The Castaway Hotel
Book 9

By: B W
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 9
September Memories.

As September rolled around, so did the school board election.  Our district likes to hold the election at the beginning of the school year, when the interest in the district seems to be the greatest.  This way, we can seat the new board by the end of the month and then they’ll be in place for the rest of the school year. 


The friends I had spoken to about the one board member had had recruited their own candidate and he came with great credentials.  They decided to oppose the current board members re-election because they were shocked at the way he had reacted when the gay-straight alliance had first come up for approval.  They concluded from his actions that he wasn’t the type of person they wanted in such a crucial position.  I had only spoken to them one additional time, after our initial conversation, when they informed me about the guy they wanted to run against him.  They also promised they’d do all they could to make certain the current member was ousted.  They were emphatic in their belief that he didn’t have the appropriate attitude or background to hold such a sensitive and influential position. 


Before the election, another candidate also came forward and threw his name into the hat as well, so now we had four people running to fill the two seats.  There were two incumbents in the mix, along with these two newcomers.  The other person that was currently serving on the board was a female and had held the position for three terms, or six years, already.  She was very good at asking probing questions in private and came to the meetings well prepared.  Her only concern was what was best for the district and the students, so I hoped she’d retain her seat. 


It looked as if this was going to be a hotly contested election and the two debates held prior to the voting were extremely interesting and highly enlightening.  The three other candidates had done very well and made the other incumbent, the one that had given us so much trouble, look like an ass.  They pinned him down about facts he was unsure about and details about school policy that he didn’t know.  In the end, it appeared as if this man had only one topic in his repertoire, and that was attacking the gay alliance, as he called it.  I thought he had pretty much sealed his own fate during the debate, especially when he couldn’t respond intelligently to many of the questions put to him. 


I was also fairly certain that his run in with the law wouldn’t help his re-election bid either.  The story about the incident at the dance had become the next day’s lead headline on the local page.  He spent the night in jail because of his actions and was arraigned the following day.  He was then released on bail, but he still had big legal problems ahead of him.  I think his continuing legal woes could sway some voters, since they might prefer someone that would be able to concentrate on school related issues instead of being consumed with upcoming battles in court.  They might also be against having someone serve on the school board that couldn’t control his temper.   


On the day the votes were to be cast, the turnout was quite heavy for a school board election.  I was glad to see it, because it meant we had generated some interest this year, although I hoped it wasn’t in support of the old board member’s stance on the gay-straight alliance.  If a lot of these people were in his corner, then the club and I would be facing a lot of heat to disband.  I’d know before long if this was the case, but it did concern me, at least in the short term. 


The voting was held in the conference room at the district office, so I could see the people as they came in and recognized a good number of them.  That cheered me up a little, since I knew most of those I recognized to be levelheaded, honest folks that were willing to look at issues in a rational manner.  Many of them even knew some of my boys were gay and never seemed to have a problem with it, so I was hoping this would work to our advantage. 


A television reporter from the local station was conducting an exit poll in front of the building and was doing everything she could to get a scoop on the local newspaper.  She would ask people if they’d mind sharing how they voted, and many of them cooperated, so by noontime she had a fairly good idea how things were going.  I decided to watch the noon news while eating my lunch and learned she was predicting a tight three-way race and reported the only candidate that seemed to be out of the running was my arch-nemesis.  I wanted to do back-flips right then, if my aging body would have allowed it, and I couldn’t wait until the votes were verified. 


The school board president had been watching the same broadcast and called me immediately, so he could share the information personally.  He seemed a bit disappointed that I had already seen it, because he wanted to be the one to give me the good news.  He and I were both thrilled that we might not have to prepare for further battles with this gentleman as a member of the board.  We might still have to deal with him as a concerned taxpayer and parent, because he did still have one child in school.  She was a sweet young thing and a senior this year.  I sometimes wondered how she turned out as well as she did, considering what her father was like. 


