The Glory of Humiliation
By: Randall Austin
(© 2014 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

(Author's Note: I would like to thank my editor, Donny Delk, for his encouragement; and for all of the many hot and naughty ideas he contributed to this chapter. Randall Austin)

Part One of Three Parts
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While the young are easily humiliated, most adults are not. Losing one's swim trunks on a dive into a pool could easily cause a young male teen to blush for hours, but an adult would most likely find humor in the situation.

But when adults are truly humiliated, such as when they are arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol and the event is publicized, the results are often devastating to an individual's sense of self worth, and frequently results in a cathartic overhaul of the humiliated one's approach to everything in life.

And the most extreme forms of humiliation can profoundly alter an individual's very sense of their purpose in life.

As Nicholas Paulson awaited his sentencing hearing, he knew beforehand, from counsel, that he would most likely be sentenced to a term of indentured service to the State of Colorado for a period of up to six years maximum.

But what he did not know, and was only now beginning to find out, is that life for the criminally indentured was likely to be dosed with plenty of painfully embarrassing situations.

When Nicholas was delivered to the courthouse from the county jail by a trio of 'court handlers', Nicholas realized that the majority of people employed by Colorado State's Social Services System (one of the lowest rated in the country) were a pretty dismal lot; almost-delinquents who would likely be considered unemployable by most other industries.

When Nicholas realized that these 'court handlers' had the authority to order him to strip and then dress him in a neon green jumpsuit that screamed 'loser', he knew his life had seriously changed in regards to the way he would now be treated by society in general.

The officer who escorted Nicholas into the chamber of the sentencing judge treated him like a child, "Behave yourself before the judge or else we'll have to give you a good bare-ass whumping after your sentencing!"

Nicholas couldn't believe what he had just heard. It was an ego-shattering moment for Nicholas.

Only when he was escorted into the courtroom did Nicholas recall with horror that all of his friends and family were present. It was he, who while under house arrest, fully admitted to his friends and family that he had done wrong, and that he deserved what was coming to him. And so he had invited everyone he spoke with to his sentencing, without taking into consideration what sentencing would entail.

What he did not realize at the time he freely invited everyone to his sentencing was that the criminally indentured are not exactly treated like respectable members of society. And his neon-green jumpsuit and threat of a spanking were just the first little surprises he encountered in his new life.

And when Nicholas, escorted into the courtroom in his neon-green jumpsuit, realized that all of his family and friends were staring at his funny jumpsuit, he suddenly realized that he looked like a hapless fool. And suddenly he felt like one, and he began to sweat.

Nicholas was momentarily pleased and surprised when the judge sentenced him to only five-years full-service indenturement for his drunken behavior; behavior that put many lives, including a bus load of children, in mortal danger. Although no one was injured, Nicholas's reckless behavior was so egregious that it was the talk of the entire state for weeks as the community expressed its outrage in every available social media.

But what surprised Nicholas and shook him to the core of his being was the sense of shame that overcame him as Judge Elizabeth Clarendon admonished him and sentenced him in front of his family and friends.

"Nicholas Paulson, you have lost the respect of society by your actions, and society, for its own safety, has decided that you need time in a strictly controlled environment so that you may ponder the actions that led to your arrest and conviction, seek out your better nature and the values that you ought to be sharing with the community at large, regain your usefulness to society, and find once again your dignity."

"Nicholas Paulson, your profligate behavior is especially an outrage because you are a student at the Cornell University School of Law, and before your offense you had just been hired as an intern by the law firm of Shankles, Fontana, and Aikens. Mr. Paulson, if anyone should know the law and the codes of society, its mores, if you will, it should have been you. Thus you are doubly guilty."

"Therefore, because of the egregious nature of your offense, I am requesting that once you are taken out of the courtroom to the processing area, where you will be stripped and fitted with a permanent servitor genital collar, that you be strung up and hung from the punishment trestle, be given 40 lashes of the servitor control whip across your entire backside, buttocks, and upper legs."

"I am also ordering that after your whipping you be poled and flagged, and then be strung, hoisted to 'punishment exhibit' level, and hang upon the display trestle for a period of three hours so that you may fully ponder the seriousness of your offense, and make a firm resolve to change your profligate ways."

Nicholas didn't know what being 'poled and flagged' meant, but it frightened and humiliated him to be told that such a thing would be done to him.

Judge Clarendon paused to see if her words had any noticeable effect on Mr. Paulson's demeanor. To Judge Clarendon it seemed that Nicholas was overcome by both fear and shame.

Judge Elizabeth Clarendon next addressed the courtroom, "At this time, I have an announcement for the friends and family of Mr. Paulson who have gathered here. The State of Colorado does not allow either family or friends to witness corporal punishment, but you may visit with Mr. Paulson after his whipping."

"I would like to emphasize that visiting Mr. Paulson after his correction session is something you may want to do at this time because one of the terms of the lease as accepted by the leaseholder, Robert Thorne, is that Mr. Paulson not be allowed any visitation rights for the first ten months that he is in service at his residence; so this will be your last opportunity to visit with Mr. Paulson until next year in the spring."


The three court handlers led the freshly sentenced servitor to a secured door signed with the words, 'Processing and Amercement Clinic - Certified Staff Only'.

On entering the room a 28-year old male nurse came forward and asked of the handlers if the man in the neon green jumpsuit was Nicholas Paulson, and they confirmed that he was indeed Nicholas Paulson.

The nurse then instructed the handlers to go ahead and strip Mr. Paulson.

