The Doctor Gets a Visitor II
by: E Walk

(Copyright 2007 by the Author)

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Meeting Beau part 2


Jeff drove home quickly and hugged Mickey and thanked him for fixing dinner and said, “Mick, this is Beau. He is 13 like you. I would like for you to take him upstairs and get him a complete change of clothes and then he can use Dad’s shower. I want all his old clothes in this bag.” Jeff said.
“Can I take a shower with him, since I never get to use that bathroom?” Mickey asked.
“That’s up to Beau.” Jeff answered.
Everyone started to arrive, and Tyler brought Reg and Chip as I arrived and Sammy came in with Teddy and Spencer. Beau and Mickey came down the stairs and Beau just froze.
“Beau, my man, let me introduce the people.” Jeff said, as he went around the room and then said, “This is Beau. He will be spending the weekend with us.”
Chip went to Beau and said, “You must be really special.”

“Nah, I’m just a kid like you, Chip.” and he picked Chip up and hugged him.
Jeff said, “Everyone, sit down.”
Jeff brought the casseroles. He put one in front of me and the other in front of Tyler. I noticed that Chip and Beau had saved Jeff a seat between them.
Everything in sight was consumed and Jeff said, “Dish detail, let’s get to work while Tyler and Reg go to the Baxter house. Mick, you call Chris and see if he wants to go shopping with us for an hour and a half.”
Mickey went to call and Reg and Tyler left. Everyone else was helping with the dishes, except Sammy and me. When the dishes were done, Jeff said, “Okay guys, anyone with money, go get some and then we’ll leave.
Three guys left and came back with money. When they got back Spencer asked, “Do we have to spend our money?”
“Not unless you really want to. Dad, are you going to take the teenagers or the other gentlemen?” Jeff asked.
“I’ll take the other gentlemen. I don’t know that I’m ready for three giggling teenagers.” I answered.
“Okay men, go get ready. First, we need to stop at Gigi’s.” Jeff said.
We went to the Baxter house and Spencer went charging in. “Gigi, we’re here.” he called.
“I’m here Spencer.” She came out and said, “You sure have a handsome group with you. I think I see someone I don’t know. Hi Cub, your Daddy is working hard upstairs. I think you are Mark’s brother.” she said to Chris.
“Now.” she said, “There is a gorgeous young man I’ve never seen before and who might that be?”
“Gigi, this is Beau.” Jeff said.
“Okay, my beautiful young man, come give me a kiss and a hug and I want some feeling in it.” Gigi held out her arms.
Beau went to her and hugged and gave her a kiss. “Pretty good for novice, but you need to take lessons from Chip.”
Jeff said, “Okay guys, let’s go check on the gang upstairs and make sure they are doing a good job.”
Gigi said, “Jack honey, come see my lovely new space.”  She was showing me all the great features. It was very well done. I excused myself and went to talk to Billy.
The doorbell rang and Jeff answered it. “Hi Joni, Mrs. Baxter is in the sewing room. Come on in.” He took the four ladies’ coats. “These lovely ladies must be your attendants. Boy, is this going to be a beautiful wedding.”
Jeff took the ladies to the sewing room and said, “Gigi, I have four Miss America candidates here to talk to you.”
Joni introduced everyone and said, “This is Mrs. Baxter and the silver tongue stud there is Jeff. Mrs. Baxter, here is the pattern we like, and here is the material we have picked out.” Joni said.
Jeff picked up the material and said, “The material is resilient and should be easy to take care of.” He looked at the different colors of material and said, “I think Ruth would look great in the turquoise, since it matches her blue green eyes. Mindy would look great in the violet since it would offset her blond hair and green eyes and Debbie would be stunning in this yellow. It would pull together because of her tanned complexion and her deep brown eyes would just pop out.”
Jeff thought for a minute and then added, “I think all four of you need to have a blouse of a little darker shade in a satin material. Joni, I think you should wear a tan or beige blouse, to break up the white. I can just see you lovely ladies coming down the aisle with a single strand of pearls carrying a single rose.” Jeff said. “Now I have to run.”
Jeff went upstairs and Joni asked, “Did I just get a free wedding planning guide. His ideas make so much sense.”
The girls and Mrs. Baxter all agreed. Mrs. Baxter said, “I take it that is not way this was going to work out.”
The girls laughed and said, “Not at all, but he is correct in his evaluation.”
Jeff rounded up his shopping crew and we went to the cars.
When we got to the Super Target, Jeff said, “Now Chris and Mick, you take Beau and get him three pair of jeans, two pair of dress slacks, some white socks, dark socks, six pair underwear, one or two sweaters, some shirts, a nice coat, gloves and a hat. Meet us at the check out stand in forty minutes.”
The thirteen year olds took off and Jeff turned to Chip and said, “Here is $40.00. I want you to take the guys and find a movie for you guys to watch on Saturday night.”
The guys took off and Jeff was like a whirling tornado. He had our cart filled in no time. We walked back to our appointed meeting place, and the guys all came back shortly.
Jeff looked around and found our favorite checkout person. “Hi Jeff and Doctor Wilson.”
Jeff said, “The Cub will pay for his purchase. When the transaction was completed, everyone started to unload the clothes. When the total came up Jeff handed Josh Mrs. Tillison’s card. When that cleared, everyone started unloading the groceries. When the total came up, I handed Josh my bank card.
