It Started With a Coke
by: E Walk
(© 2009-2011 by the Author)

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Chapter 8

More Than Talk


Tim took me to Dr. Wood’s office and went to see what else he could do.  Alex came to get me, “Seth, be prepared.  Lucinda is a real witch when people say I can’t do that.  I’m just warning you that you shouldn’t say anything negative.  I swear she’s married to Lucifer.”


Alex took me to see an older woman.  She looked at me, “Alex, what’s this cry baby here for.  Did he break his little toe or something?  He looks like a real wimp to me.  He probably doesn’t know how to move faster than a snail.”


Alex started toward the door, “Seth, just remember Lucinda is better than your parents.  You’ll think she’s a saint.”


“Look kid, Alex is lying through his nose.  Let’s get you started on your excises.  I’m going to have a sheet that you need to get signed saying you did the exercises each night and it can’t be the same person who always signs or I’ll know you’re lying, especially if it‘s Alex.”


After Alex had disappeared, Lucinda turned into a different person, “Seth, don’t believe everything that Alex says. We need to start getting you ready so you will be able to wipe the courts with your opponents at next year’s state tennis tournament.  I’m sure that you’re going to think that I'm trying to kill you, but I’m not.  By the way, my name is Cindy.  Alex is really Lucifer in disguise.”


My therapy sessions were to become one of the highlights of my day.  Cindy turned into being more than a therapist; she and her husband Art became some of my biggest supporters.  Art had been a Tennis Pro when he was younger.  I*ll explain about that situation more, as the story goes along. 


I tried to do what Cindy wanted and didn’t complain.  She obviously could see that I was reaching my limits when she called a halt to the session.  “Seth, you did far better than I assumed you would.  Just don’t try to overdo it until Doctor Wood gives you the go ahead.  I understand you’re staying with the Doctor and Alex, temporarily.”


“Yes, but it will only be a matter of time before my parents try to get me under their control, again.  They probably consider me a menace to society and their security.”


Cindy grinned, “Seth, I don’t think Dr. Wood and Alex are going to permit your parents to get their grips on you again, at least not until your parents change their attitudes.  Mrs. Martz was in, today, and I overheard part of the conversation.  Trust me, you’re in good hands.  Your parents will come begging for you to come home.”


Alex arrived. “Cindy, I think Seth has done as much and more than we would have expected, today; our job is to get him in shape for the next years’ tennis matches, not drive him to the grave.  Seth, go get in the van so we can go home and fix some edible grub.”


I shook my head, “Don’t’ count on me to make anything exciting.  I’ve never had much experience in the kitchen.”


Alex laughed, “Between the Morrows, Mrs. Martz and us we will turn you into a gourmet in no time.”


I giggled, “So, you’re saying that I’m going to be a contestant on the Tennis Gourmet Chef contest.”


Doctor Wood had joined the conversation. “Seth, you need to seize any opportunity that is open to you.  It is apparent that your parents are so wrapped up in their church.  When you make a name for yourself, they’ll come begging you to come home.”


Doctor Wood sounded a gong. I was to find out that meant it was quitting time.


The staff didn’t argue, since they had worked hard.  Dr Wood reminded them, “Be glad that tomorrow is half day”


Cindy complained, “You’ll find some reason to keep us here the entire day. What about Seth’s therapy session?”


Alex answered, “Guys can give therapy sessions as well as ladies.  I’ll make sure he does his exercises after school, tomorrow.   We’ll have Seth walking before we open for business on Thursday.”


When we arrived at Doctor Wood and Alex’s house, Alex pointed to the refrigerator, “Help yourself to anything that you want.  Greg and I are going to swim a few laps to unwind before we fix dinner.”


I was surprised that they were inviting me to eat something before dinner.  I looked in the refrigerator and decided that I would wait until dinner and went to the bedroom where I was sleeping.  I opened the backpack that Mark had sent me and started on my homework.  I was almost finished with my assignments when Alex knocked on the door.


“Seth, why didn’t you answer the phone?   There were three calls and they were all for you.”


“Alex, remember, I’ve been conditioned to ignore the phone.  Who would be calling me here at your house?  No one ever calls me on the phone.”


