Algeria Here I Come
by: E Walk
(© 2008-2009 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 42
D. C. Here He Comes



I handed Allie the envelopes for Michael, David, Josef and Carlos and he started to giggle, “Dad, are you telling me that I’m to play the explore and deposit game?”


I nodded yes.  We made our way to the third deck and everyone was waiting for us.  Mr. Yates met us, “Gentlemen, you will be met by a Mr. Bacon at Langley.  He and Mr. Cotton will be your hosts while you are in Washington, D. C.”


Allie quipped, “So you’re saying that we won’t starve?  We can have bacon and if we’re still hungry we can eat cotton.”


Mr. Yates was laughing, “Bacon and Cotton are so tough that they wouldn’t be worth eating.  Come on I’ll take you to your helicopter.”


Allie hugged the six ten year olds and then went down the line.  He indeed stuffed his hand inside the trouser pockets of Michael, David, Josef and Carlos and deposited their tips.  It was funny watching Allie as he hugged the four guys.  I heard him tell Michael, “Dad, wanted me to make sure that you weren’t bigger than him.”


Allie started to lose it when he said goodbye to Grandpa Darryl and Uncle Tom.  He totally lost it when he hugged Khalid and Amir.  Tears were streaming down his face.  We were ushered to the copter and were given life jackets, and headsets to block out the noise, as our luggage was being loaded.


We could see everyone waving as we lifted off.  Allie looked at me, “Dad, I feel as if I left part of me behind.”


I hugged him, “Allie, you did.  You and Brahim made a great many friends.  The two of you left a good impression on a lot of people.  This cruise is probably going to be the experience of your lifetime.”

My two guys were both sleeping against me as we touched down at Langley Air Force Base.  Allie was so sound asleep that he missed the landing entirely and I had to awaken him.


He looked up at me, “Dad, where are we?”


I hugged him, “We’re in Virginia,”


We were ushered across the tarmac to another helicopter where we were greeted by a young man of thirty something, “Good evening gentlemen, I will be your host while you are in Washington, D. C.  My name is Jeff Bacon, but you can call me Porky the Pig.”


Allie was giggling, “So does that mean you want us to call you J.B. or P.P.?”


Jeff had to be very sharp, “You’d better call me J.B.  My sons wouldn’t like it if you called me P.P.  They would think you were talking about my penis.  Let’s get on board this noisy beast, now that your luggage is loaded.”


When we were approaching Bolling Air Force Base, Allie was all eyes as we passed over the sights of Washington, D.C.  It was so noisy that we couldn’t talk.  When we landed and the rotors were shut down, we still had a ringing in our ears.


When we departed the helicopter, Mr. Bacon announced, “Your limousine is waiting.”


We walked to an awaiting limousine and Mr. Bacon announced, “This is Joseph Cotton.  He will be our escort while you are visiting our fair city.”


The Air Force crew had loaded our luggage into the back of the awaiting limo.  We were driven to the Willard Hotel.  After our baggage was unloaded and we were registered, Mr. Bacon and Mr. Cotton left, saying they would be back at eleven-thirty in the morning  to pick us up.


After we were settled in our adjoining rooms, Allie came into Brahim’s and my room, “Look out the window.  We can see many of the sights of Washington from here.  Dad, what’s going to happen tomorrow, and how do I dress?”


“Allie, I have no idea.”


We were awakened the next morning by the phone. I looked at the clock and it was ten o’clock,


I answered, “This is Ed Waller.”


A voice acknowledged me, “Mr. Waller, this is Lynette Winslow from the White House staff.  I’m calling to inform you that the President is expecting you for a presentation and lunch at 12:00.”


“Miss Winslow, what should we wear?”


“Mr. Waller, I would suggest that perhaps you wear a jacket and a dress shirt with a tie, since the President has some important meetings this morning.  It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed.”


When Mr. Cotton and Mr. Bacon picked us up at 11:30, we were dressed as if we were going to a casual night on the cruise ship.  The two gentlemen started to laugh and Jeff Bacon asked, “Are you sure that you’re the same three people I picked up at Langley?”


Allie answered, “Nope, we’re their clones.  Those people have been beamed to Neutrodonia.  We’re here to take over your universe.”


Mr. Cotton was laughing, “Clones, get your butts into the limo.  We need to motor if we’re going to be on time.”


We had just pulled away from the hotel when we heard what sounded like a gunshot.  Allie, Brahim and I dropped to the floor of the limo.  Mr. Bacon who was riding with us in the back informed us, “Guys, this vehicle is bullet proof.


Allie looked up, “Mr. Bacon, why are those people still trying to kill us?”


“Allie, I have no idea.”


Allie looked at me, “Dad, someone from the ship has to be telling the bad people where we are and where we’re going?”


The conversation was interrupted by our arrival at The White House.  We had to exit the car and go through an x-ray machine.  When we were inside the perimeter of the grounds, we were met by a dog which Allie started to pet.