As one young handler began by unzipping Nicholas's jumpsuit, another ran his hand through his hair and asked the nurse, "Does this have to come off too?"

The nurse looked over Nicholas's file, "No, just the entire pubic area and pits!"

Once unzipped, the handlers had Nicholas step out his sandals, and then removed his jumpsuit.

Nicholas had always felt that his naked body was only for the special women in his life to see, not for the three punks who were gawking at his freshly bared body, and certainly not for his family and friends.

Nicholas had always prided himself on his taut and well defined body; and on the 'only slightly' circumcised look of his sperm-shooter, that when flaccid revealed only the very tip of his penis head, leaving the rest of his mushroom head visible only to those intimates of his who were lucky enough to gain private access to his plump, hefty sized, man rod.

But now he was being ogled by three punks. Being naked and ogled, Nicholas no longer felt like himself. He felt not only controlled, completely without the ability to make any decisions for himself, but he felt violated to the core of his being.

It did not seem right that these strangers had total control over his body and would get to see him being punished.

When Nicholas was bare and fully revealed, one of the handlers quickly buzzed away the hair from his pits and pubic region, then led him to a special tiled area of the room, hosed off his pubic area, lathered it up, and began shaving his cock, balls, and ass.

Once they had Nicholas's genitals all baby smooth, one of the handlers had him raise his arms and applied shaving cream to his pits, "Ok, time to pit-shave you just the way the girls like to do to themselves."

Another handler chimed in with a smile, "We're gonna get you all nice and girly smooth!"

Nicholas noticed that even the nurse was smiling at the three handlers' effrontery.

Once they had Nicholas's man pits shaved lady-like smooth, they hose-rinsed the new slave, and then dried him off with a vigorous rubbing of a towel, just the way one would towel dry a little boy.

They then guided him over to the watching nurse, who removed a genital collar from its plastic wrap sealing.

The collaring was over in an instant. It was lightweight, but over an inch wide, thus causing Nicholas's newly enslaved unit to jut up and out.

The nurse then instructed the three handlers to get Nicholas harnessed and corseted for his hanging and whipping.

The three boys appeared to Nicholas to be most eager to get him harnessed, corseted, and hung. The three handlers worked in tandem getting the harness secured about his upper torso; and the special corset that went about his legs just above the knees, which would both help carry his weight as he hung from the ceiling, and offer protection from the whip to the lower part of his upper legs.

Once the young handlers had the hapless slave corseted and harnessed, they pulled down cables attached to the ceiling's trolley and pulley system and secured them to the attachment points on his harness and corset.

They then brought Nicholas's hands together in front of his belly button, cuffed them together, and worked some controls on the hanging mechanism that lifted the wide-eyed, frightened, wayward, former law student, two feet off the floor.

While the boys were getting Nicholas ready for his hanging, the nurse alerted the disciplinarian, via the compound's paging system, that Nicholas Paulson was ready for his correction procedure.

The 26-year old man who would be doing the whipping entered, dressed in dress slacks, a blue dress shirt, tie, and jacket, went up to Nicholas and touched him on his cuffed hands. Nicholas was surprised at the friendly demeanor of the man who would be whipping him.

"Hi, my name is Jason Lombard, and I am a corrections officer with the Colorado State Department of Social Services. This entire procedure should take no more than forty-five minutes. This servitor control whip is very painful, but be assured that it will leave no permanent marks on your body, and once the whipping is over the pain should subside completely within six to eight hours."

Nicholas did not feel like a human being hanging before the neatly dressed Mr. Lombard, with his cock and balls cinched like a bull's, and sticking up and out in a 'clear for all to see' manner.

And Nicholas wondered why the three handlers should be allowed to remain in the room for his whipping.

The nurse came and gave Nicholas a quick look over, then gave a go-ahead nod to Jason Lombard.

Nicholas found it hard to believe that the nice Mr. Lombard, dressed in a neat tie and sport jacket, would want to hurt him. But as Mr. Lombard removed his jacket, it was clear to Nicholas that the nice Mr. Lombard was going to hurt him.

When the first blow of the servitor control whip hit his back, Nicholas let out a scream of such intensity that it instantly excited the three young handlers, causing their mouths to water and open, and their young cocks to start engorging.

Nicholas soon understood why 40 strokes of the whip would take as long as forty-five minutes. Mr. Lombard paused between each stroke to let the pain sink in and intensify.

With each stroke of the whip Nicholas felt less and less like a human being. His senses were overwhelmed with the deepest shame; a shame so intense that it seared his inner being more deeply than the pain from the whip.

Mr. Lombard surprised Nicholas with each stroke of the whip, never letting Nicholas catch on to where he would strike next; from the shoulders to the upper back legs, to the mid back, to the rump, to the back legs just above the leg corset, to the rump again.

And each stroke of the whip had its effect on the three young handlers of making their cocks jerk and pulse with excitement, forcing them to shift their stance with each blow to hide their tenting slacks. Although fresh out of high school with their first level Colorado State Servitor Handler Permits, and only six months on the job, the three young court handlers were already well-skilled in adjusting their stances in order to hide their teen boners.

Once Mr. Lombard had successfully marked up Nicholas's entire back side with 40 red marks of the servitor control whip, he put down his whip, and went to an implements table.

Nicholas watched as the corrections officer took out a dildo with a two-foot long attached pole from which hung a 19-inch long by 7-inch wide red flag, to which were affixed white stickers with black lettering that spelled out the crimes for which Nicholas was indentured;

'Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol', 'Reckless Endangerment', 'Felony Vandalism', 'Indecent Exposure'.

