Bart and Chris
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 51
Investigator Chris


When we arrived at the house, Chris and Tio went to change into shorts.  Chris came back with five dollars and handed it to Ty.  “Uncle Ty, this is all the money I have.  Will this be enough to help pay for the food and tip?”


The five adults were stunned by Chris’ gesture.  Ty recovered nicely, “Chris, you keep the money.  If you guys wash my car, that will more than take care of it.”


Chris looked at me, “Dad, could you please bring the vacuum cleaner, so we can do the inside of Uncle Ty’s car before we do the outside?”


Bobby and Billy went to help Chris and Tio and I took the vacuum cleaner, so it was available to them.  We watched as Chris came in and got a bottle of window cleaner and paper towels so he could wash the windows on the inside and the dashboard.


Chris, Tio, Bobby and Billy worked as a team.  Bart tried to help them, but they shooed him away.


It was almost two hours later when Billy came and announced, “Daddy, Chris says that you need to come inspect and see if we did a good job.”


The five adults walked out to the driveway where the boys had been working, and Ty inspected the car.  He walked around the car and commented, “I don’t supposed you washed the tires.”


Billy was indignant, “I washed the tires, and Chris made sure I did it right.”


Ty crawled into the car and adjusted the rear view mirror leaving a finger print.  “How come there’s a finger print on the rear view mirror and why does this car smell as it if it’s new?”


Chris put his hands on his hips, “Mr. Jefferson, if there’re any fingerprints on the mirror, they’re yours.  Bobby had cleaned it thoroughly.  We found scents in the garage and figure you wouldn’t appreciate your car smelling like lilacs.  Come on guys we’ll spray his car with the skunk smell.  Maybe that will make him happy.”


Ty crawled out of the car and grabbed Chris, “Look, kid, that’s no way to talk to an adult.  How much do I owe you?”


Chris shook his head and hugged Ty, “Look, football hero, we were just paying you back for a good lunch.  We wanted to make sure that you didn’t go to the car wash and watch all the cute girls and boys go by.”


Chris squirmed down, “Dads, I think you should take me and Tio to the area where he lived so he and we can talk to the neighbors to see if they saw anything suspicious last night.  I don’t think Tio’s Dad should go or people might not be so willing to talk.”


Ty interrupted, “Chris, don’t you think it would be a good idea to have some police persons go with you?”


“Uncle Ty,  people would probably be more willing to talk if two little angelic boys approached them, rather than an adult.  We can always report what the neighbors say and the police can follow-up on what we find out.”


Ty looked at Zack and me, “I think Chris has a good idea.  They could probably gain much more information from the neighbors around the Oleander’s house than any adult, but they would need to stay together and within your sight at all times.”


“They could report their findings to the authorities.  The only bad part is that they could be called to testify in a court case.”


I looked at the two boys, “Go change into some dry clothes, and Dad Zack and I will take you.”


Bart had been on the phone, “Dads, is it okay if I take Tory and Roddy and his date to a movie?   I probably won‘t be home for dinner.  We thought we would eat out if it’s okay with you?”


Zack answered, “You have our permission to eat out as long as you’re home by nine thirty since tomorrow is a school day.  I’m surprised Roddy has a date.”


Bart giggled, “It’s a smoke screen.  Dad, remember I don’t go to school.”


I laughed, “Nope, but you will be next fall, so you need to get in practice.”


Bart fake pouted, “You’re treating me as if I was a little kid, like Chris.”


Chris was standing there, “I resent that comment.  Come on, Dads, get us out of here before we have to change Bart’s diapers.”


Zavi asked, “Guys, may I go with you?  I would like to see how much damage was done to the house.”


Ty took a deep breath, “Maybe, I'd better go as your legal counsel in case we meet the police there.  Tip, why don’t you take the children to the roller skating rink.”


Zack announced, “I’ll go with Tip, so we can make sure that Bobby and Billy don’t break an arm or leg.”


Bobby piped up, “Uncle Tip, make sure you bring your doctor’s kit.  Uncle Zack will probably break at least one or two bones this afternoon.”


Ty took his vehicle and I was sitting in the back with Tio and Chris.  Zavi directed Ty to the house.  When we pulled up to the area in front of the house, there was a police cruiser that said, ‘Arson Squad.’  There was also a fire department vehicle.  The area was cordoned off and a police officer was standing at the entrance to the house.


Ty parked the car and as we climbed out, Tio said, “The front doesn’t look like it was hurt much.”


We started to walk around the cordoned off area and the officer who was on duty challenged us, “This area is off limits to visitors.”


