The Doctor Gets a Visitor II
by: E Walk

(Copyright 2007 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


Chapter 17
 The Night of Nightmares


Lash and I arrived at the Montgomery house, and Mickey quickly opened the door and said, “Quick Doctor Dad and Lash, it’s getting worse.”


He quickly led us upstairs and Davey was burning up and sobbing.  I asked, “Where does it hurt?”


He pointed to his lower right abdominal area and said, “Please don’t touch it.  It feels like it is going to explode.”


“Lash, call 911 stat, and tell them we need an ambulance, now!  Then call the hospital, and tell them that we are coming in with a suspected rupturing appendix.  Tell them to have an operating team ready to go immediately.”  Lash went to make the calls, and I turned to Mickey, “Mickey, call the Montgomerys and tell them to go to the hospital.


“Doctor Dad, I already called them, and they should be here shortly.”  Mickey answered.


The Montgomerys arrived and I told them.  “Go to the hospital, now, and sign the paperwork to get Davey admitted and for whatever surgery might be required, if any.  The ambulance should be here shortly.”


They were going down the stairs as the paramedics were coming up.  They carefully put Davey on a gurney and we went out to the ambulance.  Mickey announced, “I’m going with Davey.  He needs someone to keep him company.”


The paramedics looked at me and I nodded and they took off with Lash and me following in his car.  I had Lash drop me off, “Go get Paul, and bring my car back and bring my keys and give them to Mickey, and I’ll see you on Monday.”


I went into the Emergency Room.  Mickey was sitting holding Davey’s hand.  “Everything is going to be just fine.”  The technicians had already drawn the blood and we were joined by Dr. Owen Fisher.


“Hi Jack, what do we have here?”  he asked.


I explained what was happening and they took Davey to have a cat scan. I turned to Mickey and said, “Mickey, go find the Montgomerys and tell them what is happening.”


Owen was watching the scan and the technician handed him the preliminary blood test results. “Stop, get Davey in the Operating Room and I mean now.  Jack, get scrubbed, as quickly as you can; you’ll be assisting me.  Let’s go.”


As soon as the anesthetic took effect, we operated, and removed a very infected appendix which looked like it was about to explode.  Owen and I walked to the waiting room where a very nervous Mickey and the Montgomerys were waiting.  Owen said, “I am Doctor Owen Fisher.  I am a surgeon and I want you to know that Davey is going to be just fine.  He got here just in time.  His appendix was about to burst.”


He continued, “I was here in the hospital checking on another patient when Doctor Wilson’s call came in, so this saved a good deal of time.  Now I assume that you are Davey’s parents and you are a brother?” he asked Mickey.


“Sir, I am Mickey Smith, and I was babysitting Davey when he started to complain and that’s when I called Doctor Dad, and thank goodness he got to the Montgomery’s house so fast.”


“Well Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, you sure found a gem for a babysitter.  Davey’s going to be just fine.  Jack, I’m leaving now.  Why don’t you check on Davey in the morning, since you are the primary doctor in this case?” Owen asked. 


“Sure enough, Owen.  I’m glad you were here.” I answered.


“Goodnight everyone.” Owen said, as he left.


I turned to go and said, “I’m going to go check on Davey.”


I returned and said, “Davey is still in the Recovery Room, and will be moving to a regular room in about 15 minutes.  I’m going to go get my clothes, Mickey, and I will be right back.”


I returned with my clothes and said, “I’ll stop in to see Davey after we go to church tomorrow, so it will be about noon.  Let’s go, Mickey.”


Mickey stood but asked, “Doctor Dad, can we please wait until I can say goodnight to Davey?”


“Let me go check to see how long it will be.”  I left to check.


“We can go to see Davey now.  I took the Montgomerys and Mickey to Davey’s room.  “He is still in the twilight zone, and will probably sleep all night.”


Mickey went to Davey and took his hand and said, “Davey champ, you were so brave.  I’m going home now, but I’ll come see you tomorrow when Doctor Dad comes after church to make sure everything is okay.”  He leaned down and kissed Davey on the head and said, “Good night champ.”


Davey moved his head slightly and Mickey and I went to the car.  Mickey was fine until I started the car.  He said, “Doctor Dad, my stomach feels like it is inside a washing machine.”


“Michael, you were extremely brave so now don’t you become an ice cream cone on me.” I tossed at him.


He turned to me and asked, “What do you mean become an ice cream cone?”