Nicholas blushed when he saw the crimes listed; and when he saw Mr. Lombard start to lube up the dildo tip of the flagpole, he then realized what being 'poled and flagged' meant.

Mr. Lombard approached the freshly whipped slave, and instructed him to relax his anal sphincter. Mr. Lombard put one hand on Nicholas's lower abdomen, just below the belly button, and with his other hand he began working the flag-poled dildo up the formerly proud lawyer wanna-be's behind. Mr. Lombard could feel Nicholas quivering, both from the discomfort of the dildo and from his sobbing.

Mr. Lombard, serious in his duty, lovingly secured the flagged dildo in place with straps about Nicholas's upper thighs.

Once Nicholas was poled and flagged, the corrections officer put on his jacket, and went and stood in front of the weeping Nicholas and touched him on his hands. With a demeanor still as warm and friendly as initially, he gazed at the freshly punished wayward's erected servitor man-rod, and said, "You really took that well. I am sorry I had to be the one to do this to you. Good luck to you."

Mr. Lombard affectionately patted Nicholas on the thigh, thanked the nurse, and exited the Processing and Amercement clinic.

One of the handler boys uncuffed Nicholas's hands, drew them in back of him and re-cuffed him, leaving his whipping-induced erection on clear display.

The nurse measured Nicholas's blood pressure and heart rate, then gave an okay for the three young handlers to hoist the slave up to the four-foot punishment display and exhibition level, and exited the room.

Once Nicholas was hoisted four feet off the ground, with his hands cuffed in back of him and a two-foot flag pole sticking out from his behind, he found it hard to believe that he was living in the 21st Century.

And when he saw the three court handlers hanging around leering at him, he was concerned, and wondered why they did not exit with the nurse.

He soon found out. Once the three court handlers were sure the coast was clear, they went up to the hanging slave and began to taunt him. One grabbed his pecker bone and began pumping it, another cupped his balls and began tugging on them, and the third reached up and started to fondle his ass globes.

While the sexual ministrations of the three hormone driven handlers had a strong effect on helping to erase the intense pain that Nicholas was feeling, it only served to throb up even more his whipping-induced, animal-dong, boner.

The handlers giggled as they did their dirty deeds, "How you gonna feel when your family comes in here in a few minutes and sees you all flag-poled and boned out like the jerker boy that you really are?"

The handler pumping Nicholas's shaft, which was now conveniently hanging near his mouth level, stopped his jacking and put his lips to Nicholas's dick tip, "One thing I'll say for you loser boy, is that you are one fuckin' hottie and I wanna taste some of your cream!"

He put his lips to Nicholas's dick tip and began sucking away like a teen girl tasting her younger brother's throbber for the first time.

Nicholas started to juice pre-cum, and he allowed it because it so mightily detracted from the pain in his backside; but the three court handlers knew they had only a few minutes and could not mess around for too long. The sucker boy took one more long and deep suck on Nicholas's throbber, and once he was able to draw a fairly good gob of servitor precum, warned his buddies, "We better get the hell out of here!"


Once he was alone, hanging like a crucified criminal, Nicholas was aware of his giant erection, and realized that if anyone of his family or friends saw it, they would think that he was a pervert as well as a felon.

He wanted his boner to go down, but it would not. His nervousness made him start to heavily sweat, making him look all the more like a loser creep.

And when the doors to the Processing and Amercement Clinic finally opened and Nicholas saw the court guard letting in his visitors, he began to blush. His face and chest turned red, and along with his sweating and giant slave-dong sticking up and out and screaming 'total pervert', Nicholas's brain went into overload.

Nicholas recognized the people who were entering the room, his father, two brothers, six relatives, and nine college buddies; but he was so overwhelmed that he could recall none of their names.

All 18 visitors sort of paused as one when they saw Nicholas hanging naked, flag-poled, blushing, sweating, with his cinched, servitor-collared sack and rod, with its gaping piss slit open wide and oozing perv juice worse than anything they had ever witnessed in a zoo's primate cage.

Some of Nicholas's buddies immediately started snickering as they reached for their cells; but his six relatives simply found the situation too difficult and embarrassing to handle, and they immediately turned and left the clinic without so much as acknowledging him.

Nicholas's family offered awkward words of hope, as Nicholas's college buddies laughed and shot their cell videos of the 'hanging loser' from a distance.

When Nicholas's family and college buddies finally took their leave, it was almost something of a relief for Nicholas to realize that he would not be allowed to have any visitors for his first ten months of service in the home of Mr. Robert Thorne; for Nicholas was quite certain that he would never again be able to face anyone of them again without feeling totally worthless before them.


When Nicholas was released from the Processing and Amercement Clinic, he was once again dressed in a neon green jumpsuit and taken to meet his new owner, Mr. Robert Thorne.

During his initial meeting with Mr. Thorne, Nicholas assessed him as a 'nice guy'. His words were plain and he sounded caring and sincere to Nicholas, "When we get home I'll have my boys get you dressed in something more comfortable, and they can show you around and inform you of your daily chores and the household rules."

Mr. Thorne's two sons, Dave and Will, seemed like their father to Nicholas, in that they were plain matter-of-fact guys who were not at all into lording it over their slave. They seemed to be a family that simply had chores it wanted their servitor to perform, and that was that.

