The Doctor Gets a Visitor V
by: E Walk

(© 2007 by the Author)
Radio Rancher


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 4

One Problem at a Time


Tuesday was just another day almost.  Beau was out running and stopped for Jeff and they went to get Father W. and they were joined by Jeremy.  It was becoming evident that Jeremy adored Beau.  He pushed himself to keep up with Beau.  When they got back to Les’ house, they both fell on the ground and waited for Dale and Jeff.


When they arrived, Jeremy said, “Hey old men, what took you so long.  Dad, arrest Beau.  He’s trying to kill me before I’m twelve.  Gotta go shower before I get whipped again.  Bye guys.”


Jeff leaned close to Dale and said, “I can’t decide if it’s the water or the fact that these two have both been sexually abused.  Whatever it is, you'd better be prepared for some fun times.”


Dale said, “A month ago, I was a solitary individual floating across the universe, and now I have so much love I don’t know what to do with it.”


Jeff said, “Father, are you telling me that Doctor Icky and you have connected?”


“Boy, wouldn’t you like to know?  I ain’t telling.” Dale said.


Jeff said, “Then I'll check with Beau to see what his surveillance cameras have detected.”


Both of the guys started to laugh and Beau said, “Come on Jeffrey, we need to go.  We all have a busy day.”


When Beau got home, Ben and Josh had fixed breakfast and sent him to get showered and cleaned up. When he came down, he joined everyone else who was already at the table eating.


Jason and Beau did the clean up and Jason asked Josh to take him to Gigi’s house.  He turned to Ginny and asked, “Grandma, will you be okay?”


“Yep, Rea is picking us up, and we’re going to make sure you guys are doing a good job.”

Beau asked, “Aunt Evelyn, what would you like to do today?”


“Beau, I’m still tired, so I’ll just stay here and rest.”


Beau said, “I’ll stay with you and then I can go to the court room this afternoon.”


The phone rang and Beau answered.  “Hey Mr. Weaver, what’s up? … Yep, I’ll be here. … Okay, see you guys in 30 when they come for Mrs. Hightower’s things.  Bye.”


Beau was going through the garage and put labels on everything with Aunt Evelyn watching when the guys picked up the goods.   The guys came and Beau rearranged everything, separated the art works from the other things and said.  “I’ve done as much damage as I can here.  I need to go do the other three garages.  Let me call Grandmama W.”


Beau went and got the phone.  He called Mrs. Wanamaker and asked, “Grandmama, can you be our chauffeur for the morning?  … Yep, you can help us label the furniture in the garages.” 


Mrs. W. drove Beau and Aunt Evelyn and they put labels of everything in the three remaining garages.  Aunt Evelyn and Mrs. Wanamaker were becoming good friends since Beau did most of the work.


By lunch time everyone was back at their own houses, and had lunch.  It was exciting to see the interaction when Jason came in and asked, “Beau, can we swim this afternoon?”


“Yes, but I have to be in court at three thirty and everyone better obey my rules or the pool is closed.”  Beau said.


The guys arrived and swam and Beau served as life guard.  He closed the pool at 3:00 and went to get dressed.


Dale and the two boys stopped to get Beau and they went to the courthouse where they met Grandmama W. and Les and went into the court room.  They were met by Norm and Mrs. Rice.  The bailiff came out and said, “Judge Leavitt would like to speak to Mr. Benson in her chambers, now,”


Beau stood and went with the bailiff.  Judge Leavitt said, “Beau, you’ve done it again.  Another man is dead, saving the tax payers a lot of money.”


“Judge Leavitt, what are you talking about?  You’re talking in riddles.” Beau said.


“Beau, Mr. Ziegler committed suicide about an hour ago, when he realized he had ruined his life.  It seems he was selling the tapes to some foreign countries.” 


Beau started to go down and the bailiff caught him.  Judge Leavitt got up and wrapped her arms around Beau and Beau started to revive.  “Judge, why do I always bring death?”