We were greeted at the door of The White House by a butler who announced that the President was expecting us.  He led us to the Oval Office where the President presented each of us with a plaque and thanked us for helping to make this a better world.  The media was present and the President’s Press Secretary passed bio sheets on the three of us.  Now I understood why Mr. Yates wanted to see our passports.


After the media people asked us several questions,  the President announced, “If you will excuse us, we have a luncheon engagement.”


After everyone else had departed he grinned, “Gentlemen, I suggest that we get comfortable and shed these ties and jackets.”


We did as he suggested and he led us to a small dining room where we met the President’s wife and two daughters.


We had a wonderful lunch, during which Allie charmed not only the two daughters, but also the President and his wife.  It was nearly two o’clock by the time we departed the White House.


When we entered the awaiting limo, Mr. Bacon announced, “We are going to be taking a scenic tour of the sights of the district.  We don’t have time to stop at any of the places today, because we have made a swimming engagement for Allie at five o’clock.”


Allie looked at him, “Am I going to have time to stop and get a swim suit?”




Allie got a funny look on his face, “You mean, you want me to swim nude?”


Mr. Bacon was having fun, toying with Allie, “Nope, there will be two young ladies there.  We’ll worry about that later.”


As we were driving around, Mr. Bacon and Mr. Cotton were explaining the sights as we drove past.  Mr. Cotton suggested, “Allie, why don’t you be thinking about where you would like visit tomorrow.  You will have all day to be a tourist.”


We were leaving the district about 4:30 and Allie commented, “I didn’t know that there were this many cars in the world.”


Jeff Bacon laughed, “Allie, this is nothing.  An hour from now, it will really be bad.”


We headed south on Interstate 95, and Allie asked, “Where are we going?”


Mr. Cotton answered, “We’re going to Woodbridge.”


Allie looked totally confused, “Are we going to see a wooden bridge?”


Jeff started to laugh, “Allie, Woodbridge is the name of the housing development where we live.  Joe and I just happen to live next door to each other.”


Joe Cotton stopped at a gate and punched in a code and we drove into a very nice subdivision.  We pulled into the driveway of a nice sized house. Joe nodded, “We’ll be over shortly.”


Jeff led us to the back side of the house and two boys were swimming in a good sized pool.  Jeff whistled to get their attention.  The boys were dripping as they approached  us.  The older of the two boys spoke “Hi, Dad, you’re home early.  Who do you have with you?”


Jeff pointed to the oldest, “That’s our oldest son, Evan.  He’s going to be eleven shortly.  His brother, Elliot, will be ten soon.  Guys, this is Allie Safi, his brother Brahim Safi and their friend Ed Waller.  Why don’t you take Allie into the changing room and get him properly dressed for swimming.  I’ll show Mr. Safi and Mr. Waller where they can change.”


Jeff introduced us to his wife, Julie, and took us to a guest bedroom and gave us some swim suits.  He was talking as we changed, “Sorry, for the cloak and dagger activity this afternoon.  But after the attempt to harm you this morning, I called our boss, Mr. Yates, and told him about the incident and what Allie had said about someone from the ship being involved.  He agreed, so that’s why we wouldn’t let you out of the limo this afternoon and why you’re here.  We felt this would probably be the safest place, since it’s a gated community, as you saw when we arrived.”


When we were changed, he looked at us, “Why don’t you go to the patio while I change and see if I can to help Julie?  Joe and Christi will be here shortly with their two daughters.”


Brahim and I were sitting on the patio when Joe arrived with his wife and two daughters, carrying two containers of something.  After the introductions, the two daughters went to join the boys in the pool, his wife went to see if she could help Julie, and Joe sat with Brahim and me.


Jeff appeared with two pitchers of something and some plastic glasses.  He announced, “In this pitcher we have frozen daiquiris and in this pitcher, we have virgin frozen daiquiris.  Help yourselves to your poison.  Snacks are on their way.”


Jeff grilled shrimp kabobs, and as we were eating a great meal, Jeff’s cell phone rang.  He answered it, “Hi, boss, what’s up?”


“No problem boss, they can spend the night here with us.  Allie can sleep with the boys and Brahim and Ed can sleep in the guest bedroom. … Ed is sitting right here, I’ll put him on.”


I took the phone, “This is Ed Waller.”


“Good evening, Ed.  This is Cal Yates.  I’ve had you and the two guys checked out of the Willard and your belongings are on their way to Houston.  Allie was right.  Someone on the ship was behind the attack this morning.  This has nothing to do with the previous attacks.  It seems that Jim and John’s Dad, Jim Thomas, was trying to have you knocked off.  He found out that he was being demoted, and that you were going to be taking over his division.  In fact, he is incarcerated as we speak.  His wife told us, a few minutes ago, that she had already advised him that she was divorcing him as soon as they arrived home.  It seems that he has a drinking problem.”


“If we’re to stay here with the Bacons and our clothes are already on the way to Houston, what are we to wear tomorrow?”