“Mickey, think about what happens if you wait too long before you eat an ice cream cone.”  I laughed.


He thought for a short time and then started to giggle.  “So you don’t want me to melt down.”


We were both laughing when we went into the house.  “Jeff, Doctor Dad just called me an ice cream cone.  Thanks Doctor Dad.”  Mickey said, as he hugged me and Jeff.  “I’m going to bed.”


While Mickey and I had been gone, it must have been an interesting time at the house. 


After Mickey called, the people started to leave.   Mark, Matt and Paul were the last to leave after they helped Jeff, Beau and Teddy straighten the living room.  They had everything back in place when Lash returned.  They left and Jeff sent Teddy to bed.  Beau and Jeff were sitting on the sofa waiting for Mickey and me.


Linda and Eric came in.  “Hi Mother and Pop.  Did you have a nice evening?”  Jeff inquired.


“Yes, it was a lovely evening. Where are the others?  asked Linda.


“Dad and Mickey are at the hospital with the little boy that Mickey was babysitting.  I just sent Teddy to bed, and I don’t know where Sammy is.  What time did you tell him to be home?” Jeff asked.


Eric said, “11:00.”


“Then he will be here at 10:59 and thirty seconds.” Jeff answered.


“What do you mean?” asked Linda.


“Well that has been happening each time he goes out.”  Jeff answered.


“Jeff, the slob has done it again.  Can I use the bathroom in the hall?” Teddy yelled as he was coming down the steps in briefs.


“Whoa Teddy!” said Eric.  “Who is the slob, and what did he do?”


“Hi Mom and Dad, ever since we have moved here Sammy has been leaving his things all over the bathroom.  Mickey and I have been throwing his things into his room but we are tired of it.”  Teddy said.


“Can we go see his room and the bathroom, Jeff?”  asked Eric.


“Of course, and yes Teddy, you certainly may use the hall bathroom.” Jeff answered.


Teddy took his parents to show them the areas under discussion.  They checked Sammy’s bedroom and then the bath and then Teddy and Mickey’s room.  Teddy showed them the hall bathroom and said, “This is what our bathroom looked like this afternoon, and neither Mickey nor I took a shower in here since it was cleaned.  I’m going to get ready for bed now, okay?”


Linda and Eric came down and said, “Jeff, we’re so sorry.  Teddy is right.  Sammy’s room should be called a disaster area.”


“Mother and Pop, I’m sorry I should have seen this coming, especially after today when Sammy came storming in and said he had to do laundry because he didn’t have any clean underwear.  Mickey told him to buzz off because the washing machine was busy with the dirty towels.  I told Sammy I would loan him a pair of briefs.  I knew the other two guys were doing there laundry because the three guys were always giving Tyler a hard time about his underwear.” Jeff laughed.


Sammy came in and announced, “I’m home.”


“That’s nice.” said Eric.  “May I have the car keys please?” asked Eric.


Sammy handed the keys to his Dad and Eric said, “You’re grounded until further notice.”


“Why?  I wasn’t late.” asked Sammy, defiantly.


“No, but your bedroom and bathroom are disaster areas.  Your bedroom is worse than a pig pen.” Eric announced.


“You never go into our rooms.  Why did you even look?” snarled Sammy.  He wheeled around and started toward Beau and pointed and said, “You scum throw away boy, you squealed.”


Jeff jumped up and pushed Sammy back.  “Beau said absolutely nothing to Mother and Pop.”


Sammy pushed back and said, “Then you told them after trash boy told you what he saw this afternoon.”


Linda jumped and slapped Sammy lightly on the face and said, “You’re out of control, Samuel.  Neither Jeff nor Beau said one word.  Now go sit down.”


Sammy was stunned and sat down, but said, “Then it was the rat Mickey.  He threatened to tell you when you got back.”


Eric interjected, “Mickey and Doctor Wilson, are at the hospital, so don’t accuse them, and don’t you dare say anything to Teddy.  Now, go to your room and don’t you dare say anything or do anything to Teddy.  We’ll discuss what is going to happen, in the morning.”


Sammy left and Eric said, “Beau and Jeff, I apologize for Sammy’s behavior tonight.  We’re going to go to our room, and discuss what we should do.”


“Goodnight, Pop and Mother.  Sorry you had to come back to this.”  Jeff said as they left.


Beau huddled next to Jeff when everyone had left and started to cry.  “Jeff, take me back to that home.  I don’t want to live where I’m not wanted.”