Judge Leavitt pulled him close and said, “Beau, you don’t bring death.  These people have destroyed themselves, and you are only making life better for the two young men involved.  Look at it this way, you saved two beautiful boys whom my grandsons think are cool, but they think you are the coolest.  Now, are you going to be okay to proceed and we won’t say anything to the guys about their father.”


Beau stood up and smiled and gave the Judge a hug and a kiss on the cheek.   “You got it Judgie.”  He turned to the bailiff and said, “Thanks for catching me.”


Beau left and went and sat down with everyone else.  When Judge Leavitt appeared, she didn’t have her robe on.  After she pounded and announced that court was in session she turned and said in a mean voice, “You Jeremy, if you were adopted by Father Wanamaker, what would you want your name to be?”


Jeremy said, without hesitation, “I’d be proud to be Jeremy Dale Wanamaker.” 


“So ordered.”  Judge Leavitt said, as she pounded her gavel.


“Mr. Roddy will you please rise?  Now what would you like your name to be?” Judge Leavitt asked.


Roddy was a little tentative, but said, “Could my name be Roddy Crane

Wanamaker please?”


“So ordered.  Mr. Burns, did you get that?  I’ll sign the papers at noon tomorrow in my chambers.  The adoption of Jeremy and Roddy is now final.  The case is closed, and all evidence is sealed.  Court is adjourned.”


Beau said, “Mrs. Leavitt, you call your grandsons and tell them there is an adoption pool party at our house tonight from seven to eight.  Thanks for everything.  See you tonight.”


The two young guys were beaming as they were walking with their Grandmama.  Beau had stopped and held Dale and Les back and told them why everything seemed to be so easy.  He looked at them and said, “Don’t you two dare let the boys down or I’ll do something you don’t like.  Do you understand me?”


Poor Dale and Les looked at each other and Beau went and joined the others.  They dropped him off at the house and he said, “I’ll see all of you at 7:00.”


Jason was home and Beau told him to get the other guys here at 7:00 for a swim celebration.  He started to fix dinner and then Beau made some calls to get everyone else lined to come including Berto, Jonathan, Drew, Kenny, Jeff and Tommy so he would have sufficient life guards.


When Ben and Josh got home, they said, “You said we would have big parties only two or three times a year not everyday.”


“But Dads, this is special.  Jeremy and Roddy were adopted today and got their names changed.  We have to do something special.  Pop, this is all your fault.  You brought them home.  Now get ready for dinner.”


Beau had everything set and the people started to arrive.  The people just got together by age levels and started doing their own things.  Some swam, some were playing soccer, others were playing Frisbee and some were playing basketball.


The Coopers and Weavers arrived and asked to see Beau.  Beau came over to them and asked them to sit.  “I’ll be able to visit in about ten minutes when the pool is closed.”


Just then, Mrs. Wanamaker came out with a huge cake and said, “It’s time for party snacks.”  Les and Dale each had a large container of ice cream.


Beau blew his whistle and announced, “Playtime is over.  Dessert is being served on the patio.  The two honorees go first.”


The young people came by in an orderly manner and Ben and Josh served juice or milk.  After the adults all had a piece of cake and Beau made sure that everyone was served, he went back to the Weavers and Coopers and asked, “Is something wrong?”


Mr. Cooper spoke for the group.  “No Beau, but we are concerned about the bookkeeping, if we have those different holdings on consignment.  It will be a nightmare.  Please, could we just purchase the different shipments and it would be so much easier for everyone and no one would have to wait for their money.”


Mr. Weaver said, “We’ll pay whatever you think is a fair price and we trust that you will not try to take advantage of us.  The second thing is that we would like for you to arrange for some of the guys to work at least part of everyday and of course you and Denny are expected to train them.”


The adults were all watching what was happening, as Beau stood up and put his hands to his head and said, “Let me think a minute.  We’ll take care of one problem at a time.”


