
By: Randall Austin
(© 2014 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


(Author's Note: I would, once again, like to thank my editor; the Donny Delk, for his ever-ready help and his hot suggestions for improving this chapter of 'Crucified'.)


Chapter 11


The experience of Darrin's 'crucifixion' confirmed for Darrin what he had always suspected: that Spencer Collins and his brother Camden, were, in fact, super closeted homosexuals; so guilt ridden over their sexual orientation that they couldn't even begin to acknowledge or deal with the fact of their sexual orientation.

Coming to understand that the brothers were closeted homosexuals, also effectively ended the stressful fear of the unknown that had tinged all of Darrin's time at Rosewood Heights. Darrin now understood that the threats of violence he was routinely subjected to were part of the brothers' façade; they felt it was necessary to put on a show of being 'straight', macho, and tough.

But the knowledge of the brothers' true sexuality also made Darrin even angrier than he had ever been before about having been placed Rosewood Heights gay conversion program. He now knew that the Rosewood Heights' conversion program was a sham. The program's chief counselor and overseer, Spencer Collins, was leading a 100% deceptive life, and he and his brother used their 'aversion therapy' procedures to get their rocks off without any risk of being labeled 'queer'.

Although Darrin could acknowledge that his 'crucifixion' at the hands of the two Collins brothers was perhaps the hottest sexual experience of his life; he had been forced to suck and slurp and get fucked by the man of his dreams, Spencer Collins, and by his hot younger brother, for well over two hours. But once he manage to clear his thoughts of the sexual delights he had experienced, and focus instead on the reality of being locked up in a gay-conversion program run by 'nuts', deprived of his life and freedom, the more determined he became to break out of the program.

But he knew he would have to play his cards correctly. He was, after all, an indentee of the State of Massachusetts. While he knew that he could conceivably make a successful escape from Rosewood Heights at a couple of times throughout the day when he was not confined to his 'cage', he was not placed in the program as a free person like the majority of the boys in the program. He had been indentured by court order, at the behest of his father; and any escape attempt by an indentured person carried with it serious legal consequences.

One morning in the dining room, after breakfast, five days after Darrin's 'crucifixion', Spencer announced to the roomful of boys, "Last night one of you, Jason Lombard, was caught on camera masturbating. Jason is now going to be chastity caged by Camden. And the rest of you, because of Jason's failure, are going to be punished also. You will spend the rest of the day in your cages, along with Jason, memorizing passages from your reparative therapy work books!"

There was a groan from the room and Spencer continued, "And those of you who do not have the assigned verses memorized by supper time, will not only be denied supper, but will also be publicly ass-whipped in the dining room as the other boys are eating."

Darrin was so pissed at his situation that when he was back in his cage he could not muster up the energy to open up his study text and start memorizing the crap that he was supposed to. In fact he so detested the 'reparative therapy' workbook, that in a moment of anger he took it and threw it out of his cage, mumbling "Filthy shit!" as he did so.

There were gasps from some of the other boys in the cage room, which made Darrin suddenly realize that such a careless act would almost certainly have been recorded by one of the security cameras in the cage room, and soon some counselor would spot the workbook toss and be marching into the cage room to fetch him for a 'corrective treatment' session.

But no one entered the cage room immediately. It was only after more than half an hour after Darrin had tossed the workbook on the floor that the caged boys heard the door to the cage room being unlocked. It was Camden who entered, and he didn't seem to be aware or notice that there was a workbook on the floor.

Once Camden was in the cage room, he locked the cage room door behind him, a behavior that none of the boys had ever seen a counselor or overseer do once they were in the cage room. Camden walked to the center of the room, and, in a tough, big-boy voice, the 19-year old counselor ordered all of the caged boys to remove their jumpsuits; "I'm in a mood to spank some homo-boy ass! Show me your asses, you faggots! I want all of you guys to strip out of your jumpsuits, and then turn around, and wiggle your asses for me!"

It was with some amusement that Darrin complied. He understood that Camden was probably in a super horny mood, and was doing something even Spencer would consider to be untoward behavior.

Once all of the boys were naked, they turned around in their cages and wiggled their butts for Camden as ordered.

With the boys facing away from him, Camden was able to rub his crotch as he watched the ass-wiggling ballet of the caged boys. "I bet you homos really get off on wiggling your asses like a bunch of girls!"