The two sons bantered with Nicholas good-naturedly as they showed him about the house and yard and outlined his duties.

David touched Nicholas on the shoulder, "We'll take you now to your quarters so you can get dressed in your house uniform, and let you have some time to yourself to relax a bit."

Nicholas finally was able to feel at ease, for it seemed that his lease had been purchased by a reasonable and caring family.

But Nicholas's 'at ease' stance was put on hold when he was finally shown his living quarters.


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Nicholas's briefly found sense of ease at his new living situation was put on hold when he was finally shown his living quarters; for his living quarters was in a one-quarter corner portion of the big family living room. Everything in Nicholas's quarters was fully exposed and open to anyone who happened to be in the living room; a bed, chest of drawers, table, open toilet, glass walled shower stall, an adjustable punishment trestle, and an implements rack from which hung a very wide variety of punishment and control devices.

And his house uniform was a standard stock servitor work outfit, consisting of light brown cotton pants and shirt worn with a lockable servitor jock strap underneath. Will took a key and locked the jockstrap on as soon as Nicholas had stepped into it, with the instructions, "There is to be no masturbation whatsoever, so this jockstrap will help you with that; and you are to come to one of us whenever you have to take a piss or a crap."

Will and Dave took their leave, thus allowing Nicholas to ponder his situation with the unsettling house rules and the frighteningly wide array of implements hanging from the rack.

He could not believe that the nice Mr. Thorne and his two nice sons would ever use such punishment devices on him: paddles, straps, whips, ferules, corsets, harnesses, body screws, flesh clamps, genital cups and cages, anal control plugs, braces, hobbles, ropes, candles, mouth gags, uvula plunger gag, blinkers, dog-tails, inflatable enema nozzles, restraining mitts, straightjacket, tit suckers, ball bags, nose hogs, cheek spreader, ear tacks, punishment bra, bristled jock strap, head bags, frenum spikes, constrictor socks, urethra fluid injectors, rabbit ears, weighted hard-labor boots, rubber sweat suit, rectal bulb syringes, glans tweezers, meatus retractors...

Suddenly Nicholas was worried. The fact that there were so many implements of extreme control had him mightily confused and concerned. He wondered what he would have to do in order to be treated to any one of the horrific instruments on display.

Nicholas's throat dried up, and once again he felt like a lowly loser creep slave.


Despite Nicholas's initial great unease at being a servitor to the Thorne family, with its arbitrary house rules, his very exposed living quarters, with its many implements of discipline on full display, the humiliating servitor uniform and locked-on servitor jock, having to ask a family member to unlock his jock and have them watch his every piss and crap session, and the 'no masturbation' policy, his first two weeks in residence with the Thorne family were quite uneventful.

The fact that Nicholas did not displease any one of the three members of the Thorne residence in the slightest, allowed Nicholas to regain his composure and realize that his lot was perhaps not so bad as he had at first feared.

It was perhaps because of Nicholas's growing feeling of confidence, along with a sense that perhaps all of the rules and exposed punishment implements were only there to sort of 'scare' their servitor into good behavior, Nicholas began to let his guard down more and more.

On the morning of his 15th day as resident servitor in the Thorne household, as Nicholas showered in his exposed shower stall in the Thorne living room, after Mr. Thorne had removed his locked jockstrap and then sat down to supervise his servitor's shower, Nicholas was once again relaxed enough to ponder his sexual fantasies. It had been over two weeks since he had his last sexual release, when he masturbated in his jail cell on the day before he was sentenced to five years of servitude.

With hot sexual thoughts finally returning to him, Nicholas desperately wanted, needed, to jerk off. As Nicholas wondered if he could do it while his owner was thoroughly engaged in his phone conversation, he heard Mr. Thorne say, "Yes, I can get you those numbers. They're in my office. I'll go and get them."

Once Mr. Thorne was out of his room, Nicholas was pretty certain he would be able unload a packet of sperm by the time it took Mr. Thorne to walk upstairs to his office and return to the living room. So for the first time in 15 days Nicholas began pumping away.

It was glorious. As Nicholas wildly jack-knifed his slave dick he could feel the awesome and wondrous tingling of a building orgasm in every part of his body, from the tip of his dick, down the entire length of his release-hungry man shaft.

As his pumping grew faster, so did his breathing. He could not remember any jackoff session ever feeling so good. He opened his mouth and tilted back his head as he felt the explosion coming.

Suddenly the door to his shower stall violently opened, the water was shut off, and Nicholas was grabbed by the arm and pulled out of the stall by an angry Mr. Thorne, "Just what in the hell is going on here?"

The dripping wet, trembling, still hard, super-frustrated, slave knew that Mr. Thorne knew what was going on, and did not respond.

"Well, well! I give you one little house rule, and you can't obey it! You are not even worthy of the title, 'servitor'. You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Nicholas, frightened, was close to tears, "Please sir, what is so bad about what I was doing?"

Mr. Thorne started unbuttoning his shirt, "What was so bad about it was that it was one of my household rules for you. You are my servant. You do as I say. You disobeyed an important rule of mine."

"But sir, what's wrong with what I was doing?"

"I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. What is wrong with what you did was that you violated one of my house rules. And servants must follow rules, or else there's no sense to the social service system."

Mr. Thorne explained some more, "I ruled that you not masturbate because I believe abstinence helps a servant to focus and do a better job. You broke one of my primary rules!"

Mr. Thorne started to undress. Nicholas, surprised, watch Mr. Thorne remove his shirt and slacks, and timidly asked, "Sir, why are we you undressed?"

