© 2006 by Anel Viz. All rights reserved.
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Paul’s room, a gray Sunday morning. Sounds of the choir rehearsing in the church next door. We lie as close to each other in the large double bed as we once did on a single futon on the floor, in the same position we woke up in, on our backs, his head cradled in my armpit and resting on my chest, my head leaning to the right against his. Which of us woke first? Perhaps I did; I usually do. I couldn’t say when I first became aware that he too was awake. Neither of us has moved, neither has spoken, but the churning in our guts wambles loud and eloquently.
“My tortellini and your lasagna were quieter on the plate.”
“That was a lot of food. I was so sleepy last night.”
“I am too usually after a big dinner, especially when I eat late. But we ate early last night.”
“I was so full.”
“So was I. It was good, though.”
“It was, but it made me sleepy.”
“I know. You kept dozing off during the video.”
“I did.”
“When I have a big lunch, I can’t concentrate when I get back to work. My mind won’t focus; I just want to take a nap.”
“Me too.”
“They say that’s because after a big meal all your blood leaves your brain and rushes to your stomach. I bet that’s an old wives’ tale.”
“I’ve heard that too. It sounds logical.”
“Reasonable, but it’s not consistent. When you have sex a lot more blood goes rushing somewhere else and your brain works just fine. I wasn’t all that logy last night.”
“I’ll say.”
“There was plenty of blood for my brain and my dick and my stomach. I was about as big as I ever get.”
“Bigger. I couldn’t believe how horny you were. But you’re always horny.”
“First you were sleepy and I was wide awake, and afterwards you were wide awake and I couldn’t keep my eyes open.”
“You fell asleep while I was rubbing lotion on your back.”
“I heard you go out.”
“I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t. I went downstairs and read for two hours, then I came back. You were out like a light.”
“I was exhausted.”
“How do you feel now?”
“My back’s still stiff. What about you?”
“I guess I’m okay.”
“That was some fuck.”
“It was.”
“You should get coasters for the bed. It’s a good
thing it’s a double, or it would have rolled through the door and out into
the hall.”
“You told me to look up, and we were five feet from the wall.”
“I didn’t notice till my foot hit the dresser.”
“You were too busy doing something else.”
“I was too busy doing you.”
“You were brutal.”
“No. I was vigorous.”
“You were a bull.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I guess I’m a little tender. I’m not thinking about how I feel; I’m thinking about how it felt.”
“Are you up for more?”
“Are you up?” I roll to face him, and my erection presses into his thigh. “Horny old goat!”
“What time is it?”
“I don’t know. Eight… nine… God, this is a loud bed.”
“It was louder than you.”
“Stop it. I didn’t make any noise. I deny it.”
“You whimpered and moaned the whole time.”
“But not loud.”
“No, you weren’t loud. The bed was loud.”
“It made a racket.”
“Did you use to hear it creak when Big Al fucked his whores in it?”
“Yeah, I thought he was exaggerating when he talked about his exploits. Probably just a quick bang, shoot his load, and roll over.”
“Unless the bed couldn’t move with the two of them in it. He liked his women big.”
“That tramp he was telling about, the one he picked up at the bus stop and came home with him for twenty bucks, was she big too?”
“She ever come back again? He was bragging she couldn’t get enough of him.”
“No. When he called her she said she wanted a hundred for a second go.”
“What did I tell you? God, he thought he was hot shit in bed! His ego’s bigger than his ass.”
“Not bigger than Tonya’s, though.”
Tonya was Big Al’s steady girlfriend. They had a fight about his whores, he took a swing at her, and she called the cops. He’d been up on charges of domestic violence before, and this time he ended up in jail, which is how Paul came to have the house to himself. He couldn’t afford the rent, though, so we were looking for someone to replace him, someone clean, quiet and easygoing, who wouldn’t give us shit about sleeping together, but it isn’t easy to find someone decent who’d want to move into that neighborhood.
“Well, his ass wasn’t, I’ll grant you that. How can a mattress he used to fuck her on stay so firm? I was sure it would sag.”
