Bart and Chris
by: E Walk
(© 2009 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 27

Farmer Bear



When I went to check on the children, I was totally surprised by what I saw.  Billy was lying there holding his new Teddy bear which was dressed in a baseball uniform, and Bobby was cuddling his bear which was wearing a football uniform.


I checked on the girls and Becky was smothering her ballerina bear and Barbie was hugging her princess bear.  I was shaking my head as I walked to the apartment.  Bart was sitting in the living area on the floor in his briefs with the computer and the headphones mouthing words.  He waved to me as I walked in.  I decided not to bother him and went to check on Chris. 


What I saw made me want to hug and smother him in kisses.  He was holding his farmer bear in his arm.  He looked up at me, “Daddy, I really like my bear.  I never had a Teddy bear before.  I leaned down and kissed Chris, “Goodnight, Son.”


I kissed his Teddy bear, “Good night, Farmer Bear.”


Chris put the bear up to my face and it sounded as if the bear was talking, “Goodnight Daddy Nano, I’ll make sure Chris is safe.”  I swear it felt as if the bear kissed me.


I took a shower and had just crawled into bed when there was a tap on the door.  I called out, “Come in.”


Bart came in and sat down on the side of the bed, “Dad, would it seem too childish if I got a Teddy bear too.  I never had a Teddy bear.  Did you help Barbie pick out the costumes?”


“Nope, she decided what she wanted everyone's bear’s costumes to be. I was a little concerned about the costumes.  I had no problem with Chris’ bear, but I was concerned about Bobby and Billy’s.  I guess I need to get your other Dad a bear for his graduation party.  They had a graduation gown and mortar costume for the bears.”


Bart leaned down and kissed me, “Goodnight, Dad.”


I hugged him and kissed him, “Goodnight, Son.”


After he had departed, I just lay there and thought, ‘Why can’t parents just love their children for who they are.  They don’t know what they are missing.  No one is perfect.’


I was awakened the next morning by a voice, “Daddy Nanny, Chris says you need to get up so you can go run.”


I looked up and Chris’ bear was sitting on my chest.  I decided to play along with the game.  “I’m too old to go running anymore, Farmer Teddy.”


“Look old man, either you get out of bed, or I’ll have one of my cows kick you.  Now get up.”


I looked around and I couldn’t see anyone, “Chris, help me! Your bear is threatening me.”


Chris and Bart came in from the bathroom laughing.  I was a little confused, “Chris, how did you get your bear to talk ?”


The bear answered, “Look old man. Chris didn’t make me talk.  I can talk for myself.  Now get up.”


Chris came and hugged me, “Daddy, please don’t be mad at me.  I don’t know how it happened, but I can make it sound as if Farmer Bear is talking.”


I was stunned by the revelation, “Chris, I don’t know how you did it, but you have acquired the skill of ventriloquism.  People have to practice many hours to develop that skill.”


The bear started talking, “Old man. Get your butt out of bed now or we won’t have time to go running.”


When we got back from running, Chris stopped just before we went into the house, “Dad and Bart, please don’t tell anyone that I can make my bear talk.  I don’t want anyone to know.  Maybe I can do something special for Daddy Zack’s graduation party.”


I was going to take the four young people to school so Bart was taking care of the cleanup.  Barbie had demanded that she needed all of the Teddy bears so she could teach them to color and write their names.


When I got to the school, I parked and walked my four young people into school.  Chris looked up at me, “Daddy, are we in trouble?”


I patted him on the back because I didn’t want to embarrass him, “No, Dr. Plummer just wants to talk to me.”


When I walked into the office, there was a line of people who needed something, so I waited my turn.  The receptionist/secretary looked up, “Oh, hi Mr. Leavitt, Dr. Plummer is expecting you.  She’s in her office.”


I went to Dr. Plummer’s office door which was open.  She saw me and motioned for me to come in, “Mark, please come in and close the door.”


The three visitors stood and Dr. Plummer began, “Mark Leavitt. I’d like to introduce Dr. Aaron Trout, our assistant superintendent in charge of human resources.  I shook the gentleman’s hand.


I moved to the second person, “Good to see you again Dr. Barclay.”


Dr, Plummer motioned to the third person “Mark, I’d like for you to meet Dr. Rita Delaney, our assistant superintendent for special education services.”


After I shook the lady’s hand, Dr. Plummer motioned, “Why don’t we sit at the table?  I'm sure it will be more comfortable.”


When we were seated, Dr. Delaney started, “Thank you for coming to talk to us, Mr. Leavitt.  I am particularly excited to visit with you because you come so highly recommended.”