Regardless of our optimism, we wouldn’t know the actual results for a couple more days.  The rough tally should be in by later tonight or early tomorrow, so we should have a pretty good idea by then, but it looked as if my sparring days with this jackass might be nearing an end. 


I literally floated through the rest of the day and was in such a good mood when I got home that everyone wanted to know what was up.  After I explained the situation to them, the high school boys also became excited and made comments like ‘that’s one less ass we’ll have to worry about.’  I told him his losing the election didn’t mean it would be the last we’d hear from him, because knowing his type, he’d still be out there swinging for the fences and trying to get things to go his way. 


I believe that night I slept about as well as I had in months.  It was almost as if this huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders and I was able to walk upright again.  Although I knew, as I told the boys, this guy would probably still try to cause problems with the gay-straight alliance, I felt his arrest and the elections results may bring him crashing back to earth.  I just hoped this is what would actually happen. 


I woke up the next morning refreshed and rearing to go.   I reached my office and my secretary greeted me with a smile, before explaining she had placed the unofficial results of the election on my desk.  I thanked her and then hurried in to see them, hoping they’d turned out as I’d hoped.  As I scanned the sheet containing the numbers, my eyes grew wide.  The board member that had been a thorn in my side hadn’t been defeated – he had been totally destroyed.  I could hardly believe the information that was on the paper.  He had not only received the lowest vote tally of the four people running, but he had also received less than three percent of the total votes.  I couldn’t help but shout, “All right!” 


When I looked up, my secretary was standing in the doorway, with a huge grin on her face.  “I thought you’d be pleased to see that,” she commented.  “Even a recount won’t save him now.” 


I nodded in agreement.  She was right, even being unofficial, there was no chance he would be back in an official capacity.  The winning candidates had just under forty-three and thirty-seven percent of the vote, respectively, with the other incumbent receiving the largest vote total.  Even the other loser had received just under eighteen percent of the vote, so the pain in my ass came in a very distant fourth in a four horse race. 


I immediately got on the phone and dialed the board president, so I could share the news with him.  He seemed as happy as I was about it, although he also cautioned me it was probably not the last we were going to see of this guy.  I agreed with him, but pointed out it wouldn’t be as bad to deal with in the future, since he wouldn’t carry any official weight, as he had in the past.  The board president concurred and then we both went on with the rest of our day. 


By the time I got home that evening, I was nearly bouncing off the walls, but they already knew why.  They had either heard the numbers for the election results at school or saw them on the early news.  I did call my friends that had recruited the new board member to congratulate them and then I placed calls to the two people that had been elected, so I could congratulate them personally.  Now, I could focus my attention on the next event on our calendar, Andrew’s birthday. 


Andrew’s birthday fell on a Sunday this year, so I had arranged to have his party at that time.  Since Jesse was also aware that Andrew’s birthday was coming up, because Sammy had clued him in about it, he insisted he wanted to help me get things ready.  I told him that would be fine and then gave my ‘assistant’ the task of deciding what we were going to buy for Andrew for his special day. 


Jesse accepted and discharged his duty with great zest, while keeping it totally secret from Andrew.  He asked the others if Andrew had mentioned any things he wanted and jotted their suggestions down.  He then added some of the things they’d mentioned to the list of ideas he had about what Andrew might like, and then came to me with the composite list.  Jesse then accompanied me when I went to pick everything out, because he wanted to be certain it was exactly what Andrew wanted.  We even spent a long time in the card aisle, as Jesse read through the numerous birthday greetings until he found the one he thought best indicated how he felt.  I was impressed by the lengths he had gone before choosing his card, so I made a point to praise his efforts. 


Of course, we’d be having another cookout and the extended family would be invited, but somehow I knew the day wouldn’t revolve solely around Andrew.  A great deal of attention would be focused on Jesse, as well, since he had been involved in nearly every detail of the planning.  Not only had he helped with the presents, Jesse had also played a very substantial role in nearly everything that was done.  He picked out what type of cake we would have and then explained to the decorator how he wanted it to look, before selecting which ice cream flavors would be served.  He even chose the decorative plates and napkins we’d use, so they’d all tie in together with the theme he had in mind.  I had very little to do, except drive him around. 


