Brock Archer
(© 2020 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Part 1
'No, no, no, no, no! You look like you're
kissing your grandmothers!' yelled Sam Edwards at the two actors on the stage.
'The kiss in the first act is supposed to be awkward, but the one in the second
act is romantic, and the one in the third act is downright raunchy. Surely,
you're not virgins, are you?'
Barely 30, Sam Edwards had already
established quite a reputation as a writer. He had won national awards and
critical acclaim for his short stories and even had a couple of his plays
produced off Broadway, one of which he had been invited to direct. When he was
offered the position of writer in residence at a small, but prestigious,
university in the Midwest, he gladly accepted because he only had to teach one
course the first semester and direct a play the second semester, which left him
plenty of time to devote to his writing. In fact, the dean had asked him to
write an original play for the spring production, and he welcomed the
Sam was not gay, and he had never written
about gays before, but when he saw how successful 'Brokeback Mountain' had been,
he decided to give it a try. The story was basically about two high school
seniors discovering their sexual orientation and falling in love with each
The casting call had been very interesting.
Some of the students in the Theatre Department backed out of the auditions when
they found out what the roles were. Others stipulated on their tryout sheets
that they would only consider supporting roles (in other words, the straight
roles). Still others jumped at the chance to experiment with something new and
different. The challenge for Sam was to find two actors who were talented enough
to play the challenging roles and at the same time young enough to pass for 16-
or 17-year-old kids. If they were also cute, well, that would just be icing on
the cake. In the end, Sam cast Andy Richmond to play the part of Josh, the
younger of the two lead roles, and Kevin Clark to play the part of Dean, the
older of the two.
Andy was nothing short of adorable. His
golden blond hair hung down in a bang to his crystal blue eyes. Dimpled, rosy
red cheeks accentuated his round, boyish face. His beaming smile would melt the
Rock of Gibraltar. He stood about 5' 9', and Sam guessed his weight to be about
160. Kevin was slightly taller and in many ways just the opposite of Andy. His
eyes were dark, almost brooding, and his equally dark hair flowed down to his
shoulders. With the right tattoos, he would easily pass for a rock star wannabe.
Because it was wintertime when the auditions were held, both wore baggy
sweatshirts, so Sam couldn't really tell what their torsos looked like, but
their tight jeans betrayed narrow waists and well-proportioned butts. They
certainly looked the parts when Sam cast them, but now he was beginning to have
his doubts about whether they could act the parts.
Andy and Kevin stood silent when Sam asked
them if they were virgins. They took it as a rhetorical question. Snickers
erupted from some of the other young actors on the stage and in the wings,
however, especially a couple of the girls who knew from first-hand experience
that both of them were anything but virgins.
'OK, let's wrap it up for today,' Sam
sighed. 'Everyone's dismissed . . . everyone but Andy and Kevin, that is. We
need to talk.' Once all the others had cleared out, Sam approached the two with
a more mellow tone. He walked them over to one side of the stage with one arm
wrapped around each one's shoulder, the way a coach might with two of his
players. Then, turning to face them, he said, 'Now, talk to me. What seems to be
the problem here?'
Andy and Kevin stared at the floor for
several seconds and glanced at each other before Andy finally spoke. 'I've never
kissed a guy before, Professor Edwards. I know it's just acting, but I just
can't seem to get into the part.'
'And you, Kevin?'
'Same here. I just . . . I just . . . .'
'OK, look. To tell you the truth, I've
never kissed a guy either, but how hard can it be? Just pretend it's a girl.'
The hesitation did not lift from their
faces. 'All right, obviously we're going to have to work on this. How about we
get together tonight?'
'Oh, tonight's really not good for me,
professor,' said Kevin. 'I've got a big chemistry test tomorrow, and I really
need to study. I know rehearsal is important, but chemistry is not my best
subject, and if I don't pass, I could lose my scholarship.'
'Well, we can't let that happen. How about
you, Andy?'
'Uh, yeah, I'm free tonight, but what good
would it do if Kevin's not there?'
'I'll work with you myself. Like I said,
I've never kissed a guy before either, so in that sense, it'll be no different
from kissing Kevin here. Oh, damn. I forgot. Professor Lassiter has booked the
auditorium for tonight. I tell you what, why don't you come over to my
apartment, and we can practice there. That OK with you?'
'Uh . . . sure. OK.'
Andy showed up promptly at 8:00, wearing
the same frumpy sweatshirt and tight jeans that he had worn for the audition.
Sam went over the role with him, trying to get him into the character's mind.
Then, they went to work. 'Well, that was awkward as shit,' said Sam after their
first effort. 'It'll work fine for the kiss in the first act, but we're going to
have to do better for the other two kisses.' After several more attempts,
frustration began to show on both of their faces.
'I think we both need to relax,' said Sam.