“The district has received a grant to pilot a new program and you have all the qualifications to be the person in charge of the program.  This school has been chosen to be the school where the program will be piloted.”


“Basically, it will be a program that will work with troubled youth who are not achieving to their fullest potential.  You might say it is a hybrid because it combines the functions of a counselor and special education teacher.  Now, before you say anything, I know that you do not want to be employed full time at this point in time, because of your position as Nano for Mr. Tyler Jefferson’s four children and your own two sons.  We are willing to negotiate with you on that point.”


I had to say something, “Dr. Delaney, you’re frightening me.  Might I know how you happen to know so much about me?”


The four Drs. laughed.  Dr. Plummer answered, “Easy, Mr. Mark, it seems that the persons in making the grant available to us, pretty much informed us that you would use those excuses.”


I started to laugh, “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.  I think I have been set up.  You did say persons, so I’m guessing one of those persons might have the initials A. S. and another might be D. R.  Am I correct?”


Dr. Trout nodded yes, “Pretty good guess for a Johnny come lately.  Mark, I pulled your application and credentials from the file and you have the perfect qualifications for the position and Dr. Plummer tells us that she has watched how you used your skills with young people and how they have responded.”


Dr. Trout continued, “The four of us have talked and hope that you would accept a three quarter time position at least initially until such time as you would be willing to work full time.”


Dr. Delaney picked up, “Mark, if you would accept the position, you and I will need to meet and develop a plan for the program.  You already have two excellent resources who would be willing to help us with the establishing the guidelines for the program.  Both Mrs. Sweet and Dr. Robinson have agreed to assist us.”


Dr. Barclay spoke for the first time.  “Mark, if the pilot program is as successful as we think it will be with you running it, we would like to expand it to all of the elementary schools, and perhaps to the middle schools as well.”


Dr. Trout added, “Mark, in addition to you.  We would provide you with at least one paraprofessional and some administrative support so you can document the results of your efforts.  You would report directly to Dr. Plummer.”


Dr. Plummer looked at me, “Mark, we’ve thrown a lot of information at you and we realize that you need some time to think about the offer.  Amber said that you would probably want to discuss the offer with Zack, and Tip and Ty.”


I grinned, “I already have talked to them and Zack told me to go for it, so we would be able to feed our sons.  I would like to think about it though, and I need to talk to the children, so they know what’s going on.  How soon will you need to know my answer?”


Dr. Delaney answered, “Yesterday will be fine.  Seriously, Mark, the sooner the better.”


Dr. Trout added.  “We will be able to pay you a stipend for any work you do over the summer in developing the guidelines for the program.”


I stood, “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your time.  I will get back to you by Monday at the latest with my answer if not before, but I really need to think about what’s best for Mr. Jefferson’s children and our two sons first.  I’m very flattered by your offer.  It was a pleasure meeting and talking with you.”


They stood and I shook their hands.  As I was driving home, I was thinking, ‘I need to think of a way to get even with Mrs. Sweet.  I wish Chris was home.  We could play games with her mind using his bear.’


When I arrived at the house, Barbie was brushing the bears with a bush we had bought at the Build a Bear store.  She looked at me, “Nano Mark, Billy Bear is in time out.  He wouldn’t write his name.”


I sat down beside Barbie, “Barbie, did you try to talk to Billy Bear, is there a problem?” 


Barbie looked at me, “Nano, he just said he didn’t want to do it.  All he wants to do is go play ball.  He wants to know when we are going to buy him a swimming suit so he can go swimming.”


I wanted to laugh, but was able to keep a straight face. “Barbie, let’s go see if we can find something for lunch.  We probably need to go to the store after lunch and get some food for this weekend.”


She gathered the five bears and put them on the counter so they wouldn’t get dirty.  When Mrs. Sweet and Bart appeared, Mrs. Sweet  asked, “So, did you accept the job?”


Bart responded immediately, “What job?”


“Mrs. Sweet, I did not accept the job, yet, because I need to talk to Ty’s children and Zack and my sons about the possibility of accepting the job.  I talked to Zack about it last night, and he said go for it.  Tip and Ty have no problem with me accepting it.  My first responsibility, though, has to be Tip and Ty’s children and Bart and Chris.  It sounds like a great opportunity and I’m enthralled with the concept?”


Mrs. Sweet nodded, “Mark, I really think you need to take it, because I think you are going to get awfully bored if you don’t.  Why not get paid for working at school instead of just volunteering.  You can do that when you get old like me.”


Bart started to laugh, “I won’t say what I was thinking.”


Mrs. Sweet glared at Bart, “Spit it out, kid.”