Once Camden had been able to rub his dragon into a full teen boner, he ordered all of the caged boys to stand against the bars of the cage door, facing the center aisle. He ordered all of the boys to stand at attention and to gaze at the naked boys across the aisle. He explained, "Any of you guys who bone-up from looking at other naked guys, are going to be going over my lap for an ass spanking you won't soon forget!"

Camden loved the power he had over the 24 guys in the sexual reorientation program. 24 naked guys under his complete control. 24 boys without freedom. 24 guys standing naked at attention. Camden was free and the caged boys were not free, and being around his unfree charges intoxicated him. The inner tingle he felt at such moments made his dude-bone angry for release.

And his power over the boys in such situations always made Camden feel ever more manly, more big-dicked, and masculine; an authority figure in complete control, whose authority his fellow sophomore psychology major classmates envied.

Camden walked down the center aisle of the two rows of cages like a young Nazi storm trooper, relishing his power to instill fear into the hearts of inferior beings, as his teen nut sack loaded up with dude-sperm ready to be fired.

After two strolls down the center aisle, and still seeing no erections, Camden ordered all of the boys to jog in place.

The caged boys did as ordered, and as the boys jogged in place Camden's face turned into a wide, leering, smile, at the 24 sets of bouncing homo-boy units, and called out, "You know what you caged guys remind me of? A bunch of farm animals!"

"That's what you are as long as you keep up your fag lifestyle; livestock! Hell, I should take you out to pasture and invite my friends over and make you perform in a homo-boy, naked-livestock, rodeo! We'd grease you up like piggies, make you gallop around the corral, and try to lasso you for a branding!"

Camden's vocalization of his inner fantasies got not only himself quite excited and sexually fired up, but also some of the caged boys. When Camden finally ordered them to stop jogging, almost five minutes later, he counted out eleven erections. He announced, "It looks like I'm going to be doing some serious ass whipping!"

As Camden was about to get the boner boys out of their cages, he noticed a 'reparative therapy' workbook on the floor. He picked it up, looked at the front page to find the owner's name, went to Darrin's cage, and handed it back to him through the bars, "It's a good thing I found this, you must have accidentally kicked it out of your cage." He handed it to Darrin.

Darrin surprised that Camden suspected nothing unusual in the situation, took back his workbook and mumbled a "Thank you" to Camden.

One of the self-hating homo boys in the program, Justin Spears, who wanted more than anything to be loved and approved by straight guys, called out, "Mr. Collins, sir, he did not kick it out accidentally; he threw it out of his cage and called it 'filthy shit'. It was a painful thing for me to witness, Mr. Collins, sir."

Camden stared at Darrin, and snarled, "I don't know why you are filled with so much hate for this program, Darrin Fuller! But I cannot allow such behavior. You have to change, and I am going to help you change!"

Camden went to the implements cabinet and grabbed a large whip. As he walked back to Darrin's cage he called out, "It's been quite a while since we've had a bull-whipping here at Rosewood Heights. I want you all to watch this real good, because you are going to see what happens to intransigents!"

Camden went up to Darrin's cage and started to unlock the door. At the same time as Camden was about to unlock the door to Darrin's cage, the large steel door to the cage room opened and in walked Camden's father, Dr. Elliott Collins. Camden gave a startled look to his father, and called out, "DAD!"

Dr. Collins was confused at the sights before him, "Son what are you doing with that whip? And why are all of these boys naked?"

Dr. Collins walked up to his youngest son and asked, "What counselor authorized you to give a whipping without supervision?"

Dr. Collins surveyed all of the naked boys standing at attention against their cage doors, "Why are all of the boys undressed? Who authorized this? What's going on?"

Camden stammered, unsure of how to get out of the situation, and his father pressed on, "Son, which counselor authorized this procedure?"

Camden almost whispered, "No counselor authorized it, Dad."

Dr. Collins wondered, "Did Spencer order this?"

"No, Dad."

"Well son, who authorized this?"

"I did, Dad."

Dr. Collins was furious, "Son, we are a state certified counseling clinic. We have to follow the law. What did I tell you, son, about ever doing any such thing with our clients on your own? You know that we are only allowed to do counselor approved training sessions! Do you know how much trouble you could have gotten us into if you whipped any one of these boys?"

Dr. Collins shook his head in dismay, and then told all of the boys to get dressed and get back to their assignments.

Dr. Collins then ordered his son, "Come along with me, young man!"

