Bart and Chris
by: E Walk
(© 2008 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 22
All Aboard




Zack and I laid down beside Chris.  Zack  whispered, “Chris, you probably ate something that caused you to have a bad dream.  Why would someone different want to kidnap you?”


Chris was shuddering, “Dads, it was so real.  Bart and I were out in the yard working when two men came up and pulled out guns. They ordered us to get into their car.  Bart pushed me to the ground and was lying on top of me so I couldn’t breathe again.”


I hugged Chris as tight as I could, “Christopher, you’re still having a difficult time dealing with when Mr. Winters tried to kidnap you.  He is in prison now, and will be for some time.  We aren’t going to permit anything to happen to you or Bart.  You need to go to sleep if you want to go to the farm tomorrow.”


Zack hugged him and kissed him, “Chris, why don’t you sleep in our bed with us?   We won’t let anyone take you away or hurt you.”


Chris looked at us, “That’s okay, Dads, I need to stay here and sleep with Bart, to make sure he’s okay.  I’m sorry that I was acting like a baby.  It’s just that Dad Nano is always here and you were both gone tonight.  I was really lonely.  I knew that Uncle Tip and Uncle Ty were both here, but they aren’t my Dads.”


Zack and I looked at each and Zack looked at Chris, “Chris, we can’t be with you all of the time.  We do have to do other things.”


“Dad Zack, I know that, but … I guess I’m just scared because of the dream.  Now, please go make sure that Bart gets home okay.”


As we were walking to the living room, Zack looked at me, “Mark, being a parent is more complicated than I thought.”


I hugged Zack, “We just happen to inherit two sons who have a lot of excess baggage that we need to help them get rid of.  Bart seems to be doing okay, or so he pretends.  Chris, for the most part, is fine, but he was alone in the apartment tonight and his mind was working overtime.”


When we walked into the living room, Ty started, “Officer Lacey called tonight and told us that Mr. Winters died of a heart attack.  He inferred that the heart attack might have been caused by external forces.  It seems that the other inmates had gotten word of what he had been doing to Bart and that he tried to kidnap the two boys at gun point.  It also seems that the other inmates found that kind of behavior unacceptable.”


“Philip was able to find out about the boys’ mother.  It seems that she and Mr. Winters were never legally married, so the boys will be inheriting the estate of Mr. Winters, whatever it might be.”


“Knowing what we do about the woman’s addictions, I suggest that the boys be carefully supervised at all times.  While I haven’t met the lady, Philip has indicated that she is in desperate need of money to support her addictions.  It seems that her suppliers are applying pressure to be paid for their services.”


I looked at Tip and Ty, “I guess I won’t be able to go anywhere without the boys anymore.  What if something would happen that would cause harm to Barbie, Becky, Billy and Bobby?  Maybe I should resign as their Nano and take the boys away from here so no one would know where they were.”


Ty stood, “Mark, you’re overreacting.  My children would never forgive me if I let you get away.  They love you and trust you.  All we’re asking is that you and your sons avoid being placed in a position where something bad could happen.”


Our conversation was interrupted by Bart coming in the front door, “Thanks for the ride, Guys.  I’ll check and see what my Dads think about you going to the farm with us.  I’ll call you after I talk to them.”


I looked at Bart, “Why would Andy and Steve want to go to the farm with us?   We don’t have the authority to okay that, since it’s not our farm.  You need to ask Mrs. Sweet and the Sharps.”


“Dad, Andy and Steve have never been to a real farm.  When Tory and I were talking about what we were going to be doing tomorrow, they asked if they could go too.  They said they would even pay for their own food.  Tory is going to check with her Grandmother and I told them I would check with you two.  They’re going to meet us at the church in the morning.  We told them we would be going to the early service.”


“Tory assured them that she was sure there wouldn’t be a problem, so the two guys are going to bring a change of clothes just in case Grandma Sweet says it’s okay.”


Tip and Ty were sitting laughing at the exchange.  Tip interrupted, “Ty and I won’t be able to go to the farm tomorrow.  I am doing a Caesarean section in the morning because the father didn’t arrive home from Iraq until this afternoon.  I need to be at the hospital by 9:00, so I won’t be able to go to church either.”


Bart got the strangest look on his face, “But why can’t Uncle Ty go to  the farm with us?  He’s not going to the hospital with you, is he?


Zack hugged Bart, “Bart, it’s not for us to reason why.  We just need to accept the fact that they want some time alone, so they can make our lives miserable.  Now let’s go to bed.  I, for one,  am exhausted.”


We let Bart get ready for bed first while we had a beer and discussed everything that had been and was happening.  Bart appeared in his briefs, “The bathroom is all yours.”


He hugged both of us and went to Chris’ and his bedroom.  Zack and I got ready for bed and I took my revenge on Zack’s body as payback for the way he treated me the night before.