When the big day came around, Jesse took Andrew out for a bike ride after we got home from church, so the rest of us could get things set up.  We were certain Andrew knew we were having a party for him, so it wouldn’t come as a surprise in that regard, but Jesse didn’t want him to see what we were doing.  I thought that was a nice touch. 


While that pair was gone, the rest of us got everything ready and the guests started to arrive.  By the time the boys returned, nearly everyone was here, so we all came out front and wished him a ‘Happy Birthday,’ before he and Jesse went inside to clean up and change.  When they came back out to join us, everything was ready and Andrew’s eyes began to sparkle.  The plates and napkins on the table had ‘Tour de France’ scenes on them and then Jesse went on to tell Andrew some of the differences he had insisted on for the meal. 


Instead of hot dogs and hamburgers, we were having cheese-brats and hamburgers.  We were still having steak, but instead of BBQ-chicken, Jesse had insisted we marinate the chicken in the red sweet and sour sauce that Andrew liked so much, whenever we ate Chinese.  Instead of having our normal potato salad, Jesse had asked us to switch to a Southern potato salad, which used more eggs and had a totally different taste.  He also asked us to make a salad consisting of cherry-jell-o and whipped cream, which he knew Andrew also liked.  All in all, the menu consisted of only items that Andrew enjoyed, but it was a nice changeup for the rest of us too. 


When it came time for us to have cake and ice cream, Jake brought the cake out and Andrew saw it for the first time.  Not only did it have the typical birthday greeting, it featured two boys riding bicycles, with big-bro written under the larger figure.  Andrew just grinned and then hugged Jesse in appreciation, when I explained nearly all of this had been Jesse’s ideas. 


For ice cream, Jesse had selected black cherry, chocolate chip and Dutch apple ice cream, but I also saw to it that we had the typical vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, in case someone would prefer those instead.  Andrew thought it was great and couldn’t figure out how Jesse knew he liked all of those flavors, since he’d never had any of them since Jesse had been around.  That’s when Jesse told him he found out by asking the others, and Andrew began to realize how much effort Jesse had gone to, in order to make sure this day was special. 


When it came time for Andrew to open his presents, he got several new articles of clothing, many of which Jesse had personally picked out for him.  His brothers also gave him some videos they knew he wanted and a few other things, and then Jesse handed him a card, just from him.  When Andrew opened it and began to read, I could tell he was trying very hard not to become too emotional, but it became a real struggle for him.  I had seen the card in advance and knew what it said, so I understood what he was going through.  It was a semi-humorous card that went like this, and each phrase had a picture that corresponded with it.



Some guys end up with brothers that pick on them…


Others have brothers that aren’t much fun…


Some have brothers that would rather be with their friends…


While others have brothers they wish they could trade in… 


I was lucky, because I have a brother who is also my best friend…


So I wanted to wish him Happy Birthday on his very special day…


And thank him for being him. 



Jesse had signed it, ‘To my big brother and best friend, with all my love.  Jesse’


If Andrew didn’t cry when he read it, I’m certain some of the others did when he passed it around for them to see.    


Once Andrew thanked Jesse and gave him a very special hug, Jesse went rushing inside to get Andrew’s final gift and came back pushing a bike.  Andrew thought it was Jesse’s bike and figured he just wanted to go out for another ride, but then Jesse explained it was a new bike for him.  It was exactly like the one we had picked out for Jesse’s birthday, only it was a size larger, and then Jesse went to get his bike, so Andrew could see them standing side by side. 


After Andrew thanked all of us for his gifts, I explained to him that Jesse had done most of the work, so Andrew thanked him again.  In fact, after the others left, not only did Andrew thank him again in the privacy of their bedroom, but Jesse also gave him another special present, one he knew Andrew would love.