“Okay, what you should have said was old and bossy like me.  Dad, is it okay if I take your car and go to Mrs. Sweet’s house and mow her yard?  Dad, I almost forgot, Dr. Robinson wants you to call him.”


“Of course, you can go mow Mrs. Sweet’s yard for her.  Just remember that the band is going to be here after school to practice.  Did Dr. Robinson say what he wanted?”


“No, he just asked that you call him.”  Bart picked up the dishes we had used and took them to the put them in the dishwasher.


After Mrs. Sweet and Bart had departed, I called Dr. Robinson.


“This is the Robinson residence.”


“Dr. Robinson, this is Mark.  Bart said you wanted me to call.”


“Yes, I have two questions.  First, did you accept the job and secondly, could you watch the grandchildren after school the next two days?  David and I are flying to D.C. to get David enrolled in Gallaudet University for the summer.”


“Dr. Robinson, the job is very appealing, but I need to discuss it with the children before I accept it.  Secondly, I would be glad to watch your grandchildren for the next two days.”


“Great, I’ll bring Sarah over in a couple of minutes, since we are scheduled to take off at four fifteen.”


I had a panicky thought, I can’t get that many people in the van if I take Sarah and Barbie with me to pick up the children.  Barbie and I walked outside to wait for Sarah.  Mrs. Quinn was out working in the flower bed.  I walked over to her, “Mrs. Quinn, I have a favor to ask of you.”


“What’s that, Mark?”


“Would you be available to watch Barbie and Sarah while I retrieve the other children from school.  Bart is at Mrs. Sweet’s house, mowing her lawn.”


“Of course, just bring them over.”


When Sarah arrived, the girls started to play with the bears and I went to make sure that we had snacks to feed nine hungry children and the nine band members.


I had the children sitting around the kitchen table, eating their snacks when the band members started to arrive.  I looked at the clock and was getting a little panicky because it was almost 3:30 and Bart still wasn’t home.  I informed Steve that they should start practice without Bart.


It was almost 3:45 when Bart came in.  He was dripping wet. “Dad, please tell the band that I’ll be there as soon as I take a quick shower and get some dry clothes.”


I did as I was told to do then went to check on the other children and they were playing in the backyard.  I started to fix dinner and was making a list of questions that I had about the job.  I was startled by a voice, “Hey, Nano Mark, what are we having for dinner tonight.  Do you need me to help?”


I looked toward where the voice was coming from and the bears were sitting there.  “Chris where are you?”


I felt two arms go around me.  The voice laughed, “Hey, Nano Mark, are you blind or something?  Your son is standing right behind you.”


I turned around and grabbed Chris and picked him up.  “Why aren’t you out playing with the other children?”


Chris hugged me, “Dad, I just wanted to be with you.  Is that okay?”


I kissed him on his nose, “Chris, it’s great that you would want to be with an old man.  I have a question for you.  How would you feel about me working at the school all the time?”


“Dad, I would like it a lot if you were at the school all the time.  That way I can make sure that you aren’t going to leave us.”


“Son, you know just the right things to say.  Why don’t you set the table.”


Dr. Robinson’s son stopped to pick up his children.  He thanked me, “I hope they haven’t been too much trouble for you?”


“Hey, they’ve been no trouble at all.  We’ll take care of them tomorrow too.  See you then.”


At dinner, Tip asked, “Mark, how did your meeting with Dr. Plummer go?”


I wasn’t quite sure how to answer, “I was offered a job before I was even interviewed.”


Chris interrupted before I could say anything else, “Yep, Daddy is going to be working at school to make sure nothing bad happens to us.”


End of conversation. 


To be continued...


Editor's Notes:  I do believe that this is the most unusual way to end a chapter yet.


I knew that Chris was talented, but I didn't know he was a ventriloquist.  I guess there is always something new to learn.


I wonder how many people know where the idea of a Teddy Bear came from. I won't say the answer right now, maybe by the next chapter I will tell you. 


I am curious as to how many people actually do know, though.


The first person who writes to me at, with the correct answer will get a mention in the notes on the next chapter. Of course, if you wish to remain anonymous, be sure to let me know, and I will keep your name off of the chapter. All email received, with regard to this, will be sent to E Walk as well.  I will also tell you how many correct responses I got. I will ask E Walk, and If I get permission to do so, I will also send the first person who sends me the correct answer an advanced copy of the next chapter, when I send it back to E Walk for posting. From past experience, it means almost a week earlier than the usual posting date. All entries become mine and my decision will be final. No one associated with the hosting websites or persons who write for any of the hosts are eligible to win. Feel free to enter anyway, though.  Let's see how much trivia you guys know.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 04/10/09