"Because you're a slave and about to get what most slaves need on a regular basis, a slave spanking; and my boys and I always get rod ass naked when we beat our slaves. It gives us better control. Being bare, along with holding on to by your nut sacks while we punish you slaves, better helps us feel close to you, helps us get a better sense of what you are feeling, so we know if we are giving it to you good and proper."

Nicholas felt a rush of shame such as he had never felt before; even after all he had been through so far. If any of his friends ever found out he was now going to be spanked in the most demeaning way imaginable, all naked like a baby boy over the lap of his owner, who was also naked, they would know he was really a slave to the core, nothing but a slave, and was never meant to be anything but a slave.

Any shred of dignity he had left after the humiliation of being enslaved and having all of his friends present at his sentencing and watching him get publicly genital collared with the an electro slave collar about the base of his cock and balls, and then later visiting him as he hung from the punishment display trestle with a two foot long flagged pole sticking out of his ass, had now disintegrated.

Once Mr. Thorne was bare along beside him, he put a hand on Nicholas's shoulder and looked him over, causing Nicholas to shiver in little boy shame; a feeling he recalled from childhood. He was in fact beginning to feel like a worthless naughty boy who really did deserve a spanking for being so naughty.

Mr. Thorne sat down, pulled Nicholas over his lap, reached under with his left hand and took a hold of Nicholas's good sized man sack with a firm grip, and with his right hand began spanking his butt with great vigor.

The swats were hard, and Nicholas squealed, "Oh fuck man, that hurts!"

It would be obvious to any observer of the scene that Mr. Thorne was used to dealing in a no-nonsense way with servitors. He was a completely nice guy, but once a line was crossed, once a slave overstepped himself, swift punishment was the only response.

Every time Nicholas tried to buck or get away from Mr. Thorne's lap, Mr. Thorne would give either a firm squeeze to his nut bag or a pinch and a twist to his boy dong, and thus was able to skillfully fine tune the wayward slave's position over his lap and being held by the balls for his punishment made Nicholas feel like a whip-driven stallion.

Mr. Thorne, with one hand doing spanking duty and the other doing some serious ballsack and candy-stick boy-control, was focused and determined in his duty; like an ace jockey herding his steed to victory.

Every twitch, rump buck, whimper, and scream, coming from the wayward slave was met by a summary response from Mr. Thorne to either the appropriate area of Nicholas's backside or dangling unit.

And with each slap of Mr. Thorne's hand to his buttocks, or 'squeeze and twist' manipulation of his genitals, Nicholas felt a jolt of electricity course through his body; a shaming so extreme and disorienting that he did not know whether it was sent from heaven or from hell.

Nicholas almost felt as if he were a part of Mr. Thorne's body, as if Mr. Thorne was now his new conscience. Nicholas was feeling that he was now indeed a total loser of a being who needed the guidance that servitude offered; and by accepting his owner's correction, he could redeem himself.

And so Nicholas started to cry out, "Mr. Thorne, I am so sorry for what I did. Please stop. I'll never do it again!"

Nicholas could not believe how he was groveling in so abject a manner, but something happened to him as he begged Mr. Thorne to stop the spanking; he felt a tingling in his thighs as he begged his owner to stop his punishment, and his manhood started to swell uncontrollably.

Being controlled by his balls during his naked spanking was such an assault on Nicholas's adult physical and emotional senses, that the utter humiliation of it all seemed to take away from the pain and the shame of the physical assault.

Nicholas did not know what was happening, but suddenly his body seemed to be asking him to accept his fate; as if trying to tell him, 'Shame is what you need. Shame is your new pride, and if you accept it, you will be beautiful once again!'

And just as Nicholas was beginning to ponder his strange new thoughts and feelings, the spanking stopped.

There was silence as he lay over the lap of his naked owner who had just spanked him. And after a bit, he felt Mr. Thorne's left hand begin to gently knead his balls, as his right hand tenderly rubbed his freshly reddened buttocks.

The gentle rubbing belied what Mr. Thorne next had to say, "I usually don't pork my male slaves, but you really need to have that 'I'm gonna-be-a-lawyer' pride fucked out of you, so I'm having my two sons come up here and do you; they'll give it to you right and good and be able to pork some of that pride out of you!"

Nicholas let out a shocked, "NO!"

Mr. Thorne guided Nicholas into a standing position, "Now let's get you bent over the trestle in 'happy-fuck' mode, with your ass sticking up nice and high for my boys, so that their tubers have easy access to your back hole."

"Oh god sir, please no. Please no! Don't do this to me!"

"If you don't bend over the trestle bar right now I'm having my sons give you another whumpin' before they fuck you! If my sons have to give it to you, it'll be with the reform school strap! Now bend over the trestle bar!"

Nicholas started to cry, "Sir please. I don't know how to do this!"

"There's nothing you have to do. My sons will be doing all the work. All you have to do is bend over the trestle bar, relax yourself, and let my sons dong you!"

Mr. Thorne gently guided Nicholas over the trestle bar and began securing his wrists and ankles into the trestle's attached cuffs.

"Oh my god, Mr. Thorne, I beg you, please don't let your sons do anything to me."

"You know what; you're crying like a little bitch sissy boy isn't fooling me. You need it good and hard up that lawyer-wannabe behind of yours!"

Nicholas did a struggling movement in an attempt to break free.