Camden, trying to maintain some dignity, whispered to his father, "Dad, if you talk to me like this in front of these guys they'll lose respect for me."

Dr. Collins roared out his answer so all could hear, "Respect? Respect has to be earned!"

He grabbed Camden by the ear, and pulled him along, "You come along with me young man, it's a strapping for you that you're never going to forget!"

Camden let out a yell, and his dad, in reaction, twisted his ear and made him walk along with him in a stooped down position. All of the caged boys were greatly amused, and by the time Dr. Collins had exited the cage room with his naughty son in tow, the cage room was howling with laughter.

Once Dr. Collins had Camden in his office, he let go of his ear, and told him to take off all of his clothing. Camden sniffled, "I'm too old for that Dad. Please, I'm 19 years old. I'm in college, Dad."

"You won't be in college if you don't do as you're told, because I'll stop paying tuition. Now strip down bare! Either do as you're told, or else pick up your things and get the hell of here!"

Dr. Collins went to a cupboard and took out a reformatory strap. A totally lost and frightened Camden pleaded, "Please Dad, not the strap!"

Dr. Collins shook his head in disgust, "Remember when I gave you your last spanking, about two months ago, I told you the next time it would be the strap? I keep my promises; now hurry and get little-boy naked!"

Dr. Collins sat on his sofa, Camden stripped bare, then covered his genitals with his hand as his father signaled for him to get over his lap.

Dr. Collins held Camden's back down with one hand, and began strapping his ass with the other. Camden immediately started to holler, "Dad please stop! I promise I'll be good!"

There was no response from his father, so Camden continued, "Dad, I am sorry for what I did. I was wrong. Please stop. I promise I'll never let you down again."

The Collin's boys were used to beatings from their father. They had gotten them all of their lives, and they were severe. Camden knew that he, just as his brother Spencer had been, would be subjected to his father's discipline until he completed graduate school, and possibly even after. But he tried to be stoic and take his punishment without too much girly screaming because he so wanted to please his father.

In such moments of pain Camden found that he was able to channel his need to scream by letting himself, instead, give free reign to crying. And cry he did. He was bawling out loud in no time, slobbering and pleading his case in words that came out in a gibberish that his father was never able to understand.

Camden never understood why his cock got hard during punishment sessions, but it did help him to take his mind off of the pain in some measure.

When it was over, Dr. Collins indicated for Camden to stand up, and he went to a closet and pulled out a strange looking wheelchair. Camden saw it and was terrified, "Please Dad, not the punishment chair. Dad, I'm too old for that."

Dr. Collins ignored him, "You need a good dose of humiliation son! The American Psychiatric Council says humiliation is the best method for getting messages drilled into the heads of teenagers."

"Dad the spanking was enough. I've learned my lesson. Please don't 'chair' me Dad!"

On the middle of the seat of the wheelchair was affixed a medium sized dildo. Dr. Collins lubed it up, and then ordered, "Okay son, you know the drill. Get over here and ease yourself down on the chair!"

As Camden protested, his father warned, "Any more balking and I'll nut-clamp you as well!"

Camden grabbed onto the armrests of the wheelchair and eased himself down, slowly taking the dildo up his teen ass. As he eased himself down on the dildo his bobbing cock got bigger and bigger. Once he was fully seated, Dr. Collins secured him in with the straps affixed to the chair: one about both arms and legs, one about his chest, and one about his waist.

Dr. Collins went in back of the chair and started wheeling it out of the room. Camden, starting to panic, "Where are you taking me Dad?"

"To the cage room."

"NO, Dad, PLEASE. Don't let the homos see me being humiliated like this! PLEASE, DADDY!"

Dr. Collins wheeled his well-rodded son down the corridor to the cage room. On the way they passed two senior counselors, who were familiar with the sight of Dr. Collins' sons on the punishment chair.

The counselors smiled and winked at Dr. Collins.

As Dr. Collins unlocked the door to the cage room, Camden started bawling. Dr. Collins wheeled his naked, butt-plugged, cock-hard, son down the entire length of the aisle between the two rows of cages as all the caged boys watched in amazement. At the end of the aisle Dr. Collins turned the chair around and parked the chair so that Camden was facing down the aisle between the cages. All of the boys in the room thus had a very good view of Dr. Collins' freshly punished and wheel-chaired son.

