Bart and Chris
by: E Walk
(© 2008 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 20

He Is My Brother 




Thank goodness, Zack and I had put on briefs after Zack proved to me that he was the greatest, because Chris and Randy came into the bedroom.  Chris was shaking me, “Dad, can me and Randy go run with you this morning, please.”


I put my finger to my lips to indicate that they should be quiet.  I motioned for them to follow me into the bathroom.  “We’re going to let everyone else sleep this morning, and we’ll go for a short run before we fix breakfast.  Now you two go get dressed and remember to be quiet when you go through the living room because Bart is asleep on the couch.”


When I had gone to the bathroom and gotten dressed, I started to go to the main kitchen.  When I walked into the living room of our apartment, Randy and Chris were just standing there looking at Bart and whispering; they didn’t see me. 


Randy whispered, “Your brother sure has a big peter.”


Chris whispered, “We’re suppose to call it by its correct name.  Dad Nano says the proper name is penis.  You should see our Dads’ penises.  They are really big.”


I looked at Bart and he definitely must have been having a great dream.  ‘I hope he doesn’t make a mess on the sofa.’  I went and tapped the two eight year olds on the shoulder and they jumped.  I motioned for them to follow me.  We went to the park and I let them set the pace because I was still a little tired from my physical activity when Zack and I went to bed.


When we got back, Zack was fixing French toast.  I started to help and he whispered, “I'm surprised that you can even walk let alone jog after what happened last night.”


I laughed, “You just wait Mr. Jackson, your turn is coming.”


Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of four more young guys.  Billy spoke for them, “We could smell something cooking and we’re hungry.  What are we having?”


Zack looked at Billy, “You must have a tapeworm because you’re always hungry.  We’re having French toast and bacon.  Why don’t you and Robby set the table while Bobby and Ricky get the juice and the blueberry and maple syrup out of the refrigerator.  Randy, you go wake Bart, and Chris, you go check to see if Uncle Tip and Uncle Ty want to eat with us.  Nano Mark, you go check on the Becky and Barbie.”


I started to bow, “Yes, Master, anything you say, Master.”


All six boys were almost in hysterics and they started to bow to Zack and say, “Yes Master, we’ll do as you say, Master.”


Tip and Ty were just coming down the stairs as Chris and I started up.  Chris yelled, “Master, Uncle Tip and Uncle Ty have decided to go out for breakfast, now that they know you’re cooking.  They’re afraid that you might try to poison them.”


Tip and Ty looked at me with a bewildered look.  I shrugged my shoulders and whispered, “You need to go find out for yourself.  I need to go check on Barbie and Becky.  Ty shook his head no, “They’re on their way.  I already checked on them and I assume all of the boys are already present and accounted for, since there was no one in their bedroom.”


I nodded, “Yep, the slave master has them all working.”


We went into the kitchen and Chris got them each a cup of coffee and carefully carried it to their seats at the table. Tip hugged Chris, “Christopher, we can get our own coffee.”


Chris was serious, “Sir, you just want the Master to whip me again.”


Bart came in with Randy.  Bart came over to me and whispered, “Dad, I think I screwed up again.  I was in the shower when someone came into the bathroom, and I thought it was you or Dad Zack.   When I got out and went to get a dry towel, Randy was standing there looking at me, and he started to question me about whether his penis would ever get as big as mine.  I didn’t know what to do or say.  I looked at him and suggested, ’Randy, I don’t know how big your penis is going to be.  I do know that it will grow just like mine did as you get older.  Your testicles will also get bigger.’”


“He looked me funny, ‘What do you mean by testicles?’  I lifted my penis and pointed to my testicles.  He grinned, ‘Oh you mean your nuts?’  I told him that it would be much better if he referred to them by their proper name.  He was dead serious, ‘If I’d do that no one would know what I was talking about.’”


He watched as I was getting dressed.  I figured that he had already seen everything and he asked me a most embarrassing question. ‘Bart, are you going to make babies with your penis like the animals do on the farm?’  I was totally embarrassed, but I answered, ‘When I get married, I hope maybe I can make babies like you and Chris.’”


“That seemed to satisfy him and fortunately he didn’t ask anymore questions as we walked to the kitchen.  I hope I didn’t do or say anything that will upset him.”


