The Castaway Hotel:
The Next Generation
By: B W
(© 2017 by the author)

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Chapter 39
Going Our Way. 

The next morning, Danny and Brandon fixed everyone breakfast when they got up.  Although Jake and I told them we could do it, they told us to relax and enjoy the holiday and they’d take care of this.  Therefore, we didn’t argue and did as we were told. 


After he’d finished eating, Elliot went up to his fathers and asked if he could speak to them.  They agreed and took Elliot out on the front porch to chat privately. 


“Dads, I’ve made up my mind,” Elliot began.  “I knew I wanted you to adopt me as soon as you offered, but I wasn’t sure about changing my name.  After thinking about it more and after what Graham told me about seeing my parents, I’ve decided they would have encouraged me to do this, so I’d fit in with the rest of you.  I believe they’d tell me that now I have a new family to learn about, a new heritage to get acquainted with, new traditions to enjoy and a new life to live with people who love me.  That’s what convinced me that I should change my last name.” 


“That’s really sweet,” Brandon agreed, “but are you certain?” 


“Yeah, I am,” Elliot confirmed.  “I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’m very certain.”


“Then do you want to use Kennedy as your middle name?” Danny followed. 


“Yeah, that would be great too,” Elliot concurred. 


“Okay, then what if we have the papers read ‘Elliot Edward Kennedy Currie.’  We’ll have that put on your new birth certificate and all of your other paperwork from now on, including your school records,” Brandon suggested.  “Then you’ll just have two middle names.” 


“Yeah, about that.  I’ve never liked Edward, so I was thinking, if it was okay with you, then I might change it to Elliot Kennedy O’Hara Currie.” Elliot agreed. 


Brandon was deeply touched and reached out, so he could hug Elliot tightly. 


“That’s really sweet of you, son,” Brandon stated, as he released his grip on Elliot.  “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?  After all, it’s a bit of a mouthful.” 


“I’m sure,” Elliot confirmed.  “You’re my dad too and I want to honor your family, as much as the Kennedys and the Curries.” 


“Well, that makes me very proud and I would be honored to have you use my name,” Brandon stated, before giving Elliot another hug.  


“Great!” Danny concurred.  “We’ll make sure this gets done before you go back to school in the fall.” 


After the breakfast dishes had been put in the dishwasher, the older boys dragged everyone out for their annual Currie family touch football game.  It was an energetic game, with more than a few flubs, but it was fun and everyone seemed to enjoy it.  I know the girls did!  They liked watching all of those bare-chested guys running around, all hot and sweaty. 


After the players went in to shower and change, Dion and Trey informed us they would man the grills this year.  I think Jake was slightly offended at first, thinking that someone would be taking his job, but he got over it quickly.  While they were doing that, some of the others dragged out the other dishes, which had either been brought by the extended family or were made by the other boys the previous day and then kept in one of the refrigerators in the interim.  By the time the last of the extended family arrived, we were ready to eat. 


The food was plentiful and it all tasted great.  We chatted while we ate and were regaled with tales about the football game, the movies they’d seen the previous evening and anything else that came to mind.  It was fun, informative and entertaining. 


Once everyone was full, Elliot dragged those who agreed into the family room, so they could watch some of the videos we took of his tennis matches – but only the one’s he’d won.  He even gave them sound effects by playing the piano while they watched the screen, which gave it the feel of an old-time silent film. 


Before it got dark, we went down to pick out a spot to watch the Fourth fireworks display.  As anticipated, it was a wonderful aerial show, which ended with an explosive and spectacular finale.  Joshie enjoyed it, although he did clamp his hands over his ears as the sounds of the final cumulative burst was more than what he could tolerate.  However, he still loved watching the colorful and brilliant light display. 


From there, we went home and merely chilled out for the rest of the evening.  Most of our travelers went to bed fairly early, seeing they’d have to make the long trip home the following day.  Before they turned in though, we thanked them for sharing this special holiday with us and told them we hoped they’d enjoyed themselves.  They all assured us they had and then they went to their rooms. 


Overall, I’d have to say this was a fantastic weekend, especially since we spent the time surrounded by the people we cared about the most.   No matter how much we’d enjoyed it, this wonderful weekend had to eventually come to an end, but we weren’t too sad about it.  We knew we’d be seeing most of them again, in a couple of weeks, when we went to Mark and Amy’s wedding – the last of the nuptials scheduled for this summer. 


