The American Way
Eating Apples

The American Way

By: Randall Austin
(© 2013 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Bill Levertson stood in the viewing area of Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports' servants-in-training dayroom rest and recreation area. Below him was a large room of about one hundred dining tables, each with 8 folding chairs. About the perimeter of the room were easy chairs, bookshelves loaded with magazines, and light exercise equipment. More than half of the tables had at least four servants sitting at them, eating apples and chatting.

Bill had invited his friend Kim Jeffers to meet him in the viewing room, and from there the plan was for them to share lunch. Kim looked down on the dayroom, "Wow, there's a lot of guys down there!"

Bill was Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports Marketing Director and he was good at estimating the size of large groups of social servants, "I'd say there are about
300 servants in all down there. That room can accommodate as many as 800 servants on break."

Kim was amazed, "Wow! How many guys do you have here in training?"

"Right now we have just a tad under 4000 men. We only deal in males." Kim had never before considered the prospect of having so many servants in one place, "Jeeze! How in the hell can you control that many people?"

Bill looked about the roomful of servants eating apples and commented, "It's serious business. You want to keep them content so they are truly pleasant in personality, yet at the same time you need to lay down firm guidelines. The whole thing is a balancing act. The chief component of control is having in place a tangible system of rewards."

Kim shook his head in amazement, like a young kid visiting an airplane assembly plant, "Wow, all those guys down there. How can you possibly train them all?"

Bill smiled, "I can assure we have plenty of employees here, and we've been in business long enough to know how to handle the basics. And what you're talking about are the basics."

"But what's interesting, is now, for the first time, I am dealing with a logistical nightmare. I have to come up with a way to get all of our stock body ringed."

Kim wondered, "Ringed. I didn't know they still did that."

Bill leaned over the railing, stretching his arms as he did so, "My boss, the managing director of the company, and I came up with a new marketing strategy that requires all of our servants to be pierced and ringed in seven places on their bodies. And it's my job to arrange the whole thing. So now what I'm trying to do is to consider an efficient method. Like, do I have each servant emplaced with all seven rings at once, or do we go for a round robin kind of procedures line? Have them line up, and pierce their right ear, then go to the next line for the left ear, and so on and on for their nipples, navel, nose, and cock."

Kim shook his head, "Yeah, I see, that is a pretty big operation you've got on your hands."

The thought of seeing 4000 naked men getting dick pierced sent a strange shiver down Kim's spine. Kim looked at his handsome friend Bill Levertson as he leaned over the railing, looking at the men he marketed. Kim always had a crush on Bill. His lightly curled hair, his boyish good looks; though he was 42 years old; and manly body, always made Kim want to be close to Bill. And through the years Bill was never bothered by Kim's homosexuality.

And Kim had never before really considered the daily closeness his friend, Bill, had with literally thousands of men, and the control he had over them.

Bill pulled out his cell phone and made a quick call, "Simon. More apples in the day room... Okay, thanks."

As Bill stuffed his cell phone into his pocket, Kim asked, "What's with the apples?"

"That's what we feed 'em."

Kim wondered, "You mean for snacks?"

Bill shook his head to the side and back, "No. It's all that guys in their stage of training get to eat at this point. Apples and water, and a few supplements. At any given time, our stock is divided into eight different training, feeding, and discipline, regimens."

Hearing about thousands of men being herded into various training, feeding, and discipline, regimens made Kim swallow hard with a strange and forbidden fascination. His cock had that strange tingling feeling that wanted to be rubbed. "Man, I had no idea what your work was like. This is fascinating."

Bill looked at his watch, "We better leave for lunch. I have to be back here for a meeting in fifty minutes. There's a nice restaurant across the street!"

Kim exited with his friend, but really didn't want to leave the viewing room.

The End.

Posted: 01/04/13