Even though I didn’t suspect either boy was truly gay, what they did that night would have put real gay lovers to shame.  I heard from Andrew later, as he told me about that night, and I must say I was impressed.  During one of our many trips, Jesse had me buy one of those air fresheners that you plug in, so he’d have it for this purpose.  I believe he chose the vanilla scent, but he also had me pick up a special candle, which he lit and placed on the nightstand.  That’s all the light they had in the room, as they undressed each other, slowly kissing each area as it was exposed.  Once they were totally naked, the boys hoped into bed and cuddled.  They just held each other for quite awhile, enjoying the soft touch and his delicate fragrance, which was a combination of boy, soap and shampoo. 


Once they had held each other for several minutes and their souls had essentially combined as one, they slowly moved around until they were in position to sixty-nine.  Gently and lovingly, they took a hold of the part that made the other boy male and tenderly suckled on it, as a newborn would nurse at the breast of its mother.  After more time elapsed, they eventually brought each other to their own dry, yet totally satisfying, orgasm.  Once they had both experienced this wonderful release, they cuddled against each other again, with arms and legs draped over and about their best friend and brother.  Gradually, they drifted off, into a pleasant and restful slumber, while Morpheus helped them relive those glorious moments. 


When Jake and I went to bed, I explained to Jake how impressed I had been with everything Jesse had done.  Seeing how important doing this was for Jesse, I realized those two would be close forever.  They may not end up as lovers, but they will always be brothers and best friends, I had no doubt about that.  This also made me realize it was also time to talk to Jesse, to see what his thoughts were concerning his mother.  I wanted to get a feel as to whether he might prefer to go back and live with her or if he wanted me to adopt him.


Over the next two days, the boys went out at least once a day for a bike ride, and Sammy and Little Ricky often accompanied them.  Graham and Dion weren’t really into the bike riding, but would go out with them from time to time, depending on what else was happening at the moment.  Dion and Graham almost always went out when Jake and I got roped in to joining Andrew and Jesse and it was nice to see all of the boys were bonding through this activity.  


At the end of the week I received another email from Frankie and this one left me trying to figure out what he was alluding to, because it was just as cryptic as the one before.  This is what he said.



Hey, Dad. 


What’s up?  I hope you guys are having a better time at home than I’m having here.  I’m really wondering if I did the right thing by enlisting and I sometimes have trouble seeing how this is going to help me get a job in law enforcement.  I don’t believe the things I’m learning here will have much relevance or use once I get back and I’m not sure if my superiors are even going to leave me in this position for much longer.  I may end up getting transferred to an infantry unit or something, because I’m having a hard time adjusting to what they want me to do. 


Dad, I’ve seen some things here that are hard to describe.  I’ve also been asked to do some stuff that I’ve had trouble forcing myself to do.  When I’m asked to do those things, I think back to how you taught us to respect ourselves and to respect others, and I don’t feel we’re making the world better or safer by what we’re doing here.  I’m sorry, Dad, but I think living with you and my brothers has given me a different perspective than some of the others have, and if this is the way it’s also going to be when I get home, I may have to choose a new career. 


Sorry, I had to get that off my chest and now I want you to tell me what’s going on at home.  I think about you guys all the time and can’t wait to see you again.  How’s Jesse doing?  Is he continuing to talk better and did Andrew get the cast off yet?   How is everyone else?  Did they get the gay-straight alliance started and, if so, how is it going?  How are you and Uncle Jake doing?  I hope he’s doing all right now and no one is sick or anything.  Have you heard from our older brothers and sisters?  I hope they’ve stopped being so selfish and have gotten in touch with you again. 


Well, I’d better get going, but I want you to know that I love all of you, but especially you, Dad.  I don’t know how or what I’d be doing right now, if I didn’t think about what you’d do, if you were in my place.  I’ll write again soon.