He got Les, Jason, Ginny, Ben, Josh and Mrs. Wanamaker together and said, “The Coopers and the Weavers want to offer you a fair price for your remaining goods, less all of the artwork, instead of selling it on a commission basis.  Even though we have everything tagged, it will be confusing for bookkeeping purposes.”


Beau stopped and said, “Doctor Crane, we have used most of the neat things from Mr. Swanson’s house, but there are still several nice items left and there are a lot of nice accessories remaining, so would you accept $10,000 for what’s left.”


Les said, “Yes.”  Mrs. Weaver wrote and handed him a check.”


Beau turned to Jason, Grandma Ginny, Josh and Ben and said, “I figure you should get $27,500.00 for the things in our garage.  How would you like the check made out?”


Jason didn’t give anyone a chance to say anything and said, “Make the check out to the Thomas Wilson Scholarship Fund.”  Beau looked at the other three and they shook they heads yes.


Mrs. Weaver handed Jason a check.


Beau said, “The next check will be to Lydia Olson.  Her things are in Mrs. Tillison’s garage and I’ll take $18,000.00 for them.”  Mr. Cooper nodded and Mrs. Weaver handed Beau the check.


“Okay, since we’ve already sold the best of the things that were in my old attic, I’ll sell you the rest for $5000.00 and split the amount into two checks for the Roddy and Jeremy Wanamaker Scholarship Funds.”


Mr. Cooper nodded and Mrs. Weaver handed the checks to Beau, who handed them to Mrs. Wanamaker.


Beau said, “Now one last item.  Grandmama Wanamaker’s things will be arriving on Thursday.  We reserve the right to pull items that she wants, even after they are delivered.  I know this is going to be hard to swallow, but there are ten rooms of antiques, so we’re asking $40,000.00.  Grandmama, how would you like the check made out?”


“Make half each to Roddy and Jeremy Wanamaker Scholarship Funds.”  Mrs. Wanamaker said.  Beau said, “Remember, all art work is excluded and everything that can’t be sold within a reasonable time will be donated to the St. Paul’s Thrift Shop and you can use it as a tax write off.”


Beau turned and said, “Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, now that you have all these things, where are we going to put them?” 


“Beau, we bought the building on the other side of the Good Used Furniture Store, so we can store all of the things there.  We were hoping you guys could clean out the mess tomorrow and get it ready.”  Mr. Weaver said.


“Sir, we have to check with the guys.  They don’t work for me.  They can do what they want.  I’ll be glad to work, but we get $10.00 an hour for cleaning.” Beau said.  He turned to Jason and said, “Go get Matthew, Danny Denny, Mickey, Chris, Berto and Jonathan please?”


The younger Mrs. Leavitt said, "This is just a hoax isn’t it?  No one just writes checks for $100,000.00 for things they haven’t seen.”


Mr. Cooper spoke up, “Ma’am, I have seen the four garages full of things that we have bought and I would probably have offered a little more, but Beau was being fair.  I have not seen Mrs. Wanamaker’s things, but I am sure that we are getting a bargain because we have learned to trust Beau.  Now if you would like to see what is in Ben and Josh’s garage I am sure Beau would be glad to show you, after we meet with the guys.”


The 13/14/15 year olds assembled and Beau said, “Guys, the Weavers and the Coopers have a proposition for us.  They want us to work at the store starting tomorrow for the summer.  They want us to clean the new space they have purchased, tomorrow.  They will pay us ten dollars an hour for tomorrow.  After that, when we have you trained, you can sell to your hearts' content.  Mr. Cooper, would you please explain what you all are proposing?”


Mr. Cooper stood and said, “Gentlemen, we’ll pay you the minimum wage plus you get a 2% commission on everything you sell.  We would appreciate it if you would be there on time when you are scheduled.  We would love to have two of you there all of the time when we are open, so that we could take some time off, but there will always be 1 or 2 of us there at all times to help you.”