"You keep trying to break free like that, and all that you will be doing is turning my boys on all the harder. I suspect my boys, who are a little light in the step, are really going to enjoy getting to know you!"

"Sir, in the name of all that is good and decent, I beg of you to please not let your sons do this to me!"

Mr. Thorne listened to Nicholas's plea and gave a quick response and command, "Have you forgotten that you are no longer Mr. Privileged Law Student, but are now, instead, a 'ready-to-be-fucked' butt-up-and-ready slave? So boy, just start twitching your buttock muscles so they're nice, loose, and ready, for my boys! Get to it, now!"

Nicholas's voice trembled as he asked, "What?"

"You heard me! Start puckering your hole to loosen yourself up and make it easy for my boys to get in there. And make your ass cheeks start jiggling up and down as you do it! When they come in here and see your globes happy dancing, they're gonna go wild!"

Nicholas's could hardly bear hearing the order to behave in such a demeaning fashion, and his attempts to follow the order were feeble.

Mr. Thorne didn't like what he saw, "Boy, start puckering that hole and cunt-wiggling your ass cheeks, because if you're behind isn't nice and relaxed for my boys to get in there, they'll have no choice but to fuck you hard and mean!"

Nicholas did his weeping and frantic best to comply. Once Mr. Thorne saw that Nicholas was trying to comply, he got on his cell, "Dave, I want you and Will to come to the trestle. Our new boy needs a pussying real bad! He's getting himself ready for you two. You should see him; I've got him puckerin' and wigglin' his behind like a seasoned whore. He's doing his best right now to loosen himself up for you and Will."

Nicholas, tired from trying to comply, stopped his ass jiggling, but Mr. Thorne was quick to spot him letting up, and gave him a swat on the butt, "Oh no you don't! Keep those globes dancing. When my boys arrive I want them to be treated to the sight of your rump globes happy-dancing up and down, and your balls swinging from side to side!"


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Nicholas did his frantic best to comply with Mr. Thorne's command for him to pucker and wiggle his ass so it was nice and relaxed for his sons' enjoyment. Once Mr. Thorne saw that Nicholas was trying to comply, he got on his cell, "Dave, I want you and Will to come to the trestle. Our new boy needs a pussying real bad! He's getting himself ready for you two. You should see him; I've got him puckerin' and wigglin' his behind like a seasoned whore. He's doing his best right now to loosen himself up for you and Will."

Nicholas, tired from trying to comply, stopped his ass jiggling, but Mr. Thorne was quick to spot him letting up, and gave him a swat on the butt, "Oh no you don't! Keep those globes dancing. When my boys arrive I want them to be treated to the sight of your rump globes happy dancing up and down, and your balls swinging from side to side!

Mr. Thorne's two boys arrived in no time. Will asked what was going on.

Mr. Thorne looked at the still dripping wet slave as he answered, "Nicholas here couldn't keep his hands away from Mr. Naughty when I was out of the room for a couple of seconds. So I want you two to do your business on him. Give it to him good!"

With wide smiles on their faces, Mr. Thorne's two sons began removing their clothes, as Mr. Thorne went up behind the ass-wiggling Nicholas, and slowly started working an index finger up his hole.

Nicholas yelped as Mr. Thorne gave a smile to his boys, "This little yokel-drudge has a nice and tight hole that should give both of you boys plenty of opportunity to perfect your breeding maneuvers!"

Little Will laughed, "You called me just in time, Dad. I was doing my morning porn session and was just about to start doing some serious whackin'!"

Once both brothers were naked they grabbed their peckers and started fondling and jacking themselves to work themselves up to full combat readiness. Once their cum guns were fully charged, loaded, and ready for battle, the brothers gave each other quizzical looks as they tried to decide who would lead the assault.

Little Will gave a nod to his older brother, "You first, bro! I learn so much from you every time I watch you horse-plug a slave!"

Dave, happy to be the first one up at bat, went up to Nicholas at the front of the trestle, and stuck his cock in the slave's face. "First thing you gotta do for me, boy, before I jackhammer your behind, is to get me lubed up!"

Will laughed and called out, "Yeah drudge, super-slime my bro's rod!"

Dave unceremoniously grabbed the proud young lawyer 'wanna-be' by both of his ears, and guided his lips to his dick tip. "Open your mouth, Mr. Ass Pie, it's knob-slobbin' time! My ramrod needs to get up your behind, so you need to grease him up so he can go in real nice and easy. For both your comfort and mine, get him super juicy!"

Holding Nicholas by both ears, Dave sort of rammed his first-born male cock into his mouth, and pushed it all the way to the back of his throat. Nicholas started slobbering and sputtering, as all three Thornes started laughing out loud.

Dave hooted, "Look at Mr. Dick Lover going to town slimin' my rod! He seems to be as excited as a teen girl getting her first taste of footballer cock!"

Dave addressed his sucker, "That's it homoboy; slime me up so I can fuck you good, just the way you faggots like it from us footballers!"

Dave's father called out, "Way to go Dave! 'Ear control' is the best way to get your cock pre-slimed for heavy-duty pumping action!"

The young and impressionable Will shouted out his own brand of encouragement, "Look at those tears rolling down that pretty face of his! Looks like the poor little slave-cunt doesn't like the idea of having to take man-dick up his sport hole!"

Dave pulled out of Nicholas's mouth and his father and brother could see that his dick was super glistening with fuck lube.

Dave went behind the ready-to-be-fucked maiden, who was bent over the trestle rod, secured with legs spread wide, and got a good view of the ass-pussy trembling and pulsing before him. Dave's eager man-throbber began juicing precum."