'I have an idea.' He went to the kitchen and came back with a couple of cans of
cold beer. 'Here, drink up.' The two men sat on the sofa and chatted, mostly
about Andy - his high school, his college studies, and especially girls. Sam
wanted to get his juices flowing. When they finished their beers, Sam brought
out a second one, and then a third. 'Feeling more relaxed now?'
'Yeah, I am, professor.'
'OK, now, you're Josh, and I'm Dean, so
call me Dean. Are you feeling relaxed, Josh?'
'Yeah, Dean. I'm relaxed.'
Since the romantic kiss in the second act
takes place with the two characters standing, Sam got up from the sofa and then
pulled Andy up beside him. He looked at him longingly and ran his fingers gently
through his sunshine hair. He whispered the seductive dialog from the play into
Andy's . . . uh, Josh's . . . ear. Then, he cradled his baby face in both of his
strong, masculine hands and slowly leaned toward his succulent lips. He kissed
him, tentatively at first, and then more confidently. He tilted Andy's head one
way and then the other. At first, Andy stood motionless, but Sam peppered his
way with butterfly kisses to Andy's ear, licked and sucked his lobe, and
breathed heavily, 'Oh, God, Josh, I love you so much. I don't care what anybody
else thinks. I love you, and I want you to be mine.' He kissed Andy again on the
lips and slipped his tongue between his lips. This time, Andy wrapped his arms
around Sam and rubbed his hands over his back. He opened his mouth and took in
Sam's tongue. As the passion rose, he inserted his tongue into Sam's mouth, and
the two danced in each other's saliva. After a couple of minutes, Sam slowly
withdrew and looked Andy straight in the eye.
'How do you feel?' asked Sam.
'Wow. Uh . . . I dunno. Uh, OK, I guess. I
think I can kinda see what you're going for, professor.'
'Look, kid, we just sucked face with each
other. I think we're on a first-name basis now. Call me Sam.'
Andy blushed and laughed awkwardly. 'Can we
. . . can we try it again?'
Sam smiled and the two men ran through the
scene again. 'That was much better, but it still needs some more work.' So, they
ran through it again, and again, and again. Sam noticed that each time, not only
did Andy get into the role better, but so did he - so much so that he began to
feel an uncomfortable stirring in his groin.'I think that's enough for one
night,' he told Andy. 'Let's see how rehearsal goes tomorrow.'
The next day, the entire cast showed up for
rehearsal, and Sam could see the improvement in Andy's performance, but Kevin
was still stiff. He asked him to stay behind after rehearsal. 'Me too, Sam?'
asked Andy. The other students raised their eyebrows at the mention of their
professor's first name. Seeing their reaction and not wanting to give the wrong
impression, Sam quickly spoke, 'Ah, it's OK, everybody. You can all call me
'Did you notice the improvement in Andy's
performance today?' Sam asked Kevin.
'Yeah,' he breathed heavily. 'A lot! You
must have really worked him hard last night.'
'Well, that's my job,' replied Sam, trying
to keep everything professional. 'Since it seems to be working with Andy, I
thought maybe just you and I could work together tonight. Then, once we get you
up to speed, we can put you two back together. How 'bout it?'
'Uh, sure. Here?'
'Actually, even though I think the
auditorium is available tonight, Andy seemed to relax more at my place, so if
you don't mind, why don't we do it there?'
'No, I don't mind.'
The evening started out much the same as
the night before. Kevin was very uptight and just could not seem to get into the
role. So, Sam resorted to his tried-and-true technique: he softened Kevin up
with conversation and beer and tried again. With Kevin, though, the beer did not
prove enough. So, Sam decided that he had to escalate matters. He pulled out
some weed and offered it to Kevin. Of course, Kevin had smoked pot before, but
never with one of his professors. He felt awkward at first, but after Sam took
the first toke, Kevin cautiously followed his lead. In fact, after one joint, he
seemed ready for another, but Sam didn't want him so relaxed that he could not
rehearse, so he said, 'Maybe later.'
Sam started to pull Kevin up from the
couch, but Kevin pulled him back down. 'I've got a confession to make,' he
A long silence followed as Kevin seemed to
cogitate over whether or not he really wanted to say what was on his mind.
'What is it, Kevin?' asked Sam, placing his
hand on Kevin's shoulder as he had done before. 'Is it about the play?'
'Well, sorta,' Kevin answered.
He paused again, took a deep breath to
muster up his courage, and continued.
'Kissing Andy . . . uh, Josh . . .
whatever. The reason I'm having so much trouble with it is not because he's a
guy. Well, I mean, it is, and it isn't.'
'What do you mean, Kevin?' asked Sam
reassuringly. 'What is it?'
'It's . . . well, it's . . . goddam it,
Sam, he's just so fuckin' cute, and those lips are so damn sweet, I'm afraid I'm
gonna pop a boner right there on the stage in front of God, the cast, the crew,
and the whole goddam audience. I'll be the fuckin' laughing stock of the whole
damn school.'
