Owned by Hillbillies
By: Randall Austin
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

James Gabriel, an adopted child of Luther Gabriel, was an honors student as both an undergrad and graduate student at University of Tennessee.

At the age of 27, three years into a successful first job as a cost estimator for one of Tennessee's largest construction firms, James was sentenced to a 29-year term of servitude on the death of his stepfather, when it was discovered that his stepfather had accrued debts in excess of 2 million dollars.

James' term of indenturement was awarded to Jay Barker as a settlement for a personal injury lawsuit Jay had filed with the Tennessee Transportation Department.

Jay Barker, 44, a Tennessee moonshiner, lives in the Sampson Mountain area of Northeastern Tennessee, in the Appalachian Mountains, along with his four sons from four different women: Clay, 16; Wes, 19; Zeke, 22, and Yodler, 25.

James' ride home from the Tennessee Social Services Agency, with his new owner, Jay, driving a beat up pickup, was one of the bleakest moments in James' life.

It wasn't that Jay was a total illiterate; or that he spoke in a vulgar and threatening fashion; or that he hinted at distasteful tasks that James would be performing; but that he hinted at the fact that his sons were probably even more frighteningly illiterate hillbillies than he was.

The only consolation to James as he rode to his new life was the fact that the unwashed Jay was something of a primo chunk beneath the dirty clothes, the face stubble, and the body odor.

At least Jay tried to console James. "We is gonna treat ya right if ya do as we say. I'm not gonna let the boys be too easy on the whip with ya. All's ya gotta do is exactly as we say, then we ain't gonna have any need to give ya a whumpin!"

James was disheartened by the fact that Jay's place was almost an hour's drive from civilization, if any place in Tennessee could be considered civilized. Apart from the actually beautiful scenery, the only structures to be seen as they drove along the green mountain roadways were shacks sprinkled here and there; shacks that clearly distracted from the beauty of the terrain.

When Jay pulled into his place James was amazed at the sight; it was a shack, but a very big shack. Parts of it were just plywood; one partition was plywood covered in tar paper from the 50's and two additions were actually finished in shingles. There was also a very beat up looking house trailer sitting to the side of the shack.

Once inside, the mess frightened the very neat and orderly James. There was filth everywhere. The stacks of papers and garbage throughout the house suggested to James that the place could be rat infested.

As James stood amazed taking in the sights, Jay took off his t-shirt, lit a cigarette, got himself a can of beer, and came and stood next to the stunned James. Jay put an arm around James, "The place is a mess, I know, but this is where your womanly touch is going to come in so handy. You're me and my boys' little woman now. We're counting on you to fix this place up nice and purrty."

James was frightened yet at the same time also strangely comforted by the fact that Jay had thrown an arm around his shoulders. James could smell Jay's armpit odor. And he couldn't help but notice Jay's potbelly. It was the potbelly of what the gay boys would call a 'chunk'. It definitely would rule Jay out of the 'model' category, but it wasn't yet so obscenely over the top that one could yet say that Jay was a too-far gone slob.

James thought how if only Jay would get himself in shape, and start grooming himself, he would be one hell of an ace stud.

As James tried to collect himself, he realized that Jay had already finished his first can of beer and had started on a second. People who drank so rapidly and thoughtlessly scared James. He had memories from his childhood of a heavy drinking, abusive, uncle.

As James pondered Jay's drinking, he was shaken out of his thought when Jay unexpectedly put a hand up his shirt and snaked his fingers up to his chest. Jay found one of James' nipples and started gently tweaking it, "A man gets to play with his woman's titties and cunt whenever he wants to. The bible says so. You're my woman now, so I get to play with you whenever I want." James swallowed, feeling completely lost. He was no longer himself. He was a thing belonging to a strange man.

Jay took James by the hand, took a bottle of baby oil, and led James by the hand, "You come along with me now. I wanna take you out in the sunlight so I can get a good look at you and get you oiled up."

In the back yard sunlight, James stood frozen as Jay undressed him, poured some oil in his hand, and started rubbing it into James' shoulders and chest. James stood silent and embarrassed, calmed at least by Jay's gentle touch. Jay smiled widely, "I always used to oil up my women and make em do the housework naked. It was good for them, made them feel proud that they were appreciated; and it was good for my boys. It helped them learn all about women."