As I said, Frankie’s email was just as confusing as the one before.  What was he talking about?  What did he mean when he said he’s having a hard time doing the things he’s been asked to do and may get transferred to the infantry?  What was he referring to when he was talking about me teaching him respect for himself and others or about switching to a new career.  Damn, his email raised more questions than it answered again, but at least I know he’s well. 


The next thing on our plate was the Homecoming football game.  The boys were involved in getting a float ready for the parade and they wanted to make sure it truly represented the gay-straight alliance.  They asked if I’d pull it with the Yukon, and I told them I would, so they set out to put their ideas together and design the float, with the assistance of the other club members. 


The homecoming game was going to be held on Saturday afternoon this year, instead of Friday night.  The boys also had the concession stand to run and worry about, as well as being included in all the other festivities.  Jake and I volunteered to help them out with the concession stand, along with Andrew, Jesse and a couple of the club members that weren’t interested in doing any of the other things.  The boys happily accepted our offer and then spent their time pursuing other concerns. 


When it came time to drive down and hook up their float to the Yukon, I was quite impressed.  They had done a nice job with the float, but I hadn’t seen it until this moment.  All the work was done at the bus garage, and it was also stored there, along with the floats from the other clubs.  Of course, it had a rainbow above the gay-straight alliance name, but below the rainbow it said, “Under the rainbow we are all equal.”  I had never heard it put this way before, but I thought it was very appropriate.  They also had several other items on the float, which symbolized various aspects of school life, but they were all tied together by the theme. 


The parade wasn’t going to be held until halftime, so we settled in to watch the game first.  A few faculty members stayed at the bus garage, so they could watch over the floats and insure no one tried to damage any of them.  After some of the recent activities at school, we felt that would be prudent. 


Our school was actually leading by a touchdown at the half, but that was probably to be expected, since the athletic director had picked one of our weaker opponents for this event.  To kick off the celebration, an announcement was made over the P.A. system welcoming everyone, before asking them to rise and participate in the singing of the alma mater.  Once that was completed, the announcer asked all former athletes, cheerleaders and graduates of our school system to rise.  This was done by calling each group separately, such as the football players, soccer players, on down through the various sports, until finally all the graduates were asked to rise.  Some people had to stand numerous times, since they were members of several different groups, but it was nice to be recognized once more by the school system. 


Once this was over, the floats were driven on to the track and pulled around the oval that surrounded the football field.  I drove the Yukon personally, since I didn’t wan to chance one of the boys having a mishap, and I was proud to be dragging the gay-straight alliance float behind me.  The entire event went off very well and with no problems, and then the drivers took their floats back to the bus garage, before returning to watch the rest of the game. 


Before the game ended, an announcement was made welcoming everyone, including former graduates, to attend the homecoming dance in the gymnasium, which would be held a little later in the evening.  The homecoming king and queen would be crowned at a point during the dance and it was stated that everyone and their partners would be welcome, without exception.  Hearing this made my boys feel fantastic, since it meant even gay couples were welcome, and this dance wasn’t even being sponsored by the gay-straight alliance. 


In the meantime, several other activities were planned for everyone to enjoy and we took advantage of those too.  We did go home to eat after the other activities ended and before the dance began, as did everyone else.  By the time we drove back down, there was already a fairly nice crowd and it kept growing for another thirty minutes or more.  I actually did see some girls dancing with each other and even a few guys dancing with other guys, but I wasn’t sure if they were actually partners or just doing it as a joke. 


Jake and I took the two little ones home with us, shortly after the king and queen were crowned, but the other boys stayed behind.  It was a pretty typical homecoming event, except for the fact that same sex couples were encouraged to participate this year, as opposed to the past.  Everyone seemed to be having a great time and I never heard any negative comments.  In fact, there were absolutely no incidents even remotely similar to what had happened at the previous dance. 

To be continued...

Posted: 01/25/13