“We would like for you to clear it with your parents and have them write a note saying that it is permissible to work at the Shoppe.  You will be only permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours week.  You are all young and still need time to have fun.”


Beau said, “Does anyone have any questions?  Seeing none, if you are interested, get your parents to sign a note that gives permission, and then we’ll meet at the Shoppe at 10:00 tomorrow to clean and figure out a schedule.”


Les spoke up and said, “Beau, you can’t work at the Shoppe tomorrow.  You are going to Peru with Mother W. and me and the boys and Aunt Evelyn.”


“Wait a minute, why am I going to Peru?” Beau challenged.


Mrs. Wanamaker said, “Because I want you to go, and protect my interests; and besides, you know how this is all supposed to go.  You are in charge for the day.  Besides, I want to see what you do to Dale’s Mother and Father.”


Beau looked up and said, “Kevin, are you going to Peru tomorrow?”


Kevin said, “Yes, and I am the team leader.  There will be four of us.”


“Ichabod, did you hear that.  You need to get snacks at 10:00, Lunch at noon and snacks at 2:30.  Is that understood?  If not I'll send you a message by special delivery with pictures showing what you are to do.”  Beau said.


Beau turned to Denny and said, “Dude, you are in charge tomorrow and you need to work these guys’ butts off.  Now come on Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt and you can see what we were talking about when we were talking about what was in the garages.”


The two Leavitt couples went with Beau and he opened the door with the key pad.  The younger Mrs. Leavitt asked, “Whose merchandise was this?


Beau said, “These things came from my Dad and Pop’s house, Jason’s old house and some of the other things Grandma Ginny had in storage for Jason.  Our house is filled.  Would you like to come in and look around to see why we can’t use anymore of these beautiful things?”


Beau took them into the house and showed them around.  The Leavitt’s were thoroughly impressed and asked, who decided where everything would go?  It looks like something out of a Better Homes and Garden magazine.”


“Guilty as charged.”  Beau said, as he led them outside.


The Coopers and Weavers had left and Spencer came up and said, “Beau, you can’t take Jeremy and Roddy away tomorrow.  I scheduled fifteen yards thinking they would be here.”


“Don’t blame me.  It’s Doctor Crane’s fault.  Why don’t you get Mark, Luke and John to fill in?  That way they could make some money too.”  Beau said.


The young Mrs. Leavitt said, “The boys can’t work.  They need to go to their religion classes to keep them out of trouble.”


Beau started to laugh.  “Ma’am, the guys are taught all about religion during the school year.  You don’t think good Catholic boys get in to trouble too?  For heavens sakes, let them be young and make friends.  All these people here would never lead them astray.  I suggest that you lighten up and let them make some money so they have a good self image.  Haven’t you heard the adage that busy hands are happy hands and idle hands are the instrument of the devil?  So give your sons a chance to be boys, otherwise you are going to lose them.”


Beau looked at the Leavitts and asked, “Are your sons too good to work?   The rest of us teenagers are working all the time.  Between washing windows and working at the Antique Shoppe and baby sitting, we never have time to spend any money.”


“The five, nine, eleven year olds are making more than your grandparents did in a week, by mowing lawns.”  Beau said. 


Judge Leavitt said, “Beau, aren’t you laying it on a little strong?”


“No ma’am.  I’m not exaggerating.”  He motioned for Jason to come over.  “Jason, how much money did you make mowing lawns this week?”  Beau asked.


Jason said, “I don’t know.  Spencer keeps giving us money and I bring it home and hide it.  I guess I need to get someone to take me to the bank otherwise you will steal me blind.  Of course I counted what you have upstairs, and it’s over $500.00 and that doesn’t include what we have in Doctor Dad’s safe.  Just think how much you would have if you didn’t give $50.00 to the homeless and needy fund at the church each week.”