Chris pointed at Tio, “This is Tio’s home, and he wants to see what happened.  Everything he had was here.  He doesn’t even have any clothes.  He’s wearing some of mine.”


The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a gentlemen, “I’m Ron Rakes,  an insurance adjuster, and I was told to meet the owner, a Mrs. Oleander, here at 2:30.”


Zavi shook his head no, “For your information, sir, the present Mrs. Oleander’s name isn’t on the title for the property or on the insurance policy.  I bought this house when I was married to my first wife who died.  I never changed the deed or the insurance to reflect that the present Mrs. Oleander was an owner.”


The insurance person, Mr. Rakes, was rattled, but asked, “Is the same true of the facility where your law office was located?”


Zavi nodded, “Yes sir, I had my law practice and bought the facility before I was married to the current Mrs. Oleander.”


Mr. Rakes assumed a haughty position, “Mr. Oleander, did you realize that the company was going to cancel your policies next week when they expired?”


Ty took the offensive, “Mr. Rakes, that has nothing to do with what has happened or is happening here.  I suggest that you worry about the business you’re here for, or we’ll have you and your company in court faster than you can go to the bathroom.”


Chris started to laugh, “Uncle Ty, I hope he only pees in his pants or the courtroom will smell.”


Everyone was laughing except for Mr. Rakes.


The frivolity stopped when a car pulled up, and Mrs. Oleander and two gentlemen got out.  Mrs. Oleander came running up to where we were standing, screaming, “What the hell are you doing here, you arsonist?  You set fire to my beautiful home.”


Chris went and stood in front of Mrs. Oleander, “Look, you wickedest witch, there is no way that Tio or Uncle Zavi could have set fire to this house or the law office.  I was with them all day yesterday, last night and today.  He just told us that neither of the buildings has ever been in your name.”


Mrs. Oleander grabbed Chris, “Look you little prick, you have no right to talk to me like that.”


A camera or video light flashed when I did something that I never thought I would do; I decked a person and it was a lady, “How dare you touch our son like that?”


It’s a good thing she was wearing slacks because otherwise she would have been on display for the world to see.  I was trying to calm down, and I saw that the two men who had accompanied Mrs. Oleander were being restrained by the police who had appeared as the people were exiting the house.


An older gentleman and woman approached the area and the gentleman spoke, “Those are the three people who were taking things from this house when we were talking to our neighbors yesterday afternoon.  We saw them take a big screen television and some furniture and large number of suitcases.  We figured the Oleanders were moving.”


“It wasn’t long after the u-haul truck had pulled away that we saw the smoke and flames coming from the house and called 911.  It seemed to take a long time for fire trucks to respond.”


Chris looked at the police and asked, “Can we please go inside and see how much damage has been done after Mrs. Oleander and her friends have been taken to jail?”


Mrs. Oleander started spitting her vile language again,  and I put my hands over Chris’ ears. 


He looked up at me, “Dad, why did you do that?”


“Son, you don’t need to hear talk like that.”


“But, Dad, that’s the way our old dad used to talk all the time.”


We were finally permitted to enter the house and about the only two areas of the house that escaped much damage were the kitchen and Tio’s bedroom which was above the kitchen.  We collected his clothes, which smelled of smoke, and the few belongings he had and put them in the trunk of Ty’s car.  Mr. Oleander’s bedroom and belonging were totally destroyed.


We made our way to the site where the Oleander’s law office had been and  the only things in tact were the fire proof safes that had contained the files of the clients.  Ty asked, “Zavi, did your wife know the combinations of the safes?”


Zavi shook his head no, “After she could never get them open when she first started to work here, she stopped trying.  Either the secretary or I had to open them.  She was a klutz when it came to numbers except when she was spending money.”


Mr. Rakes had accompanied us to the law offices.  I was surprised when he offered, “Mr. Oleander, I’ll have a check to for $20,000.00 tomorrow to cover your immediate expenses.  I need time to study the total damage, and I think I’m going to need your help to assess the total damages.  Where can I get in touch with you?”


Ty answered, “You will be able to reach Mr. Oleander at my office or at our house.”


Ty pulled out his wallet and handed a business card to Mr. Rakes, “Mr. Oleander is going to be an associate at the Jefferson Law Office starting tomorrow.”


Ty turned to Chris and Tio, “Okay troops, we need to get these files out of here before they fall into enemy hands.  See what kind of containers you can find so we can bury them in our secret cave.”


Chris started to laugh, “Whatever you say, Colonel Jefferson.  Me and Corporal Tio will see what we can find.”