When I was woke up the next morning, our bodies were stuck together, so I slowly extracted myself from the entangled mess and went to take a shower.  I had just gotten into the shower when Bart entered the shower stall even though I was in it. 


Bart looked at me, “Dad, why was Chris sobbing in his sleep last night?  Did something happen?”


I looked at Bart, “When we got home last night, Chris had been crying because he had a dream that someone new was trying to kidnap the two of you.  We know that it can’t be your birth father because he died from a heart attack.  Tip and Ty have some other information that Ty needs to check on before we tell you the rest of the story.  Son, just trust us.  We’ll do everything we can to protect you from anything else bad happening.”


Bart hugged me, “Dad, I trust that you and Dad Zack will do everything that you can to protect us.  I am beginning to feel as if I am an important person to someone.  I have you, Dad Zack and Chris, and now I have some real friends.  We need to make sure that Chris isn’t in any danger or harmed.”


My eyes were starting to water.  I grabbed a towel and started to dry off, “Bart, go wake your brother and tell him to take a shower with his other Dad while I go start something for breakfast.”


Bart and I were in the kitchen when everyone else started to surface.

When Tip came in he was carrying the newspaper which was opened to the Society Section.  He started in on Bart, “Well, if it isn’t the star of the benefit for the Children’s Theatre.  Guess you had better lock him in the closet to keep the girls away.  I’ll say one thing you, Bart.  You sure do photograph well.”


Of course the children all had to look at the picture.   I stopped the looking and comments by announcing that breakfast was ready.


I had fixed scrambled eggs with ham and cheese.  I was surprised that no one complained.  Well, almost no one.  Zack looked at his food.  “Why isn’t there anything that is of a color other than yellow or brown.  Don’t you know that we are supposed to eat something green and red with every meal?”


Billy got out of his chair and went to refrigerator.  He brought a jar of dill pickle strips and a jar of hot red jalapeños and set them in front of Zack.  Billy didn’t say anything as he sat down in his chair and started to eat.  Everyone else was watching to see what Zack would do.


Zack calmly opened the two jars and took a pickle strip and started to eat.  He took a bite of the a jalapeño and started to turn red in the face and he quickly departed the room. 


When he returned and looked at Billy, “You better watch out, Mr. Billy Jefferson.  I’ll get even when you least expect it.  I probably won’t be able to eat for a week now that you have caused my stomach to be burned, scorched and singed.”


Billy looked up, “Well, if you wouldn’t complain all the time, we wouldn’t get tired of listening to it, and I wouldn’t do something like that.  The rest of us weren‘t complaining about the boring meal, were we?”


Ty started to say something, and I shook my head no so he didn’t say anything.


Zack was eating his food, “So, you admit it is boring, right Billy?”


Billy looked at him, “I didn’t say it was boring.  I don’t understand why we have to eat healthy when it is so much easier to just clean a cereal bowl than it is to clean the pans that Nano Mark cooked the food in, and the plates always have stuff that we have to scrub off to make sure they get clean.”


I was having a difficult time trying not to laugh.  I stood, “Well, if that’s the way you feel, I just have to resign.  Mr. Jefferson, I am turning in my resignation effective immediately.”


Bobby looked up, “I’m sorry, sir, your resignation has been denied.  It wasn’t submitted to the Board of Directors before you announced it.  Besides, your contract specifically says that you need to be here to ensure that the four Jefferson children get through high school.  Now, sit down and finish your breakfast so we’re not late for church.”


As the children finished their food, they asked to be excused and went to take care of the dishes.  Bart was directing the operation.  Ty looked at me, “Mark, I am so impressed at how the children are developing and maturing.  The two boys especially have come out of their shells.  I have to tell you that  Becky confided to me last night when I was getting the girls ready for bed that she thinks she’s in love with you.”


Tip stood, “I need to go to the hospital.  I’m almost afraid to go, since  I’ll probably miss something.”


Ty hugged Tip as he was leaving and Zack and I took the remaining dishes to the kitchen.  I announced, as if I was a conductor on a train, “All those persons who are planning to go to church with us need to be ready to in five minutes.  All aboard.”


When we arrived at the church, we were joined by a host of people.  The Sweets, including Grandma Sweet, were the first to arrive and they sat in the row behind us. Steve and his parents and their other children arrived.  They had Andy with them and they sat in front of us.  There was so much talking going on that it was almost impossible to recognize that we were in a church setting. It wasn’t exactly a quiet meditating experience like I was used to when I was growing up.  When we went to church back then, we were made to be quiet and only talk in a whisper if we said anything at all.


The amazing thing was that when the actual service started, everyone stopped talking and paid attention to what was going on.  Of course it got even quieter when the young people left for Children’s Church.  I was surprised when Chris returned and sat down between Zack and me instead of going to Children‘s Church.  He looked up at us and whispered, “Dads, I just want to sit with you so that I know someone won’t try to hurt me and Bart.”