Dr. Collins addressed the boys in the conversion program; "My son is going to be spending the rest of the day until suppertime, just like you, here in the cage room. I know that some of you boys think the measures we employ here in the conversion program are harsh. They are harsh, but I want you to know that you are not receiving any different punishment than the sorts I have used on my own two sons. Pain and humiliation are the training tools most recommended by the American Psychiatric Council in such situations."

Dr. Collins exited the room, accompanied by the heaves and sobs of his very red faced, profoundly humiliated, dick-erected, and wheel-chaired plugged, son.

The caged boys were, of course, greatly amused by the spectacle. Not only was it a pleasure to see the arrogant little shit strapped naked to the punishment wheelchair and publicly humiliated; but this particular arrogant shit was a hottie with a quite spectacular full-hilt, juicy, erection on raw display.

Snickers could be heard coming from throughout the room, and after a short while the entire room finally erupted into outright laughter. It was the first time Darrin had ever felt there was any full agreement and bonding among the boys in the conversion program.

Darrin especially enjoyed the spectacle, and had to give Dr. Collins credit for putting his bratty son on the punishment chair, but at the same time he felt rather sorry for Camden. Camden had obviously been raised to live in fear of his father, a father who believed that humiliating punishments were the proven method of effective correction for wayward youth. It was now no longer any wonder to Darrin why Camden was so hard-assed at his young age.

It also interested Darrin, as it did the other boys in the room that Camden's dick was not deflating even after 20 minutes on the chair. In fact his man-shaft remained not only purple-headed, rock hard, but was beginning to slime the length of his rod with oozing precum.

Darrin finally found something to amuse himself with; wondering how long Camden's teen dude-bone would remain so totally hard. So it was something of a disappointment to Darrin when a very serious looking Adam Cann appeared unexpectedly at his cage, opened it, and asked him to accompany him to Spencer's office.

Once Darrin and Mr. Cann entered Spencer's office, Darrin was very surprised at what he saw: a man in a suit, standing next to a pale and very nervous looking Spencer.

Adam Cann introduced Darrin to the visitor, "Darrin, This is Mr. Joseph Phelps. He is with the state's Servitor Watch Committee. He wishes to question you in private."

Adam Cann and Spencer led Mr. Phelps and Darrin to a private room. Before leaving, Spencer gave Darrin a meaningful look, one that seemed to be both deeply sad and pleading.

Alone in the room with Darrin, Mr. Phelps explained his presence, "Darrin, two of your college friends, Pierce Hawkings and David Glade, made an initial approach to our agency, and reported that they believed you were indentured under false charges of being an alcoholic, something the state permits only in cases of extreme substance abuse. Your friends, additionally, got the testimony of some more of your friends and your teachers, and what they testified to is at great variance with what is in your order of indenturement."

"Therefore, if you agree, I will take you to a state testing facility right now, and if you test negative, you will be released immediately from indenturement."

"The second reason for my visit is that it appears based on the comments of Pierce and David that this institution employs abusive and physically dangerous polices, out of line with state standards. I would like to question you on your experience here, and if you agree to answer my questions and your responses are compromising, you can testify against this organization in a court of law should you choose to do so."

Mr. Phelps and Darrin returned to Spencer's office within an hour. Mr. Phelps spoke to Spencer, "Mr. Collins, Darrin has agreed to be tested. I will escort him now to our testing facility, and I will be bringing him back here, regardless of the outcome of the tests, within six hours, to apprise Rosewood Heights of the state's decision regarding the status of Darrin Fuller."

Once Mr. Phelps left with Darrin, a perturbed and frightened Spencer hurriedly made his way to his room. He passed Adam Cann in the passageway who acknowledged him and asked, "How's it going?"

Spencer, preoccupied, only nodded at his colleague. In his room Spencer hurried to his closet drawer, opened it, knelt down, and pulled out his hidden and secret steel chest. He touched it with a hand that almost trembled, and then he broke apart and began to weep as he had never wept before.

Raised in a household by an empirically minded father who had little regard or trust for anything other than personal experience, Spencer was thus uncertain of where to turn for solace; for in the Collins' household nothing was to be trusted that could not be confirmed by personal experience.

In desperation Spencer, through his sobs, simply began to talk about how he was feeling; he wasn't sure to whom he was speaking, or if he was simply speaking to himself, but he nevertheless addressed the felt presence as 'god'.

"Dear God, what have I done? I never wanted to hurt anybody, especially Darrin. Please don't take him away from me. I only want what is best for everybody. If I have done wrong, I'm so sorry."