The next morning, Brandon got up early to go in to his new office.  He did have a couple of appointments scheduled for the afternoon, with some of his former patients who were transferring to his new practice, but that wasn’t his primary reason for going in.  He wanted to get the receptionist setup and familiarized with the place, plus he wanted to help the dental hygienist organize her things the way she wanted them.  He also planned to make certain all of the other areas were ready for business before the patients arrived.   


The rest of us merely chilled during the day, since we were still a little tired from the hectic weekend.  I did do a little cleaning up, but not much, but I made sure the others had plenty of time to relax. 


When Brandon came home later, we barraged him with questions about how his day had gone.  He merely smiled and then spoke. 


“Wow!  No one’s been this curious about how my day’s gone before,” he teased.  “Now I know how the kids feel when we ask them about their day at school.” 


In the end, he told us that things went well and he’d spent most of his day just getting everything organized.  He said he was impressed by both the hygienist and receptionist and was looking forward to working with them.  He also said he got a chance to meet the obstetrician, when he came into the building carrying supplies for his office. 


Brandon explained that he’d even found time to draw up some sketches of various ads he wanted to run in the local newspaper and some of the free publications.  They were designed to announce the opening of his dental practice and the August arrival of his partner.  It was good to see him so positive about his day. 


Throughout the week, I spent my time with Ted and Gavin.  We spent many hours talking, but they also enjoyed time in our pool and socializing with the other boys.  I also took them on several day trips, so I could show Gavin some of our local area and a few places of interest.  I also took them to see Kevin’s new pharmacy and we did a tour of the new children’s health center, while explaining they were still works in progress. 


Ted also told Gavin about some of his earlier visits with us, without the graphic details of his sexual escapades.  He also explained about our very special Valentine’s Day parties that he’d been able to attend.  It was nice to see that he’d had such wonderful memories of those times with our family. 


At the end of the week, Ted and Gavin got ready to leave, but promised to come back to see us again in the future.  We assured them they were welcome any time and Gavin told us he had enjoyed himself and loved meeting the entire family.  We were quick to point out that there were still others he hadn’t yet met, which he had trouble believing, since we’d introduced him to so many.  He emphasized that everyone had greeted him warmly and treated him as well as his own family did.  I was glad to see we’d made a good first impression. 


It was very difficult when it came time for them leave.  No matter how many times we say good-bye to our visitors, it never gets any easier.  It’s just something we do because we have to.  We kissed and hugged them both and then bid them a safe trip home. 


Kevin was very busy throughout July, as he worked at his normal job during the day and then went to stock shelves at his new pharmacy at night.  Vinnie helped him do this, as much as he could, and slowly things began to come together at the pharmacy.


Kevin also called Jeff, to tell him about the pharmacy.  In case you don’t remember, Jeff was the young man that Kevin switched scholarships with.  Since Jeff probably wouldn’t have been able to attend college with only the partial scholarship that he had won, Kevin talked the scholarship committee into letting him switch his scholarship with Jeff.  Kevin gave Jeff his full scholarship, in exchange for the partial one, since he also had a trust fund that he could use to pay for his education.  The two boys became very close after that and even went to Temple University together.  They have been great friends ever since. 


When Kevin told Jeff what he was up to, Jeff had a bunch of questions for him.  He was interested in what Kevin was doing and wanted to know more about how he was managing this. 


“So what hours are you going to be open?” Jeff asked first.


“To start, I think I’ll be open from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m.,” Kevin responded. 


“And you’re going to work the entire day by yourself?” Jeff pressed. 


“Yes, I’ll be covering the pharmacy the entire time, but I will hire other people to watch over the rest of the store,” Kevin confirmed. 


“That’s a long day,” Jeff observed.  “You might be able to handle working that many hours while business is slow, but I don’t think you’ll be able to do that once the traffic picks up.”  


“You’re probably right and I do intend to hire another pharmacist to overlap shifts with me, once we get busy,” Kevin advised him.  “Once we get established, I figured one of us will open and the other will close.  We can even alternate the shifts weekly or monthly, if that’s what the other person wants to do.” 


“When you get to that point, let me know,” Jeff suggested.  “I’d love to come work for you, if you’re willing to have me.” 


“You bet your sweet ass I am,” Kevin replied.  “You can even live with Vinnie and me and use our spare bedroom, until you find something on your own.” 


