The ‘den’ Triplets
by: E Walk
(© 2009-2010 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 9  

The Day of Reckoning


I woke early on Saturday morning just as it was beginning to get light.  It took me several seconds to remember that I was in Todd's room and in Todd's bed.  I sat up and looked at Todd lying there and had a sudden pang of guilt for what had happened last night when Todd and I performed fellatio on each other.


I quietly crawled out of bed and took my clothes to the bathroom to dress so I wouldn't disturb Todd.  After I was dressed, I went to the boys' room and Aiden was beginning to stir.  I put him in his carrier and took him to the kitchen and went back to get the other two boys. 


After the boys had been changed and fed, they were content to sit. It was as if they were looking around.  They seemed to be watching me as I made the coffee, put a bagel in the toaster oven and made some frozen orange juice.  I was eating my bagel, thinking about what had transpired in the bedroom last night.


Why was I feeling guilty about what happened when it was me who instigated what happened, especially since I enjoyed it?  'Do you suppose two men can really love each other like a man and a woman can?'


Dad Hammond's arrival interrupted my thoughts, "Good morning, Dad.  What can I get you for breakfast?"


"I'll have what you're having.  That bagel smells really good, what kind is it?"


"They're called everything bagels.  They're good for a change of pace."


I was telling Dad Hammond about the news reports and commentary last night and he started to laugh, "Score one for the Naylor team."


I chuckled, "The opposition is probably plotting revenge as we speak.  We'll have to see if it really makes a difference.  I'll go bring in the newspaper and see what it has to say."


I went to the front porch and was reaching for the newspaper when a police cruiser was passing by. The young officer honked and saluted.  I had a sinking feeling, 'You don't suppose that the police believe what Todd had said in jest about someone being out to get me.'


As I was going into the house, Mom Hammond and Todd were coming down the stairs.  Todd asked, "Where are the boys?"


"They're in the kitchen talking to their grandfather.  Where'd you expect them to be, out shoveling snow?"


Mom Hammond laughed, "You two are worse than teenagers."


I handed the paper to Dad,  "You two sit down, and I'll get your juice, coffee and bagels.  We can always have an early lunch.  A funny thing happened while I was getting the newspaper.  A police cruiser drove by and the young officer honked and saluted."


Dad nodded, "I had to go to the bathroom during the night; when I looked out the drapes to see if was snowing, there was a cruiser sitting across the street."


I looked at Todd, "This is all your fault.  If you hadn't mentioned that someone might try to burn down the house, we wouldn't have police racing around the outside of our house.  What are the neighbors going to think?"


Todd had been taking a sip of coffee and nearly choked when I made that statement.  "Look, Naylor, any more talk like that, and I'll call and withdraw my resignation papers at the hospital."


Mom Hammond laughed, "Now, now, girls."


Dad Hammond was reading the newspaper, "Mike, look at this.  You made the headlines.  The bad guys are going to be out to get you for sure when they see this article."


I started to read the lead article on the front page and was surprised by what I was reading:


Local Lawyer Exposes a Prostitution Ring.


We learned yesterday that a local lawyer, Mr. Mike Naylor, was responsible for busting a prostitution ring that involved members of the Sheriff's Department and the District Attorney's Office. 


The story that was to have appeared in this space was pulled by the editor and the publisher to protect the rights of the victims who were blackmailed into being the prostitutes and the families of the persons behind the crime.  It seems that Mr. Naylor has some very strong feelings that the people of the media should stay out of the case and let the authorities handle the situation.


Our publisher and editor have asked that we back away from the story and clear any future stories with Mr. Naylor.


Todd started to laugh, "Oh my word, Mikey has been promoted to chief censor.  I guess we'd better go buy him a bigger hat since he's going to have a swollen head."


I stood, "Look, this isn't funny.  There has to be more going on than we know about.  I can't imagine why a reporter would be told to clear any future stories with me."


I took Kaden and changed him and put him down for a nap.  I went back to get the other two boys who were still kicking and looking about.  Todd took Jaden and I had Aiden as we walked to the nursery to change them.  He looked at me, "Mike, I get the feeling that you're upset by what happened last night.  I only did what you wanted."


"Todd, I'm confused by what happened.  I enjoyed what we did, but I wasn't mentally prepared for what actually happened.  Todd, you said last night that you thought you loved me.  Do you still feel that way."


"Mike, I'll leave while you're in-laws are here so you aren't put through what happened last night again. What we did was special." 


Todd started to leave, "Todd, please don't leave.  This is a entirely different playing field than I am used to.  Please, give me some time to adjust."


Our conversation was interrupted by Mom Hammond, "Mike, there's a Mr. Alexander wanting to know if he can come to visit.  You probably should talk to him."