Jay oiled up every inch of James' body, making James feel like an oiled hog. When he was finished oiling his 'missy', Jay stood back, looked the glistening James over, and whistled appreciatively. "You sure is purrty!"

Jay grabbed James by the hand, "Okay, little missy, you come along with me now. It's time for you to make daddy feel good."

Jay led James to his bedroom, a dark hole full of plastic garbage sacks, old porn magazines, empty beer cans, pizza boxes, and cum rags. James stood, unknowing what to do, as Jay took off the rest of his clothes. He was gentle with his new bride, "Don't you be afraid, lil cucumber. Daddy's gonna take good care of you if you take good care of daddy."

Jay got himself on the bed. He had one of the fattest cocks James had ever seen. He ordered James to straddle him and slowly sit on him, making him take his smegma laden horse cock up his once proud young professional boy hole.

James was no longer a young professional hotshot. He was now Jay's naked and oiled plaything; the cum pail show-wife of some uneducated, inbred, hilljack and his four sons.

As James dutifully rode Jay's cock to hillbilly heaven he wondered of Jay's sons. Where were they? As Jay shot his load and shouted in ecstasy, "Praised be the name of jeeezuz!" a very noisy, backfiring, car filled with whooping boys could be heard pulling into the yard."

Jay's four boys were in the house whooping and hollering just as Jay managed to pull up his underwear. Zeke, 22 years old, smiled, "Looks like Pa just took the new slave for a test ride!"

Young Clay, 16, liked what he saw, "Pa's got em all oiled up just like his last woman. He sure is purrty all greased and shiny like that!

The very cute, jug-eared, Wes, 19, had the hugest hillbilly smile of all, "How was he Pa? Did he feel as good as your last woman?"

Jay looked for his shirt, "You boys is gonna be finding that out soon enough. You know I always make my woman available to you. So it is with this one!"

Yodler, the oldest brother at 25, was excited, "Kin we take him down to the river, Pa?"

Jay found his shirt and put it on, "You sure can. Just make sure you keep him leashed and booted at all times."

As Yodler attached a leash to James' collar, James felt like crying. Even more so when Zeke brought over a large pair of work boots and ordered him to put them on.

Young Clay called for Whiskey, the large family dog, grabbed four flip whips, and handed one to each of his brothers. Jay noticed and cautioned; "Now you boys go easy on using them whips. I had to give all of your mothers a good whumpin from time to time, and this slave will prob'ly be no different from any of my women. But ya gotta train him right. If ya beat him for no reason, he'll just get defiant."

Wes knew the importance of being responsible, "I know Pa. I remember you only used to spank your woman if she did bad stuff. Like break dishes and stuff. We'll be the same way with our slave, Pa."

As the boys made their way out of the house with their dog and slave, Clay called out, "Pa, what's his name?"

Jay scratched his armpit, "I reckon it'll be whatever name you start callin him."

As the troupe started down the backwoods path, James was afraid of being seen as a naked slave. But as they walked along the wilderness, James soon realized that they were in such a remote location that it was unlikely they would run into anyone else.

The flip whips that each of the boys carried are also called 'safety whips' because, although the flip whip can deliver a horrendous stinging sensation, it is made of special polymers that prevent it from being able to abrade the skin. Because of its safety features, parents frequently allow even their youngest children to use them as an aid in controlling their slaves.

The four young hillbilly brothers used the whips on their new slave not in sadistic thrusts, but just to keep him moving steadily along the path on their way to the river. James hopped each time one of the boys would swat at his back, shoulders, or legs, causing the hillbilly brothers to laugh raucously.

Once they arrived at the river, which looked cool and beautifully refreshing to James, the brothers started to unbutton and remove their shirts and shoes. Young Clay threw a stick in the river, and Whiskey went eagerly bounding after it. The boys laughed at the antics of Whiskey, and Yodler, who held James' leash, told him to get into the river and try to swim across it to the opposite shore.

James got in the river as instructed, happy to have the water clean him after his oiling and fucking by Jay.

Yodler uncoiled the leash and ordered James to swim to the other side. James did, and as he swam away he thought for a moment, "Maybe I can escape!"