“I don’t even want to think about it.”
It was the thought of Big Al screwing all those dirty women in what is now our bed that kept Paul from moving into the bigger bedroom for nearly four months despite my urging. As is, he not only steam cleaned the mattress, but laundered Big Al’s blanket and put it under the sheet.
“It’s nice having a large room to yourself.”
“I was thinking about that the other day.”
“How long has it been since you had a big room? All your rooms have been tiny for as long as I’ve known you.” (This was his sixth.)
“Not since I split with up with Annie.”
“Ninety-nine was it?”
“You like it?”
“I don’t know. I’m used to little rooms.”
“I like it.”
“It gets more light.”
“It’s closer to the bathroom.”
“It has more outlets.”
“The floor isn’t a tangle of extension cords.”
“I can have more furniture. I don’t have to put the DVD and VCR players on the floor.”
“You don’t have to keep your stuff in storage containers. You have a dresser.”
“I don’t want to put my stuff in his dresser. It’s gross.”
“You have an armchair too.”
“It’s the most uncomfortable chair I ever sat in.”
“Then get rid of it.”
“I mean to.”
“I like the bed too.”
He pouts and gives a little growl. He still feels queasy about sleeping in Big Al’s bed. He put his pillow away in some closet somewhere, thinking that maybe he used stick it under Tonya’s ass when he fucked her and it’s all stained with his cum and her pussy juice.
“We’ve had some wonderful fucks in it.”
“We always have wonderful fucks.”
“As good as last night?”
“Some of them.”
“You were loving it.”
“I was.”
“I hit your G-spot.”
“Every time.”
“You were rolling your ass and pushing up against me.”
“Your chest was heaving when you came. And then you didn’t move. You lay there so long I was afraid you were having a heart attack.”
“That’s what you said. I can’t imagine why.”
“Your heart was pounding in your chest.”
“In rhythm with the throbbing of my cock?”
“I mean after, when you’d gone all limp and were just lying on top of me and your cock was growing soft inside me. I could feel your heart knocking against my back, and it seemed like you were forcing yourself to breathe. What was I supposed to think?”
“It was good aerobic exercise. I’d been pumping at top speed.”
“You’d been pumping forever. You wouldn’t stop.”
“I outdid myself. You were liking it too much, and I kept feeling like I was close to cumming. I was afraid if I slowed down and then went at it again, by the time I finished you’d be too sore.”
“I am sore.”
“Not too bad.”
“It’s your own fault. You did it to yourself.”
“Tell me about it!”
“I mean it. You’re sore from the first time, when you sat down on me. I never just shove into you like that. I slide in really slow and wait for you to open.”
“You do.”
“Then why didn’t you? I knew you were tight from when I rimmed you.”
“God, you did such a good job! You kept licking and licking and sucking on it and biting my cheeks with your lips. It was heaven, and it went on and on…”
“You were sleepy, remember? I had to do all the work.”
“I liked it.”
“You were so tight your asshole kept clamping down on my tongue. That’s why I asked you to straddle me. I wasn’t sure I’d be gentle enough; I thought you’d be more careful. Then you just go and impale yourself on me like the way a guy comes home from work and plops down in an armchair. I could see how much it hurt. Your face went all red and you bit your lips and started sweating.”
“You grabbed me round the waist and pulled me down on you with all your strength.”
“I did not.” (I didn’t. He’s only teasing.) “You saw big I was. You got me that way.”
“So it’s all my fault.”
“It’s your fault you sat down on me so hard. I’m not complaining about the blowjob.”
“Christ, you were huge!” He reaches out and palms my penis. “You’re still huge.”
I push the covers to one side and take myself in both hands. With two fists wrapped around it one right next to the other my dick still peeks out between a thumb and index finger. “And you weren’t afraid of forcing yourself down on that all at once? Were you trying to prove something?”
“I just wanted to get it over with.”
“You just wanted to get it in you. You couldn’t wait, could you? Too impatient to take it easy.”
“I shut my eyes and went for it.”