'Oh, I see,' said Sam, trying very hard to
control his surprise.
'I ain't no fuckin' queer or nothin','
Kevin hastened to add, 'but, I mean, goddam, Sam. You've seen the kid. He's
fuckin' hot!'
Kevin looked like he was about to cry. Sam
placed his hand on Kevin's knee in a gesture of understanding and reassurance,
but he felt a quick twinge, so he withdrew immediately. 'Maybe we could use a
little more relaxation,' said Sam as he again pulled out the pot. The two men
smoked and talked for two hours. Finally, Sam asked, 'Do you want me to recast
the role, Kevin, 'cause . . . ?'
'No,' Kevin snapped, 'please don't do that.
This is the first time I've had a leading role, and if I don't do this one, I
don't know when I'll ever have another chance.'
'Well, maybe we can design your costume so
that if you do get an erection, it won't show.'
'Fat chance,' Kevin scoffed. 'There ain't
no way to hide this baby!' he bragged as he rubbed his crotch.
That comment really piqued Sam's curiosity,
but he decided not to pursue it at the moment.
'Tell you what. Let's try the scene again,
and don't hold back. If you get hard, you get hard. It's just you and me, and
nobody else will know.' Sam helped Kevin off the sofa. 'Remember now, you're
Dean, and I'm Josh. Let's take it from the point where you tell Josh that you
love him.'
Kevin spoke the line and leaned in for the
kiss. Sam was fully prepared to take Kevin through the same steps that he had
used the night before with Andy, but that proved totally unnecessary. Kevin
grabbed Sam and went wild with passion. He kissed him like his life depended on
it. Sam was taken aback, but he threw himself into the role of Josh and
reciprocated, tonguing Kevin's mouth and rubbing his hands all over his body.
Kevin grabbed Sam's ass and pulled him close, rubbing their groins together.
Suddenly, Sam realized what Kevin had meant when he said that it would be
impossible to conceal his boner. It was huge. Kevin was on a roll, and Sam had
to push him away to break the kiss. Kevin wiped his mouth with his shirt sleeve.
'Sorry, I guess I got kinda carried away.'
'No, that's fine. We'll have to tone it
down a bit for the romantic kiss in act two, but that's perfect for the raunchy
kiss in act three.'
'Oh, yeah!'
Kevin smiled, then blushed, and then looked
again as if he would burst into tears.
Sam sat him down and reassured him that
everything would be fine. He brought out some brandy to help calm him down. The
two men sat and chatted for another hour, revealing intimate details of their
lives. 'You ready to try it again?'
'Yeah, OK. You want me to be a little less
passionate this time?'
'No, do it just like you did last time.
It's better to go over the top and then work our way back.'
Kevin played the role even more
passionately, and Sam met him more than half way. After several minutes, both
men stood rock hard. When they backed off, Kevin let out a light, self-satisfied
giggle. He rubbed his crotch and tried to rearrange his cramped snake, but to no
avail. He tried to stick his hand down his jeans, but they were too tight.
'Here, let me help you,' said Sam, not really meaning to get personal; he just
knew that with the liquor and the pot, Kevin might never make it, and since his
own cock was raging in his pants, he easily sympathized with the young stud. So,
he reached over, loosened Kevin's belt, and unbuttoned his jeans. The Levi's
dropped to Kevin's knees to reveal a pair of white Calvin Klein briefs. Kevin
reached inside to rearrange his manhood, but the monster still strained to get
free, so Kevin pulled down the underwear and let his dick pop out. Sam's eyes
popped out too. He could not believe the size of the thing. It had to be at
least 10'. Kevin rubbed it gently. Sam understood. It had to be sore from being
so cooped up in those tight jeans. Hell, if he had a cock like that, he would be
massaging it too. In fact, seeing Kevin massage his dick made Sam feel the need
to rub his own. He squirmed as he pulled at his cock from the outside of his
jeans and finally decided to follow Kevin's lead. He dropped his jeans and his
boxer briefs and set his dick free. Kevin looked at him and smiled. Sam smiled
'You better do something about that thing,'
warned Sam, 'or you'll never make it back to your dorm.'
'Nah, it'll go down in a little bit,' said
'Not if you keep rubbing it like that,'
chuckled Sam. Sam helped Kevin back down to the sofa and poured another glass of
brandy, which Kevin drank a little more quickly than he should have.
'It's pretty, ain't it?' asked Kevin
proudly, flying high from the dope and alcohol.
'Yeah, Kevin, it's pretty . . . pretty
Kevin laughed. 'Yeah,' girls love it. Only
it's too big for some of 'em,' he sighed. 'They get scared and chicken out. Some
of 'em just suck on it cuz they don't wanna take it up their cunts, but none of
'em can get the whole thing in their mouths. I've thought about having a
contest. The first girl who can get the whole thing down her throat gets a
prize. Whaddya think, Sam?'