Just as James began to get lost in the beautiful thought of escape, Yodler gave a cruel tug to the leash, and started reeling James back in. James, caught off guard by the jerking of his collar, choked on a mouthful of water. As he coughed and turned around in an attempt to swim back to shore as Yodler reeled him in, he could hear the brothers laughing wildly.

When his feet could reach the river bottom, James stood and tried to catch his breath. He noticed that Wes and Zeke were now totally naked and were sporting huge erections and their dicks were fat, like their father's.

Yodler ordered James to once again try and swim to the other side. The second time James was on guard for Yodler's tricks, and when he eventually tugged on his leash, James was able to quickly change directions and swim back towards the shore. When James got back to the shore, all four brothers were naked and erect. The brothers all had huge hillbilly smiles and fat hillbilly cocks that waggled in the sun. Clay and Zeke mindlessly rubbed their cocks as they watched their new slave get out of the water.

Yodler talked to his brothers of former times, "I remember when pa would bring me and Zeke and Clay's ma down here. Pa would let us watch her swim, then when she would come back on shore pa would encourage me to put my little 10-year old pecker up her pussy. It was fun times."

Like hillbillies everywhere, Jay's sons lived only for any base fleeting pleasure they could obtain from life, and now James was their new little pleasure package. He was owned by them. He was just like another pet dog to them; only Whiskey wasn't kept on a leash.

Yodler wagged his finger at James and had him approach them. As James made his way to the four brothers, he took in the sight of the four fat hillbilly dicks that would probably need servicing on a daily basis.

The four Barker boys had their way with their new dog slave down at the river. While one boy would get his cock primed in James' mouth, another brother would stick his already primed cock up James' once proud ass and hump away.

Once the four brothers had their fill of James, they walked him back to their dad's place. The boys, having spent their sexual energy at the river, didn't use their flip whips on James nearly as much as they had on the walk down towards the river.

At their dad's shack the boys opened the front door and Yodler shouted, "Pa, we's is back from the river. What do ya want us to do with the slave?"

"Put him to work doing something."

"Pa, we ain't got time to watch him. We's is goin rabbit huntin with the Geezer boys."

"Well then lock him in the coop with the chickens!"

The Barker's chicken coop was in the back of the house. It was huge, made of high grade 'chicken wire', and there was plenty of room in it so a slave could be stowed without bothering the chickens.

Once the boys shoved James in the coop and locked it, James was both relieved and depressed. There was a water pump in the coop and James refreshed himself. He sat in a sunny corner of the coop, made himself comfortable, and cried himself to sleep.

He was awakened hours later by Jay, "Come on boy. It's time for you to get in the house, make me some chow, and do your womanly duty. But first I want you to get yourself hog-oiled and purrty."

James found a certain comfort in the unkempt handsomeness of his owner. When he came out of the bathroom after oiling his body, Jay smiled and whistled at him.

James noted that Jay usually had a mason jar of moonshine on the cupboard. As he peeled the potatoes, he asked Jay, "Is your moonshine safe?"

Jay was happy to answer that, "I's got the best business goin cause all folks knows mine is clean. I've been drinkin it all my life and I'm healther'n a horse. Try it!"

James poured some into a cup, found it too powerful straight. He added some cider to it, and found he could down it. As he prepared the meal, the moonshine helped him to relax.

As he was drinking his third cup of cider-diluted moonshine, James was caught off guard when Jay came up behind him and cupped his balls, "How's my little woman doin?"

Jay's hands on his balls felt good to James, and he turned and faced his owner. James, with the help of the alcohol, could be honest. Jay's face was handsome, and made glorious with its stubble; his eyes twinkled; his hairy armpits reeked of manly animal; his arms were thick and strong; his slight potbelly suggested to James that he needed to provide some dietary guidance to his uneducated owner.

And when Jay put his lips to James' and snaked his tongue into his mouth, James' entire body tingled with excitement and submission.

Jay took James on the spot. And James was happily taken. He submitted himself completely; he was now nothing but a moonshine-drinking hillbillys' slave. He would be shoved in the chicken coop when he was too much to handle; fucked at will by Jay's four sons; and loved by Jay like he was the woman of his dreams.

James decided he could live with it.

The End.

Posted: 10/12/12