I hugged Bart, “Son, I’m proud of how you handled the situation.  Randy and Chris had already seen you this morning when you had some major wood  showing.  You must have been having a fantastic dream.  By being honest with him, you probably saved a lot more questions.”


Zack started to hand us plates of food and we started to deliver them to the table.  We were in the middle of eating when the doorbell rang.  Bart jumped up and went to answer the door.  He came back with Mr. Sweet, the boys father.


He apologized, “I guess I’m a little early.”


I looked at him, “Sir, we’re just running a little late since it’s Saturday morning.  Randy and Chris had me out running so the others had to fix breakfast and it takes them forever.  Sit down, Sir, and I get you a cup of coffee and some French toast and bacon and you can visit with us while we finish.”


I thought to myself, ‘He sure didn’t put up any resistance.’


He started to eat and he looked at Tip and Ty, “Why don’t we meet you and your children at the Old New York restaurant that’s across the street from the Children’s Theatre for lunch so we can easily find a parking space?  They have a pizza and salad bar from 11:00 until 2:00 on Saturdays.”


The eight children were all looking at Tip and Ty.  Ty winked at Mr. Sweet, “Do you suppose that the children can behave well enough for us to take them a restaurant like that?”


Ricky looked at Zack, “Master, make Mr. Jefferson be nice to us.”


Zack got up and went to the cupboard and got a piece of spaghetti and went and tapped Ty on the head.  “Now brother, you stop bad mouthing these little ones.  The biggest problem you’ll be having is that you will have to keep taking them to the bathroom after all the cokes they will be drinking.”


Billy looked Zack, “You’re all a bunch nutty people.  Mr. Sweet, we accept your offer.  We’ll meet you at the restaurant at 12:30.  Now guys, we need to do the dishes that we used.”


Mr. Sweet was laughing, “Just who are the Alpha people in this house anyway?  There seems to be several of them lurking in the bushes.  Guys, as soon as the dishes are done, we have some errands to run, so go get your backpacks with your clothes.”


The eight youngest children had departed and Mr. Sweet looked at Bart, “Bart, you were absolutely outstanding last night.  I also want to thank you and the guys for thinking to make sure that Victoria got home safely.  I was a little nervous about her driving home by herself that late at night.”


Bart nodded, “Thank you, Sir.  We’re going to pick her up tonight, too.  After Monday, hopefully, I will be insured and I can do some of the driving.  I got my driver’s license yesterday,  but Dad Nano hasn’t had time to arrange for me to be on his policy yet.”


Mr. Sweet looked at Bart with a skeptical look, “Bart, why did you just refer to Mark as your Dad?”


Bart took a deep breath, “Judge Evans awarded Nano Mark custody of us because of some things that had happened with my birth Dad.  In fact, our birth Dad tried to kidnap Chris and me on Wednesday night and is now back in jail, after he fired a shot and threatened us with a gun.”


I interrupted, “Mr. Sweet, you need to talk to your Mother to find out the rest of the details, because I hear some young voices approaching.  They don’t need to hear what has happened.”


After the Sweets had departed, I called everyone together, “I want everyone to get all of their dirty clothes and bring them down and sort them.  That includes the bed linens and soiled towels.”


Zack decided it was payback time and bowed and started to back away, “Yes, Master.   We understand, Master.  Whatever you say, Master.”


The other eight people in the room started to mimic what Zack had done and were backing away and bowing.


After Zack had collected the dirty things in our bedroom and bathroom, he went to help Ty's children carry their dirty clothes down.  After everyone, including Tip and Ty,  had sorted the clothes by colors, I started to laugh, “I do declare, I think all the clothes and towels in this house are dirty.  It's a good thing, we have a commercial washer and dryer, or I would be up all night doing laundry.”


I looked at Ty, “Ty, why don’t you take the vacuum cleaner upstairs so the children can dust and clean their bedrooms since they are going to the play this afternoon and we will be going to the farm tomorrow.  Chris and Bart, please go vacuum and clean our apartment including the bathroom.  Tip, you’re in charge of making sure the other bathrooms are clean.  Zack, you need to go get us some food.”


Tip interrupted, “Mark, you go with Zack. Otherwise he’ll come home with a lot of unhealthy junk food.”


Chris laughed, “Uncle Tip, why don’t we let Dad Zack go by himself,  so we can have some fun stuff to eat for a change and not always be forced eat healthy food.”