Alex helped me up, “While you’re at our house, you can answer the phone.  It will save everyone time if you do so.  Come on; let me show you how to retrieve the messages and you can return the calls.”


We went into the kitchen where Doctor Wood was fixing dinner.  Alex showed me how to retrieve the messages and went to help the Doctor.


I followed the directions of the voice on the phone.  I was stymied when the voice told me to enter the password.  “Alex, the voice wants to know the password.”


Alex laughed, “I forgot that they would ask for that.  I do it so automatically that I don’t even think about it.  The number is 9822.”


I punched 9822, “You have three saved messages.  Push one to hear your messages.”


The first message was from Coach Richmond, “Seth, this is Coach Richmond.  Give me a call and tell me how it’s going.”


I took down the phone number and punched delete and went to the second message, “Hey Seth, it’s Tim.  Susan and I will be over about seven thirty and take you out on the town, so you can show off how well you can operate them crutches.  See you then.  Tim.”


I should have looked at the caller id before I dialed the third number.  As soon as the voice answered, I knew it was not going to be a fun phone call.  “This is Reverend Morrison.”


“This is Seth returning your call.”


“Seth, you need to come home.  People are starting to talk.”


“Father, I thought it was understood that I wouldn’t be living at the manse until I was able to go up and down the stairs.  In fact, I may never choose to return to live under the same roof as you and your wife.  I’m rather enjoying having people who really care about me.  I certainly haven’t felt much love in your house, lately.”


“Seth, what have you been drinking?  You know better than to talk to me like that.  Let me talk to that heathen Greg Wood.”


I held out the receiver, “Doctor Wood, my father would like to talk to you.”


“This is Greg Wood.  … Excuse me, Mr. Morrison.  You have no right to tell me what to do, especially after the way you have treated Seth in the past.  Please do not call our number again, because we will be blocking it; Seth will not be coming home anytime soon and I’ll be glad to tell your flock exactly why.  Have a good night.”


I was standing there grinning when Doctor Wood hung up.  He looked at me and asked, “What’s so funny?”


“I was imagining how red my father’s face must have been.  I bet his jugular veins were palpitating like crazy.”


After a dinner like I was not used to, I was more than sufficiently full.  I tried to help with the dishes and Alex informed me, “This is our time together.  Why don’t you go get ready to go with Tim and Susan?  They should be here, shortly.  Tim is going to take our van, since it will be easier for you to get in and out of.”


“When did you talk to Tim?”


Doctor Wood laughed, “Tim was foresighted enough to ask if he could use the van before he left the office, today.  Do you and Tim have something going?”


I must have frowned, “Not that I know of.  All I know about him is that he seems like a really nice guy, and that he thinks he’s gay and that he’s in college.”


Doctor Wood got a serious look on his face, “Tim was in a similar predicament as you.  He was good in sports, but he didn’t do much else to make friends, because he was gay.  He never went to any school functions that he didn’t have to.  It was when he broke his leg his senior year and had to come live with Alex and me that he realized that he wasn’t so different, after all.”


“We convinced him to sit down with his parents and family and talk about himself, and how he felt.  He was surprised at how well his parents and family took the news.  Other than Susan, his brothers and sisters are older.  Mr. and Mrs. Morrow told him that they always thought that he was gay and had been waiting for Tim to tell them.”


“Tim decided to not do anything about his sexual feelings until he went to college, because he didn’t want to be ostracized by his high school mates.  He’s still hesitant to do anything about his feelings because society has instilled in him how bad it is for members of the same sex to love each other.”


I interrupted, “If he knows that I think I’m gay, why are he and Susan both coming to pick me up?”


Doctor Wood shook his head, “He must have something in mind.  Tim is a bright young man.”


We were sitting in the family room watching television when the doorbell rang and Tim and Susan walked in.  Alex didn’t even look up, “The keys to the van are on the counter in the kitchen.  Susan, you need to make sure our patient is home before nine thirty.  His system isn’t used to being out of the house after six o’clock unless you’re taking him to a church meeting.”


Susan giggled, “We found this church meeting in Skokie.  We’ll be back in time to go to school in the morning.  Never fear, Alex, my brother would never be seen with me after nine o’clock.  He’s afraid some of his college friends might see me and decide that I was a lady of the night.”