"Lately I have wondered if what we are doing here is a good and helpful thing. I used to trust my father in everything, but lately I have been having doubts. I am beginning to see him in a different way, in a way that frightens me. So now I have been wondering if he has been wrong all along in so many of the things he taught me."

Spencer wondered how to continue his prayer. Distraught and uncertain, he needed to voice what he was feeling, but he had no words to say it. Finally, desperate, he threw his fists to his chest, and in a sobbing voice cried out whatever flowed from his heart, "Dear God, I love only good things; trees, flowers, sunshine, turtles, alligators, dragonflies, kittens, cows ... and Darrin!"

Emotionally overwhelmed, Spencer could no longer continue with his improvised plea for understanding. He soon fell to the floor, rolled himself into a fetal position, and wept himself into a fitful sleep.




When Dr. Elliot Collins returned to his office after having delivered his butt-plugged and wheelchaired son to the cage room, he got on his cell phone, "Okay, the coast is clear. Come to the northern most door on the east side of the compound, the same door you used last time."

Dr. Collins hung up, and went to a back door of the Rosewood Heights compound, near his office. There he escorted in a young woman and quickly guided her into his office.

No words were spoken. The little tart, 17-year old Candy Dewhurst, started to remove her clothing. When her perky slightly turned upward tits came into view Dr. Collins shot up hard. All of the Collins males got hard easily, even Dr. Collins, at 57 years.

Dr. Collins unbuckled and dropped his slacks, kicked them off, and proudly showed off his big adult cock to the little girl. And when the little girl pulled off her panties, she just as proudly showed off her young hairless pussy. Dr. Collins was salivating, and indicated for the little girl to approach him, as he sat down on his office chair.

Candy gingerly approached Dr. Collins, who lifted her up with both arms, and slowly settled her down on his mature, psychologist, cock. Once Candy was fully impaled on Dr. Collin's dick, Candy began to artfully bump and hump her tight teen pussy in rhythm to Dr. Collins's moans of pleasure.

Her skills were beyond her years, and her first few cunt squeezes on Dr. Collin's rod sent shivers up and down his spine.

There was a sudden, loud, knock on the door, "Dad, I gotta talk with you!"

Dr. Collins was pissed, "Not now Spencer, I'm busy!"

"Dad, it's important."

"Son, not now!"

"Dad, it's an emergency!"

Dr. Collins pushed the whore away in the event he would have to answer the door, "Son, I'm on the phone, an important call with the upcoming Northeast Anthropological Convention. It's a conference call. I can't come. I'll be with you in a few minutes!

Though Dr. Collins could hear tears in his son's voice, he couldn't answer the door, "Son, I'll be there in a minute. Just hold on!"

Little Candy was growing impatient, "Sir, I don't have much more time."

Dr. Collins hissed at her, "Keep your voice down!"

Spencer called again, "Dad, please answer the door!"

Dr. Collins was perplexed, "Spencer, I'm ordering you to leave me alone. I'll see you in five minutes!"

Candy was pissed at being ignored, "I want to be paid now!"

Dr. Collins held out a calming hand and whispered, "Just stay calm!"

Spencer called out again, and as his father searched for a response he saw Candy slip some jewelry from his desk into her purse. Dr. Collins ran to her and tried to take it away from her. Candy screamed the piercing scream that 17-year old girls love to scream, and Spencer called out, "Dad, what's going on in there?"

Dr. Collins struggled with Candy as she grabbed more items that belonged to him. She shouted, "You pay me now!"

Dr. Collins struggled with her to get the jewelry and valuables back from her purse, but Candy started resisting. As Candy flailed at Dr. Collins, he slapped her in self-defense. Candy started to scream hysterically.

Spencer took out his master key, opened the door, and entered the office as his father, naked from the waist down, pummeling the young, totally bare, perky-titted, teen, as he tried to get back his valuables.

Spencer ran up to his father and shouted, "Dad, stop!"

Dr. Collins, shocked, stopped assaulting Candy, and she was then able to pull on her panties.

Candy grabbed her clothes and purse and while screaming, ran out of the office. She dug out her cell phone from her purse and dialed 911 as she made her way to her parked car. Once in the safety of her car, Candy screeched into the phone, "Help, I was raped. I was raped and beaten, and when I resisted he tried to murder me!"


To be continued...


Posted: 08/29/14