I started to cough, “I know one young man who is about to be grounded, and he will miss going to the play today and going to the farm tomorrow if he isn’t nicer me.”


Chris ran around, put his arms around me and made a big show, “Oh, Daddy, I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.  I’ll try to be nicer to you.”


The rest of the people were giggling at the antics.  I sniffed twice, “Well okay if you promise to be nicer to me.”


Chris held up his crossed fingers for everyone to see, “I promise, Daddy.”


The others started to really laugh now.  I reached down, picked Chris up and put him over my shoulder.  “For that, you will pay, young man.” 


I started to the apartment and Chris was wiggling.  I took him into the bedroom and sat down, then I put him over my knees as if I were going to spank him.  He started to plead, “Dad, please don’t spank me.  I was trying to be funny.”


I didn’t say anything.  I started to push the back of his shorts down and he was really pleading, “Daddy, please don’t.”


I leaned forward and gave him a raspberry on his lower back.  He started giggle, I stood him up, “If you aren’t careful, you’ll get one on your belly button, too.”


Zack and Bart were standing in the doorway and Zack started on me, “I’m crushed, that’s no way for my husband to treat our son.”


Chris swung around, “Does that mean you’re our mother.”


Bart answered before Zack could, “Nah, he’s the other husband.  Our family has two husbands, just like Uncle Tip and Uncle Ty’s family.  Now help me start to clean while Dad Zack and Dad Nano take a shower and get dressed to go shopping.  After we finish the cleaning, we’ll work on the lawn.”


I looked at Bart, “Why don’t you call Steve and Andy and see if they would like to come talk with us after lunch this afternoon while everyone else is at the theatre?”


Zack looked at me, “I guess we shouldn’t mess around since the boys are in the apartment.  You take a quick shower while I shave and brush my teeth.”


I was shaving when there was a knock on the door.  I made sure that my towel was wrapped around my waist and told the person to enter.  Bart stuck his head in the door, “They want to know if 1:30 would be a good time?”


I nodded, “That would be a perfect time.”


As Zack and I were leaving the bedroom with our dirty clothes and towels, Chris came and hugged us.  “I love you, Dads.”


We put the clothes down and gave him a hug and a kiss.  Zack spoke for the two of us, “Christopher Warren Leavitt, we love you and your brother Bartholomew very much.”


Bart came over and kissed us, “Dads, I love you, too.” 


We both stood and embraced Bart and he looked at us.  He had tears in his eyes, “Thanks, Dads, I needed that.”


Zack and I left for the store and he was amazed to see how much food it takes to feed the nine/ten of us.  Fortunately I had made a tentative menu for the next week so I knew what we needed.  With six children in the house, it takes a lot of juice and milk and bread and yes even cereal since they insisted that was what they wanted to eat cereal on some mornings.  We had worked out a deal where they could have cereal for breakfast on Tuesday and Fridays as long as they had a roll and some fruit.  On the other school days, it was a hot meal of something.  On weekends we had agreed to leave the options open.


It was almost 12:15 when Zack and I got back from the store. Tip and Ty were getting ready to leave with the five youngest children.  I went to Chris and pulled out my wallet.  “Chris, let me give you some money in case you need it for something.”


He looked at me, “I’m fine, Dad.  Bart gave me some money so I could buy something if I wanted it.”  He pulled two ten dollar bills out of his pocket.


I was about to explode and took a deep breath.  “I guess he was afraid we weren’t going to get back in time.  You children have a fun afternoon.”


After the crowd had departed,  I turned to Bart and was about to say something.  He stopped me,  “Look, Dad, he is my brother.”


To be continued...


Feedback always welcome:     

Editor's Notes:  It looks like Bart is taking some responsibility regarding Chris. I knew that deep down, he was a good person. He is becoming a fine young man. 


I certainly hope that Bart and Chris' sperm donor is incarcerated for a very long time.


People that do things like that deserve to be locked up where they can't hurt people, and kept away from society.  I can't imagine how anyone could even conceive of killing a child, let alone their own children.  Thank goodness he is behind bars, at least for a while, and hopefully for a good long time to come.  


I think we all need to let E Walk know just how much we enjoy his stories and ask him to be sure to keep writing them.  He has written some of my favourite stories, and I find myself always tickled to read whatever he sends me.  Thank you very much E Walk!


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 01/30/09