We both hugged him and he sat perfectly still through the remainder of the service.


As soon as the recessional was finished, Steve introduced us the to his parents and his siblings.  The Lindseys seemed as if they were a nice couple.  Bart, took the initiative, “Grandma Sweet, would it be okay if Steve and Andy went to farm with us?”


Mrs. Sweet  looked around, “I don’t know why not, Tory’s parents can’t go, so we will need all the help we can get to make sure the young people don’t get into any trouble.  Ty, where’s Tip?  Won’t he be going with us today?”


Ty shook his head, “Tip is at the hospital, greeting a new arrival and I won’t be joining you today either.  I’ll stay here and man the fort.  I have some business things that I need to take care of.”


She whispered, “I understand.  While little mice are away, the rats are going to play.”


Mrs. Sweet announced, “We’ll meet at my house as soon as everyone can get into suitable clothes.  Make sure that you bring a change of clothes along, in case there should be an accident.  Andy, you need to get permission from your parents to go, if you want to go with us.”


Ty answered before Andy could, “Mrs. Sweet, I’ll clear it with Andy’s parents.  I need to talk them about a legal issue.  Andy, let’s go talk to your parents.  Steve can pick you up after you change clothes and get the extra clothes that Mrs. Sweet has mandated you must have.”


The van was rather full as we returned to the house, but no one complained.  As soon as we were stopped, the young people all disappeared.  So Zack and I went and changed into jeans and a sport shirt.  Everyone was waiting for us when we finally made our way to the main house after a little hugging and kissing, but that was all that the time would allow for.


Chris was chomping at the bit, so to speak, “Come on, Dads, what took you so long?  We’re going to be late, and the other people will leave without us and we’ll probably get lost.”


He grabbed our gym bags, took them and put them in the back of the van, “Come on, Dads.”


When we got to Mrs. Sweet’s house everyone else was already there.  She had it all figured out.  Steve was going to drive her car with Andy in the front and she was with the two girls riding in back.  Tory was going to drive her own car with Bart, Ricky and Bobby, so that meant that we had Billy, Robby, Chris and Randy in the van with Zack and me.”


We stopped in front of a different restaurant this time and Ted and Louisa and their daughters were waiting with Ned and Nate.  They obviously weren’t coming from church because they were wearing jeans and shirts like the rest of us.  Mrs. Sweet announced, “We’re going to have a little down home cookin’ this week.”


We were shown to a table with twenty one places for people to sit. The food started to appear and we were eating fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, coleslaw and stewed apples.  There were hot rolls and all kind of jams.  For desert they served us a nice rice pudding with raisins and lots of nutmeg.


I watched as everyone was eating and I was sure the restaurant was going to go broke with the amount of food that was being consumed.  Barbie looked at me, “Nano Mark, we aren’t going to have to do all these dishes are we?”


Mrs. Sweet heard Barbie’s question, “Nope, we need to go check on the chickens and the other animals on the farm.  I hope everyone had enough to eat.”


Andy endeared himself, “Mrs. Sweet, this has been a fun meal because not only was the food great, but nobody was yelling at anyone and cajoling them to eat.  Thank you for allowing us to come with you. I’m really looking forward to seeing what’s on the farm.”


Chris spoke, “Andy and Steve, me and Randy will show you how to feed and milk the cows.  You gotta’ be tough and let them know that you’re the boss so they don’t kick you.”


I was watching Ned and Nate and they were holding their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing.  I looked at Zack and whispered, “This is going to be another fun filled day at the farm.”


I looked at the Sharps. “Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, perhaps you two can take the day off while Farmer Chris teaches the city boys what farm life is like.”


Ted smiled, “Nah, we need to talk to Mrs. Sweet about finding replacements for Ned and Nate now that they have received scholarships to the University of Missouri in Columbia.  They are going to be leaving to attend the summer session so they can be enrolled as juniors in the fall.  We have to find some help because we are expecting an new arrival just before Christmas.”


I was watching Mrs. Sweet to see what her reaction might be.  Her chin was resting on her left thumb and her pointer finger was tapping her left cheek as she looked around the room.


I leaned over to Zack and whispered, “Look at Mrs. Sweet.  I can almost hear the gears in her mind churning.  What do you suppose she is plotting now?”


To be continued...


Feedback always welcome:     


Editor's Notes:  I strongly suspect that Mrs. Sweet has something cooking in her mind. 


I certainly hope that Chris' dream is not rooted in some kind of premonition.   I do have to wonder though, since that woman has managed to get herself into quite a bind and she might do something really stupid. 


We certainly don't want anything bad to happen to any of the children, Do we?


Let's hope there will be a new chapter very soon.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 02/13/09