Jeff grabbed Beau’s face and made him look him in the eye.  “Beauregard Benson, if anyone leaves this house, it’s not going to be you.  You have done absolutely nothing wrong.  Now stop crying, and go to bed.  We’ll talk tomorrow, when we are fresh.  Now go up and lock your door and you’ll be fine.”


When Mickey and I walked in, I could see that Jeff was upset, but I waited for Mickey to leave before I questioned him.   As we went upstairs, Jeff said, “Dad, this day went to the dogs really fast after a fun evening.  I’m so angry at Sammy, I could spit nails.”


We walked into the bedroom and it was evident that Beau was crying.  Jeff went and got him and carried him into our bedroom and put him on the bed.  We lay down on either side of him and tried to comfort him, but it didn’t seem to be working.  There was a knock on the door and Jeff said, “Come in.”


“Jeff, Doctor Dad, Teddy’s all curled up crying and saying ‘Please don’t hit me.’  Why is Beau crying?”  Mickey asked.


“You get Beau to stop crying, and I’ll go take care of Teddy.” Jeff said as he left.


Mickey climbed into bed and pulled Beau to him and said, “Okay Beau, stop crying, or I'll have to take some drastic actions, and no we are not taking you back to any home.  That does it.”  Mickey jumped on Beau and kissed him on the mouth. 


Beau looked at him, but started to sob again.  Mickey kissed him again and Beau stopped crying and said, “If you do that one more time, I’m going bite off one of your external appendages.”


Mickey started to kiss Beau again.  Beau flipped him and sat on Mickey and started to go for his nose.  “Wait, if you’re going to bite off my nose, at least you could brush your teeth Beauregard Halitosis.  Let’s brush our teeth.”  Mickey laughed.


The two guys went into the bathroom and there was a lot of laughter.  I could hear water splattering, so I got up to check to see what they were doing.  They were having a water battle with their urine flows.  I went back to bed and when they came out of the bathroom I asked, “So who won the water battle.”


“I did.” said Mickey.  “But why were you perving on our bodies?”


Before anyone else could say anything, Jeff came in carrying Teddy.  “Damage control team, time for action.  Dad, hold his legs.  Mickey, take one arm and Beau get the other.  We manned our stations, and Jeff started to tickle under his arms.  Teddy finally started to giggle and then Jeff started to tickle the soles of Teddy’s feet.  Teddy began to laugh so hard tears were running down his face and he was trying to get away.


“Jeff … please stop … uh I am going to pee in my briefs,” Teddy sobbed.


Jeff stopped and asked, “Mickey, whose turn is it to do the bed linens?”


Without thinking Mickey said, “Teddy’s.”


“Okay men, time to resume the torture.” Jeff said, as he grabbed one of Teddy’s feet.


“Jeff, please don’t.  I’ll be good.  I promise, but please let me go to the bathroom.”  Teddy pleaded.


“Okay team, take our patient to the bathroom, and make sure he doesn’t miss the toilet.  If he does, stand him on his head and see if he can do better that way.” Jeff ordered.


Jeff and I were lying on the bed when Beau yelled, “Do you have a magnifying glass?  I think Little Big Horn got a drip of his urine on the bathroom floor.”


“Get away from me you perverts.  You’re just trying to make sure I don’t have a bigger tool than you.” yelled Teddy.


Beau and Mickey came out carrying a kicking Teddy.  “Put me down you brutes.” he laughed.


“Doctor Dad and boss Jeff, this here creature tried to escape.  He stepped into the toilet and tried to flush himself down to see if he could escape through the sewer but we caught him first and here he is.”  announced Beau.


Mickey add, “If we had been thinking, we would have let him go and then we wouldn’t have to clean up after his crocodile tears.”


“Okay guys, that's enough.  It’s already 1:30.” barked Jeff.  “Now Mr. Theodore Lawrence Smith, we want to know why you were out of control, and we want to know without anymore tears.”


Teddy began, “You know what happened when I went to get ready for bed.  After I showed Mother and Dad the disaster, I told them there was no way I was going to clean up after the slob.  I took Mick and my things to the hall bathroom, and brushed my teeth.  I think I had just fallen asleep, when Sammy came in yelling he was going to make me pay for squealing.”


Teddy took a deep breath and continued. “He said, ‘I’m going to take you out and pound you into the ground so hard that both your legs will break and then I’m going to break both your arms before I rearrange your face.”


