The American Way
A New Direction

The American Way

By: Randall Austin
(© 2013 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Bill Levertson - Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports Marketing Director; stood confidently in front of the roomful of 384 seated social servants in training. He looked at them smiling, waiting for the talking to quiet down.

About the perimeters of the room stood 65 Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle 'docents'. That is what they were called, and it is what the majority of servants in training at Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle believed they were, for they were the guys who showed the new servants the ropes of the training facility; told them what was expected; convinced them it was cool to be a servant; informed them that it was 'the decent thing to do' to follow every command unhesitatingly; spoke to each servant as if he were their best buddy.

In reality the docents were typical overseers such as one would find at any servant training facility. But Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports was a classy place, and the docents were a class act who certainly didn't look like overseers. They were educated, well groomed, and dressed in the natty dress slacks and jacket uniform of the Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle docents. But completely concealed from view in the folds of their dress jackets were all of the emergency control devices every overseer in every training facility throughout North America carried on his person at all times.

Bill Levertson cleared his throat, "Gentlemen. Thank you for your attention. You are a special group of men. As you know, this facility currently has almost 4000 servants in training. You gentlemen are unique in that you are Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle's current crop of voluntary indentees. You have all opted to have yourselves indentured for varying reasons; but the majority of you are here because of financial troubles: debt, bankruptcy, and/or alimony requirements. Self-indenturement is, simply, one of the noblest things we as citizens can elect to do."

"The fact that you are here proves that you are all intelligent and responsible citizens. The indenturement program has proven itself to be the most efficacious system currently in place for getting out of debt. You all have wisely availed yourself of the indenturement option, and such a wise decision only confirms the fact that all of you are indeed well educated."

Bill looked at the floor, wiped his hand across his mouth, and continued. "I've had the great opportunity of talking to a lot of you and getting to know some of you quite well as individuals. Indeed, that is one of the great rewards of my job; that I get to meet so many wonderful, selfless individuals who have such a standard of justice and fair play that they would rather work off their debts through one of the accelerated labor programs that indenturement provides rather than run from their creditors. You are all, in short, admirable men!"

The entire room of servants was smiling. Bill paused as he took in the sea of smiling servant faces. "You have all been accepted into Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports servant training program for two reasons; you are well educated and you are attractive men. And those two facts you all were doubtless aware of when you considered your indenturement options. You could have, for example, gone through the state social services system, or set yourself up with some other brokerage firm. But you chose Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports to handle and process your indenturement. It was a smart decision, I assure you."

"Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports prides itself on being on the cutting edge of all developments in the world of social servitude. Indeed, Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports, we believe, has been instrumental in molding much that is admirable in this country's fair treatment of servants by setting a standard of integrity that others have followed; if only to remain competitive."

"And now, once again, Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports finds itself at the forefront of social development. A new direction! Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that we have decided to enlist new marketing procedures to ensure that your eventual purchase and employment provide the highest level of satisfaction possible, both for yourselves and your future owners."

The servants' smiles did not abate, nor did the conviction with which Bill delivered his talk to the servants he was in charge of marketing. "Starting today we are implementing a new approach to servant marketing which we call, 'Able, Ringed, and Proud'."

"While most of the 'Able, Ringed, and Proud' program won't affect you; most of it all has to do with our promotional procedures; there are a few changes that will be made from what you are used to. The biggest change will be that we are going to be piercing and ringing your body in seven places."

There were confused and/or questioning looks on the servant's faces. Bill noticed and nodded in assurance, "Nothing to worry about. As per your contract, no permanent body modifications are allowed. There's a strong likelihood that your owners will not maintain some or all of your rings. But starting today we will be ringing our entire line in both ears, both nipples, the navel, nose, penis head." The room quickly was abuzz with chatter. "Gentlemen, I would remind you that all the ringing we will be doing are listed as 'benign' procedures. That means they are performed with anesthetic; are at low risk for health complications; are easily and rapidly accomplished; and can easily and rapidly be undone."

"Again, gentlemen, the ringing operation will enable us to more accurately pinpoint an ideal positioning for each and every one of you."

