It Started With a Coke
by: E Walk
(© 2009-2011 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 11

Welcome To the Real World


As I was being helped out of the car by this stranger, he said, “Grandmother, Mother said to tell you we’re having a picnic tomorrow night and you’re to bring your boyfriend.”


Mrs. Martz laughed, “I’ll see if I can find one between now and then.  Did she say what I was to bring?”


“No, you’ll have to call her.”


“Jeremy, who else is invited?”


“Grandma, I don’t know for sure.  I do know that she was talking to Mrs. Morrow and she mentioned that Doctor Wood and Alex would be coming.  Come on, Wimp, let's get you inside, so we aren’t tardy.  I can’t afford anymore tardies or I’ll get put on probation and won’t be able to play in the district baseball playoff games.”


When this Jeremy person and I walked into school, Susan was waiting for me.  “Hi, Cuz.  I’ll take Seth’s book bag.  We wouldn’t want you to hurt your pitching arm or you’d blame him for causing you to lose the game on Monday.”


“Susie, you’re about the nastiest person I know, other than that kinky brother of yours.  Where is the BMOC this morning?  Sleeping in?”


Susan giggled, “No, he’s been helping at the clinic.  There was a horrendous car accident and the occupant of the car ran head on into a bridge abutment and almost every bone in the body was damaged.”


“Do they know who it was, yet;  It wasn’t a student, hopefully?”


The victim hadn’t been identified as far as I know.  We’ll probably find out more tonight;   Come on, Seth, it’s beyond seniors to talk to underclass persons in public.  We‘ll, get an opportunity to meet his newest girl, tomorrow afternoon at the picnic.  She doesn’t seem to  compare to some of the floozies he’s been running around with.


The bell rang and people were good about helping me to get from place to place on time. 


As Susan and I were entering the cafeteria, Jeremy caught up with us, “Grandmother was concerned that preacher's boy wouldn’t have money for lunch.”


“Jeremy, I hate to tell you this, but I know that’s not true.  Your Grandmother handed me a five dollar bill this morning.  I agreed to take it as long as we kept a running tally of the money she gives me, so I can pay her back when I can maneuver again.”


Jeremy threw up his hands, “You can’t be the son of a preacher man.  Them kind of people walk around with their hands held out like they are always asking people for money.”


After we were through the line, Jeremy was carrying his and my tray as we sat at the first empty table.  The three of us were finally settled when we were joined by a very pretty young lady.  Jeremy stood, “Jenny, I’d like for your to meet our newest cousin, Seth Morrison.”


“Jeremy, you kook, be serious. Seth can’t be your cousin, and besides, he always wears a tie to school.  What happened?   Did you forget your belt and borrowed it to hold your pants up because you’re getting to big for them?  Hi Seth, don’t let Jeremy lead you astray.”


Jeremy pouted, “Seth, Jennifer Robinson was my girlfriend until she just wounded me mortally.”


Jenny giggled, “I hope you’ll be recovered in time to take me to the party tomorrow night.”


I looked at Jennifer “Jenny, if someone is mortally wounded, doesn’t that mean that they’re going to die.”


“Seth, you’re right.  I guess you’ll have to take me.  We may have a difficult time doing the polka with your cast and crutches.”


The conversation was interrupted by two guys who plopped down at the table with their trays, I recognized their faces but I didn’t know their names, even though both of them were in some of my classes.  One of the guys commented, “Why is the preacher boy sitting at our table and where is his tie?”


Susan came to my defense, “Look, you two farm boys, don’t pick on my friend.  Jason, your brother is wearing Seth’s tie to hold his britches up because Jenny says he getting to big for them.”


Jason frowned, “Susie, that doesn’t make any sense.  If he’s getting to big for his pants, why would he need something to hold them up?”


Jenny started to laugh, “Jason, you, of all people, should know what would happen if the Jeremy’s pants weren’t secured.  They’d fall down exposing sights that would cause the school to be evacuated.”


Jeremy stood in a huff, “What is this?  Pick on sweet lil’ Jeremy, day?”


Jason’s  friend asked, “How does he know that that little Jeremy tastes sweet.  Has he been tasting the goods?”


“Okay, you smart assed punk.  I’ll meet you after school and we’ll settle this once and for all.  Seth can be the referee,”


“Guys, I’m sorry, I can’t make it.  Tim is picking me up after school to take me for my physical therapy.”