'That would be some contest,' admitted Sam,
now rubbing his own cock freely. 'And what would be the prize?'
'Why, this!' he chuckled, waving his man
trophy in the air.
'You got a pretty nice poker there
yourself, Sam. I mean, I don't go around inspectin' guy's dicks or nothin', but
I've seen 'em in the locker room in high school and in dressin' rooms, ya know.
'course, none of them was hard. I ain't never seen another guy's dick hard.
Well, that ain't really true,' he giggled. 'When I was a kid, me and some of my
buddies used to jack off together. Sometimes we would even watch a porn flick
and see who could hold out the longest. I always won,' he giggled again and
slapped Sam on the knee. 'You got any porn, Sam?'
The question caught Sam by surprise, but he
figured, what the hell, and went to his room to retrieve a DVD.
'Now, that guy's pretty big,' Kevin said,
pointing at one of the actors on the screen. 'Not as big as me, but pretty big.
Damn! That chick's takin' his cock. Look, she's got it all the way down her
throat. Way to go, babe. Suck that muthafucker dry. I wonder if she'd take mine.
Whaddya think, Sam. Could she take mine?'
'It'd be a mouthful, for sure, but she's
probably had a lot of experience, so she just might be able to do it.'
'I'd like to meet her and see if she could
take mine,' Kevin slurred as he took another gulp of brandy. 'You got a nice
dick, Sam. I mean, don't get the wrong idea or nothin', but I'm just sayin', you
know, you got nothin' to be 'shamed of. You're not as big as me, but it's nice.
You know, pretty . . . like mine. Pretty.'
'Thanks, Kevin. I'm kinda proud of it.'
'You should be, buddy. You should be damn
proud of it,' said Kevin, slapping his newly intimate friend above the knee.
'It's pretty. It feels good too, don't it? I mean, it feels good in your hand,
and it tingles all nice when you rub it . . . right down to your balls, and it
feels awesome when you shoot. Shit, man, ain't nothin' in the world like that. I
just loooove gittin' my rocks off, dude. Hee, hee, hee.'
Sam watched with amazement and laughed
inside at the antics of the drunk sophomore on his couch. Kevin may have been
uptight when he arrived, but he sure as hell wasn't now.
'Oh, God! Oh shit! I'm cummin', Sam. Oh
fuck. I can't stop, dude. I'm gonna cum all over your couch.' Sam decided he had
better get Kevin a towel, but it was too late. 'Awwww FUUUCCCKKK!' Sam feared
that the scream would rouse the neighbors. The young stud shot a volley clear
over his head and onto the sofa and the carpet. Even the second shot cleared his
head, and the third and fourth landed in his hair and on his face. Some even got
in his mouth, and he licked his lips. After nine shots, Sam thought that he
would surely be spent, but he released three more squirts. The sight and sounds
of the cock machine drove Sam over the edge, and he, too, shot his load, not as
much as Kevin, but he did shoot more than he had in a long time. The two men
shook and cursed as they sprawled out on the now-stained couch. Several minutes
passed before they caught their breath. Somewhat to Sam's surprise, Kevin wiped
the cum off his face with his finger, ate it, and washed it down with another
swig of brandy.
'Whoa, dude. That was fuckin' awesome,'
Kevin giggled. 'You got a pretty potent weapon there.'
'Thanks,' said Sam. 'Nothin' like yours,
but it does the trick.'
'It sure does. That was nice. Real nice.
And fun. Ha, ha, ha. Yeah, dude, fun. In fact, I would love to stay and do it
again, but it's after midnight, and I gotta be goin'.'
'You better clean up first. The bathroom's
inside my bedroom. Down the hall.'
Kevin rose to make his way to the bathroom,
but he stumbled and fell on top of Sam, staining his clothes with his cum and
brushing some against Sam's cheek. 'Sorry, dude,' said Kevin, breathing hot air
into Sam's face. Then, in a bit of a shock, he fell upon Sam's mouth and planted
a deep, wet kiss there. 'I love you, Josh,' he said as he released his lip lock.
Well, at least he's getting into the role,
thought Sam. He pushed Kevin off of his body and helped him off the couch. He
wrapped Kevin's arm around his shoulder and led him to the bathroom. Then, he
returned to the kitchen to clean himself up. He put away the liquor and the pot
and tidied up the living room as best he could. Kevin had been in the bathroom a
long time, he thought. He went to check on him and found him zapped out on his
bed, his cock still hard and stretching past his navel. He took a wash cloth
from the bathroom and finished cleaning him up. Then, he pulled him to one side
of the bed. Sam slept fully clothed on the other side, mustering all of his
powers of concentration to keep his distance.