The chattering quieted down as Bill convinced them that by submitting to ringing, it would help Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports find the best owner match for them. How that would accomplish such an objective no one asked, because Bill quickly flashed an even wider smile and continued, "The other change that will affect you is that from now on we will be a nude-only showroom."

There was silence from the shock of the announcement. Bill continued, "Most of you have either completed or are well into your classes on display room protocol. Nothing is really going to change. When you are on display in the showroom, you will still cycle through your 28 showroom poses, holding each pose for 30 seconds before moving on to the next pose. The only difference is that you will now be nude as you pose in the showroom."

A servant voice called out, "This is unacceptable, and is against what was discussed in my interview."

Bill responded, "If you will check your contract, which should be in your belongings drawer in your dorm suites, you will note that the contract does state that handling terms and conditions are subject to change if required by market forces."

Another servant voice called out, "This is underhanded."

Bill tried to humor the group, "Oh come on now, gentlemen. This is hardly going to change anything you're used to."

A fast talking servant asked, "What is the real reason behind the rings and the nudity?"

"Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports has decided that ringing is in keeping with the image people want of servants. And if you aren't nude, how are our customers going to see your rings?" Bill could sense the servants didn't like his answer, so he quickly deflected, "The rings, by the way come in gold and platinum, as well as the basic steel."

A voice asked, "Are we just nude on the showroom floor?"

Bill answered with a serious tone, "No. It is important that nudity be full time to reinforce the image we envision for servants; and to help instill within each of you the import of that vision."

Another voice from the servants asked, "What about family visitation?"

Bill remained serious, concerned about rising anger, "Yes. Nudity at all times."

There was much grumbling, and an angry voice called out, "This is an outrage. I am a Christian and it is against my beliefs to appear naked in front of my daughters."

Bill responded firmly, "While Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports cannot cater to all the beliefs of its property; we nevertheless are willing to accommodate you. We can have you seated behind a draped table during visitation hours."

The noise grew in the room. The docents looked to Bill to see if they should respond. Bill raised a hand to signal them to remain calm and show no concern. When the noise did not quiet down, Bill called out, "Gentlemen, I must ask you for silence. There is no need to be upset."

Shouted questions and curses came from the servants, but Bill couldn't respond because he really could not make the questions out for the din. He called again for silence.

Some of the 384 stood from their seats, and started to walk out in protest. Bill called out, "Gentlemen. I did not say you could leave. I must ask all of you to return to your seats and remain calm and quiet."

When some of the servants continued to make their way to the exits, Bill pointed to the docents, and nodded for them to do what they had to do in order to keep the men calm and in the room. Several docents each approached each of the seven men who were intent on walking out. The docents spoke to the men and convinced two of them to return to their seats. The remaining five walked past the docents, and the docents swung into action. They discretely pulled out their tasers and zapped the renegades with their tasers highest setting.

Using the high setting is standard procedure for quelling a potential riot. What is desired from the high setting is to set severe examples for the protesters. The high setting insures not only a full disabling of the defiant ones, but the loud screams the high setting elicits effectively contribute to the desired deterrent effect of the tasers.

The five tased men effectively set an example for the rest of the servants. All 379 of the young, well educated, handsome, and fit, men in Sherman, Lawson, and Stingle Imports training program sat back down in their seats and were silent.

Most of them were seeing for the first time the harsher face of servitude. As the docents helped the tased men to recover, Bill spoke. "Our first concern is for you, the servants. It has always been so, and will continue to be the case. I can understand why some of you were initially upset. But I'm sure you can see that the so called changes are not really very big changes at all."

The roomful of servants behaved themselves and were silent. Several of them were red in the face from embarrassment at their situation; at how the group had to be tased into submission like herd animals. It was a lesson, frankly, Bill was glad to see them getting, for he knew it was one they would have to get sooner or later in their training. At least they all now had a better grasp of the power structure among the world of servants.

Bill continued, "Gentlemen. I'm going to ask you all to return to your dorm suites. We will be calling you out a little later in the day in groups of 30 to begin your processing. You will then be permanently disrobed. Then you will be strapped to a procedure table and the technicians will emplace all of your rings. That way all of your piercings and ringing will be over within 15 minutes. Are there any questions?

Some sobbing could be heard; but there were no questions.

The End.

Posted: 01/11/13