We went to the Dairy Queen.  Tim apologized, “We’d take you to the mall, but I don’t think you’re ready for that, yet.  A lot of kids from school stop in here, so this will be a good place to show them that you’re just a normal guy.”


We sat in a booth.  Susan and Tim slid in first and Tim motioned, “Why don’t you sit beside me, so your leg with the cast is on the outside and you can keep it away so that Susan and I don’t accidentally hit your bare toes.”


We ordered a sundae and Susan and Tim kept babbling about everything.  All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my upper thigh.  I looked at Tim and wanted to ask what he thought he was doing but I didn’t want to embarrass Susan.  I pushed Tim’s hand away, but he grabbed my left wrist and placed it on his penis and started to move it up and down.


We had finished our desserts and Susan had announced, “Guys, I need to go home.  I still have a paper to finish for tomorrow.  Why don’t you drop me off at the house, and Tim can take you to Doctor Wood and Alex’s house, since he’s on break this week before finals.  He’s probably going to flunk out so he’s decided to not study for his exams.”


“Don’t believe Susan, Seth.  I do my best studying between the hours of midnight and four in the morning.  That’s the only time it’s quiet in the dorm.”


Susan wasn’t going to let Tim win, “Yeah, and that’s why he sleeps until noon each day.  It’s a good thing that he has some acquaintances who let him use their notes for the classes he slept through.”


“Sis, you’re giving Seth the wrong impression of me.  He’s going to think that I’m into narcotics or something.”


I looked a Tim, “So, are you into narcotics?”


“I tried marijuana one time.  It was great when I was using it, but the after effects weren’t so hot.  I swore off drugs forever, have you tried drugs?”


“The biggest drug that I've ever used was prescription drugs and my parents didn’t believe in giving the recommended dosages, because they think that the drug manufactures were making them so they were addictive.”


We left Susan off at the Morrow house, “Guys, don’t go overboard on your first date.  Remember, I get a full report in the morning,”


I threw up my hands, “How come you figure that Tim and I are going to be a couple?”


Susan grinned, “While Tim is away, I will need to guard you and we will have to go to all the high school functions  That will keep it all in the family and stop people from talking, even though we know we have given them no reason to talk.”


As Susan got out to the van in front of the Morrow house, she kissed me on the lips.  Tim will probably kiss you, later.  You’ll have to let me know who won the kissing completion.”


Tim and I arrived at Greg and Alex’s residence right at nine thirty, Alex turned around, “What did you do with Susan?  Or is this turning into a mating game, already.  Tim, you’re a couple of years older than Seth.”


“So, Dr. West is eons older than you, Alex.”


Alex took offense, “Greg is only three years older than me which makes us about the same age difference as you two.”


“Don’t worry, we aren’t going to be doing things that you might do, yet.  It would be crazy if we sleep together to see how are bodies might fit.  Tonight we’re concentrating on the art of kissing skills.   If you will excuse us,  we’ll need to practice our kissing, since it is new to Seth and I haven‘t had much practice, either.”


We went to the bedroom where I was sleeping, temporarily.  Tim pushed me on the bed and engaged our mouths.   I caught on to the hang of French kissing, and reciprocated.  In fact, as the tongues were going back, other parts of my body were responding, as well.


Tim stopped abruptly, “Seth, this is first endeavor; we don’t want to take it too fast. We have a lot of things to talk about before we get too serious  There is the difference of age, but I’m only two years older than you, so that shouldn’t be a major problem except, maybe, during the school year.  We have a lot of decisions to make, if you’re interested in continuing to explore a relationship.  I certainly don’t want to force you into something you don‘t want to do.  I’m going to leave, now, to give you time to sort out your feelings; Goodnight.” 


To be continued...



Editor's Notes:  It looks as if Tim is interested in pursuing a relationship with Seth, and Seth doesn't seem to find that a bad thing.


They do, of course, need to take things slow, and determine exactly what they want to do.


I hope things work out for them to get together, since I think they are pretty compatible. 


Thank you so much, E Walk for bringing us this very interesting story.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 02/11/11