The Castaway Hotel
Book 8

By: B W
(© 2012 by the author)

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Chapter 10
Living With Our Decisions.

On Sunday, I made sure we all went to church.  It was Palm Sunday, the time when Christians remember and celebrate Jesus’ joyous entry into Jerusalem.  Seeing it was a major event also meant the service would probably be longer than normal.  Even though today marked a jubilant religious event, it also reminded us that this coming Friday would be Good Friday, the day Christ was crucified.  The following Sunday we’d celebrate Easter and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, which signifies one of the strongest beliefs we hold – in the promise of life after death.


Coincidentally, this year Passover would begin on Tuesday, which meant the Jewish and Christian holidays would overlap, which doesn’t always happen.  The week between Palm Sunday and Easter is always a very important week for our family, but it is even more so this year, with Nick’s return from Brazil.


After church, we rushed home to get ready for Nick’s party.  We were having a luncheon gathering, so Jake and I were busy fixing the meal, and a few of the boys were kind enough to give us a hand.  While we were doing this, some of the other boys were cleaning up the house or setting the tables to accommodate everyone, since most of the extended family was coming to join us.  Nick was also getting ready and setting up in the family room.  He was bringing down all the things he wanted to show us and Shannon was busy assisting him. 


When our guests started to arrive, they first welcomed Nick back and asked if he’d had a good time.  He kept his answers short and sweet by telling whomever he was chatting with that he’d explain more about his trip later.  I think this piqued everyone’s interest and curiosity, so they were now looking forward to what he had planned.  After that, we just sat around and talked until the last person arrived, and then we sat down to eat.


Except for the fact that the meal wasn’t as elaborate as it was on the holidays, it almost began to look like we were having either Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.  Most of our loved ones were in attendance, even Arlene.  She seemed to be fairly lucid today, which made me feel good.  At least this way, Little Ricky could enjoy the time he spent with her. 


Nearly all of our college boys were missing, since they were busy finishing up their coursework.  It was getting close to the end of their academic year, so they had projects to complete, papers to write and exams to study for.  We made an exception with Shannon and allowed him to come home, solely because of his closeness to Nick.  However, we felt the others would catch up with Nick in May, after they returned home for the summer.   


After the meal, we sauntered in to the family room, where Nick had everything set up.  Once everyone made himself comfortable, Nick started showing the first video from his trip.  This one showed him meeting his host family and I think we all could see why he was so taken with his host brothers.  They were both quite handsome, as were his host parents, and I was sure some of the boys would be questioning Nick about them later. 


After this, Nick’s video gave us a quick tour of their home, which was quite lovely.  It was obvious they were better off than most and had many nice things.  When Nick showed us his bedroom, the thing that came to mind was I’d be willing to bet the bed had never or would never see that much action again.


Once the tour of the home ended, the video took us around the school Nick attended in Brazil.  Of course, he highlighted some of the students as well, and needless to say, there happened to be a large collection of handsome young men speaking to the camera.  They made most of their comments in Portuguese, although a few spoke in broken English, but I was glad most people couldn’t understand what they were saying.  Even those speaking in English were difficult to understand and my boys were making comments of their own, so it helped to mask what was being said on the video.  I don’t think anyone heard or understood the personal comments the Brazilian boys made to Nick, much to my relief.


The end of this tape contained a variety of other things, ranging from more shots of the host family, Nick’s attendance at various school related activities and a football (soccer) match.  Nick explained what he wanted us to know, but I had a feeling there were other things he wasn’t sharing at the moment.  I wasn’t sure if he didn’t want to tell any of us these things or just the extended family.  Maybe he would divulge these items later, either to the entire family or just selected members. 


The second tape contained scenes from his trips to Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio with his parents.  We got to see all the things he saw, including a great view from when they went to see the Statue of Christ the Redeemer.  All in all, we got a good look at some really awesome sights and Nick managed to tell us what he felt were the most important facts about everything we viewed.  When the second tape ended, we took a short break, to stretch, use the toilets or get drinks.  After a brief hiatus, we came back to watch another tape, which contained the scenes from his most recent trips.


This tape started out with Nick’s trip to Rio for Carnival.  He was right, it was one gigantic party and we saw all kinds of bands and elaborately or scantily clad people dancing in the huge parades.  We didn’t see Nick in any of these scenes, although I was certain he had packaged his own appearance to ensure he’d attract his own share of attention. 


In addition to these nighttime activities, Nick had also taken some pictures during his trips to the beaches.  Once again, we got to see a lot of flesh.  The guys mostly wore Speedos and the gals were predominantly clad in skimpy bikinis, so there was more than enough to appeal to everyone, whether they were gay, straight, bi, male or female. 


Mrs. Spence even made a few comments about some of the guys who meandered across the screen, which caused her husband to playfully remind her about her age.  However, she wasn’t about to let her husband’s comment slide and it seemed to provoke her to make her own response. 