Mr. Rakes was standing there laughing, “Corporals Chris and Tio, I just happen to have some boxes in the trunk of my car that might work nicely.  They have never been used, so you will need to make them.”


Tio and Chris helped Mr. Rakes get the boxes.  Chris mastered putting the boxes together, and Tio was loading them so the four adults could load them into Mr. Rakes’ car, since our car was already overloaded.


We were just finishing when Ty’s cell phone rang, “… Hi Bobby, what’s up? … Is Tip there? … Okay we’ll meet you at Fidelio’s at six o’clock. …  After dinner, we need to take some things to Zack’s and my office and you and Zack can help us while these corporals boss us around. … Okay, see you there in fifteen minutes.”


Chris looked at Mr. Rakes, “Sir, would you like to join us for dinner at Fidelio’s, or whatever, or do you need to get home to your family?”


“Chris, I would very much enjoy being able to eat with you since I have no family in the this area.  It gets very lonely eating by myself.”


Chris pointed to Zavi, “Mr. Oleander, you ride with Mr. Rakes and make sure he doesn’t get lost.”


I had no idea what to expect, since I had never heard of Fidelio‘s.  We met Zack, Tip and Ty’s children at the entrance of the restaurant.  The restaurant was busy, but fortunately, Tip had called ahead and we were seated immediately after we had our hands stamped.  Chris looked at the hostess, who was stamping our hands and asked, “Why are you doing that?”


The young woman smiled, “It’s to prevent anyone from being able to kidnap you.  You can only leave the restaurant with someone who has the same number on their hand that you do.”


Chris was perplexed, “Will it ever disappear?”


Bobby answered, “Don’t worry, Chris, it will wear off before we go to school tomorrow.”


It was definitely a restaurant that catered to children and it had all sorts of activities for children.  Tio was looking around in amazement, “I didn’t know that there were restaurants like this.  I thought all restaurants had waiters and waitresses who wore white shirts with bow ties.  There aren’t even any cloths on the tables.”


I looked at Zavi to see what he would say, but he didn’t say anything.


A young waiter dressed in Bermuda shorts and a polo shirt with the restaurant logo came to the table and handed us menus. 

When he handed the six young people children’s menus, he gave  each of them four tokens, “Here you go, these will give you something to do while it takes two hours for your food to arrive.  Now what can I get you to drink while you’re deciding what you would like to eat?”


When the waiter had gone, Tio asked, “Can we order what we want?”


Tip answered, “Yep.”


The children’s menu had pictures so even Barbie could order what she wanted. 


I watched and the young people were sharing what they had ordered with each other, especially Chris and Tio.  I heard Tio say, I would have been scolded for doing this.”


Zavi, who was sitting across from me, cringed but said nothing.


When the children finished eating, they asked to be excused.  I heard Bobby say, “Come on, Chris and Tio, we’ll show you how to use the tokens.  If you get lucky, you might win a prize or some free tokens.”


Mr. Rakes had a funny look on his face, “Why would the restaurant just give tokens to the children with the possibility they might win a prize?  That doesn’t make much sense.”


Ty laughed, “Ron, actually it is an astute way for the restaurant to make money.  They sucker the children into thinking they are going to win something.  It’s as if the restaurant is promoting gambling addiction in children.  Mark my word, they’ll be back in ten minutes asking for money to buy more tokens.”


We heard the sound of bells and whistles, Ron asked, “What’s happening?  Is there a fire?”


Tio was hurrying toward the table and approached where Zack and I were seated, “Nano Mark and Mr. Zack, Chris needs you.  He won the big jackpot.”


Zack whispered, “What do you suppose that means?”


Tio took us to where Chris was talking to a gentleman who presumably was the manager on duty.  Chris looked at me, “Dad, Mr. Young would like for you to sign a release form so he can take a picture of me to put it on the wall of honor.”


A group of children were standing around watching what was happening.  After I signed the release form, Mr. Young and Chris were holding a big check that had Chris’ name on it in the amount of  $250.00.”


Mr. Young smiled at Chris, “You’re only the third person to win the big jackpot since we opened 12 years ago.  Congratulations.”  After the picture had been taken, Mr. Young, handed Chris a normal size check, “Chris, would you be able to come in sometime later in the week to autograph the picture?”


Chris looked at Zack and me.  I answered, “Mr. Young, it would probably need to be Tuesday, since Chris is going to New York City later in the week.”


After we agreed to stop by the restaurant about seven thirty on Tuesday, Chris and Tio followed us back to table.  Ty’s four children were there asking their Daddy for some money to get some more tokens.  Ty handed Bobby $10.00, “This will get each of you ten more tokens, but that’s all you get.”