As we were leaving the cafeteria, I asked, “Susan, I take it that Jason is Jeremy‘s brother, but what was the other guy‘s name?  I know he‘s in some of my classes.”


“Seth, I’m sorry.  I thought everyone knew Taylor Bengen.  He’s the president of the junior class.  He’s a really neat guy.  Once you get to know him you’ll really like him.  I can’t for the life of me figure out why he and Jason are such good friends.”


When I went to the main entrance after school, Tim was waiting for me.  He was strangely non-talkative.  I was trying to think what I had done to offend him.


When we arrived at the clinic, Mrs. Carson was waiting for me.  Again, there was very little chit chat as there had been before.  I wasn’t concentrating on my exercises.  I blurted out, “Why is everyone acting so weird.  Did I do something wrong?”


Mrs. Carson had a funny look on her face, “Seth, you don’t know what happened this morning, do you?”


“Mrs. Carson, I have no idea what you’re talking about.  I got up, had a good breakfast, Mrs. Martz took me to school and practically delivered me to the office.  After that, it was a normal day.”


“Seth, now that you’re living at Mrs. Martz’s house, I think you should try to manipulate as much as you can, without your crutches.  Let me go get Doctor Wood, he wants to talk to you.”


Doctor Wood came in, “Mrs. Carson says your flexibility is very good.  I want you to get some x-rays to make sure your ankle is mending properly,  I’ll be with you as soon as the x-rays have been taken and developed.”


Mrs. Carson took me to the x-ray technician and told the young woman what the doctor wanted.


The young woman had me stand against the wall and then took two x-rays of my ankle area from different perspectives.  When they were developed, she took me to a another room, “Mr. Morrison, if you will make yourself comfortable, Doctor Wood will be right with you.”


It was only a few minutes before Doctor Wood knocked, 


When he came in, he put the x-rays on the viewing screen, “Seth, it looks as if everything is healing nicely.  I would estimate that we will be able to remove the cast in about three weeks.  You will need to limit how much stress you place on it for a while, and you will need to keep it wrapped in a bandage when you are walking or running, for several months.  Under no circumstances should you play an actual game of tennis until the bone and muscles are strong enough.  Do you have any questions?”


“Yes, I have a question.  Why is everyone acting so strangely?  It’s as if they’re afraid to talk to me, for fear they’ll say something they  shouldn’t.”


“Seth, sit down!”


I didn’t particularly appreciate the tone of Doctor Wood’s voice, because it sounded like something I might hear my Mother or Father say,  but I sat down.  When I was seated,  Doctor Wood asked, “Seth, how much do you know about what happened today?”


I had no idea what he was asking. “Doctor Wood, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.  Mrs. Martz bought me some clothes to fit over my cast.  I had a good breakfast and a good day at school.  When Tim picked me up, he was acting weird, and so was Mrs. Carson while she was working with me.”


“Do you mean to tell me that the authorities didn’t talk to you about the accident this morning, and what subsequently happened at the hospital?”


“Doctor Wood, no one has talked to me.  Has something happened to Mrs. Martz?  She was fine when she dropped me off for school.”


“Seth, your mother was traveling at an excessive speed this morning and drove into the abutment of a bridge, outside the city limits.  It appears she was leaving your father for good.  She is in intensive care at the hospital, and it’s touch and go whether she’s going to make it.” 


“Why didn’t someone tell what was happening before now?”


“Seth, there is more to the story that your Dad needs to explain to you.  Right now, he’s in the hospital as well.  I suggest that Alex or Tim take you to see him.  He has some things to tell you which will even upset you even more.  I know that you think they’ve tried to make you a prima dona,  I think those days are over.  In fact, I’ll go with you to support you against your Dad.”


“I’d better call Mrs. Martz and tell her I’m going to be late for dinner,”’


Doctor Wood, nodded, “I believe she‘s working, since she is a nurse.  The hospital has been jammed packed today and the administration called in part-time help because of your mother; and some things that happened.


“Alex, has been following what has happened this morning. He can fill you in..  My suggestion to you is that you live with Mrs. Martz until the dust settles, which I don’t think will be very soon.”


We went to the fourth floor of the hospital and found Dad on I.V. s, Dad tried to sit up by pushing  the buttons on his bed but complained, “I can’t get very comfortable.  Seth, why are you just now coming to see me?” 