“Wow, that’s very generous of you,” Jeff admitted.  “Are you sure Vinnie will agree with that offer.” 


“Actually, I know he will,” Kevin confessed.  “When I told Vinnie I was going to call you, he told me to see if you were interested in moving here to work with me.  He was also the one who suggested you could stay with us, until you got set up on your own.  The thing is, you beat me to the punch and asked first.” 


“I’ll be damned!” Jeff exclaimed.  “He really said that, huh?” 


“He certainly did,” Kevin confirmed. 


The two of them talked for a while longer and Kevin agreed to call Jeff again, once his business started to pick up.  At that time, Jeff would give notice at his current job and make plans to move here.  He seemed excited about the possibility, until he thought about his mother.  When he did, he confided in Kevin that he didn’t want to leave her alone. 


“Once you get set up, then you can move her here too,” Kevin told him.  “I’m sure my brothers or I can find a job for her, maybe even at the pharmacy with us, and then you’ll still be close to each other.” 


“Thank you,” Jeff stated.  “You certainly go out of your way to do nice things for people.  I guess that’s how we became friends in the first place, when you switched scholarships with me.  I still owe you for that one.” 


“No, you don’t owe me a thing,” Kevin told him.  “I was happy to do it and now we’re both pharmacists because of that.  It also looks as if we’ll be working together soon, so it was worth switching scholarships with you.” 


I think both boys were happy with how this was working out, so Jeff was going to explain this possibility to his mother.  He was fairly certain she’d be thrilled about it too and wouldn’t hesitate to move, since they don’t have any other family in the area.  She will be leaving some of her friends, but Jeff was positive they’d stay in touch and she’d make new friends once she got settled. 


Kevin, however, wasn’t the only one who was getting things organized.  Dion and Trey received the finalized adoption agreement from Uncle Steve and they sat down and read it over.  When they finished, they agreed that everything had been adequately covered, so they called Penny and told her they’d bring it over to her to sign.  They explained they would leave it with her and she could take it to her own attorney and he could peruse it too. 


That’s when Penny informed them she couldn’t afford a lawyer and stated that she’d just read it over herself, as long as it didn’t contain a lot of legalese.  Once they explained it was written in language that she could understand, she said she’d go over it and decide if she was willing to sign it.  Since she had agreed to do this, they set up a time to meet her. 


Dion and Trey were excited that they would soon have another son, but Joshie was growing impatient. 


“When is the new baby coming to live with us?” he asked his fathers one evening.  “I want to see my brother.” 


“Joshie, it takes time for a baby to grow inside its mommy, before it is ready to be born,” Dion told him. 


“Did I grow inside my mommy?” Joshie wondered. 


“You certainly did,” Trey confirmed.  “In fact, maybe you should ask her, the next time you’re with her.”  Joshie nodded in agreement. 


“So when will I see my brother?” Joshie wanted to know. 


“The baby won’t be coming to live with us until about a month after you have your next birthday,” Dion told him. 


“When’s my birthday?” Joshie demanded. 


“It’s still about two months away,” Dion confirmed. 


“How many days?” Joshie challenged, since he didn’t understand what his daddy was telling him. 


“A lot,” Trey answered, when he saw Dion trying to count them up in his head.  “It will be quite a while before we actually get the baby.”


“That’s too long,” Joshie pouted. 


“It may be, but babies only come when they’re ready,” Dion assured him. 


“You should tell him to hurry,” Joshie insisted, and this made his fathers laugh. 


This basically ended their conversation, but Joshie still wasn’t happy.  He did agree to be patient and wait, but his fathers were convinced they’d be having similar conversations with him about this same subject in the very near future. 


While they were working this out with Joshie, I was calling my older children, to confirm our vacation plans.  When I talked to Marie, I had something else to ask her. 


“I hope you remember that last year Michael and you agreed to let Nicky and Jordan spend the two weeks before our vacation here with us,” I told her. 


“It’s hard to forget when your son is reminding you every other day,” she replied, with a giggle.  “We are both well aware of this and are looking forward to a couple weeks of peace without them.” 


I had to chuckle at her observation. 


“Do you think Nicky might be old enough to fly here on his own this year?” I asked.  “If not, I’ll fly down to get him.” 


“You won’t have to do that, Dad,” Marie told me.  “We’ve got it covered.  I don’t know if I mentioned this to you before, but we had a situation at work with the lack of business, so each of us in the office agreed to take a month furlough.” 