“Remember, dear, I’m just old, not dead,” she shot back, which elicited a hearty chuckle from the rest of us. 


The next tape was from Nick’s trip on the Amazon and to Iguacu Falls.  Both trips were interesting, especially since they contained many things you wouldn’t normally see on the Travel or Discovery Channels.  We got a good look at the floating market and his stay with the Caboclos in their stilt houses at the river village.  We also were able to see parts of his impromptu trip to the Indian village.  During his time there, Nick managed to get a lot of shots of naked people; old, young, male and female, which vividly illustrated the things he had mentioned to us about the natives in his emails.   These shots weren’t erotic, but did point out how great the differences were with groups of people living in different parts of the world, although I could see my boys happily living like that as well.


This tape also contained a lot of nature shots, which kind of surprised me about Nick.  During parts of this video, we got to see a wide variety of colorful birds and butterflies, as well as a large collection of lizards and reptiles from his jungle trip.  He also had some good shots of the dolphins and piranha from his time on the river, but the best shots he took were of the falls.  I was impressed with Nick’s eye for capturing the most interesting aspects of his travels and told him so.  I think he was surprised by my praise, especially after several of the others joined in and confirmed my comments. 


Once the videos ended, Nick passed around some of the souvenirs he had brought back with him.  These included his most prized possession, the mounted piranha, which he had haggled over.  Damn, their teeth aren’t very big, but there are multiple rows of them and they are very sharp.  I’d really hate to find myself attacked by one, let alone a group of these vicious predators.  That would be an agonizing and frightening ordeal and a very slow way to die. 


In addition to that, Nick had brought back some typical tourist brochures, some gifts the natives in the Indian village had given him, a pair of Brazilian sandals (the soles of which were made from used automobile tires) and recordings of Brazilian music.   He also brought back several cans and bottles of food and drink he wanted us to sample, which we did a few minutes later. 


After that, Nick answered the myriad of questions everyone asked him about his trip.  He fielded these queries like a pro and was very descriptive in his responses.  He gave just enough information to satisfy the person asking the question and you could tell how enthusiastic he was.  It was also very obvious how much he had enjoyed his time there.  The entire family was enthralled by everything he had to say, which I could tell really pleased Nick.  By the time it ended, everyone had learned a great deal and had a fun time doing it. 


Once our extended family left, I pulled Nick aside.  I felt there was something else I needed to discuss with him.  “I don’t know if you remembered this,” I reminded him, “but your doctor’s appointment is tomorrow afternoon.” 


“You’re right.  I kind of forgot about that,” he told me, while looking very unhappy about the fact I was still making him go.  “You know, I really don’t need to be tested, Pop.  Honest.”  He was looking hopeful that I might give in and drop my request.


“Maybe not, but I’d rather be certain everything is fine,” I told him.  This caused his smile to disappear and his body posture to slump again, which signaled his slightly defeated attitude.


“I know I promised to do this, so I will,” he assured me, so I didn’t have to continue explaining my reasoning about him going through with it.  Besides, he knew he wouldn’t be having any sex until his test results came back, providing they were all negative.


Once Nick and I had finished up, I went off to find Trey.  I had remembered that I still needed to talk to him about his college plans, but this was the first opportunity I’d had to do it.  Trey had been accepted to three colleges: the University of Pittsburgh, Penn State University and Villanova.  Therefore, it was now time for me to find out which one he had decided to attend.  I also wanted to know if he’d settled on a major too, as he was still undecided the last time we spoke about this.  After taking him back to my room, we sat down and began to hash this out. 


“Trey, have you figured out which university you’re going to attend or what you’re going to study,” I asked, directly.  “I’m hoping you’ve worked this out, because you’re the last one to make up your mind.”


“Yeah, I know, but I think I’ve figured it out.  I picked the colleges I applied to so I wouldn’t be too far away from Dion, and I’ve decided I’m going to go to Villanova,” he explained.  “I thought that way I’d have Kevin and Vinnie close by too, just in case I got too lonely.  It will also make it easier to get back and forth.” 


I knew he wasn’t aware that I had told Kevin that he and Vinnie could get an apartment the following year and I’d let Kevin have a car to get around with, but I’m sure the other pair wouldn’t mind including Trey in those plans.  They could get a two-bedroom apartment now, and that’s one group Jake and I wouldn’t have to pick up and drop off in the future.  This may work out better than even I could have planned. 


“That sounds fine,” I advised him, “but have you also decided on what you’re going to take?”


“Yeah, I think so,” he told me.  “I really wanted to do something with my writing, like writing movie scripts or plays.  I might want to direct them too, so I’m going to major in English and minor in theater.”  I found that interesting, but not totally unexpected. 


“Okay, I can understand your reasoning, but why did you decide to major in English at Villanova?” I wanted to know.