”Doctor Wood defended me, “Reverend Morrison, calm down.  There were no reasons for Seth to visit the hospital, until now,  They thought that it would be better to come see you when you were alert.  Are you going to tell your son the full story that has happened?  If you don’t, someone else will, and he will find it very hard to trust you again.”


“Has anyone called the other four children and told them what is happening?


“You haven’t been able to provide the telephone numbers and addresses.  Seth can try getting in touch with them this evening, and tell them what they need to know.  What is it with Seth’s brothers and sisters?  They sure haven’t been exactly visible around your house.”


“For starters, Meg is none of you children’s biological mother.  Seth, your mother died shortly after you were born, and Meg came to work as a live in nurse because Seth was premature and was so small.  Meg and I started sleeping together which lasted almost a year.  We decided that it would be best if people continue to think of us as employee and employer.  It wasn’t until I received a call to come here ro work that we decided to act the roles of husband and wife.”


I'd had all the garbage that I could handle.  “Now, you’re telling us that you were living in sin all these years and spouting nonsense about people going to hell for their sins.  Sir, I feel sorry for you.  I’ll call the brothers and sisters, but if they know the real story, and I’m guessing they do, since I know they detest the woman who was supposedly my mother, they won‘t make any effort to come to Alabama.”


“Seth, please at least call them and tell them what’s happening.”


“I sort of know what happened to the woman who wasn’t my mother, but I don’t know the reason why you’re in the hospital.”


“I had a massive stroke when Meg announced that she was going to leave, this morning.  My left side is paralyzed.  Doctor Reyes, thinks that the movement will fully return after an extended period of rehabilitation.  Seth, could you help me sit up?  I feel so helpless.”


The nurse came into the room, “I’m afraid that I must ask you to leave.  The doctor has ordered a sedative before they take Mr. Morrison to have some more tests done so they can evaluate the damage that the stroke has caused.”


As much as I felt I should, I couldn’t bring myself to hug the man lying there.  “I’ll call the other four siblings and tell them what is happening.  I’ll come back tomorrow to check on you.”


Doctor Wood went to get the car and pulled to the front entrance.  When I got into the car I lost it.  “Why couldn’t someone at least have warned me what was happening?”


Doctor Wood looked at me, “Seth, what good would it have done to tell you what was happening?  There was nothing that you could have done about it.  It was up to the physicians and God to worry about the problem.  The big problem, now, is for you to decide to be a Christian and forgive your father for what has happened in the past.”


I mumbled, “Doctor Wood, it’s going to be hard to forgive him for how he and his non-wife treated me.  I feel as if they were using me to atone for the sins that they were perpetrating.  What are the people around here going to think when they find out that they weren’t married?  I’ll probably be classified as an infidel.”


“Seth, don’t be so hard on yourself and your family.  I understand that things have already started to change for you.  I think that the best thing for you to do is try to relegate the treatment that your so called parents reaped upon you to the back of your mind.  Move toward the future with a positive attitude.  I think that you will find that your father will be one of your biggest supporters, eventually.”


Doctor Wood dropped me off at Mrs. Martz’s house, “Seth, try not to be bitter about what you heard today.  I know it’s going to be hard, but you’ll be a better person if you can forget what has happened in the past.  You have a tremendous future ahead of you if you don’t let the hatred from the past consume you.” 


To be continued...


Editor's Notes:


I don't know why people kept trying to hide what happened from Seth, It seems to me that someone should have told him about the accident.  Obviously the fact that he wasn't getting along well with his "parents" shouldn't have kept the authorities from letting him know.  It wasn't fair to spring it on him the way they did.


Mrs. Martz is right.  Holding on to hatred is much more destructive for the person who is doing the hating than it is for the one who is being hated. 


There are definitely a few people that I have had contact with, whom I could easily build up hate toward, but since they are no longer around me, I realize that no matter how much I dislike them, they will never really know about it, so I don't dwell on them at all. 


I am not sure whether I have completely forgiven them, but I decided, a long time ago, that my holding on to the bitter feelings that I had toward them, did me no good whatsoever.  


Hate and anger are both very debilitating to people who keep them burning inside.  Feelings of that sort can actually cause people to have heart attacks or strokes. 

I was taught from my earliest childhood that we are supposed to forgive other people who hurt us.


I know I have been on this rant before, so I will drop it. 


I am ready for more chapters.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 03/18/11