I was thinking, 'Who the heck is Mr. Alexander as I went to the phone?'


"This is Mike Naylor; how can I help you?"


"Mr. Naylor, this is Grant Alexander from the television station.  Would it be possible for us to meet with you?  It's rather important."


"Mr. Alexander, who is 'we' and why is it so important to talk to me on a Saturday.  I thought I made myself clear last night, on where I stand on your reporters trying to manipulate the news."


I heard a big intake of air, "Mr. Naylor, you're not making this easy.  I would like to have my two sons and some of their friends talk to you.  Please, Mr. Naylor, we need your legal advice."


There was a sound of desperation in his voice that made me think that this might be important, "Mr. Alexander, I'll be home all day.  I assume that you know where I live, since your people were camped outside my house yesterday."


Mr. Alexander answered, "Mr. Naylor, would it be possible to meet with you at 10:00.  That will give us time to get everyone together."


"Ten will be fine, sir."


I turned to the Hammonds and Todd, "There is going to be a meeting here at ten.  I have no idea who or how many people are going to be here."


Mom Hammond laughed, "The three of us can probably keep the triplets from disturbing you."


I questioned, "I guess I should probably go change clothes."


Dad Hammond frowned, "Why?  It's Saturday.  If the person didn't tell you who would be here and the nature of the business, then I'd say you were dressed just fine.  You can always change clothes later if it's necessary."


"You've convinced me.  I need to go shave and brush my teeth and comb my hair."


Todd snickered, "Yeah, you never know who you'll be kissing."


While I was at it, I did change into a pair of slacks and a sports shirt.


When I arrived in the kitchen where Todd was sitting talking to the Hammonds.  He looked at me, "See, Dad Hammond, Mikey doesn't listen to anyone.  We'll probably get gray hair trying to make him listen."


"Look, Stodola, stop picking on me!"


The doorbell rang and I went to see who was there.   District Attorney Howard was standing there and asked, "Are the others here yet?"


I shrugged my shoulders, "Ray, you're the first to arrive.  How many more people are going to be here?"


Ray shook his head, "I honestly don't know.  I received a call from Grant Alexander from the television station, asking if I could be here.  I'm not even sure what the meeting is about."


The Sheriff and Roy Shoemaker were coming up the sidewalk with Tim and Aaron.  I looked at The District Attorney, "Ray, I'm beginning to get a sense of what this meeting might be about.  I still don't understand why it's being held here."


We had just greeted the Patricks and the Shoemakers when two more cars pulled up.  I didn't recognize any of the people who exited the cars.  Ray moaned, "They're bringing out the brass.  This is making no sense at all."


When the newcomers arrived at the door, I introduced myself, "Gentlemen, welcome to my home.  I'm Mike Naylor."


The first gentleman identified himself, "I'm Grant Alexander.  Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.  As you know, I'm the station manager of the television station.  These are our sons, Trent and Kent."


I shook the three gentlemen's hands and welcomed them.  The second gentlemen shook my hand, "I'm Parker Daniels, Sr. and I'm the publisher and owner of the Daily News.  This is my son, Parker, Jr., and his sons Derek and Devon.  Park is the Editor of the paper."


After I shook hands with everyone, I let them introduce themselves.  There was no way I could remember everyone's names.  I directed everyone to the dining room, because I anticipated the triplets would be waking up during the visit, meeting, or whatever it was.


I looked at Mr. Alexander, "Sir, would you care to explain what the purpose of this get together is?"


"We would like for you to be the legal counsel for the young people who were victimized in the prostitution ring or rings."


I started to laugh, "Mr. Alexander, I rarely get involved in criminal cases such as this.  Why would you want me to be involved when the District Attorney is here?  His office should be the agent for handling this affair."


District Attorney Howard nodded, "Mike, you're right.  I've been appointed as the special counsel in charge of this case. It's apparent that I need to do a further check of my staff, before I can trust them again.  I already told you why I am reluctant to get involved, There is no way that I can do this case justice.  I'd want to take down all of the people who were involved without regard for their families."


I looked around the table, "If I'm going to be involved in this case, then I have the right to know why all of you are here?  I'd also like my father-in-law to sit in on the discussions, since he is a Professor at the State University and teaches courses in criminal justice.  I am reluctant to get involved in this case anymore than I am.  Does anyone have an objection to me involving my father-in-law?"


There were none and I went to get Dad Hammond.  After I introduced him and explained what the people had suggested, he looked around the room, "Mike, I assume that these persons all have something at stake in what has been happening.  Some of us already know why District Attorney Howard is involved.  Ray, perhaps you should explain to the others who don't know why you have such strong feelings in this case."