“Well, I figured that way I could also get certified to teach English,” he explained, “so if my writing doesn’t work out, then I can always teach and help other kids who have the same dreams I do.”  I not only thought his rationale was admirable, but it was also a good strategy to have a back-up plan.


“That sounds great, Trey.  I’m glad you’ve ironed out your problems and worked out the details of what you want to do.”  He smiled and thanked me for my concern and help, and then I let him go.  Even though this was settled, I knew there were other things I still needed to attend to.


The reason I had scheduled Nick’s doctor’s appointment this week was not only because he had just gotten back, but school was also on spring break.  The vacation was primarily scheduled this way to give the students a chance to observe their religious beliefs without having to miss any classes.  Seeing Passover began on Tuesday and Good Friday and Easter came at the end of the same week, it became an obvious choice to those planning the school calendar.  It also meant that no one had to go to bed by any certain time or get up early either, so it was a good time to schedule other activities. 


Even though I would be going in to work for at least part of the time, I would not work the whole day.  I would also be able to enjoy some extra time off and could easily take Nick to his appointment. 


The next morning, I woke up early and went in at my usual time, but I was planning to come back home shortly after lunch.  There wasn’t much going on and I was just taking care of some routine matters, as well as putting the finishing touches on next year’s budget.  A few minutes after 1:00 I headed home, but stopped to pick up the mail on the way.  I was pleased to see I had a letter from Frankie and I couldn’t wait to open it and see what he had to say. 


Once I got in the door, dropped off my things and said hello to the boys, I sat down and began to read Frankie’s letter.





Basic training isn’t easy, but I am kind of enjoying it.  There are some things I don’t like, such as we get up really early and they don’t let us stay up very late, but I can handle it.  The food is nothing to brag about, but it’s filling.  I’m really enjoying the physical training, but I’m glad I made sure I was in shape before I came here.  We run a mile and do our calisthenics before breakfast and we march almost everywhere we go.  I’m in even better shape now than I was when I left.  The part I don’t care very much for is that we have to go through so many inspections.


So far, we haven’t done very much, except to learn about the differences between civilian and military life.  We’ve also had to listen to the DI’s, that’s short for drill instructors, scream at us and tell us how pathetic we are.  I guess it used to be worse; at least that’s what I heard from some of the DI’s, when they told us what they went through when they took basic training.  I can’t believe it’s all so negative.


Our real training begins next week, when we start weapons instruction with the M-16A2 and bayonet training.  After that we do our NBC training.  That not the television network, if that’s what you’re thinking, and it stands for nuclear, biological and chemical warfare.  Even though it sounds pretty interesting, I’ll bet it’s not.  I happened to talk to another trainee, who’s in the later part of his basic training, and he said we have to go in a building and get tear-gassed, so we can see what it’s like.  I’m not so sure I’ll like that.


Anyway, we do get a little time off on the weekends, usually Saturday night and most of Sunday.  There are some places to go and things to do, but I’m still learning my way around, so I haven’t found them all yet.  We do have a day room, which has a ping-pong and pool table in it, and there’s even a piano, for those who know how to play.  There are some movie theaters on post and some enlisted men’s clubs where we can go, but I usually just end up spending a lot of time around the barracks.  It seems there’s always something to do, like straightening my locker, shining boots, polishing brass and all that good stuff. 


Well, I think I’ve told you everything I can, but I’ll send you another letter next week.  Tell all my brothers I said hi and they should talk to me first, if they ever think about enlisting.  Love you all.





It definitely felt good hearing from Frankie, and I will write back to him immediately.  The return address on the envelope gives me a piece of information I didn’t have before and has prevented me from contacting him.  I don’t think Frankie is regretting his decision about going into the military, but I think he’s found it a little different from what he was expecting.  However, knowing him, he’ll stick it out and do his best. 


The only disappointment I might have is that if he is merely sticking it out, I’d be willing to wager he’s doing it more so he doesn’t disappoint me or anyone else, rather than for himself.  He still has this ingrained feeling that he still has to prove himself or make up for his past mistakes.  Unfortunately, sometimes that’s his primary motivating factor. 


I sat down and wrote back, so I could tell him as much as I could think of.  I included informing him about Nick’s return home and the trials of living with our newest prankster, but there wasn’t an awful lot to write about.  From my own experience though, I know it’s nice just to hear from anyone about anything when you’re so far away, so I told him as much as I could think of.  When I finished the letter, I put it in an envelope, affixed a stamp and put it on the small end table in the foyer, so I’d remember to mail it later.


I just happened to turn around and look up at the clock at that moment and noticed it was getting close to time for Nick’s appointment.  Since I didn’t want to be late, I called up to Nick and asked him to come down within a few minutes, so we could leave.  He did as I asked, although he still didn’t look overly enthused about it, and we were on our way.  I guess this was going to be his day of reckoning. 

To be continued...

Posted: 12/21/12