“Your eyes popped open soon enough. I could read your expression: ‘What have I done to myself?’”
“You were looking at me?”
“You know I was looking at you. Your eyes were open.”
“All I could see was stars.”
“And on top of that you didn’t put on nearly enough lube. I had to put more on right away, remember?”
“I got you plenty slick.”
“But you didn’t put enough on yourself. Then right away you started riding up and down on me before you’d loosened up. I had to hold you in place.”
“And pump more blood in your cock.”
“And I bet that felt good.”
“It felt even better when I started riding again.”
“I rolled my hips while you went up and down on me.”
“I felt your hands squeezing me all over.”
“Your thighs.”
“My sides.”
“Your arms.”
“My wrists.”
“Your chest.”
“My nipples.”
“Your belly.”
“My dick. I felt you everywhere.”
“Inside too.”
“Mostly inside.”
“The bed was creaking wildly.”
“I heard it. It’s a noisy bed.”
“I was watching you the whole time. Your mouth was open; your eyes were staring down at me.”
“I saw nothing. I only felt.”
“You looked beautiful. You’re a beautiful man, and you’re always most beautiful when my sex sets your senses spinning.”
“I was squatting over you. My legs were starting to cramp. I thought I was going to fall.”
“You got on your knees and leaned backwards. I held you by the wrists. That’s when I hit the spot.”
“You could tell?”
“I could tell. I could see it in your face, and I could feel it too. Your prostate pressed on top of my shaft right below my dick head. It was very hard.”
“You started pumping underneath me. Slowly. A really shallow pumping, just to slide back and forth on my prostate.”
“Then it was your turn to roll your hips.”
“God! It felt so good!”
“For me too.”
“Just look at you!” My erection is pointing straight up, the head deep pink and flaring.
“What do you expect? Just listen to what we’re talking about! Kiss me.”
“On the dick?”
“On the mouth first.”
We roll to face each other and kiss. Each has put his hand behind the other’s skull. I move my mouth to his ear, then to his neck, he starts speaking again and the sexual advances stop there. We lie face to face, our mouths just inches apart. I keep blinking so the two dark eyes through which gazes at me stay each on its side of his nose and don’t merge into one Cyclops eye.
“I wanted it to go on forever.”
“But you’re the one who stopped it.”
“My legs were cramping up. Would you have cum?”
“I might have.”
“You got to cum in me later.”
“When you thought I was going to die.”
“That would have been embarrassing.”
“For you or for me?”
“For me. You’d have been dead. You wouldn’t have cared.”
“And you’d only be worried about the embarrassment. I’d be dead, and you wouldn’t care.”
“Stop it!”
“You’d be upset if I died?”
“Of course I’d be upset. More than upset.”
“You’d miss me?”
“Of course I’d miss you.”
“I know you would. Who else would fuck you?”
“No one else is going to fuck me. Not ever.”
“Oh, you’d find someone. You’ll sit on him and bounce up and down until your legs cramp.”
“He’d be done long before my legs began to cramp, and it wouldn’t feel as good. Nowhere near as good.”
“It only felt good? Is that why you got off?”
“It felt wonderful. I didn’t notice my legs until they were already cramped.”
“You threw yourself down next to me. On your stomach.”
“You sat up and kissed my butt.”
“I hadn’t finished.”
“You lay down on top of me.”
“I kissed your shoulders. You were moaning.”
“I wanted more.”
“I wasn’t sure. I thought maybe you were too sore.”
“But you took me anyway. Without asking. You’re such a brute!”
“I heard how you were moaning; I understood what it meant. And you were pushing up into me and rolling your ass. You took my hand and squeezed it. You reached back with your other hand and stroked my thigh. I didn’t have to ask.”
“You pushed your knee between my thighs and spread my legs apart.”
“You could have said no.”
“I didn’t want to say no.”
“Then what are you complaining about?”
“I’m not complaining. It was a wonderful fuck.”
“Want another?”
“Now I am sore.”
“Was it worth it?”
“It was worth it.”
“I was gentle.”
“You started out gentle.”
