Ian.  I’d rather finish the schedule for today, because I’m sure that Mr. Tillison will yank me out of this school and I’ll wind in some school for the homeless in Omaha.”


Dad pulled out his wallet, “Here’s some money for lunch.  By the way, Tanner, what is your last name?”


“Mr. Benson, I eat free lunch so I don’t need any money and my name is Tanner Tailor.”


I couldn’t help myself.  I started to laugh, “What happened to the butcher, baker and candlestick maker?”


Everyone was laughing except the Olivers; we were interrupted by Mr. Oliver bellowing, “Come on, Ian, we’re going to get unenrolled from this second rate school and put you in a private school, where they care about their students.”


After the Olivers had departed, Mother was laughing, “Guys and girls, that man has done nothing but complain about everything since I have been on the school board.  Hopefully, he’ll move out of the district.”


Tanner had something to say, “Ma’am, that man hasn’t done a days work in the year I’ve been at their house.  If it weren’t for the money that the five foster children bring in each month, and the money Mrs. Oliver earns being a bar waitress, we wouldn’t have had anything to eat.”


I finally got to my second period class, just as it was about to end.  The rest of the morning went fine.  When John, Robby and Lindsey and I arrived at the cafeteria, Todd was waiting for us with his girl friend, “Look who we captured trying to sneak into the cafeteria, the candlestick maker.  Let’s get to our table before the rest of the morons arrive.”


Tanner was sitting between John and me; the new arrivals had some funny looks to see someone new at the table.  Todd was so cool, “Hey, we asked this guy to join since he a tanner, tailor, butcher, baker and a candlestick maker.  Say hi to Tanner.”


Everyone was laughing as we were eating, when we heard a voice. I looked up and Dad, Mother and Uncle Dan were standing there.  I stood, “Everyone, I’d like to introduce my parents, Beau and Becca Benson and Mr. Dan Tillison.


I hugged Uncle Dan, “What brings you slumming in our neck of the woods?  Surely you aren’t after me.  Thanks for making it possible for Timmy to be adopted.”


Uncle Dan answered, “We came to steal Tanner away for a short time, if you don’t mind.  We’ll have him back in time for football practice.”


Tanner stood, “Wait a minute, I don’t play football.  I might get hurt.  I can’t stand the sight of blood.”


Uncle Dan was in rare form, “Didn’t you mean to say that you couldn’t stand the sight of your own blood, but that it was okay to watch someone else’s blood flow by?”


Those of us who had seen what happened in the morning and in the conference room were having a ball and the people in the dining room were watching us.  I looked at Tanner, “You need to report to locker 721 after the seventh period, Recruit Tailor.  See you then.”


When I got to my locker after seventh hour, Tanner was waiting for me.  He grinned, “It appears that I’m going to be living with you and your family, at least for the time being.”


I almost froze in my tracks but thought, what can I lose, “Okay, if you’re going to be living at our house, then we need to go to football practice.  Let’s go.”


Tanner started to argue with me but I stopped him, “Look, we don’t have time to argue.  We need to go meet John and Chris.” 


Tanner stopped, “Brian, please listen to me.  I’ve already told your parents that I think I’m gay.  I can’t play football.  Gay people don’t play football.”


I turned around and grabbed Tanner, “Tanner, some of the best football players are probably gay.  When you are playing football, you need to forget about sex.  What you do outside the locker room is your business, but I think it would be best if you could keep your hormones in check.  Now let’s get to practice.”


When the four of us got to practice, I introduced Tanner to Coach Henderson.  I could tell that the Coach wasn’t too impressed, even though Tanner presented a formidable figure in his pad.  Todd came up to us and nodded, “Glad to have you here, Tanner.  Okay Coach Benson, what should we do first.”


I yelled out, “Everyone get in lines so we can limber up so we don’t tear up our bodies when we start to work.”


The Coach came up to me after the warm up exercises and the sprints, “Brian, where do you think this Tanner person might best fit into the team?”


I had been watching Tanner since John and Todd seemed okay.  Chris and Tory seemed to be fine at the end positions.  “Coach, why don’t you put him in at the tailback position?  I have a gut feeling that that might be the position where he could do the most good.  We really don’t have a back up for Lenny and I’m sure not suited to be a tailback.”


We were almost finished with practice and I hadn’t even had a chance to work up a sweat when John came off the field.  “Brian, I’m exhausted, please go play the quarterback position.”


I started to laugh, “John, didn’t you mean to say go play at being like you’re the quarterback.”


I went to the huddle and looked at the team, “Let’s try a fake sweep around the right side.”


The offensive line broke the huddle with a clap, but Tanner just stood there, “Brian, what is it I’m supposed to do?’


That means you and Danny are going to run to the right as if I am going to run down the field.  I’m going to change directions while the two of you keep running but you run to the opposite side of the field.  Keep looking back at me to see where I’m going to throw the ball.”


The play worked to perfection, since Tanner was much faster than the defensive player and he could very easily have scored a touchdown after he caught the ball. 


On the next play, I pitched the ball back to Tanner and I broke down the field, he evaded the tacklers and threw a perfect spiral pass to me, as I broke free of the secondary and practically waltzed toward the end zone.  Todd grabbed me, “Brian, how in the world did you pick up on the fact that Tanner might be able to help the team?”


I hugged Todd, “I’m sorry, Sonny, I can’t divulge my secrets.”


Thank goodness the Coach blew his whistle to signify that practice was over.  When we exited the locker room, John had Chris, Tanner and me to deliver.  As usual, we dropped Chris off first.  When we arrived at the house, Timmy was waiting for us.  “Uncle John, can you bring your brothers over so we can play after dinner, please.  There aren’t any fun people in this area.”


John laughed, “Timmy, I’ll let you know after dinner.”


Timmy suddenly realized that Tanner had gotten out of the car with me.  “Da… Brian, who’s he, and what is he doing here?”


“Timmy, come say hello to Tanner.  He’s going to be living here with us?”


Timmy looked perplexed, “Did he get adopted, too?  Where’s he going to sleep?”


I stooped down so I could look directly at Timmy, “No, he didn’t get adopted.  He can sleep with you and me or he can sleep in Uncle Ben’s room.”


Timmy took Tanner's hand, “Come on, dinner is almost ready.  It smells really good.  Mother is a good cook.”


Mother had indeed fixed a good meal.   As we were finishing eating, Dad looked at us, “We need to take Tanner and get him some new clothes.”


I nodded, “Okay, we’ll be ready right after we guys take care of the cleanup.  Timmy, please bring the things to the kitchen for us.”


We were just about finished when the phone rang.  Dad came into the kitchen. “Timmy, you have a phone call.”


To be continued...


 Editor's Notes: This is a very nice way to start a new story, well not exactly a new story, is it?  We now get to find out what happens to Brian and the others, after Pinochle. Timmy is a very bright youngster. I see him doing great things with his life.  He loves Brian, and of course, Brian loves him too.  I think Tanner is going to turn out very well, too.  It will be very nice to see just what will happen next.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 12/04/09