When the alarm went off the next morning,
Kevin slept right through it. He was sporting morning wood (or had he never gone
down all night?). Sam stared at the missile in total amazement. He had never
seen anything like it before, and though the thought of touching another man
there had never crossed his mind before, he could not resist this opportunity.
His curiosity compelled him. First, he laid his hand on Kevin's pubes and ran
his fingers through the coarse hairs. Then, he ran his hands down his thighs and
felt his balls against his thumbs. He cupped the balls and marvelled at how big
they were. He lowered his face to get a close-up view of the magnificently
sculpted penis. He studied it from one angle and then another, the way an art
student would study a masterpiece in a museum. He wrapped his hands around it
and felt its awesome power as his own cock grew stiff as a board. He
re-positioned himself between Kevin's legs and rubbed their hard dicks together.
'Ahh, jeez, fuck!' He rubbed his cock against Kevin's balls and then rubbed
Kevin's against his own. He recalled the incident the night before and how Kevin
had complained that no girl had ever been able to take the entire length into
her mouth.
I wonder . . . no, I couldn't. It wouldn't
be right. On the other hand, he's out cold. He'll never know.
Part 2
Sam stared at the handsome young
student actor stretched out cold on his bed, his huge dick hard as steel.
Sam had touched another man's dick for the first time, and now he could not
release the thought of what Kevin had said to him that night, the fact that
no girl had ever been able to take his entire 10' into her mouth.
Sam could not understand what had come
over him, but he just could not resist the temptation. After all, Kevin was
out like a light and would never know. Just to be sure, Sam flicked his
tongue along the shaft to see if Kevin would wake up. The organ twitched
reflexively, but Kevin remained sound asleep. Sam licked again and again.
Kevin moaned but did not wake. Finally, Sam took the monster into his mouth
and sucked on the head. Kevin's body began to squirm, and he moaned louder
and more frequently. Sam pushed further, filling his mouth with the fresh
man-meat. He could not believe the sensation of having such a thing in his
mouth. He was sucking another man's cock, and it actually felt good. Hell,
it felt damn fantastic! Still, he had only slightly more than half of
Kevin's dick in his mouth. Could he . . . ? He concentrated on relaxing his
throat muscles and inched the pole deeper. Suddenly, he flinched at the feel
of pubic hairs tickling his nose. He had done it! He had gotten the whole
damn thing in his mouth.
'Oh, yeah, baby. Suck that cock.' Sam
spooked at the sound of Kevin's voice, but he saw that the young man was
still basically out of it. He probably thought that he was just dreaming.
Sam put the cock back into his mouth and sucked it some more. He chewed on
it gingerly, wishing that he could just eat the whole damn thing. It felt
and tasted so fuckin' good. Sam had no intention of sucking Kevin off, but
when he felt the cock swell up even more in his mouth and pulsate with the
force of life, he could not let go. He had to feel the full expression of
Kevin's young manhood. He sucked harder and relished the pulsations he felt
in his hand and his mouth. 'Oh, God, baby. Oh shit! You suck so good. Oh
fuck! Here it comes, babe. It's cummin', it's cummin', it cum . . .
aaaaahhhhh, AH! AH! AH! AH! Whew. Whew. Whew. Oh, God. Fuck. Fuck, baby.
Holy fuck.'
The torrent of baby pudding struck the
back of Sam's throat like an uncapped fire hydrant. He pulled back
reflexively, but that only got him plastered all over his face. He had
tasted his own cum before when he was younger and accidentally shot some
into his open mouth, but he had never tasted another man's nectar. He didn't
think he would like it, but he choked on the load in his mouth and had no
choice but to swallow it. It didn't taste as bad as he had expected, so he
licked some off his hand and then lapped up what remained on Kevin's cock.
Hmmm. He couldn't really say that he liked the taste of cum, but he did
congratulate himself on having sucked off such a hot young stud as Kevin and
tasted his manly juices - and without even waking him!
Sam cleaned Kevin up with a damp wash
cloth and left him asleep on the bed, his cock slowly receding. His own cock
was throbbing, and his balls ached something fierce, so he jacked off in the
shower. Then, he got dressed and sat down to his morning cup of coffee.
Around 9:30, he decided that he had better wake Kevin. But first, he had to
just stand there and admire him for a few more minutes. Though his cock had
gone soft, it was still beautiful, hanging at least six inches down his
thigh. My God, thought Sam, what an awesome sight. He could not resist. He
took the piece into his mouth one more time just to relive the sensation. He
did not want to make him hard, though, so he quickly backed off. He pulled
Kevin's underwear and jeans back up and fastened his jeans so that he would
not suspect anything. Waking him was no easy task. Sam led him to the
bathroom, where he splashed cold water on his face and left him to shower.
'Is that coffee I smell?' Kevin asked.
'Yeah, sit down, and I'll get you a
cup. I didn't want to wake you, but I was afraid that you might have a class
you had to get to.'