By now Beau and Mickey were both holding Teddy.  Jeff went totally red and I could see fire in his eyes.  Jeff said, “You three guys get into bed and go to sleep.  Dad and I have something we need to do, but we will be right back.”


Jeff motioned for me to follow him and we went to Sammy’s room.  Jeff knocked and then went right in.  We both stopped.  It was a disaster.  “What do you two weirdoes want?” snarled Sammy.


Jeff took the offensive and pushed Sammy down to the bed.  You and your penis controlled brain have everyone in this house upset.  I can’t believe that you have done that.”  Jeff continued, “This room smells like a locker room and looks even worse.  I suggest that you get your penis under control or you will lose all your friends.”


Sammy interrupted and said, “At least I know what to do with my penis unlike the rest of you in this room.”


Jeff froze and then I thought he was going to throw a punch at Sammy.  I stepped between them and pushed Jeff away.  I went to Sammy and put my finger on his chest and said, “Listen to me, Mr. Smith, if I ever hear you say anything like that in my house again, you will be out of here so fast and your dirty clothes will be shoveled out of the windows.”


“Your parents and two great brothers will be welcome to stay but you’re gone.  When that happens, I’ll call my sister Nancy, and tell her how you behaved, and I’m positive that you will not be welcomed at their house and I’d be surprised if David and Dana were even permitted to socialize with you.  Jeff, come on, let’s get back and make sure the other guys are okay while Sammy regains control of his hormones.”


We went back to the bedroom and got into bed on either side of the three guys who appeared to be asleep.  Beau turned to Jeff and hugged him.  Mickey turned to me and said, “Doctor Dad, thanks for being there to help me tonight.”


I was just about asleep when all of a sudden Jeff started to sob, I got out of bed and pulled him out and took him into the study of Beau’s bedroom.  I sat him on the bed and pushed him back and climbed on top of him. 

”Dad, stop.  I can’t do anything like this tonight.  I’m too upset.” Jeff sobbed.


I continued to caress and kiss his body and when I started to nibble at his nipples, they stood at attention as did his penis.  He pulled me onto the floor and maneuvered me so he could consume my manhood as I did his.  We manipulated each other until we both relieved our frustrations.  Jeff turned around and laid on top of me and said, “I love you Dad.  Thank you for pulling me out of my self pity me mode but Sammy hurt me rather bad.  I never dreamt he felt like that.”


I grabbed Jeff’s face and held it, and said, “Jeff, I don’t think Sammy really meant what he said.  He is jealous, and is just lashing out at everybody because he has finally been caught.” 


I kissed him long and deep and he responded, “I pulled him on top of me and said, “Son, I can’t believe what has happened since Christmas Eve.  Promise me you’re not going to leave me, now.”


“Dad, I’m not going anywhere.  We need to get back and check on the other three guys.  I still don’t know what to expect from Sammy.” Jeff said, as he pulled away from me.


We went back to the bedroom and crawled into bed.  Beau sat up and said, “We’re under a cumatosis attack.  Action teams react.”


“I think you’re right General Beauregard.  We need to get these two perpetrators to the bathroom and make sure they brush their teeth and rinse with mouth wash twice.”  Mickey answered.


They pushed us out of bed and said, “Now move you two perverts.”  They stood outside the bathroom, while we did what we were told.  When we came out of the bathroom, they grabbed us and pushed us against the wall.  Mickey pulled my briefs away from my body and said, General Beauregard, this is even worse than you thought.  This patient is going to need a week at least to recover.  All I can find is this little half inch earth worm.”


Beau pulled Jeff's briefs out, and said, “Oh no, I can’t find anything.  I guess we will have to operate.  Wait, I found something that looks like a broken tooth pick.  I wish I had a magnifying glass to be sure.  Let’s get these two to bed, and give them a sedative.”


They pushed us into bed and then climbed on us and Mickey said, “Let’s give them a double dose of sedatives General.”


They both leaned down and gave us each a kiss on the lips.  That should do it.” Beau announced.  “Now, let’s get a couple hours of sleep.”


To be continued...


Feedback always welcome:     


Editor's Notes:


Holy crap! It looks like the excrement hit the osculating air movement accelerator, doesn't it?


Sammy is being a real butt head, isn't he? I wonder what will happen to him, when his parents find out what he did to his little brother.  I certainly hope there is something that can be done to help turn him around, before he does something that will cause him some real harm.



AKA The Radio Rancher    





Posted: 06/15/07