Will was surprised, "Wow bro, you're fuck-spike is really super aced today!"

Mr. Thorne was pleased, "Looks like you're ready to do some serious nailing, son! I've never seen your Mr. Rodger pointing higher nor looking meaner!"

As Dave guided his quivering, mushroom headed, fuck-tube slowly up the slave's pulsing bitch hole, the slave yelped and squirmed. The slave's squirming felt good to Dave, and he informed his fuck, "Squirm all you want, Missy, because you're not going anywhere!"

Little Will was thrilled, "Way to go, bro! Start filling that slave hole with man juice!"

As his owner's eldest son began to seriously plug away, the slave began yelping like a helpless puppy. And when eventually Dave ranged up his ass-plugging to serious jackhammering mode (with a smile on his face that said he was in heaven), the drudge began to wail.

Dave's father was proud, and tapped his youngest son on the shoulder, "Look at your older brother, Will, plowing away like some Turkish prison guard!"

Mr. Thorne called out to his thrust-fucking son, "I'm so proud of you son! Pump those hips just the way I taught you!"

Little Will was encouraged, "Wow Dave, when it's my turn at bat I'm gonna try and use some of your same fuck moves!"

Both Will and his father fondled themselves into serious erections as they watch Dave, the eldest son, do his well-experienced back-hole business.

The hard fuck thrusts that Dave was delivering caused the secured servitor to try and jump away, and his feet tried to kick against their restraints.

Will called out, "You got him tap dancing like a whore, Dave!

Mr. Thorne laughed as he stroked himself, "Yeah, we should put some ballet shoes on this dancing fag!"

Dave moaned, "Holy shit, I'm heading full-steam down the glory express lane, and I'm gonna be splooging any second now!"

Will could almost feel what his older brother was feeling between his legs, "Yeah bro, seed him good! Slobber-lather him up real good with your big-brother sex juice!"

Dave rolled his eyes in ecstasy, "Oh yeah, Will, I can feel it cummin and I'm not gonna' let you down!"

Will was so worked up watching his older brother do his man business that he had to stop fondling himself, since he was oozing so heavily he would have shot his load prematurely.

Dave moaned, "Oh yeah, it's about to happen. Come on slave; squeeze my rod with your pussy hole! Make me feel good. Show me what a good boy you can be!" He then followed his order with a severe slap to the slave's ass, and was instantly rewarded by a hard clenching on his granite hard fuck stick.

Will was breathing heavy, "Oh yeah, bro, work him good and get a super load of gook up his sport hole!"

Dad and Will knew Dave was splooging his spooge when he yelled out, "Holy fucking shit in hell! Holy fuckin' fuck!"

Once he was out of ammo, Dave leaned over the bent over the heavily secured slave to catch his breath, and rasped, "Oh yeah, Will, you and I are gonna' be having a lot of fun with this hot little slave-twat college-boy! What a sweet fuck toy he's gonna be!"

When Dave finally pulled out, he nodded to his brother, "You're up next bro. It's your turn at fuck practice. Work on your moves, bro! I wanna see your cute little ass happy-dancing!"

Will, with his teen dick sticking straight up like a candy stick, went to the front side of the trestle and, like his older brother, grabbed the new slave by his ears, "Okay boy, you know why I'm here at the lubing station. Get to work!"

Nicholas reluctantly opened his mouth, Will stuck his pecker in, and ordered, "Okay boy, start juicing my rod. The juicier you get it, the easier it's gonna be on your behind!

Once he pulled out, Dave exclaimed, "Wow bro, he did a good job spit-greasing your tube! Your piss slit is already leaking happy goo!"

Little Will gave a few strokes to his rod before he entered the slave's cockpit. He slowly worked his teen fudge-packer up Nicholas's peephole as the rammed slave cried out, "NO!"

Once he was in to the hilt he gave the thumbs up sign to his father and brother.

Dave smiled at his younger brother, "Okay bro, time to go full-throttle!"

Will grabbed on with both hands to Nicholas's waist, and began hip-pumping away, as Dave walked to the front of the trestle and ordered the slave to open up, "Time to clean my fuck stick, little girl!"

Nicholas cried out as he was being pounded from behind, and orally assaulted with a pecker slimed with cum and ass juice.

His father encouraged Will, "Good classic form, son!"

Will's older brother offered advice, "Reach around and pinch his tits to up the game!"

Mr. Thorne joined, "He's right son. Use this session to do some serious breeding practice!"

Will reached around with both hands, as instructed, and took hold of Nicholas by his tits. As he upped his hip action he fondled the tits and nipples of the new family slave. Nicholas screamed as he spat out Dave's cleaned cock, causing Will's loins to tingle with ever more delicious excitement.

Dave had more advice for his younger brother, "Okay Will, what you want to do is spread your legs as far apart as you can while keeping up your thrusting speed. That way with each thrust of your hips your balls can swing free and slap against bitch-boy's tackle and underbelly; it'll feel really good!"

Will did as instructed and after only a few leg-spread thrusts, a huge grin came over his face, "Wow, bro, you sure were right about that! The feel of man-balls slapping against man-balls is cunt-fuck crazy!"

Mr. Thorne was beaming with pride, "Now you're bulldozing like a pro, son! Keep up the good form and rhythm, don't lose focus, and soon you'll be gunning happy bullets!"