“When did this happen?” I pressed.  “Are Adrian and you okay financially?” 


“Yes, we’re fine,” she confirmed.  “What happened was this.  Our boss came in one day and told us he was going to have to let one person go.  He also told us that since there is no seniority and our last evaluations had been about the same, he was going to have a lottery drawing to determine who would be leaving.  Since we didn’t want to see one of us lose her job, we all agreed to take a month unpaid furlough, so no one had to be terminated.  We all felt it would be easier to make up a month’s salary, than risk losing our job.”


“That might have been a wise choice,” I agreed.  “So you have to take a month off at a time?” 


“No, we just have to take four unpaid weeks between the time we agreed to this and the end of the year,” she advised me.  “We will have to do the same thing next year as well.  For now, two people will be out most weeks, since there is only a half year remaining to do this in, but we don’t have to take it all at once.” 


“That’s good,” I confirmed.  “So when are you taking your time off?” 


“I decided to take mine in four consecutive weeks,” Marie told me.  “I’m starting with the last week of July and I’m flying with the kids to Michael’s house.  Kylie and I are going to spend those two weeks with Megan and Andrea, while Jordan and Nicky are with you.  Then, the following week we’re going on the family vacation together and I’ll use my final week getting the kids ready for school.” 


“It sounds like you have everything figured out,” I told her. 


“I try,” she agreed.  “Do you want us to drive the boys up or do you want to come get them?” 


“I can come get them, that way I’ll be able to see the rest of you too,” I acknowledged.  “I’m looking forward to seeing you all again, even though we’ll be spending a week together shortly after that.” 


Since all of this had been agreed to and settled, we just had to wait for them to arrive at Michael’s house. 


The time in between went by fairly quickly, since Jesse and Elliot were keeping me busy getting ready for Jordan and Nicky’s arrival.  I knew Jesse and Elliot were making other plans for what they were going to do when the other two arrived, but we did plan a few things we could all do together. 


When the day came for us to pick them up at Michael’s, Jake announced that he was planning to go with us.  Since Jesse and Elliot also wanted to ride along, I talked Danny and Brandon into allowing Elliot to go with us too.  We each packed an overnight bag and took off in the Suburban. 


It was a long trip, but the boys were so excited and going on about things that it seemed to make the time go by faster than normal.  When we arrived, the others greeted us and helped take our bags inside.  Jake and I were going to be using Jordan’s room overnight, because Michael and Jordan had set up their family tent in the backyard for the boys to stay in for the night.  Since they had limited space at the house for this mob, Kylie was staying with Megan and Marie was given the guest room.  It all seemed to work out fine. 


We spent the next few hours together, although the kids would disappear from time to time, but we were really enjoying each other’s company.  We had dinner at the house and played some games afterward, and then the boys went out to spend the rest of the night in the tent.  I was fairly certain they’d be messing around a little later, at least after they saw the lights in the house go off. 


The next morning, we got the boys together and started our trip back.  This trip seemed to take a little longer for Jake and me, because the boys were busy interacting with each other in the back and not paying much attention to us.  That ended, once we got closer to home. 


“Papa, since we’re older this year,” Jordan began, “are you going to let us do everything this time?” 


I knew he was referring to having anal intercourse this year. 


“Let me think about that and we’ll talk about it more, once we’re at the house,” I told him. 


They agreed and I knew they were also hopeful.  As we pulled into the driveway, less than an hour later, the boys were rearing to go. 


“Are we going to talk about it now?” Nicky asked. 


I could see the expectation on his face. 


“Not yet,” I told them.  “I’m sure you want Elliot to be involved in this too, so I’ll have to talk to Danny and Brandon first, before we can make it happen.  Since they are at work now, I’m sure you’ll be able to hold out for a little while longer, since you’re going to be here for two weeks.” 


The boys accepted my argument, but only because I left them no other option.  I knew they were going to keep pestering me until I gave them a definitive answer, but I’ll handle that.  In fact, when they approached me about it again later, once Danny and Brandon had arrived home from work, I told them I would do it after dinner, not before. 


Danny and Brandon welcomed Nicky and Jordan at dinner, because Dion and Trey had done that when the boys first arrived.  I saw the four of them keep glancing at me throughout the meal, but I wasn’t going to do this until after we finished eating.  In fact, it became obvious as to how anxious they were, when they offered to take care of the clean up and put things away, after we got up from the table.  I knew they were just doing this to free me up to speak with Elliot’s fathers.  Seeing I wasn’t going to have a minute of rest until I did, I asked Danny and Brandon if I could speak with them in the family room.  I took Jake with us too. 