District Attorney Howard had tears in his eyes, "Our son, Daniel took his life because of what these people did to him.  Oh, I know, the report in the newspaper said that he fell asleep at the wheel when he drove his car into the river, but that was not the case.  After his funeral, we found a note in his bedroom that indicated that some police officers were blackmailing him. It seems that some officers had caught him performing oral sex with a friend and had taken pictures of what the two boys were doing"


"The officer threatened both of the guys that they were going to expose what they were doing to everyone, unless they did as they were told."


"Danny's friend ran away from home and his parents have no idea where he is.  Danny was left hanging by himself.  Danny's note explained that at first he was sent on jobs where he only had to use his oral skills to service the customers.  It rapidly progressed so that he was expected to do whatever the client wanted.  My wife and I had no idea why his personality had started to change.  He had always been a happy go lucky person, but he seemed to withdraw from everything and he really had no friends that we knew of."


"That's why I can't be involved.  These people ruined our lives and I would have a difficult time trying to maintain my composure."


I nodded, "Thanks, Ray.  I can only imagine how difficult that was to lay it before these people."


I looked at the six high school boys, "Tim and Aaron, I assume that you know Derek, Devin, Trent and Kent."


Tim answered, "We know who they are.  They're juniors and seniors.  Aaron and I are sophomores."


I looked at Mr. Alexander, "Mr. Alexander, I'm still confused as to why everyone is here.  Why would you think to involve Mr. Shoemaker and Aaron?  I can understand why Sheriff Patrick is here, but why is Tim here?"


Sheriff Patrick answered, "Mike, I suggested that Tim, Aaron and Mr. Shoemaker be here, because they are the persons who got you involved in the first place."


Mr. Alexander took a deep breath, "Mr. Naylor, after your threat last night, I went home and asked Kent and Trent if they knew anything about a blackmail ring using teenagers as prostitutes."


Trent, who appeared to be the younger of the two Alexander boys, added, "I erroneously assumed that Dad had found out that we were involved in the prostitution ring.  As Mr. Howard said, 'The blackmailers became more and more demanding.'  After I spilled my guts to Dad, I called Devon and told him what I had done."


Mr. Daniels, Jr. shook his head, yes, "Devon and Derek came and told me what was happening."


Derek continued, "Dev and I decided that it would be better for us to tell our parents about us being blackmail victims, rather than have them hear about it from another source.  Mr. Naylor, I don't know exactly how many teenagers might have been involved.  But we were sent to a gangbang one night where there were ten other teenagers.  You may find this hard to believe, but they were blackmailing young ladies as well as guys."


Kent added, "Mr. Naylor, just so you know.  There were times when we were sent to provide our services to women.  Sir, this may surprise you, but there is at least one city councilman who used the service regularly.  I also know from personal experience that there was one or two county commissioners who availed themselves of the service."


I looked at Dad Hammond and arched my eyebrows.  He asked, "I have a question; why would you make it so all newspaper articles need to be cleared through Mike?  Isn't that like sending a red flag to people.  As Mr. Stodola mentioned this morning, it's as if Mike is the chief censor."


Mr. Parker, Sr. responded, "I guess I overreacted last night when I had Park yank the article that was to appear in the paper this morning.  I totally agree with Mike that we must make every effort to protect the persons who were victims used in the ring.  It is going to be very difficult to protect the families involved from being exposed to some notoriety because it will be a matter of public record who the officers who were involved are."


I had another question, "Might I ask why you chose to have this meeting here?"


Mr. Alexander took a deep breath, "Mr. Naylor, I figured that it would be best to hold it here, since you don't have any teenage children who were involved.  Will you or won't you handle the case?"


"Yes, I'll do it, but it's going to look funny when I have to call myself to be a witness about what happened when I went to get Aaron out of jail.  I need some time to get my thoughts in order.  I suggest that there not be any more large group meetings like this, so people don't pick up the idea that these young men were involved.  I presume that since you young gentlemen are still in high school, the only time I can talk to you would be in the evenings or on weekends."


The six teenagers nodded yes.  I asked one last question, "Do the young men's mothers know what has been happening."


The four fathers nodded yes.  Kent asked, "Yes, but why did you ask that question?"


I chuckled, "I didn't want to be the person who outed you guys to your mothers.  The reason I asked the question was I wanted to know if I could call and leave a message for you guys without getting you in trouble."


I turned to Ray, "Mr. District Attorney, I'd like to meet with you on Monday if at all possible."


Ray nodded, "I'll call you on Monday."   


To be continued...



Editor's Notes: This is getting complicated.  I am glad to see that all the innocent parties are being protected from the bad publicity.  I certainly hope that the bad guys are put through as much anguish as they put their victims through.


I can hardly wait for the next chapter.


Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher


Posted: 10/15/10