We were walking to the car and Beau asked, “You don’t do this every day, do you?”
“No.” answered Mickey, “But this is like a fairly normal day when you are around Jeff.”
We drove home and dropped Chris off. Everyone helped carry in the purchases as Jeff fixed hot fudge sundaes for the guys with a cookie and a glass of milk. Jeff and I finished putting the groceries away and the guys cleaned their dishes. Jeff announced, “Ten year olds need to take a shower and yes, you can use Dad’s bath, then I want you in bed. Thirteen years need to take the tags off the clothes, and put the whites and light colors in the wash machine. Then I think you need to get ready for bed also. Beau, you can watch television in Dad’s room. Come on Cub, we need to go get your Daddy.”
Chip hugged everybody and climbed into my lap and held my face and kissed me on the lips and said, “Thanks for being so nice, Doctor Dad.”
I just hugged him tight and Jeff took him to the car. I was reading when Jeff came in and sat down on the couch and laid his head back and said, “I’m mentally exhausted.”
I went and sat down next to him and held him. “So, tell me why is young Beau here?”
Before Jeff could answer, the doorbell rang. I answered it and there stood Mrs. Tillison, Ben and Josh. “Come in please.”
I led them to the living room where Jeff was sitting with his elbows on his knees holding his head in his hands. He looked up and started to stand but Mrs. Tillison pushed him back down and sat beside him and said, “You’ve done it this time, Jeff. You have uncovered a real bucket of worms. That Sleazeball and his wife have been pocketing funds from the foundation and the state for at least the last 10 years. Fortunately, we have been able to have recovered most of the funds and their assets have been frozen and we should be able to recover a significant amount of money and that should make the home a great place for those young people.”
Ben spoke up and said, “Jeff, Josh and I went through all of the files of the residents and didn’t find anyone named Beau.”
“Uncle Ben, may I go get Beau and he can explain better than I can. Let me check to see if he is still awake. I’m sure he is, though.” Jeff said, as he left.
The guys returned and Beau said, “Hi Mrs. Tillison, Dr. Benson and Doctor Jameson. I’m sorry, but I can’t remember which of you is who. My mind has been on overload since I decided to talk to Jeff this morning.”
Mrs. Tillison got up and said, “This man with the silver hair is my son Josh, and this wonderful man with the blonde/white hair is Ben, his partner and from now on, you will call me Grams. Now, young man, why does Jeff like you?”
“Ma’am I have no idea, after what I told him this morning. He just ignores it and treats me like a human being.” Beau answered.
“Beau, we went through all of the files on the residents and didn’t see anyone called Beau.” Ben said.
“Uncle Ben, I hate my real name so much, that Jeff decided to change it, I used to be Clayton Cummings Custer, III after my father. I hate that man so that I never want to be compared to him.” Beau sobbed.
“How do you feel here at Doctor Wilson’s house?” asked Josh.
“Sir, this is the safest and most loved I have felt since my mother died. Mickey told me that they would never hurt me, because they are a couple and they even sleep nude together at night. Mickey says they are gorgeous and are like matched bookends.” Beau said.
Jeff reached up and put his hand over Beau’s mouth. Beau looked at him and Jeff moved his eyes toward Mrs. Tillison and Beau realized what he had done and said, “Grams, I’m so sorry if I offended you. Doctor Dad and Jeff, please don’t hate me and send me back to hell hole until I absolutely have to go. I’ve had more fun in the last three hours than I have had in the last three years. Please, may I go to bed?” Beau asked.
“You can sleep in my mother and stepfather’s room, down here, since they are gone, or you can sleep in our room on the sofa or in the bed with us.” Jeff said.
“I’ll sleep on the floor if I have to. It would be more comfortable than the bed at the home.” Beau said. “I really would like to sleep in your and Doctor Dad’s room somewhere, so I know I’m safe.”
Beau got up and said good night and hugged everyone and he even gave Mrs. T. a kiss on the cheek.
“We’ll be up soon, Beau. Tyler and Spencer are in the room next door.” Jeff said. Jeff looked at the clock and said, “I’m sorry to be a party pooper, but I’m exhausted and am still not ready for tomorrow. He hugged everybody and said, “Good night.”
As he was leaving, he said, “Grams, you make sure that Aunt Cora, Uncle Ben, Uncle Josh, Kenny and Drew are here for tacos at six tomorrow night. By the way, do you think I could borrow some folding tables and chairs from the church on Saturday?”
“Jeff, I’ll make the arrangements tomorrow. I’m sure there will be no problems; now go get some sleep. I’m expecting some good classes tomorrow.”
Jeff kissed her and left. I looked at everyone and said. “I know something rather significant happened today but have no idea what it was.”
Mrs. T. said, “Jack, we all need to go. Just believe me when I tell you that your son has made this a much better world for some people. Now guys, we need to go, so you can listen to the tape. Jack honey, we’ll see you tomorrow.”
They left and I locked up and found Beau in our bed with his arms wrapped around Jeff. I took a quick shower and when I crawled into bed, Beau rolled to me and held my face like Chip had done and said, “Thanks, Doctor Dad.” Now Beau and Jeff were gone.
I lay there wondering what was going on.
To be continued...


Feedback always welcome:     


Editor's notes:


I guess he needs to play that tape.



AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 06/01/07