“What’s up, Dad?” Danny asked, as we entered. 


I quickly described the situation to them. 


“I’ll leave it up to the two of you, as to how you want to handle this with Elliot,” I told them. 


“Well, if he really wants to do this, I think we should consider it,” Danny told us.  “He is older than Brandon and I were the first time we did it and he’s in good physical health, so he should be able to handle it, as long as it’s done correctly.” 


“Yes, I think he’s old enough to decide if he wants to do it or not,” Brandon agreed.  “He will be a sophomore in the fall, so I’m fine with it, if that’s what he wants to do.  What have you decided about Nicky and Jordan?” 


“I’ve kind of reached the same decision,” I answered.  “As long as Jesse is there and oversees what’s going on and it is done gradually, then I don’t see a problem with it.  I’ve seen all of the boys naked and I think they will be able to handle each other, except I don’t think the three younger ones are ready to take Jesse yet.  I’ll make that clear to him, so he doesn’t try to get involved.” 


“If you’re going to do that, then I think it should be fine,” Danny confirmed. 


Jake had sat silent throughout this entire conversation, so I thought I’d get his input too.  I turned to him and asked what he thought. 


“I think you’ve covered all the bases,” Jake told me.  “I wasn’t aware when Shannon did it the first time, but I’m pretty sure he was younger than any of these boys.  If he was able to handle it at that age, then I feel they probably can too.” 


Since we had a consensus, we broke up our little meeting.  The second the boys saw one of us leave the family room, four eager faces quickly surrounded me, waiting to discover what we’d decided. 


“I have to talk to Jesse first, before I can give you an answer,” I told them, which elicited another collective groan. 


Once the other boys left the room again, I sat down with Jesse.  He looked at me and I could tell he was a little nervous. 


“Is there a problem, Dad?” he asked, immediately. 


“Not a problem, but I want to tell you the ground rules first, so there is no confusion,” I told him.  “I’m leaving it up to you to make certain these rules are followed and no one breaks them.  Do you think you can do that?” 


“It’s a lot of responsibility,” he admitted, “but I’ll try.”


“With something this important, you can’t just try,” I advised him.  “You either have to promise you can do it and get the other three to listen to you, or we’ll have to say ‘no’.” 


He looked at me for a few seconds, but didn’t say a word.  Eventually, he spoke again. 


“The others really want you to say yes, so I’m pretty sure I can get them to listen to me,” he confirmed.  “They won’t, dare not to, especially if it means they won’t be able to try it.” 


“Okay, if you’re certain, then here are the rules,” I stated.  “First of all, are they all going to get involved as both a top and a bottom?”  


“Yes.  We talked about that earlier,” Jesse confirmed, “and they all agree that if they want to do it to someone else, then they should also be willing to let someone do it to them.” 


“That clears up one issue then,” I confessed.  “The next thing is that we don’t think any of those boys are ready to handle a penis as large as yours, so I don’t want you doing this with any of them.”


“I’d already decided that myself,” Jesse confirmed.  “None of them can really take me orally, although they try, so I knew they wouldn’t be able to take me anally.” 


“I’m glad you reached that decision on your own,” I agreed.  “Therefore, we want you to pair them up with a person you think they can handle easily, at least to start.  Can you do that?” 


“Yes, Dad, I can,” Jesse concurred.  “I’m going to have Jordan do it to me, since I think he’s too big for the other two to handle as well.” 


“Great!  Than I trust your judgment and will leave it at that,” I advised him.  “Now, we’ll tell the others the rules too.” 


We then called the other three boys in and I advised them that Jesse would basically call all the shots.  He will also explain what they’ll need to do and how to do it.  I then asked if each of them would agree to these rules and be willing to listen to Jesse.  The boys immediately said they would, so I sent them on their way.  However, before they left, each one gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  I told Elliot that he also needed to thank his fathers, so all of the boys went to thank Danny and Brandon too.  I guess Elliot was no longer bothered that his fathers and I knew what he was up to. 


Jesse told me later what happened after they went upstairs.  First, he had them all take a shower and told them to wash well all over, including using a finger to clean out their rectum.  Although the boys giggled when he said that, they all agreed to do as they were told.  Once they finished their showers, they all gather in Elliot’s room, still completely naked.  Then, they waited for Jesse to tell them what to do next. 