Beau grabbed Jason and put his hand over Jason’s mouth.  I walked up to them and asked. “What’s up guys?”


Beau looked at me and said, “Doctor Dad, take Jason out and put him in the washing machine.  He has a mouth that needs to be cleaned out.  Come Jason; let’s get out of here before I get into any more trouble.”


Jeff and I were standing there laughing.  Judge Leavitt said, “This is not funny, Doctor Wilson.”


“Oh but it is.  Just so you know the playing field.  Both Jason and Beau are very wealthy in their own right and could probably buy most of us in this room.  They could care less.  They both work hard and play hard all the time and still have time to love and take care of other people.  They are both very talented and for the younger Leavitts, the other night Beau was reading the Archeologically Bible so he could understand what was happening better.” I told the group.


Jeff added, “Judge, he adores you, so as long as he trusts you be sure that your grandsons will receive the best attention and protection.  I rest my case.  Now let the young guys be normal and stop cramming religion down their throat or they will rebel.”


The younger Leavitts were stunned, but Jeff and I walked away to talk to Dale who had his clerical collar on.  He was talking to Beau, Matthew, Mark and Jeremy.  Okay guys, we’ll run at 6:30 in the morning.  We’ll meet here at Beau’s house.”


Berto and Jonathan asked, “Can we come too.”


Beau said, “Yep, as long as you are here at 6:30.  We wait for no one.   Are you coming, Jeff?”


Finally everyone had left and Jason and Beau had gotten Aunt Evelyn and Grandma Ginny settled.  Jason went to bed and Beau sat down between Ben and Josh and said, “Dads, I’m sorry I ruined tonight.  I just wanted to make this a special day for Jeremy and Roddy and probably alienated the entire Leavitt family.”


Ben and Josh put there arms around Beau and the pulled him close.  Josh said, “Beau, they’ll get over it and I bet they will respect you for who you are.  Now, I suggest that you go take a shower and take care of your sexual needs and go to bed.”


Beau grabbed his throat like he was in shock and said, “Dad, I don’t believe you said that.  Wait until I tell my psychologist.”  He kissed both of the guys and disappeared up the stairs.


At our house, Uncle Lyle was laughing, “I can’t believe Beau.  He doesn’t care who he takes on does he?”


Tommy asked, “Dad, can I tell Uncle Lyle about Beau?”


I looked at Jeff, who nodded yes and I nodded to Tommy.  “Uncle Lyle, I don’t know how much you know, but I didn’t know most of this until the night before I left for Peoria, when I was feeling sorry for myself.  Beau is a genius and has I.Q. of about 160.  He was sexually abused and if I’m reading what is happening, Jeremy was also sexually abused.  Beau and Jason are both very wealthy, but you’d never know it by the way they act.  I still don't understand why Jason handed me this check for my scholarship fund tonight.”


Mr. Blackwell said, “Tommy, he gave you the money out of love, so take it and love him and Beau.  You don’t need to worry about Beau or Jason because despite everything, I have the feeling that they will always land on their feet. What we need for you to do is worry only about Tommy and how he can make this world a better place.”


“Don’t worry about material things that you have or had no control over.  Think positive and only look forward.  You’re no slouch in any area so don’t ever feel sorry for yourself.  Just be the best that you can be.  Case closed.  The sermon is over now let’s go to bed.”  Uncle Lyle concluded.


After Tommy and Uncle Lyle left, I said, “Jeff, I hope you were listening to that.”


When we finally got into bed, Jeff crawled on top of me and said, “You are so going to pay for that last comment downstairs.”  He slowly filled my interior and with everything he had stored until his well ran dry.  Mine was drained too.


To be continued...


Feedback always welcome:     


Editor's Notes:


I think there will always be people that think their children need protection from everyone but their own family.  They don't really respect the kids' intelligence.  They are the ones that have lessons to learn.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher





Posted: 01/04/08