'What time is it?'
'A little after 10:00.'
'And what day is it?'
'I'm OK, then. I might be a little late
for English lit, but that class is a breeze, so it's no problem. Oh, jeez.
My fuckin' head. What happened last night?'
'You don't remember?'
'I remember that we were working on the
play and then . . . well, everything after that is a blank.'
'We made a lot of progress with your
part. I think you're gonna be just fine.'
'Really?' Kevin tried to smile, but the
extension of his facial muscles only exacerbated his headache. 'Oh shit. You
got any aspirin, Sam . . . I mean, Professor Edwards?'
'No, no, no. I said it's OK to call me
Sam, remember?'
'Uh, yeah, I guess I do remember that.'
'Here, drink some coffee, and I'll get
the aspirin.'
After Sam returned with the pills,
Kevin asked, 'So, what exactly did I do to improve on my performance last
Sam almost choked on the word
'performance,' but he knew what Kevin meant, so he kept a straight face. 'I
tell you what, let's not worry about that right now. Why don't you and Andy
take the afternoon off. I'll work with some of the other actors on their
parts. There's no rehearsal scheduled for tomorrow, but maybe you and Andy
and I can work on your scenes Friday night. OK?'
'Yeah, OK. I can make it Friday night.'
'Good. I'll confirm everything with
Andy and let you know.'
Andy also agreed, and he and Kevin
showed up at Sam's apartment just minutes apart. Each one, unbeknownst to
the other, brought a six-pack of beer. Sam couldn't wait to see what would
happen with the two hot young stallions together.
'OK, you've both had private lessons,
and you've both made a lot of progress, so let's see you put it together.
First, though, I'm going to take the role of Dean. Kevin, you just watch as
I kiss Andy.' It may or may not have been necessary for Sam to demonstrate,
but he sure as hell wanted another opportunity to suck face with the
gorgeous kid, and Andy warmed up to the role very quickly.
'Now, Kevin. Your turn.' In their first
kiss, Andy showed the same relaxed romance that he had demonstrated with
Sam, but Kevin was still uptight. Apparently, he had, indeed, forgotten his
lesson and reverted to his prior inhibitions. Perhaps he needed a reminder.
'All right, Kevin. Step aside, Andy. I'll play your part with Kevin, and you
can watch.'
Before they started, however, Sam
pulled Kevin aside and whispered in his ear. 'I don't know about you, Kevin,
but I think Andy is awfully hot. Like I said the other day, I've never
kissed a guy before, but I could kiss Andy all night. Just look at those
delicious lips. I'll bet you've never seen a girl with lips like that
before. And look at that face. Damn cute, don't you think? I know you're not
gay, but Dean is, and right now you're Dean, not Kevin. Dean would swallow
that face whole if he could. Forget your inhibitions, Dean. Let go. You're
madly in love with this guy, and you don't care who knows it. Listen to your
body and just do it.'
Kevin stared at Sam like he was hearing
a message through a time warp.
'OK. For now, I'm Josh, but when we
kiss, picture Andy in the role, and just let your passions flow.' Sam and
Kevin stepped back over to the center of the room where Andy could watch.
'Let's take it from the line where you say, 'Oh, Josh, I love you so much'.'
Kevin spoke the line and went for the
kiss. He was still somewhat stiff at first, but Sam kept working on him. He
would not let up until he got the response he wanted. He stuck his tongue
between Kevin's lips and got him to open his mouth. He swirled his tongue
around every crevice, and finally Kevin reciprocated by inserting his tongue
into Sam's mouth. Sam wanted to stir more passion, so he grabbed Kevin's ass
and pulled their groins together. At first, Kevin tried to pull away, but
Sam held him tight and ground their meat together. Andy, looking on, began
to squirm. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the scene being played out
in front of him. Did Sam want him to act that way with Kevin? On the stage?
In front of all those people? Kevin began to respond more passionately,
rubbing his hands over Sam's neck and back and grabbing his ass in return.
Sam felt Kevin's bulge growing against his thigh, but he wasn't ready to
push the part that far, so he pulled back, looked Kevin in the eye, and
smiled. Kevin smiled back and took a deep, satisfying breath. Even if he did
not remember everything that had happened the other night, his body had
remembered something, and that something was all that he would need.
'OK, now, let's see you two young
lovers do it together. Dean, from the same line.'
Kevin spoke the line and pulled Andy in
for the kiss. This time, Kevin seemed fully prepared, but Andy, still
uncomfortable with what he had just witnessed, tensed up and pulled back.
'Andy, put yourself back into the role.
You're Josh now, not Andy. Josh is gay, and Dean is the man of your dreams.
He's just told you that he loves you, and you've been waiting a long time to
hear him say those magic words. You want him to take you, and you want to
give yourself to him completely.'
Sam could see Andy start to pant,
something akin to fear rising in his eyes.