“I’m going to have Elliot do Nicky first and then Nicky can do Jordan,” he began.  “Then Jordan will do it to me, since I don’t think Elliot or Nicky are ready to take him yet.  He’s not as large as me, but it would still be tricky.  I want you to get comfortable with this first, before any of you do it.” 


“Hey, I want to try it,” Elliot protested. 


“You will, tomorrow,” Jesse confirmed.  “Tomorrow, Nicky will do it to you and you will do it to Jordan and Jordan will do it to me again.  Are you all right with that?” 


“Yeah, I guess,” Elliot confirmed. 


Since that was settled, Jesse had Nicky get on all fours, since that’s the easiest way for someone to do it the first time.  To get the process started, Jesse had Elliot rim Nicky for a couple of minutes first and then he handed Elliot the lube.  He told Elliot to put some on Nicky anus and then put more of the first three fingers of his right hand.  Then, he had Elliot work the lubed digits, one finger at a time, into Nicky’s chute until he could easily handle all three fingers at once.  When this happened, Jesse had Elliot lube up his penis and get into position. 


Since Elliot, Nicky and Jordan hadn’t had any sexual contact with anyone other than the four of them, it was decided they could do this without condoms this time.  Now, Elliot got behind Nicky and slowly entered him, since Jesse had warned him not to do it too quickly. 


Although Nicky and Jordan didn’t know this, Elliot had done this before with Jesse, so he knew what he was doing.  Once he was seated inside Nicky’s butt, Elliot began thrusting in and out, but he went slower than he had with Jesse the first time.  However, once he began to feel the churning in his groin, he picked up his pace and went like a madman, until he emptied his load inside his partner.  He stayed in Nicky for a while after that, but once he pulled out, Nicky turned around and spoke. 


“That wasn’t bad at all,” he began.  “In fact, it kind of tickled.  No, that’s not right.  It was more like I had an itch and you were scratching it, so it felt good.  I didn’t think I’d ever end up saying this, but I liked it.” 


Once he finished his comment, he giggled. 


Now, it was Nicky’s turn to do it to Jordan.  After going through the same preliminary procedures, Jesse told Nicky to line his dick up with Jordan’s hole and slowly push his way in. 


“Dang, he’s keeping me out,” Nicky whined. 


“Jordan, push out a little, like you’re taking a crap,” Jesse advised him.  “Just don’t do it hard enough that you actually do.” 


“Oh, that’s romantic,” Elliot laughed. 


Nicky giggled and Jordan gave both of them a dirty look. 


This time, Nicky slid right in and began humping like a dog attacking a bitch in heat.  After Jesse told him to slow down and enjoy the ride, he did a little, but not much.  Therefore, he finished quite quickly and ended up dumping his seed into Jordan in a matter of minutes. 


“Wow, that was freaking awesome!” Nicky exclaimed, once he’d recovered.  “It felt warm and slippery, so if that’s what it feels like to do it to a girl, I can’t wait.” 


“Just remember, they get pregnant and we don’t,” Jesse warned him, “so you have to be more careful with a girl.  That means you never do this with them unless you’re wearing a condom.  I’ll show you how to use one before you leave here.” 


“And I thought it was okay too,” Jordan added.  “Like Nicky said, it felt like I had an itch and he was scratching it.” 


Now, Jesse had Jordan prepare him the same way and then go slowly as he entered. 


“Why?  You’ve done this before,” Jordan argued. 


“I have, but not for quite a while,” Jesse confessed.  “That’s why I need to be loosened up first.  Besides, your penis isn’t exactly tiny, so I don’t want this to hurt.” 


Understanding what Jesse was telling him, Jordan did as he was instructed.  Jordan, however, went at a pace somewhere between what Nicky and Elliot had used, so he lasted longer than Nicky. 


“Wow, that felt fantastic,” Jordan said, once he’d finished.  “I agree with Nicky about this too.  If it feels anywhere near this good with a girl, then I’m certainly looking forward to doing that too.” 


Fortunately, this went quite well and the boys were all happy with what they’d done.  In fact, Elliot felt badly that he had only done one thing and Jesse hadn’t got off, so he sucked Jesse to climax afterward.  Then, they split up between the two rooms and went to sleep, one pair to a room.


To be continued...

Posted: 02/10/17