“I slid into you so slowly. Not like when you sat down on me.”
“But it kept going in. There was so much of you!”
“You must have been sore already.”
“I guess I was.”
I’ve run my hand down his back and cupped it over the base of his buttocks. “Poor little bottom. Sore little bottom.” I squeeze his ass cheeks together.
“Tender and juicy.”
“Tender and juicy and raw.”
“Tender and juicy and raw and tasty and tempting. We were attached.”
“We were.”
“You pushed up into me. You wanted it deeper.”
“It felt so good.”
“It was happy to be in you. It’s always happy inside you.”
“You were kissing me.”
“I felt as full of love as you felt full of me.”
“I love you too.”
“You tightened your sphincter around it. I thought you were trying to strangle my dick. Like dogs in the park, I couldn’t have pulled free if I tried.”
“You didn’t try.”
“But I did try to pump, and I couldn’t move it.”
“No, you just lay there with all of you inside me.”
“I was squeezing my asshole to pump me up bigger.”
“I felt it. I remember.”
“I stayed in you till I came. I stayed in you after I came.”
“You were in me a long time. You didn’t cum right away.”
“Can you feel it in there now?”
“Like it was still in there.”
“And it doesn’t hurt?”
“I’m sore now, but the feeling I feel of you fucking me just feels wonderful. I feel both at once.”
“You’re reliving our fuck?”
“I’m reliving it.” He closes his eyes.
“Tell me about it. Tell me more.” I close my eyes to listen. His hand softly strokes my penis to help himself remember, and to help him remember, my hand caresses his bottom, tightening on it every few seconds.
“You lay on me without moving till I went all loose inside.”
“No, you didn’t. I could feel the pressure of your walls rippling around me.”
“I’m telling you what I felt.”
“I want feel what you felt and relive it with you. I’ve moved all my thoughts into my asshole. Tell me what I’m feeling.”
“No. Be the top. Feel yourself inside me.”
“How could I forget?”
“You started to move in me. You tucked your feet under mine and pressed up against my arches. That’s how you pulled yourself down to slide down inside me. It moved so slowly.”
“You were rolling your ass in circles.”
“To move you side to side over my prostate as you slid across it. Your body moved up and down along mine without ever leaving it.”
“Your buns felt so good squishing against my pubes.”
“You pulled yourself back up using your hands. You pressed down on the top of my skull. Your tongue was in my ear.”
“You were moaning quietly.”
“The whole time?”
“The whole time.”
“I didn’t hear me. I heard you breathing. Slow and deep.”
“My tongue was in your ear.”
“I kept feeling your dick expand and then relax just a little. You stayed very hard the whole time.”
“I was turned on. Loving you turned me on. I wanted to wrap my arms around you and squeeze the life out of you.”
“Yes, you let go of my head. You changed your strokes and started moving just your hips. A little faster now, up and down, into me. You slipped a hand under my belly.”
“When I pushed all the way in and hit bottom I felt the thump against my hand.”
“You’d stay there for a second and wiggle it before pulling back and sliding in again. Your motions were smooth except for those pauses when you got all the way in me. It was perfect. I wanted it to stay just like that and at the same time I wanted it to go faster.”
“I got faster.”
“Not right away. With your other hand you touched my beard with one finger and petted it.”
“Down the way the hair grows, like you pet a dog.”
“You kept your chest pressed on my shoulders. I couldn’t move.”
“You took my finger in your mouth and sucked on it.”
“I wanted to suck on you too, while you were fucking me. You can’t do both at once.”
“We haven’t figured out how yet. I’m working on it.”
“I’m serious.”
“So am I. We won’t ever bring it off, but it’s nice to think about it.” I open my eyes. He’s looking at me. I look at him questioningly.
“I want to look into your face while you fuck me lying on top of my back. I only get to see you when you take me on my back and put your elbows behind my knees to lift them.”
“Good luck. We have about as much chance of that as we do your sucking me while I fuck you.”
“Let’s work on it.”
“Okay. I’m lying on your back now. I’m fucking you. Watch me and enjoy it.”