'OK. Maybe we need some ambiance. This
scene takes place in the locker room. You've just come from the soccer
field. All of the other boys have already showered and cleared out, and it's
just the two of you standing there in nothing but your gym shorts. So, let's
strip down.'
'But we're not wearing gym shorts,'
Andy mildly protested.
'Doesn't matter. Your underwear will do
just fine. It'll help create the mood. Here, if it'll make you feel any
better, I'll go first,' and with that, Sam stripped down to his boxer
Andy disrobed more slowly than Kevin,
but in a way, that made the show all the more enjoyable to Sam. When they
were nearly naked, Sam discovered what he had been missing. Without their
baggy sweatshirts, they were fuckin' hot. Both boys had well-defined
muscles. Andy had broader shoulders and larger pecs. His body was hairless
except for a provocative treasure trail that disappeared into his shorts. If
he hadn't already been cute as hell, he was now drop-dead gorgeous. Kevin
had hair covering his chest and much of his stomach. It was not profuse,
just thick enough to be inviting. He had powerful arms and legs, probably
from years of dancing. Sam had noticed before that Kevin had a sonorous
speaking voice, so perhaps he was aiming toward musical theatre.
Andy wore flaming red boxer shorts, and
Sam just knew that what was underneath had to be a scorcher as well. Kevin
wore another pair of CK whities, and Andy gawked at the way Kevin filled out
his briefs. Sam had already enjoyed the sight of Kevin's package, but it
stood out even more surrounded by all the dark hair on his body.
'Much better. Now, let's try it again.'
Again, Kevin really got into the act,
but Andy balked.
'What's the matter, Andy?'
'I was cool with this before, but now
it's getting too intense. I don't think I can handle this.'
'Stop thinking like a kid, Andy, and
start thinking like an actor. Now, your lover has just told you that he
loves you. What do you want to do at this moment?'
'I want to kiss him.'
'Yes, and what else?'
'I dunno. I just wanna kiss him.'
'You do want to kiss him, but as you
are kissing him, what is going through your mind?'
'I dunno. I dunno.'
'What goes through your mind when you
are kissing a girl?'
'I guess I'm thinking about how hot she
'Yes, and . . . .'
'I'm thinking I wanna feel her up.'
'Yes, and . . . .'
'I'm wondering if I can get her into
'Yes, and when you get her into bed?'
'I wanna fuck her brains out.'
'Now, do you think that Josh wants
anything less from Dean?'
'I dunno. I'm not a fag, so I can't
'What you are is not important right
now. It's what Josh is, and you're Josh. If you're not sure what a gay man
wants, let's ask one. Dean, you have just told Josh that you love him, and
now you are kissing him passionately. What do you want to do next?'
'I guess I would want to make love to
'YES! So, let me see that kind of
passion. You're kissing, but at the same time, you are thinking of making
love to your partner. Here, let's try something. Josh sit down on the sofa
and spread out. Now, Dean, you lie down on top of him.' Andy's eyes grew
wider. 'Ah, this is your lover, remember. OK, let's try it again.'
Kevin spoke Dean's line and moved in
for the kiss. Andy tried to pull back, but Kevin had him pinned down, and he
kept kissing more and more passionately. He rubbed his hand along the
outside of Andy's thigh and cupped his breast. Andy squirmed.
'Don't fight it, Josh. You want this.
This is your lover showing you how much he really loves you.' Sam reached
over, took Andy's hand, and rubbed it over Kevin's ass. Kevin's cock began
to sprout as he ground it into Andy's crotch. Sam took Andy's hand again and
stuck it down inside of Kevin's briefs, rubbing it against the bare skin of
Kevin's cheeks and then between them. He leaned over and whispered in
Kevin's ear. 'You're hot, Dean, and so is Josh. You can't get enough of him.
God, you want his fuckin' body so much, you can't stand it. You ache for
Kevin reached inside of Andy's boxers
and found his manhood. Despite his best efforts, Andy could not fight the
sensation. His cock grew and grew. Now, there were two hard poles rubbing
against each other, and Sam was feeling his own loins stir. Andy lessened
his resistance and even tongued Kevin back. Without any coaxing from Sam, he
grabbed Kevin's ass and pulled their groins together and then rubbed one
hand between Kevin's ass cheeks. Kevin let out a loud moan.
'What do you want to do now, Dean? How
do you want to show Josh how much you love him?'
Kevin stopped kissing Andy, but only to
lick his face and make his way down to his tits, which he licked and sucked
furiously while continuing to pump his throbbing cock. As he did, Sam leaned
over and refilled Andy's mouth with his tongue and placed Andy's hand around
Kevin's cock. Both boys moaned and moaned. Sam's cock was now just as hard
as the boys', and Kevin surprised Sam when he reached over and began to
prime his professor's prize tool. Sam wasn't about to complain, though.