“That’s an easy fix.  Have Jeff and Joe take you to the mall that’s located near where we live.  Your e-tickets are all ready for your flight to San Antonio tomorrow, from the Dulles airport in the evening, after your tour of Washington, D. C. tomorrow.  I‘ll give Joe and Jeff the details.”


“Why are we going to San Antonio?”


“It’s a precaution, in case someone is still after the three of you.  You will spend the night in San Antonio and be delivered to the meeting at the Shell Oil Headquarters, next morning at ten o’clock.  Let me talk to talk to Joe.”


Joe took the phone and went away from where we were seated.  Allie surprised everyone, “Come on people, we need to take care of the dishes since your mothers and dads cooked.”


Evan took exception, “But we never do the dishes.”


Allie was determined, “Well, it’s about time you start.  Let’s get with it.”


After the five young people did the dishes, we were taken to a mall to get a change of clothes.  In addition, I bought a hanging bag and some toiletries such as tooth brushes and tooth paste as well as a razor, since everything we had with us was on it’s way to Houston.  I just hoped I hadn’t forgotten anything.


We had a great time being tourists, the next day.  We were riding in Jeff Bacon’s van and we were dressed as tourists with shorts, hats and sun glasses.  Jeff’s two sons were accompanying us and the three boys were wearing baseball hats backwards so the visor was on the back.


Jeff took us to Dulles International Airport and advised us that we would be met by Agents Rice and Waters when we arrived in San Antonio.  Allie started to laugh, “Do all you agents have names of foods and drinks?”


Jeff grinned, “Not all of us, but the good ones do.”


After a change of planes in Atlanta, we arrived in San Antonio at nine thirty.  Allie complained, “Dad, I’m starving.  Can we please get something to eat?”


I was getting hungry too, “Allie, let’s meet Agents Rice and Waters and see what they have planned for us.”


When we walked into the baggage area, Scott and Angela Summers were waiting for us.  Allie looked at them, “I thought we going to be met by Agents Rice and Waters?”


Scott grabbed Allie, “Look kid, we are Agents Rice and Waters.  We just arrived ten minutes ago.  Let’s bust out of this place and get something to eat before we go to our bungalow.”


Allie looked at Scott, “Mr. Summers, how can you be Agents Rice and Waters, if you’re name is Summers?  How did you get here so fast and why are you here?”


Angela answered, “Our code names are Rice and Waters.  We were whisked away from the Paradise when it docked in Fort Lauderdale and sent here to make sure you weren’t hurt.  Mr. Yates, or the Big Cheese, as he is known, would be here, except he had his family with him, and the President requested his presence immediately.”


Scott continued, “We have a car waiting to take you for a good old fashioned Mexican meal that will leave you drinking water all night.  Angela’s parent’s own this dive, and everyone who eats there gets sick.”


When we arrived at the restaurant, there was a line of people waiting to be seated, even though it was late.  Scott went in and talked to the person at the reception desk and we were seated at a table immediately.  A lady who turned out to be Angela’s mother came to our table, “Scott and Angie, I hope it’s okay with you but I ordered The Conquistador’s Feast for each of you.  This little one looks as if he hasn’t eaten in days.  Juan will be your server tonight.”


A young man, who looked to be sixteen, brought us each a glass of water and explained, “I’m rather clumsy, so you will have to forgive me if I spill anything on you tonight.  The dive was short handed tonight and pulled me off the street so I could serve some of you lowbrows.”


I couldn’t figure out what was happening and I was sure that Allie and Brahim were just as confused as I was.  Angela looked at the young man, “John, knock it off.  These people are going to get the wrong idea about you.”


“Okay sis, I’m Angie’s youngest brother and I’m known as the Stud of San Antonio.  We’ll continue the discussion after I get you your appetizers.”


After humongous entrees were served, Juan pulled up a chair next to Allie and started to eat his plate of food like the rest of us had, Allie looked at him and challenged, “You’re a big phony aren’t you.”


Juan or John grinned, “I thought I had better come see who was going to be sleeping in my bedroom tonight, since Angie and lover boy are going to be in one bedroom, your brother and Mr. Waller are going to be in another, and since we only have  four bedrooms you need to sleep with me.  You don’t snore, do you?”


After a fantastic meal, we went to the Hidalgo’s house and Juan showed us to our rooms.  I don’t know about anyone else, but Brahim and I were too exhausted for any physical activity in bed.


Even though I was physically exhausted, my mind wouldn’t shut down.  I kept thinking about what was going to happen when we arrived in Houston.  “Exactly what job am going to have?  Where’s our luggage going to be?  I need to go get my car at the airport.  We need to find someplace bigger to live.  Are we ever going to be really safe?’


To be continued...


Editor's Notes: I can't keep up any more.  There is so much going on. I really feel sorry for the guys.  If it isn't one assassin, it's another.  Let's hope that once they get to Houston, things will settle down, and they will be able to have some peace and quiet.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 08/28/09