Chris handed three tokens to Tio, “Tio, here take these.  I don’t want to play anymore games.”


“But Chris, I haven’t even spent any of my tokens yet.  I’ve never done anything like this before.”


Chris stood, “Come on, Tio, I’ll help you.”


Chris and Tio were giggling when they arrived back at the table.  Zavi asked, “What’s so funny guys?”


Tio answered, “Dad, you’re not going to believe this, but I only played one of the tokens that Chris gave me and won $25.00.  We gave  Chris’ other two tokens to Becky and Barbie and they each won $5.00 with them.   I gave my four tokens to Bobby and Billy and they won some more free tokens.”


Billy came skipping back to the table, “Look Dads, I won ten bucks.”


When Barbie and Becky arrived, they were waving their five dollar bills.  Bobby arrived, “Let’s get out of this place.  I’m never coming to this place with Chris and Tio again.  They’ll hog all of the lucky tokens.”


Chris tried to placate Bobby, “That’s okay, Bobby, I’ll share my money with you.”


Ty shook his head no, “No you won’t.”


Chris asked, “Why not?”


“Because you won it fair and square.  Bobby, you’re acting like a spoiled brat.”


“But, Dad, I was teasing.  Sorry for what I said, Chris and Tio.”


When we departed the restaurant, Zack and I had the six children in the van and the other two vehicles headed toward Ty’s office.


When we got home, Bobby came to Zack and me almost in tears, “Nano Mark and Uncle Zack, I didn’t mean to be acting like a spoiled brat.  I don‘t want people to think that about me.”


I hugged Bobby, “Bobby, I know that you aren’t a spoiled brat.  But Mr. Oleander and Mr. Rakes don’t know you very well.  You need to be careful what you say around people you don’t really know, they very well could get the wrong impression.” 


We had the children in bed when Tip, Ty, and Zavi arrived with Tio’s clothes.  I started to wash them to get rid of the smoke smell.   When Bart arrived he started to complain, “Dads, why are you doing laundry at this time on a Sunday night?”


I held up a shirt, “Here, smell and you'll see why.”


“Ah, so these are Tio’s clothes.  Leave the rest of them and I’ll do them tomorrow.  I guess that this means I’m sleeping on the sofa bed again?  Better go take care of business while I can.  Oh by the way, we had a great time. Thanks for trusting me.”


To be continued...




Editor's Notes: That was a very nice chapter. I learned a few things. That wicked witch and her friends were pretty stupid, not to mention mean and bitter.


It's better not to act up when you are around people who don't know you. You might give them the wrong impression about you.


And I learned about gambling. Wow! Education, sweet!


I have to admit that it never occurred to me that those restaurants that have the game machines for kids were actually priming kids to become gamblers, but it certainly does fit. 


Every one of us gambles, to one degree or another.  For example, you walk up to a vending machine, put your money in the slot and press the button for the item you want. You stand there with somewhat of a strange expression on your face, waiting for all the little wheels to finish turning, and smile at that bag of chips which is in the process of falling, hopefully, into the delivery tray, only to see it get stuck, halfway down.


Luckily, I used to work for a vending company, so I know the trick.  Don't tell anyone I told you this, because it is a closely guarded secret, but it really is simple to get that bag of chips.  You reach in your pocket and pull out the appropriate key and open the door to the machine. There are only about six standard keys to vending machines. Unless the operator is pretty smart and has the locks changed, you have a pretty good chance of having a key that will open it.  You don't have to open it all the way, just far enough to allow the bag to drop all the way down.  Then you push the door closed again and lock it. Then reach into the delivery shoot and retrieve your bag of chips.  Tah dah!  Oh wait, I forgot, not everyone has a set of keys to vending machines.  Silly me! Oh, and even if you do have a set of vending keys, you need to know whether or not there is an alarm on the machine. Don't open a machine that has an alarm. That could get you into a lot of trouble. 


I actually have helped a lot of people over the years, to get their products that were caught in machines.  It's fun to watch someone pound on the front of the machine trying to jar the bag loose.  It never, or I should say, seldom ever, works to do that, and I saw one guy actually crack the glass on the front of a machine. I wasn't sure if he was really trying to get his candy or he was just so angry that he was taking out his frustration on the machine. I didn't even get near him. I figured if he was that upset, I didn't want to get involved.


With all the modern technology these days, there are very few mechanical vending machines anymore, so it is most likely not something that you could do now.


I'm ready for more chapters!!!!!!!!


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 09/25/09