'What now, Dean? Show Josh that you
really love him.'
Kevin responded by working his tongue
down Andy's beautiful ripped abs to his navel, which he rimmed several times
before following the treasure trail down to the pot of gold. He let go of
Sam's dick to grasp Andy's cock with one hand and rub his balls with the
other. He gave the organ one quick lick, and Andy jerked with the force of
an electric shock. 'Aargh!' he tried to scream through Sam's lip lock. Then,
Kevin took the meat into his mouth and sucked away. Andy screamed with
Sam took Andy's hand and placed it
around his shaft, and Andy wanked away, a little too roughly until Sam asked
him to lighten up a bit. With Sam's tongue no longer in Andy's mouth, Andy
licked his lips as if to ask for more, but instead of giving him his tongue,
Sam offered him his dick. He rubbed it along Andy's boyish cheeks and then
against his lips. Andy wrapped his lips around the circumference and then
took the head into his mouth. Andy was now sucking Sam's dick and wanking
two cocks. Kevin was sucking Andy's dick and rubbing his balls. Sam was
getting his dick sucked and congratulating himself on what a good drama
coach he was.
'Oh, God,' squealed Andy after removing
Sam's dick from his mouth. 'Oh fuck. I'm gonna cum, Dean. I'm gonna cum!'
'He's your lover, Dean,' coaxed Sam.
'You want to love him completely.'
Kevin continued to suck away on Andy's
pulsating cock.
'Oh shit! Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Aaaaaaaaaaa . . . unh!' Andy poured gobs of ball juice into Kevin's mouth.
Kevin swallowed some of it, but never having sucked a guy off before, he was
unable to handle all of it, so much of it dribbled down his chin.
'Oh shit! I'm cummin',' yelled Kevin.
Sam had seen Kevin shoot before, and he was wondering if he would shoot as
much or as far has he had before. He needn't have wondered. 'Aaaaaaaaaa
FUUUCCCKKK!' Kevin again shot a dozen times, some of it flying clear over
Andy's head and much of it coating his pristine blond hair and adorable
face. Some settled in the rippled valleys of his abs.
Andy pulled Sam close and again took
his cock into his hungry mouth. He sucked the seed right out of his balls
and let it fill his mouth. As soon as Sam was able to stop quaking and
regain his composure, he pulled Kevin forward and pressed his face toward
Andy's, and the two boys licked each other's face clean and swapped cum.
Their naked bodies squished Kevin's copious cum that coated Andy's
magnificent torso. Sam fell on the floor beside them, and the three of them
lay silently for nearly half an hour.
Finally, Sam suggested that they all
shower and clean up. Kevin and Andy showered together. When Sam came out of
the shower, he found the boys lying on the living room floor in a 69
position. He did not interrupt them, just stood and watched from a distance.
They were so into each other that they never even noticed him. The scene was
so hot that Sam immediately sprang another hard-on and had to jack off again
while watching the action. Andy tried desperately to get all of Kevin's meat
into his mouth, but it was obvious that he would need much more practice.
After they finished sucking each other off, they got dressed and popped a
couple of beers. Then, they ran through the scene one more time for Sam -
not the extra parts - just the scripted scene.
'Perfect,' yelled Sam. 'Absolutely
perfect. Now, just do it like that, and the show will be a smash.'
'I dunno, Sam,' said Kevin. Professor
Lassiter always told us that a good actor is never satisfied with his
performance. If it's all right with you, I'd like to come over at least once
a week for more private tutoring.'
'Me too,' Andy quickly chimed in.
'Actors should always be pushing the envelope, ya know. Experimenting.
Exploring new territory. How about it, Sam?'
Right up until opening night, the boys
went over to Sam's place at least twice a week. Sometimes, Sam would rent
gay or bi flicks to help get them in the mood. They would usually enjoy some
beer and pot, but mostly after they had finished their rehearsals. They
really didn't need them any more to help them get into the mood. Often, one
or both of the boys would spend the night. Sam thanked God he had a
king-size bed.
'Listen up, everybody,' Sam called to
the cast at the final dress rehearsal. Tomorrow night, opening night, we
will have a special guest in the audience. His name is Todd Lancaster, and
he's the producer who staged two of my plays off Broadway. Now, there's no
need to get nervous. You've all done great, and I know you will impress the
hell out of him. So, let's go out and break a leg.'
The local paper gave the play a
lukewarm review, which Sam attributed to the critic's homophobia. But Todd
Lancaster had a totally different reaction.
'You really liked it?' asked Sam.
'Liked it? I loved it! I think we can
take this show to New York.'
'Really? Off Broadway?'
'Hell, I think we can put it on
'No shit!'
'Yep, but on one condition: only if we
can get those two boys to play the leads. Do you think they would be up for
'Oh, yeah,' exclaimed Sam. 'They would
definitely be up for it.'

Posted: 02/17/2023