He closes his eyes again. “I am enjoying it. I feel it. I feel nothing else. That’s all I feel.”
“But you’re not watching!” Then I close my eyes too. I pull his face to me and kiss him, my other hand still giving him little squeezes on the buns. “You feel my hips pressing against your buttocks?”
He moans in answer. “How long did we go on like that?”
“Who knows? Who cares? Forever.”
“No. You went back to the first kind of movement, only much faster. How can anyone hump that fast? It felt like you were vibrating on me.”
“I wasn’t humping. I can’t move my pelvis that fast, not with my stiff joints.”
“It felt like you were.”
“I was absolutely still and rigid. I had my hands gripped on your shoulders and was jiggling you back and forth under me. I did it all with my arms. I held absolutely still inside you and jostled you around me, like this.” I begin shaking my hand underneath his ass to show him.
“The bedsprings started screaming again.”
“And you were whimpering soundlessly. How did you keep from screaming?”
“How could I scream? I could scarcely breathe.”
My hand is shaking faster and faster. “Can you feel it now?”
“Yes. I feel you in me. That’s what I feel.” My dick is in his hand, hard as wood. I lean forward to kiss his mouth, but he goes on talking. “It’s all I feel. This fuck, just this fucking, this being fucked. Everywhere, not just in the ass; I feel it everywhere in me. It’s everywhere at once; it’s all of me. That’s all I am.”
“A fuck.”
“Your fuck. I’m your fuck. You’re fucking me, and that’s all I am, just a fuck, the feeling of being fucked and fucked and fucked. Wonderfully fucked. All I am is pleasure, the pleasure of being fucked.”
“I’m doing it to you, what’s happened inside you.”
“I don’t know where you’re taking me.”
“The pleasure has taken over. You can’t control
“It’s an out of body experience.”
“No, it’s in you, all in you.”
“Your dick is going like mad. It’s unbearable.”
“It’s trilling inside you. It doesn’t stop.”
“It doesn’t let up.”
“I want to fuck you.”
“You are fucking me.”
I open my eyes. He has his eyes open, glazed over, staring straight ahead, seeing nothing. I put my mouth on his and we kiss, my hand still holding him below the buns and shaking at top speed, his fist around my dick, squeezing and letting go, squeezing and letting go.
Then I stop shaking him. His grip on my dick loosens. I think one of us yells, “Oh fuck!” but the sound is swallowed up in our kiss. Maybe it’s just an echo from the night before. The world inside us diffuses into the morning air around us and subsides. The choir has finished practicing; the congregation has not yet arrived. We hang on to that long silent kiss, the only noise around us an occasional stomach gurgle.
My mouth pulls back from his and he starts speaking again, no more than a whisper. “You came inside me, spurt after spurt after spurt. Your body froze on top of me, and all I could feel was you throbbing inside me and your heart pounding on my back.”
“It frightened you. You thought I was going to die.”
“Not at first. But then you loosened your grip on me. Your dick fell still and the swelling started to shrink, and your heart just kept on pounding and your breath was so deep and loud and measured, like you couldn’t get enough air.”
“I moved, though.” He shakes his head no. “I did. I pulled out of you.”
“Your dick was very soft.”
“But you gasped when your pucker sprang shut behind it.”
“And you just lay there on top of me. Your heart was still going like mad. Your breathing was like gulps.”
“You asked if I was all right.”
“You shook your head yes.”
“I still couldn’t speak.”
“Not for a long time.”
“You were looking at me. I showed you the wall.”
“You were pointing with your eyes. I didn’t understand.”
“Do you remember what I said when I caught my breath?”
“‘Look at the wall.’ The bed had moved across the room. The pillows were on the floor behind it.”
“I pulled it with us when I shook you.”
“The bed was fucking with us.”
“And now your ass is sore.”
“A little. It’s been worse.”
“Are you up for more?”
“You mean it, don’t you?” My erection, hard as ever, is touching his knee. “Horny old goat.”
© 2006 by Anel Viz. All rights reserved.
Posted: 07/27/07