Little Will, with a grin on his face, and his balls slapping away as he jackhammered his way to glory, was proud to be showing his dad and older brother that he was well on the road to being an ace bitcher.

Mr. Thorne was so proud of his youngest son that he once again grabbed his own cock and began beating, encouraging his son as he did so, "The harder you fuck him, son, the better it's gonna feel!"

Mr. Thorne next moved to the front of the horse, so he could get a front-on view of his young son fucking away at his new slave, as he continued to fondle his father-cock.

Will let out a cooing whistle as his tingling dick signaled his upcoming eruption.

Mr. Thorne, sexually charged from watching his youngest son enjoying his due, grabbed Nicholas by an ear, pinched his nose to get him to open his mouth, and then stuffed his dad-cock down his new slave's throat and began a gentle thrusting as he instructed the no-longer-in-college loser-boy to start sucking like he meant it.

Will, as his climax triggered, moaned, "Oh man, I'm about to seriously discharge!"

Dave was wide eyed, "Fuck harder and deeper, bro! Make him feel your dick tip in his throat! Send him a shitload of your boy goop!"

Thrusting harder, Will moaned, "I'm trying man; I'm trying!"

Mr. Thorne, fucking Nicholas's mouth, joined in, "Take it to the next level, son!"

Will screeched, "Oh man, I'm gonna explode! Fuck!"

When Mr. Thorne saw that his son was in the throes of sperming, he too started to feel his orgasm, "Oh man, I'm joining you, Will!"

As both father and son simultaneously creamed their new slave, Dave took a snapshot for the family album.

Once the orgasms were over, Will remained silent and shivering, with his thruster still lodged up Nicholas's behind. After a bit he shook his sweat covered head and moaned, "Man, that felt like a thousand Thanksgivings!"

Will and his father then pulled out of their freshly cream-splooged holes together.

And as sex sludge oozed out of the still-secured slave's ass, Mr. Thorne praised his sons, "It made me so proud to see you two boys doing your business like real pros!"

Will beamed, "Thanks, Dad! It really upped the game for me when you decided to join in!"

Dave joined in, "Dad, I'm fucking proud of you too! I wish you would join us in the fun more often!"

Mr. Thorne nodded in agreement, "That's a mighty tempting invite, now that we know our little maiden is a screamer!"

As the three Thorne males got dressed, Dave asked, "Dad, should we leave him 'trestled' for a couple of hours to give him some time to think about the consequence of disobedience?"

Mr. Thorne thought for a moment, "No. He has quite a heavy list of chores that still need to be completed today. Besides, he's starting to stink. I want him to bathe and perfume himself and then get back to work as quickly as possible!"

As Mr. Thorne started releasing the still crying pussy-boy from his restraints, he touched him on his quivering buttocks, "Now that you've been pussy-bred by my sons, I hope you've learned your lesson that you are never to touch yourself again without my permission!"


Once he was released from the fuck-trestle, Nicholas returned to his living room 'quarters' in a daze. As overwhelmed as he was by what he considered to be the ultimate humiliation, something very strange indeed was happening to him. New inner 'voices' were coming at him, asking him to accept his abject situation in a way that he had never before considered; and when he pondered their offer he found himself flooded with sensations of immense comfort.

And once he had pondered the offer from his inner 'voices', he also found himself in mighty need of sexual release. It was not so much that his need for release was so intense, but that it was so different from anything that he had ever before experienced.

Nicholas suddenly no longer gave a damn if he didn't take the shower in a timely fashion as Mr. Thorne and directed; he needed to get his rocks off, now.

He reclined on his bed and looked down at his erection. He smiled at his old friend, his dick head, and spoke to it, "We've been through a lot together, but nothing like this, ol' pal!"

Nicholas reached his hand down and touched his inner thigh, and started swirling his fingers against his thigh flesh. As the swirling sensations of delight crescendoed, Nicholas reached for his cock with his other hand and began jerking.

After tugging for no more than a minute, Nicholas suddenly stopped and wondered, 'What if Mr. Thorne or one of his sons were to catch me? Then what would they do to me?'

As he pondered the issue, a smile gradually began forming on his face, and Nicholas reached for his cock, and again began stroking. His smile grew; Nicholas now no longer cared if any member of the Thorne family caught him. In fact, he now hoped that they would. The more he thought of what they might do to him, the bigger and harder grew his cock and the greater his need for release.

Nicholas had accepted his lot, and found it glorious. He began to furiously jack his less than 24-year old dick; and when he knew that he was near to the point of release, he started to moan out loud, almost as if involuntarily trying to draw the attention of the entire Thorne family.

Nicholas' yelled out in ecstasy as his male rocket ignited and began firing ropes of boy goo; his loins quivered, sang, and exploded, in ways he had never before experienced.

Once he had recovered from the glorious release of his long-suppressed supply of man energy, Nicholas laughed to himself as he took a towel and began to wipe off his boy nozzle and his totally splooge-basted belly.

When, finally, Nicholas had wiped up all of his boy cream from off his chest, he began to wonder why in all of the ancient texts and mythologies there was never a god or goddess of humiliation, for humiliation was certainly a driving force for the vast part of humanity that sees itself as some form of 'sub'.

Nicholas didn't know the answer, and thought that perhaps humiliation was not recognized as a god because it took on too many diverse and disparate manifestations.

But Nicholas didn't need an answer, for he was finally at peace. God or not, Nicholas had found his pride, his inspiration, his guide, and his glory; it was humiliation. Sublime humiliation!


Posted: 11/07/14